 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.


#include <tools/mempool.hxx>
#include <tools/string.hxx>
#include "cntfrm.hxx"

#define STRSIZE(x) (sizeof(x)-1)

class SwCharRange;
class SwTxtNode;
class SwTxtFormatter;
class SwTxtFormatInfo;
class SwParaPortion;
class WidowsAndOrphans;
class SwBodyFrm;
class SwTxtFtn;
class SwInterHyphInfo;		// Hyphenate()
class SwCache;
class SwBorderAttrs;
class SwFrmFmt;
class OutputDevice;
class SwTestFormat;
struct SwCrsrMoveState;
struct SwFillData;
class SwPortionHandler;
class SwScriptInfo;
class SwViewOption;
class SwWrongList;

#define GRID_ON         0
#define GRID_HEIGHT     1
#define RUBY_HEIGHT     2
#define RUBY_TOP        3
#define GRID_CELLS      4

class SwTxtFrm: public SwCntntFrm
    friend class SwTxtIter;
	friend class SwTestFormat;
	friend class WidowsAndOrphans;
	friend class SwTxtFrmLocker;		// duerfen Lock()/Unlock()
	friend sal_Bool lcl_ChangeOffset( SwTxtFrm* pFrm, sal_uInt16 nNew );

	static SwCache *pTxtCache;	//Pointer auf den Line-Cache
	static long nMinPrtLine; 	//Diese Linie darf beim Drucken nicht
		//unterschritten werden, Hack fuer Tabellenzellen ueber mehrere Seiten

	sal_uLong  nAllLines		:24;//Anzahl der Zeilen fuer das Paint (inkl. nThisLines)
	sal_uLong  nThisLines		:8;	//Anzahl der Zeilen dieses Frames

    // The x position for flys anchored at this paragraph.
    // These values are calculated in SwTxtFrm::CalcBaseOfstForFly()
    SwTwips mnFlyAnchorOfst;
    // The x position for wrap-through flys anchored at this paragraph.
    SwTwips mnFlyAnchorOfstNoWrap;
    SwTwips mnFtnLine;
    // OD 2004-03-17 #i11860# - re-factoring of #i11859#
    // member for height of last line (value needed for proportional line spacing)
    SwTwips mnHeightOfLastLine;
    // --> OD 2008-01-31 #newlistlevelattrs#
    // member for the additional first line offset, which is caused by the list
    // label alignment for list level position and space mode LABEL_ALIGNMENT.
    // This additional first line offset is used for the text formatting.
    // It is NOT used for the determination of printing area.
    SwTwips mnAdditionalFirstLineOffset;
    // <--

	xub_StrLen nOfst;			//nOfst gibt den Offset im Cntnt (Anzahl Zeichen) an.

	sal_uInt16 nCacheIdx;			//Index in den Cache, USHRT_MAX wenn definitiv
								//kein passendes Objekt im Cache steht.

	//Teilt den Master ab und erzeugt einen Follow oder passt die
	//Daten im Follow an.
		   void _AdjustFollow( SwTxtFormatter &rLine, const xub_StrLen nOffset,
							   const xub_StrLen nStrEnd, const sal_uInt8 nMode );
	inline void AdjustFollow( SwTxtFormatter &rLine, const xub_StrLen nOffset,
							  const xub_StrLen nStrEnd, const sal_uInt8 nMode );

	//Iteriert ueber alle Zeilen und stellt das Linespacing
	//entsprechend dem Attribut ein.
	void CalcLineSpace();

	void InitCtor();		// Wird in beiden Ctoren gerufen

	// Wird nur in Format gerufen:
	void AdjustFrm( const SwTwips nChgHeight, sal_Bool bHasToFit = sal_False );

	// wertet in Format() die Preps aus.
	sal_Bool CalcPreps();
	void PrepWidows( const sal_uInt16 nNeed, sal_Bool bNotify = sal_True );
    void _InvalidateRange( const SwCharRange &, const long = 0);
	inline void InvalidateRange( const SwCharRange &, const long = 0);

	// WidowsAndOrphans, AdjustFrm, AdjustFollow
	void FormatAdjust( SwTxtFormatter &rLine, WidowsAndOrphans &rFrmBreak,
					   const xub_StrLen nStrLen, const sal_Bool bDummy );

	sal_Bool bLocked		: 1;		// im Format?
	sal_Bool bFormatted 	: 1;		// nach Format auf sal_True
	sal_Bool bWidow			: 1;		// sind wir ein Widow
	sal_Bool bJustWidow		: 1;		// haben wir soeben Widow angefordert
	sal_Bool bEmpty			: 1;		// sind wir ein leerer Absatz
	sal_Bool bInFtnConnect	: 1;		// Steht gerade im Connect
	sal_Bool bFtn			: 1;		// Hat mindestens eine Fussnote
	sal_Bool bRepaint		: 1;		// TxtFrm: Repaint steht zur Abholung bereit
	sal_Bool bBlinkPor		: 1;		// enthaelt Blink-Portions
	sal_Bool bFieldFollow	: 1;		// beginne mit Feldrest des Masters
	sal_Bool bHasAnimation	: 1;		// enthaelt animierte SwGrfNumPortion
    sal_Bool bIsSwapped     : 1;        // during text formatting we swap the
                                        // width and height for vertical formatting
    // OD 14.03.2003 #i11760# - flag to control, if follow is formatted in
    // method <CalcFollow(..)>.
    // E.g., avoid formatting of follow, if method <SwLayoutFrm::FormatWidthCols(..)>
    // is running.
    sal_Bool mbFollowFormatAllowed : 1;

	void ResetPreps();
	inline void Lock() { bLocked = sal_True; }
	inline void Unlock() { bLocked = sal_False; }
	inline void SetFormatted( const sal_Bool bNew ) { bFormatted = bNew; }
	inline void SetWidow( const sal_Bool bNew ) { bWidow = bNew; }
	inline void SetJustWidow( const sal_Bool bNew ) { bJustWidow = bNew; }
	inline void SetEmpty( const sal_Bool bNew ) { bEmpty = bNew; }
	inline void SetFieldFollow( const sal_Bool bNew ) { bFieldFollow = bNew; }

	sal_Bool IsIdxInside( const xub_StrLen nPos, const xub_StrLen nLen ) const;

	// Wechselt den Frame oder auch nicht (vgl. FlyCnt)
	sal_Bool _GetCrsrOfst(SwPosition *pPos, const Point &rPoint,
					  const sal_Bool bChgFrm, SwCrsrMoveState* = 0 ) const;
	void FillCrsrPos( SwFillData &rFill ) const;

	// formatiert genau eine Zeile ...
	sal_Bool FormatLine( SwTxtFormatter &rLine, const sal_Bool bPrev );

	// Um Stack einzusparen aufgeteilt ...
	// _Format ruft _Format mit Parametern
	void _Format( SwParaPortion *pPara );
	void _Format( SwTxtFormatter &rLine, SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf,
				  const sal_Bool bAdjust = sal_False );
	void FormatOnceMore( SwTxtFormatter &rLine, SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf );

	// formatiert den Follow und sorgt fuer die Entsorgung bei Orphans
	sal_Bool CalcFollow(  const xub_StrLen nTxtOfst );

	// korrigiert die Stelle ab der formatiert werden muss.
	xub_StrLen FindBrk(const String &rTxt, const xub_StrLen nStart,
									   const xub_StrLen nEnd) const;

	// inline-Weiche
	SwTwips _GetFtnFrmHeight() const;

	// Aus CalcPreps ausgelagert.
	sal_Bool CalcPrepFtnAdjust();

	// Fuer Ftn und WidOrp: Zwangsvalidierung
	void ValidateFrm();
	void ValidateBodyFrm();

	sal_Bool _GetDropRect( SwRect &rRect ) const;

	void SetPara( SwParaPortion *pNew, sal_Bool bDelete = sal_True );

	sal_Bool _IsFtnNumFrm() const;

	// 6995: Formatinformationen auffrischen
    sal_Bool FormatQuick( bool bForceQuickFormat );

	// Opt: Leere Absaetze formatieren
	sal_Bool FormatEmpty();
	SwTwips EmptyHeight() const;
	// Opt: Leere Absaetze painten
	sal_Bool PaintEmpty( const SwRect &, sal_Bool bCheck ) const;

	void ChgThisLines();//Muss immer gerufen werden, wenn sich die Zeilenazahl
						//veraendert haben kann.

    // required for 'new' relative anchor position
    void CalcBaseOfstForFly();

    /** method to determine height of last line, needed for proportional line spacing

        OD 2004-03-17 #i11860#
        OD 2005-05-20 #i47162# - introduce new optional parameter <_bUseFont>
        in order to force the usage of the former algorithm to determine the
        height of the last line, which uses the font.

        @param _bUseFont
        optional input parameter - boolean indicating, if the font has to be
        used to determine the height of the last line. default value: false

        @author OD
    void _CalcHeightOfLastLine( const bool _bUseFont = false );

    // ST2
    SwWrongList* _SmartTagScan ( ::rtl::OUString aTxtToScan, SwWrongList *pSmartTagList,
                                 xub_StrLen nBegin,xub_StrLen nEnd,
                                 xub_StrLen nInsertPos, xub_StrLen nActPos,
                                 xub_StrLen &nChgStart, xub_StrLen &nChgEnd,
                                 xub_StrLen &nInvStart, xub_StrLen &nInvEnd);
	virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem* );


	//public, weil der eine oder andere die Methode rufen darf um das
	//Prepare zu sparen - mit Vorsicht zu geniessen!
	void Init();

	// Wird von FormatSpelling( ) gerufen
    SwRect _AutoSpell( const SwCntntNode*, const SwViewOption&, sal_uInt16 );
    // is called from the FormatSpelling( ) method
    SwRect SmartTagScan( SwCntntNode* , sal_uInt16 );
    // Wird vom CollectAutoCmplWords gerufen
    void CollectAutoCmplWrds( SwCntntNode* , sal_uInt16 );

    // Returns the screen position of rPos. The values are relative to the upper
    // left position of the page frame.
    // Additional information can be obtained by passing an SwCrsrMoveState object.
    // Returns sal_False if rPos > number of character is string
    virtual sal_Bool   GetCharRect( SwRect& rRect, const SwPosition& rPos,
                                SwCrsrMoveState* pCMS = 0 ) const;
	// Eine etwas abgespeckte GetCharRect-Version fuer autopositionierte Rahmen
	sal_Bool GetAutoPos( SwRect &, const SwPosition& ) const;

    /** determine top of line for given position in the text frame

        OD 11.11.2003 #i22341#
        Assumption: given position exists in the text frame or in a follow of it
        OD 2004-02-02 - adjustment
        Top of first paragraph line is the top of the paragraph.
        OD 2004-03-18 #i11860# - Consider upper space amount considered for
        previous frame and the page grid.

        @author OD

        @param _onTopOfLine
        output parameter - top of line, if the given position is found in the
        text frame.

        @param _rPos
        input parameter - reference to the position in the text frame

        @return boolean indicating, if the top of line for the given position
        has been determined or not.
    bool GetTopOfLine( SwTwips& _onTopOfLine,
                       const SwPosition& _rPos ) const;

	virtual bool FillSelection( SwSelectionList& rList, const SwRect& rRect ) const;

	//Liefert in nOffset den Offset des Characters innerhalb des
	//gesetzten Textbuffers zurueck, welcher der durch aPoint
	//gegebenen Position innerhalb der SSize des Layout am
	//naechsten ist. Wenn der SPoint ausserhalb der SSize liegt,
	//liefert die Funktion sal_False, sal_True sonst.
	virtual sal_Bool GetCrsrOfst( SwPosition *, Point&,
                                  SwCrsrMoveState* = 0) const;

	// GetKeyCrsrOfst sorgt dafuer, dass der Frame nicht gewechselt wird
	// (z.B. Wechsel in den zeichengebundenen Frame).
	inline	sal_Bool GetKeyCrsrOfst(SwPosition *pPos, const Point &rPoint ) const
			{ return _GetCrsrOfst( pPos, rPoint, sal_False ); }

	void   PaintExtraData( const SwRect & rRect ) const; //Seitennummer usw.
	SwRect Paint();
    virtual void Paint( SwRect const&,
                        SwPrintData const*const pPrintData = NULL ) const;
	virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem & ) const;

	//Layoutorientiertes Cursortravelling: Linker, rechter Rand,
	//vorhergehende/naechste Zeile, gleiche horizontale Position.
	virtual sal_Bool LeftMargin(SwPaM *) const;
	virtual sal_Bool RightMargin(SwPaM *, sal_Bool bAPI = sal_False) const;

	virtual sal_Bool UnitUp(SwPaM *, const SwTwips nOffset = 0,
							sal_Bool bSetInReadOnly = sal_False  ) const;
	virtual sal_Bool UnitDown(SwPaM *, const SwTwips nOffset = 0,
							sal_Bool bSetInReadOnly = sal_False ) const;
	sal_Bool _UnitUp(SwPaM *, const SwTwips nOffset = 0,
							sal_Bool bSetInReadOnly = sal_False ) const;
	sal_Bool _UnitDown(SwPaM *, const SwTwips nOffset = 0,
							sal_Bool bSetInReadOnly = sal_False ) const;

    // Prepares the cursor position for a visual cursor move (BiDi).
    // The behaviour is different for insert and overwrite cursors
    void PrepareVisualMove( xub_StrLen& nPos, sal_uInt8& nCrsrLevel,
                            sal_Bool& bRight, sal_Bool bInsertCrsr );

	// Methoden zur Verwaltung von FolgeFrames
		   SwCntntFrm *SplitFrm( const xub_StrLen nTxtPos );
		   SwCntntFrm *JoinFrm();
	inline sal_uInt16	   GetOfst() const { return nOfst; }
		   void		   _SetOfst( const sal_uInt16 nNewOfst );
	inline void 	   SetOfst ( const sal_uInt16 nNewOfst );
	inline void 	   ManipOfst ( const sal_uInt16 nNewOfst ){ nOfst = nNewOfst; }
		   SwTxtFrm   *GetFrmAtPos ( const SwPosition &rPos);
	inline const SwTxtFrm *GetFrmAtPos ( const SwPosition &rPos) const;
           // OD 07.10.2003 #110978# - return <reference> instead of <pointer>
    SwTxtFrm&   GetFrmAtOfst( const xub_StrLen nOfst );
	// Wenn es einen Follow gibt und wir selbst keinen Text enthalten:
	inline sal_Bool IsEmptyMaster() const
		{ return GetFollow() && !GetFollow()->GetOfst(); }

	// Liefert den zu bearbeitenden Textausschnitt zurueck (inline, s.u.)
	const String& GetTxt() const;
	inline SwTxtNode *GetTxtNode()
		{ return (SwTxtNode*)SwCntntFrm::GetNode(); }
	inline const SwTxtNode *GetTxtNode() const
		{ return (SwTxtNode*)SwCntntFrm::GetNode(); }

	SwTxtFrm(SwTxtNode * const, SwFrm* );
    virtual ~SwTxtFrm();

	// SwCntntFrm: der "kurze Dienstweg" fuer die Frames.
	// Wer den void* falsch casted ist selbst Schuld!
	// Auf jedenfall muss der void* auf 0 geprueft werden.
	virtual void Prepare( const PrepareHint ePrep = PREP_CLEAR,
						  const void *pVoid = 0, sal_Bool bNotify = sal_True );

    // nMaxHeight is the required height
    // bSplit indicates, that the paragraph has to be split
    // bTst indicates, that we are currently doing a test formatting
    virtual sal_Bool WouldFit( SwTwips &nMaxHeight, sal_Bool &bSplit, sal_Bool bTst );

	// Hier das WouldFit-Aequivalent fuer mal kurz probeweise
	// umgehaengte TextFrames, auch hier liefert
	// nMaxHeight die benoetigte Hoehe,
	// und bSplit sagt, obj der Absatz gesplittet werden muss.
	// Uebergeben wird der potentielle Vorgaenger fuer die Abstandsberechnung
	sal_Bool TestFormat( const SwFrm* pPrv, SwTwips &nMaxHeight, sal_Bool &bSplit );

	// Wir formatieren eine Zeile fuer die interaktive Trennung
	// Return: found
	sal_Bool Hyphenate( SwInterHyphInfo &rInf );

	// Probegrow
	inline SwTwips GrowTst( const SwTwips nGrow );

	SwParaPortion *GetPara();
	inline const SwParaPortion *GetPara() const;
	inline sal_Bool HasPara() const;
	sal_Bool _HasPara() const;
	// If there are any hanging punctuation portions in the margin
	// the offset will be returned.
	SwTwips HangingMargin() const;

	// RTTI

	// Locking
	inline sal_Bool IsLocked() 		const { return bLocked;		}
	inline sal_Bool IsFormatted() 	const { return bFormatted;	}

	inline sal_Bool IsWidow() 		const { return bWidow;		}
	inline sal_Bool IsJustWidow()	const { return bJustWidow;	}
	inline sal_Bool IsEmpty() 		const { return bEmpty;		}
	inline sal_Bool HasFtn() 		const { return bFtn; 		}
	inline sal_Bool IsInFtnConnect()const { return bInFtnConnect;}
	inline sal_Bool IsFieldFollow() const { return bFieldFollow;}

	inline void SetRepaint() const;
	inline void ResetRepaint() const;
	inline sal_Bool HasRepaint() const { return bRepaint; }
	inline void SetBlinkPor() const;
	inline void ResetBlinkPor() const;
	inline sal_Bool HasBlinkPor() const { return bBlinkPor; }
	inline void SetAnimation() const
		{ ( (SwTxtFrm*)this )->bHasAnimation = sal_True; }
	inline sal_Bool HasAnimation() const { return bHasAnimation; }

    inline sal_Bool IsSwapped() const { return bIsSwapped; }

	// Hat der Frm eine lokale Fussnote (in diesem Frm bzw. Follow)?
#ifndef DBG_UTIL
	void CalcFtnFlag();
	void CalcFtnFlag( xub_StrLen nStop = STRING_LEN );//Fuer den Test von SplitFrm

	// Hidden
	sal_Bool IsHiddenNow() const;		// bHidden && pOut == pPrt
	void HideHidden();				// Anhaengsel entfernen wenn Hidden
    void HideFootnotes( xub_StrLen nStart, xub_StrLen nEnd );

    /** method to hide/show objects

        OD 2004-01-15 #110582#
        method hides respectively shows objects, which are anchored at paragraph,
        at/as a character of the paragraph, corresponding to the paragraph and
        paragraph portion visibility.

        @author OD
    void HideAndShowObjects();

	// Ftn
	void RemoveFtn( const xub_StrLen nStart = 0,
					const xub_StrLen nLen = STRING_LEN );
	inline SwTwips GetFtnFrmHeight() const;
	SwTxtFrm *FindFtnRef( const SwTxtFtn *pFtn );
	inline const SwTxtFrm *FindFtnRef( const SwTxtFtn *pFtn ) const
	{ return FindFtnRef( pFtn ); }
	void ConnectFtn( SwTxtFtn *pFtn, const SwTwips nDeadLine );

	// Wenn wir eine Ftn sind, die auf ihre Referenz zu waechst...
	// public weil von SwCntntFrm::MakeAll benoetigt.
    SwTwips GetFtnLine( const SwTxtFtn *pFtn ) const;

	// Liefern den linken und den rechten Rand in
	// Dokumentkoordinaten (unter Beachtung der Absatzattribute).
	inline SwTwips GetLeftMargin() const;
	inline SwTwips GetRightMargin() const;

	virtual void Format( const SwBorderAttrs *pAttrs = 0 );
    virtual void  CheckDirection( sal_Bool bVert );

	// Liefert die Summe der Zeilenhoehen in pLine zurueck.
	sal_uInt16 GetParHeight() const;

	// Liefert die Resthoehe zurueck
	inline SwTwips GetRstHeight() const;

	inline 		 SwTxtFrm *GetFollow();
	inline const SwTxtFrm *GetFollow() const;

    // Suche die Seitennummer von ErgoSum und QuoVadis
	SwTxtFrm *FindQuoVadisFrm();

	// holt die Formatierug nach, wenn der Idle-Handler zugeschlagen hat.
    // --> FME 2004-10-29 #i29062# GetFormatted() can trigger a full formatting
    // of the paragraph, causing other layout frames to become invalid. This
    // has to be avoided during painting. Therefore we need to pass the
    // information that we are currently in the paint process.
    SwTxtFrm* GetFormatted( bool bForceQuickFormat = false );
    // <--

	// wird demnaechst uebertragen
	inline void SetFtn( const sal_Bool bNew ) { bFtn = bNew; }

	// Beruecksichtigung der Follows
	inline sal_Bool IsInside( const xub_StrLen nPos ) const;

	const SwBodyFrm   *FindBodyFrm()   const;

	// DropCaps und Selektionen
	inline sal_Bool GetDropRect( SwRect &rRect ) const
	{ return HasPara() ? _GetDropRect( rRect ) : sal_False; }

	static SwCache *GetTxtCache() { return pTxtCache; }
	static void		SetTxtCache( SwCache *pNew ) { pTxtCache = pNew; }

	static long GetMinPrtLine() { return nMinPrtLine; }
	static void	SetMinPrtLine( long nNew ) { nMinPrtLine = nNew; }

	inline sal_uInt16 GetCacheIdx() const { return nCacheIdx; }
	inline void	  SetCacheIdx( const sal_uInt16 nNew ) { nCacheIdx = nNew; }

	//Entfert die Line-Informationen aus dem Cache.
	void ClearPara();

	// Bin ich ein FtnFrm, der eine Nummer am Absatzanfang hat?
	inline sal_Bool IsFtnNumFrm() const
	{ return IsInFtn() && !GetIndPrev() && _IsFtnNumFrm(); }

	// simuliert eine Formatierung, als wenn es keinen rechten Rand und
	// keine Flys oder andere Hindernisse gaebe und liefert die Breite.
    SwTwips CalcFitToContent();

    /** simulate format for a list item paragraph, whose list level attributes
        are in LABEL_ALIGNMENT mode, in order to determine additional first
        line offset for the real text formatting due to the value of label
        adjustment attribute of the list level.

        OD 2008-01-31 #newlistlevelattrs#

        @author OD
    void CalcAdditionalFirstLineOffset();

    // --> OD 2008-01-31 #newlistlevelattrs#
    inline SwTwips GetAdditionalFirstLineOffset() const
        return mnAdditionalFirstLineOffset;
    // <--

	// liefert den zusaetzlichen Zeilenabstand fuer den naechsten Absatz
    // OD 07.01.2004 #i11859# - change return data type;
    //      add default parameter <_bNoPropLineSpacing> to control, if the
    //      value of a proportional line spacing is returned or not
    long GetLineSpace( const bool _bNoPropLineSpacing = false ) const;

    // liefert die erste Zeilenhoehe zurueck
	sal_uInt16 FirstLineHeight() const;

	// Haengt FlyInCntFrm um, wenn nEnd > Index >= nStart ist.
	void MoveFlyInCnt( SwTxtFrm *pNew, sal_uInt16 nStart, sal_uInt16 nEnd );

	// Berechnet die Position von FlyInCntFrms
	sal_uInt16 CalcFlyPos( SwFrmFmt* pSearch );

	// Ermittelt die Startposition und Schrittweite des Registers
	sal_Bool FillRegister( SwTwips& rRegStart, sal_uInt16& rRegDiff );

	sal_uInt16 GetLineCount( sal_uInt16 nPos );		//Ermittelt die Zeilenanzahl

	//Fuer die Anzeige der Zeilennummern.
	sal_uLong GetAllLines()  const { return nAllLines; }
	sal_uLong GetThisLines() const { return nThisLines;}
	void RecalcAllLines();

	// Stoppt Animationen innerhalb von Numerierungen
	void StopAnimation( OutputDevice *pOut );

    // visit all portions for Accessibility
    void VisitPortions( SwPortionHandler& rPH ) const;

    // returns the script info stored at the paraportion
    const SwScriptInfo* GetScriptInfo() const;

    // Swaps width and height of the text frame
    void SwapWidthAndHeight();
    // Calculates the coordinates of a rectangle when switching from
    // horizontal to vertical layout.
    void SwitchHorizontalToVertical( SwRect& rRect ) const;
    // Calculates the coordinates of a point when switching from
    // horizontal to vertical layout.
    void SwitchHorizontalToVertical( Point& rPoint ) const;
    // Calculates the a limit value when switching from
    // horizontal to vertical layout.
    long SwitchHorizontalToVertical( long nLimit ) const;
    // Calculates the coordinates of a rectangle when switching from
    // vertical to horizontal layout.
    void SwitchVerticalToHorizontal( SwRect& rRect ) const;
    // Calculates the coordinates of a point when switching from
    // vertical to horizontal layout.
    void SwitchVerticalToHorizontal( Point& rPoint ) const;
    // Calculates the a limit value when switching from
    // vertical to horizontal layout.
    long SwitchVerticalToHorizontal( long nLimit ) const;

    // Calculates the coordinates of a rectangle when switching from
    // LTR to RTL layout
    void SwitchLTRtoRTL( SwRect& rRect ) const;
    // Calculates the coordinates of a point when switching from
    // LTR to RTL layout.
    void SwitchLTRtoRTL( Point& rPoint ) const;
    // Calculates the coordinates of a rectangle when switching from
    // RTL to LTR layout
    inline void SwitchRTLtoLTR( SwRect& rRect ) const { SwitchLTRtoRTL( rRect ); }
    // Calculates the coordinates of a point when switching from
    // RTL to LTR layout.
    inline void SwitchRTLtoLTR( Point& rPoint ) const { SwitchLTRtoRTL( rPoint ); };

    // OD 14.03.2003 #i11760# - access to new member <mbNoFollowFormat>
    inline bool FollowFormatAllowed() const
        return mbFollowFormatAllowed;
    inline void AllowFollowFormat()
        mbFollowFormatAllowed = true;
    inline void ForbidFollowFormat()
        mbFollowFormatAllowed = false;

    SwTwips GetBaseOfstForFly( sal_Bool bIgnoreFlysAnchoredAtThisFrame ) const
        return ( bIgnoreFlysAnchoredAtThisFrame ?
                 mnFlyAnchorOfst :
                 mnFlyAnchorOfstNoWrap );

    // OD 2004-03-17 #i11860#
    inline SwTwips GetHeightOfLastLine() const
        return mnHeightOfLastLine;

    static void repaintTextFrames( const SwTxtNode& rNode );

 *							class SwTxtFrmLocker

class SwTxtFrmLocker
	SwTxtFrm * const pFrm;
	inline SwTxtFrmLocker( SwTxtFrm *pTxtFrm )
		: pFrm( pTxtFrm->IsLocked() ? 0 : pTxtFrm )
	{ if( pFrm ) pFrm->Lock(); }
	inline ~SwTxtFrmLocker() { if( pFrm ) pFrm->Unlock(); }

 *						Inline-Implementierung

inline const SwParaPortion *SwTxtFrm::GetPara() const
	return ((SwTxtFrm*)this)->GetPara();

inline sal_Bool SwTxtFrm::HasPara() const
	return nCacheIdx != USHRT_MAX ? _HasPara() : sal_False;

// 9104: Frm().Height() - Prt().Height(), siehe widorp.cxx und 7455, 6114, 7908
inline SwTwips SwTxtFrm::GetRstHeight() const
	return !GetUpper() ? 0 : ((const SwFrm*)GetUpper())->Frm().Top()
						   + ((const SwFrm*)GetUpper())->Prt().Top()
						   + ((const SwFrm*)GetUpper())->Prt().Height()
						   - Frm().Top() - (Frm().Height() - Prt().Height());

inline SwTwips SwTxtFrm::GetLeftMargin() const
	return Frm().Left() + Prt().Left();
inline SwTwips SwTxtFrm::GetRightMargin() const
	return Frm().Left() + Prt().Left() + Prt().Width();
inline SwTwips SwTxtFrm::GrowTst( const SwTwips nGrow )
    return Grow( nGrow, sal_True );

// fragt auf WYSIWYG DBG ab
extern sal_Bool IsDbg( const SwTxtFrm *pFrm );
#define DBTXTFRM aDbstream << "SwTxtFrm[" << GetFrmId() << "]"

inline sal_Bool SwTxtFrm::IsInside( const xub_StrLen nPos ) const
	sal_Bool bRet = sal_True;
	if( nPos < GetOfst() )
		bRet = sal_False;
		const SwTxtFrm *pFoll = GetFollow();
		if( pFoll && nPos >= pFoll->GetOfst() )
			bRet = sal_False;
	return bRet;

inline SwTwips SwTxtFrm::GetFtnFrmHeight() const
	if(  !IsFollow() && IsInFtn() && HasPara() )
		return _GetFtnFrmHeight();
		return 0;

inline const SwTxtFrm *SwTxtFrm::GetFollow() const
	return (const SwTxtFrm*)SwCntntFrm::GetFollow();
inline SwTxtFrm *SwTxtFrm::GetFollow()
	return (SwTxtFrm*)SwCntntFrm::GetFollow();

inline const SwTxtFrm *SwTxtFrm::GetFrmAtPos( const SwPosition &rPos) const
	return ((SwTxtFrm*)this)->GetFrmAtPos( rPos );

inline void SwTxtFrm::AdjustFollow( SwTxtFormatter &rLine,
	const xub_StrLen nOffset, const xub_StrLen nStrEnd, const sal_uInt8 nMode )
	if ( HasFollow() )
		_AdjustFollow( rLine, nOffset, nStrEnd, nMode );

inline void SwTxtFrm::SetOfst( const xub_StrLen nNewOfst )
	if ( nOfst != nNewOfst )
		_SetOfst( nNewOfst );

inline void SwTxtFrm::SetRepaint() const
	((SwTxtFrm*)this)->bRepaint = sal_True;
inline void SwTxtFrm::ResetRepaint() const
	((SwTxtFrm*)this)->bRepaint = sal_False;

inline void SwTxtFrm::SetBlinkPor() const
	((SwTxtFrm*)this)->bBlinkPor = sal_True;
inline void SwTxtFrm::ResetBlinkPor() const
	((SwTxtFrm*)this)->bBlinkPor = sal_False;


class SwLinguStatistik
	long nWords;	// gepruefte Worte
	long nFlushCnt;	// zaehlt die Messungen

	long nWrong;  // als falsch erkannt
	long nAlter;  // Alternativvorschlaege
	long nSpellTime; // Zeitmessung
	long nSynonym; // Thesaurus
	long nNoSynonym; // Thesaurus ratlos
	long nMeaning; // Thesaurus-Bedeutung
	long nNoMeaning; // Thesaurus meinungslos
	long nTheTime; // Zeitmessung
	long nHyphens; // Trennstellen
	long nNoHyph; // Worte ohne Trennstellen
	long nHyphErr; // Fehler beim Trennen
	long nHyphTime; // Zeitmessung
	SpellCheck *pSpell;
	LanguageType eLang;

	void Flush();

	inline SwLinguStatistik()
		{ nWords = nWrong = nAlter = nSynonym = nNoSynonym =
		  nHyphens = nNoHyph = nHyphErr = nSpellTime = nTheTime =
		  nHyphTime = nFlushCnt = 0;
		  pSpell = NULL;
	inline ~SwLinguStatistik(){ Flush(); }

// globale Variable, implementiert in txtfrm.cxx
extern SwLinguStatistik aSwLinguStat;

#define SW_LING(nWhich,nInc) (aSwLinguStat.nWhich) += nInc;


#define SWAP_IF_SWAPPED( pFrm )\
    sal_Bool bUndoSwap = sal_False;   \
    if ( pFrm->IsVertical() && pFrm->IsSwapped() )\
    {                                 \
        bUndoSwap = sal_True;         \
        ((SwTxtFrm*)pFrm)->SwapWidthAndHeight();         \

#define SWAP_IF_NOT_SWAPPED( pFrm )\
    sal_Bool bUndoSwap = sal_False;     \
    if ( pFrm->IsVertical() && ! pFrm->IsSwapped() )\
    {                                   \
        bUndoSwap = sal_True;           \
        ((SwTxtFrm*)pFrm)->SwapWidthAndHeight();         \

#define UNDO_SWAP( pFrm )\
    if ( bUndoSwap )\

// Helper class which can be used instead of the macros if a function
// has too many returns
class SwFrmSwapper
    const SwTxtFrm* pFrm;
    sal_Bool bUndo;
    SwFrmSwapper( const SwTxtFrm* pFrm, sal_Bool bSwapIfNotSwapped );

class SwLayoutModeModifier
    const OutputDevice& rOut;
    long nOldLayoutMode;
    SwLayoutModeModifier( const OutputDevice& rOutp );
    void Modify( sal_Bool bChgToRTL );
    void SetAuto();

class SwDigitModeModifier
    const OutputDevice& rOut;
    LanguageType nOldLanguageType;
    SwDigitModeModifier( const OutputDevice& rOutp, LanguageType eCurLang );
