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Is there a line on the document?A@DSheet1$:!<B@N6Needs to be visually checked. Are All Shapes Selected?A@DSuccess. 6A@Potests: Shape.Fill FillFormat.Visible FillFormat.TwoColorGradient FillFormat.Transparency FillFormat.ForeColor FillFormat.BackColor ColorFormat.RGB ColorFormat.SchemeColor] Shapes_Fill'6 6A@8Sheet1$:!<%J!R(HSheet1$:!<%J!R!H&correctly set visibility of shape fillA@D?Sheet1$:!<%J!R(TSheet1$:!<%J!R!T?(correctly set transparency of shape lineA@D$@Sheet1$:!<%J!R!V(@Sheet1$:!<%J!R!V!@$@%correctly set forecolor of shape fillA@D2$@Sheet1$:!<%J!R!X(@Sheet1$:!<%J!R!X!@2$@%correctly set backcolor of shape fillA@D \Sheet1$:!<%J!RB@ZIthe success of the TwoColorGradient method needs to be verified visually!A@DSheet1$:!<%J!R!V(^Sheet1$:!<%J!R!V!^%correctly set forecolor of shape fillA@DSheet1$:!<%J!R!X(^Sheet1$:!<%J!R!X!^%correctly set forecolor of shape fillA@DSuccess. 6A@PoP0tests: Shape.Line LineFormat.Weight LineFormat.Visible LineFormat.Transparency LineFormat.Style LineFormat.DashStyle LineFormat.ForeColor LineFormat.BackColor]p Shapes_Line'6 6A@8 Sheet1$:!<%J!(`Sheet1$:!<%J!!` "correctly set weight of shape lineA@DSheet1$:!<%J!(HSheet1$:!<%J!!H&correctly set visibility of shape lineA@D?Sheet1$:!<%J!(TSheet1$:!<%J!!T?(correctly set transparency of shape lineA@D dSheet1$:!<%J!(bSheet1$:!<%J!!b d&correctly set dash style of shape lineA@D hSheet1$:!<%J!(fSheet1$:!<%J!!f h&correctly set dash style of shape lineA@D$@Sheet1$:!<%J!!V(@Sheet1$:!<%J!!V!@$@%correctly set forecolor of shape lineA@D$@Sheet1  xI4xME P "<<<6 <<<x0 $@` `|)) ,`!!!`6lA@ .0`##B`6 0`""e`6pes_ 2P``6 @@0 @%%%%% `|@`6 x`|EE`2H`4`6`8`:@D +<0`z I> I@ IB @F P`F `60`>`6 0`P ` `V`6P`` x0P@0`h`l P  x `|@ GGpx \ `|@ DD@`>"`~```P` (```F H` `8 @%H$*\Rffff*044889a251*\R1*#267" " ( 20 ,* "h     (H P &$  ( "%$ $ 2p "        8 P p     . $:8 $x: *L `D  "     $8 `        ((\P0f<Hp<p80`.8 bh . b h  "     8 X x    * Z (X \ 0 f *x ^ *^8<p<Hp  "   0 H h    6(` x "  $    &  f rH "(   0 P h   $   0 Hhpx   pF   D   (Dx   @B  40  XH  P  L8   L h B pxX88     RP(08@ `H "   "0  X (x (@ &h   8 X  N`  `b Xx   T bx!X!       x!@! `"p""p# ,## ## # $$ "$ $ 0% $ X%`%  h%(p& *% & & $% ' %%% P&X&`&%0' &8' '&  p' ' % & '\( X'\'  h( ( & & *ZH) )Z(  $* ) * % *d8* 0)d)   (%*xA@o`@A@&Test run started : Z  *A@(BEGIN Shapes_Select_ItemA@(A@,BEGIN Shapes_FillA@(A@.END Shapes_FillA@(BEGIN Shapes_LineA@(A@0END Shapes_LineA@(BEGIN Shapes_TextFrameA@(A@2END Shapes_TextFram$:!<%J!!X(@Sheet1$:!<%J!!X!@$@%correctly set backcolor of shape lineA@DSuccess. 6A@Potests: Shape.TextFrame TextFrame.Autosize TextFrame.Characters]Shapes_TextFrame'6 6A@8abcdefgSheet1$:!<%J!j!l(dSheet1$:!<%J!j(nSheet1$:!<%J!j!n)correctly set Autosize of Shape TextFrameA@DSuccess. 6A@Po@8A@Po test default Item method a) with a simple numeric index b) with a string indexShapes_Collection_Behaviour'6ll s Sheet2Shape1$%<! 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