/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sd.hxx" #include "PageListWatcher.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Outliner.hxx" #include "app.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _SVTOOLS_PATHOPTIONS_HXX_ #include #endif #include #include #include "eetext.hxx" #include "drawdoc.hxx" #include "sdpage.hxx" #include "pglink.hxx" #include "sdattr.hxx" #include "glob.hrc" #include "glob.hxx" #include "stlpool.hxx" #include "sdiocmpt.hxx" #include "sdresid.hxx" #include "cusshow.hxx" #include "../ui/inc/DrawDocShell.hxx" #include "../ui/inc/GraphicDocShell.hxx" #include "../ui/inc/sdxfer.hxx" #include "../ui/inc/ViewShell.hxx" #include "../ui/inc/optsitem.hxx" #include "../ui/inc/FrameView.hxx" // #90477# #include using ::rtl::OUString; using namespace ::sd; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::linguistic2; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TYPEINIT1( SdDrawDocument, FmFormModel ); SdDrawDocument* SdDrawDocument::pDocLockedInsertingLinks = NULL; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PresentationSettings::PresentationSettings() : mbAll( true ), mbEndless( false ), mbCustomShow(false), mbManual( false ), mbMouseVisible( false ), mbMouseAsPen( false ), mbLockedPages( false ), mbAlwaysOnTop( false ), mbFullScreen( true ), mbAnimationAllowed( true ), mnPauseTimeout( 10 ), mbShowPauseLogo( false ), mbStartWithNavigator(false) { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PresentationSettings::PresentationSettings( const PresentationSettings& r ) : maPresPage( r.maPresPage ), mbAll( r.mbAll ), mbEndless( r.mbEndless ), mbCustomShow( r.mbCustomShow ), mbManual( r.mbManual ), mbMouseVisible( r.mbMouseVisible ), mbMouseAsPen( r.mbMouseAsPen ), mbLockedPages( r.mbLockedPages ), mbAlwaysOnTop( r.mbAlwaysOnTop ), mbFullScreen( r.mbFullScreen ), mbAnimationAllowed( r.mbAnimationAllowed ), mnPauseTimeout( r.mnPauseTimeout ), mbShowPauseLogo( r.mbShowPauseLogo ), mbStartWithNavigator( r.mbStartWithNavigator ) { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SdDrawDocument::SdDrawDocument(DocumentType eType, SfxObjectShell* pDrDocSh) : FmFormModel( SvtPathOptions().GetPalettePath(), NULL, pDrDocSh ) , mpOutliner(NULL) , mpInternalOutliner(NULL) , mpWorkStartupTimer(NULL) , mpOnlineSpellingTimer(NULL) , mpOnlineSpellingList(NULL) , mpOnlineSearchItem(NULL) , mpFrameViewList( new List() ) , mpCustomShowList(NULL) , mpDocSh(static_cast< ::sd::DrawDocShell*>(pDrDocSh)) , mpCreatingTransferable( NULL ) , mbHasOnlineSpellErrors(sal_False) , mbInitialOnlineSpellingEnabled(sal_True) , mbNewOrLoadCompleted(sal_False) , mbStartWithPresentation( false ) , meLanguage( LANGUAGE_SYSTEM ) , meLanguageCJK( LANGUAGE_SYSTEM ) , meLanguageCTL( LANGUAGE_SYSTEM ) , mePageNumType(SVX_ARABIC) , mbAllocDocSh(sal_False) , meDocType(eType) , mpCharClass(NULL) , mpLocale(NULL) , mpDrawPageListWatcher(0) , mpMasterPageListWatcher(0) { // #109538# mpDrawPageListWatcher = ::std::auto_ptr( new ImpDrawPageListWatcher(*this)); mpMasterPageListWatcher = ::std::auto_ptr( new ImpMasterPageListWatcher(*this)); SetObjectShell(pDrDocSh); // fuer das VCDrawModel if (mpDocSh) { SetSwapGraphics(sal_True); } // Masseinheit (von App) und Massstab (von SdMod) setzen sal_Int32 nX, nY; SdOptions* pOptions = SD_MOD()->GetSdOptions(meDocType); pOptions->GetScale( nX, nY ); // #92067# Allow UI scale only for draw documents. if( eType == DOCUMENT_TYPE_DRAW ) SetUIUnit( (FieldUnit)pOptions->GetMetric(), Fraction( nX, nY ) ); // user-defined else SetUIUnit( (FieldUnit)pOptions->GetMetric(), Fraction( 1, 1 ) ); // default SetScaleUnit(MAP_100TH_MM); SetScaleFraction(Fraction(1, 1)); SetDefaultFontHeight(847); // 24p pItemPool->SetDefaultMetric(SFX_MAPUNIT_100TH_MM); pItemPool->FreezeIdRanges(); SetTextDefaults(); // die DrawingEngine muss auch wissen, wo er ist FmFormModel::SetStyleSheetPool( new SdStyleSheetPool( GetPool(), this ) ); // Dem DrawOutliner den StyleSheetPool setzen, damit Textobjekte richtig // eingelesen werden koennen. Der Link zum StyleRequest-Handler des // Dokuments wird erst in NewOrLoadCompleted gesetzt, da erst dann alle // Vorlagen existieren. SdrOutliner& rOutliner = GetDrawOutliner(); rOutliner.SetStyleSheetPool((SfxStyleSheetPool*)GetStyleSheetPool()); SetCalcFieldValueHdl( &rOutliner ); // set linguistic options { const SvtLinguConfig aLinguConfig; SvtLinguOptions aOptions; aLinguConfig.GetOptions( aOptions ); SetLanguage( MsLangId::resolveSystemLanguageByScriptType(aOptions.nDefaultLanguage, ::com::sun::star::i18n::ScriptType::LATIN), EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE ); SetLanguage( MsLangId::resolveSystemLanguageByScriptType(aOptions.nDefaultLanguage_CJK, ::com::sun::star::i18n::ScriptType::ASIAN), EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE_CJK ); SetLanguage( MsLangId::resolveSystemLanguageByScriptType(aOptions.nDefaultLanguage_CTL, ::com::sun::star::i18n::ScriptType::COMPLEX), EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE_CTL ); mbOnlineSpell = aOptions.bIsSpellAuto; } LanguageType eRealLanguage = MsLangId::getRealLanguage( meLanguage ); mpLocale = new ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale( MsLangId::convertLanguageToLocale( eRealLanguage )); mpCharClass = new CharClass( *mpLocale ); // If the current application language is a language that uses right-to-left text... LanguageType eRealCTLLanguage = Application::GetSettings().GetLanguage(); if( MsLangId::isRightToLeft( eRealCTLLanguage ) ) { // ... then we have to set this as a default SetDefaultWritingMode( ::com::sun::star::text::WritingMode_RL_TB ); } // for korean and japanese languages we have a different default for apply spacing between asian, latin and ctl text if( ( LANGUAGE_KOREAN == eRealCTLLanguage ) || ( LANGUAGE_KOREAN_JOHAB == eRealCTLLanguage ) || ( LANGUAGE_JAPANESE == eRealCTLLanguage ) ) { GetPool().GetSecondaryPool()->SetPoolDefaultItem( SvxScriptSpaceItem( sal_False, EE_PARA_ASIANCJKSPACING ) ); } // DefTab und SpellOptions setzen // Jetzt am Modul (SD) sal_uInt16 nDefTab = pOptions->GetDefTab(); SetDefaultTabulator( nDefTab ); try { Reference< XSpellChecker1 > xSpellChecker( LinguMgr::GetSpellChecker() ); if ( xSpellChecker.is() ) rOutliner.SetSpeller( xSpellChecker ); Reference< XHyphenator > xHyphenator( LinguMgr::GetHyphenator() ); if( xHyphenator.is() ) rOutliner.SetHyphenator( xHyphenator ); SetForbiddenCharsTable( new SvxForbiddenCharactersTable( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory() ) ); } catch(...) { DBG_ERROR("Can't get SpellChecker"); } rOutliner.SetDefaultLanguage( Application::GetSettings().GetLanguage() ); if (mpDocSh) { SetLinkManager( new sfx2::LinkManager(mpDocSh) ); } sal_uLong nCntrl = rOutliner.GetControlWord(); nCntrl |= EE_CNTRL_ALLOWBIGOBJS; nCntrl |= EE_CNTRL_URLSFXEXECUTE; if (mbOnlineSpell) nCntrl |= EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING; else nCntrl &= ~EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING; nCntrl &= ~ EE_CNTRL_ULSPACESUMMATION; if ( meDocType != DOCUMENT_TYPE_IMPRESS ) SetSummationOfParagraphs( sal_False ); else { SetSummationOfParagraphs( pOptions->IsSummationOfParagraphs() ); if ( pOptions->IsSummationOfParagraphs() ) nCntrl |= EE_CNTRL_ULSPACESUMMATION; } rOutliner.SetControlWord(nCntrl); // Initialize the printer independent layout mode. SetPrinterIndependentLayout (pOptions->GetPrinterIndependentLayout()); // Dem HitTestOutliner den StyleSheetPool setzen. // Der Link zum StyleRequest-Handler des // Dokuments wird erst in NewOrLoadCompleted gesetzt, da erst dann alle // Vorlagen existieren. SfxItemSet aSet2( pHitTestOutliner->GetEmptyItemSet() ); pHitTestOutliner->SetStyleSheetPool( (SfxStyleSheetPool*)GetStyleSheetPool() ); SetCalcFieldValueHdl( pHitTestOutliner ); try { Reference< XSpellChecker1 > xSpellChecker( LinguMgr::GetSpellChecker() ); if ( xSpellChecker.is() ) pHitTestOutliner->SetSpeller( xSpellChecker ); Reference< XHyphenator > xHyphenator( LinguMgr::GetHyphenator() ); if( xHyphenator.is() ) pHitTestOutliner->SetHyphenator( xHyphenator ); } catch(...) { DBG_ERROR("Can't get SpellChecker"); } pHitTestOutliner->SetDefaultLanguage( Application::GetSettings().GetLanguage() ); sal_uLong nCntrl2 = pHitTestOutliner->GetControlWord(); nCntrl2 |= EE_CNTRL_ALLOWBIGOBJS; nCntrl2 |= EE_CNTRL_URLSFXEXECUTE; nCntrl2 &= ~EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING; nCntrl2 &= ~ EE_CNTRL_ULSPACESUMMATION; if ( pOptions->IsSummationOfParagraphs() ) nCntrl2 |= EE_CNTRL_ULSPACESUMMATION; pHitTestOutliner->SetControlWord( nCntrl2 ); /************************************************************************** * Layer anlegen * * Es werden auf Pages und MasterPages folgende Default-Layer angelegt: * * Layer STR_LAYOUT : Standardlayer fr alle Zeichenobjekte * * Layer STR_BCKGRND : Hintergrund der MasterPage * (auf normalen Pages z.Z. keine Verwendung) * * Layer STR_BCKGRNDOBJ: Objekte auf dem Hintergrund der MasterPage * (auf normalen Pages z.Z. keine Verwendung) * * Layer STR_CONTROLS : Standardlayer fr Controls * **************************************************************************/ { String aControlLayerName( SdResId(STR_LAYER_CONTROLS) ); SdrLayerAdmin& rLayerAdmin = GetLayerAdmin(); rLayerAdmin.NewLayer( String(SdResId(STR_LAYER_LAYOUT)) ); rLayerAdmin.NewLayer( String(SdResId(STR_LAYER_BCKGRND)) ); rLayerAdmin.NewLayer( String(SdResId(STR_LAYER_BCKGRNDOBJ)) ); rLayerAdmin.NewLayer( aControlLayerName ); rLayerAdmin.NewLayer( String(SdResId(STR_LAYER_MEASURELINES)) ); rLayerAdmin.SetControlLayerName(aControlLayerName); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* Destruktor |* \************************************************************************/ SdDrawDocument::~SdDrawDocument() { Broadcast(SdrHint(HINT_MODELCLEARED)); if (mpWorkStartupTimer) { if ( mpWorkStartupTimer->IsActive() ) mpWorkStartupTimer->Stop(); delete mpWorkStartupTimer; mpWorkStartupTimer = NULL; } StopOnlineSpelling(); delete mpOnlineSearchItem; mpOnlineSearchItem = NULL; CloseBookmarkDoc(); SetAllocDocSh(sal_False); // #116168# ClearModel(sal_True); if (pLinkManager) { // BaseLinks freigeben if ( pLinkManager->GetLinks().Count() ) { pLinkManager->Remove( 0, pLinkManager->GetLinks().Count() ); } delete pLinkManager; pLinkManager = NULL; } ::sd::FrameView* pFrameView = NULL; for (sal_uLong i = 0; i < mpFrameViewList->Count(); i++) { // Ggf. FrameViews loeschen pFrameView = static_cast< ::sd::FrameView*>(mpFrameViewList->GetObject(i)); if (pFrameView) delete pFrameView; } delete mpFrameViewList; mpFrameViewList = NULL; if (mpCustomShowList) { for (sal_uLong j = 0; j < mpCustomShowList->Count(); j++) { // Ggf. CustomShows loeschen SdCustomShow* pCustomShow = (SdCustomShow*) mpCustomShowList->GetObject(j); delete pCustomShow; } delete mpCustomShowList; mpCustomShowList = NULL; } delete mpOutliner; mpOutliner = NULL; delete mpInternalOutliner; mpInternalOutliner = NULL; delete mpLocale; mpLocale = NULL; delete mpCharClass; mpCharClass = NULL; } /************************************************************************* |* |* Diese Methode erzeugt ein neues Dokument (SdDrawDocument) und gibt einen |* Zeiger darauf zurueck. Die Drawing Engine benutzt diese Methode um das |* Dokument oder Teile davon ins Clipboard/DragServer stellen zu koennen. |* \************************************************************************/ SdrModel* SdDrawDocument::AllocModel() const { SdDrawDocument* pNewModel = NULL; if( mpCreatingTransferable ) { // Dokument wird fuer Drag&Drop/Clipboard erzeugt, dafuer muss dem Dokument eine DocShell (SvPersist) bekannt sein SfxObjectShell* pObj = NULL; ::sd::DrawDocShell* pNewDocSh = NULL; if( meDocType == DOCUMENT_TYPE_IMPRESS ) mpCreatingTransferable->SetDocShell( new ::sd::DrawDocShell( SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED, sal_True, meDocType ) ); else mpCreatingTransferable->SetDocShell( new ::sd::GraphicDocShell( SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED, sal_True, meDocType ) ); pNewDocSh = static_cast< ::sd::DrawDocShell*>( pObj = mpCreatingTransferable->GetDocShell() ); pNewDocSh->DoInitNew( NULL ); pNewModel = pNewDocSh->GetDoc(); // Nur fuer Clipboard notwendig, // fuer Drag&Drop erfolgt dieses im DragServer SdStyleSheetPool* pOldStylePool = (SdStyleSheetPool*) GetStyleSheetPool(); SdStyleSheetPool* pNewStylePool = (SdStyleSheetPool*) pNewModel->GetStyleSheetPool(); pNewStylePool->CopyGraphicSheets(*pOldStylePool); pNewStylePool->CopyCellSheets(*pOldStylePool); pNewStylePool->CopyTableStyles(*pOldStylePool); for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < GetMasterSdPageCount(PK_STANDARD); i++) { // Alle Layouts der MasterPage mitnehmen String aOldLayoutName(((SdDrawDocument*) this)->GetMasterSdPage(i, PK_STANDARD)->GetLayoutName()); aOldLayoutName.Erase( aOldLayoutName.SearchAscii( SD_LT_SEPARATOR ) ); SdStyleSheetVector aCreatedSheets; pNewStylePool->CopyLayoutSheets(aOldLayoutName, *pOldStylePool, aCreatedSheets ); } pNewModel->NewOrLoadCompleted( DOC_LOADED ); // loaded from source document } else if( mbAllocDocSh ) { // Es wird eine DocShell erzeugt, welche mit GetAllocedDocSh() zurueckgegeben wird SdDrawDocument* pDoc = (SdDrawDocument*) this; pDoc->SetAllocDocSh(sal_False); pDoc->mxAllocedDocShRef = new ::sd::DrawDocShell( SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED, sal_True, meDocType); pDoc->mxAllocedDocShRef->DoInitNew(NULL); pNewModel = pDoc->mxAllocedDocShRef->GetDoc(); } else { pNewModel = new SdDrawDocument(meDocType, NULL); } return pNewModel; } /************************************************************************* |* |* Diese Methode erzeugt eine neue Seite (SdPage) und gibt einen Zeiger |* darauf zurueck. Die Drawing Engine benutzt diese Methode beim Laden |* zur Erzeugung von Seiten (deren Typ sie ja nicht kennt, da es ABLEITUNGEN |* der SdrPage sind). |* \************************************************************************/ SdrPage* SdDrawDocument::AllocPage(FASTBOOL bMasterPage) { return new SdPage(*this, NULL, (sal_Bool)bMasterPage); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SetChanged(), das Model wurde geaendert |* \************************************************************************/ void SdDrawDocument::SetChanged(sal_Bool bFlag) { if (mpDocSh) { if (mbNewOrLoadCompleted && mpDocSh->IsEnableSetModified()) { // weitergeben an Basisklasse FmFormModel::SetChanged(bFlag); // an ObjectShell weiterleiten mpDocSh->SetModified(bFlag); } } else { // weitergeben an Basisklasse FmFormModel::SetChanged(bFlag); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* NbcSetChanged(), the model changed, don't call anybody else |* \************************************************************************/ void SdDrawDocument::NbcSetChanged(sal_Bool bFlag) { // #100237# forward to baseclass FmFormModel::SetChanged(bFlag); } /************************************************************************* |* |* NewOrLoadCompleted |* |* Wird gerufen, wenn das Dokument geladen wurde bzw. feststeht, dass es |* nicht mehr geladen wird. |* \************************************************************************/ void SdDrawDocument::NewOrLoadCompleted(DocCreationMode eMode) { if (eMode == NEW_DOC) { // Neues Dokument: // Praesentations- und Standardvorlagen erzeugen, // Pool fuer virtuelle Controls erzeugen CreateLayoutTemplates(); CreateDefaultCellStyles(); static_cast< SdStyleSheetPool* >( mxStyleSheetPool.get() )->CreatePseudosIfNecessary(); } else if (eMode == DOC_LOADED) { // Dokument wurde geladen: CheckMasterPages(); if ( GetMasterSdPageCount(PK_STANDARD) > 1 ) RemoveUnnecessaryMasterPages( NULL, sal_True, sal_False ); for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < GetPageCount(); i++ ) { // Check for correct layout names SdPage* pPage = (SdPage*) GetPage( i ); if(pPage->TRG_HasMasterPage()) { SdPage& rMaster = (SdPage&)pPage->TRG_GetMasterPage(); if(rMaster.GetLayoutName() != pPage->GetLayoutName()) { pPage->SetLayoutName(rMaster.GetLayoutName()); } } } for ( sal_uInt16 nPage = 0; nPage < GetMasterPageCount(); nPage++) { // LayoutName and PageName must be the same SdPage* pPage = (SdPage*) GetMasterPage( nPage ); String aName( pPage->GetLayoutName() ); aName.Erase( aName.SearchAscii( SD_LT_SEPARATOR ) ); if( aName != pPage->GetName() ) pPage->SetName( aName ); } // Sprachabhaengige Namen der StandardLayer erzeugen RestoreLayerNames(); // Sprachabhaengige Namen der Vorlagen setzen static_cast(mxStyleSheetPool.get())->UpdateStdNames(); // Ggf. fehlende Vorlagen erzeugen (es gab z.B. frueher keinen Subtitle) static_cast(mxStyleSheetPool.get())->CreatePseudosIfNecessary(); } // Standardvorlage an der Drawing Engine setzen String aName( SdResId(STR_STANDARD_STYLESHEET_NAME)); SetDefaultStyleSheet(static_cast(mxStyleSheetPool->Find(aName, SD_STYLE_FAMILY_GRAPHICS))); // Draw-Outliner und Dokument Outliner initialisieren, // aber nicht den globalen Outliner, den der ist ja nicht // dokumentspezifisch wie StyleSheetPool und StyleRequestHandler ::Outliner& rDrawOutliner = GetDrawOutliner(); rDrawOutliner.SetStyleSheetPool((SfxStyleSheetPool*)GetStyleSheetPool()); sal_uLong nCntrl = rDrawOutliner.GetControlWord(); if (mbOnlineSpell) nCntrl |= EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING; else nCntrl &= ~EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING; rDrawOutliner.SetControlWord(nCntrl); // HitTest-Outliner und Dokument Outliner initialisieren, // aber nicht den globalen Outliner, den der ist ja nicht // dokumentspezifisch wie StyleSheetPool und StyleRequestHandler pHitTestOutliner->SetStyleSheetPool((SfxStyleSheetPool*)GetStyleSheetPool()); if(mpOutliner) { mpOutliner->SetStyleSheetPool((SfxStyleSheetPool*)GetStyleSheetPool()); } if(mpInternalOutliner) { mpInternalOutliner->SetStyleSheetPool((SfxStyleSheetPool*)GetStyleSheetPool()); } if ( eMode == DOC_LOADED ) { // Praesentationsobjekte muessen wieder Listener der entsprechenden // Vorlagen werden SdStyleSheetPool* pSPool = (SdStyleSheetPool*) GetStyleSheetPool(); sal_uInt16 nPage, nPageCount; // #96323# create missing layout style sheets for broken documents // that where created with the 5.2 nPageCount = GetMasterSdPageCount( PK_STANDARD ); for (nPage = 0; nPage < nPageCount; nPage++) { SdPage* pPage = GetMasterSdPage(nPage, PK_STANDARD); pSPool->CreateLayoutStyleSheets( pPage->GetName(), sal_True ); } // Standard- und Notizseiten: for (nPage = 0; nPage < GetPageCount(); nPage++) { SdPage* pPage = (SdPage*)GetPage(nPage); NewOrLoadCompleted( pPage, pSPool ); } // Masterpages: for (nPage = 0; nPage < GetMasterPageCount(); nPage++) { SdPage* pPage = (SdPage*)GetMasterPage(nPage); NewOrLoadCompleted( pPage, pSPool ); } } mbNewOrLoadCompleted = sal_True; /************************************************************************** * Alle gelinkten Pages aktualisieren **************************************************************************/ SdPage* pPage = NULL; sal_uInt16 nMaxSdPages = GetSdPageCount(PK_STANDARD); for (sal_uInt16 nSdPage=0; nSdPage < nMaxSdPages; nSdPage++) { pPage = (SdPage*) GetSdPage(nSdPage, PK_STANDARD); if (pPage && pPage->GetFileName().Len() && pPage->GetBookmarkName().Len()) { pPage->SetModel(this); } } UpdateAllLinks(); SetChanged( sal_False ); } /** updates all links, only links in this document should by resolved */ void SdDrawDocument::UpdateAllLinks() { if ( !pDocLockedInsertingLinks && pLinkManager && pLinkManager->GetLinks().Count() ) { pDocLockedInsertingLinks = this; // lock inserting links. only links in this document should by resolved pLinkManager->UpdateAllLinks(); // query box: update all links? if( pDocLockedInsertingLinks == this ) pDocLockedInsertingLinks = NULL; // unlock inserting links } } /** this loops over the presentation objectes of a page and repairs some new settings from old binary files and resets all default strings for empty presentation objects. */ void SdDrawDocument::NewOrLoadCompleted( SdPage* pPage, SdStyleSheetPool* pSPool ) { /* cl removed because not needed anymore since binfilter SdrObjListIter aShapeIter( *pPage ); while( aShapeIter.IsMore() ) { OutlinerParaObject* pOPO = aShapeIter.Next()->GetOutlinerParaObject(); if( pOPO ) { if( pOPO->GetOutlinerMode() == OUTLINERMODE_DONTKNOW ) pOPO->SetOutlinerMode( OUTLINERMODE_TEXTOBJECT ); pOPO->FinishLoad( pSPool ); } } */ const sd::ShapeList& rPresentationShapes( pPage->GetPresentationShapeList() ); if(!rPresentationShapes.isEmpty()) { // Listen mit Titel- und Gliederungsvorlagen erstellen String aName = pPage->GetLayoutName(); aName.Erase( aName.SearchAscii( SD_LT_SEPARATOR )); List* pOutlineList = pSPool->CreateOutlineSheetList(aName); SfxStyleSheet* pTitleSheet = (SfxStyleSheet*) pSPool->GetTitleSheet(aName); SdrObject* pObj = rPresentationShapes.getNextShape(0); // jetzt nach Titel- und Gliederungstextobjekten suchen und // Objekte zu Listenern machen while(pObj) { if (pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor) { OutlinerParaObject* pOPO = pObj->GetOutlinerParaObject(); sal_uInt16 nId = pObj->GetObjIdentifier(); if (nId == OBJ_TITLETEXT) { if( pOPO && pOPO->GetOutlinerMode() == OUTLINERMODE_DONTKNOW ) pOPO->SetOutlinerMode( OUTLINERMODE_TITLEOBJECT ); // sal_True: harte Attribute dabei nicht loeschen if (pTitleSheet) pObj->SetStyleSheet(pTitleSheet, sal_True); } else if (nId == OBJ_OUTLINETEXT) { if( pOPO && pOPO->GetOutlinerMode() == OUTLINERMODE_DONTKNOW ) pOPO->SetOutlinerMode( OUTLINERMODE_OUTLINEOBJECT ); for (sal_uInt16 nSheet = 0; nSheet < 10; nSheet++) { SfxStyleSheet* pSheet = (SfxStyleSheet*)pOutlineList->GetObject(nSheet); if (pSheet) { pObj->StartListening(*pSheet); if( nSheet == 0) // Textrahmen hoert auf StyleSheet der Ebene1 pObj->NbcSetStyleSheet(pSheet, sal_True); } } } if (pObj->ISA(SdrTextObj) && pObj->IsEmptyPresObj() && pPage) { PresObjKind ePresObjKind = pPage->GetPresObjKind(pObj); String aString( pPage->GetPresObjText(ePresObjKind) ); if (aString.Len()) { sd::Outliner* pInternalOutl = GetInternalOutliner(sal_True); pPage->SetObjText( (SdrTextObj*) pObj, pInternalOutl, ePresObjKind, aString ); pObj->NbcSetStyleSheet( pPage->GetStyleSheetForPresObj( ePresObjKind ), sal_True ); pInternalOutl->Clear(); } } } pObj = rPresentationShapes.getNextShape(pObj); } delete pOutlineList; } } /************************************************************************* |* |* Lokaler Outliner, welcher fuer den Gliederungsmodus verwendet wird |* In diesen Outliner werden ggf. OutlinerViews inserted! |* \************************************************************************/ ::sd::Outliner* SdDrawDocument::GetOutliner(sal_Bool bCreateOutliner) { if (!mpOutliner && bCreateOutliner) { mpOutliner = new ::sd::Outliner( this, OUTLINERMODE_TEXTOBJECT ); if (mpDocSh) mpOutliner->SetRefDevice( SD_MOD()->GetRefDevice( *mpDocSh ) ); mpOutliner->SetDefTab( nDefaultTabulator ); mpOutliner->SetStyleSheetPool((SfxStyleSheetPool*)GetStyleSheetPool()); } return(mpOutliner); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Interner Outliner, welcher fuer die Erzeugung von Textobjekten |* verwendet wird. |* In diesen Outliner werden keine OutlinerViews inserted! |* \************************************************************************/ ::sd::Outliner* SdDrawDocument::GetInternalOutliner(sal_Bool bCreateOutliner) { if ( !mpInternalOutliner && bCreateOutliner ) { mpInternalOutliner = new ::sd::Outliner( this, OUTLINERMODE_TEXTOBJECT ); // MT: // Dieser Outliner wird nur fuer das Erzeugen spezieller Textobjekte // verwendet. Da in diesen Textobjekten keine Portion-Informationen // gespeichert werden muessen, kann/soll der Update-Mode immer sal_False bleiben. mpInternalOutliner->SetUpdateMode( sal_False ); mpInternalOutliner->EnableUndo( sal_False ); if (mpDocSh) mpInternalOutliner->SetRefDevice( SD_MOD()->GetRefDevice( *mpDocSh ) ); mpInternalOutliner->SetDefTab( nDefaultTabulator ); mpInternalOutliner->SetStyleSheetPool((SfxStyleSheetPool*)GetStyleSheetPool()); } DBG_ASSERT( !mpInternalOutliner || ( mpInternalOutliner->GetUpdateMode() == sal_False ) , "InternalOutliner: UpdateMode = sal_True !" ); DBG_ASSERT( !mpInternalOutliner || ( mpInternalOutliner->IsUndoEnabled() == sal_False ), "InternalOutliner: Undo = sal_True !" ); // MT: Wer ihn vollmuellt, macht ihn auch gleich wieder leer: // Vorteile: // a) Keine unnoetigen Clear-Aufrufe // b) Kein Muell im Speicher. DBG_ASSERT( !mpInternalOutliner || ( ( mpInternalOutliner->GetParagraphCount() == 1 ) && ( mpInternalOutliner->GetText( mpInternalOutliner->GetParagraph( 0 ) ).Len() == 0 ) ), "InternalOutliner: Nicht leer!" ); return mpInternalOutliner; } /************************************************************************* |* |* OnlineSpelling ein/aus |* \************************************************************************/ void SdDrawDocument::SetOnlineSpell(sal_Bool bIn) { mbOnlineSpell = bIn; sal_uLong nCntrl = 0; if(mpOutliner) { nCntrl = mpOutliner->GetControlWord(); if(mbOnlineSpell) nCntrl |= EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING; else nCntrl &= ~EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING; mpOutliner->SetControlWord(nCntrl); } if (mpInternalOutliner) { nCntrl = mpInternalOutliner->GetControlWord(); if (mbOnlineSpell) nCntrl |= EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING; else nCntrl &= ~EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING; mpInternalOutliner->SetControlWord(nCntrl); } ::Outliner& rOutliner = GetDrawOutliner(); nCntrl = rOutliner.GetControlWord(); if (mbOnlineSpell) nCntrl |= EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING; else nCntrl &= ~EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING; rOutliner.SetControlWord(nCntrl); if (mbOnlineSpell) { StartOnlineSpelling(); } else { StopOnlineSpelling(); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* OnlineSpelling: Markierung ein/aus |* \************************************************************************/ uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SdDrawDocument::createUnoModel() { uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xModel; try { if ( mpDocSh ) xModel = mpDocSh->GetModel(); } catch( uno::RuntimeException& ) { } return xModel; } SvxNumType SdDrawDocument::GetPageNumType() const { return mePageNumType; } void SdDrawDocument::SetPrinterIndependentLayout (sal_Int32 nMode) { // #108104# // DBG_ASSERT (mpDocSh!=NULL, "No available document shell to set ref device at."); switch (nMode) { case ::com::sun::star::document::PrinterIndependentLayout::DISABLED: case ::com::sun::star::document::PrinterIndependentLayout::ENABLED: // Just store supported modes and inform the doc shell. mnPrinterIndependentLayout = nMode; // #108104# // Since it is possible that a SdDrawDocument is constructed without a // SdDrawDocShell the pointer member mpDocSh needs to be tested // before the call is executed. This is e.-g. used for copy/paste. if(mpDocSh) { mpDocSh->UpdateRefDevice (); } break; default: // Ignore unknown values. break; } } sal_Int32 SdDrawDocument::GetPrinterIndependentLayout (void) { return mnPrinterIndependentLayout; } bool SdDrawDocument::IsStartWithPresentation() const { return mbStartWithPresentation; } void SdDrawDocument::SetStartWithPresentation( bool bStartWithPresentation ) { mbStartWithPresentation = bStartWithPresentation; } // #109538# void SdDrawDocument::PageListChanged() { mpDrawPageListWatcher->Invalidate(); } // #109538# void SdDrawDocument::MasterPageListChanged() { mpMasterPageListWatcher->Invalidate(); } void SdDrawDocument::SetCalcFieldValueHdl(::Outliner* pOutliner) { pOutliner->SetCalcFieldValueHdl(LINK(SD_MOD(), SdModule, CalcFieldValueHdl)); } sal_uInt16 SdDrawDocument::GetAnnotationAuthorIndex( const rtl::OUString& rAuthor ) { // force current user to have first color if( maAnnotationAuthors.empty() ) { SvtUserOptions aUserOptions; maAnnotationAuthors.push_back( aUserOptions.GetFullName() ); } sal_uInt16 idx = 0; for( std::vector< OUString >::iterator iter( maAnnotationAuthors.begin() ); iter != maAnnotationAuthors.end(); iter++ ) { if( (*iter) == rAuthor ) { break; } idx++; } if( idx == maAnnotationAuthors.size() ) { maAnnotationAuthors.push_back( rAuthor ); } return idx; } // eof