/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef SW_UNDO_MANAGER_HXX #define SW_UNDO_MANAGER_HXX #include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx> #include <memory> #include <svx/sdrundomanager.hxx> class IDocumentDrawModelAccess; class IDocumentRedlineAccess; class IDocumentState; namespace sw { class UndoManager : public IDocumentUndoRedo , public SdrUndoManager { public: UndoManager(::std::auto_ptr<SwNodes> pUndoNodes, IDocumentDrawModelAccess & rDrawModelAccess, IDocumentRedlineAccess & rRedlineAccess, IDocumentState & rState); /** IDocumentUndoRedo */ virtual void DoUndo(bool const bDoUndo); virtual bool DoesUndo() const; virtual void DoGroupUndo(bool const bDoUndo); virtual bool DoesGroupUndo() const; virtual void DoDrawUndo(bool const bDoUndo); virtual bool DoesDrawUndo() const; virtual void SetUndoNoModifiedPosition(); virtual void LockUndoNoModifiedPosition(); virtual void UnLockUndoNoModifiedPosition(); virtual void SetUndoNoResetModified(); virtual bool IsUndoNoResetModified() const; // virtual bool Undo(); virtual SwUndoId StartUndo(SwUndoId const eUndoId, SwRewriter const*const pRewriter); virtual SwUndoId EndUndo(SwUndoId const eUndoId, SwRewriter const*const pRewriter); virtual void DelAllUndoObj(); virtual bool GetLastUndoInfo(::rtl::OUString *const o_pStr, SwUndoId *const o_pId) const; virtual SwUndoComments_t GetUndoComments() const; // virtual bool Redo(); virtual bool GetFirstRedoInfo(::rtl::OUString *const o_pStr) const; virtual SwUndoComments_t GetRedoComments() const; virtual bool Repeat(::sw::RepeatContext & rContext, sal_uInt16 const nRepeatCnt); virtual SwUndoId GetRepeatInfo(::rtl::OUString *const o_pStr) const; virtual void AppendUndo(SwUndo *const pUndo); virtual void ClearRedo(); virtual bool IsUndoNodes(SwNodes const& rNodes) const; // ::svl::IUndoManager virtual void AddUndoAction(SfxUndoAction *pAction, sal_Bool bTryMerg = sal_False); virtual sal_Bool Undo(); virtual sal_Bool Redo(); virtual void EnableUndo(bool bEnable); SwUndo * RemoveLastUndo(); SwUndo * GetLastUndo(); SwNodes const& GetUndoNodes() const; SwNodes & GetUndoNodes(); private: IDocumentDrawModelAccess & m_rDrawModelAccess; IDocumentRedlineAccess & m_rRedlineAccess; IDocumentState & m_rState; /// Undo nodes array: content not currently in document ::std::auto_ptr<SwNodes> m_pUndoNodes; bool m_bGroupUndo : 1; // TRUE: Undo grouping enabled bool m_bDrawUndo : 1; // TRUE: Draw Undo enabled bool m_bLockUndoNoModifiedPosition : 1; /// position in Undo-Array at which Doc was saved (and is not modified) UndoStackMark m_UndoSaveMark; typedef enum { UNDO = true, REDO = false } UndoOrRedo_t; bool impl_DoUndoRedo(UndoOrRedo_t const undoOrRedo); // UGLY: should not be called using SdrUndoManager::Repeat; }; } // namespace sw #endif // SW_UNDO_MANAGER_HXX