#************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** # # CwsConfig.pm - package for read CWS config data # package CwsConfig; use strict; use Carp; use URI::Escape; ##### ctor #### sub new { my $invocant = shift; my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant; my $self = {}; $self->{_CONFIG_FILE} = undef; # config file $self->{_GLOBAL} = undef; # is it a global config file? $self->{VCSID} = undef; # VCSID $self->{CWS_DB_URL_LIST_REF} = undef; # list of CWS DB servers $self->{NET_PROXY} = undef; # network proxy $self->{CWS_SERVER_ROOT} = undef; # cvs server $self->{CWS_MIRROR_ROOT} = undef; # mirror of cvs server $self->{CWS_LOCAL_ROOT} = undef; # local cvs server $self->{PUBLIC_SVN_SERVER} = undef; # public svn server $self->{PRIVATE_SVN_SERVER} = undef; # private svn server bless ($self, $class); return $self; } sub vcsid { my $self = shift; if ( !defined($self->{VCSID}) ) { # environment overrides config file my $vcsid = $ENV{VCSID}; if ( !defined($vcsid) ) { # check config file my $config_file = $self->get_config_file(); $vcsid = $config_file->{CWS_CONFIG}->{'CVS_ID'}; if ( !defined($vcsid) ) { # give up croak("ERROR: no CVS_ID entry found in '\$HOME/.cwsrc'.\n" ); } } $self->{VCSID} = $vcsid; } return $self->{VCSID}; } sub cws_db_url_list_ref { my $self = shift; if ( !defined($self->{CWS_DB_URL_LIST_REF}) ) { my $config_file = $self->get_config_file(); my $i = 1; my @cws_db_servers; while ( 1 ) { my $val = $config_file->{CWS_CONFIG}->{"CWS_DB_SERVER_$i"}; last if !defined($val); push(@cws_db_servers, $val); $i++; } if ( !@cws_db_servers) { croak("ERROR: no CWS_DB_SERVER_* entry found in '\$HOME/.cwsrc'.\n" ); } if ( $cws_db_servers[0] =~ /^https:\/\// ) { my $id = $self->vcsid(); my $password = $config_file->{CWS_CONFIG}->{'CVS_PASSWORD'}; if ( !defined($password) ) { croak("ERROR: no CVS_PASSWORD entry found in '\$HOME/.cwsrc'.\n" ); } # *i49473* - do not accept scrambled passwords ending with a space if ( $password =~ / $/) { croak("ERROR: The (scrambled) CVS_PASSWORD ends with a space. This is known to cause problems when connecting to the OpenOffice.org EIS database. Please change your OOo account's password" ); } # We are going to stuff $id and $password in an URL, do proper escaping. $id = uri_escape($id); $password = uri_escape($password); foreach ( @cws_db_servers ) { s/^https:\/\//https:\/\/$id:$password@/; } } $self->{CWS_DB_URL_LIST_REF} = \@cws_db_servers; } return $self->{CWS_DB_URL_LIST_REF}; } sub net_proxy { my $self = shift; if ( !defined($self->{NET_PROXY}) ) { my $config_file = $self->get_config_file(); my $net_proxy = $config_file->{CWS_CONFIG}->{'PROXY'}; if ( !defined($net_proxy) ) { $net_proxy = ""; } $self->{NET_PROXY} = $net_proxy; } return $self->{NET_PROXY} ? $self->{NET_PROXY} : undef; } sub cvs_binary { my $self = shift; if ( !defined($self->{CVS_BINARY}) ) { my $config_file = $self->get_config_file(); my $cvs_binary = $config_file->{CWS_CONFIG}->{'CVS_BINARY'}; if ( !defined($cvs_binary) ) { # defaults $cvs_binary = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 'cvs.exe' : 'cvs'; } # special case, don't ask if ( $self->{_GLOBAL} && $cvs_binary =~ /cvs.clt2/ && $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { $cvs_binary = 'cvsclt2.exe'; } $self->{CVS_BINARY} = $cvs_binary; } return $self->{CVS_BINARY}; } sub cvs_server_root { my $self = shift; if ( !defined($self->{CVS_SERVER_ROOT}) ) { my $config_file = $self->get_config_file(); my $cvs_server_root = $config_file->{CWS_CONFIG}->{'CVS_SERVER_ROOT'}; if ( !defined($cvs_server_root) ) { # give up, this is a mandatory entry croak("ERROR: can't parse CVS_SERVER_ROOT entry in '\$HOME/.cwsrc'.\n"); } if ( $self->{_GLOBAL} ) { # a global config file will almost always have the wrong vcsid in # the cvsroot -> substitute vcsid my $id = $self->vcsid(); $cvs_server_root =~ s/:pserver:\w+@/:pserver:$id@/; } $self->{CVS_SERVER_ROOT} = $cvs_server_root; } return $self->{CVS_SERVER_ROOT}; } sub cvs_mirror_root { my $self = shift; if ( !defined($self->{CVS_MIRROR_ROOT}) ) { my $config_file = $self->get_config_file(); my $cvs_mirror_root = $config_file->{CWS_CONFIG}->{'CVS_MIRROR_ROOT'}; if ( !defined($cvs_mirror_root) ) { $cvs_mirror_root = ""; } $self->{CVS_MIRROR_ROOT} = $cvs_mirror_root; } return $self->{CVS_MIRROR_ROOT} ? $self->{CVS_MIRROR_ROOT} : undef; } sub cvs_local_root { my $self = shift; if ( !defined($self->{CVS_LOCAL_ROOT}) ) { my $config_file = $self->get_config_file(); my $cvs_local_root = $config_file->{CWS_CONFIG}->{'CVS_LOCAL_ROOT'}; if ( !defined($cvs_local_root) ) { $cvs_local_root = ""; } $self->{CVS_LOCAL_ROOT} = $cvs_local_root; } return $self->{CVS_LOCAL_ROOT} ? $self->{CVS_LOCAL_ROOT} : undef; } sub get_cvs_server { my $self = shift; my ($method, $id, $server, $repository) = CwsConfig::split_root($self->cvs_server_root(), 'SERVER'); return $server; } sub get_cvs_mirror { my $self = shift; my ($method, $id, $server, $repository) = CwsConfig::split_root($self->cvs_mirror_root(), 'MIRROR'); return $server; } sub get_cvs_local { my $self = shift; my ($method, $id, $server, $repository) = CwsConfig::split_root($self->cvs_local_root(), 'LOCAL'); return $server; } sub get_cvs_server_method { my $self = shift; my ($method, $id, $server, $repository) = CwsConfig::split_root($self->cvs_server_root(), 'SERVER'); return $method; } sub get_cvs_mirror_method { my $self = shift; my ($method, $id, $server, $repository) = CwsConfig::split_root($self->cvs_mirror_root(), 'MIRROR'); return $method; } sub get_cvs_local_method { my $self = shift; my ($method, $id, $server, $repository) = CwsConfig::split_root($self->cvs_local_root(), 'LOCAL'); return $method; } sub get_cvs_server_repository { my $self = shift; my ($method, $id, $server, $repository) = CwsConfig::split_root($self->cvs_server_root(), 'SERVER'); return $repository; } sub get_cvs_mirror_repository { my $self = shift; my ($method, $id, $server, $repository) = CwsConfig::split_root($self->cvs_mirror_root(), 'MIRROR'); return $repository; } sub get_cvs_local_repository { my $self = shift; my ($method, $id, $server, $repository) = CwsConfig::split_root($self->cvs_local_root(), 'LOCAL'); return $repository; } sub get_cvs_server_id { my $self = shift; my ($method, $id, $server, $repository) = CwsConfig::split_root($self->cvs_server_root(), 'SERVER'); return $id; } sub get_cvs_mirror_id { my $self = shift; my ($method, $id, $server, $repository) = CwsConfig::split_root($self->cvs_mirror_root(), 'MIRROR'); return $id; } sub get_cvs_local_id { my $self = shift; my ($method, $id, $server, $repository) = CwsConfig::split_root($self->cvs_local_root(), 'LOCAL'); return $id; } #### SVN methods #### sub get_ooo_svn_server { my $self = shift; if ( !defined($self->{SVN_SERVER}) ) { my $config_file = $self->get_config_file(); my $ooo_svn_server = $config_file->{CWS_CONFIG}->{'SVN_SERVER'}; if ( !defined($ooo_svn_server) ) { $ooo_svn_server = ""; } $self->{SVN_SERVER} = $ooo_svn_server; } return $self->{SVN_SERVER} ? $self->{SVN_SERVER} : undef; } sub get_so_svn_server { my $self = shift; if ( !defined($self->{SO_SVN_SERVER}) ) { my $config_file = $self->get_config_file(); my $so_svn_server = $config_file->{CWS_CONFIG}->{'SO_SVN_SERVER'}; if ( !defined($so_svn_server) ) { $so_svn_server = ""; } $self->{SO_SVN_SERVER} = $so_svn_server; } return $self->{SO_SVN_SERVER} ? $self->{SO_SVN_SERVER} : undef; } #### HG methods #### sub _get_hg_source { my $self = shift; my $repository_source = shift; if ( !defined($self->{$repository_source}) ) { my $config_file = $self->get_config_file(); my $source = $config_file->{CWS_CONFIG}->{$repository_source}; if ( !defined($source) ) { $source = ""; } $self->{$repository_source} = $source; } return $self->{$repository_source} ? $self->{$repository_source} : undef; } sub get_hg_source { my $self = shift; my $repository = shift; my $location = shift; #Special prefix handling, see cwsrc if ($repository eq "OOO") { if ($location eq "LOCAL") { return $self->_get_hg_source('HG_LOCAL_SOURCE'); } elsif ($location eq "LAN") { return $self->_get_hg_source('HG_LAN_SOURCE'); } elsif ($location eq "REMOTE") { return $self->_get_hg_source('HG_REMOTE_SOURCE'); } } else { if ($location eq "LOCAL") { return $self->_get_hg_source($repository.'_HG_LOCAL_SOURCE'); } elsif ($location eq "LAN") { return $self->_get_hg_source($repository.'_HG_LAN_SOURCE'); } elsif ($location eq "REMOTE") { return $self->_get_hg_source($repository.'_HG_REMOTE_SOURCE'); } } } #### Prebuild binaries configuration #### sub get_prebuild_binaries_location { my $self = shift; if ( !defined($self->{PREBUILD_BINARIES}) ) { my $config_file = $self->get_config_file(); my $pre_build_binaries = $config_file->{CWS_CONFIG}->{'PREBUILD_BINARIES'}; if ( !defined($pre_build_binaries) ) { $pre_build_binaries = ""; } $self->{PREBUILD_BINARIES} = $pre_build_binaries; } return $self->{PREBUILD_BINARIES} ? $self->{PREBUILD_BINARIES} : undef; } #### class methods ##### sub get_config { my $config = CwsConfig->new(); return $config; } sub split_root { my $root = shift; my $type = shift; if ( !defined($root) ) { return (undef, undef, undef, undef); } my ($dummy, $method, $id_at_host, $repository) = split(/:/, $root); $repository =~ s/^\d*//; my ($id, $server); if ( $id_at_host ) { ($id, $server) = split(/@/, $id_at_host); } if ( !defined($method) || !defined($id) || !defined($server) || !defined($repository) ) { # give up print "$method, $id, $server, $repository\n"; croak("ERROR: can't parse CVS_".$type."_ROOT entry in '\$HOME/.cwsrc'.\n"); } return ($method, $id, $server, $repository); } #### private helper methods #### sub get_config_file { my $self = shift; if ( !defined $self->{_CONFIG_FILE} ) { $self->parse_config_file(); } return $self->{_CONFIG_FILE}; } sub read_config { my $self = shift; my $fname = shift; my $fhandle; my $section = ''; my %config; open ($fhandle, $fname) || croak("ERROR: Can't open '$fname': $!"); while ( <$fhandle> ) { tr/\r\n//d; # win32 pain # Issue #i62815#: Scrambled CVS passwords may contain one or more '#'. # Ugly special case needed: still allow in-line (perl style) comments # elsewhere because existing configuration files may depend on them. if ( !/^\s*CVS_PASSWORD/ ) { s/\#.*//; # kill comments } /^\s*$/ && next; if (/\[\s*(\S+)\s*\]/) { $section = $1; if (!defined $config{$section}) { $config{$section} = {}; } } defined $config{$section} || croak("ERROR: unknown / no section '$section'\n"); if ( m/(\w[\w\d]*)=(.*)/ ) { my $var = $1; my $val = $2; # New style value strings may be surrounded by quotes if ( $val =~ s/\s*(['"])(.*)\1\s*$/$2/ ) { my $quote = $1; # If and only if the value string is surrounded by quotes we # can expect that \" or \' are escaped characters. In an unquoted # old style value string they could mean exactly what is standing there # # Actually the RE above works without quoting the quote character # (either " or ') inside the value string but users will probably # expect that they need to be escaped if quotes are used. # # This is still not completly correct for all thinkable situations but # should be good enough for all practical use cases. $val =~ s/\\($quote)/$1/g; } $config{$section}->{$var} = $val; # print "Set '$var' to '$val'\n"; } } close ($fhandle) || croak("ERROR: Failed to close: $!"); $self->{_CONFIG_FILE} = \%config; } sub parse_config_file { my $self = shift; my $config_file; # check for config files if ( -e "$ENV{HOME}/.cwsrc" ) { $self->read_config("$ENV{HOME}/.cwsrc"); $self->{_GLOBAL} = 0; } elsif ( -e "$ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS}/cwsrc" ) { $self->read_config("$ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS}/cwsrc"); $self->{_GLOBAL} = 1; } else { croak("ERROR: can't find CWS config file '\$HOME/.cwsrc'.\n"); } } sub sointernal { my $self = shift; my $config_file = $self->get_config_file(); my $val = ($config_file->{CWS_CONFIG}->{"SO_INTERNAL"}) ? 1 : 0; return $val; } 1; # needed by "use" or "require"