#************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** package installer::profiles; use installer::converter; use installer::existence; use installer::exiter; use installer::files; use installer::globals; use installer::logger; use installer::remover; use installer::systemactions; ############################# # Profiles ############################# ####################################################### # Sorting the content of a profile ####################################################### sub sorting_profile { my ($profilesref) = @_; my @profile = (); my @definedsections = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$profilesref}; $i++ ) { my $line = ${$profilesref}[$i]; if ( $line =~ /^\s*(\[.*\])\s*$/ ) # this is a section (every second line) { my $section = $1; if (!(installer::existence::exists_in_array($section, \@definedsections))) { my $sectionline = $section . "\n"; push(@definedsections, $section); push(@profile, $sectionline); for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$profilesref}; $j++ ) { my $oneline = ${$profilesref}[$j]; installer::remover::remove_leading_and_ending_whitespaces(\$oneline); if ( $oneline eq $section ) { my $nextline = ${$profilesref}[$j+1]; push(@profile, $nextline); } } } } } return \@profile; } ##################################################################### # Adding the newly created profile into the file list ##################################################################### sub add_profile_into_filelist { my ($filesarrayref, $oneprofile, $completeprofilename, $allvariables) = @_; my %profile = (); # Taking the base data from the "gid_File_Lib_Vcl" my $vclgid = "gid_File_Lib_Vcl"; if ( $allvariables->{'GLOBALFILEGID'} ) { $vclgid = $allvariables->{'GLOBALFILEGID'}; } my $vclfile = installer::existence::get_specified_file($filesarrayref, $vclgid); # copying all base data installer::converter::copy_item_object($vclfile, \%profile); # and overriding all new values $profile{'ismultilingual'} = 0; $profile{'sourcepath'} = $completeprofilename; $profile{'Name'} = $oneprofile->{'Name'}; $profile{'UnixRights'} = "444"; $profile{'gid'} = $oneprofile->{'gid'}; $profile{'Dir'} = $oneprofile->{'Dir'}; $profile{'destination'} = $oneprofile->{'destination'}; $profile{'Styles'} = ""; if ( $oneprofile->{'Styles'} ) { $profile{'Styles'} = $oneprofile->{'Styles'}; } $profile{'modules'} = $oneprofile->{'ModuleID'}; # Profiles can only be added completely to a module push(@{$filesarrayref}, \%profile); } ################################################### # Including Windows line ends in ini files # Profiles on Windows shall have \r\n line ends ################################################### sub include_windows_lineends { my ($onefile) = @_; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$onefile}; $i++ ) { ${$onefile}[$i] =~ s/\r?\n$/\r\n/; } } #################################### # Create profiles #################################### sub create_profiles { my ($profilesref, $profileitemsref, $filesarrayref, $languagestringref, $allvariables) = @_; my $infoline; my $profilesdir = installer::systemactions::create_directories("profiles", $languagestringref); installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Creating profiles:"); # Attention: The module dependencies from ProfileItems have to be ignored, because # the Profile has to be installed completely with all of its content and the correct name. # Only complete profiles can belong to a specified module, but not ProfileItems! # iterating over all files for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$profilesref}; $i++ ) { my $oneprofile = ${$profilesref}[$i]; my $dir = $oneprofile->{'Dir'}; if ( $dir eq "PREDEFINED_CONFIGDIR" ) { next; } # ignoring the profile sversion file my $profilegid = $oneprofile->{'gid'}; my $profilename = $oneprofile->{'Name'}; my $localprofilesdir = $profilesdir . $installer::globals::separator . $profilegid; # uniqueness guaranteed by gid if ( ! -d $localprofilesdir ) { installer::systemactions::create_directory($localprofilesdir); } my @onefile = (); my $profileempty = 1; for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$profileitemsref}; $j++ ) { my $oneprofileitem = ${$profileitemsref}[$j]; my $styles = ""; if ( $oneprofileitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneprofileitem->{'Styles'}; } if ( $styles =~ /\bINIFILETABLE\b/ ) { next; } # these values are written during installation, not during packing my $profileid = $oneprofileitem->{'ProfileID'}; if ( $profileid eq $profilegid ) { my $section = $oneprofileitem->{'Section'}; my $key = $oneprofileitem->{'Key'}; my $value = $oneprofileitem->{'Value'}; for (my $pk = 1; $pk <= 50; $pk++) { my $key = "ValueList" . $pk; if ( $oneprofileitem->{$key} ) { $value = $value . " " . $oneprofileitem->{$key} } } my $order = $oneprofileitem->{'Order'}; # ignoring order at the moment my $line = "[" . $section . "]" . "\n"; push(@onefile, $line); $line = $key . "=" . $value . "\n"; push(@onefile, $line); $profileempty = 0; } } if ( $profileempty ) { next; } # ignoring empty profiles # Sorting the array @onefile my $onefileref = sorting_profile(\@onefile); if ( $installer::globals::iswin && $installer::globals::plat =~ /cygwin/i) # Windows line ends only for Cygwin { include_windows_lineends($onefileref); } # Saving the profile as a file $completeprofilename = $localprofilesdir . $installer::globals::separator . $profilename; installer::files::save_file($completeprofilename, $onefileref); # Adding the file to the filearray # Some data are set now, others are taken from the file "soffice.exe" ("soffice.bin") add_profile_into_filelist($filesarrayref, $oneprofile, $completeprofilename, $allvariables); $installer::logger::Lang->printf("Created Profile: %s\n", $completeprofilename); } $installer::logger::Lang->printf("\n"); } 1;