 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"

#include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/ProofreadingResult.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/XProofreader.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/XProofreadingIterator.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/text/XFlatParagraph.hpp>

#include <unoflatpara.hxx>

#include <comcore.hrc>
#include <hintids.hxx>
#include <linguistic/lngprops.hxx>
#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
#include <editeng/unolingu.hxx>
#include <editeng/svxacorr.hxx>
#include <editeng/langitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/SpellPortions.hxx>
#include <editeng/scripttypeitem.hxx>
#include <charatr.hxx>
#include <editsh.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx>
#include <rootfrm.hxx>      // SwRootFrm
#include <pam.hxx>
#include <swundo.hxx>		// fuer die UndoIds
#include <ndtxt.hxx>        // AdjHyphPos
#include <viewopt.hxx>      // HyphStart/End
#include <viscrs.hxx>		// SwShellCrsr
#include <SwGrammarMarkUp.hxx>		// SwWrongList
#include <mdiexp.hxx>		// Statusanzeige
#include <statstr.hrc>      // StatLine-String
#include <cntfrm.hxx>
#include <crsskip.hxx>
#include <splargs.hxx>
#include <redline.hxx>      // SwRedline
#include <docary.hxx>       // SwRedlineTbl
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <txatbase.hxx>
#include <txtfrm.hxx>

using namespace ::svx;
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::linguistic2;

#define C2U(cChar) rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(cChar)

 *					   class SwLinguIter

class SwLinguIter
	SwEditShell *pSh;
	SwPosition	*pStart;
	SwPosition	*pEnd;
	SwPosition	*pCurr;
	SwPosition	*pCurrX;
	sal_uInt16 nCrsrCnt;

	inline SwEditShell *GetSh() 			{ return pSh; }
	inline const SwEditShell *GetSh() const { return pSh; }

	inline const SwPosition *GetEnd() const { return pEnd; }
	inline void SetEnd( SwPosition* pNew ){ delete pEnd; pEnd = pNew; }

	inline const SwPosition *GetStart() const { return pStart; }
	inline void SetStart( SwPosition* pNew ){ delete pStart; pStart = pNew; }

	inline const SwPosition *GetCurr() const { return pCurr; }
	inline void SetCurr( SwPosition* pNew ){ delete pCurr; pCurr = pNew; }

	inline const SwPosition *GetCurrX() const { return pCurrX; }
	inline void SetCurrX( SwPosition* pNew ){ delete pCurrX; pCurrX = pNew; }

	inline sal_uInt16& GetCrsrCnt(){ return nCrsrCnt; }

	// Der UI-Bauchladen:
	void _Start( SwEditShell *pSh, SwDocPositions eStart,
                SwDocPositions eEnd );
    void _End(bool bRestoreSelection = true);

 *					   class SwSpellIter

// #i18881# to be able to identify the postions of the changed words
// the content positions of each portion need to be saved
struct SpellContentPosition
    sal_uInt16 nLeft;
    sal_uInt16 nRight;
typedef std::vector<SpellContentPosition>  SpellContentPositions;
class SwSpellIter : public SwLinguIter
	uno::Reference< XSpellChecker1 > 	xSpeller;
    ::svx::SpellPortions                aLastPortions;

    SpellContentPositions               aLastPositions;
    bool                                bBackToStartOfSentence;
    bool                                bMoveToEndOfSentence;

    void    CreatePortion(uno::Reference< XSpellAlternatives > xAlt,
                linguistic2::ProofreadingResult* pGrammarResult,
                bool bIsField, bool bIsHidden);
    void    AddPortion(uno::Reference< XSpellAlternatives > xAlt,
                       linguistic2::ProofreadingResult* pGrammarResult, 
                       const SpellContentPositions& rDeletedRedlines);
    SwSpellIter() : 
        bBackToStartOfSentence(false), bMoveToEndOfSentence(false) {}

	void Start( SwEditShell *pSh, SwDocPositions eStart, SwDocPositions eEnd );

    uno::Any    Continue( sal_uInt16* pPageCnt, sal_uInt16* pPageSt );

    bool                                SpellSentence(::svx::SpellPortions& rPortions, bool bIsGrammarCheck);
    void                                ToSentenceStart();
    const ::svx::SpellPortions          GetLastPortions(){ return aLastPortions;}
    SpellContentPositions               GetLastPositions() {return aLastPositions;}
    void                                ContinueAfterThisSentence() { bMoveToEndOfSentence = true; }

 *                     class SwConvIter
 * used for text conversion

class SwConvIter : public SwLinguIter
    SwConversionArgs &rArgs;
    SwConvIter( SwConversionArgs &rConvArgs ) :
        rArgs( rConvArgs )

    void Start( SwEditShell *pSh, SwDocPositions eStart, SwDocPositions eEnd );

    uno::Any    Continue( sal_uInt16* pPageCnt, sal_uInt16* pPageSt );

 *					   class SwHyphIter

class SwHyphIter : public SwLinguIter
	sal_Bool bOldIdle;
	void DelSoftHyph( SwPaM &rPam );

	SwHyphIter() : bOldIdle(sal_False) {}

	void Start( SwEditShell *pSh, SwDocPositions eStart, SwDocPositions eEnd );
	void End();

	void Ignore();

    uno::Any    Continue( sal_uInt16* pPageCnt, sal_uInt16* pPageSt );

	sal_Bool IsAuto();
	void InsertSoftHyph( const xub_StrLen nHyphPos );
	void ShowSelection();

static SwSpellIter*	pSpellIter = 0;
static SwConvIter*  pConvIter = 0;
static SwHyphIter*	pHyphIter = 0;

// Wir ersparen uns in Hyphenate ein GetFrm()
// Achtung: in txtedt.cxx stehen extern-Deklarationen auf diese Pointer!
const SwTxtNode *pLinguNode;
	  SwTxtFrm  *pLinguFrm;

 *						SwLinguIter::SwLinguIter

	: pSh( 0 ), pStart( 0 ), pEnd( 0 ), pCurr( 0 ), pCurrX( 0 )
	// @@@ es fehlt: Sicherstellen der Reentrance, ASSERTs etc.

 *						SwLinguIter::Start

void SwLinguIter::_Start( SwEditShell *pShell, SwDocPositions eStart,
                            SwDocPositions eEnd )
	// es fehlt: Sicherstellen der Reentrance, Locking
	if( pSh )

	sal_Bool bSetCurr;

	pSh = pShell;


	ASSERT( !pEnd, "LinguStart ohne End?");

	SwPaM *pCrsr = pSh->GetCrsr();

	// pStk->SetCurCrsr();
//	if( pCrsr->HasMark() || pCrsr != pCrsr->GetNext() )
	if( pShell->HasSelection() || pCrsr != pCrsr->GetNext() )
		bSetCurr = 0 != GetCurr();
		nCrsrCnt = pSh->GetCrsrCnt();
		if( pSh->IsTableMode() )

		sal_uInt16 n;
		for( n = 0; n < nCrsrCnt; ++n )
		pSh->Pop( sal_False );
		bSetCurr = sal_False;
		nCrsrCnt = 1;
		pSh->SetLinguRange( eStart, eEnd );

	pCrsr = pSh->GetCrsr();
	if ( *pCrsr->GetPoint() > *pCrsr->GetMark() )

	pStart = new SwPosition( *pCrsr->GetPoint() );
	pEnd = new SwPosition( *pCrsr->GetMark() );
	if( bSetCurr )
        SwPosition* pNew = new SwPosition( *GetStart() );
		SetCurr( pNew );
		pNew = new SwPosition( *pNew );
		SetCurrX( pNew );


	pLinguFrm = 0;
	pLinguNode = 0;

 *						SwLinguIter::End

void SwLinguIter::_End(bool bRestoreSelection)
	if( !pSh )

	ASSERT( pEnd, "SwEditShell::SpellEnd() ohne Start?");
        while( nCrsrCnt-- )
		    pSh->Pop( sal_False );


	pSh = 0;


 *				 virtual SwSpellIter::Start()

void SwSpellIter::Start( SwEditShell *pShell, SwDocPositions eStart,
						SwDocPositions eEnd )
	if( GetSh() )

 	uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >  xProp( ::GetLinguPropertySet() );
	xSpeller = ::GetSpellChecker();
	if ( xSpeller.is() )
        _Start( pShell, eStart, eEnd );

 *					 SwSpellIter::Continue

// SwSpellIter::Continue ist das alte Original von
// SwEditShell::SpellContinue()

uno::Any SwSpellIter::Continue( sal_uInt16* pPageCnt, sal_uInt16* pPageSt )
    //!! Please check SwConvIter also when modifying this

    uno::Any    aSpellRet;
    SwEditShell *pMySh = GetSh();
    if( !pMySh )
        return aSpellRet;

//	const SwPosition *pEnd = GetEnd();

	ASSERT( GetEnd(), "SwEditShell::SpellContinue() ohne Start?");

    uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >  xSpellRet;
	sal_Bool bGoOn = sal_True;
	do {
        SwPaM *pCrsr = pMySh->GetCrsr();
		if ( !pCrsr->HasMark() )

		uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >  xProp( GetLinguPropertySet() );
        *pMySh->GetCrsr()->GetPoint() = *GetCurr();
        *pMySh->GetCrsr()->GetMark() = *GetEnd();
                    xSpeller, pPageCnt, pPageSt, false ) >>= xSpellRet;
		bGoOn = GetCrsrCnt() > 1;
		if( xSpellRet.is() )
			bGoOn = sal_False;
			SwPosition* pNewPoint = new SwPosition( *pCrsr->GetPoint() );
			SwPosition* pNewMark = new SwPosition( *pCrsr->GetMark() );
            SetCurr( pNewPoint );
            SetCurrX( pNewMark );
		if( bGoOn )
            pMySh->Pop( sal_False );
            pCrsr = pMySh->GetCrsr();
			if ( *pCrsr->GetPoint() > *pCrsr->GetMark() )
			SwPosition* pNew = new SwPosition( *pCrsr->GetPoint() );
			SetStart( pNew );
			pNew = new SwPosition( *pCrsr->GetMark() );
			SetEnd( pNew );
            pNew = new SwPosition( *GetStart() );
			SetCurr( pNew );
			pNew = new SwPosition( *pNew );
			SetCurrX( pNew );
	}while ( bGoOn );
    aSpellRet <<= xSpellRet;
    return aSpellRet;

 *               virtual SwConvIter::Start()

void SwConvIter::Start( SwEditShell *pShell, SwDocPositions eStart,
                        SwDocPositions eEnd )
    if( GetSh() )
    _Start( pShell, eStart, eEnd );

 *                   SwConvIter::Continue

uno::Any SwConvIter::Continue( sal_uInt16* pPageCnt, sal_uInt16* pPageSt )
    //!! Please check SwSpellIter also when modifying this

    uno::Any    aConvRet( makeAny( rtl::OUString() ) );
    SwEditShell *pMySh = GetSh();
    if( !pMySh )
        return aConvRet;

//  const SwPosition *pEnd = GetEnd();

    ASSERT( GetEnd(), "SwConvIter::Continue() ohne Start?");

    rtl::OUString aConvText;
    sal_Bool bGoOn = sal_True;
    do {
        SwPaM *pCrsr = pMySh->GetCrsr();
        if ( !pCrsr->HasMark() )

        *pMySh->GetCrsr()->GetPoint() = *GetCurr();
        *pMySh->GetCrsr()->GetMark() = *GetEnd();

        // call function to find next text portion to be converted
        uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSpellChecker1 > xEmpty;
        pMySh->GetDoc()->Spell( *pMySh->GetCrsr(),
                    xEmpty, pPageCnt, pPageSt, false, &rArgs ) >>= aConvText;

        bGoOn = GetCrsrCnt() > 1;
        if( aConvText.getLength() )
            bGoOn = sal_False;
            SwPosition* pNewPoint = new SwPosition( *pCrsr->GetPoint() );
            SwPosition* pNewMark = new SwPosition( *pCrsr->GetMark() );

            SetCurr( pNewPoint );
            SetCurrX( pNewMark );
        if( bGoOn )
            pMySh->Pop( sal_False );
            pCrsr = pMySh->GetCrsr();
            if ( *pCrsr->GetPoint() > *pCrsr->GetMark() )
            SwPosition* pNew = new SwPosition( *pCrsr->GetPoint() );
            SetStart( pNew );
            pNew = new SwPosition( *pCrsr->GetMark() );
            SetEnd( pNew );
            pNew = new SwPosition( *GetStart() );
            SetCurr( pNew );
            pNew = new SwPosition( *pNew );
            SetCurrX( pNew );
    }while ( bGoOn );
    return makeAny( aConvText );

 *                   SwHyphIter

sal_Bool SwHyphIter::IsAuto()
	uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >  xProp( ::GetLinguPropertySet() );
	return xProp.is() ? *(sal_Bool*)xProp->getPropertyValue(
                                C2U(UPN_IS_HYPH_AUTO) ).getValue()
					  : sal_False;

void SwHyphIter::ShowSelection()
    SwEditShell *pMySh = GetSh();
    if( pMySh )
		// Ganz fatal: durch das EndAction() werden Formatierungen
		// angeregt, die dazu fuehren koennen, dass im Hyphenator
		// neue Worte eingestellt werden. Deswegen sichern!

 *				 virtual SwHyphIter::Start()

void SwHyphIter::Start( SwEditShell *pShell, SwDocPositions eStart, SwDocPositions eEnd )
	// robust
	if( GetSh() || GetEnd() )
		ASSERT( !GetSh(), "+SwEditShell::HyphStart: missing HyphEnd()" );

// nothing to be done (at least not in the way as in the "else" part)
	bOldIdle = pShell->GetViewOptions()->IsIdle();
	((SwViewOption*)pShell->GetViewOptions())->SetIdle( sal_False );
	_Start( pShell, eStart, eEnd );

 *				   virtual SwHyphIter::End

// Selektionen wiederherstellen

void SwHyphIter::End()
	if( !GetSh() )
	((SwViewOption*)GetSh()->GetViewOptions())->SetIdle( bOldIdle );

 *					 SwHyphIter::Continue

uno::Any SwHyphIter::Continue( sal_uInt16* pPageCnt, sal_uInt16* pPageSt )
    uno::Any    aHyphRet;
    SwEditShell *pMySh = GetSh();
    if( !pMySh )
        return aHyphRet;

	const sal_Bool bAuto = IsAuto();
	 uno::Reference< XHyphenatedWord >  xHyphWord;
	sal_uInt16 nRet;
	sal_Bool bGoOn = sal_False;
	do {
		SwPaM *pCrsr;
		do {
			ASSERT( GetEnd(), "SwEditShell::SpellContinue() ohne Start?" );
            pCrsr = pMySh->GetCrsr();
			if ( !pCrsr->HasMark() )
			if ( *pCrsr->GetPoint() < *pCrsr->GetMark() )

			// geraten BUG:
			if ( *pCrsr->End() > *GetEnd() )
				nRet = 0;
				*pCrsr->GetMark() = *GetEnd();

				// Muss an der aktuellen Cursorpos das Wort getrennt werden ?
                const Point aCrsrPos( pMySh->GetCharRect().Pos() );
                xHyphWord = pMySh->GetDoc()->Hyphenate( pCrsr, aCrsrPos,
						 							  pPageCnt, pPageSt );

			if( bAuto && xHyphWord.is() )
                pMySh->InsertSoftHyph( xHyphWord->getHyphenationPos() + 1);
		} while( bAuto && xHyphWord.is() );	//end of do-while
		bGoOn = !xHyphWord.is() && GetCrsrCnt() > 1;

		if( bGoOn )
            pMySh->Pop( sal_False );
            pCrsr = pMySh->GetCrsr();
			if ( *pCrsr->GetPoint() > *pCrsr->GetMark() )
			SwPosition* pNew = new SwPosition(*pCrsr->End());
			SetEnd( pNew );
	} while ( bGoOn );
    aHyphRet <<= xHyphWord;
    return aHyphRet;

 *					SwHyphIter::HyphIgnore

// Beschreibung: Trennstelle ignorieren

void SwHyphIter::Ignore()
    SwEditShell *pMySh = GetSh();
    SwPaM *pCrsr = pMySh->GetCrsr();

	// Alten SoftHyphen loeschen
	DelSoftHyph( *pCrsr );

	// und weiter
	pCrsr->Start()->nContent = pCrsr->End()->nContent;

 *						  SwHyphIter::DelSoftHyph

void SwHyphIter::DelSoftHyph( SwPaM &rPam )
	const SwPosition* pStt = rPam.Start();
	const xub_StrLen nStart = pStt->nContent.GetIndex();
	const xub_StrLen nEnd   = rPam.End()->nContent.GetIndex();
	SwTxtNode *pNode = pStt->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
	pNode->DelSoftHyph( nStart, nEnd );

 *					SwHyphIter::InsertSoftHyph

void SwHyphIter::InsertSoftHyph( const xub_StrLen nHyphPos )
    SwEditShell *pMySh = GetSh();
    ASSERT( pMySh,  "+SwEditShell::InsertSoftHyph: missing HyphStart()");
    if( !pMySh )

    SwPaM *pCrsr = pMySh->GetCrsr();
    SwPosition* pSttPos = pCrsr->Start();
    SwPosition* pEndPos = pCrsr->End();

	xub_StrLen nLastHyphLen = GetEnd()->nContent.GetIndex() -

    if( pSttPos->nNode != pEndPos->nNode || !nLastHyphLen )
        ASSERT( pSttPos->nNode == pEndPos->nNode,
				"+SwEditShell::InsertSoftHyph: node warp during hyphenation" );
		ASSERT(nLastHyphLen, "+SwEditShell::InsertSoftHyph: missing HyphContinue()");
        *pSttPos = *pEndPos;

        SwDoc *pDoc = pMySh->GetDoc();
		DelSoftHyph( *pCrsr );
        pSttPos->nContent += nHyphPos;
        SwPaM aRg( *pSttPos );
        pDoc->InsertString( aRg, CHAR_SOFTHYPHEN );
		// Durch das Einfuegen des SoftHyphs ist ein Zeichen hinzugekommen
//JP 18.07.95: warum, ist doch ein SwIndex, dieser wird doch mitverschoben !!
//        pSttPos->nContent++;
	// Die Selektion wird wieder aufgehoben

// --------------------- Methoden der SwEditShell ------------------------

bool SwEditShell::HasLastSentenceGotGrammarChecked() const
    bool bTextWasGrammarChecked = false;
    if (pSpellIter)
        ::svx::SpellPortions aLastPortions( pSpellIter->GetLastPortions() );
        for (size_t i = 0;  i < aLastPortions.size() && !bTextWasGrammarChecked;  ++i)
            // bIsGrammarError is also true if the text was only checked but no 
            // grammar error was found. (That is if a ProofreadingResult was obtained in
            // SwDoc::Spell and in turn bIsGrammarError was set in SwSpellIter::CreatePortion)
            if (aLastPortions[i].bIsGrammarError)
                bTextWasGrammarChecked = true;
    return bTextWasGrammarChecked;

 *                      SwEditShell::HasConvIter

sal_Bool SwEditShell::HasConvIter() const
    return 0 != pConvIter;

 *                      SwEditShell::HasHyphIter

sal_Bool SwEditShell::HasHyphIter() const
	return 0 != pHyphIter;

 *                      SwEditShell::SetFindRange

void SwEditShell::SetLinguRange( SwDocPositions eStart, SwDocPositions eEnd )
	SwPaM *pCrsr = GetCrsr();
	MakeFindRange( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(eStart), static_cast<sal_uInt16>(eEnd), pCrsr );
	if( *pCrsr->GetPoint() > *pCrsr->GetMark() )

 *                  SwEditShell::SpellStart

void SwEditShell::SpellStart(
        SwDocPositions eStart, SwDocPositions eEnd, SwDocPositions eCurr,
        SwConversionArgs *pConvArgs )
    SwLinguIter *pLinguIter = 0;

	// do not spell if interactive spelling is active elsewhere
    if (!pConvArgs && !pSpellIter)
		ASSERT( !pSpellIter, "wer ist da schon am spellen?" );
		pSpellIter = new SwSpellIter;
        pLinguIter = pSpellIter;
    // do not do text conversion if it is active elsewhere
    if (pConvArgs && !pConvIter)
        ASSERT( !pConvIter, "text conversion already active!" );
        pConvIter = new SwConvIter( *pConvArgs );
        pLinguIter = pConvIter;

    if (pLinguIter)
        SwCursor* pSwCrsr = GetSwCrsr();

        SwPosition *pTmp = new SwPosition( *pSwCrsr->GetPoint() );
        pSwCrsr->FillFindPos( eCurr, *pTmp );
        pLinguIter->SetCurr( pTmp );

        pTmp = new SwPosition( *pTmp );
        pLinguIter->SetCurrX( pTmp );

    if (!pConvArgs && pSpellIter)
        pSpellIter->Start( this, eStart, eEnd );
    if (pConvArgs && pConvIter)
        pConvIter->Start( this, eStart, eEnd );

 *                  SwEditShell::SpellEnd

void SwEditShell::SpellEnd( SwConversionArgs *pConvArgs, bool bRestoreSelection )
    if (!pConvArgs && pSpellIter && pSpellIter->GetSh() == this)
		ASSERT( pSpellIter, "wo ist mein Iterator?" );
		delete pSpellIter, pSpellIter = 0;
    if (pConvArgs && pConvIter && pConvIter->GetSh() == this)
        ASSERT( pConvIter, "wo ist mein Iterator?" );
        delete pConvIter, pConvIter = 0;

 *                  SwEditShell::SpellContinue

// liefert Rueckgabewerte entsprechend SPL_ in splchk.hxx

uno::Any SwEditShell::SpellContinue(
        sal_uInt16* pPageCnt, sal_uInt16* pPageSt,
        SwConversionArgs *pConvArgs )
    uno::Any aRes;

    if ((!pConvArgs && pSpellIter->GetSh() != this) ||
        ( pConvArgs && pConvIter->GetSh() != this))
        return aRes;

	if( pPageCnt && !*pPageCnt )
		sal_uInt16 nEndPage = GetLayout()->GetPageNum();
		nEndPage += nEndPage * 10 / 100;
		*pPageCnt = nEndPage;
		if( nEndPage )
			::StartProgress( STR_STATSTR_SPELL, 0, nEndPage, GetDoc()->GetDocShell() );

    ASSERT(  pConvArgs || pSpellIter, "SpellIter missing" );
    ASSERT( !pConvArgs || pConvIter,  "ConvIter missing" );
	//JP 18.07.95: verhinder bei Fehlermeldungen die Anzeige der Selektionen
	//				KEIN StartAction, da damit auch die Paints abgeschaltet
	//				werden !!!!!
    rtl::OUString aRet;
    uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >  xRet;
    if (pConvArgs)
        pConvIter->Continue( pPageCnt, pPageSt ) >>= aRet;
        aRes <<= aRet;
        pSpellIter->Continue( pPageCnt, pPageSt ) >>= xRet;
        aRes <<= xRet;

    if( aRet.getLength() || xRet.is() )
		// dann die awt::Selection sichtbar machen
    return aRes;
 *					SwEditShell::HyphStart

/* Interaktive Trennung, BP 10.03.93
 * 1) HyphStart
 *    - Aufheben aller Selektionen
 *    - Sichern des aktuellen Cursors
 *	  - falls keine Selektion vorhanden:
 *		- neue Selektion bis zum Dokumentende
 * 2) HyphContinue
 *	  - nLastHyphLen wird auf den Selektionsstart addiert
 *	  - iteriert ueber alle selektierten Bereiche
 *		- pDoc->Hyphenate() iteriert ueber alle Nodes der Selektion
 *			- pTxtNode->Hyphenate() ruft das SwTxtFrm::Hyphenate zur EditShell
 *				- SwTxtFrm:Hyphenate() iteriert ueber die Zeilen des Pams
 *					- LineIter::Hyphenate() stellt den Hyphenator
 *					  und den Pam auf das zu trennende Wort ein.
 *	  - Es gibt nur zwei Returnwerte sal_True, wenn eine Trennstelle anliegt
 *		und sal_False, wenn der Pam abgearbeitet wurde.
 *	  - Bei sal_True wird das selektierte Wort zur Anzeige gebracht und
 *		nLastHyphLen gesetzt.
 *	  - Bei sal_False wird die aktuelle Selektion geloescht und die naechste
 *		zur aktuellen gewaehlt. Return HYPH_OK, wenn keine mehr vorhanden.
 * 3) InsertSoftHyph (wird ggf. von der UI gerufen)
 *	  - Der aktuelle Cursor wird plaziert und das Attribut eingefuegt.
 * 4) HyphEnd
 *	  - Wiederherstellen des alten Cursors, EndAction

void SwEditShell::HyphStart( SwDocPositions eStart, SwDocPositions eEnd )
	// do not hyphenate if interactive hyphenationg is active elsewhere
	if (!pHyphIter)
		ASSERT( !pHyphIter, "wer ist da schon am hyphinieren?" );
		pHyphIter = new SwHyphIter;
		pHyphIter->Start( this, eStart, eEnd );

 *					SwEditShell::HyphEnd

// Selektionen wiederherstellen

void SwEditShell::HyphEnd()
	if (pHyphIter->GetSh() == this)
		ASSERT( pHyphIter, "wo ist mein Iterator?" );
		delete pHyphIter, pHyphIter = 0;

 *					SwEditShell::HyphContinue

// Returnwerte: (BP: ich wuerde es genau umdrehen, aber die UI wuenscht es so)
// HYPH_CONTINUE, wenn eine Trennstelle anliegt
// HYPH_OK, wenn der selektierte Bereich abgearbeitet wurde.

uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >
	SwEditShell::HyphContinue( sal_uInt16* pPageCnt, sal_uInt16* pPageSt )
	if (pHyphIter->GetSh() != this)
		return 0;

	if( pPageCnt && !*pPageCnt && !*pPageSt )
		sal_uInt16 nEndPage = GetLayout()->GetPageNum();
		nEndPage += nEndPage * 10 / 100;
		if( nEndPage > 14 )
			*pPageCnt = nEndPage;
			::StartProgress( STR_STATSTR_HYPHEN, 0, nEndPage, GetDoc()->GetDocShell());
		else				// Hiermit unterdruecken wir ein fuer allemal
			*pPageSt = 1;	// das StatLineStartPercent

	ASSERT( pHyphIter, "wo ist mein Iterator?" );
	//JP 18.07.95: verhinder bei Fehlermeldungen die Anzeige der Selektionen
	//				KEIN StartAction, da damit auch die Paints abgeschaltet
	//				werden !!!!!
    uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >  xRet;
    pHyphIter->Continue( pPageCnt, pPageSt ) >>= xRet;

	if( xRet.is() )

	return xRet;

 *					SwEditShell::InsertSoftHyph

// Zum Einfuegen des SoftHyphens, Position ist der Offset
// innerhalb des getrennten Wortes.

void SwEditShell::InsertSoftHyph( const xub_StrLen nHyphPos )
	ASSERT( pHyphIter, "wo ist mein Iterator?" );
	pHyphIter->InsertSoftHyph( nHyphPos );

 *					SwEditShell::HyphIgnore

// Beschreibung: Trennstelle ignorieren

void SwEditShell::HyphIgnore()
	ASSERT( pHyphIter, "wo ist mein Iterator?" );
	//JP 18.07.95: verhinder bei Fehlermeldungen die Anzeige der Selektionen
	//				KEIN StartAction, da damit auch die Paints abgeschaltet
	//				werden !!!!!


 *					SwEditShell::GetCorrection()
 * liefert eine Liste von Vorschlaegen fuer falsch geschriebene Worte,
 * ein NULL-Pointer signalisiert, dass das Wort richtig geschrieben ist,
 * eine leere Liste, dass das Wort zwar unbekannt ist, aber keine Alternativen
 * geliefert werden koennen.

uno::Reference< XSpellAlternatives >
    SwEditShell::GetCorrection( const Point* pPt, SwRect& rSelectRect )
 	uno::Reference< XSpellAlternatives >  xSpellAlt;

	if( IsTableMode() )
		return NULL;
	SwPaM* pCrsr = GetCrsr();
	SwPosition aPos( *pCrsr->GetPoint() );
 	Point aPt( *pPt );
	SwCrsrMoveState eTmpState( MV_SETONLYTEXT );
	SwTxtNode *pNode;
	SwWrongList *pWrong;
	if( GetLayout()->GetCrsrOfst( &aPos, aPt, &eTmpState ) &&
		0 != (pNode = aPos.nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode()) &&
		0 != (pWrong = pNode->GetWrong()) &&
		!pNode->IsInProtectSect() )
		xub_StrLen nBegin = aPos.nContent.GetIndex();
		xub_StrLen nLen = 1;
		if(	pWrong->InWrongWord(nBegin,nLen) && !pNode->IsSymbol(nBegin) )
			String aText( pNode->GetTxt().Copy( nBegin, nLen ) );
			String aWord( aText );
			aWord.EraseAllChars( CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD ).EraseAllChars( CH_TXTATR_INWORD );

            uno::Reference< XSpellChecker1 >  xSpell( ::GetSpellChecker() );
			if( xSpell.is() )
                LanguageType eActLang = (LanguageType)pNode->GetLang( nBegin, nLen );
				if( xSpell->hasLanguage( eActLang ))
                    // restrict the maximal number of suggestions displayed
                    // in the context menu.
                    // Note: That could of course be done by clipping the
                    // resulting sequence but the current third party
                    // implementations result differs greatly if the number of
                    // suggestions to be retuned gets changed. Statistically
                    // it gets much better if told to return e.g. only 7 strings
                    // than returning e.g. 16 suggestions and using only the
                    // first 7. Thus we hand down the value to use to that
                    // implementation here by providing an additional parameter.
                    Sequence< PropertyValue > aPropVals(1);
                    PropertyValue &rVal = aPropVals.getArray()[0];
                    rVal.Name = C2U( UPN_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SUGGESTIONS );
                    rVal.Value <<= (sal_Int16) 7;

                    xSpellAlt = xSpell->spell( aWord, eActLang, aPropVals );

            if ( xSpellAlt.is() )   // error found?
                //save the start and end positons of the line and the starting point
                xub_StrLen nLineStart = GetCrsr()->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex();
                xub_StrLen nLineEnd = GetCrsr()->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex();

				// make sure the selection build later from the
				// data below does not include footnotes and other
				// "in word" character to the left and right in order
				// to preserve those. Therefore count those "in words"
				// in order to modify the selection accordingly.
				const sal_Unicode* pChar = aText.GetBuffer();
				xub_StrLen nLeft = 0;
				while (pChar && *pChar++ == CH_TXTATR_INWORD)
				pChar = aText.Len() ? aText.GetBuffer() + aText.Len() - 1 : 0;
				xub_StrLen nRight = 0;
				while (pChar && *pChar-- == CH_TXTATR_INWORD)

				aPos.nContent = nBegin + nLeft;
                pCrsr = GetCrsr();
				*pCrsr->GetPoint() = aPos;
				ExtendSelection( sal_True, nLen - nLeft - nRight );
                //no determine the rectangle in the current line
                xub_StrLen nWordStart = (nBegin + nLeft) < nLineStart ? nLineStart : nBegin + nLeft;
                //take one less than the line end - otherwise the next line would be calculated
                xub_StrLen nWordEnd = (nBegin + nLen - nLeft - nRight) > nLineEnd ? nLineEnd - 1: (nBegin + nLen - nLeft - nRight);
                SwIndex& rContent = GetCrsr()->GetPoint()->nContent;
                rContent = nWordStart;
                SwRect aStartRect;
                SwCrsrMoveState aState;
                aState.bRealWidth = sal_True;
                SwCntntNode* pCntntNode = pCrsr->GetCntntNode();
                SwCntntFrm *pCntntFrame = pCntntNode->getLayoutFrm( GetLayout(), pPt, pCrsr->GetPoint(), sal_False);

                pCntntFrame->GetCharRect( aStartRect, *pCrsr->GetPoint(), &aState );
                rContent = nWordEnd;
                SwRect aEndRect;
                pCntntFrame->GetCharRect( aEndRect, *pCrsr->GetPoint(),&aState );
                rSelectRect = aStartRect.Union( aEndRect );
	return xSpellAlt;


bool SwEditShell::GetGrammarCorrection( 
    linguistic2::ProofreadingResult /*out*/ &rResult,    // the complete result
    sal_Int32 /*out*/ &rErrorPosInText,                     // offset of error position in string that was grammar checked...
    sal_Int32 /*out*/ &rErrorIndexInResult,                 // index of error in rResult.aGrammarErrors
    uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > /*out*/ &rSuggestions,   // suggestions to be used for the error found
    const Point *pPt, SwRect &rSelectRect )
    bool bRes = false;

    if( IsTableMode() )
        return bRes;

    SwPaM* pCrsr = GetCrsr();
    SwPosition aPos( *pCrsr->GetPoint() );
    Point aPt( *pPt );
    SwCrsrMoveState eTmpState( MV_SETONLYTEXT );
    SwTxtNode *pNode;
    SwGrammarMarkUp *pWrong;
    if( GetLayout()->GetCrsrOfst( &aPos, aPt, &eTmpState ) &&
        0 != (pNode = aPos.nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode()) &&
        0 != (pWrong = pNode->GetGrammarCheck()) &&
        !pNode->IsInProtectSect() )
        xub_StrLen nBegin = aPos.nContent.GetIndex();
        xub_StrLen nLen = 1;
        if (pWrong->InWrongWord(nBegin, nLen))
            String aText( pNode->GetTxt().Copy( nBegin, nLen ) );
            String aWord( aText );
            aWord.EraseAllChars( CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD ).EraseAllChars( CH_TXTATR_INWORD );

            uno::Reference< linguistic2::XProofreadingIterator >  xGCIterator( pDoc->GetGCIterator() );
            if (xGCIterator.is())
//                LanguageType eActLang = (LanguageType)pNode->GetLang( nBegin, nLen );
                uno::Reference< lang::XComponent > xDoc( pDoc->GetDocShell()->GetBaseModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
                // Expand the string:
                rtl::OUString aExpandText;
                const ModelToViewHelper::ConversionMap* pConversionMap =
                        pNode->BuildConversionMap( aExpandText );
                // get XFlatParagraph to use...
                uno::Reference< text::XFlatParagraph > xFlatPara = new SwXFlatParagraph( *pNode, aExpandText, pConversionMap );
                // get error position of cursor in XFlatParagraph
                rErrorPosInText = ModelToViewHelper::ConvertToViewPosition( pConversionMap, nBegin );
                sal_Int32 nStartOfSentence = ModelToViewHelper::ConvertToViewPosition( pConversionMap, pWrong->getSentenceStart( nBegin ) );
                sal_Int32 nEndOfSentence = ModelToViewHelper::ConvertToViewPosition( pConversionMap, pWrong->getSentenceEnd( nBegin ) );
                if( nEndOfSentence == STRING_LEN )
/*                    if( nStartOfSentence == 0 )
                        nStartOfSentence = -1;
                        nEndOfSentence = -1;
                    else */
                        nEndOfSentence = aExpandText.getLength();
                rResult = xGCIterator->checkSentenceAtPosition( 
                        xDoc, xFlatPara, aExpandText, lang::Locale(), nStartOfSentence, nEndOfSentence, rErrorPosInText );
                bRes = true;
                // get suggestions to use for the specific error position
                sal_Int32 nErrors = rResult.aErrors.getLength();
                rSuggestions.realloc( 0 );
                for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nErrors; ++i )
                    // return suggestions for first error that includes the given error position
                    const linguistic2::SingleProofreadingError &rError = rResult.aErrors[i];
                    if (rError.nErrorStart <= rErrorPosInText && 
                        rErrorPosInText < rError.nErrorStart + rError.nErrorLength)
                        rSuggestions = rError.aSuggestions;
                        rErrorIndexInResult = i;

            if (rResult.aErrors.getLength() > 0)    // error found?
                //save the start and end positons of the line and the starting point
                xub_StrLen nLineStart = GetCrsr()->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex();
                xub_StrLen nLineEnd = GetCrsr()->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex();

//                pNode->GetGrammarCheck()->Invalidate( 0, STRING_LEN );
//                pNode->SetGrammarCheckDirty( true );
                // make sure the selection build later from the
                // data below does not include footnotes and other
                // "in word" character to the left and right in order
                // to preserve those. Therefore count those "in words"
                // in order to modify the selection accordingly.
                const sal_Unicode* pChar = aText.GetBuffer();
                xub_StrLen nLeft = 0;
                while (pChar && *pChar++ == CH_TXTATR_INWORD)
                pChar = aText.Len() ? aText.GetBuffer() + aText.Len() - 1 : 0;
                xub_StrLen nRight = 0;
                while (pChar && *pChar-- == CH_TXTATR_INWORD)

                aPos.nContent = nBegin + nLeft;
                pCrsr = GetCrsr();
                *pCrsr->GetPoint() = aPos;
                ExtendSelection( sal_True, nLen - nLeft - nRight );
                //no determine the rectangle in the current line
                xub_StrLen nWordStart = (nBegin + nLeft) < nLineStart ? nLineStart : nBegin + nLeft;
                //take one less than the line end - otherwise the next line would be calculated
                xub_StrLen nWordEnd = (nBegin + nLen - nLeft - nRight) > nLineEnd ? nLineEnd - 1: (nBegin + nLen - nLeft - nRight);
                SwIndex& rContent = GetCrsr()->GetPoint()->nContent;
                rContent = nWordStart;
                SwRect aStartRect;
                SwCrsrMoveState aState;
                aState.bRealWidth = sal_True;
                SwCntntNode* pCntntNode = pCrsr->GetCntntNode();
                SwCntntFrm *pCntntFrame = pCntntNode->getLayoutFrm( GetLayout(), pPt, pCrsr->GetPoint(), sal_False);

                pCntntFrame->GetCharRect( aStartRect, *pCrsr->GetPoint(), &aState );
                rContent = nWordEnd;
                SwRect aEndRect;
                pCntntFrame->GetCharRect( aEndRect, *pCrsr->GetPoint(),&aState );
                rSelectRect = aStartRect.Union( aEndRect );

    return bRes;

/*-- 18.09.2003 15:08:18---------------------------------------------------

bool SwEditShell::SpellSentence(::svx::SpellPortions& rPortions, bool bIsGrammarCheck)
    ASSERT(  pSpellIter, "SpellIter missing" );
        return false;
    bool bRet = pSpellIter->SpellSentence(rPortions, bIsGrammarCheck);

    // make Selection visible - this should simply move the
    // cursor to the end of the sentence
    return bRet;
/*-- 08.09.2008 09:35:19---------------------------------------------------
    make SpellIter start with the current sentence when called next time
void SwEditShell::PutSpellingToSentenceStart()
    ASSERT(  pSpellIter, "SpellIter missing" );
/*-- 02.02.2005 14:34:41---------------------------------------------------

sal_uInt32 lcl_CountRedlines(
                            const ::svx::SpellPortions& rLastPortions)
    sal_uInt32 nRet = 0;
    SpellPortions::const_iterator aIter = rLastPortions.begin();
    for( ; aIter != rLastPortions.end(); ++aIter)
        if( aIter->bIsHidden )
    return nRet;
/*-- 18.09.2003 15:08:20---------------------------------------------------


void SwEditShell::MoveContinuationPosToEndOfCheckedSentence()
    // give hint that continuation position for spell/grammar checking is 
    // at the end of this sentence
    if (pSpellIter)
        pSpellIter->SetCurr( new SwPosition( *pSpellIter->GetCurrX() ) );

void SwEditShell::ApplyChangedSentence(const ::svx::SpellPortions& rNewPortions, bool bRecheck)
    // Note: rNewPortions.size() == 0 is valid and happens when the whole
    // sentence got removed in the dialog

    ASSERT(  pSpellIter, "SpellIter missing" );
    if(pSpellIter &&
       pSpellIter->GetLastPortions().size() > 0)    // no portions -> no text to be changed
        const SpellPortions& rLastPortions = pSpellIter->GetLastPortions();
        const SpellContentPositions  rLastPositions = pSpellIter->GetLastPositions();
        ASSERT(rLastPortions.size() > 0 &&
                rLastPortions.size() == rLastPositions.size(),
                "last vectors of spelling results are not set or not equal")

        // iterate over the new portions, beginning at the end to take advantage of the previously
        // saved content positions

        pDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo( UNDO_OVERWRITE, NULL );

        SwPaM *pCrsr = GetCrsr();
        // save cursor position (which should be at the end of the current sentence)
        // for later restoration

        sal_uInt32 nRedlinePortions = lcl_CountRedlines(rLastPortions);
        if((rLastPortions.size() - nRedlinePortions) == rNewPortions.size())
            DBG_ASSERT( rNewPortions.size() > 0, "rNewPortions should not be empty here" );
            DBG_ASSERT( rLastPortions.size() > 0, "rLastPortions should not be empty here" );
            DBG_ASSERT( rLastPositions.size() > 0, "rLastPositions should not be empty here" );

            //the simple case: the same number of elements on both sides
            //each changed element has to be applied to the corresponding source element
            svx::SpellPortions::const_iterator aCurrentNewPortion = rNewPortions.end();
            SpellPortions::const_iterator aCurrentOldPortion = rLastPortions.end();
            SpellContentPositions::const_iterator aCurrentOldPosition = rLastPositions.end();
                //jump over redline portions
                    if (aCurrentOldPortion  != rLastPortions.begin() &&
                        aCurrentOldPosition != rLastPositions.begin())
                        DBG_ASSERT( 0, "ApplyChangedSentence: iterator positions broken" );
				if ( !pCrsr->HasMark() )
                pCrsr->GetPoint()->nContent = aCurrentOldPosition->nLeft;
                pCrsr->GetMark()->nContent = aCurrentOldPosition->nRight;
                sal_uInt16 nScriptType = GetI18NScriptTypeOfLanguage( aCurrentNewPortion->eLanguage );
                sal_uInt16 nLangWhichId = RES_CHRATR_LANGUAGE;
                    case SCRIPTTYPE_ASIAN : nLangWhichId = RES_CHRATR_CJK_LANGUAGE; break;
                    case SCRIPTTYPE_COMPLEX : nLangWhichId = RES_CHRATR_CTL_LANGUAGE; break;
                if(aCurrentNewPortion->sText != aCurrentOldPortion->sText)
                    //change text ...
                    // ... and apply language if necessary
                    if(aCurrentNewPortion->eLanguage != aCurrentOldPortion->eLanguage)
                        SetAttr( SvxLanguageItem(aCurrentNewPortion->eLanguage, nLangWhichId), nLangWhichId );
                    pDoc->InsertString(*pCrsr, aCurrentNewPortion->sText);
                else if(aCurrentNewPortion->eLanguage != aCurrentOldPortion->eLanguage)
                    //apply language
                    SetAttr( SvxLanguageItem(aCurrentNewPortion->eLanguage, nLangWhichId), nLangWhichId );
                else if( aCurrentNewPortion->bIgnoreThisError )
                    //add the 'ignore' markup to the TextNode's grammar ignore markup list
                    IgnoreGrammarErrorAt( *pCrsr );
                    DBG_ERROR("TODO: add ignore mark to text node");
                if(aCurrentNewPortion == rNewPortions.begin())
            while(aCurrentNewPortion != rNewPortions.begin());
            DBG_ASSERT( rLastPositions.size() > 0, "rLastPositions should not be empty here" );

            //select the complete sentence
            SpellContentPositions::const_iterator aCurrentEndPosition = rLastPositions.end();
            SpellContentPositions::const_iterator aCurrentStartPosition = rLastPositions.begin();
            pCrsr->GetPoint()->nContent = aCurrentStartPosition->nLeft;
            pCrsr->GetMark()->nContent = aCurrentEndPosition->nRight;

            //delete the sentence completely
            svx::SpellPortions::const_iterator aCurrentNewPortion = rNewPortions.begin();
            while(aCurrentNewPortion != rNewPortions.end())
                //set the language attribute
                sal_uInt16 nScriptType = GetScriptType();
                sal_uInt16 nLangWhichId = RES_CHRATR_LANGUAGE;
                    case SCRIPTTYPE_ASIAN : nLangWhichId = RES_CHRATR_CJK_LANGUAGE; break;
                    case SCRIPTTYPE_COMPLEX : nLangWhichId = RES_CHRATR_CTL_LANGUAGE; break;
                SfxItemSet aSet(GetAttrPool(), nLangWhichId, nLangWhichId, 0);
                GetCurAttr( aSet );
                const SvxLanguageItem& rLang = static_cast<const SvxLanguageItem& >(aSet.Get(nLangWhichId));
                if(rLang.GetLanguage() != aCurrentNewPortion->eLanguage)
					SetAttr( SvxLanguageItem(aCurrentNewPortion->eLanguage, nLangWhichId) );
                //insert the new string
                pDoc->InsertString(*pCrsr, aCurrentNewPortion->sText);

                //set the cursor to the end of the inserted string
                *pCrsr->Start() = *pCrsr->End();

        // restore cursor to the end of the sentence 
        // (will work also if the sentence length has changed, 
        // since cursors get updated automatically!)
        Pop( sal_False );

        // collapse cursor to the end of the modified sentence
        *pCrsr->Start() = *pCrsr->End();
        if (bRecheck)
            //in grammar check the current sentence has to be checked again
        // set continuation position for spell/grammar checking to the end of this sentence
        pSpellIter->SetCurr( new SwPosition( *pCrsr->Start() ) );

        pDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo( UNDO_OVERWRITE, NULL );
/*-- 02.02.2005 10:46:45---------------------------------------------------
    collect all deleted redlines of the current text node beginning at the
    start of the cursor position
SpellContentPositions lcl_CollectDeletedRedlines(SwEditShell* pSh)
    SpellContentPositions aRedlines;
    SwDoc* pDoc = pSh->GetDoc();
    const bool bShowChg = IDocumentRedlineAccess::IsShowChanges( pDoc->GetRedlineMode() );
    if ( bShowChg )
        SwPaM *pCrsr = pSh->GetCrsr();
        const SwPosition* pStartPos = pCrsr->Start();
        const SwTxtNode* pTxtNode = pCrsr->GetNode()->GetTxtNode();

        sal_uInt16 nAct = pDoc->GetRedlinePos( *pTxtNode, USHRT_MAX );
        const xub_StrLen nStartIndex = pStartPos->nContent.GetIndex();
        for ( ; nAct < pDoc->GetRedlineTbl().Count(); nAct++ )
            const SwRedline* pRed = pDoc->GetRedlineTbl()[ nAct ];

            if ( pRed->Start()->nNode > pTxtNode->GetIndex() )

            if( nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_DELETE == pRed->GetType() )
                xub_StrLen nStart, nEnd;
                pRed->CalcStartEnd( pTxtNode->GetIndex(), nStart, nEnd );
                if(nStart >= nStartIndex || nEnd >= nStartIndex)
                    SpellContentPosition aAdd;
                    aAdd.nLeft = nStart;
                    aAdd.nRight = nEnd;
    return aRedlines;
/*-- 02.02.2005 11:06:12---------------------------------------------------
    remove the redline positions after the current selection
void lcl_CutRedlines( SpellContentPositions& aDeletedRedlines, SwEditShell* pSh )
        SwPaM *pCrsr = pSh->GetCrsr();
        const SwPosition* pEndPos = pCrsr->End();
        xub_StrLen nEnd = pEndPos->nContent.GetIndex();
        while(!aDeletedRedlines.empty() &&
                aDeletedRedlines.back().nLeft > nEnd)
/*-- 02.02.2005 11:43:00---------------------------------------------------

SpellContentPosition  lcl_FindNextDeletedRedline(
        const SpellContentPositions& rDeletedRedlines,
        xub_StrLen nSearchFrom )
    SpellContentPosition aRet;
    aRet.nLeft = aRet.nRight = STRING_MAXLEN;
        SpellContentPositions::const_iterator aIter = rDeletedRedlines.begin();
        for( ; aIter != rDeletedRedlines.end(); ++aIter)
            if(aIter->nLeft < nSearchFrom)
            aRet = *aIter;
    return aRet;
/*-- 18.09.2003 15:08:20---------------------------------------------------

bool SwSpellIter::SpellSentence(::svx::SpellPortions& rPortions, bool bIsGrammarCheck)
    bool bRet = false;

    SwEditShell *pMySh = GetSh();
    if( !pMySh )
        return false;

    ASSERT( GetEnd(), "SwEditShell::SpellSentence() ohne Start?");

    uno::Reference< XSpellAlternatives >  xSpellRet;
    linguistic2::ProofreadingResult aGrammarResult;
    sal_Bool bGoOn = sal_True;
    bool bGrammarErrorFound = false;
    do {
        SwPaM *pCrsr = pMySh->GetCrsr();
        if ( !pCrsr->HasMark() )

        *pCrsr->GetPoint() = *GetCurr();
        *pCrsr->GetMark() = *GetEnd();

        if( bBackToStartOfSentence )
            bBackToStartOfSentence = false;
        uno::Any aSpellRet = 
                    xSpeller, 0, 0, bIsGrammarCheck );
        aSpellRet >>= xSpellRet;
        aSpellRet >>= aGrammarResult;
        bGoOn = GetCrsrCnt() > 1;
        bGrammarErrorFound = aGrammarResult.aErrors.getLength() > 0;
        if( xSpellRet.is() || bGrammarErrorFound )
            bGoOn = sal_False;
            SwPosition* pNewPoint = new SwPosition( *pCrsr->GetPoint() );
            SwPosition* pNewMark = new SwPosition( *pCrsr->GetMark() );

            SetCurr( pNewPoint );
            SetCurrX( pNewMark );
        if( bGoOn )
            pMySh->Pop( sal_False );
            pCrsr = pMySh->GetCrsr();
            if ( *pCrsr->GetPoint() > *pCrsr->GetMark() )
            SwPosition* pNew = new SwPosition( *pCrsr->GetPoint() );
            SetStart( pNew );
            pNew = new SwPosition( *pCrsr->GetMark() );
            SetEnd( pNew );
            pNew = new SwPosition( *GetStart() );
            SetCurr( pNew );
            pNew = new SwPosition( *pNew );
            SetCurrX( pNew );
    while ( bGoOn );
    if(xSpellRet.is() || bGrammarErrorFound)
        //an error has been found
        //To fill the spell portions the beginning of the sentence has to be found
        SwPaM *pCrsr = pMySh->GetCrsr();
        //set the mark to the right if necessary
        if ( *pCrsr->GetPoint() > *pCrsr->GetMark() )
        //the cursor has to be collapsed on the left to go to the start of the sentence - if sentence ends inside of the error
        sal_Bool bStartSent = 0 != pMySh->GoStartSentence();
        SpellContentPositions aDeletedRedlines = lcl_CollectDeletedRedlines(pMySh);
            //create a portion from the start part
            AddPortion(0, 0, aDeletedRedlines);
        //Set the cursor to the error already found
        *pCrsr->GetPoint() = *GetCurrX();
        *pCrsr->GetMark() = *GetCurr();
        AddPortion(xSpellRet, &aGrammarResult, aDeletedRedlines);

        //save the end position of the error to continue from here
        SwPosition aSaveStartPos = *pCrsr->End();
        //determine the end of the current sentence
        if ( *pCrsr->GetPoint() < *pCrsr->GetMark() )
        //again collapse to start marking after the end of the error

        if( bGrammarErrorFound )
            rtl::OUString aExpandText;
            const ModelToViewHelper::ConversionMap* pConversionMap = ((SwTxtNode*)pCrsr->GetNode())->BuildConversionMap( aExpandText );
            xub_StrLen nSentenceEnd = (xub_StrLen)ModelToViewHelper::ConvertToViewPosition( pConversionMap, aGrammarResult.nBehindEndOfSentencePosition );
            // remove trailing space
            if( aExpandText[nSentenceEnd - 1] == ' ' )
            if( pCrsr->End()->nContent.GetIndex() < nSentenceEnd )
                    pCrsr->End()->nNode.GetNode().GetCntntNode(), nSentenceEnd);

        lcl_CutRedlines( aDeletedRedlines, pMySh );
        //save the 'global' end of the spellchecking
        const SwPosition aSaveEndPos = *GetEnd();
        //set the sentence end as 'local' end
        SetEnd( new SwPosition( *pCrsr->End() ));

        *pCrsr->GetPoint() = aSaveStartPos;
        *pCrsr->GetMark() = *GetEnd();
        //now the rest of the sentence has to be searched for errors
        // for each error the non-error text between the current and the last error has
        // to be added to the portions - if necessary broken into same-language-portions
        if( !bGrammarErrorFound ) //in grammar check there's only one error returned
                xSpellRet = 0;
                // don't search for grammar errors here anymore!
                            xSpeller, 0, 0, false ) >>= xSpellRet;
                if ( *pCrsr->GetPoint() > *pCrsr->GetMark() )
                SetCurr( new SwPosition( *pCrsr->GetPoint() ));
                SetCurrX( new SwPosition( *pCrsr->GetMark() ));

                //if an error has been found go back to the text
                //preceeding the error
                    *pCrsr->GetPoint() = aSaveStartPos;
                    *pCrsr->GetMark() = *GetCurr();
                //add the portion
                AddPortion(0, 0, aDeletedRedlines);

                    *pCrsr->GetPoint() = *GetCurr();
                    *pCrsr->GetMark() = *GetCurrX();
                    AddPortion(xSpellRet, 0, aDeletedRedlines);
                    //move the cursor to the end of the error string
                    *pCrsr->GetPoint() = *GetCurrX();
                    //and save the end of the error as new start position
                    aSaveStartPos = *GetCurrX();
                    //and the end of the sentence
                    *pCrsr->GetMark() = *GetEnd();
                // if the end of the sentence has already been reached then break here
                if(*GetCurrX() >= *GetEnd())
            //go to the end of sentence as the grammar check returned it
            // at this time the Point is behind the grammar error
            // and the mark points to the sentence end as 
            if ( *pCrsr->GetPoint() < *pCrsr->GetMark() )

        // the part between the last error and the end of the sentence has to be added
        *pMySh->GetCrsr()->GetPoint() = *GetEnd();
        if(*GetCurrX() < *GetEnd())
            AddPortion(0, 0, aDeletedRedlines);
        //set the shell cursor to the end of the sentence to prevent a visible selection
        *pCrsr->GetMark() = *GetEnd();
		if( !bIsGrammarCheck )
            //set the current position to the end of the sentence
            SetCurr( new SwPosition(*GetEnd()) );
        //restore the 'global' end
        SetEnd( new SwPosition(aSaveEndPos) );
        rPortions = aLastPortions;
        bRet = true;
        //if no error could be found the selection has to be corrected - at least if it's not in the body
        *pMySh->GetCrsr()->GetPoint() = *GetEnd();

    return bRet;

/*-- 08.09.2008 09:37:15---------------------------------------------------

void SwSpellIter::ToSentenceStart()
    bBackToStartOfSentence = true;
/*-- 08.10.2003 08:49:56---------------------------------------------------

LanguageType lcl_GetLanguage(SwEditShell& rSh)
    sal_uInt16 nScriptType = rSh.GetScriptType();
    sal_uInt16 nLangWhichId = RES_CHRATR_LANGUAGE;

        case SCRIPTTYPE_ASIAN : nLangWhichId = RES_CHRATR_CJK_LANGUAGE; break;
        case SCRIPTTYPE_COMPLEX : nLangWhichId = RES_CHRATR_CTL_LANGUAGE; break;
    SfxItemSet aSet(rSh.GetAttrPool(), nLangWhichId, nLangWhichId, 0);
    rSh.GetCurAttr( aSet );
    const SvxLanguageItem& rLang = static_cast<const SvxLanguageItem& >(aSet.Get(nLangWhichId));
    return rLang.GetLanguage();
/*-- 08.10.2003 08:53:27---------------------------------------------------
    create a text portion at the given position
void SwSpellIter::CreatePortion(uno::Reference< XSpellAlternatives > xAlt,
                        linguistic2::ProofreadingResult* pGrammarResult,
        bool bIsField, bool bIsHidden)
    svx::SpellPortion aPortion;
    String sText;
    GetSh()->GetSelectedText( sText );
        //in case of redlined deletions the selection of an error is not
        //the same as the _real_ word
            aPortion.sText = xAlt->getWord();
        else if(pGrammarResult)
            aPortion.bIsGrammarError = true;
                aPortion.aGrammarError = pGrammarResult->aErrors[0];
                aPortion.sText = pGrammarResult->aText.copy( aPortion.aGrammarError.nErrorStart, aPortion.aGrammarError.nErrorLength );
                aPortion.xGrammarChecker = pGrammarResult->xProofreader;
                const beans::PropertyValue* pProperties = pGrammarResult->aProperties.getConstArray();
                for( sal_Int32 nProp = 0; nProp < pGrammarResult->aProperties.getLength(); ++nProp )
                    if( pProperties->Name.equalsAscii("DialogTitle") )
                        pProperties->Value >>= aPortion.sDialogTitle;
            aPortion.sText = sText;
		aPortion.eLanguage = lcl_GetLanguage(*GetSh());
		aPortion.bIsField = bIsField;
        aPortion.bIsHidden = bIsHidden;
		aPortion.xAlternatives = xAlt;
		SpellContentPosition aPosition;
		SwPaM *pCrsr = GetSh()->GetCrsr();
		aPosition.nLeft = pCrsr->Start()->nContent.GetIndex();
		aPosition.nRight = pCrsr->End()->nContent.GetIndex();
/*-- 19.09.2003 13:05:43---------------------------------------------------

void    SwSpellIter::AddPortion(uno::Reference< XSpellAlternatives > xAlt,
                                linguistic2::ProofreadingResult* pGrammarResult, 
                                const SpellContentPositions& rDeletedRedlines)
    SwEditShell *pMySh = GetSh();
    String sText;
    pMySh->GetSelectedText( sText );
        if(xAlt.is() || pGrammarResult != 0)
            CreatePortion(xAlt, pGrammarResult, false, false);
            SwPaM *pCrsr = GetSh()->GetCrsr();
            if ( *pCrsr->GetPoint() > *pCrsr->GetMark() )
            //save the start and end positions
            SwPosition aStart(*pCrsr->GetPoint());
            SwPosition aEnd(*pCrsr->GetMark());
            //iterate over the text to find changes in language
            //set the mark equal to the point
            *pCrsr->GetMark() = aStart;
            SwTxtNode* pTxtNode = pCrsr->GetNode()->GetTxtNode();
            LanguageType eStartLanguage = lcl_GetLanguage(*GetSh());
            SpellContentPosition  aNextRedline = lcl_FindNextDeletedRedline(
                        rDeletedRedlines, aStart.nContent.GetIndex() );
            if( aNextRedline.nLeft == aStart.nContent.GetIndex() )
                //select until the end of the current redline
                xub_StrLen nEnd = aEnd.nContent.GetIndex() < aNextRedline.nRight ?
                            aEnd.nContent.GetIndex() : aNextRedline.nRight;
                pCrsr->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( pTxtNode, nEnd );
                CreatePortion(xAlt, pGrammarResult, false, true);
                aStart = *pCrsr->End();
                //search for next redline
                aNextRedline = lcl_FindNextDeletedRedline(
                            rDeletedRedlines, aStart.nContent.GetIndex() );
            while(*pCrsr->GetPoint() < aEnd)
                //#125786 in table cell with fixed row height the cursor might not move forward
                if(!GetSh()->Right(1, CRSR_SKIP_CELLS))

                bool bField = false;
                //read the character at the current position to check if it's a field
                xub_Unicode cChar = pTxtNode->GetTxt().GetChar( pCrsr->GetMark()->nContent.GetIndex() );
                if( CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD == cChar || CH_TXTATR_INWORD == cChar)
                    const SwTxtAttr* pTxtAttr = pTxtNode->GetTxtAttrForCharAt(
                        pCrsr->GetMark()->nContent.GetIndex() );
                    const sal_uInt16 nWhich = pTxtAttr
                        ? pTxtAttr->Which()
                        : static_cast<sal_uInt16>(RES_TXTATR_END);
                    switch (nWhich)
                        case RES_TXTATR_FIELD:
                        case RES_TXTATR_FTN:
                        case RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT:
                            bField = true;

                LanguageType eCurLanguage = lcl_GetLanguage(*GetSh());
                bool bRedline = aNextRedline.nLeft == pCrsr->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex();
                // create a portion if the next character
                //  - is a field,
                //  - is at the beginning of a deleted redline
                //  - has a different language
                if(bField || bRedline || eCurLanguage != eStartLanguage)
                    eStartLanguage = eCurLanguage;
                    //go one step back - the cursor currently selects the first character
                    //with a different language
                    //in the case of redlining it's different
                    if(eCurLanguage != eStartLanguage || bField)
                        *pCrsr->GetPoint() = *pCrsr->GetMark();
                    //set to the last start
                    *pCrsr->GetMark() = aStart;
                    //create portion should only be called if a selection exists
                    //there's no selection if there's a field at the beginning
                    if(*pCrsr->Start() != *pCrsr->End())
                        CreatePortion(xAlt, pGrammarResult, false, false);
                    aStart = *pCrsr->End();
                    //now export the field - if there is any
                        *pCrsr->GetMark() = *pCrsr->GetPoint();
                        GetSh()->Right(1, CRSR_SKIP_CELLS);
                        CreatePortion(xAlt, pGrammarResult, true, false);
                        aStart = *pCrsr->End();
                // if a redline start then create a portion for it
                    *pCrsr->GetMark() = *pCrsr->GetPoint();
                    //select until the end of the current redline
                    xub_StrLen nEnd = aEnd.nContent.GetIndex() < aNextRedline.nRight ?
                                aEnd.nContent.GetIndex() : aNextRedline.nRight;
                    pCrsr->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( pTxtNode, nEnd );
                    CreatePortion(xAlt, pGrammarResult, false, true);
                    aStart = *pCrsr->End();
                    //search for next redline
                    aNextRedline = lcl_FindNextDeletedRedline(
                                rDeletedRedlines, aStart.nContent.GetIndex() );
                *pCrsr->GetMark() = *pCrsr->GetPoint();
            *pCrsr->GetMark() = aStart;
            CreatePortion(xAlt, pGrammarResult, false, false);
/*-- 07.08.2008 15:01:25---------------------------------------------------

void SwEditShell::IgnoreGrammarErrorAt( SwPaM& rErrorPosition )
    SwTxtNode *pNode;
    SwWrongList *pWrong;
    SwNodeIndex aIdx = rErrorPosition.Start()->nNode;
    SwNodeIndex aEndIdx = rErrorPosition.Start()->nNode;
    xub_StrLen nStart = rErrorPosition.Start()->nContent.GetIndex();
    xub_StrLen nEnd = STRING_LEN;
    while( aIdx <= aEndIdx )
        pNode = aIdx.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
        if( pNode ) {
            if( aIdx == aEndIdx )
                nEnd = rErrorPosition.End()->nContent.GetIndex();
            pWrong = pNode->GetGrammarCheck();
            if( pWrong )
                pWrong->RemoveEntry( nStart, nEnd );
            pWrong = pNode->GetWrong();
            if( pWrong )
                pWrong->RemoveEntry( nStart, nEnd );
            SwTxtFrm::repaintTextFrames( *pNode );
        nStart = 0;