 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"

#include <unotools/linguprops.hxx>
#include <unotools/lingucfg.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/EmbedStates.hpp>
#include <hintids.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/util/XCloseable.hpp>
#include <sfx2/progress.hxx>
#include <svx/svdmodel.hxx>
#include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
#include <editeng/keepitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/ulspitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/lrspitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/boxitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/shaditem.hxx>
#include <editeng/protitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/opaqitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/prntitem.hxx>
#include <svx/fmglob.hxx>
#include <svx/svdouno.hxx>
#include <svx/fmpage.hxx>
#include <editeng/frmdiritem.hxx>

#include <swmodule.hxx>
#include <modcfg.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <rtl/logfile.hxx>
#include <SwStyleNameMapper.hxx>
#include <fchrfmt.hxx>
#include <errhdl.hxx>
#include <frmatr.hxx>
#include <txatbase.hxx>
#include <fmtfld.hxx>
#include <fmtornt.hxx>
#include <fmtcntnt.hxx>
#include <fmtanchr.hxx>
#include <fmtfsize.hxx>
#include <fmtsrnd.hxx>
#include <fmtflcnt.hxx>
#include <fmtcnct.hxx>
#include <frmfmt.hxx>
#include <dcontact.hxx>
#include <txtflcnt.hxx>
#include <docfld.hxx>   // fuer Expression-Felder
#include <pam.hxx>
#include <ndtxt.hxx>
#include <ndnotxt.hxx>
#include <ndole.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx>
#include <rootfrm.hxx>
#include <pagefrm.hxx>
#include <cntfrm.hxx>
#include <flyfrm.hxx>
#include <fesh.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <dflyobj.hxx>
#include <dcontact.hxx>
#include <swundo.hxx>
#include <flypos.hxx>
#include <UndoInsert.hxx>
#include <expfld.hxx>		// InsertLabel
#include <poolfmt.hxx>		// PoolVorlagen-Id's
#include <docary.hxx>
#include <swtable.hxx>
#include <tblsel.hxx>
#include <viewopt.hxx>
#include <fldupde.hxx>
#include <txtftn.hxx>
#include <ftnidx.hxx>
#include <ftninfo.hxx>
#include <pagedesc.hxx>
#include <PostItMgr.hxx>
#include <comcore.hrc>		// STR-ResId's

// #i11176#
#include <unoframe.hxx>
// OD 2004-05-24 #i28701#
#include <sortedobjs.hxx>

// --> OD 2004-07-26 #i32089#
#include <vector>
// <--

using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using ::rtl::OUString;

#define DEF_FLY_WIDTH	 2268	//Defaultbreite fuer FlyFrms	(2268 == 4cm)

/* #109161# */
static bool lcl_IsItemSet(const SwCntntNode & rNode, sal_uInt16 which)
    bool bResult = false;

    if (SFX_ITEM_SET == rNode.GetSwAttrSet().GetItemState(which))
        bResult = true;

    return bResult;

|*	SwDoc::MakeLayoutFmt()
|*	Beschreibung		Erzeugt ein neues Format das in seinen Einstellungen
|* 		Defaultmaessig zu dem Request passt. Das Format wird in das
|* 		entsprechende Formate-Array gestellt.
|* 		Wenn bereits ein passendes Format existiert, so wird dies
|* 		zurueckgeliefert.
|*	Ersterstellung		MA 22. Sep. 92
|*	Letzte Aenderung	JP 08.05.98

SwFrmFmt *SwDoc::MakeLayoutFmt( RndStdIds eRequest, const SfxItemSet* pSet )
	SwFrmFmt *pFmt = 0;
	const sal_Bool bMod = IsModified();
	sal_Bool bHeader = sal_False;

	switch ( eRequest )
			bHeader = sal_True;
			// kein break, es geht unten weiter
            pFmt = new SwFrmFmt( GetAttrPool(),
                                 (bHeader ? "Header" : "Footer"),
                                 GetDfltFrmFmt() );

			SwNodeIndex aTmpIdx( GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext() );
			SwStartNode* pSttNd =
                ( aTmpIdx,
                  bHeader ? SwHeaderStartNode : SwFooterStartNode,
                  GetTxtCollFromPool(static_cast<sal_uInt16>( bHeader
                                     ? ( eRequest == RND_STD_HEADERL
                                         ? RES_POOLCOLL_HEADERL
                                         : eRequest == RND_STD_HEADERR
                                         ? RES_POOLCOLL_HEADERR
                                         : RES_POOLCOLL_HEADER )
                                     : ( eRequest == RND_STD_FOOTERL
                                         ? RES_POOLCOLL_FOOTERL
                                         : eRequest == RND_STD_FOOTERR
                                         ? RES_POOLCOLL_FOOTERR
                                         : RES_POOLCOLL_FOOTER )
                                     ) ) );
            pFmt->SetFmtAttr( SwFmtCntnt( pSttNd ));

			if( pSet )		// noch ein paar Attribute setzen ?
                pFmt->SetFmtAttr( *pSet );

            // JP: warum zuruecksetzen ???	Doc. ist doch veraendert ???
            // bei den Fly auf jedenfall verkehrt !!
			if ( !bMod )

			pFmt = MakeDrawFrmFmt( aEmptyStr, GetDfltFrmFmt() );
			if( pSet )		// noch ein paar Attribute setzen ?
                pFmt->SetFmtAttr( *pSet );

            if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
                    new SwUndoInsLayFmt(pFmt, 0, 0));

#ifdef DBG_UTIL
    case FLY_AT_PAGE:
    case FLY_AT_CHAR:
    case FLY_AT_FLY:
    case FLY_AT_PARA:
    case FLY_AS_CHAR:
        ASSERT( false, "use new interface instead: SwDoc::MakeFlySection!" );

		ASSERT( !this,
				"Layoutformat mit ungueltigem Request angefordert." );

	return pFmt;
|*	SwDoc::DelLayoutFmt()
|*	Beschreibung		Loescht das angegebene Format, der Inhalt wird mit
|* 		geloescht.
|*	Ersterstellung		MA 23. Sep. 92
|*	Letzte Aenderung	MA 05. Feb. 93

void SwDoc::DelLayoutFmt( SwFrmFmt *pFmt )
	//Verkettung von Rahmen muss ggf. zusammengefuehrt werden.
	//Bevor die Frames vernichtet werden, damit die Inhalte der Rahmen
	//ggf. entsprechend gerichtet werden.
	const SwFmtChain &rChain = pFmt->GetChain();
	if ( rChain.GetPrev() )
		SwFmtChain aChain( rChain.GetPrev()->GetChain() );
		aChain.SetNext( rChain.GetNext() );
		SetAttr( aChain, *rChain.GetPrev() );
	if ( rChain.GetNext() )
		SwFmtChain aChain( rChain.GetNext()->GetChain() );
		aChain.SetPrev( rChain.GetPrev() );
		SetAttr( aChain, *rChain.GetNext() );

	const SwNodeIndex* pCntIdx = pFmt->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx();
    if (pCntIdx && !GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
		//Verbindung abbauen, falls es sich um ein OLE-Objekt handelt.
		SwOLENode* pOLENd = GetNodes()[ pCntIdx->GetIndex()+1 ]->GetOLENode();
		if( pOLENd && pOLENd->GetOLEObj().IsOleRef() )
			SwDoc* pDoc = (SwDoc*)pFmt->GetDoc();
			if( pDoc )
                SfxObjectShell* p = pDoc->GetPersist();
				if( p )		// muss da sein
					SvInfoObjectRef aRef( p->Find( pOLENd->GetOLEObj().GetName() ) );
					if( aRef.Is() )
            } */

            // TODO/MBA: the old object closed the object, cleared all references to it, but didn't remove it from the container.
            // I have no idea, why, nobody could explain it - so I do my very best to mimic this behavior
            //uno::Reference < util::XCloseable > xClose( pOLENd->GetOLEObj().GetOleRef(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
            //if ( xClose.is() )
                    pOLENd->GetOLEObj().GetOleRef()->changeState( embed::EmbedStates::LOADED );
                catch ( uno::Exception& )

            //pOLENd->GetOLEObj().GetOleRef() = 0;

	//Frms vernichten.

	// erstmal sind nur Fly's Undofaehig
	const sal_uInt16 nWh = pFmt->Which();
    if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo() &&
        (RES_FLYFRMFMT == nWh || RES_DRAWFRMFMT == nWh))
        GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( new SwUndoDelLayFmt( pFmt ));
        // --> OD 2004-07-26 #i32089# - delete at-frame anchored objects
        if ( nWh == RES_FLYFRMFMT )
            // determine frame formats of at-frame anchored objects
            const SwNodeIndex* pCntntIdx = pFmt->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx();
            if ( pCntntIdx )
                const SwSpzFrmFmts* pTbl = pFmt->GetDoc()->GetSpzFrmFmts();
                if ( pTbl )
                    std::vector<SwFrmFmt*> aToDeleteFrmFmts;
                    const sal_uLong nNodeIdxOfFlyFmt( pCntntIdx->GetIndex() );

                    for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pTbl->Count(); ++i )
                        SwFrmFmt* pTmpFmt = (*pTbl)[i];
                        const SwFmtAnchor &rAnch = pTmpFmt->GetAnchor();
                        if ( rAnch.GetAnchorId() == FLY_AT_FLY &&
                             rAnch.GetCntntAnchor()->nNode.GetIndex() == nNodeIdxOfFlyFmt )
                            aToDeleteFrmFmts.push_back( pTmpFmt );

                    // delete found frame formats
                    while ( !aToDeleteFrmFmts.empty() )
                        SwFrmFmt* pTmpFmt = aToDeleteFrmFmts.back();
                        pFmt->GetDoc()->DelLayoutFmt( pTmpFmt );

        // <--

		//Inhalt Loeschen.
		if( pCntIdx )
			SwNode *pNode = &pCntIdx->GetNode();
            ((SwFmtCntnt&)pFmt->GetFmtAttr( RES_CNTNT )).SetNewCntntIdx( 0 );
			DeleteSection( pNode );

		// ggfs. bei Zeichengebundenen Flys das Zeichen loeschen
		const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = pFmt->GetAnchor();
        if ((FLY_AS_CHAR == rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) && rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor())
			const SwPosition* pPos = rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor();
			SwTxtNode *pTxtNd = pPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();

            // attribute is still in text node, delete it
            if ( pTxtNd )
                SwTxtFlyCnt* const pAttr = static_cast<SwTxtFlyCnt*>(
                    pTxtNd->GetTxtAttrForCharAt( pPos->nContent.GetIndex(),
                        RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT ));
                if ( pAttr && (pAttr->GetFlyCnt().GetFrmFmt() == pFmt) )
                    // dont delete, set pointer to 0
                    SwIndex aIdx( pPos->nContent );
                    pTxtNd->EraseText( aIdx, 1 );

		DelFrmFmt( pFmt );

|*	SwDoc::CopyLayoutFmt()
|*	Beschreibung		Kopiert das angegebene Format pSrc in pDest und
|*						returnt pDest. Wenn es noch kein pDest gibt, wird
|*						eins angelegt.
|*						JP: steht das Source Format in einem anderen
|*							Dokument, so kopiere auch dann noch richtig !!
|*							Vom chaos::Anchor-Attribut wird die Position immer
|*							auf 0 gesetzt !!!
|*	Ersterstellung		BP 18.12.92
|*	Letzte Aenderung	MA 17. Jul. 96

SwFrmFmt *SwDoc::CopyLayoutFmt( const SwFrmFmt& rSource,
								const SwFmtAnchor& rNewAnchor,
                                bool bSetTxtFlyAtt, bool bMakeFrms )
    const bool bFly = RES_FLYFRMFMT == rSource.Which();
    const bool bDraw = RES_DRAWFRMFMT == rSource.Which();
    ASSERT( bFly || bDraw, "this method only works for fly or draw" );

	SwDoc* pSrcDoc = (SwDoc*)rSource.GetDoc();

    // #108784# may we copy this object?
    // We may, unless it's 1) it's a control (and therfore a draw)
    //                     2) anchored in a header/footer
    //                     3) anchored (to paragraph?)
    bool bMayNotCopy = false;
    if( bDraw )
        const SwDrawContact* pDrawContact =
            static_cast<const SwDrawContact*>( rSource.FindContactObj() );

        bMayNotCopy =
            ((FLY_AT_PARA == rNewAnchor.GetAnchorId()) ||
             (FLY_AT_FLY  == rNewAnchor.GetAnchorId()) ||
             (FLY_AT_CHAR == rNewAnchor.GetAnchorId())) &&
            rNewAnchor.GetCntntAnchor() &&
            IsInHeaderFooter( rNewAnchor.GetCntntAnchor()->nNode ) &&
            pDrawContact != NULL  &&
            pDrawContact->GetMaster() != NULL  &&
            CheckControlLayer( pDrawContact->GetMaster() );

    // just return if we can't copy this
    if( bMayNotCopy )
        return NULL;

	SwFrmFmt* pDest = GetDfltFrmFmt();
	if( rSource.GetRegisteredIn() != pSrcDoc->GetDfltFrmFmt() )
		pDest = CopyFrmFmt( *(SwFrmFmt*)rSource.GetRegisteredIn() );
	if( bFly )
		// #i11176#
		// To do a correct cloning concerning the ZOrder for all objects
		// it is necessary to actually create a draw object for fly frames, too.
		// These are then added to the DrawingLayer (which needs to exist).
		// Together with correct sorting of all drawinglayer based objects
		// before cloning ZOrder transfer works correctly then.
		SwFlyFrmFmt *pFormat = MakeFlyFrmFmt( rSource.GetName(), pDest );
		pDest = pFormat;

		pDest = MakeDrawFrmFmt( aEmptyStr, pDest );

	// alle anderen/neue Attribute kopieren.
	pDest->CopyAttrs( rSource );

	//Chains werden nicht kopiert.
    pDest->ResetFmtAttr( RES_CHAIN );

	if( bFly )
		//Der Inhalt wird dupliziert.
		const SwNode& rCSttNd = rSource.GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx()->GetNode();
		SwNodeRange aRg( rCSttNd, 1, *rCSttNd.EndOfSectionNode() );

		SwNodeIndex aIdx( GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext() );
		SwStartNode* pSttNd = GetNodes().MakeEmptySection( aIdx, SwFlyStartNode );

		// erst den chaos::Anchor/CntntIndex setzen, innerhalb des Kopierens
		// auf die Werte zugegriffen werden kann (DrawFmt in Kopf-/Fusszeilen)
		aIdx = *pSttNd;
		SwFmtCntnt aAttr( rSource.GetCntnt() );
		aAttr.SetNewCntntIdx( &aIdx );
        pDest->SetFmtAttr( aAttr );
        pDest->SetFmtAttr( rNewAnchor );

		if( !mbCopyIsMove || this != pSrcDoc )
			if( mbInReading )
				pDest->SetName( aEmptyStr );
				// Teste erstmal ob der Name schon vergeben ist.
				// Wenn ja -> neuen generieren
				sal_Int8 nNdTyp = aRg.aStart.GetNode().GetNodeType();

				String sOld( pDest->GetName() );
				pDest->SetName( aEmptyStr );
				if( FindFlyByName( sOld, nNdTyp ) )		// einen gefunden
					switch( nNdTyp )
					case ND_GRFNODE:	sOld = GetUniqueGrfName();		break;
					case ND_OLENODE:	sOld = GetUniqueOLEName();		break;
					default:			sOld = GetUniqueFrameName();	break;

				pDest->SetName( sOld );

        if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
            GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo(new SwUndoInsLayFmt(pDest,0,0));

		// sorge dafuer das auch Fly's in Fly's kopiert werden
		aIdx = *pSttNd->EndOfSectionNode();
        pSrcDoc->CopyWithFlyInFly( aRg, 0, aIdx, sal_False, sal_True, sal_True );
		ASSERT( RES_DRAWFRMFMT == rSource.Which(), "Weder Fly noch Draw." );
        // OD 2005-08-02 #i52780# - Note: moving object to visible layer not needed.
        SwDrawContact* pSourceContact = (SwDrawContact *)rSource.FindContactObj();

        SwDrawContact* pContact = new SwDrawContact( (SwDrawFrmFmt*)pDest,
                                CloneSdrObj( *pSourceContact->GetMaster(),
                                        mbCopyIsMove && this == pSrcDoc ) );
        // --> OD 2005-05-23 #i49730# - notify draw frame format
        // that position attributes are already set, if the position attributes
        // are already set at the source draw frame format.
        if ( pDest->ISA(SwDrawFrmFmt) &&
             rSource.ISA(SwDrawFrmFmt) &&
             static_cast<const SwDrawFrmFmt&>(rSource).IsPosAttrSet() )
        // <--

        if( pDest->GetAnchor() == rNewAnchor )
            // OD 03.07.2003 #108784# - do *not* connect to layout, if
            // a <MakeFrms> will not be called.
            if ( bMakeFrms )
                pContact->ConnectToLayout( &rNewAnchor );
            pDest->SetFmtAttr( rNewAnchor );

        if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
            GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo(new SwUndoInsLayFmt(pDest,0,0));

    if (bSetTxtFlyAtt && (FLY_AS_CHAR == rNewAnchor.GetAnchorId()))
        const SwPosition* pPos = rNewAnchor.GetCntntAnchor();
        SwFmtFlyCnt aFmt( pDest );
            aFmt, pPos->nContent.GetIndex(), 0 );

	if( bMakeFrms )

	return pDest;

SdrObject* SwDoc::CloneSdrObj( const SdrObject& rObj, sal_Bool bMoveWithinDoc,
								sal_Bool bInsInPage )
    // --> OD 2005-08-08 #i52858# - method name changed
    SdrPage *pPg = GetOrCreateDrawModel()->GetPage( 0 );
    // <--
	if( !pPg )
		pPg = GetDrawModel()->AllocPage( sal_False );
		GetDrawModel()->InsertPage( pPg );

	SdrObject *pObj = rObj.Clone();
	if( bMoveWithinDoc && FmFormInventor == pObj->GetObjInventor() )
		// bei Controls muss der Name erhalten bleiben
		uno::Reference< awt::XControlModel >  xModel = ((SdrUnoObj*)pObj)->GetUnoControlModel();
		uno::Any aVal;
		uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >  xSet(xModel, uno::UNO_QUERY);
		OUString sName( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("Name") );
		if( xSet.is() )
			aVal = xSet->getPropertyValue( sName );
		if( bInsInPage )
			pPg->InsertObject( pObj );
		if( xSet.is() )
			xSet->setPropertyValue( sName, aVal );
	else if( bInsInPage )
		pPg->InsertObject( pObj );

    // OD 02.07.2003 #108784# - for drawing objects: set layer of cloned object
    // to invisible layer
    SdrLayerID nLayerIdForClone = rObj.GetLayer();
    if ( !pObj->ISA(SwFlyDrawObj) &&
         !pObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) &&
         !IS_TYPE(SdrObject,pObj) )
        if ( IsVisibleLayerId( nLayerIdForClone ) )
            nLayerIdForClone = GetInvisibleLayerIdByVisibleOne( nLayerIdForClone );
    pObj->SetLayer( nLayerIdForClone );

    return pObj;

SwFlyFrmFmt* SwDoc::_MakeFlySection( const SwPosition& rAnchPos,
									const SwCntntNode& rNode,
									RndStdIds eRequestId,
									const SfxItemSet* pFlySet,
									SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt )
	if( !pFrmFmt )
		pFrmFmt = GetFrmFmtFromPool( RES_POOLFRM_FRAME );

	String sName;
	if( !mbInReading )
		switch( rNode.GetNodeType() )
		case ND_GRFNODE:		sName = GetUniqueGrfName();		break;
		case ND_OLENODE:        sName = GetUniqueOLEName();		break;
		default:				sName = GetUniqueFrameName();		break;
	SwFlyFrmFmt* pFmt = MakeFlyFrmFmt( sName, pFrmFmt );

	//Inhalt erzeugen und mit dem Format verbinden.
	//CntntNode erzeugen und in die Autotextsection stellen
	SwNodeRange aRange( GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext(), -1,
						GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext() );
	GetNodes().SectionDown( &aRange, SwFlyStartNode );

    pFmt->SetFmtAttr( SwFmtCntnt( rNode.StartOfSectionNode() ));

	const SwFmtAnchor* pAnchor = 0;
	if( pFlySet )
		pFlySet->GetItemState( RES_ANCHOR, sal_False,
								(const SfxPoolItem**)&pAnchor );
		if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pFlySet->GetItemState( RES_CNTNT, sal_False ))
			SfxItemSet aTmpSet( *pFlySet );
			aTmpSet.ClearItem( RES_CNTNT );
            pFmt->SetFmtAttr( aTmpSet );
            pFmt->SetFmtAttr( *pFlySet );

	// Anker noch nicht gesetzt ?
	RndStdIds eAnchorId = pAnchor ? pAnchor->GetAnchorId()
								  : pFmt->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId();
    // --> OD 2010-01-07 #i107811#
    // Assure that at-page anchored fly frames have a page num or a content anchor set.
    if ( !pAnchor ||
         ( FLY_AT_PAGE != pAnchor->GetAnchorId() &&
           !pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor() ) ||
         ( FLY_AT_PAGE == pAnchor->GetAnchorId() &&
           !pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor() &&
           pAnchor->GetPageNum() == 0 ) )
		// dann setze ihn, wird im Undo gebraucht
		SwFmtAnchor aAnch( pFmt->GetAnchor() );
        if (pAnchor && (FLY_AT_FLY == pAnchor->GetAnchorId()))
			SwPosition aPos( *rAnchPos.nNode.GetNode().FindFlyStartNode() );
			aAnch.SetAnchor( &aPos );
			eAnchorId = FLY_AT_FLY;
			if( eRequestId != aAnch.GetAnchorId() &&
				SFX_ITEM_SET != pFmt->GetItemState( RES_ANCHOR, sal_True ) )
				aAnch.SetType( eRequestId );

			eAnchorId = aAnch.GetAnchorId();
            if ( FLY_AT_PAGE != eAnchorId ||
                 ( FLY_AT_PAGE == eAnchorId &&
                   ( !pAnchor ||
                     aAnch.GetPageNum() == 0 ) ) )
				aAnch.SetAnchor( &rAnchPos );
        // <--
        pFmt->SetFmtAttr( aAnch );
		eAnchorId = pFmt->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId();

    if ( FLY_AS_CHAR == eAnchorId )
		xub_StrLen nStt = rAnchPos.nContent.GetIndex();
        SwTxtNode * pTxtNode = rAnchPos.nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();

        ASSERT(pTxtNode!= 0, "There should be a SwTxtNode!");

        if (pTxtNode != NULL)
            SwFmtFlyCnt aFmt( pFmt );
            pTxtNode->InsertItem( aFmt, nStt, nStt );

	if( SFX_ITEM_SET != pFmt->GetAttrSet().GetItemState( RES_FRM_SIZE ))
		SwFmtFrmSize aFmtSize( ATT_VAR_SIZE, 0, DEF_FLY_WIDTH );
		const SwNoTxtNode* pNoTxtNode = rNode.GetNoTxtNode();
		if( pNoTxtNode )
			//Groesse einstellen.
		 	Size aSize( pNoTxtNode->GetTwipSize() );
			if( MINFLY > aSize.Width() )
				aSize.Width() = DEF_FLY_WIDTH;
			aFmtSize.SetWidth( aSize.Width() );
			if( aSize.Height() )
				aFmtSize.SetHeight( aSize.Height() );
                aFmtSize.SetHeightSizeType( ATT_FIX_SIZE );
        pFmt->SetFmtAttr( aFmtSize );

	// Frames anlegen
	if( GetCurrentViewShell() )
		pFmt->MakeFrms();			// ???	//swmod 071108//swmod 071225

    if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
        sal_uLong nNodeIdx = rAnchPos.nNode.GetIndex();
        xub_StrLen nCntIdx = rAnchPos.nContent.GetIndex();
            new SwUndoInsLayFmt( pFmt, nNodeIdx, nCntIdx ));

	return pFmt;

SwFlyFrmFmt* SwDoc::MakeFlySection( RndStdIds eAnchorType,
									const SwPosition* pAnchorPos,
									const SfxItemSet* pFlySet,
									SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt, sal_Bool bCalledFromShell )
	SwFlyFrmFmt* pFmt = 0;
	sal_Bool bCallMake = sal_True;
    if ( !pAnchorPos && (FLY_AT_PAGE != eAnchorType) )
		const SwFmtAnchor* pAnch;
		if( (pFlySet && SFX_ITEM_SET == pFlySet->GetItemState(
				RES_ANCHOR, sal_False, (const SfxPoolItem**)&pAnch )) ||
			( pFrmFmt && SFX_ITEM_SET == pFrmFmt->GetItemState(
				RES_ANCHOR, sal_True, (const SfxPoolItem**)&pAnch )) )
            if ( (FLY_AT_PAGE != pAnch->GetAnchorId()) )
                pAnchorPos = pAnch->GetCntntAnchor();
                if (pAnchorPos)
                    bCallMake = sal_False;

	if( bCallMake )
		if( !pFrmFmt )
			pFrmFmt = GetFrmFmtFromPool( RES_POOLFRM_FRAME );

		sal_uInt16 nCollId = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(
            get(IDocumentSettingAccess::HTML_MODE) ? RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT : RES_POOLCOLL_FRAME );

        /* #109161# If there exists no adjust item in the paragraph
            style for the content node of the new fly section
            propagate an existing adjust item at the anchor to the new
            content node. */
        SwCntntNode * pNewTxtNd = GetNodes().MakeTxtNode
            (SwNodeIndex( GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext()),
             GetTxtCollFromPool( nCollId ));
        SwCntntNode * pAnchorNode = pAnchorPos->nNode.GetNode().GetCntntNode();

        const SfxPoolItem * pItem = NULL;

        if (bCalledFromShell && !lcl_IsItemSet(*pNewTxtNd, RES_PARATR_ADJUST) &&
            SFX_ITEM_SET == pAnchorNode->GetSwAttrSet().
            GetItemState(RES_PARATR_ADJUST, sal_True, &pItem))
            static_cast<SwCntntNode *>(pNewTxtNd)->SetAttr(*pItem);

 		pFmt = _MakeFlySection( *pAnchorPos, *pNewTxtNd,
								eAnchorType, pFlySet, pFrmFmt );
	return pFmt;

SwFlyFrmFmt* SwDoc::MakeFlyAndMove( const SwPaM& rPam, const SfxItemSet& rSet,
									const SwSelBoxes* pSelBoxes,
									SwFrmFmt *pParent )
	SwFmtAnchor& rAnch = (SwFmtAnchor&)rSet.Get( RES_ANCHOR );

    GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo( UNDO_INSLAYFMT, NULL );

	SwFlyFrmFmt* pFmt = MakeFlySection( rAnch.GetAnchorId(), rPam.GetPoint(),
										&rSet, pParent );

	// Wenn Inhalt selektiert ist, so wird dieser jetzt zum Inhalt des
	// neuen Rahmen. Sprich er wird in die entspr. Sektion des NodesArr

	if( pFmt )
		do {		// middle check loop
			const SwFmtCntnt &rCntnt = pFmt->GetCntnt();
			ASSERT( rCntnt.GetCntntIdx(), "Kein Inhalt vorbereitet." );
			SwNodeIndex aIndex( *(rCntnt.GetCntntIdx()), 1 );
			SwCntntNode *pNode = aIndex.GetNode().GetCntntNode();

			// ACHTUNG: nicht einen Index auf dem Stack erzeugen, sonst
			// 		   	kann der CntntnNode am Ende nicht geloscht werden !!
			SwPosition aPos( aIndex );
			aPos.nContent.Assign( pNode, 0 );

			if( pSelBoxes && pSelBoxes->Count() )
				// Tabellenselection
				// kopiere Teile aus einer Tabelle: lege eine Tabelle mit der
				// Breite der Originalen an und move (kopiere/loesche) die
				// selektierten Boxen. Die Groessen werden prozentual
				// korrigiert.

				SwTableNode* pTblNd = (SwTableNode*)(*pSelBoxes)[0]->
				if( !pTblNd )

				SwTable& rTbl = pTblNd->GetTable();

				// ist die gesamte Tabelle selektiert ?
				if( pSelBoxes->Count() == rTbl.GetTabSortBoxes().Count() )
					// verschiebe die gesamte Tabelle
					SwNodeRange aRg( *pTblNd, 0, *pTblNd->EndOfSectionNode(), 1 );

					// wird die gesamte Tabelle verschoben und steht diese
					// in einem FlyFrame, dann erzeuge dahinter einen neuen
					// TextNode. Dadurch bleibt dieser Fly erhalten !
					if( aRg.aEnd.GetNode().IsEndNode() )
						GetNodes().MakeTxtNode( aRg.aStart,
									(SwTxtFmtColl*)GetDfltTxtFmtColl() );

                    MoveNodeRange( aRg, aPos.nNode, DOC_MOVEDEFAULT );
					rTbl.MakeCopy( this, aPos, *pSelBoxes );
                    // Don't delete a part of a table with row span!!
                    // You could delete the content instead -> ToDo
					//rTbl.DeleteSel( this, *pSelBoxes, 0, 0, sal_True, sal_True );

				// wenn Tabelle im Rahmen, dann ohne nachfolgenden TextNode
				aIndex = rCntnt.GetCntntIdx()->GetNode().EndOfSectionIndex() - 1;
				ASSERT( aIndex.GetNode().GetTxtNode(),
						"hier sollte ein TextNode stehen" );
				aPos.nContent.Assign( 0, 0 );		// Index abmelden !!
				GetNodes().Delete( aIndex, 1 );

//JP erstmal ein Hack, solange keine Flys/Headers/Footers Undofaehig sind
// werden erstmal alle Undo - Objecte geloescht.
if( GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo() )

				// alle Pams verschieben
				SwPaM* pTmp = (SwPaM*)&rPam;
				do {
					if( pTmp->HasMark() &&
						*pTmp->GetPoint() != *pTmp->GetMark() )
						MoveAndJoin( *pTmp, aPos );
				} while( &rPam != ( pTmp = (SwPaM*)pTmp->GetNext() ) );
				// copy all Pams and then delete all
				SwPaM* pTmp = (SwPaM*)&rPam;
                sal_Bool bOldFlag = mbCopyIsMove;
                bool const bOldUndo = GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo();
				mbCopyIsMove = sal_True;
				do {
					if( pTmp->HasMark() &&
						*pTmp->GetPoint() != *pTmp->GetMark() )
                        CopyRange( *pTmp, aPos, false );
                    pTmp = static_cast<SwPaM*>(pTmp->GetNext());
                } while ( &rPam != pTmp );
				mbCopyIsMove = bOldFlag;

				pTmp = (SwPaM*)&rPam;
				do {
					if( pTmp->HasMark() &&
						*pTmp->GetPoint() != *pTmp->GetMark() )
						DeleteAndJoin( *pTmp );
                    pTmp = static_cast<SwPaM*>(pTmp->GetNext());
                } while ( &rPam != pTmp );
		} while( sal_False );


    GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo( UNDO_INSLAYFMT, NULL );

	return pFmt;

	//Einfuegen eines DrawObjectes. Das Object muss bereits im DrawModel
	// angemeldet sein.
SwDrawFrmFmt* SwDoc::Insert( const SwPaM &rRg,
							 SdrObject& rDrawObj,
							 const SfxItemSet* pFlyAttrSet,
							 SwFrmFmt* pDefFmt )
	SwDrawFrmFmt *pFmt = MakeDrawFrmFmt( aEmptyStr,
										pDefFmt ? pDefFmt : GetDfltFrmFmt() );

	const SwFmtAnchor* pAnchor = 0;
	if( pFlyAttrSet )
		pFlyAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_ANCHOR, sal_False,
									(const SfxPoolItem**)&pAnchor );
        pFmt->SetFmtAttr( *pFlyAttrSet );

	RndStdIds eAnchorId = pAnchor ? pAnchor->GetAnchorId()
								  : pFmt->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId();

	// Anker noch nicht gesetzt ?
	// DrawObjecte duerfen niemals in Kopf-/Fusszeilen landen.
    const bool bIsAtCntnt = (FLY_AT_PAGE != eAnchorId);

	const SwNodeIndex* pChkIdx = 0;
	if( !pAnchor )
		pChkIdx = &rRg.GetPoint()->nNode;
	else if( bIsAtCntnt )
		pChkIdx = pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor()
					? &pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor()->nNode
					: &rRg.GetPoint()->nNode;

    // OD 24.06.2003 #108784# - allow drawing objects in header/footer, but
    // control objects aren't allowed in header/footer.
    if( pChkIdx &&
        ::CheckControlLayer( &rDrawObj ) &&
        IsInHeaderFooter( *pChkIdx ) )
       pFmt->SetFmtAttr( SwFmtAnchor( eAnchorId = FLY_AT_PAGE ) );
    else if( !pAnchor || (bIsAtCntnt && !pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor() ))
		// dann setze ihn, wird im Undo gebraucht
		SwFmtAnchor aAnch( pAnchor ? *pAnchor : pFmt->GetAnchor() );
		eAnchorId = aAnch.GetAnchorId();
		if( FLY_AT_FLY == eAnchorId )
			SwPosition aPos( *rRg.GetNode()->FindFlyStartNode() );
			aAnch.SetAnchor( &aPos );
			aAnch.SetAnchor( rRg.GetPoint() );
            if ( FLY_AT_PAGE == eAnchorId )
				eAnchorId = rDrawObj.ISA( SdrUnoObj )
                                    ? FLY_AS_CHAR : FLY_AT_PARA;
				aAnch.SetType( eAnchorId );
        pFmt->SetFmtAttr( aAnch );

	// bei als Zeichen gebundenen Draws das Attribut im Absatz setzen
    if ( FLY_AS_CHAR == eAnchorId )
		xub_StrLen nStt = rRg.GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex();
        SwFmtFlyCnt aFmt( pFmt );
                aFmt, nStt, nStt );

    SwDrawContact* pContact = new SwDrawContact( pFmt, &rDrawObj );

	// ggfs. Frames anlegen
	if( GetCurrentViewShell() )
        // --> OD 2005-02-09 #i42319# - follow-up of #i35635#
        // move object to visible layer
        // --> OD 2007-07-10 #i79391#
        if ( pContact->GetAnchorFrm() )
            pContact->MoveObjToVisibleLayer( &rDrawObj );
        // <--

    if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
        GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( new SwUndoInsLayFmt(pFmt, 0, 0) );

	return pFmt;

|*	SwDoc::GetAllFlyFmts
|*	Ersterstellung		MA 14. Jul. 93
|*	Letzte Aenderung	MD 23. Feb. 95

/*sal_Bool TstFlyRange( const SwPaM* pPam, sal_uInt32 nFlyPos )
	sal_Bool bOk = sal_False;
	const SwPaM* pTmp = pPam;
	do {
		bOk = pTmp->Start()->nNode.GetIndex() < nFlyPos &&
				pTmp->End()->nNode.GetIndex() > nFlyPos;
	} while( !bOk && pPam != ( pTmp = (const SwPaM*)pTmp->GetNext() ));
	return bOk;
/* -----------------------------04.04.00 10:55--------------------------------
	paragraph frames - o.k. if the PaM includes the paragraph from the beginning
					   to the beginning of the next paragraph at least
	frames at character - o.k. if the pam start at least at the same position
 						as the frame
sal_Bool TstFlyRange( const SwPaM* pPam, const SwPosition* pFlyPos,
						RndStdIds nAnchorId )
	sal_Bool bOk = sal_False;
	const SwPaM* pTmp = pPam;
	do {
		const sal_uInt32 nFlyIndex = pFlyPos->nNode.GetIndex();
		const SwPosition* pPaMStart = pTmp->Start();
		const SwPosition* pPaMEnd = pTmp->End();
		const sal_uInt32 nPamStartIndex = pPaMStart->nNode.GetIndex();
		const sal_uInt32 nPamEndIndex = pPaMEnd->nNode.GetIndex();
        if (FLY_AT_PARA == nAnchorId)
			bOk = (nPamStartIndex < nFlyIndex && nPamEndIndex > nFlyIndex) ||
			   (((nPamStartIndex == nFlyIndex) && (pPaMStart->nContent.GetIndex() == 0)) &&
			   (nPamEndIndex > nFlyIndex));
			xub_StrLen nFlyContentIndex = pFlyPos->nContent.GetIndex();
			xub_StrLen nPamEndContentIndex = pPaMEnd->nContent.GetIndex();
			bOk = (nPamStartIndex < nFlyIndex &&
				(( nPamEndIndex > nFlyIndex )||
				 ((nPamEndIndex == nFlyIndex) &&
                  (nPamEndContentIndex > nFlyContentIndex))) )
			   		(((nPamStartIndex == nFlyIndex) &&
					  (pPaMStart->nContent.GetIndex() <= nFlyContentIndex)) &&
                     ((nPamEndIndex > nFlyIndex) ||
                     (nPamEndContentIndex > nFlyContentIndex )));

	} while( !bOk && pPam != ( pTmp = (const SwPaM*)pTmp->GetNext() ));
	return bOk;

void SwDoc::GetAllFlyFmts( SwPosFlyFrms& rPosFlyFmts,
						   const SwPaM* pCmpRange, sal_Bool bDrawAlso ) const
	SwPosFlyFrm *pFPos = 0;
	SwFrmFmt *pFly;

	// erstmal alle Absatzgebundenen einsammeln
	for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < GetSpzFrmFmts()->Count(); ++n )
		pFly = (*GetSpzFrmFmts())[ n ];
		bool bDrawFmt = bDrawAlso ? RES_DRAWFRMFMT == pFly->Which() : false;
		bool bFlyFmt = RES_FLYFRMFMT == pFly->Which();
		if( bFlyFmt || bDrawFmt )
			const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = pFly->GetAnchor();
            SwPosition const*const pAPos = rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor();
            if (pAPos &&
                ((FLY_AT_PARA == rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) ||
                 (FLY_AT_FLY  == rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) ||
                 (FLY_AT_CHAR == rAnchor.GetAnchorId())))
				if( pCmpRange &&
					!TstFlyRange( pCmpRange, pAPos, rAnchor.GetAnchorId() ))
						continue;		// kein gueltiger FlyFrame
				pFPos = new SwPosFlyFrm( pAPos->nNode, pFly, rPosFlyFmts.Count() );
				rPosFlyFmts.Insert( pFPos );

	// kein Layout oder nur ein Teil, dann wars das
	// Seitenbezogen Flys nur, wenn vollstaendig "gewuenscht" wird !
	if( !GetCurrentViewShell() || pCmpRange )	//swmod 071108//swmod 071225

	pFPos = 0;
	SwPageFrm *pPage = (SwPageFrm*)GetCurrentLayout()->GetLower();	//swmod 080218
	while( pPage )
		if( pPage->GetSortedObjs() )
            SwSortedObjs &rObjs = *pPage->GetSortedObjs();
			for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rObjs.Count(); ++i)
                SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = rObjs[i];
                if ( pAnchoredObj->ISA(SwFlyFrm) )
                    pFly = &(pAnchoredObj->GetFrmFmt());
				else if ( bDrawAlso )
                    pFly = &(pAnchoredObj->GetFrmFmt());

				const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = pFly->GetAnchor();
                if ((FLY_AT_PARA != rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) &&
                    (FLY_AT_FLY  != rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) &&
                    (FLY_AT_CHAR != rAnchor.GetAnchorId()))
					const SwCntntFrm * pCntntFrm = pPage->FindFirstBodyCntnt();
					if ( !pCntntFrm )
						//Oops! Eine leere Seite. Damit der Rahmen nicht ganz
						//verlorengeht (RTF) suchen wir schnell den letzen
						//Cntnt der vor der Seite steht.
						SwPageFrm *pPrv = (SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetPrev();
						while ( !pCntntFrm && pPrv )
							pCntntFrm = pPrv->FindFirstBodyCntnt();
							pPrv = (SwPageFrm*)pPrv->GetPrev();
					if ( pCntntFrm )
						SwNodeIndex aIdx( *pCntntFrm->GetNode() );
						pFPos = new SwPosFlyFrm( aIdx, pFly, rPosFlyFmts.Count() );
				if ( pFPos )
					rPosFlyFmts.Insert( pFPos );
					pFPos = 0;
		pPage = (SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetNext();

|*	SwDoc::InsertLabel()
|*	Ersterstellung		MA 11. Feb. 94
|*	Letzte Aenderung	MA 12. Nov. 97

/* #i6447# changed behaviour if lcl_CpyAttr:

   If the old item set contains the item to set (no inheritance) copy the item
   into the new set.

   If the old item set contains the item by inheritance and the new set
   contains the item, too:
      If the two items differ copy the item from the old set to the new set.

   Otherwise the new set will not be changed.

void lcl_CpyAttr( SfxItemSet &rNewSet, const SfxItemSet &rOldSet, sal_uInt16 nWhich )
	const SfxPoolItem *pOldItem = NULL, *pNewItem = NULL;

    rOldSet.GetItemState( nWhich, sal_False, &pOldItem);
	if (pOldItem != NULL)
		rNewSet.Put( *pOldItem );
        pOldItem = rOldSet.GetItem( nWhich, sal_True);
        if (pOldItem != NULL)
            pNewItem = rNewSet.GetItem( nWhich, sal_True);
            if (pNewItem != NULL)
                if (*pOldItem != *pNewItem)
                    rNewSet.Put( *pOldItem );
            else {
                ASSERT(0, "What am I doing here?");
        else {
            ASSERT(0, "What am I doing here?");


static SwFlyFrmFmt *
lcl_InsertLabel(SwDoc & rDoc, SwTxtFmtColls *const pTxtFmtCollTbl,
        SwUndoInsertLabel *const pUndo,
        SwLabelType const eType, String const& rTxt, String const& rSeparator,
            const String& rNumberingSeparator,
			const sal_Bool bBefore, const sal_uInt16 nId, const sal_uLong nNdIdx,
            const String& rCharacterStyle,
			const sal_Bool bCpyBrd )
    ::sw::UndoGuard const undoGuard(rDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo());

    sal_Bool bTable = sal_False;    //Um etwas Code zu sparen.

	//Erstmal das Feld bauen, weil ueber den Namen die TxtColl besorgt werden
    OSL_ENSURE( nId == USHRT_MAX  || nId < rDoc.GetFldTypes()->Count(),
            "FldType index out of bounds." );
    SwFieldType *pType = (nId != USHRT_MAX) ? (*rDoc.GetFldTypes())[nId] : NULL;
    OSL_ENSURE(!pType || pType->Which() == RES_SETEXPFLD, "wrong Id for Label");

    SwTxtFmtColl * pColl = NULL;
    if( pType )
	    for( sal_uInt16 i = pTxtFmtCollTbl->Count(); i; )
		    if( (*pTxtFmtCollTbl)[ --i ]->GetName() == pType->GetName() )
			    pColl = (*pTxtFmtCollTbl)[i];
        DBG_ASSERT( pColl, "no text collection found" );

    if( !pColl )
        pColl = rDoc.GetTxtCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL );

    SwTxtNode *pNew = NULL;
    SwFlyFrmFmt* pNewFmt = NULL;

	switch ( eType )
			bTable = sal_True;
			/* Kein Break hier */
		case LTYPE_FLY:
			//Am Anfang/Ende der Fly-Section den entsprechenden Node mit Feld
			//einfuegen (Frame wird automatisch erzeugt).
                SwStartNode *pSttNd = rDoc.GetNodes()[nNdIdx]->GetStartNode();
				ASSERT( pSttNd, "Kein StartNode in InsertLabel." );
				sal_uLong nNode;
				if( bBefore )
					nNode = pSttNd->GetIndex();
					if( !bTable )
					nNode = pSttNd->EndOfSectionIndex();
					if( bTable )

				if( pUndo )
					pUndo->SetNodePos( nNode );

				//Node fuer Beschriftungsabsatz erzeugen.
                SwNodeIndex aIdx( rDoc.GetNodes(), nNode );
                pNew = rDoc.GetNodes().MakeTxtNode( aIdx, pColl );

				//Rahmen zerstoeren, neuen Rahmen einfuegen, entsprechenden
				// Node mit Feld in den neuen Rahmen, den alten Rahmen mit
				// dem Object (Grafik/Ole) absatzgebunden in den neuen Rahmen,
				// Frames erzeugen.

				//Erstmal das Format zum Fly besorgen und das Layout entkoppeln.
                SwFrmFmt *pOldFmt = rDoc.GetNodes()[nNdIdx]->GetFlyFmt();
				ASSERT( pOldFmt, "Format des Fly nicht gefunden." );
                // --> OD #i115719#
                // <title> and <description> attributes are lost when calling <DelFrms()>.
                // Thus, keep them and restore them after the calling <MakeFrms()>
                const bool bIsSwFlyFrmFmtInstance( dynamic_cast<SwFlyFrmFmt*>(pOldFmt) != 0 );
                const String sTitle( bIsSwFlyFrmFmtInstance
                                     ? static_cast<SwFlyFrmFmt*>(pOldFmt)->GetObjTitle()
                                     : String() );
                const String sDescription( bIsSwFlyFrmFmtInstance
                                           ? static_cast<SwFlyFrmFmt*>(pOldFmt)->GetObjDescription()
                                           : String() );
                // <--

                pNewFmt = rDoc.MakeFlyFrmFmt( rDoc.GetUniqueFrameName(),
                                rDoc.GetFrmFmtFromPool(RES_POOLFRM_FRAME) );

                /* #i6447#: Only the selected items are copied from the old
                   format. */
				SfxItemSet* pNewSet = pNewFmt->GetAttrSet().Clone( sal_True );

				//Diejenigen Attribute uebertragen die auch gesetzt sind,
				//andere sollen weiterhin aus den Vorlagen gueltig werden.
				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_PRINT );
				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_OPAQUE );
				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_PROTECT );
				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_SURROUND );
				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_VERT_ORIENT );
				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_HORI_ORIENT );
				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_LR_SPACE );
				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_UL_SPACE );
				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_BACKGROUND );
				if( bCpyBrd )
					// JP 07.07.99: Bug 67029 - if at Grafik no BoxItem but
					// 				in the new Format is any, then set the
					//				default item in the new Set. Because
					// 				the Size of the Grafik have never been
					//				changed!
					const SfxPoolItem *pItem;
					if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pOldFmt->GetAttrSet().
							GetItemState( RES_BOX, sal_True, &pItem ))
						pNewSet->Put( *pItem );
					else if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pNewFmt->GetAttrSet().
							GetItemState( RES_BOX, sal_True ))
						pNewSet->Put( *GetDfltAttr( RES_BOX ) );

					if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pOldFmt->GetAttrSet().
							GetItemState( RES_SHADOW, sal_True, &pItem ))
						pNewSet->Put( *pItem );
					else if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pNewFmt->GetAttrSet().
							GetItemState( RES_SHADOW, sal_True ))
						pNewSet->Put( *GetDfltAttr( RES_SHADOW ) );
					//Die Attribute hart setzen, weil sie sonst aus der
					// Vorlage kommen koenten und dann passt die
					// Grossenberechnung nicht mehr.
                    pNewSet->Put( SvxBoxItem(RES_BOX) );
                    pNewSet->Put( SvxShadowItem(RES_SHADOW) );


				//Anker immer uebertragen, ist sowieso ein hartes Attribut.
				pNewSet->Put( pOldFmt->GetAnchor() );

				//In der Hoehe soll der neue Varabel sein!
				SwFmtFrmSize aFrmSize( pOldFmt->GetFrmSize() );
                aFrmSize.SetHeightSizeType( ATT_MIN_SIZE );
				pNewSet->Put( aFrmSize );

                SwStartNode* pSttNd = rDoc.GetNodes().MakeTextSection(
                            SwNodeIndex( rDoc.GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext() ),
							SwFlyStartNode, pColl );
				pNewSet->Put( SwFmtCntnt( pSttNd ));

                pNewFmt->SetFmtAttr( *pNewSet );

				//Bei InCntnt's wird es spannend: Das TxtAttribut muss
				//vernichtet werden. Leider reisst dies neben den Frms auch
				//noch das Format mit in sein Grab. Um dass zu unterbinden
				//loesen wir vorher die Verbindung zwischen Attribut und Format.

				const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = pNewFmt->GetAnchor();
                if ( FLY_AS_CHAR == rAnchor.GetAnchorId() )
					const SwPosition *pPos = rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor();
					SwTxtNode *pTxtNode = pPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
					ASSERT( pTxtNode->HasHints(), "Missing FlyInCnt-Hint." );
					const xub_StrLen nIdx = pPos->nContent.GetIndex();
                    SwTxtAttr * const pHnt =
                        pTxtNode->GetTxtAttrForCharAt(nIdx, RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT);

					ASSERT( pHnt && pHnt->Which() == RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT,
								"Missing FlyInCnt-Hint." );
                    ASSERT( pHnt && pHnt->GetFlyCnt().GetFrmFmt() == pOldFmt,
								"Wrong TxtFlyCnt-Hint." );

                            pNewFmt );

				//Der Alte soll keinen Umlauf haben, und er soll oben/mittig
				//ausgerichtet sein.
				//Ausserdem soll die Breite 100% betragen und bei Aenderungen
				//Die Hoehe mit anpassen.

				pNewSet->Put( SwFmtSurround( SURROUND_NONE ) );
				pNewSet->Put( SvxOpaqueItem( RES_OPAQUE, sal_True ) );
                pNewSet->Put( SwFmtVertOrient( text::VertOrientation::TOP ) );
                pNewSet->Put( SwFmtHoriOrient( text::HoriOrientation::CENTER ) );

				aFrmSize = pOldFmt->GetFrmSize();
				aFrmSize.SetWidthPercent( 100 );
				aFrmSize.SetHeightPercent( 255 );
				pNewSet->Put( aFrmSize );

				//Die Attribute setzen wir hart, weil sie sonst aus der Vorlage
				//kommen koenten und dann passt die Grossenberechnung nicht mehr.
				if( bCpyBrd )
                    pNewSet->Put( SvxBoxItem(RES_BOX) );
                    pNewSet->Put( SvxShadowItem(RES_SHADOW) );
                pNewSet->Put( SvxLRSpaceItem(RES_LR_SPACE) );
                pNewSet->Put( SvxULSpaceItem(RES_UL_SPACE) );

				//Der Alte ist absatzgebunden, und zwar am Absatz im neuen.
                SwFmtAnchor aAnch( FLY_AT_PARA );
				SwNodeIndex aAnchIdx( *pNewFmt->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx(), 1 );
				pNew = aAnchIdx.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
				SwPosition aPos( aAnchIdx );
				aAnch.SetAnchor( &aPos );
				pNewSet->Put( aAnch );

				if( pUndo )
					pUndo->SetFlys( *pOldFmt, *pNewSet, *pNewFmt );
                    pOldFmt->SetFmtAttr( *pNewSet );

				delete pNewSet;

				//Nun nur noch die Flys erzeugen lassen. Das ueberlassen
				//wir vorhanden Methoden (insb. fuer InCntFlys etwas aufwendig).
                // --> OD #i115719#
                if ( bIsSwFlyFrmFmtInstance )
                    static_cast<SwFlyFrmFmt*>(pOldFmt)->SetObjTitle( sTitle );
                    static_cast<SwFlyFrmFmt*>(pOldFmt)->SetObjDescription( sDescription );
                // <--

            OSL_ENSURE(false, "unknown LabelType?");
	ASSERT( pNew, "No Label inserted" );
	if( pNew )
        //#i61007# order of captions
        sal_Bool bOrderNumberingFirst = SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig()->IsCaptionOrderNumberingFirst();
		//String aufbereiten
        String aTxt;
        if( bOrderNumberingFirst )
            aTxt = rNumberingSeparator;
        if( pType)
            aTxt += pType->GetName();
            if( !bOrderNumberingFirst )
                aTxt += ' ';
		xub_StrLen nIdx = aTxt.Len();
        if( rTxt.Len() > 0 )
            aTxt += rSeparator;
        xub_StrLen nSepIdx = aTxt.Len();
        aTxt += rTxt;

		//String einfuegen
		SwIndex aIdx( pNew, 0 );
        pNew->InsertText( aTxt, aIdx );

		//Feld einfuegen
            SwSetExpField aFld( (SwSetExpFieldType*)pType, aEmptyStr, SVX_NUM_ARABIC);
            if( bOrderNumberingFirst )
                nIdx = 0;
            SwFmtFld aFmt( aFld );
            pNew->InsertItem( aFmt, nIdx, nIdx );
                SwCharFmt* pCharFmt = rDoc.FindCharFmtByName(rCharacterStyle);
                if( !pCharFmt )
                    const sal_uInt16 nMyId = SwStyleNameMapper::GetPoolIdFromUIName(rCharacterStyle, nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_CHRFMT);
                    pCharFmt = rDoc.GetCharFmtFromPool( nMyId );
                if (pCharFmt)
                    SwFmtCharFmt aCharFmt( pCharFmt );
                    pNew->InsertItem( aCharFmt, 0,
                        nSepIdx + 1, nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_DONTEXPAND );

		if ( bTable )
			if ( bBefore )
				if ( !pNew->GetSwAttrSet().GetKeep().GetValue()  )
                    pNew->SetAttr( SvxFmtKeepItem( sal_True, RES_KEEP ) );
                SwTableNode *const pNd =
				SwTable &rTbl = pNd->GetTable();
				if ( !rTbl.GetFrmFmt()->GetKeep().GetValue() )
                    rTbl.GetFrmFmt()->SetFmtAttr( SvxFmtKeepItem( sal_True, RES_KEEP ) );
				if ( pUndo )

	return pNewFmt;

SwFlyFrmFmt *
        SwLabelType const eType, String const& rTxt, String const& rSeparator,
        String const& rNumberingSeparator,
        sal_Bool const bBefore, sal_uInt16 const nId, sal_uLong const nNdIdx,
        String const& rCharacterStyle,
        sal_Bool const bCpyBrd )
    SwUndoInsertLabel * pUndo(0);
    if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
        pUndo = new SwUndoInsertLabel(
                        eType, rTxt, rSeparator, rNumberingSeparator,
                        bBefore, nId, rCharacterStyle, bCpyBrd );

    SwFlyFrmFmt *const pNewFmt = lcl_InsertLabel(*this, pTxtFmtCollTbl, pUndo,
            eType, rTxt, rSeparator, rNumberingSeparator, bBefore,
            nId, nNdIdx, rCharacterStyle, bCpyBrd);

    if (pUndo)

    return pNewFmt;

|*	SwDoc::InsertDrawLabel()
|*	Ersterstellung		MIB 7. Dez. 98
|*	Letzte Aenderung	MIB 7. Dez. 98

static SwFlyFrmFmt *
lcl_InsertDrawLabel( SwDoc & rDoc, SwTxtFmtColls *const pTxtFmtCollTbl,
        SwUndoInsertLabel *const pUndo, SwDrawFrmFmt *const pOldFmt,
        String const& rTxt,
                                     const String& rSeparator,
                                     const String& rNumberSeparator,
									 const sal_uInt16 nId,
                                     const String& rCharacterStyle,
                                     SdrObject& rSdrObj )
    ::sw::UndoGuard const undoGuard(rDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
    ::sw::DrawUndoGuard const drawUndoGuard(rDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo());

	// Erstmal das Feld bauen, weil ueber den Namen die TxtColl besorgt
	// werden muss
    OSL_ENSURE( nId == USHRT_MAX  || nId < rDoc.GetFldTypes()->Count(),
            "FldType index out of bounds" );
    SwFieldType *pType = nId != USHRT_MAX ? (*rDoc.GetFldTypes())[nId] : 0;
    OSL_ENSURE( !pType || pType->Which() == RES_SETEXPFLD, "Wrong label id" );

    SwTxtFmtColl *pColl = NULL;
    if( pType )
        for( sal_uInt16 i = pTxtFmtCollTbl->Count(); i; )
            if( (*pTxtFmtCollTbl)[ --i ]->GetName() == pType->GetName() )
                pColl = (*pTxtFmtCollTbl)[i];
        DBG_ASSERT( pColl, "no text collection found" );

    if( !pColl )
        pColl = rDoc.GetTxtCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL );

    SwTxtNode* pNew = NULL;
    SwFlyFrmFmt* pNewFmt = NULL;

	// Rahmen zerstoeren, neuen Rahmen einfuegen, entsprechenden
	// Node mit Feld in den neuen Rahmen, den alten Rahmen mit
	// dem Object (Grafik/Ole) absatzgebunden in den neuen Rahmen,
	// Frames erzeugen.

    // OD 27.11.2003 #112045# - Keep layer ID of drawing object before removing
    // its frames.
    // Note: The layer ID is passed to the undo and have to be the correct value.
    //       Removing the frames of the drawing object changes its layer.
    const SdrLayerID nLayerId = rSdrObj.GetLayer();


	//Bei InCntnt's wird es spannend: Das TxtAttribut muss
	//vernichtet werden. Leider reisst dies neben den Frms auch
	//noch das Format mit in sein Grab. Um dass zu unterbinden
	//loesen wir vorher die Verbindung zwischen Attribut und Format.
	SfxItemSet* pNewSet = pOldFmt->GetAttrSet().Clone( sal_False );

	// Ggf. Groesse und Position des Rahmens schuetzen
	if ( rSdrObj.IsMoveProtect() || rSdrObj.IsResizeProtect() )
        SvxProtectItem aProtect(RES_PROTECT);
		aProtect.SetCntntProtect( sal_False );
		aProtect.SetPosProtect( rSdrObj.IsMoveProtect() );
		aProtect.SetSizeProtect( rSdrObj.IsResizeProtect() );
		pNewSet->Put( aProtect );

	// Umlauf uebernehmen
	lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_SURROUND );

	// Den Rahmen ggf. in den Hintergrund schicken.
    // OD 02.07.2003 #108784# - consider 'invisible' hell layer.
    if ( rDoc.GetHellId() != nLayerId &&
         rDoc.GetInvisibleHellId() != nLayerId )
        SvxOpaqueItem aOpaque( RES_OPAQUE );
		aOpaque.SetValue( sal_True );
		pNewSet->Put( aOpaque );

	// Position uebernehmen
    // OD 2004-04-15 #i26791# - use directly the positioning attributes of
    // the drawing object.
    pNewSet->Put( pOldFmt->GetHoriOrient() );
    pNewSet->Put( pOldFmt->GetVertOrient() );

	pNewSet->Put( pOldFmt->GetAnchor() );

	//In der Hoehe soll der neue Varabel sein!
 	Size aSz( rSdrObj.GetCurrentBoundRect().GetSize() );
	SwFmtFrmSize aFrmSize( ATT_MIN_SIZE, aSz.Width(), aSz.Height() );
	pNewSet->Put( aFrmSize );

	// Abstaende auf den neuen Rahmen uebertragen. Eine Umrandung
	// gibt es beu Zeichen-Objekten nicht, also muss sie geloescht
	// werden.
	// MA: Falsch sie wird nicht gesetzt, denn die aus der Vorlage
	// soll ruhig wirksam werden
	pNewSet->Put( pOldFmt->GetLRSpace() );
	pNewSet->Put( pOldFmt->GetULSpace() );

    SwStartNode* pSttNd =
            SwNodeIndex( rDoc.GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext() ),
                                    SwFlyStartNode, pColl );

    pNewFmt = rDoc.MakeFlyFrmFmt( rDoc.GetUniqueFrameName(),
                 rDoc.GetFrmFmtFromPool( RES_POOLFRM_FRAME ) );

	// JP 28.10.99: Bug 69487 - set border and shadow to default if the
	// 				template contains any.
	if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pNewFmt->GetAttrSet().GetItemState( RES_BOX, sal_True ))
		pNewSet->Put( *GetDfltAttr( RES_BOX ) );

	if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pNewFmt->GetAttrSet().GetItemState(RES_SHADOW,sal_True))
		pNewSet->Put( *GetDfltAttr( RES_SHADOW ) );

    pNewFmt->SetFmtAttr( SwFmtCntnt( pSttNd ));
    pNewFmt->SetFmtAttr( *pNewSet );

	const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = pNewFmt->GetAnchor();
    if ( FLY_AS_CHAR == rAnchor.GetAnchorId() )
		const SwPosition *pPos = rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor();
		SwTxtNode *pTxtNode = pPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
		ASSERT( pTxtNode->HasHints(), "Missing FlyInCnt-Hint." );
		const xub_StrLen nIdx = pPos->nContent.GetIndex();
        SwTxtAttr * const pHnt =
            pTxtNode->GetTxtAttrForCharAt( nIdx, RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT );

#ifdef DBG_UTIL
		ASSERT( pHnt && pHnt->Which() == RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT,
					"Missing FlyInCnt-Hint." );
		ASSERT( pHnt && ((SwFmtFlyCnt&)pHnt->GetFlyCnt()).
					GetFrmFmt() == (SwFrmFmt*)pOldFmt,
					"Wrong TxtFlyCnt-Hint." );
        const_cast<SwFmtFlyCnt&>(pHnt->GetFlyCnt()).SetFlyFmt( pNewFmt );

	//Der Alte soll keinen Umlauf haben, und er soll oben/mittig
	//ausgerichtet sein.

	pNewSet->Put( SwFmtSurround( SURROUND_NONE ) );
    if (nLayerId == rDoc.GetHellId())
        rSdrObj.SetLayer( rDoc.GetHeavenId() );
    // OD 02.07.2003 #108784# - consider drawing objects in 'invisible' hell layer
    else if (nLayerId == rDoc.GetInvisibleHellId())
        rSdrObj.SetLayer( rDoc.GetInvisibleHeavenId() );
    pNewSet->Put( SvxLRSpaceItem( RES_LR_SPACE ) );
    pNewSet->Put( SvxULSpaceItem( RES_UL_SPACE ) );

    // OD 2004-04-15 #i26791# - set position of the drawing object, which is labeled.
    pNewSet->Put( SwFmtVertOrient( 0, text::VertOrientation::TOP, text::RelOrientation::FRAME ) );
    pNewSet->Put( SwFmtHoriOrient( 0, text::HoriOrientation::CENTER, text::RelOrientation::FRAME ) );

	//Der Alte ist absatzgebunden, und zwar am Absatz im neuen.
    SwFmtAnchor aAnch( FLY_AT_PARA );
	SwNodeIndex aAnchIdx( *pNewFmt->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx(), 1 );
	pNew = aAnchIdx.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
	SwPosition aPos( aAnchIdx );
	aAnch.SetAnchor( &aPos );
	pNewSet->Put( aAnch );

	if( pUndo )
		pUndo->SetFlys( *pOldFmt, *pNewSet, *pNewFmt );
        // OD 2004-04-15 #i26791# - position no longer needed
        pUndo->SetDrawObj( nLayerId );
        pOldFmt->SetFmtAttr( *pNewSet );

	delete pNewSet;

	//Nun nur noch die Flys erzeugen lassen. Das ueberlassen
	//wir vorhanden Methoden (insb. fuer InCntFlys etwas aufwendig).

	ASSERT( pNew, "No Label inserted" );

	if( pNew )
        //#i61007# order of captions
        sal_Bool bOrderNumberingFirst = SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig()->IsCaptionOrderNumberingFirst();

        // prepare string
        String aTxt;
        if( bOrderNumberingFirst )
            aTxt = rNumberSeparator;
        if ( pType )
            aTxt += pType->GetName();
            if( !bOrderNumberingFirst )
                aTxt += ' ';
		xub_StrLen nIdx = aTxt.Len();
        aTxt += rSeparator;
        xub_StrLen nSepIdx = aTxt.Len();
        aTxt += rTxt;

        // insert text
		SwIndex aIdx( pNew, 0 );
        pNew->InsertText( aTxt, aIdx );

        // insert field
        if ( pType )
            SwSetExpField aFld( (SwSetExpFieldType*)pType, aEmptyStr, SVX_NUM_ARABIC );
            if( bOrderNumberingFirst )
                nIdx = 0;
            SwFmtFld aFmt( aFld );
            pNew->InsertItem( aFmt, nIdx, nIdx );
            if ( rCharacterStyle.Len() )
                SwCharFmt * pCharFmt = rDoc.FindCharFmtByName(rCharacterStyle);
                if ( !pCharFmt )
                    const sal_uInt16 nMyId = SwStyleNameMapper::GetPoolIdFromUIName( rCharacterStyle, nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_CHRFMT );
                    pCharFmt = rDoc.GetCharFmtFromPool( nMyId );
                if ( pCharFmt )
                    SwFmtCharFmt aCharFmt( pCharFmt );
                    pNew->InsertItem( aCharFmt, 0, nSepIdx + 1,
                            nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_DONTEXPAND );

	return pNewFmt;

SwFlyFrmFmt* SwDoc::InsertDrawLabel(
        String const& rTxt,
        String const& rSeparator,
        String const& rNumberSeparator,
        sal_uInt16 const nId,
        String const& rCharacterStyle,
        SdrObject& rSdrObj )
    SwDrawContact *const pContact =
        static_cast<SwDrawContact*>(GetUserCall( &rSdrObj ));
    OSL_ENSURE( RES_DRAWFRMFMT == pContact->GetFmt()->Which(),
            "InsertDrawLabel(): not a DrawFrmFmt" );
    if (!pContact)
        return 0;

    SwDrawFrmFmt* pOldFmt = (SwDrawFrmFmt *)pContact->GetFmt();
    if (!pOldFmt)
        return 0;

    SwUndoInsertLabel * pUndo = 0;
    if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
        pUndo = new SwUndoInsertLabel(
            LTYPE_DRAW, rTxt, rSeparator, rNumberSeparator, sal_False,
            nId, rCharacterStyle, sal_False );

    SwFlyFrmFmt *const pNewFmt = lcl_InsertDrawLabel(
        *this, pTxtFmtCollTbl, pUndo, pOldFmt,
        rTxt, rSeparator, rNumberSeparator, nId, rCharacterStyle, rSdrObj);

    if (pUndo)
        GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( pUndo );

    return pNewFmt;

|*	IDocumentTimerAccess-methods

void SwDoc::StartIdling()
    mbStartIdleTimer = sal_True;
    if( !mIdleBlockCount )

void SwDoc::StopIdling()
    mbStartIdleTimer = sal_False;

void SwDoc::BlockIdling()

void SwDoc::UnblockIdling()
    if( !mIdleBlockCount && mbStartIdleTimer && !aIdleTimer.IsActive() )

|*	SwDoc::DoIdleJobs()
|*	Ersterstellung		OK 30.03.94
|*	Letzte Aenderung	MA 09. Jun. 95

IMPL_LINK( SwDoc, DoIdleJobs, Timer *, pTimer )
#ifdef TIMELOG
	static ::rtl::Logfile* pModLogFile = 0;
	if( !pModLogFile )
		pModLogFile = new ::rtl::Logfile( "First DoIdleJobs" );

	SwRootFrm* pTmpRoot = GetCurrentLayout();//swmod 080219
	if( pTmpRoot &&
        !SfxProgress::GetActiveProgress( pDocShell ) )
		ViewShell *pSh, *pStartSh;
		pSh = pStartSh = GetCurrentViewShell();
		do {
			if( pSh->ActionPend() )
                if( pTimer )
				return 0;
			pSh = (ViewShell*)pSh->GetNext();
		} while( pSh != pStartSh );

        if( pTmpRoot->IsNeedGrammarCheck() )
            sal_Bool bIsOnlineSpell = pSh->GetViewOptions()->IsOnlineSpell();
            sal_Bool bIsAutoGrammar = sal_False;
            SvtLinguConfig().GetProperty( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(
                        UPN_IS_GRAMMAR_AUTO ) ) >>= bIsAutoGrammar;

            if (bIsOnlineSpell && bIsAutoGrammar)
                StartGrammarChecking( *this );
		SwFldUpdateFlags nFldUpdFlag;
		std::set<SwRootFrm*> aAllLayouts = GetAllLayouts();//swmod 080320
		std::set<SwRootFrm*>::iterator pLayIter = aAllLayouts.begin();
		for ( ;pLayIter != aAllLayouts.end();pLayIter++ )
			if ((*pLayIter)->IsIdleFormat())
	    bool bAllValid = pLayIter == aAllLayouts.end() ? 1 : 0;
        if( bAllValid && ( AUTOUPD_FIELD_ONLY ==
                 ( nFldUpdFlag = getFieldUpdateFlags(true) )
					|| AUTOUPD_FIELD_AND_CHARTS == nFldUpdFlag ) &&
				GetUpdtFlds().IsFieldsDirty() &&
				!GetUpdtFlds().IsInUpdateFlds() &&
				// das umschalten der Feldname fuehrt zu keinem Update der
				// Felder, also der "Hintergrund-Update" immer erfolgen
				/* && !pStartSh->GetViewOptions()->IsFldName()*/ )
			// chaos::Action-Klammerung!
			GetUpdtFlds().SetInUpdateFlds( sal_True );


            // no jump on update of fields #i85168#
            const sal_Bool bOldLockView = pStartSh->IsViewLocked();
            pStartSh->LockView( sal_True );

			GetSysFldType( RES_CHAPTERFLD )->ModifyNotification( 0, 0 );	// KapitelFld
			UpdateExpFlds( 0, sal_False );		// Expression-Felder Updaten
			UpdateTblFlds(NULL);				// Tabellen
			UpdateRefFlds(NULL);				// Referenzen


            pStartSh->LockView( bOldLockView );

			GetUpdtFlds().SetInUpdateFlds( sal_False );
			GetUpdtFlds().SetFieldsDirty( sal_False );
	}	//swmod 080219
#ifdef TIMELOG
	if( pModLogFile && 1 != (long)pModLogFile )
		delete pModLogFile, ((long&)pModLogFile) = 1;
    if( pTimer )
	return 0;

IMPL_STATIC_LINK( SwDoc, BackgroundDone, SvxBrushItem*, EMPTYARG )
	ViewShell *pSh, *pStartSh;
	pSh = pStartSh = pThis->GetCurrentViewShell();	//swmod 071108//swmod 071225
	if( pStartSh )
		do {
			if( pSh->GetWin() )
				//Fuer Repaint mir virtuellen Device sorgen.
				pSh->UnlockPaint( sal_True );
			pSh = (ViewShell*)pSh->GetNext();
		} while( pSh != pStartSh );
	return 0;

static String lcl_GetUniqueFlyName( const SwDoc* pDoc, sal_uInt16 nDefStrId )
	ResId aId( nDefStrId, *pSwResMgr );
	String aName( aId );
	xub_StrLen nNmLen = aName.Len();

	const SwSpzFrmFmts& rFmts = *pDoc->GetSpzFrmFmts();

	sal_uInt16 nNum, nTmp, nFlagSize = ( rFmts.Count() / 8 ) +2;
	sal_uInt8* pSetFlags = new sal_uInt8[ nFlagSize ];
	sal_uInt16 n;

	memset( pSetFlags, 0, nFlagSize );

	for( n = 0; n < rFmts.Count(); ++n )
		const SwFrmFmt* pFlyFmt = rFmts[ n ];
		if( RES_FLYFRMFMT == pFlyFmt->Which() &&
			pFlyFmt->GetName().Match( aName ) == nNmLen )
			// Nummer bestimmen und das Flag setzen
            nNum = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( pFlyFmt->GetName().Copy( nNmLen ).ToInt32() );
			if( nNum-- && nNum < rFmts.Count() )
				pSetFlags[ nNum / 8 ] |= (0x01 << ( nNum & 0x07 ));

	// alle Nummern entsprechend geflag, also bestimme die richtige Nummer
	nNum = rFmts.Count();
	for( n = 0; n < nFlagSize; ++n )
		if( 0xff != ( nTmp = pSetFlags[ n ] ))
			// also die Nummer bestimmen
			nNum = n * 8;
			while( nTmp & 1 )
				++nNum, nTmp >>= 1;

	delete [] pSetFlags;
	return aName += String::CreateFromInt32( ++nNum );

String SwDoc::GetUniqueGrfName() const
	return lcl_GetUniqueFlyName( this, STR_GRAPHIC_DEFNAME );

String SwDoc::GetUniqueOLEName() const
	return lcl_GetUniqueFlyName( this, STR_OBJECT_DEFNAME );

String SwDoc::GetUniqueFrameName() const
	return lcl_GetUniqueFlyName( this, STR_FRAME_DEFNAME );

const SwFlyFrmFmt* SwDoc::FindFlyByName( const String& rName, sal_Int8 nNdTyp ) const
	const SwSpzFrmFmts& rFmts = *GetSpzFrmFmts();
	for( sal_uInt16 n = rFmts.Count(); n; )
		const SwFrmFmt* pFlyFmt = rFmts[ --n ];
		const SwNodeIndex* pIdx;
		if( RES_FLYFRMFMT == pFlyFmt->Which() && pFlyFmt->GetName() == rName &&
			0 != ( pIdx = pFlyFmt->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx() ) &&
			pIdx->GetNode().GetNodes().IsDocNodes() )
			if( nNdTyp )
				// dann noch auf den richtigen Node-Typ abfragen
				const SwNode* pNd = GetNodes()[ pIdx->GetIndex()+1 ];
				if( nNdTyp == ND_TEXTNODE
						? !pNd->IsNoTxtNode()
						: nNdTyp == pNd->GetNodeType() )
					return (SwFlyFrmFmt*)pFlyFmt;
				return (SwFlyFrmFmt*)pFlyFmt;
	return 0;

void SwDoc::SetFlyName( SwFlyFrmFmt& rFmt, const String& rName )
	String sName( rName );
	if( !rName.Len() || FindFlyByName( rName ) )
		sal_uInt16 nTyp = STR_FRAME_DEFNAME;
		const SwNodeIndex* pIdx = rFmt.GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx();
		if( pIdx && pIdx->GetNode().GetNodes().IsDocNodes() )
			switch( GetNodes()[ pIdx->GetIndex() + 1 ]->GetNodeType() )
			case ND_GRFNODE:	nTyp = STR_GRAPHIC_DEFNAME;	break;
			case ND_OLENODE:	nTyp = STR_OBJECT_DEFNAME;	break;
		sName = lcl_GetUniqueFlyName( this, nTyp );
	rFmt.SetName( sName, sal_True );

void SwDoc::SetAllUniqueFlyNames()
	sal_uInt16 n, nFlyNum = 0, nGrfNum = 0, nOLENum = 0;

	ResId nFrmId( STR_FRAME_DEFNAME, *pSwResMgr ),
		  nGrfId( STR_GRAPHIC_DEFNAME, *pSwResMgr ),
	String sFlyNm( nFrmId );
	String sGrfNm( nGrfId );
	String sOLENm( nOLEId );

	if( 255 < ( n = GetSpzFrmFmts()->Count() ))
		n = 255;
	SwSpzFrmFmts aArr( (sal_Int8)n, 10 );
	SwFrmFmtPtr pFlyFmt;
	bool bContainsAtPageObjWithContentAnchor = false;

	for( n = GetSpzFrmFmts()->Count(); n; )
		if( RES_FLYFRMFMT == (pFlyFmt = (*GetSpzFrmFmts())[ --n ])->Which() )
			sal_uInt16 *pNum = 0;
			xub_StrLen nLen;
			const String& rNm = pFlyFmt->GetName();
			if( rNm.Len() )
				if( rNm.Match( sGrfNm ) == ( nLen = sGrfNm.Len() ))
					pNum = &nGrfNum;
				else if( rNm.Match( sFlyNm ) == ( nLen = sFlyNm.Len() ))
					pNum = &nFlyNum;
				else if( rNm.Match( sOLENm ) == ( nLen = sOLENm.Len() ))
					pNum = &nOLENum;

                if ( pNum && *pNum < ( nLen = static_cast< xub_StrLen >( rNm.Copy( nLen ).ToInt32() ) ) )
					*pNum = nLen;
				// das wollen wir nachher setzen
				aArr.Insert( pFlyFmt, aArr.Count() );

		if ( !bContainsAtPageObjWithContentAnchor )
			const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = pFlyFmt->GetAnchor();
            if ( (FLY_AT_PAGE == rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) &&
                 rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor() )
				bContainsAtPageObjWithContentAnchor = true;
    SetContainsAtPageObjWithContentAnchor( bContainsAtPageObjWithContentAnchor );

	const SwNodeIndex* pIdx;

	for( n = aArr.Count(); n; )
		if( 0 != ( pIdx = ( pFlyFmt = aArr[ --n ])->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx() )
			&& pIdx->GetNode().GetNodes().IsDocNodes() )
			sal_uInt16 nNum;
			String sNm;
			switch( GetNodes()[ pIdx->GetIndex() + 1 ]->GetNodeType() )
			case ND_GRFNODE:
				sNm = sGrfNm;
				nNum = ++nGrfNum;
			case ND_OLENODE:
				sNm = sOLENm;
				nNum = ++nOLENum;
				sNm = sFlyNm;
				nNum = ++nFlyNum;
			pFlyFmt->SetName( sNm += String::CreateFromInt32( nNum ));
	aArr.Remove( 0, aArr.Count() );

	if( GetFtnIdxs().Count() )
		SwTxtFtn::SetUniqueSeqRefNo( *this );
        // --> FME 2005-08-02 #i52775# Chapter footnotes did not
        // get updated correctly. Calling UpdateAllFtn() instead of
        // UpdateFtn() solves this problem, but I do not dare to
        // call UpdateAllFtn() in all cases: Safety first.
        if ( FTNNUM_CHAPTER == GetFtnInfo().eNum )
        // <--
            SwNodeIndex aTmp( GetNodes() );
            GetFtnIdxs().UpdateFtn( aTmp );

sal_Bool SwDoc::IsInHeaderFooter( const SwNodeIndex& rIdx ) const
	// gibt es ein Layout, dann ueber das laufen!!
	//	(Das kann dann auch Fly in Fly in Kopfzeile !)
	// MIB 9.2.98: Wird auch vom sw3io benutzt, um festzustellen, ob sich
	// ein Redline-Objekt in einer Kopf- oder Fusszeile befindet. Da
	// Redlines auch an Start- und Endnodes haengen, muss der Index nicht
	// unbedingt der eines Content-Nodes sein.
	SwNode* pNd = &rIdx.GetNode();
	if( pNd->IsCntntNode() && pCurrentView )//swmod 071029//swmod 071225
        const SwFrm *pFrm = pNd->GetCntntNode()->getLayoutFrm( GetCurrentLayout() );
		if( pFrm )
            const SwFrm *pUp = pFrm->GetUpper();
			while ( pUp && !pUp->IsHeaderFrm() && !pUp->IsFooterFrm() )
				if ( pUp->IsFlyFrm() )
                    pUp = ((SwFlyFrm*)pUp)->GetAnchorFrm();
				pUp = pUp->GetUpper();
			if ( pUp )
				return sal_True;

			return sal_False;

	const SwNode* pFlyNd = pNd->FindFlyStartNode();
	while( pFlyNd )
		// dann ueber den Anker nach oben "hangeln"
		sal_uInt16 n;
		for( n = 0; n < GetSpzFrmFmts()->Count(); ++n )
			const SwFrmFmt* pFmt = (*GetSpzFrmFmts())[ n ];
			const SwNodeIndex* pIdx = pFmt->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx();
			if( pIdx && pFlyNd == &pIdx->GetNode() )
				const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = pFmt->GetAnchor();
                if ((FLY_AT_PAGE == rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) ||
					!rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor() )
					return sal_False;

				pNd = &rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor()->nNode.GetNode();
				pFlyNd = pNd->FindFlyStartNode();
		if( n >= GetSpzFrmFmts()->Count() )
			ASSERT( mbInReading, "Fly-Section aber kein Format gefunden" );
			return sal_False;

	return 0 != pNd->FindHeaderStartNode() ||
			0 != pNd->FindFooterStartNode();

short SwDoc::GetTextDirection( const SwPosition& rPos,
                               const Point* pPt ) const
    short nRet = -1;

	SwCntntNode *pNd = rPos.nNode.GetNode().GetCntntNode();

    // --> OD 2005-02-21 #i42921# - use new method <SwCntntNode::GetTextDirection(..)>
    if ( pNd )
        nRet = pNd->GetTextDirection( rPos, pPt );
    if ( nRet == -1 )
    // <--
		const SvxFrameDirectionItem* pItem = 0;
		if( pNd )
			// in a flyframe? Then look at that for the correct attribute
			const SwFrmFmt* pFlyFmt = pNd->GetFlyFmt();
			while( pFlyFmt )
				pItem = &pFlyFmt->GetFrmDir();
				if( FRMDIR_ENVIRONMENT == pItem->GetValue() )
					pItem = 0;
					const SwFmtAnchor* pAnchor = &pFlyFmt->GetAnchor();
                    if ((FLY_AT_PAGE != pAnchor->GetAnchorId()) &&
						pFlyFmt = pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor()->nNode.
						pFlyFmt = 0;
					pFlyFmt = 0;

			if( !pItem )
				const SwPageDesc* pPgDsc = pNd->FindPageDesc( sal_False );
				if( pPgDsc )
					pItem = &pPgDsc->GetMaster().GetFrmDir();
		if( !pItem )
			pItem = (SvxFrameDirectionItem*)&GetAttrPool().GetDefaultItem(
															RES_FRAMEDIR );
        nRet = pItem->GetValue();
    return nRet;

sal_Bool SwDoc::IsInVerticalText( const SwPosition& rPos, const Point* pPt ) const
    const short nDir = GetTextDirection( rPos, pPt );

void SwDoc::SetCurrentViewShell( ViewShell* pNew ) 
    pCurrentView = pNew; 

SwLayouter* SwDoc::GetLayouter() 
    return pLayouter; 

const SwLayouter* SwDoc::GetLayouter() const 
    return pLayouter; 

void SwDoc::SetLayouter( SwLayouter* pNew ) 
    pLayouter = pNew; 

const ViewShell *SwDoc::GetCurrentViewShell() const 
    return pCurrentView;

ViewShell *SwDoc::GetCurrentViewShell()		
    return pCurrentView;
}	//swmod 080219 It must be able to communicate to a ViewShell.This is going to be removedd later.

const SwRootFrm *SwDoc::GetCurrentLayout() const 
		return GetCurrentViewShell()->GetLayout();
	return 0;

SwRootFrm *SwDoc::GetCurrentLayout()
		return GetCurrentViewShell()->GetLayout();
	return 0;

bool SwDoc::HasLayout() const
    // if there is a view, there is always a layout
    return (pCurrentView != 0);

std::set<SwRootFrm*> SwDoc::GetAllLayouts()
    std::set<SwRootFrm*> aAllLayouts;
    ViewShell *pStart = GetCurrentViewShell();
    ViewShell *pTemp = pStart;
    if ( pTemp )
            if (pTemp->GetLayout()) 
                pTemp = (ViewShell*)pTemp->GetNext();
        } while(pTemp!=pStart);

    return aAllLayouts;
}//swmod 070825

void SwDoc::ShareLayout(boost::shared_ptr<SwRootFrm>& rPtr)
    pLayoutPtr = rPtr;