/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_soltools.hxx" #include #include const char C_cKeySeparator = '/'; List_GenericInfo::List_GenericInfo() { } List_GenericInfo::List_GenericInfo( const List_GenericInfo & i_rList ) : aChildren(i_rList.aChildren) { } List_GenericInfo::~List_GenericInfo() { } List_GenericInfo & List_GenericInfo::operator=( const List_GenericInfo & i_rList ) { aChildren = i_rList.aChildren; return *this; } const GenericInfo * List_GenericInfo::operator[]( KeyPath i_sKeyPath ) const { return const_cast< List_GenericInfo& >(*this)[i_sKeyPath]; } GenericInfo * List_GenericInfo::operator[]( KeyPath i_sKeyPath ) { bool bExists = false; const char * sNextPathSegment = 0; sub_iterator it = lower_bound(bExists, sNextPathSegment, i_sKeyPath); if ( bExists ) { if ( sNextPathSegment == 0 ) return (*it); else return (*it)->SubList()[sNextPathSegment]; } else { return 0; } } bool List_GenericInfo::InsertInfo( GenericInfo * let_dpInfo, bool i_bOverwrite ) { if ( let_dpInfo == 0 ) return false; bool bExists = false; const char * sNextPathSegment = 0; sub_iterator it = lower_bound(bExists, sNextPathSegment, let_dpInfo->Key() ); if ( ! bExists ) { aChildren.insert( it, let_dpInfo ); } else if ( i_bOverwrite ) { delete (*it); (*it) = let_dpInfo; } else { delete let_dpInfo; return false; } return true; } bool List_GenericInfo::InsertInfoByPath( GenericInfo * let_dpInfo, KeyPath i_sKeyPath, bool i_bCreatePath, bool i_bOverwrite ) { if ( let_dpInfo == 0 ) return false; if ( i_sKeyPath == 0 ? true : *i_sKeyPath == 0 ) return InsertInfo(let_dpInfo, i_bOverwrite); bool bExists = false; const char * sNextPathSegment = 0; sub_iterator it = lower_bound(bExists, sNextPathSegment, i_sKeyPath); if ( bExists ) { return (*it)->SubList().InsertInfoByPath( let_dpInfo, sNextPathSegment, i_bCreatePath, i_bOverwrite ); } else if ( i_bCreatePath ) { Simstr aKey( i_sKeyPath, 0, sNextPathSegment - ( *sNextPathSegment == 0 ? 0 : 1) - i_sKeyPath ); GenericInfo * pNew = new GenericInfo(aKey); InsertInfo(pNew,false); return pNew->SubList().InsertInfoByPath( let_dpInfo, sNextPathSegment, i_bCreatePath, i_bOverwrite ); } else { delete let_dpInfo; return false; } } GenericInfo * List_GenericInfo::ReleaseInfo( KeyPath i_sKeyPath ) { bool bExists = false; const char * sNextPathSegment = 0; sub_iterator it = lower_bound(bExists, sNextPathSegment, i_sKeyPath ); if ( bExists ) { if ( *sNextPathSegment == 0 ) return (*it); else return (*it)->SubList().ReleaseInfo(sNextPathSegment); } else { return 0; } } void List_GenericInfo::DeleteInfo( KeyPath i_sKeyPath ) { bool bExists = false; const char * sNextPathSegment = 0; sub_iterator it = lower_bound(bExists, sNextPathSegment, i_sKeyPath ); if ( bExists ) { if ( *sNextPathSegment == 0 ) { aChildren.remove(it); } else { (*it)->SubList().DeleteInfo(sNextPathSegment); } } } List_GenericInfo::sub_iterator List_GenericInfo::lower_bound( bool & o_bExists, const char * & o_sNextPathSegment, KeyPath i_sKeyPath ) { o_sNextPathSegment = strchr(i_sKeyPath, '/'); Simstr sKey( i_sKeyPath, (o_sNextPathSegment == 0 ? strlen(i_sKeyPath) : o_sNextPathSegment++ - i_sKeyPath) ); GenericInfo aSearch(sKey); unsigned low = 0; unsigned high = aChildren.size(); for ( unsigned cur = high / 2; high > low; cur = (low + high) / 2 ) { if ( *aChildren[cur] < aSearch ) { low = cur+1; } else { high = cur; } } // end for o_bExists = low < aChildren.size() ? !(aSearch < *aChildren[low] ) : false; return &aChildren[low]; }