/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef ANALYSISHELPER_HXX #define ANALYSISHELPER_HXX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // STLport definitions // This works around some issues with Boost // #ifdef WNT #define _STLP_HAS_NATIVE_FLOAT_ABS #endif #include using namespace boost::math; #ifndef double_complex typedef std::complex double_complex; #endif #include #include #include "analysisdefs.hxx" class ResMgr; class SortedIndividualInt32List; class ScaAnyConverter; #define PI 3.1415926535897932 #define PI_2 (PI/2.0) //#define EULER 2.7182818284590452 #define EOL ( ( const sal_Char* ) 1 ) #define EOE ( ( const sal_Char* ) 2 ) //double _Test( sal_Int32 nMode, double f1, double f2, double f3 ); inline sal_Bool IsLeapYear( sal_uInt16 nYear ); sal_uInt16 DaysInMonth( sal_uInt16 nMonth, sal_uInt16 nYear ); sal_Int32 DateToDays( sal_uInt16 nDay, sal_uInt16 nMonth, sal_uInt16 nYear ); void DaysToDate( sal_Int32 nDays, sal_uInt16& rDay, sal_uInt16& rMonth, sal_uInt16& rYear ) throw( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); sal_Int32 GetNullDate( const REF( CSS::beans::XPropertySet )& xOptions ) THROWDEF_RTE; sal_Int32 GetDiffDate360( sal_uInt16 nDay1, sal_uInt16 nMonth1, sal_uInt16 nYear1, sal_Bool bLeapYear1, sal_uInt16 nDay2, sal_uInt16 nMonth2, sal_uInt16 nYear2, sal_Bool bUSAMethod ); inline sal_Int32 GetDiffDate360( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nDate1, sal_Int32 nDate2, sal_Bool bUSAMethod ); sal_Int32 GetDiffDate360( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nDate1, sal_Int32 nDate2, sal_Bool bUSAMethod ); sal_Int32 GetDaysInYears( sal_uInt16 nYear1, sal_uInt16 nYear2 ); inline sal_Int16 GetDayOfWeek( sal_Int32 nDate ); void GetDiffParam( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nStartDate, sal_Int32 nEndDate, sal_Int32 nMode, sal_uInt16& rYears, sal_Int32& rDayDiffPart, sal_Int32& rDaysInYear ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; // rYears = full num of years // rDayDiffPart = num of days for last year // rDaysInYear = num of days in first year sal_Int32 GetDiffDate( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nStartDate, sal_Int32 nEndDate, sal_Int32 nMode, sal_Int32* pOptDaysIn1stYear = NULL ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double GetYearDiff( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nStartDate, sal_Int32 nEndDate, sal_Int32 nMode ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; sal_Int32 GetDaysInYear( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nDate, sal_Int32 nMode ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double GetYearFrac( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nStartDate, sal_Int32 nEndDate, sal_Int32 nMode ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; inline double GetYearFrac( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nStartDate, sal_Int32 nEndDate, sal_Int32 nMode ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; inline void AlignDate( sal_uInt16& rDay, sal_uInt16 nMonth, sal_uInt16 nYear ); double Fak( sal_Int32 n ); double GetGcd( double f1, double f2 ); double ConvertToDec( const STRING& rFromNum, sal_uInt16 nBaseFrom, sal_uInt16 nCharLim ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; STRING ConvertFromDec( double fNum, double fMin, double fMax, sal_uInt16 nBase, sal_Int32 nPlaces, sal_Int32 nMaxPlaces, sal_Bool bUsePlaces ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double Erf( double fX ); double Erfc( double fX ); sal_Bool ParseDouble( const sal_Unicode*& rpDoubleAsString, double& rReturn ); STRING GetString( double fNumber, sal_Bool bLeadingSign = sal_False, sal_uInt16 nMaxNumOfDigits = 15 ); inline double Exp10( sal_Int16 nPower ); // 10 ^ nPower double GetAmordegrc( sal_Int32 nNullDate, double fCost, sal_Int32 nDate, sal_Int32 nFirstPer, double fRestVal, double fPer, double fRate, sal_Int32 nBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double GetAmorlinc( sal_Int32 nNullDate, double fCost, sal_Int32 nDate, sal_Int32 nFirstPer, double fRestVal, double fPer, double fRate, sal_Int32 nBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double GetDuration( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, double fCoup, double fYield, sal_Int32 nFreq, sal_Int32 nBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double GetYieldmat( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nIssue, double fRate, double fPrice, sal_Int32 nBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double GetOddfprice( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nIssue, sal_Int32 nFirstCoup, double fRate, double fYield, double fRedemp, sal_Int32 nFreq, sal_Int32 nBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double getYield_( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, double fCoup, double fPrice, double fRedemp, sal_Int32 nFreq, sal_Int32 nBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double getPrice_( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, double fRate, double fYield, double fRedemp, sal_Int32 nFreq, sal_Int32 nBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double GetOddfyield( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nIssue, sal_Int32 nFirstCoup, double fRate, double fPrice, double fRedemp, sal_Int32 nFreq, sal_Int32 nBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double GetOddlprice( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nLastInterest, double fRate, double fYield, double fRedemp, sal_Int32 nFreq, sal_Int32 nBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double GetOddlyield( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nLastInterest, double fRate, double fPrice, double fRedemp, sal_Int32 nFreq, sal_Int32 nBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double GetRmz( double fZins, double fZzr, double fBw, double fZw, sal_Int32 nF ); double GetZw( double fZins, double fZzr, double fRmz, double fBw, sal_Int32 nF ); //double TBillYield( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, double fPrice )THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double GetCouppcd( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nFreq, sal_Int32 nBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double GetCoupncd( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nFreq, sal_Int32 nBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double GetCoupdaybs( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nFreq, sal_Int32 nBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double GetCoupdaysnc( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nFreq, sal_Int32 nBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double GetCoupnum( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nFreq, sal_Int32 nBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; double GetCoupdays( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nFreq, sal_Int32 nBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MyList { private: static const sal_uInt32 nStartSize; static const sal_uInt32 nIncrSize; void** pData; // pointer array sal_uInt32 nSize; // array size sal_uInt32 nNew; // next index to be inserted at sal_uInt32 nAct; // actual for iterations void _Grow( void ); inline void Grow( void ); protected: public: MyList( void ); virtual ~MyList(); inline const void* GetObject( sal_uInt32 nIndex ) const; inline const void* First( void ); inline const void* Next( void ); inline void Append( void* pNewElement ); void Insert( void* pNewLement, sal_uInt32 nPlace ); inline sal_uInt32 Count( void ) const; }; class StringList : protected MyList { public: virtual ~StringList(); inline const STRING* First( void ); inline const STRING* Next( void ); inline const STRING* Get( sal_uInt32 nIndex ) const; using MyList::Append; inline void Append( STRING* pNew ); inline void Append( const STRING& rNew ); using MyList::Count; }; enum FDCategory { FDCat_AddIn, FDCat_DateTime, FDCat_Finance, FDCat_Inf, FDCat_Math, FDCat_Tech }; struct FuncDataBase { const sal_Char* pIntName; sal_uInt16 nUINameID; // resource ID to UI name sal_uInt16 nDescrID; // resource ID to description, parameter names and ~ description sal_Bool bDouble; // name already exist in Calc sal_Bool bWithOpt; // first parameter is internal sal_uInt16 nCompListID; // resource ID to list of valid names sal_uInt16 nNumOfParams; // number of named / described parameters FDCategory eCat; // function category }; class FuncData { private: ::rtl::OUString aIntName; sal_uInt16 nUINameID; sal_uInt16 nDescrID; // leads also to parameter descriptions! sal_Bool bDouble; // flag for names, wich already exist in Calc sal_Bool bWithOpt; // has internal parameter on first position sal_uInt16 nParam; // num of parameters sal_uInt16 nCompID; StringList aCompList; // list of all valid names FDCategory eCat; // function category public: FuncData( const FuncDataBase& rBaseData, ResMgr& ); virtual ~FuncData(); inline sal_uInt16 GetUINameID( void ) const; inline sal_uInt16 GetDescrID( void ) const; inline sal_Bool IsDouble( void ) const; inline sal_Bool HasIntParam( void ) const; sal_uInt16 GetStrIndex( sal_uInt16 nParamNum ) const; inline sal_Bool Is( const ::rtl::OUString& rCompareTo ) const; inline const StringList& GetCompNameList( void ) const; inline FDCategory GetCategory( void ) const; }; class CStrList : private MyList { public: using MyList::Append; inline void Append( const sal_Char* pNew ); inline const sal_Char* Get( sal_uInt32 nIndex ) const; using MyList::Count; }; class FuncDataList : private MyList { ::rtl::OUString aLastName; sal_uInt32 nLast; public: FuncDataList( ResMgr& ); virtual ~FuncDataList(); using MyList::Append; inline void Append( FuncData* pNew ); inline const FuncData* Get( sal_uInt32 nIndex ) const; using MyList::Count; const FuncData* Get( const ::rtl::OUString& aProgrammaticName ) const; }; class AnalysisResId : public ResId { public: AnalysisResId( sal_uInt16 nId, ResMgr& rResMgr ); }; class AnalysisRscStrLoader : public Resource { private: String aStr; public: AnalysisRscStrLoader( sal_uInt16 nRsc, sal_uInt16 nStrId, ResMgr& rResMgr ) : Resource( AnalysisResId( nRsc, rResMgr ) ), aStr( AnalysisResId( nStrId, rResMgr ) ) { FreeResource(); } const String& GetString() const { return aStr; } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// sorted list with unique sal_Int32 values class SortedIndividualInt32List : private MyList { protected: using MyList::Insert; void Insert( sal_Int32 nDay ); void Insert( sal_Int32 nDay, sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Bool bInsertOnWeekend ); void Insert( double fDay, sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Bool bInsertOnWeekend ) throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); /** @param rAnyConv must be an initialized ScaAnyConmverter @param bInsertOnWeekend insertion mode: sal_False = holidays on weekend are omitted */ void InsertHolidayList( const ScaAnyConverter& rAnyConv, const CSS::uno::Any& rHolAny, sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Bool bInsertOnWeekend ) throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); public: SortedIndividualInt32List(); virtual ~SortedIndividualInt32List(); using MyList::Count; /// @return element on position nIndex or 0 on invalid index inline sal_Int32 Get( sal_uInt32 nIndex ) const { return (sal_Int32)(sal_IntPtr) MyList::GetObject( nIndex ); } /// @return sal_True if nVal (internal date representation) is contained sal_Bool Find( sal_Int32 nVal ) const; /** @param rAnyConv is an initialized or uninitialized ScaAnyConverter @param bInsertOnWeekend insertion mode: sal_False = holidays on weekend are omitted */ void InsertHolidayList( ScaAnyConverter& rAnyConv, const CSS::uno::Reference< CSS::beans::XPropertySet >& xOptions, const CSS::uno::Any& rHolAny, sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Bool bInsertOnWeekend ) throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ScaDoubleList : protected MyList { protected: inline void ListAppend( double fValue ) { MyList::Append( new double( fValue ) ); } using MyList::Append; inline void Append( double fValue ) throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ) { if( CheckInsert( fValue ) ) ListAppend( fValue ); } /** @param rAnyConv must be an initialized ScaAnyConmverter @param bIgnoreEmpty handling of empty Any's/strings: sal_False = inserted as 0.0; sal_True = omitted */ void Append( const ScaAnyConverter& rAnyConv, const CSS::uno::Any& rAny, sal_Bool bIgnoreEmpty ) throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); /** @param rAnyConv must be an initialized ScaAnyConmverter @param bIgnoreEmpty handling of empty Any's/strings: sal_False = inserted as 0.0; sal_True = omitted */ void Append( const ScaAnyConverter& rAnyConv, const CSS::uno::Sequence< CSS::uno::Any >& rAnySeq, sal_Bool bIgnoreEmpty ) throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); /** @param rAnyConv must be an initialized ScaAnyConmverter @param bIgnoreEmpty handling of empty Any's/strings: sal_False = inserted as 0.0; sal_True = omitted */ void Append( const ScaAnyConverter& rAnyConv, const CSS::uno::Sequence< CSS::uno::Sequence< CSS::uno::Any > >& rAnySeq, sal_Bool bIgnoreEmpty ) throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); public: virtual ~ScaDoubleList(); using MyList::Count; inline const double* Get( sal_uInt32 nIndex ) const { return static_cast< const double* >( MyList::GetObject( nIndex ) ); } inline const double* First() { return static_cast< const double* >( MyList::First() ); } inline const double* Next() { return static_cast< const double* >( MyList::Next() ); } void Append( const CSS::uno::Sequence< CSS::uno::Sequence< double > >& rValueArr ) throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); void Append( const CSS::uno::Sequence< CSS::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > >& rValueArr ) throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); /** @param rAnyConv is an initialized or uninitialized ScaAnyConverter @param bIgnoreEmpty handling of empty Any's/strings: sal_False = inserted as 0.0; sal_True = omitted */ void Append( ScaAnyConverter& rAnyConv, const CSS::uno::Reference< CSS::beans::XPropertySet >& xOpt, const CSS::uno::Sequence< CSS::uno::Any >& rAnySeq, sal_Bool bIgnoreEmpty = sal_True ) throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); virtual sal_Bool CheckInsert( double fValue ) const throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// stores double values >0.0, throws exception for double values <0.0, does nothing for 0.0 class ScaDoubleListGT0 : public ScaDoubleList { public: virtual sal_Bool CheckInsert( double fValue ) const throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// stores double values >=0.0, throws exception for double values <0.0 class ScaDoubleListGE0 : public ScaDoubleList { public: virtual sal_Bool CheckInsert( double fValue ) const throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Complex { double_complex Num; sal_Unicode c; public: inline Complex( double fReal, double fImag = 0.0, sal_Unicode cC = '\0' ); Complex( const STRING& rComplexAsString ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; inline static sal_Bool IsImagUnit( sal_Unicode c ); static sal_Bool ParseString( const STRING& rComplexAsString, Complex& rReturn ); STRING GetString() const THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; inline double Real( void ) const; inline double Imag( void ) const; double Arg( void ) const THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; inline double Abs( void ) const; // following functions change the complex number itself to avoid unnecessary copy actions! void Power( double fPower ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; void Sqrt( void ); void Sin( void ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; void Cos( void ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; void Div( const Complex& rDivisor ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; void Exp( void ); inline void Conjugate( void ); void Ln( void ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; void Log10( void ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; void Log2( void ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; inline void Mult( double fFact ); inline void Mult( const Complex& rMult ); inline void Sub( const Complex& rMult ); inline void Add( const Complex& rAdd ); void Tan( void ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; void Sec( void ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; void Csc( void ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; void Cot( void ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; void Sinh( void ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; void Cosh( void ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; void Sech( void ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; void Csch( void ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; }; enum ComplListAppendHandl { AH_EmptyAsErr, AH_EmpyAs0, AH_IgnoreEmpty }; class ComplexList : protected MyList { public: virtual ~ComplexList(); inline const Complex* Get( sal_uInt32 nIndex ) const; inline const Complex* First( void ); inline const Complex* Next( void ); using MyList::Count; using MyList::Append; inline void Append( Complex* pNew ); void Append( const SEQSEQ( STRING )& rComplexNumList, ComplListAppendHandl eAH = AH_EmpyAs0 ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; void Append( const SEQ( ANY )& aMultPars,ComplListAppendHandl eAH = AH_EmpyAs0 ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; }; enum ConvertDataClass { CDC_Mass, CDC_Length, CDC_Time, CDC_Pressure, CDC_Force, CDC_Energy, CDC_Power, CDC_Magnetism, CDC_Temperature, CDC_Volume, CDC_Area, CDC_Speed, CDC_Information }; #define INV_MATCHLEV 1764 // guess, what this is... :-) class ConvertDataList; class ConvertData { protected: friend class ConvertDataList; double fConst; STRING aName; ConvertDataClass eClass; sal_Bool bPrefixSupport; public: ConvertData( const sal_Char pUnitName[], double fConvertConstant, ConvertDataClass eClass, sal_Bool bPrefSupport = sal_False ); virtual ~ConvertData(); sal_Int16 GetMatchingLevel( const STRING& rRef ) const; // 0.0 = no equality // 1.0 = matches exact // rest = matches without an assumed prefix of one character // rest gives power for 10 represented by the prefix (e.g. 3 for k or -9 for n virtual double Convert( double fVal, const ConvertData& rTo, sal_Int16 nMatchLevelFrom, sal_Int16 nMatchLevelTo ) const THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; // converts fVal from this unit to rFrom unit // throws exception if not from same class // this implementation is for proportional cases only virtual double ConvertToBase( double fVal, sal_Int16 nMatchLevel ) const; virtual double ConvertFromBase( double fVal, sal_Int16 nMatchLevel ) const; inline ConvertDataClass Class( void ) const; inline sal_Bool IsPrefixSupport( void ) const; }; class ConvertDataLinear : public ConvertData { protected: double fOffs; public: inline ConvertDataLinear( const sal_Char pUnitName[], double fConvertConstant, double fConvertOffset, ConvertDataClass eClass, sal_Bool bPrefSupport = sal_False ); virtual ~ConvertDataLinear(); virtual double Convert( double fVal, const ConvertData& rTo, sal_Int16 nMatchLevelFrom, sal_Int16 nMatchLevelTo ) const THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; // for cases where f(x) = a + bx applies (e.g. Temperatures) virtual double ConvertToBase( double fVal, sal_Int16 nMatchLevel ) const; virtual double ConvertFromBase( double fVal, sal_Int16 nMatchLevel ) const; }; class ConvertDataList : protected MyList { private: protected: inline ConvertData* First( void ); inline ConvertData* Next( void ); public: ConvertDataList( void ); virtual ~ConvertDataList(); double Convert( double fVal, const STRING& rFrom, const STRING& rTo ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE; }; inline sal_Bool IsLeapYear( sal_uInt16 n ) { return ( (( ( n % 4 ) == 0 ) && ( ( n % 100 ) != 0)) || ( ( n % 400 ) == 0 ) ); } inline sal_Int32 GetDiffDate360( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nDate1, sal_Int32 nDate2, sal_Bool bUSAMethod ) { return GetDiffDate360( GetNullDate( xOpt ), nDate1, nDate2, bUSAMethod ); } inline sal_Int16 GetDayOfWeek( sal_Int32 n ) { // monday = 0, ..., sunday = 6 return static_cast< sal_Int16 >( ( n - 1 ) % 7 ); } inline double GetYearFrac( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nStartDate, sal_Int32 nEndDate, sal_Int32 nMode ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE { return GetYearFrac( GetNullDate( xOpt ), nStartDate, nEndDate, nMode ); } inline void AlignDate( sal_uInt16& rD, sal_uInt16 nM, sal_uInt16 nY ) { sal_uInt16 nMax = DaysInMonth( nM, nY ); if( rD > nMax ) rD = nMax; } inline void MyList::Grow( void ) { if( nNew >= nSize ) _Grow(); } inline const void* MyList::GetObject( sal_uInt32 n ) const { if( n < nNew ) return pData[ n ]; else return NULL; } inline const void* MyList::First( void ) { nAct = 0; if( nNew ) return pData[ 0 ]; else return NULL; } inline const void* MyList::Next( void ) { nAct++; if( nAct < nNew ) return pData[ nAct ]; else { nAct--; return NULL; } } inline void MyList::Append( void* p ) { Grow(); pData[ nNew ] = p; nNew++; } inline sal_uInt32 MyList::Count( void ) const { return nNew; } inline const STRING* StringList::First( void ) { return ( const STRING* ) MyList::First(); } inline const STRING* StringList::Next( void ) { return ( const STRING* ) MyList::Next(); } inline const STRING* StringList::Get( sal_uInt32 n ) const { return ( const STRING* ) MyList::GetObject( n ); } inline void StringList::Append( STRING* p ) { MyList::Append( p ); } inline void StringList::Append( const STRING& r ) { MyList::Append( new STRING( r ) ); } inline sal_uInt16 FuncData::GetUINameID( void ) const { return nUINameID; } inline sal_uInt16 FuncData::GetDescrID( void ) const { return nDescrID; } inline sal_Bool FuncData::IsDouble( void ) const { return bDouble; } inline sal_Bool FuncData::HasIntParam( void ) const { return bWithOpt; } inline sal_Bool FuncData::Is( const ::rtl::OUString& r ) const { return aIntName == r; } inline const StringList& FuncData::GetCompNameList( void ) const { return aCompList; } inline FDCategory FuncData::GetCategory( void ) const { return eCat; } inline void CStrList::Append( const sal_Char* p ) { MyList::Append( ( void* ) p ); } inline const sal_Char* CStrList::Get( sal_uInt32 n ) const { return ( const sal_Char* ) MyList::GetObject( n ); } inline void FuncDataList::Append( FuncData* p ) { MyList::Append( p ); } inline const FuncData* FuncDataList::Get( sal_uInt32 n ) const { return ( const FuncData* ) MyList::GetObject( n ); } inline Complex::Complex( double fReal, double fImag, sal_Unicode cC ) : Num( fReal, fImag ), c( cC ) { } inline double Complex::Real( void ) const { return Num.real(); } inline double Complex::Imag( void ) const { return Num.imag(); } inline double Complex::Abs( void ) const { return std::abs( Num ); } void Complex::Conjugate( void ) { Num = std::conj( Num ); } inline void Complex::Mult( double f ) { Num = f * Num; } inline void Complex::Mult( const Complex& rM ) { Num = Num * rM.Num; if( !c ) c = rM.c; } inline void Complex::Sub( const Complex& rC ) { Num -= rC.Num; if( !c ) c = rC.c; } inline void Complex::Add( const Complex& rAdd ) { Num += rAdd.Num; if( !c ) c = rAdd.c; } inline const Complex* ComplexList::Get( sal_uInt32 n ) const { return ( const Complex* ) MyList::GetObject( n ); } inline const Complex* ComplexList::First( void ) { return ( const Complex* ) MyList::First(); } inline const Complex* ComplexList::Next( void ) { return ( const Complex* ) MyList::Next(); } inline void ComplexList::Append( Complex* p ) { MyList::Append( p ); } inline ConvertDataClass ConvertData::Class( void ) const { return eClass; } inline sal_Bool ConvertData::IsPrefixSupport( void ) const { return bPrefixSupport; } inline ConvertDataLinear::ConvertDataLinear( const sal_Char* p, double fC, double fO, ConvertDataClass e, sal_Bool bPrefSupport ) : ConvertData( p, fC, e, bPrefSupport ), fOffs( fO ) { } inline ConvertData* ConvertDataList::First( void ) { return ( ConvertData* ) MyList::First(); } inline ConvertData* ConvertDataList::Next( void ) { return ( ConvertData* ) MyList::Next(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Helper class for date calculation for various financial functions class ScaDate { private: sal_uInt16 nOrigDay; /// is the day of the original date. sal_uInt16 nDay; /// is the calculated day depending on the current month/year. sal_uInt16 nMonth; /// is the current month (one-based). sal_uInt16 nYear; /// is the current year. sal_Bool bLastDayMode : 1; /// if sal_True, recalculate nDay after every calculation. sal_Bool bLastDay : 1; /// is sal_True, if original date was the last day in month. sal_Bool b30Days : 1; /// is sal_True, if every month has 30 days in calculations. sal_Bool bUSMode : 1; /// is sal_True, if the US method of 30-day-calculations is used. /// Calculates nDay from nOrigDay and current date. void setDay(); /// @return count of days in current month inline sal_uInt16 getDaysInMonth() const; /// @return count of days in given month inline sal_uInt16 getDaysInMonth( sal_uInt16 _nMon ) const; /// @ return count of days in the given month range sal_Int32 getDaysInMonthRange( sal_uInt16 nFrom, sal_uInt16 nTo ) const; /// @ return count of days in the given year range sal_Int32 getDaysInYearRange( sal_uInt16 nFrom, sal_uInt16 nTo ) const; /// Adds/subtracts the given count of years, does not adjust day. void doAddYears( sal_Int32 nYearCount ) throw( CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); public: ScaDate(); /** @param nBase date handling mode (days in month / days in year): 0 = 30 days / 360 days (US NASD) 1 = exact / exact 2 = exact / 360 3 = exact / 365 4 = 30 days / 360 days (Europe) 5 = exact / exact (no last day adjustment) */ ScaDate( sal_Int32 nNullDate, sal_Int32 nDate, sal_Int32 nBase ); ScaDate( const ScaDate& rCopy ); ScaDate& operator=( const ScaDate& rCopy ); /// @return the current month. inline sal_uInt16 getMonth() const { return nMonth; }; /// @return the current year. inline sal_uInt16 getYear() const { return nYear; }; /// adds/subtracts the given count of months, adjusts day void addMonths( sal_Int32 nMonthCount ) throw( CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); /// sets the given year, adjusts day inline void setYear( sal_uInt16 nNewYear ); /// adds/subtracts the given count of years, adjusts day inline void addYears( sal_Int32 nYearCount ) throw( CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); /// @return the internal number of the current date sal_Int32 getDate( sal_Int32 nNullDate ) const; /// @return the number of days between the two dates static sal_Int32 getDiff( const ScaDate& rFrom, const ScaDate& rTo ) throw( CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); sal_Bool operator<( const ScaDate& rCmp ) const; inline sal_Bool operator<=( const ScaDate& rCmp ) const { return !(rCmp < *this); } inline sal_Bool operator>( const ScaDate& rCmp ) const { return rCmp < *this; } inline sal_Bool operator>=( const ScaDate& rCmp ) const { return !(*this < rCmp); } }; inline sal_uInt16 ScaDate::getDaysInMonth() const { return getDaysInMonth( nMonth ); } inline sal_uInt16 ScaDate::getDaysInMonth( sal_uInt16 _nMon ) const { return b30Days ? 30 : DaysInMonth( _nMon, nYear ); } inline void ScaDate::setYear( sal_uInt16 nNewYear ) { nYear = nNewYear; setDay(); } inline void ScaDate::addYears( sal_Int32 nYearCount ) throw( CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ) { doAddYears( nYearCount ); setDay(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Helper class for Any->double conversion, using current language settings class ScaAnyConverter { private: CSS::uno::Reference< CSS::util::XNumberFormatter > xFormatter; sal_Int32 nDefaultFormat; sal_Bool bHasValidFormat; /** Converts a string to double using the number formatter. If the formatter is not valid, ::rtl::math::stringToDouble() with english separators will be used. @throws com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException on strings not representing any double value. @return the converted double value. */ double convertToDouble( const ::rtl::OUString& rString ) const throw( CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); public: ScaAnyConverter( const CSS::uno::Reference< CSS::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& xServiceFact ); ~ScaAnyConverter(); /// Initializing with current language settings void init( const CSS::uno::Reference< CSS::beans::XPropertySet >& xPropSet ) throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException ); /** Converts an Any to double (without initialization). The Any can be empty or contain a double or string. @throws com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException on other Any types or on invalid strings. @return sal_True if the Any contains a double or a non-empty valid string, sal_False if the Any is empty or the string is empty */ sal_Bool getDouble( double& rfResult, const CSS::uno::Any& rAny ) const throw( CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); /** Converts an Any to double (with initialization). The Any can be empty or contain a double or string. @throws com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException on other Any types or on invalid strings. @return sal_True if the Any contains a double or a non-empty valid string, sal_False if the Any is empty or the string is empty */ sal_Bool getDouble( double& rfResult, const CSS::uno::Reference< CSS::beans::XPropertySet >& xPropSet, const CSS::uno::Any& rAny ) throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); /** Converts an Any to double (with initialization). The Any can be empty or contain a double or string. @throws com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException on other Any types or on invalid strings. @return the value of the double or string or fDefault if the Any or string is empty */ double getDouble( const CSS::uno::Reference< CSS::beans::XPropertySet >& xPropSet, const CSS::uno::Any& rAny, double fDefault ) throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); /** Converts an Any to sal_Int32 (with initialization). The Any can be empty or contain a double or string. @throws com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException on other Any types or on invalid values or strings. @return sal_True if the Any contains a double or a non-empty valid string, sal_False if the Any is empty or the string is empty */ sal_Bool getInt32( sal_Int32& rnResult, const CSS::uno::Reference< CSS::beans::XPropertySet >& xPropSet, const CSS::uno::Any& rAny ) throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); /** Converts an Any to sal_Int32 (with initialization). The Any can be empty or contain a double or string. @throws com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException on other Any types or on invalid values or strings. @return the truncated value of the double or string or nDefault if the Any or string is empty */ sal_Int32 getInt32( const CSS::uno::Reference< CSS::beans::XPropertySet >& xPropSet, const CSS::uno::Any& rAny, sal_Int32 nDefault ) throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif