 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sot.hxx"

#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include "stgavl.hxx"

    pLeft = pRight = NULL;
    nBalance = nId = 0;

    delete pLeft;
    delete pRight;

StgAvlNode* StgAvlNode::Find( StgAvlNode* pFind )
    if ( pFind )
        StgAvlNode* p = this;
        while( p )
            short nRes = p->Compare( pFind );
            if( !nRes )
                return p;
            else p = ( nRes < 0 ) ? p->pLeft : p->pRight;
    return NULL;

// find point to add node to AVL tree and returns
// +/0/- for >/=/< previous

short StgAvlNode::Locate
    ( StgAvlNode* pFind,
      StgAvlNode** pPivot, StgAvlNode **pParent, StgAvlNode** pPrev )
    short nRes = 0;
    StgAvlNode* pCur = this;

    OSL_ENSURE( pPivot && pParent && pPrev, "The pointers may not be NULL!" );
    *pParent = *pPrev = NULL;
    *pPivot = this;

    // search tree for insertion point
    if ( pFind )
        while( pCur != NULL )
            // check for pPivot
            if( pCur->nBalance != 0 )
                *pPivot = pCur, *pParent = *pPrev;
            // save pPrev location and see what direction to go
            *pPrev = pCur;
            nRes = pCur->Compare( pFind );
            if( nRes == 0 )
            else pCur = ( nRes < 0 ) ? pCur->pLeft : pCur->pRight;

    return( nRes );

// adjust balance factors in AVL tree from pivot down.
// Returns delta balance.

short StgAvlNode::Adjust( StgAvlNode** pHeavy, StgAvlNode* pNew )
    StgAvlNode* pCur = this;
    short nDelta;
    // no traversing
    OSL_ENSURE( pHeavy && pNew, "The pointers is not allowed to be NULL!" );
    if( pCur == pNew || !pNew )
        return nBalance;

    short nRes = Compare( pNew );
    if( nRes > 0 )
        *pHeavy = pCur = pRight;
        nDelta = -1;
        *pHeavy = pCur = pLeft;
        nDelta = 1;
	nBalance = 0;
	while( pCur != pNew )
        nRes = pCur->Compare( pNew );
        if( nRes > 0 )
            // height of right increases by 1
            pCur->nBalance = -1;
            pCur = pCur->pRight;
            // height of left increases by 1
            pCur->nBalance = 1;
            pCur = pCur->pLeft;
    nBalance = nBalance + nDelta;
    return nDelta;

// perform LL rotation and return new root

StgAvlNode* StgAvlNode::RotLL()
    OSL_ENSURE( pLeft, "The pointer is not allowed to be NULL!" );
    StgAvlNode *pHeavy = pLeft;
    pLeft = pHeavy->pRight;
    pHeavy->pRight = this;
    pHeavy->nBalance = nBalance = 0;
    return pHeavy;

// perform LR rotation and return new root

StgAvlNode* StgAvlNode::RotLR()
    OSL_ENSURE( pLeft && pLeft->pRight, "The pointer is not allowed to be NULL!" );
    StgAvlNode* pHeavy = pLeft;
    StgAvlNode* pNewRoot = pHeavy->pRight;

    pHeavy->pRight = pNewRoot->pLeft;
    pLeft = pNewRoot->pRight;
    pNewRoot->pLeft = pHeavy;
    pNewRoot->pRight = this;

    switch( pNewRoot->nBalance )
        case 1:     // LR( b )
            nBalance = -1;
            pHeavy->nBalance = 0;
        case -1:    // LR( c )
            pHeavy->nBalance = 1;
            nBalance = 0;
        case 0:     // LR( a )
            nBalance = 0;
            pHeavy->nBalance = 0;
    pNewRoot->nBalance = 0;
    return pNewRoot;

// perform RR rotation and return new root

StgAvlNode* StgAvlNode::RotRR()
    OSL_ENSURE( pRight, "The pointer is not allowed to be NULL!" );
    StgAvlNode* pHeavy = pRight;
    pRight = pHeavy->pLeft;
    pHeavy->pLeft = this;
    nBalance = pHeavy->nBalance = 0;
    return pHeavy;

// perform the RL rotation and return the new root

StgAvlNode* StgAvlNode::RotRL()
    OSL_ENSURE( pRight && pRight->pLeft, "The pointer is not allowed to be NULL!" );
    StgAvlNode* pHeavy = pRight;
    StgAvlNode* pNewRoot = pHeavy->pLeft;
    pHeavy->pLeft = pNewRoot->pRight;
    pRight = pNewRoot->pLeft;
    pNewRoot->pRight = pHeavy;
    pNewRoot->pLeft = this;
    switch( pNewRoot->nBalance )
        case -1:    // RL( b )
            nBalance = 1;
            pHeavy->nBalance = 0;
        case 1:     // RL( c )
            pHeavy->nBalance = -1;
            nBalance = 0;
        case 0:     // RL( a )
            nBalance = 0;
            pHeavy->nBalance = 0;
    pNewRoot->nBalance = 0;
    return pNewRoot;

// Remove a tree element. Return the removed element or NULL.

StgAvlNode* StgAvlNode::Rem( StgAvlNode** p, StgAvlNode* pDel, sal_Bool bPtrs )
    if( p && *p && pDel )
        StgAvlNode* pCur = *p;
        short nRes = bPtrs ? short( pCur == pDel ) : short(pCur->Compare( pDel ));
        if( !nRes )
            // Element found: remove
            if( !pCur->pRight )
                *p = pCur->pLeft; pCur->pLeft = NULL;
            else if( !pCur->pLeft )
                *p = pCur->pRight; pCur->pRight = NULL;
                // The damn element has two leaves. Get the
                // rightmost element of the left subtree (which
                // is lexically before this element) and replace
                // this element with the element found.
                StgAvlNode* last = pCur;
                StgAvlNode* l;
                for( l = pCur->pLeft;
                     l->pRight; last = l, l = l->pRight ) {}
                // remove the element from chain
                if( l == last->pRight )
                    last->pRight = l->pLeft;
                    last->pLeft = l->pLeft;
                // perform the replacement
                l->pLeft = pCur->pLeft;
                l->pRight = pCur->pRight;
                *p = l;
                // delete the element
                pCur->pLeft = pCur->pRight = NULL;
            return pCur;
            if( nRes < 0 )
                return Rem( &pCur->pLeft, pDel, bPtrs );
                return Rem( &pCur->pRight, pDel, bPtrs );
    return NULL;

// Enumerate the tree for later iteration

void StgAvlNode::StgEnum( short& n )
    if( pLeft )
        pLeft->StgEnum( n );
    nId = n++;
    if( pRight )
        pRight->StgEnum( n );

// Add node to AVL tree.
// Return sal_False if the element already exists.

sal_Bool StgAvlNode::Insert( StgAvlNode** pRoot, StgAvlNode* pIns )
    StgAvlNode* pPivot, *pHeavy, *pNewRoot, *pParent, *pPrev;
    if ( !pRoot )
        return sal_False;

    // special case - empty tree
    if( *pRoot == NULL )
        *pRoot = pIns;
        return sal_True;
    // find insertion point and return if already present
    short nRes = (*pRoot)->Locate( pIns, &pPivot, &pParent, &pPrev );
    if( !nRes )
        return sal_False;
    OSL_ENSURE( pPivot && pPrev, "The pointers may not be NULL!" );

    // add new node
    if( nRes < 0 )
        pPrev->pLeft = pIns;
        pPrev->pRight = pIns;
    // rebalance tree
    short nDelta = pPivot->Adjust( &pHeavy, pIns );
    if( pPivot->nBalance >= 2 || pPivot->nBalance <= -2 )
        pHeavy = ( nDelta < 0 ) ? pPivot->pRight : pPivot->pLeft;
        // left imbalance
        if( nDelta > 0 )
            if( pHeavy->nBalance == 1 )
                pNewRoot = pPivot->RotLL();
                pNewRoot = pPivot->RotLR();
        // right imbalance
        else if( pHeavy->nBalance == -1 )
            pNewRoot = pPivot->RotRR();
            pNewRoot = pPivot->RotRL();
        // relink balanced subtree
        if( pParent == NULL )
            *pRoot = pNewRoot;
        else if( pPivot == pParent->pLeft )
            pParent->pLeft = pNewRoot;
        else if( pPivot == pParent->pRight )
            pParent->pRight = pNewRoot;
    return sal_True;

// Remove node from tree. Returns sal_True is found and removed.
// Actually delete if bDel

sal_Bool StgAvlNode::Remove( StgAvlNode** pRoot, StgAvlNode* pDel, sal_Bool bDel )
    if ( !pRoot )
        return sal_False;

    // special case - empty tree
    if( *pRoot == NULL )
        return sal_False;
    // delete the element
    pDel = Rem( pRoot, pDel, sal_False );
	if( pDel )
		if( bDel )
			delete pDel;
		// Rebalance the tree the hard way
		// OS 22.09.95: Auf MD's Wunsch auskommentiert wg. Absturz
/*		StgAvlNode* pNew = NULL;
		while( *pRoot )
			StgAvlNode* p = Rem( pRoot, *pRoot, sal_False );
			Insert( &pNew, p );
		*pRoot = pNew;*/
		return sal_True;
		return sal_False;

// Move node to a different tree. Returns sal_True is found and moved. This routine
// may be called when the key has changed.

sal_Bool StgAvlNode::Move
	( StgAvlNode** pRoot1, StgAvlNode** pRoot2, StgAvlNode* pMove )
    if ( !pRoot1 )
        return sal_False;

    // special case - empty tree
    if( *pRoot1 == NULL )
        return sal_False;
	pMove = Rem( pRoot1, pMove, sal_False );
	if( pMove )
		return Insert( pRoot2, pMove );
		return sal_False;

////////////////////////// class AvlIterator /////////////////////////

// The iterator walks through a tree one entry by one.

StgAvlIterator::StgAvlIterator( StgAvlNode* p )
    pRoot = p;
    nCount = 0;
	if( p )
	    p->StgEnum( nCount );

StgAvlNode* StgAvlIterator::Find( short n )
    StgAvlNode* p = pRoot;
    while( p )
        if( n == p->nId )
        else p = ( n < p->nId ) ? p->pLeft : p->pRight;
    return p;

StgAvlNode* StgAvlIterator::First()
    nCur = -1;
    return Next();

StgAvlNode* StgAvlIterator::Last()
    nCur = nCount;
    return Prev();

StgAvlNode* StgAvlIterator::Next()
    return Find( ++nCur );

StgAvlNode* StgAvlIterator::Prev()
    return Find( --nCur );