#************************************************************************* # # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite # # This file is part of OpenOffice.org. # # OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 # only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details # (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see # # for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. # #************************************************************************* package packager::work; use packager::exiter; use packager::existence; use packager::files; use packager::globals; ########################################### # Setting global variables ########################################### sub set_global_variable { my $compiler = $ENV{'OUTPATH'}; if ( $ENV{'PROEXT'} ) { $compiler = $compiler . $ENV{'PROEXT'}; } $packager::globals::compiler = $compiler; } ############################################################################# # Converting a string list with separator $listseparator # into an array ############################################################################# sub convert_stringlist_into_array { my ( $includestringref, $listseparator ) = @_; my @newarray = (); my $first; my $last = ${$includestringref}; while ( $last =~ /^\s*(.+?)\Q$listseparator\E(.+)\s*$/) # "$" for minimal matching { $first = $1; $last = $2; push(@newarray, "$first"); } push(@newarray, "$last"); return \@newarray; } ########################################### # Generating a list of package calls # corresponding to the package list ########################################### sub create_package_todos { my ( $packagelist ) = @_; my @targets = (); # only used, if the build server is not used for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$packagelist}; $i++ ) { my $line = ${$packagelist}[$i]; if ( $line =~ /^\s*\#/ ) { next; } # comment line if ( $line =~ /^\s*(\w+?)\s+(\S+?)\s+(\S+?)\s+(\w+?)\s*$/ ) { my $product = $1; my $compilerlist = $2; my $languagelist = $3; my $target = $4; $product =~ s/\s//g; $compilerlist =~ s/\s//g; $languagelist =~ s/\s//g; $target =~ s/\s//g; my $compilers = convert_stringlist_into_array(\$compilerlist, ","); # is the compiler of this "build" part of the compiler list in pack.lst ? if ( packager::existence::exists_in_array($packager::globals::compiler, $compilers) ) { # products are separated in pack.lst by "|" my $languagesets = convert_stringlist_into_array(\$languagelist, "\|"); # now all information is available to create the targets for the systemcalls for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$languagesets}; $j++ ) { my $languagestring = ${$languagesets}[$j]; $languagestring =~ s/\,/\_/g; # comma in pack.lst becomes "_" in dmake command my $target = $target . "_" . $languagestring; push(@targets, $target); my $insertline = $target . "\n"; push( @packager::globals::logfileinfo, $insertline); } } } } return \@targets; } ########################################### # Executing the generated system calls ########################################### sub execute_system_calls { my ( $targets ) = @_; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$targets}; $i++ ) { my $systemcall = "dmake " . ${$targets}[$i]; my $infoline = "Packager: $systemcall\n"; print $infoline; push( @packager::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); my $returnvalue = system($systemcall); $infoline = "Packager finished: $systemcall\n"; print $infoline; push( @packager::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); if ( $returnvalue ) { $infoline = "\nERROR: Packager $systemcall\n"; print $infoline; push( @packager::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); if (!($packager::globals::ignoreerrors)) { packager::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Packing not successful : $systemcall", "execute_system_calls"); } } } } ############################################################## # Starting the build server with the generated system calls ############################################################## sub start_build_server { my ( $targets ) = @_; # preparing the directory structure my $prj = $ENV{PRJ}; # for example ".."; my $platform = $ENV{INPATH}; # wntmsci10.pro, unxsols4.pro my $platformpath = $prj . $packager::globals::separator . $platform; if ( ! -d $platformpath ) { packager::files::create_directory($miscpath); } my $miscpath = $platformpath . $packager::globals::separator . "misc"; if ( ! -d $miscpath ) { packager::files::create_directory($miscpath); } $miscpath = $miscpath . $packager::globals::separator . "temp"; if ( -d $miscpath ) { packager::files::remove_complete_directory($miscpath); } # removing old files ! if ( ! -d $miscpath ) { packager::files::create_directory($miscpath); } my $prjroot = ".." . $packager::globals::separator . ".." . $packager::globals::separator . ".." . $packager::globals::separator . ".."; # platform/misc/temp/uniquetempdir my $makefilepath = $prj . $packager::globals::separator . "util" . $packager::globals::separator . "makefile.mk"; if ( ! $ENV{'PRJNAME'} ) { packager::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Environment variable PRJNAME not set!", "do_broadcast"); } my $prjname = $ENV{PRJNAME}; my $pkgformat = $ENV{PKGFORMAT}; my $prjdep = $prjname . "\\" . "util"; # always windows like path my @targetdirs; my @targetlines = (); # iterating over all targets for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$targets}; $i++ ) { my $target = ${$targets}[$i]; my $tempdir = $miscpath . $packager::globals::separator . $target; $tempdir = packager::files::create_unique_directory ($tempdir); @targetlines=(); push( @targetlines, "\ngenerated_target : $target\n\n"); # to be included into the makefile.mk if ( defined $pkgformat ) { push( @targetlines, "\n$target : ".'$$@{$(PKGFORMAT:^".")}'."\n\n"); # to be included into the makefile.mk } generate_makefile($tempdir, $makefilepath, $prjroot, $target, \@targetlines); do_broadcast($tempdir, $prjname, $prj, $platform, $prjdep); push @targetdirs, $tempdir; } } ############################################################## # Generating the makefile in the temporary directory ############################################################## sub generate_makefile { my ( $tempdir, $makefilepath, $prjroot, $target, $targetlines_ref ) = @_; my $makefile = packager::files::read_file($makefilepath); my @targetlines = (); push( @targetlines, @{$targetlines_ref}); # to be included into the makefile.mk $prjroot = $prjroot . "\n"; my $uniquename = $tempdir; get_filename_from_path(\$uniquename); $uniquename = $uniquename . "\n"; my $counter = 0; my $increase = 1; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$makefile}; $i++ ) { if ( ${$makefile}[$i] =~ /^\s*TARGET\s*=.*/ ) { ${$makefile}[$i] = "TARGET=" . $uniquename; } # setting the new project root if ( ${$makefile}[$i] =~ /^\s*PRJ\s*=.*/ ) { ${$makefile}[$i] = "PRJ=" . $prjroot; } # setting the new project root if ( ${$makefile}[$i] =~ /^\s*\.INCLUDE[\t ]*:[\t ]*target.mk[\t ]*$/ ) { $increase = 0; } # no more increase of the counter if ( $increase ) { $counter++; } } splice(@{$makefile}, $counter, 0, @targetlines); # including the new target lines at position $counter my $newmakefilepath = $tempdir . $packager::globals::separator . "makefile.mk"; packager::files::save_file($newmakefilepath, $makefile); } ############################################################## # Generating the broadcasts for the build server ############################################################## sub do_broadcast { use File::Temp; my ( $tempdir, $prjname, $prj, $platform, $prjdep ) = @_; # Syntax: cmd_bcst -s 18 "Version;Environment;Project;Verzeichnis;Restriction[;Abhaengigkeit1][;Abhaengigkeit n]..." # Example: cmd_bcst -s 18 "SRC680;wntmsci10.pro;instsetoo_native;;instsetoo_native\bla1;instsetoo_native\util" if ( ! $ENV{'WORK_STAMP'} ) { packager::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Environment variable WORK_STAMP not set!", "do_broadcast"); } my $workstamp = $ENV{WORK_STAMP}; my $cwsworkstamp = $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}; my $prjdir = $tempdir; $prjdir =~ s/$prj/$prjname/; $prjdir =~ s/\//\\/g; # convert to windows path syntax my $tempfiledir = $ENV{TMP}; $tempfiledir = $tempdir if ( ! defined $tempfiledir ); my ( $tmpfile_handle, $tmpfile_name ) = mkstemp( $tempfiledir . $packager::globals::separator . "packagerXXXXX"); if ( ! $tmpfile_handle ) { packager::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Couldn't open temporary file \"$tmpfile_name\"!", "do_broadcast"); } if (defined($cwsworkstamp)) { print $tmpfile_handle "\"$cwsworkstamp;$platform;$prjname;$prjdir;nobase;$prjdep\""; print "to tmpfile: \"$cwsworkstamp;$platform;$prjname;$prjdir;nobase;$prjdep\"\n"; } else { print $tmpfile_handle "\"$workstamp;$platform;$prjname;$prjdir;nobase;$prjdep\""; print "to tmpfile: \"$workstamp;$platform;$prjname;$prjdir;nobase;$prjdep\"\n"; } close $tmpfile_handle; my $returnvalue = system("cmd_bcst -s 18 \@$tmpfile_name"); print "cmd_bcst -s 18 \@$tmpfile_name\n"; unlink "$tmpfile_name"; if ( $returnvalue ) # an error occured { if (!($packager::globals::ignoreerrors)) { packager::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Packing not successful!", "do_broadcast"); } } } ############################################################## # Returning the name of file or directory from complete path ############################################################## sub get_filename_from_path { my ($longfilenameref) = @_; if ( $packager::globals::isunix ) { if ( $$longfilenameref =~ /^.*\/(\S.+\S?)/ ) { $$longfilenameref = $1; } } if ( $packager::globals::iswin ) { if ( $$longfilenameref =~ /^.*\\(\S.+\S?)/ ) { $$longfilenameref = $1; } } } 1;