/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // --> OD 2008-01-16 #newlistlevelattrs# #include // <-- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // fuer SwRegHistory #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // OD 26.06.2003 #108784# #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DBG_UTIL #define CHECK Check(); #else #define CHECK #endif using namespace ::com::sun::star::i18n; SwpHints::SwpHints() : m_pHistory(0) , m_bFontChange(true) , m_bInSplitNode(false) , m_bCalcHiddenParaField(false) , m_bHasHiddenParaField(false) , m_bFootnote(false) , m_bDDEFields(false) { } struct TxtAttrDeleter { SwAttrPool & m_rPool; TxtAttrDeleter( SwDoc & rDoc ) : m_rPool( rDoc.GetAttrPool() ) { } void operator() (SwTxtAttr * const pAttr) { if (RES_TXTATR_META == pAttr->Which() || RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD == pAttr->Which()) { static_cast(pAttr)->ChgTxtNode(0); // prevents ASSERT } SwTxtAttr::Destroy( pAttr, m_rPool ); } }; struct TxtAttrContains { xub_StrLen m_nPos; TxtAttrContains( const xub_StrLen nPos ) : m_nPos( nPos ) { } bool operator() (SwTxtAttrEnd * const pAttr) { return (*pAttr->GetStart() < m_nPos) && (m_nPos < *pAttr->GetEnd()); } }; // a: |-----| // b: // |---| => valid: b before a // |-----| => valid: start == end; b before a // |---------| => invalid: overlap (1) // |-----------| => valid: same end; b around a // |-----------------| => valid: b around a // |---| => valid; same start; b within a // |-----| => valid; same start and end; b around or within a? // |-----------| => valid: same start: b around a // |-| => valid: b within a // |---| => valid: same end; b within a // |---------| => invalid: overlap (2) // |-----| => valid: end == start; b after a // |---| => valid: b after a // ===> 2 invalid overlap cases static bool isOverlap(const xub_StrLen nStart1, const xub_StrLen nEnd1, const xub_StrLen nStart2, const xub_StrLen nEnd2) { return ((nStart1 > nStart2) && (nStart1 < nEnd2) && (nEnd1 > nEnd2)) // (1) || ((nStart1 < nStart2) && (nStart2 < nEnd1) && (nEnd1 < nEnd2)); // (2) } /// #i106930#: now asymmetric: empty hint1 is _not_ nested, but empty hint2 is static bool isNestedAny(const xub_StrLen nStart1, const xub_StrLen nEnd1, const xub_StrLen nStart2, const xub_StrLen nEnd2) { return ((nStart1 == nStart2) || (nEnd1 == nEnd2)) // same start/end: nested except if hint1 empty and hint2 not empty ? (nStart1 != nEnd1) || (nStart2 == nEnd2) : ((nStart1 < nStart2) ? (nEnd1 >= nEnd2) : (nEnd1 <= nEnd2)); } static bool isSelfNestable(const sal_uInt16 nWhich) { if ((RES_TXTATR_INETFMT == nWhich) || (RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY == nWhich)) return false; ASSERT((RES_TXTATR_META == nWhich) || (RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD == nWhich), "???"); return true; } static bool isSplittable(const sal_uInt16 nWhich) { if ((RES_TXTATR_INETFMT == nWhich) || (RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY == nWhich)) return true; ASSERT((RES_TXTATR_META == nWhich) || (RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD == nWhich), "???"); return false; } enum Split_t { FAIL, SPLIT_NEW, SPLIT_OTHER }; /** Calculate splitting policy for overlapping hints, based on what kind of hint is inserted, and what kind of existing hint overlaps. */ static Split_t splitPolicy(const sal_uInt16 nWhichNew, const sal_uInt16 nWhichOther) { if (!isSplittable(nWhichOther)) { if (!isSplittable(nWhichNew)) return FAIL; else return SPLIT_NEW; } else { if ((RES_TXTATR_INETFMT == nWhichNew) && (RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY == nWhichOther)) return SPLIT_NEW; else return SPLIT_OTHER; } } void SwTxtINetFmt::InitINetFmt(SwTxtNode & rNode) { ChgTxtNode(&rNode); SwCharFmt * const pFmt( rNode.GetDoc()->GetCharFmtFromPool(RES_POOLCHR_INET_NORMAL) ); pFmt->Add( this ); } void SwTxtRuby::InitRuby(SwTxtNode & rNode) { ChgTxtNode(&rNode); SwCharFmt * const pFmt( rNode.GetDoc()->GetCharFmtFromPool(RES_POOLCHR_RUBYTEXT) ); pFmt->Add( this ); } /** Create a new nesting text hint. */ static SwTxtAttrNesting * MakeTxtAttrNesting(SwTxtNode & rNode, SwTxtAttrNesting & rNesting, const xub_StrLen nStart, const xub_StrLen nEnd) { SwTxtAttr * const pNew( MakeTxtAttr( *rNode.GetDoc(), rNesting.GetAttr(), nStart, nEnd ) ); switch (pNew->Which()) { case RES_TXTATR_INETFMT: { static_cast(pNew)->InitINetFmt(rNode); break; } case RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY: { static_cast(pNew)->InitRuby(rNode); break; } default: ASSERT(false, "MakeTxtAttrNesting: what the hell is that?"); break; } return static_cast(pNew); } typedef ::std::vector NestList_t; static void lcl_DoSplitNew(NestList_t & rSplits, SwTxtNode & rNode, const xub_StrLen nNewStart, const xub_StrLen nOtherStart, const xub_StrLen nOtherEnd, bool bOtherDummy) { const bool bSplitAtStart(nNewStart < nOtherStart); const xub_StrLen nSplitPos( (bSplitAtStart) ? nOtherStart : nOtherEnd ); // first find the portion that is split (not necessarily the last one!) NestList_t::iterator const iter( ::std::find_if( rSplits.begin(), rSplits.end(), TxtAttrContains(nSplitPos) ) ); if (iter != rSplits.end()) // already split here? { const xub_StrLen nStartPos( // skip other's dummy character! (bSplitAtStart && bOtherDummy) ? nSplitPos + 1 : nSplitPos ); SwTxtAttrNesting * const pNew( MakeTxtAttrNesting( rNode, **iter, nStartPos, *(*iter)->GetEnd() ) ); *(*iter)->GetEnd() = nSplitPos; rSplits.insert(iter + 1, pNew); } } /** Insert nesting hint into the hints array. Also calls NoteInHistory. @param rNewHint the hint to be inserted (must not overlap existing!) */ void SwpHints::InsertNesting(SwTxtAttrNesting & rNewHint) { SwpHintsArray::Insert(& rNewHint); NoteInHistory( & rNewHint, true ); } /** The following hints correspond to well-formed XML elements in ODF: RES_TXTATR_INETFMT, RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY, RES_TXTATR_META, RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD The writer core must ensure that these do not overlap; if they did, the document would not be storable as ODF. Also, a Hyperlink must not be nested within another Hyperlink, and a Ruby must not be nested within another Ruby. The ODF export in xmloff will only put a hyperlink into a ruby, never a ruby into a hyperlink. Unfortunately the UNO API for Hyperlink and Ruby consists of the properties Hyperlink* and Ruby* of the css.text.CharacterProperties service. In other words, they are treated as formatting attributes, not as content entites. Furthermore, for API users it is not possible to easily test whether a certain range would be overlapping with other nested attributes, and most importantly, which ones, so we can hardly refuse to insert these in cases of overlap. It is possible to split Hyperlink and Ruby into multiple portions, such that the result is properly nested. meta and meta-field must not be split, because they have xml:id. These constraints result in the following design: RES_TXTATR_INETFMT: always succeeds inserts n attributes split at RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY, RES_TXTATR_META, RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD may replace existing RES_TXTATR_INETFMT at overlap RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY: always succeeds inserts n attributes split at RES_TXTATR_META, RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD may replace existing RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY at overlap may split existing overlapping RES_TXTATR_INETFMT RES_TXTATR_META: may fail if overlapping existing RES_TXTATR_META/RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD may split existing overlapping RES_TXTATR_INETFMT or RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY inserts 1 attribute RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD: may fail if overlapping existing RES_TXTATR_META/RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD may split existing overlapping RES_TXTATR_INETFMT or RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY inserts 1 attribute The nesting is expressed by the position of the hints. RES_TXTATR_META and RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD have a CH_TXTATR, and there can only be one such hint starting and ending at a given position. Only RES_TXTATR_INETFMT and RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY lack a CH_TXTATR. The interpretation given is that RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY is always around a RES_TXTATR_INETFMT at the same start and end position (which corresponds with the UNO API). Both of these are always around a nesting hint with CH_TXTATR at the same start and end position (if they should be inside, then the start should be after the CH_TXTATR). It would probably be a bad idea to add another nesting hint without CH_TXTATR; on the other hand, it would be difficult adding a CH_TXTATR to RES_TXTATR_INETFMT and RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY, due to the overwriting and splitting of exising hints that is necessary for backward compatibility. @param rNode the text node @param rHint the hint to be inserted @returns true iff hint was successfully inserted */ bool SwpHints::TryInsertNesting( SwTxtNode & rNode, SwTxtAttrNesting & rNewHint ) { // INVARIANT: the nestable hints in the array are properly nested const sal_uInt16 nNewWhich( rNewHint.Which() ); const xub_StrLen nNewStart( *rNewHint.GetStart() ); const xub_StrLen nNewEnd ( *rNewHint.GetEnd() ); //??? const bool bNoLengthAttribute( nNewStart == nNewEnd ); const bool bNewSelfNestable( isSelfNestable(nNewWhich) ); ASSERT( (RES_TXTATR_INETFMT == nNewWhich) || (RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY == nNewWhich) || (RES_TXTATR_META == nNewWhich) || (RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD == nNewWhich), "TryInsertNesting: Expecting INETFMT or RUBY or META or METAFIELD" ); NestList_t OverlappingExisting; // existing hints to be split NestList_t OverwrittenExisting; // existing hints to be replaced NestList_t SplitNew; // new hints to be inserted SplitNew.push_back(& rNewHint); // pass 1: split the inserted hint into fragments if necessary for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < GetEndCount(); ++i ) { SwTxtAttr * const pOther = GetEnd(i); if (pOther->IsNesting()) { const sal_uInt16 nOtherWhich( pOther->Which() ); const xub_StrLen nOtherStart( *(pOther)->GetStart() ); const xub_StrLen nOtherEnd ( *(pOther)->GetEnd() ); if (isOverlap(nNewStart, nNewEnd, nOtherStart, nOtherEnd )) { switch (splitPolicy(nNewWhich, nOtherWhich)) { case FAIL: OSL_TRACE("cannot insert hint: overlap detected"); ::std::for_each(SplitNew.begin(), SplitNew.end(), TxtAttrDeleter(*rNode.GetDoc())); return false; case SPLIT_NEW: lcl_DoSplitNew(SplitNew, rNode, nNewStart, nOtherStart, nOtherEnd, pOther->HasDummyChar()); break; case SPLIT_OTHER: OverlappingExisting.push_back( static_cast(pOther)); break; default: ASSERT(false, "bad code monkey"); break; } } else if (isNestedAny(nNewStart, nNewEnd, nOtherStart, nOtherEnd)) { if (!bNewSelfNestable && (nNewWhich == nOtherWhich)) { // ruby and hyperlink: if there is nesting, _overwrite_ OverwrittenExisting.push_back( static_cast(pOther)); } else if ((nNewStart == nOtherStart) && pOther->HasDummyChar()) { if (rNewHint.HasDummyChar()) { ASSERT(false, "ERROR: inserting duplicate CH_TXTATR hint"); return false; } else if (nNewEnd < nOtherEnd) { // other has dummy char, new is inside other, but // new contains the other's dummy char? // should be corrected because it may lead to problems // in SwXMeta::createEnumeration // SplitNew is sorted, so this is the first split xub_StrLen *const pStart(SplitNew.front()->GetStart()); ASSERT(*pStart == nNewStart, "how did that happen?"); *pStart = nNewStart + 1; } } } } } ASSERT (isSplittable(nNewWhich) || SplitNew.size() == 1, "splitting the unsplittable ???"); // pass 2: split existing hints that overlap/nest with new hint // do not iterate over hints array, but over remembered set of overlapping // hints, to keep things simple w.r.t. insertion/removal // N.B: if there is a hint that splits the inserted hint, then // that hint would also have already split any hint in OverlappingExisting // so any hint in OverlappingExisting can be split at most by one hint // in SplitNew, or even not at all (this is not true for existing hints // that go _around_ new hint, which is the raison d'^etre for pass 4) for (NestList_t::iterator itOther = OverlappingExisting.begin(); itOther != OverlappingExisting.end(); ++itOther) { const xub_StrLen nOtherStart( *(*itOther)->GetStart() ); const xub_StrLen nOtherEnd ( *(*itOther)->GetEnd() ); for (NestList_t::iterator itNew = SplitNew.begin(); itNew != SplitNew.end(); ++itNew) { const xub_StrLen nSplitNewStart( *(*itNew)->GetStart() ); const xub_StrLen nSplitNewEnd ( *(*itNew)->GetEnd() ); // 4 cases: within, around, overlap l, overlap r, (OTHER: no action) const bool bRemoveOverlap( !bNewSelfNestable && (nNewWhich == (*itOther)->Which()) ); switch (ComparePosition(nSplitNewStart, nSplitNewEnd, nOtherStart, nOtherEnd)) { case POS_INSIDE: { ASSERT(!bRemoveOverlap, "this one should be in OverwrittenExisting?"); } break; case POS_OUTSIDE: case POS_EQUAL: { ASSERT(false, "existing hint inside new hint: why?"); } break; case POS_OVERLAP_BEFORE: { Delete( *itOther ); // this also does NoteInHistory! *(*itOther)->GetStart() = nSplitNewEnd; InsertNesting( **itOther ); if (!bRemoveOverlap) { if ( USHRT_MAX == Count() ) { ASSERT(false, "hints array full :-("); return false; } SwTxtAttrNesting * const pOtherLeft( MakeTxtAttrNesting( rNode, **itOther, nOtherStart, nSplitNewEnd ) ); InsertNesting( *pOtherLeft ); } } break; case POS_OVERLAP_BEHIND: { Delete( *itOther ); // this also does NoteInHistory! *(*itOther)->GetEnd() = nSplitNewStart; InsertNesting( **itOther ); if (!bRemoveOverlap) { if ( USHRT_MAX == Count() ) { ASSERT(false, "hints array full :-("); return false; } SwTxtAttrNesting * const pOtherRight( MakeTxtAttrNesting( rNode, **itOther, nSplitNewStart, nOtherEnd ) ); InsertNesting( *pOtherRight ); } } break; default: break; // overlap resolved by splitting new: nothing to do } } } if ( USHRT_MAX - SplitNew.size() <= Count() ) { ASSERT(false, "hints array full :-("); return false; } // pass 3: insert new hints for (NestList_t::iterator iter = SplitNew.begin(); iter != SplitNew.end(); ++iter) { InsertNesting(**iter); } // pass 4: handle overwritten hints // RES_TXTATR_INETFMT and RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY should displace attributes // of the same kind. for (NestList_t::iterator itOther = OverwrittenExisting.begin(); itOther != OverwrittenExisting.end(); ++itOther) { const xub_StrLen nOtherStart( *(*itOther)->GetStart() ); const xub_StrLen nOtherEnd ( *(*itOther)->GetEnd() ); // overwritten portion is given by start/end of inserted hint if ((nNewStart <= nOtherStart) && (nOtherEnd <= nNewEnd)) { Delete(*itOther); rNode.DestroyAttr( *itOther ); } else { ASSERT((nOtherStart < nNewStart) && (nNewEnd < nOtherEnd), "huh?"); // scenario: there is a RUBY, and contained within that a META; // now a RUBY is inserted within the META => the exising RUBY is split: // here it is not possible to simply insert the left/right fragment // of the existing RUBY because they overlap with the META! Delete( *itOther ); // this also does NoteInHistory! *(*itOther)->GetEnd() = nNewStart; bool bSuccess( TryInsertNesting(rNode, **itOther) ); ASSERT(bSuccess, "recursive call 1 failed?"); SwTxtAttrNesting * const pOtherRight( MakeTxtAttrNesting( rNode, **itOther, nNewEnd, nOtherEnd ) ); bSuccess = TryInsertNesting(rNode, *pOtherRight); ASSERT(bSuccess, "recursive call 2 failed?"); } } return true; } // This function takes care for the following text attribute: // RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT, RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT // These attributes have to be handled in a special way (Portion building). // // The new attribute will be split by any existing RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT or // RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT. The new attribute itself will // split any existing RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT or RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT. void SwpHints::BuildPortions( SwTxtNode& rNode, SwTxtAttr& rNewHint, const SetAttrMode nMode ) { const sal_uInt16 nWhich = rNewHint.Which(); const xub_StrLen nThisStart = *rNewHint.GetStart(); const xub_StrLen nThisEnd = *rNewHint.GetEnd(); const bool bNoLengthAttribute = nThisStart == nThisEnd; std::vector aInsDelHints; std::vector::iterator aIter; ASSERT( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == rNewHint.Which() || RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT == rNewHint.Which(), "Expecting CHARFMT or AUTOFMT" ); // // 2. Find the hints which cover the start and end position // of the new hint. These hints have to be split into two portions: // if ( !bNoLengthAttribute ) // nothing to do for no length attributes { for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < Count(); ++i ) { SwTxtAttr* pOther = GetTextHint(i); if ( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT != pOther->Which() && RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT != pOther->Which() ) continue; xub_StrLen nOtherStart = *pOther->GetStart(); const xub_StrLen nOtherEnd = *pOther->GetEnd(); // Check if start of new attribute overlaps with pOther: // Split pOther if necessary: if ( nOtherStart < nThisStart && nThisStart < nOtherEnd ) { SwTxtAttr* pNewAttr = MakeTxtAttr( *rNode.GetDoc(), pOther->GetAttr(), nOtherStart, nThisStart ); if ( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == pOther->Which() ) static_cast(pNewAttr)->SetSortNumber( static_cast(pOther)->GetSortNumber() ); aInsDelHints.push_back( pNewAttr ); NoteInHistory( pOther ); *pOther->GetStart() = nThisStart; NoteInHistory( pOther, true ); nOtherStart = nThisStart; } // Check if end of new attribute overlaps with pOther: // Split pOther if necessary: if ( nOtherStart < nThisEnd && nThisEnd < nOtherEnd ) { SwTxtAttr* pNewAttr = MakeTxtAttr( *rNode.GetDoc(), pOther->GetAttr(), nOtherStart, nThisEnd ); if ( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == pOther->Which() ) static_cast(pNewAttr)->SetSortNumber( static_cast(pOther)->GetSortNumber() ); aInsDelHints.push_back( pNewAttr ); NoteInHistory( pOther ); *pOther->GetStart() = nThisEnd; NoteInHistory( pOther, true ); } } // Insert the newly created attributes: for ( aIter = aInsDelHints.begin(); aIter != aInsDelHints.end(); ++aIter ) { SwpHintsArray::Insert( *aIter ); NoteInHistory( *aIter, true ); } } #ifdef DBG_UTIL if( !rNode.GetDoc()->IsInReading() ) CHECK; #endif // // 4. Split rNewHint into 1 ... n new hints: // std::set aBounds; aBounds.insert( nThisStart ); aBounds.insert( nThisEnd ); if ( !bNoLengthAttribute ) // nothing to do for no length attributes { for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < Count(); ++i ) { const SwTxtAttr* pOther = GetTextHint(i); if ( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT != pOther->Which() && RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT != pOther->Which() ) continue; const xub_StrLen nOtherStart = *pOther->GetStart(); const xub_StrLen nOtherEnd = *pOther->GetEnd(); aBounds.insert( nOtherStart ); aBounds.insert( nOtherEnd ); } } std::set::iterator aStartIter = aBounds.lower_bound( nThisStart ); std::set::iterator aEndIter = aBounds.upper_bound( nThisEnd ); xub_StrLen nPorStart = *aStartIter; ++aStartIter; bool bDestroyHint = true; // // Insert the 1...n new parts of the new attribute: // while ( aStartIter != aEndIter || bNoLengthAttribute ) { ASSERT( bNoLengthAttribute || nPorStart < *aStartIter, "AUTOSTYLES: BuildPortion trouble" ) const xub_StrLen nPorEnd = bNoLengthAttribute ? nPorStart : *aStartIter; aInsDelHints.clear(); // Get all hints that are in [nPorStart, nPorEnd[: for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < Count(); ++i ) { SwTxtAttr *pOther = GetTextHint(i); if ( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT != pOther->Which() && RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT != pOther->Which() ) continue; const xub_StrLen nOtherStart = *pOther->GetStart(); if ( nOtherStart > nPorStart ) break; if ( pOther->GetEnd() && *pOther->GetEnd() == nPorEnd && nOtherStart == nPorStart ) { ASSERT( *pOther->GetEnd() == nPorEnd, "AUTOSTYLES: BuildPortion trouble" ) aInsDelHints.push_back( pOther ); } } SwTxtAttr* pNewAttr = 0; if ( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == nWhich ) { // pNewHint can be inserted after calculating the sort value. // This should ensure, that pNewHint comes behind the already present // character style sal_uInt16 nCharStyleCount = 0; aIter = aInsDelHints.begin(); while ( aIter != aInsDelHints.end() ) { if ( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == (*aIter)->Which() ) { // --> FME 2007-02-16 #i74589# const SwFmtCharFmt& rOtherCharFmt = (*aIter)->GetCharFmt(); const SwFmtCharFmt& rThisCharFmt = rNewHint.GetCharFmt(); const bool bSameCharFmt = rOtherCharFmt.GetCharFmt() == rThisCharFmt.GetCharFmt(); // <-- // --> OD 2009-03-24 #i90311# // Do not remove existing character format hint during XML import if ( !rNode.GetDoc()->IsInXMLImport() && ( !( nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_DONTREPLACE & nMode ) || bNoLengthAttribute || bSameCharFmt ) ) // <-- { // Remove old hint Delete( *aIter ); rNode.DestroyAttr( *aIter ); } else ++nCharStyleCount; } else { // remove all attributes from auto styles, which are explicitely set in // the new character format: ASSERT( RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT == (*aIter)->Which(), "AUTOSTYLES - Misc trouble" ) SwTxtAttr* pOther = *aIter; boost::shared_ptr pOldStyle = static_cast(pOther->GetAttr()).GetStyleHandle(); // For each attribute in the automatic style check if it // is also set the the new character style: SfxItemSet aNewSet( *pOldStyle->GetPool(), aCharAutoFmtSetRange); SfxItemIter aItemIter( *pOldStyle ); const SfxPoolItem* pItem = aItemIter.GetCurItem(); while( sal_True ) { if ( !CharFmt::IsItemIncluded( pItem->Which(), &rNewHint ) ) { aNewSet.Put( *pItem ); } if( aItemIter.IsAtEnd() ) break; pItem = aItemIter.NextItem(); } // Remove old hint Delete( pOther ); rNode.DestroyAttr( pOther ); // Create new AutoStyle if ( aNewSet.Count() ) { pNewAttr = MakeTxtAttr( *rNode.GetDoc(), aNewSet, nPorStart, nPorEnd ); SwpHintsArray::Insert( pNewAttr ); NoteInHistory( pNewAttr, true ); } } ++aIter; } // If there is no current hint and start and end of rNewHint // is ok, we do not need to create a new txtattr. if ( nPorStart == nThisStart && nPorEnd == nThisEnd && !nCharStyleCount ) { pNewAttr = &rNewHint; bDestroyHint = false; } else { pNewAttr = MakeTxtAttr( *rNode.GetDoc(), rNewHint.GetAttr(), nPorStart, nPorEnd ); static_cast(pNewAttr)->SetSortNumber( nCharStyleCount ); } } else { // Find the current autostyle. Mix attributes if necessary. SwTxtAttr* pCurrentAutoStyle = 0; SwTxtAttr* pCurrentCharFmt = 0; aIter = aInsDelHints.begin(); while ( aIter != aInsDelHints.end() ) { if ( RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT == (*aIter)->Which() ) pCurrentAutoStyle = *aIter; else if ( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == (*aIter)->Which() ) pCurrentCharFmt = *aIter; ++aIter; } boost::shared_ptr pNewStyle = static_cast(rNewHint.GetAttr()).GetStyleHandle(); if ( pCurrentAutoStyle ) { boost::shared_ptr pCurrentStyle = static_cast(pCurrentAutoStyle->GetAttr()).GetStyleHandle(); // Merge attributes SfxItemSet aNewSet( *pCurrentStyle ); aNewSet.Put( *pNewStyle ); // --> FME 2007-4-11 #i75750# Remove attributes already set at whole paragraph // --> FME 2007-09-24 #i81764# This should not be applied for no length attributes!!! <-- if ( !bNoLengthAttribute && rNode.HasSwAttrSet() && aNewSet.Count() ) { SfxItemIter aIter2( aNewSet ); const SfxPoolItem* pItem = aIter2.GetCurItem(); const SfxItemSet& rWholeParaAttrSet = rNode.GetSwAttrSet(); do { const SfxPoolItem* pTmpItem = 0; if ( SFX_ITEM_SET == rWholeParaAttrSet.GetItemState( pItem->Which(), sal_False, &pTmpItem ) && pTmpItem == pItem ) { // Do not clear item if the attribute is set in a character format: if ( !pCurrentCharFmt || 0 == CharFmt::GetItem( *pCurrentCharFmt, pItem->Which() ) ) aNewSet.ClearItem( pItem->Which() ); } } while (!aIter2.IsAtEnd() && 0 != (pItem = aIter2.NextItem())); } // <-- // Remove old hint Delete( pCurrentAutoStyle ); rNode.DestroyAttr( pCurrentAutoStyle ); // Create new AutoStyle if ( aNewSet.Count() ) pNewAttr = MakeTxtAttr( *rNode.GetDoc(), aNewSet, nPorStart, nPorEnd ); } else { // Remove any attributes which are already set at the whole paragraph: bool bOptimizeAllowed = true; SfxItemSet* pNewSet = 0; // --> FME 2007-4-11 #i75750# Remove attributes already set at whole paragraph // --> FME 2007-09-24 #i81764# This should not be applied for no length attributes!!! <-- if ( !bNoLengthAttribute && rNode.HasSwAttrSet() && pNewStyle->Count() ) { SfxItemIter aIter2( *pNewStyle ); const SfxPoolItem* pItem = aIter2.GetCurItem(); const SfxItemSet& rWholeParaAttrSet = rNode.GetSwAttrSet(); do { const SfxPoolItem* pTmpItem = 0; if ( SFX_ITEM_SET == rWholeParaAttrSet.GetItemState( pItem->Which(), sal_False, &pTmpItem ) && pTmpItem == pItem ) { // Do not clear item if the attribute is set in a character format: if ( !pCurrentCharFmt || 0 == CharFmt::GetItem( *pCurrentCharFmt, pItem->Which() ) ) { if ( !pNewSet ) pNewSet = pNewStyle->Clone( sal_True ); pNewSet->ClearItem( pItem->Which() ); } } } while (!aIter2.IsAtEnd() && 0 != (pItem = aIter2.NextItem())); if ( pNewSet ) { bOptimizeAllowed = false; if ( pNewSet->Count() ) pNewStyle = rNode.getIDocumentStyleAccess().getAutomaticStyle( *pNewSet, IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_CHAR ); else pNewStyle.reset(); delete pNewSet; } } // <-- // Create new AutoStyle // If there is no current hint and start and end of rNewHint // is ok, we do not need to create a new txtattr. if ( bOptimizeAllowed && nPorStart == nThisStart && nPorEnd == nThisEnd ) { pNewAttr = &rNewHint; bDestroyHint = false; } else if ( pNewStyle.get() ) { pNewAttr = MakeTxtAttr( *rNode.GetDoc(), *pNewStyle, nPorStart, nPorEnd ); } } } if ( pNewAttr ) { SwpHintsArray::Insert( pNewAttr ); // if ( bDestroyHint ) NoteInHistory( pNewAttr, true ); } if ( !bNoLengthAttribute ) { nPorStart = *aStartIter; ++aStartIter; } else break; } if ( bDestroyHint ) rNode.DestroyAttr( &rNewHint ); } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtNode::MakeTxtAttr() *************************************************************************/ SwTxtAttr* MakeRedlineTxtAttr( SwDoc & rDoc, SfxPoolItem & rAttr ) { // this is intended _only_ for special-purpose redline attributes! switch (rAttr.Which()) { case RES_CHRATR_COLOR: case RES_CHRATR_WEIGHT: case RES_CHRATR_CJK_WEIGHT: case RES_CHRATR_CTL_WEIGHT: case RES_CHRATR_POSTURE: case RES_CHRATR_CJK_POSTURE: case RES_CHRATR_CTL_POSTURE: case RES_CHRATR_UNDERLINE: case RES_CHRATR_CROSSEDOUT: case RES_CHRATR_CASEMAP: case RES_CHRATR_BACKGROUND: break; default: ASSERT(false, "unsupported redline attribute"); break; } // Put new attribute into pool // FIXME: this const_cast is evil! SfxPoolItem& rNew = const_cast( rDoc.GetAttrPool().Put( rAttr ) ); return new SwTxtAttrEnd( rNew, 0, 0 ); } // create new text attribute SwTxtAttr* MakeTxtAttr( SwDoc & rDoc, SfxPoolItem& rAttr, xub_StrLen const nStt, xub_StrLen const nEnd, CopyOrNew_t const bIsCopy, SwTxtNode *const pTxtNode) { if ( isCHRATR(rAttr.Which()) ) { // Somebody wants to build a SwTxtAttr for a character attribute. // Sorry, this is not allowed any longer. // You'll get a brand new autostyle attribute: SfxItemSet aItemSet( rDoc.GetAttrPool(), RES_CHRATR_BEGIN, RES_CHRATR_END ); aItemSet.Put( rAttr ); return MakeTxtAttr( rDoc, aItemSet, nStt, nEnd ); } else if ( RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT == rAttr.Which() && static_cast(rAttr).GetStyleHandle()-> GetPool() != &rDoc.GetAttrPool() ) { // If the attribute is an auto-style which refers to a pool that is // different from rDoc's pool, we have to correct this: const StylePool::SfxItemSet_Pointer_t pAutoStyle = static_cast(rAttr).GetStyleHandle(); ::std::auto_ptr pNewSet( pAutoStyle->SfxItemSet::Clone( sal_True, &rDoc.GetAttrPool() )); SwTxtAttr* pNew = MakeTxtAttr( rDoc, *pNewSet, nStt, nEnd ); return pNew; } // Put new attribute into pool // FIXME: this const_cast is evil! SfxPoolItem& rNew = const_cast( rDoc.GetAttrPool().Put( rAttr ) ); SwTxtAttr* pNew = 0; switch( rNew.Which() ) { case RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT: { SwFmtCharFmt &rFmtCharFmt = (SwFmtCharFmt&) rNew; if( !rFmtCharFmt.GetCharFmt() ) { rFmtCharFmt.SetCharFmt( rDoc.GetDfltCharFmt() ); } pNew = new SwTxtCharFmt( rFmtCharFmt, nStt, nEnd ); } break; case RES_TXTATR_INETFMT: pNew = new SwTxtINetFmt( (SwFmtINetFmt&)rNew, nStt, nEnd ); break; case RES_TXTATR_FIELD: pNew = new SwTxtFld( static_cast(rNew), nStt ); break; case RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT: { // erst hier wird das Frame-Format kopiert (mit Inhalt) !! pNew = new SwTxtFlyCnt( (SwFmtFlyCnt&)rNew, nStt ); // Kopie von einem Text-Attribut if ( static_cast(rAttr).GetTxtFlyCnt() ) { // then the format must be copied static_cast(pNew)->CopyFlyFmt( &rDoc ); } } break; case RES_TXTATR_FTN: pNew = new SwTxtFtn( (SwFmtFtn&)rNew, nStt ); // ggfs. SeqNo kopieren if( ((SwFmtFtn&)rAttr).GetTxtFtn() ) ((SwTxtFtn*)pNew)->SetSeqNo( ((SwFmtFtn&)rAttr).GetTxtFtn()->GetSeqRefNo() ); break; case RES_TXTATR_REFMARK: pNew = nStt == nEnd ? new SwTxtRefMark( (SwFmtRefMark&)rNew, nStt ) : new SwTxtRefMark( (SwFmtRefMark&)rNew, nStt, &nEnd ); break; case RES_TXTATR_TOXMARK: pNew = new SwTxtTOXMark( (SwTOXMark&)rNew, nStt, &nEnd ); break; case RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY: pNew = new SwTxtRuby( (SwFmtRuby&)rNew, nStt, nEnd ); break; case RES_TXTATR_META: case RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD: pNew = SwTxtMeta::CreateTxtMeta( rDoc.GetMetaFieldManager(), pTxtNode, static_cast(rNew), nStt, nEnd, bIsCopy ); break; default: ASSERT(RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT == rNew.Which(), "unknown attribute"); pNew = new SwTxtAttrEnd( rNew, nStt, nEnd ); break; } return pNew; } SwTxtAttr* MakeTxtAttr( SwDoc & rDoc, const SfxItemSet& rSet, xub_StrLen nStt, xub_StrLen nEnd ) { IStyleAccess& rStyleAccess = rDoc.GetIStyleAccess(); const StylePool::SfxItemSet_Pointer_t pAutoStyle = rStyleAccess.getAutomaticStyle( rSet, IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_CHAR ); SwFmtAutoFmt aNewAutoFmt; aNewAutoFmt.SetStyleHandle( pAutoStyle ); SwTxtAttr* pNew = MakeTxtAttr( rDoc, aNewAutoFmt, nStt, nEnd ); return pNew; } // loesche das Text-Attribut (muss beim Pool abgemeldet werden!) void SwTxtNode::DestroyAttr( SwTxtAttr* pAttr ) { if( pAttr ) { // einige Sachen muessen vorm Loeschen der "Format-Attribute" erfolgen SwDoc* pDoc = GetDoc(); sal_uInt16 nDelMsg = 0; switch( pAttr->Which() ) { case RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT: { // siehe auch die Anmerkung "Loeschen von Formaten // zeichengebundener Frames" in fesh.cxx, SwFEShell::DelFmt() SwFrmFmt* pFmt = pAttr->GetFlyCnt().GetFrmFmt(); if( pFmt ) // vom Undo auf 0 gesetzt ?? pDoc->DelLayoutFmt( (SwFlyFrmFmt*)pFmt ); } break; case RES_CHRATR_HIDDEN: SetCalcHiddenCharFlags(); break; case RES_TXTATR_FTN: ((SwTxtFtn*)pAttr)->SetStartNode( 0 ); nDelMsg = RES_FOOTNOTE_DELETED; break; case RES_TXTATR_FIELD: if( !pDoc->IsInDtor() ) { // Wenn wir ein HiddenParaField sind, dann muessen wir // ggf. fuer eine Neuberechnung des Visible-Flags sorgen. const SwField* pFld = pAttr->GetFmtFld().GetField(); //JP 06-08-95: DDE-Felder bilden eine Ausnahme ASSERT( RES_DDEFLD == pFld->GetTyp()->Which() || this == ((SwTxtFld*)pAttr)->GetpTxtNode(), "Wo steht denn dieses Feld?" ) // bestimmte Felder mussen am Doc das Calculations-Flag updaten switch( pFld->GetTyp()->Which() ) { case RES_HIDDENPARAFLD: SetCalcHiddenParaField(); // kein break ! case RES_DBSETNUMBERFLD: case RES_GETEXPFLD: case RES_DBFLD: case RES_SETEXPFLD: case RES_HIDDENTXTFLD: case RES_DBNUMSETFLD: case RES_DBNEXTSETFLD: if( !pDoc->IsNewFldLst() && GetNodes().IsDocNodes() ) pDoc->InsDelFldInFldLst( sal_False, *(SwTxtFld*)pAttr ); break; case RES_DDEFLD: if( GetNodes().IsDocNodes() && ((SwTxtFld*)pAttr)->GetpTxtNode() ) ((SwDDEFieldType*)pFld->GetTyp())->DecRefCnt(); break; case RES_POSTITFLD: { const_cast(pAttr->GetFmtFld()).Broadcast( SwFmtFldHint( &((SwTxtFld*)pAttr)->GetFmtFld(), SWFMTFLD_REMOVED ) ); break; } } } nDelMsg = RES_FIELD_DELETED; break; case RES_TXTATR_TOXMARK: static_cast(pAttr->GetAttr()).InvalidateTOXMark(); break; case RES_TXTATR_REFMARK: nDelMsg = RES_REFMARK_DELETED; break; case RES_TXTATR_META: case RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD: static_cast(pAttr)->ChgTxtNode(0); break; default: break; } if( nDelMsg && !pDoc->IsInDtor() && GetNodes().IsDocNodes() ) { SwPtrMsgPoolItem aMsgHint( nDelMsg, (void*)&pAttr->GetAttr() ); pDoc->GetUnoCallBack()->ModifyNotification( &aMsgHint, &aMsgHint ); } SwTxtAttr::Destroy( pAttr, pDoc->GetAttrPool() ); } } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtNode::Insert() *************************************************************************/ SwTxtAttr* SwTxtNode::InsertItem( SfxPoolItem& rAttr, const xub_StrLen nStart, const xub_StrLen nEnd, const SetAttrMode nMode ) { // character attributes will be inserted as automatic styles: ASSERT( !isCHRATR(rAttr.Which()), "AUTOSTYLES - " "SwTxtNode::InsertItem should not be called with character attributes"); SwTxtAttr *const pNew = MakeTxtAttr( *GetDoc(), rAttr, nStart, nEnd, (nMode & nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_IS_COPY) ? COPY : NEW, this ); if ( pNew ) { const bool bSuccess( InsertHint( pNew, nMode ) ); // N.B.: also check that the hint is actually in the hints array, // because hints of certain types may be merged after succesful // insertion, and thus destroyed! if (!bSuccess || ( USHRT_MAX == m_pSwpHints->GetPos( pNew ) )) { return 0; } } return pNew; } // take ownership of pAttr; if insertion fails, delete pAttr bool SwTxtNode::InsertHint( SwTxtAttr * const pAttr, const SetAttrMode nMode ) { sal_Bool bHiddenPara = sal_False; ASSERT( pAttr && *pAttr->GetStart() <= Len(), "StartIdx out of bounds!" ); ASSERT( !pAttr->GetEnd() || (*pAttr->GetEnd() <= Len()), "EndIdx out of bounds!" ); // translate from SetAttrMode to InsertMode (for hints with CH_TXTATR) const enum IDocumentContentOperations::InsertFlags nInsertFlags = (nMode & nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_FORCEHINTEXPAND) ? static_cast( IDocumentContentOperations::INS_FORCEHINTEXPAND | IDocumentContentOperations::INS_EMPTYEXPAND) : IDocumentContentOperations::INS_EMPTYEXPAND; // need this after TryInsertHint, when pAttr may be deleted const xub_StrLen nStart( *pAttr->GetStart() ); const bool bDummyChar( pAttr->HasDummyChar() ); if (bDummyChar) { sal_uInt16 nInsMode = nMode; switch( pAttr->Which() ) { case RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT: { SwTxtFlyCnt *pFly = (SwTxtFlyCnt *)pAttr; SwFrmFmt* pFmt = pAttr->GetFlyCnt().GetFrmFmt(); if( !(nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_NOTXTATRCHR & nInsMode) ) { // Wir muessen zuerst einfuegen, da in SetAnchor() // dem FlyFrm GetStart() uebermittelt wird. //JP 11.05.98: falls das Anker-Attribut schon richtig // gesetzt ist, dann korrigiere dieses nach dem Einfuegen // des Zeichens. Sonst muesste das immer ausserhalb // erfolgen (Fehleranfaellig !) const SwFmtAnchor* pAnchor = 0; pFmt->GetItemState( RES_ANCHOR, sal_False, (const SfxPoolItem**)&pAnchor ); SwIndex aIdx( this, *pAttr->GetStart() ); const sal_Unicode c = GetCharOfTxtAttr(*pAttr); InsertText( c, aIdx, nInsertFlags ); nInsMode |= nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_NOTXTATRCHR; if (pAnchor && (FLY_AS_CHAR == pAnchor->GetAnchorId()) && pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor() && pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor()->nNode == *this && pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor()->nContent == aIdx ) { const_cast( pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor()->nContent)--; } } pFly->SetAnchor( this ); // Format-Pointer kann sich im SetAnchor geaendert haben! // (Kopieren in andere Docs!) pFmt = pAttr->GetFlyCnt().GetFrmFmt(); SwDoc *pDoc = pFmt->GetDoc(); // OD 26.06.2003 #108784# - allow drawing objects in header/footer. // But don't allow control objects in header/footer if( RES_DRAWFRMFMT == pFmt->Which() && pDoc->IsInHeaderFooter( pFmt->GetAnchor().GetCntntAnchor()->nNode ) ) { SwDrawContact* pDrawContact = static_cast(pFmt->FindContactObj()); if ( pDrawContact && pDrawContact->GetMaster() && ::CheckControlLayer( pDrawContact->GetMaster() ) ) { // das soll nicht meoglich sein; hier verhindern // Der Dtor des TxtHints loescht nicht das Zeichen. // Wenn ein CH_TXTATR_.. vorliegt, dann muss man // dieses explizit loeschen if( nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_NOTXTATRCHR & nInsMode ) { // loesche das Zeichen aus dem String ! ASSERT( ( CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD == m_Text.GetChar(*pAttr->GetStart() ) || CH_TXTATR_INWORD == m_Text.GetChar(*pAttr->GetStart())), "where is my attribute character?" ); m_Text.Erase( *pAttr->GetStart(), 1 ); // Indizies Updaten SwIndex aTmpIdx( this, *pAttr->GetStart() ); Update( aTmpIdx, 1, sal_True ); } // do not record deletion of Format! ::sw::UndoGuard const ug(pDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo()); DestroyAttr( pAttr ); return false; } } break; } case RES_TXTATR_FTN : { // Fussnoten, man kommt an alles irgendwie heran. // CntntNode erzeugen und in die Inserts-Section stellen SwDoc *pDoc = GetDoc(); SwNodes &rNodes = pDoc->GetNodes(); // FussNote in nicht Content-/Redline-Bereich einfuegen ?? if( StartOfSectionIndex() < rNodes.GetEndOfAutotext().GetIndex() ) { // das soll nicht meoglich sein; hier verhindern // Der Dtor des TxtHints loescht nicht das Zeichen. // Wenn ein CH_TXTATR_.. vorliegt, dann muss man // dieses explizit loeschen if( nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_NOTXTATRCHR & nInsMode ) { // loesche das Zeichen aus dem String ! ASSERT( ( CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD == m_Text.GetChar(*pAttr->GetStart() ) || CH_TXTATR_INWORD == m_Text.GetChar(*pAttr->GetStart())), "where is my attribute character?" ); m_Text.Erase( *pAttr->GetStart(), 1 ); // Indizies Updaten SwIndex aTmpIdx( this, *pAttr->GetStart() ); Update( aTmpIdx, 1, sal_True ); } DestroyAttr( pAttr ); return false; } // wird eine neue Fussnote eingefuegt ?? sal_Bool bNewFtn = 0 == ((SwTxtFtn*)pAttr)->GetStartNode(); if( bNewFtn ) { ((SwTxtFtn*)pAttr)->MakeNewTextSection( GetNodes() ); SwRegHistory* pHist = GetpSwpHints() ? GetpSwpHints()->GetHistory() : 0; if( pHist ) pHist->ChangeNodeIndex( GetIndex() ); } else if ( !GetpSwpHints() || !GetpSwpHints()->IsInSplitNode() ) { // loesche alle Frames der Section, auf die der StartNode zeigt sal_uLong nSttIdx = ((SwTxtFtn*)pAttr)->GetStartNode()->GetIndex(); sal_uLong nEndIdx = rNodes[ nSttIdx++ ]->EndOfSectionIndex(); SwCntntNode* pCNd; for( ; nSttIdx < nEndIdx; ++nSttIdx ) if( 0 != ( pCNd = rNodes[ nSttIdx ]->GetCntntNode() )) pCNd->DelFrms(); } if( !(nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_NOTXTATRCHR & nInsMode) ) { // Wir muessen zuerst einfuegen, da sonst gleiche Indizes // entstehen koennen und das Attribut im _SortArr_ am // Dokument nicht eingetrage wird. SwIndex aNdIdx( this, *pAttr->GetStart() ); const sal_Unicode c = GetCharOfTxtAttr(*pAttr); InsertText( c, aNdIdx, nInsertFlags ); nInsMode |= nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_NOTXTATRCHR; } // Wir tragen uns am FtnIdx-Array des Docs ein ... SwTxtFtn* pTxtFtn = 0; if( !bNewFtn ) { // eine alte Ftn wird umgehaengt (z.B. SplitNode) for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < pDoc->GetFtnIdxs().Count(); ++n ) if( pAttr == pDoc->GetFtnIdxs()[n] ) { // neuen Index zuweisen, dafuer aus dem SortArray // loeschen und neu eintragen pTxtFtn = pDoc->GetFtnIdxs()[n]; pDoc->GetFtnIdxs().Remove( n ); break; } // wenn ueber Undo der StartNode gesetzt wurde, kann // der Index noch gar nicht in der Verwaltung stehen !! } if( !pTxtFtn ) pTxtFtn = (SwTxtFtn*)pAttr; // fuers Update der Nummern und zum Sortieren // muss der Node gesetzt sein. ((SwTxtFtn*)pAttr)->ChgTxtNode( this ); // FussNote im Redline-Bereich NICHT ins FtnArray einfuegen! if( StartOfSectionIndex() > rNodes.GetEndOfRedlines().GetIndex() ) { #ifdef DBG_UTIL const sal_Bool bSuccess = #endif pDoc->GetFtnIdxs().Insert( pTxtFtn ); #ifdef DBG_UTIL ASSERT( bSuccess, "FtnIdx nicht eingetragen." ); #endif } SwNodeIndex aTmpIndex( *this ); pDoc->GetFtnIdxs().UpdateFtn( aTmpIndex); ((SwTxtFtn*)pAttr)->SetSeqRefNo(); } break; case RES_TXTATR_FIELD: { // fuer HiddenParaFields Benachrichtigungsmechanismus // anwerfen if( RES_HIDDENPARAFLD == pAttr->GetFmtFld().GetField()->GetTyp()->Which() ) bHiddenPara = sal_True; } break; } // Fuer SwTxtHints ohne Endindex werden CH_TXTATR_.. // eingefuegt, aStart muss danach um einen zurueckgesetzt werden. // Wenn wir im SwTxtNode::Copy stehen, so wurde das Zeichen bereits // mitkopiert. In solchem Fall ist SETATTR_NOTXTATRCHR angegeben worden. if( !(nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_NOTXTATRCHR & nInsMode) ) { SwIndex aIdx( this, *pAttr->GetStart() ); InsertText( GetCharOfTxtAttr(*pAttr), aIdx, nInsertFlags ); // adjust end of hint to account for inserted CH_TXTATR xub_StrLen * const pEnd(pAttr->GetEnd()); if (pEnd) { *pEnd = *pEnd + 1; } } } GetOrCreateSwpHints(); // 4263: AttrInsert durch TextInsert => kein Adjust const bool bRet = m_pSwpHints->TryInsertHint( pAttr, *this, nMode ); if (!bRet && bDummyChar) { // undo insertion of dummy character // N.B. cannot insert the dummy character after inserting the hint, // because if the hint has no extent it will be moved in InsertText, // resulting in infinite recursion if ( !(nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_NOTXTATRCHR & nMode) ) { ASSERT( ( CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD == m_Text.GetChar(nStart) || CH_TXTATR_INWORD == m_Text.GetChar(nStart) ), "where is my attribute character?" ); SwIndex aIdx( this, nStart ); EraseText( aIdx, 1 ); } } if ( bHiddenPara ) { SetCalcHiddenParaField(); } return bRet; } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtNode::DeleteAttribute() *************************************************************************/ void SwTxtNode::DeleteAttribute( SwTxtAttr * const pAttr ) { if ( !HasHints() ) { ASSERT(false, "DeleteAttribute called, but text node without hints?"); return; } if ( pAttr->HasDummyChar() ) { // Unbedingt Copy-konstruieren! const SwIndex aIdx( this, *pAttr->GetStart() ); // erase the CH_TXTATR, which will also delete pAttr EraseText( aIdx, 1 ); } else { // create MsgHint before start/end become invalid SwUpdateAttr aHint( *pAttr->GetStart(), *pAttr->GetEnd(), pAttr->Which() ); m_pSwpHints->Delete( pAttr ); SwTxtAttr::Destroy( pAttr, GetDoc()->GetAttrPool() ); NotifyClients( 0, &aHint ); TryDeleteSwpHints(); } } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtNode::DeleteAttributes() *************************************************************************/ //FIXME: this does NOT respect SORT NUMBER (for CHARFMT)! void SwTxtNode::DeleteAttributes( const sal_uInt16 nWhich, const xub_StrLen nStart, const xub_StrLen nEnd ) { if ( !HasHints() ) return; for ( sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; m_pSwpHints && nPos < m_pSwpHints->Count(); nPos++ ) { SwTxtAttr * const pTxtHt = m_pSwpHints->GetTextHint( nPos ); const xub_StrLen nHintStart = *(pTxtHt->GetStart()); if (nStart < nHintStart) { break; // sorted by start } else if ( (nStart == nHintStart) && (nWhich == pTxtHt->Which()) ) { if ( nWhich == RES_CHRATR_HIDDEN ) { ASSERT(false, "hey, that's a CHRATR! how did that get in?"); SetCalcHiddenCharFlags(); } else if ( nWhich == RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT ) { // Check if character format contains hidden attribute: const SwCharFmt* pFmt = pTxtHt->GetCharFmt().GetCharFmt(); const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if ( SFX_ITEM_SET == pFmt->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_HIDDEN, sal_True, &pItem ) ) SetCalcHiddenCharFlags(); } // --> FME 2007-03-16 #i75430# Recalc hidden flags if necessary else if ( nWhich == RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT ) { // Check if auto style contains hidden attribute: const SfxPoolItem* pHiddenItem = CharFmt::GetItem( *pTxtHt, RES_CHRATR_HIDDEN ); if ( pHiddenItem ) SetCalcHiddenCharFlags(); } // <-- xub_StrLen const * const pEndIdx = pTxtHt->GetEnd(); if ( pTxtHt->HasDummyChar() ) { // Unbedingt Copy-konstruieren! const SwIndex aIdx( this, nStart ); // erase the CH_TXTATR, which will also delete pTxtHt EraseText( aIdx, 1 ); } else if( *pEndIdx == nEnd ) { // den MsgHint jetzt fuettern, weil gleich sind // Start und End weg. // Das CalcVisibleFlag bei HiddenParaFields entfaellt, // da dies das Feld im Dtor selbst erledigt. SwUpdateAttr aHint( nStart, *pEndIdx, nWhich ); m_pSwpHints->DeleteAtPos( nPos ); // gefunden, loeschen, SwTxtAttr::Destroy( pTxtHt, GetDoc()->GetAttrPool() ); NotifyClients( 0, &aHint ); } } } TryDeleteSwpHints(); } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtNode::DelSoftHyph() *************************************************************************/ void SwTxtNode::DelSoftHyph( const xub_StrLen nStt, const xub_StrLen nEnd ) { xub_StrLen nFndPos = nStt, nEndPos = nEnd; while( STRING_NOTFOUND != ( nFndPos = m_Text.Search( CHAR_SOFTHYPHEN, nFndPos )) && nFndPos < nEndPos ) { const SwIndex aIdx( this, nFndPos ); EraseText( aIdx, 1 ); --nEndPos; } } //Modify here for #119405, by easyfan, 2012-05-24 //In MS Word, the font underline setting of the paragraph end position wont affect the formatting of numbering, so we ignore it bool lcl_IsIgnoredCharFmtForNumbering(const sal_uInt16 nWhich) { return (nWhich == RES_CHRATR_UNDERLINE); } //In MS Word, following properties of the paragraph end position wont affect the formatting of bullets, so we ignore them: //Font underline; //Font Italic of Western, CJK and CTL; //Font Bold of Wertern, CJK and CTL; bool lcl_IsIgnoredCharFmtForBullets(const sal_uInt16 nWhich) { return (nWhich == RES_CHRATR_UNDERLINE || nWhich == RES_CHRATR_POSTURE || nWhich == RES_CHRATR_WEIGHT || nWhich == RES_CHRATR_CJK_POSTURE || nWhich == RES_CHRATR_CJK_WEIGHT || nWhich == RES_CHRATR_CTL_POSTURE || nWhich == RES_CHRATR_CTL_WEIGHT); } //Condition for expanding char set to character style of specified number rule level: //The item inside the set should not conflict to any exist and non-default item inside paragraph properties set (SwCntntNode::SwPAttrSet); //The node should have applied a number rule; //The node should be counted in a list, if not, make it to be; //The item should not conflict to any exist and non-default item inside the character of specified number rule level; //The item should not be ignored depend on the exact number rule type; bool SwTxtNode::TryCharSetExpandToNum(const SfxItemSet& aCharSet) { bool bRet = false; SfxItemIter aIter( aCharSet ); const SfxPoolItem* pItem = aIter.FirstItem(); const sal_uInt16 nWhich = pItem->Which(); const SfxPoolItem& rInnerItem = GetAttr(nWhich,false); if (!IsDefaultItem(&rInnerItem) && !IsInvalidItem(&rInnerItem)) return bRet; if ( !IsInList() && GetNumRule() && GetListId().Len() > 0 ) { return bRet; } SwNumRule* pCurrNum = GetNumRule(false); int nLevel = GetActualListLevel(); if (nLevel != -1 && pCurrNum) { const SwNumFmt* pCurrNumFmt = pCurrNum->GetNumFmt(static_cast(nLevel)); if (pCurrNumFmt) { if (pCurrNumFmt->IsItemize() && lcl_IsIgnoredCharFmtForBullets(nWhich)) return bRet; if (pCurrNumFmt->IsEnumeration() && lcl_IsIgnoredCharFmtForNumbering(nWhich)) return bRet; SwCharFmt* pCurrCharFmt =pCurrNumFmt->GetCharFmt(); if (pCurrCharFmt && pCurrCharFmt->GetItemState(nWhich,false) != SFX_ITEM_SET) { pCurrCharFmt->SetFmtAttr(*pItem); SwNumFmt aNewNumFmt(*pCurrNumFmt); aNewNumFmt.SetCharFmt(pCurrCharFmt); pCurrNum->Set(nLevel,aNewNumFmt); bRet = true; } } } return bRet; } //End of modification, by easyfan // setze diese Attribute am TextNode. Wird der gesamte Bereich umspannt, // dann setze sie nur im AutoAttrSet (SwCntntNode:: SetAttr) sal_Bool SwTxtNode::SetAttr( const SfxItemSet& rSet, xub_StrLen nStt, xub_StrLen nEnd, const SetAttrMode nMode ) { if( !rSet.Count() ) return sal_False; // teil die Sets auf (fuer Selektion in Nodes) const SfxItemSet* pSet = &rSet; SfxItemSet aTxtSet( *rSet.GetPool(), RES_TXTATR_BEGIN, RES_TXTATR_END-1 ); // gesamter Bereich if ( !nStt && (nEnd == m_Text.Len()) && !(nMode & nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_NOFORMATATTR ) ) { // sind am Node schon Zeichenvorlagen gesetzt, muss man diese Attribute // (rSet) immer als TextAttribute setzen, damit sie angezeigt werden. int bHasCharFmts = sal_False; if ( HasHints() ) { for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < m_pSwpHints->Count(); ++n ) { if ( (*m_pSwpHints)[ n ]->IsCharFmtAttr() ) { bHasCharFmts = sal_True; break; } } } if( !bHasCharFmts ) { aTxtSet.Put( rSet ); // If there are any character attributes in rSet, // we want to set them at the paragraph: if( aTxtSet.Count() != rSet.Count() ) { sal_Bool bRet = SetAttr( rSet ); if( !aTxtSet.Count() ) return bRet; } // check for auto style: const SfxPoolItem* pItem; const bool bAutoStyle = SFX_ITEM_SET == aTxtSet.GetItemState( RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT, sal_False, &pItem ); if ( bAutoStyle ) { boost::shared_ptr pAutoStyleSet = static_cast(pItem)->GetStyleHandle(); sal_Bool bRet = SetAttr( *pAutoStyleSet ); if( 1 == aTxtSet.Count() ) return bRet; } // Continue with the text attributes: pSet = &aTxtSet; } } GetOrCreateSwpHints(); SfxItemSet aCharSet( *rSet.GetPool(), aCharAutoFmtSetRange ); sal_uInt16 nCount = 0; SfxItemIter aIter( *pSet ); const SfxPoolItem* pItem = aIter.GetCurItem(); do { if ( pItem && (reinterpret_cast(-1) != pItem)) { const sal_uInt16 nWhich = pItem->Which(); ASSERT( isCHRATR(nWhich) || isTXTATR(nWhich), "SwTxtNode::SetAttr(): unknown attribute" ); if ( isCHRATR(nWhich) || isTXTATR(nWhich) ) { if ((RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == nWhich) && (GetDoc()->GetDfltCharFmt() == static_cast(pItem)->GetCharFmt())) { SwIndex aIndex( this, nStt ); RstAttr( aIndex, nEnd - nStt, RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT, 0 ); DontExpandFmt( aIndex ); } else { if (isCHRATR(nWhich) || (RES_TXTATR_UNKNOWN_CONTAINER == nWhich)) { aCharSet.Put( *pItem ); } else { SwTxtAttr *const pNew = MakeTxtAttr( *GetDoc(), const_cast(*pItem), nStt, nEnd ); if ( pNew ) { if ( nEnd != nStt && !pNew->GetEnd() ) { ASSERT(false, "Attribut without end, but area marked"); DestroyAttr( pNew ); // do not insert } else if ( InsertHint( pNew, nMode ) ) { ++nCount; } } } } } } if ( aIter.IsAtEnd() ) break; pItem = aIter.NextItem(); } while( true ); if ( aCharSet.Count() ) { SwTxtAttr* pTmpNew = MakeTxtAttr( *GetDoc(), aCharSet, nStt, nEnd ); if ( InsertHint( pTmpNew, nMode ) ) { ++nCount; } } TryDeleteSwpHints(); return nCount ? sal_True : sal_False; } void lcl_MergeAttr( SfxItemSet& rSet, const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) { if ( RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT == rAttr.Which() ) { const SfxItemSet* pCFSet = CharFmt::GetItemSet( rAttr ); if ( !pCFSet ) return; SfxWhichIter aIter( *pCFSet ); sal_uInt16 nWhich = aIter.FirstWhich(); while( nWhich ) { if( ( nWhich < RES_CHRATR_END || RES_TXTATR_UNKNOWN_CONTAINER == nWhich ) && ( SFX_ITEM_SET == pCFSet->GetItemState( nWhich, sal_True ) ) ) rSet.Put( pCFSet->Get( nWhich ) ); nWhich = aIter.NextWhich(); } } else rSet.Put( rAttr ); } void lcl_MergeAttr_ExpandChrFmt( SfxItemSet& rSet, const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) { if( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == rAttr.Which() || RES_TXTATR_INETFMT == rAttr.Which() || RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT == rAttr.Which() ) { const SfxItemSet* pCFSet = CharFmt::GetItemSet( rAttr ); if ( pCFSet ) { SfxWhichIter aIter( *pCFSet ); sal_uInt16 nWhich = aIter.FirstWhich(); while( nWhich ) { if( ( nWhich < RES_CHRATR_END || ( RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT == rAttr.Which() && RES_TXTATR_UNKNOWN_CONTAINER == nWhich ) ) && ( SFX_ITEM_SET == pCFSet->GetItemState( nWhich, sal_True ) ) ) rSet.Put( pCFSet->Get( nWhich ) ); nWhich = aIter.NextWhich(); } } } // aufnehmen als MergeWert (falls noch nicht gesetzt neu setzen!) /* wenn mehrere Attribute ueberlappen gewinnt der letze !! z.B 1234567890123456789 |------------| Font1 |------| Font2 ^ ^ |--| Abfragebereich: -> Gueltig ist Font2 */ rSet.Put( rAttr ); } struct SwPoolItemEndPair { public: const SfxPoolItem* mpItem; xub_StrLen mnEndPos; SwPoolItemEndPair() : mpItem( 0 ), mnEndPos( 0 ) {}; }; // --> OD 2008-01-16 #newlistlevelattrs# void lcl_MergeListLevelIndentAsLRSpaceItem( const SwTxtNode& rTxtNode, SfxItemSet& rSet ) { if ( rTxtNode.AreListLevelIndentsApplicable() ) { const SwNumRule* pRule = rTxtNode.GetNumRule(); if ( pRule && rTxtNode.GetActualListLevel() >= 0 ) { const SwNumFmt& rFmt = pRule->Get(static_cast(rTxtNode.GetActualListLevel())); if ( rFmt.GetPositionAndSpaceMode() == SvxNumberFormat::LABEL_ALIGNMENT ) { SvxLRSpaceItem aLR( RES_LR_SPACE ); aLR.SetTxtLeft( rFmt.GetIndentAt() ); aLR.SetTxtFirstLineOfst( static_cast(rFmt.GetFirstLineIndent()) ); rSet.Put( aLR ); } } } } // erfrage die Attribute vom TextNode ueber den Bereich // --> OD 2008-01-16 #newlistlevelattrs# sal_Bool SwTxtNode::GetAttr( SfxItemSet& rSet, xub_StrLen nStt, xub_StrLen nEnd, sal_Bool bOnlyTxtAttr, sal_Bool bGetFromChrFmt, const bool bMergeIndentValuesOfNumRule ) const { if( HasHints() ) { /* stelle erstmal fest, welche Text-Attribut in dem Bereich gueltig * sind. Dabei gibt es folgende Faelle: * UnEindeutig wenn: (wenn != Format-Attribut) * - das Attribut liegt vollstaendig im Bereich * - das Attributende liegt im Bereich * - der Attributanfang liegt im Bereich: * Eindeutig (im Set mergen): * - das Attrib umfasst den Bereich * nichts tun: * das Attribut liegt ausserhalb des Bereiches */ void (*fnMergeAttr)( SfxItemSet&, const SfxPoolItem& ) = bGetFromChrFmt ? &lcl_MergeAttr_ExpandChrFmt : &lcl_MergeAttr; // dann besorge mal die Auto-(Fmt)Attribute SfxItemSet aFmtSet( *rSet.GetPool(), rSet.GetRanges() ); if( !bOnlyTxtAttr ) { SwCntntNode::GetAttr( aFmtSet ); // --> OD 2008-01-16 #newlistlevelattrs# if ( bMergeIndentValuesOfNumRule ) { lcl_MergeListLevelIndentAsLRSpaceItem( *this, aFmtSet ); } // <-- } const sal_uInt16 nSize = m_pSwpHints->Count(); if( nStt == nEnd ) // kein Bereich: { for (sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < nSize; ++n) { const SwTxtAttr* pHt = (*m_pSwpHints)[n]; const xub_StrLen nAttrStart = *pHt->GetStart(); if( nAttrStart > nEnd ) // ueber den Bereich hinaus break; const xub_StrLen* pAttrEnd = pHt->GetEnd(); if ( ! pAttrEnd ) // no attributes without end continue; if( ( nAttrStart < nStt && ( pHt->DontExpand() ? nStt < *pAttrEnd : nStt <= *pAttrEnd )) || ( nStt == nAttrStart && ( nAttrStart == *pAttrEnd || !nStt ))) (*fnMergeAttr)( rSet, pHt->GetAttr() ); } } else // es ist ein Bereich definiert { // --> FME 2007-03-13 #i75299# ::std::auto_ptr< std::vector< SwPoolItemEndPair > > pAttrArr; // <-- const sal_uInt16 coArrSz = static_cast(RES_TXTATR_WITHEND_END) - static_cast(RES_CHRATR_BEGIN); for (sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < nSize; ++n) { const SwTxtAttr* pHt = (*m_pSwpHints)[n]; const xub_StrLen nAttrStart = *pHt->GetStart(); if( nAttrStart > nEnd ) // ueber den Bereich hinaus break; const xub_StrLen* pAttrEnd = pHt->GetEnd(); if ( ! pAttrEnd ) // no attributes without end continue; sal_Bool bChkInvalid = sal_False; if( nAttrStart <= nStt ) // vor oder genau Start { if( *pAttrEnd <= nStt ) // liegt davor continue; if( nEnd <= *pAttrEnd ) // hinter oder genau Ende (*fnMergeAttr)( aFmtSet, pHt->GetAttr() ); else // else if( pHt->GetAttr() != aFmtSet.Get( pHt->Which() ) ) // uneindeutig bChkInvalid = sal_True; } else if( nAttrStart < nEnd // reicht in den Bereich )// && pHt->GetAttr() != aFmtSet.Get( pHt->Which() ) ) bChkInvalid = sal_True; if( bChkInvalid ) { // uneindeutig ? ::std::auto_ptr< SfxItemIter > pItemIter; const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0; if ( RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT == pHt->Which() ) { const SfxItemSet* pAutoSet = CharFmt::GetItemSet( pHt->GetAttr() ); if ( pAutoSet ) { pItemIter.reset( new SfxItemIter( *pAutoSet ) ); pItem = pItemIter->GetCurItem(); } } else pItem = &pHt->GetAttr(); const sal_uInt16 nHintEnd = *pAttrEnd; while ( pItem ) { const sal_uInt16 nHintWhich = pItem->Which(); ASSERT(!isUNKNOWNATR(nHintWhich), "SwTxtNode::GetAttr(): unkonwn attribute?"); if ( !pAttrArr.get() ) { pAttrArr.reset( new std::vector< SwPoolItemEndPair >(coArrSz)); } std::vector< SwPoolItemEndPair >::iterator pPrev = pAttrArr->begin(); if (isCHRATR(nHintWhich) || isTXTATR_WITHEND(nHintWhich)) { pPrev += nHintWhich - RES_CHRATR_BEGIN; } else { pPrev = pAttrArr->end(); } #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 SwPoolItemEndPair aTmp = *pPrev; #endif if( pPrev != pAttrArr->end() ) { if( !pPrev->mpItem ) { if ( bOnlyTxtAttr || *pItem != aFmtSet.Get( nHintWhich ) ) { if( nAttrStart > nStt ) { rSet.InvalidateItem( nHintWhich ); pPrev->mpItem = (SfxPoolItem*)-1; } else { pPrev->mpItem = pItem; pPrev->mnEndPos = nHintEnd; } } } else if( (SfxPoolItem*)-1 != pPrev->mpItem ) { if( pPrev->mnEndPos == nAttrStart && *pPrev->mpItem == *pItem ) { pPrev->mpItem = pItem; pPrev->mnEndPos = nHintEnd; } else { rSet.InvalidateItem( nHintWhich ); pPrev->mpItem = (SfxPoolItem*)-1; } } } pItem = ( pItemIter.get() && !pItemIter->IsAtEnd() ) ? pItemIter->NextItem() : 0; } // end while } } if ( pAttrArr.get() ) { for (sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < coArrSz; ++n) { const SwPoolItemEndPair& rItemPair = (*pAttrArr)[ n ]; if( (0 != rItemPair.mpItem) && ((SfxPoolItem*)-1 != rItemPair.mpItem) ) { const sal_uInt16 nWh = static_cast(n + RES_CHRATR_BEGIN); if( nEnd <= rItemPair.mnEndPos ) // hinter oder genau Ende { if( *rItemPair.mpItem != aFmtSet.Get( nWh ) ) (*fnMergeAttr)( rSet, *rItemPair.mpItem ); } else // uneindeutig rSet.InvalidateItem( nWh ); } } } } if( aFmtSet.Count() ) { // aus dem Format-Set alle entfernen, die im TextSet auch gesetzt sind aFmtSet.Differentiate( rSet ); // jetzt alle zusammen "mergen" rSet.Put( aFmtSet ); } } else if( !bOnlyTxtAttr ) { // dann besorge mal die Auto-(Fmt)Attribute SwCntntNode::GetAttr( rSet ); // --> OD 2008-01-16 #newlistlevelattrs# if ( bMergeIndentValuesOfNumRule ) { lcl_MergeListLevelIndentAsLRSpaceItem( *this, rSet ); } // <-- } return rSet.Count() ? sal_True : sal_False; } namespace { typedef std::pair AttrSpan_t; typedef std::multimap AttrSpanMap_t; struct IsAutoStyle { bool operator()(const AttrSpanMap_t::value_type& i_rAttrSpan) const { return i_rAttrSpan.second && i_rAttrSpan.second->Which() == RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT; } }; /** Removes from io_rAttrSet all items that are set by style on the given span. */ struct RemovePresentAttrs { RemovePresentAttrs(SfxItemSet& io_rAttrSet) : m_rAttrSet(io_rAttrSet) { } void operator()(const AttrSpanMap_t::value_type& i_rAttrSpan) const { if (!i_rAttrSpan.second) { return; } const SwTxtAttr* const pAutoStyle(i_rAttrSpan.second); SfxItemIter aIter(m_rAttrSet); const SfxPoolItem* pItem(aIter.GetCurItem()); while (pItem) { const sal_uInt16 nWhich(pItem->Which()); if (CharFmt::IsItemIncluded(nWhich, pAutoStyle)) { m_rAttrSet.ClearItem(nWhich); } if (aIter.IsAtEnd()) { break; } pItem = aIter.NextItem(); } } private: SfxItemSet& m_rAttrSet; }; /** Collects all style-covered spans from i_rHints to o_rSpanMap. In addition inserts dummy spans with pointer to format equal to 0 for all gaps (i.e. spans not covered by any style). This simplifies creation of autostyles for all needed spans, but it means all code that tries to access the pointer has to check if it's non-null! */ void lcl_CollectHintSpans(const SwpHints& i_rHints, const sal_uInt16 nLength, AttrSpanMap_t& o_rSpanMap) { sal_uInt16 nLastEnd(0); for (sal_uInt16 i(0); i != i_rHints.Count(); ++i) { const SwTxtAttr* const pHint(i_rHints[i]); const sal_uInt16 nWhich(pHint->Which()); if (nWhich == RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT || nWhich == RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT) { const AttrSpan_t aSpan(*pHint->GetStart(), *pHint->GetEnd()); o_rSpanMap.insert(AttrSpanMap_t::value_type(aSpan, pHint)); // < not != because there may be multiple CHARFMT at same range if (nLastEnd < aSpan.first) { // insert dummy span covering the gap o_rSpanMap.insert(AttrSpanMap_t::value_type( AttrSpan_t(nLastEnd, aSpan.first), 0)); } nLastEnd = aSpan.second; } } // no hints at the end (special case: no hints at all in i_rHints) if (nLastEnd != nLength && nLength != 0) { o_rSpanMap.insert( AttrSpanMap_t::value_type(AttrSpan_t(nLastEnd, nLength), 0)); } } void lcl_FillWhichIds(const SfxItemSet& i_rAttrSet, std::vector& o_rClearIds) { o_rClearIds.reserve(i_rAttrSet.Count()); SfxItemIter aIter(i_rAttrSet); const SfxPoolItem* pItem(aIter.GetCurItem()); while (true) { o_rClearIds.push_back(pItem->Which()); if (aIter.IsAtEnd()) { break; } pItem = aIter.NextItem(); } } struct SfxItemSetClearer { SfxItemSet & m_rItemSet; SfxItemSetClearer(SfxItemSet & rItemSet) : m_rItemSet(rItemSet) { } void operator()(sal_uInt16 const nWhich) { m_rItemSet.ClearItem(nWhich); } }; } /** Does the hard work of SwTxtNode::FmtToTxtAttr: the real conversion of items to automatic styles. */ void SwTxtNode::impl_FmtToTxtAttr(const SfxItemSet& i_rAttrSet) { typedef AttrSpanMap_t::iterator AttrSpanMap_iterator_t; AttrSpanMap_t aAttrSpanMap; if (i_rAttrSet.Count() == 0) { return; } // 1. Identify all spans in hints' array lcl_CollectHintSpans(*m_pSwpHints, m_Text.Len(), aAttrSpanMap); // 2. Go through all spans and insert new attrs AttrSpanMap_iterator_t aCurRange(aAttrSpanMap.begin()); const AttrSpanMap_iterator_t aEnd(aAttrSpanMap.end()); while (aCurRange != aEnd) { typedef std::pair AttrSpanMapRange_t; AttrSpanMapRange_t aRange(aAttrSpanMap.equal_range(aCurRange->first)); // 2a. Collect attributes to insert SfxItemSet aCurSet(i_rAttrSet); std::for_each(aRange.first, aRange.second, RemovePresentAttrs(aCurSet)); // 2b. Insert automatic style containing the collected attributes if (aCurSet.Count() != 0) { AttrSpanMap_iterator_t aAutoStyleIt( std::find_if(aRange.first, aRange.second, IsAutoStyle())); if (aAutoStyleIt != aRange.second) { // there already is an automatic style on that span: // create new one and remove the original one SwTxtAttr* const pAutoStyle(const_cast(aAutoStyleIt->second)); const boost::shared_ptr pOldStyle( static_cast( pAutoStyle->GetAttr()).GetStyleHandle()); aCurSet.Put(*pOldStyle); // remove the old hint m_pSwpHints->Delete(pAutoStyle); DestroyAttr(pAutoStyle); } m_pSwpHints->Insert( MakeTxtAttr(*GetDoc(), aCurSet, aCurRange->first.first, aCurRange->first.second)); } aCurRange = aRange.second; } // 3. Clear items from the node std::vector aClearedIds; lcl_FillWhichIds(i_rAttrSet, aClearedIds); ClearItemsFromAttrSet(aClearedIds); } void SwTxtNode::FmtToTxtAttr( SwTxtNode* pNd ) { SfxItemSet aThisSet( GetDoc()->GetAttrPool(), aCharFmtSetRange ); if( HasSwAttrSet() && GetpSwAttrSet()->Count() ) aThisSet.Put( *GetpSwAttrSet() ); GetOrCreateSwpHints(); if( pNd == this ) { impl_FmtToTxtAttr(aThisSet); } else { // There are five possible combinations of items from this and // pNd (pNd is the 'main' node): // // case pNd this action // ---------------------------------------------------- // 1 - - do nothing // 2 - a convert item to attr of this // 3 a - convert item to attr of pNd // 4 a a clear item in this // 5 a b convert item to attr of this SfxItemSet aNdSet( pNd->GetDoc()->GetAttrPool(), aCharFmtSetRange ); if( pNd->HasSwAttrSet() && pNd->GetpSwAttrSet()->Count() ) aNdSet.Put( *pNd->GetpSwAttrSet() ); pNd->GetOrCreateSwpHints(); std::vector aProcessedIds; if( aThisSet.Count() ) { SfxItemIter aIter( aThisSet ); const SfxPoolItem* pItem = aIter.GetCurItem(), *pNdItem = 0; SfxItemSet aConvertSet( GetDoc()->GetAttrPool(), aCharFmtSetRange ); std::vector aClearWhichIds; while( true ) { if( SFX_ITEM_SET == aNdSet.GetItemState( pItem->Which(), sal_False, &pNdItem ) ) { if (*pItem == *pNdItem) // 4 { aClearWhichIds.push_back( pItem->Which() ); } else // 5 { aConvertSet.Put(*pItem); } aProcessedIds.push_back(pItem->Which()); } else // 2 { aConvertSet.Put(*pItem); } if( aIter.IsAtEnd() ) break; pItem = aIter.NextItem(); } // 4/ clear items of this that are set with the same value on pNd ClearItemsFromAttrSet( aClearWhichIds ); // 2, 5/ convert all other items to attrs impl_FmtToTxtAttr(aConvertSet); } { std::for_each(aProcessedIds.begin(), aProcessedIds.end(), SfxItemSetClearer(aNdSet)); // 3/ convert items to attrs pNd->impl_FmtToTxtAttr(aNdSet); if( aNdSet.Count() ) { SwFmtChg aTmp1( pNd->GetFmtColl() ); pNd->NotifyClients( &aTmp1, &aTmp1 ); } } } SetCalcHiddenCharFlags(); pNd->TryDeleteSwpHints(); } /************************************************************************* * SwpHints::CalcFlags() *************************************************************************/ void SwpHints::CalcFlags() { m_bDDEFields = m_bFootnote = false; const sal_uInt16 nSize = Count(); const SwTxtAttr* pAttr; for( sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; nPos < nSize; ++nPos ) { switch( ( pAttr = (*this)[ nPos ])->Which() ) { case RES_TXTATR_FTN: m_bFootnote = true; if ( m_bDDEFields ) return; break; case RES_TXTATR_FIELD: { const SwField* pFld = pAttr->GetFmtFld().GetField(); if( RES_DDEFLD == pFld->GetTyp()->Which() ) { m_bDDEFields = true; if ( m_bFootnote ) return; } } break; } } } /************************************************************************* * SwpHints::CalcVisibleFlag() *************************************************************************/ bool SwpHints::CalcHiddenParaField() { m_bCalcHiddenParaField = false; bool bOldHasHiddenParaField = m_bHasHiddenParaField; bool bNewHasHiddenParaField = false; const sal_uInt16 nSize = Count(); const SwTxtAttr *pTxtHt; for( sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; nPos < nSize; ++nPos ) { pTxtHt = (*this)[ nPos ]; const sal_uInt16 nWhich = pTxtHt->Which(); if( RES_TXTATR_FIELD == nWhich ) { const SwFmtFld& rFld = pTxtHt->GetFmtFld(); if( RES_HIDDENPARAFLD == rFld.GetField()->GetTyp()->Which() ) { if( !((SwHiddenParaField*)rFld.GetField())->IsHidden() ) { SetHiddenParaField(false); return bOldHasHiddenParaField != bNewHasHiddenParaField; } else { bNewHasHiddenParaField = true; } } } } SetHiddenParaField( bNewHasHiddenParaField ); return bOldHasHiddenParaField != bNewHasHiddenParaField; } /************************************************************************* * SwpHints::NoteInHistory() *************************************************************************/ void SwpHints::NoteInHistory( SwTxtAttr *pAttr, const bool bNew ) { if ( m_pHistory ) { m_pHistory->AddHint( pAttr, bNew ); } } /************************************************************************* * SwpHints::MergePortions( ) *************************************************************************/ bool SwpHints::MergePortions( SwTxtNode& rNode ) { if ( !Count() ) return false; // sort before merging SwpHintsArray::Resort(); bool bRet = false; typedef std::multimap< int, SwTxtAttr* > PortionMap; PortionMap aPortionMap; xub_StrLen nLastPorStart = STRING_LEN; sal_uInt16 i = 0; int nKey = 0; // get portions by start position: for ( i = 0; i < Count(); ++i ) { SwTxtAttr *pHt = GetTextHint( i ); if ( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT != pHt->Which() && RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT != pHt->Which() ) //&& //RES_TXTATR_INETFMT != pHt->Which() ) continue; const xub_StrLen nPorStart = *pHt->GetStart(); if ( nPorStart != nLastPorStart && nLastPorStart != STRING_LEN ) ++nKey; nLastPorStart = nPorStart; aPortionMap.insert( std::pair< const int, SwTxtAttr* >( nKey, pHt ) ); } // check if portion i can be merged with portion i+1: i = 0; int j = i + 1; while ( i <= nKey ) { std::pair< PortionMap::iterator, PortionMap::iterator > aRange1 = aPortionMap.equal_range( i ); std::pair< PortionMap::iterator, PortionMap::iterator > aRange2 = aPortionMap.equal_range( j ); PortionMap::iterator aIter1 = aRange1.first; PortionMap::iterator aIter2 = aRange2.first; bool bMerge = true; const sal_uInt16 nAttributesInPor1 = static_cast(std::distance( aRange1.first, aRange1.second )); const sal_uInt16 nAttributesInPor2 = static_cast(std::distance( aRange2.first, aRange2.second )); if ( nAttributesInPor1 == nAttributesInPor2 && nAttributesInPor1 != 0 ) { while ( aIter1 != aRange1.second ) { const SwTxtAttr* p1 = (*aIter1).second; const SwTxtAttr* p2 = (*aIter2).second; if ( *p1->GetEnd() < *p2->GetStart() || p1->Which() != p2->Which() || !(*p1 == *p2) ) { bMerge = false; break; } ++aIter1; ++aIter2; } } else { bMerge = false; } if ( bMerge ) { // erase all elements with key i + 1 xub_StrLen nNewPortionEnd = 0; for ( aIter2 = aRange2.first; aIter2 != aRange2.second; ++aIter2 ) { SwTxtAttr* p2 = (*aIter2).second; nNewPortionEnd = *p2->GetEnd(); const sal_uInt16 nCountBeforeDelete = Count(); Delete( p2 ); // robust: check if deletion actually took place before destroying attribute: if ( Count() < nCountBeforeDelete ) rNode.DestroyAttr( p2 ); } aPortionMap.erase( aRange2.first, aRange2.second ); ++j; // change all attributes with key i aRange1 = aPortionMap.equal_range( i ); for ( aIter1 = aRange1.first; aIter1 != aRange1.second; ++aIter1 ) { SwTxtAttr* p1 = (*aIter1).second; NoteInHistory( p1 ); *p1->GetEnd() = nNewPortionEnd; NoteInHistory( p1, true ); bRet = true; } } else { ++i; j = i + 1; } } if ( bRet ) { SwpHintsArray::Resort(); } return bRet; } // check if there is already a character format and adjust the sort numbers void lcl_CheckSortNumber( const SwpHints& rHints, SwTxtCharFmt& rNewCharFmt ) { const xub_StrLen nHtStart = *rNewCharFmt.GetStart(); const xub_StrLen nHtEnd = *rNewCharFmt.GetEnd(); sal_uInt16 nSortNumber = 0; for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rHints.Count(); ++i ) { const SwTxtAttr* pOtherHt = rHints[i]; const xub_StrLen nOtherStart = *pOtherHt->GetStart(); if ( nOtherStart > nHtStart ) break; if ( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == pOtherHt->Which() ) { const xub_StrLen nOtherEnd = *pOtherHt->GetEnd(); if ( nOtherStart == nHtStart && nOtherEnd == nHtEnd ) { const sal_uInt16 nOtherSortNum = static_cast(pOtherHt)->GetSortNumber(); nSortNumber = nOtherSortNum + 1; } } } if ( nSortNumber > 0 ) rNewCharFmt.SetSortNumber( nSortNumber ); } /************************************************************************* * SwpHints::Insert() *************************************************************************/ /* * Try to insert the new hint. * Depending on the type of the hint, this either always succeeds, or may fail. * Depending on the type of the hint, other hints may be deleted or * overwritten. * The return value indicates successful insertion. */ bool SwpHints::TryInsertHint( SwTxtAttr* const pHint, SwTxtNode &rNode, const SetAttrMode nMode ) { if ( USHRT_MAX == Count() ) // we're sorry, this flight is overbooked... { ASSERT(false, "hints array full :-("); return false; } // Felder bilden eine Ausnahme: // 1) Sie koennen nie ueberlappen // 2) Wenn zwei Felder genau aneinander liegen, // sollen sie nicht zu einem verschmolzen werden. // Wir koennen also auf die while-Schleife verzichten xub_StrLen *pHtEnd = pHint->GetEnd(); sal_uInt16 nWhich = pHint->Which(); switch( nWhich ) { case RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT: { // Check if character format contains hidden attribute: const SwCharFmt* pFmt = pHint->GetCharFmt().GetCharFmt(); const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if ( SFX_ITEM_SET == pFmt->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_HIDDEN, sal_True, &pItem ) ) rNode.SetCalcHiddenCharFlags(); ((SwTxtCharFmt*)pHint)->ChgTxtNode( &rNode ); break; } // --> FME 2007-03-16 #i75430# Recalc hidden flags if necessary case RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT: { // Check if auto style contains hidden attribute: const SfxPoolItem* pHiddenItem = CharFmt::GetItem( *pHint, RES_CHRATR_HIDDEN ); if ( pHiddenItem ) rNode.SetCalcHiddenCharFlags(); break; } // <-- case RES_TXTATR_INETFMT: static_cast(pHint)->InitINetFmt(rNode); break; case RES_TXTATR_FIELD: { sal_Bool bDelFirst = 0 != ((SwTxtFld*)pHint)->GetpTxtNode(); ((SwTxtFld*)pHint)->ChgTxtNode( &rNode ); SwDoc* pDoc = rNode.GetDoc(); const SwField* pFld = ((SwTxtFld*)pHint)->GetFmtFld().GetField(); if( !pDoc->IsNewFldLst() ) { // was fuer ein Feld ist es denn ?? // bestimmte Felder mussen am Doc das Calculations-Flag updaten switch( pFld->GetTyp()->Which() ) { case RES_DBFLD: case RES_SETEXPFLD: case RES_HIDDENPARAFLD: case RES_HIDDENTXTFLD: case RES_DBNUMSETFLD: case RES_DBNEXTSETFLD: { if( bDelFirst ) pDoc->InsDelFldInFldLst( sal_False, *(SwTxtFld*)pHint ); if( rNode.GetNodes().IsDocNodes() ) pDoc->InsDelFldInFldLst( sal_True, *(SwTxtFld*)pHint ); } break; case RES_DDEFLD: if( rNode.GetNodes().IsDocNodes() ) ((SwDDEFieldType*)pFld->GetTyp())->IncRefCnt(); break; } } // gehts ins normale Nodes-Array? if( rNode.GetNodes().IsDocNodes() ) { sal_Bool bInsFldType = sal_False; switch( pFld->GetTyp()->Which() ) { case RES_SETEXPFLD: bInsFldType = ((SwSetExpFieldType*)pFld->GetTyp())->IsDeleted(); if( nsSwGetSetExpType::GSE_SEQ & ((SwSetExpFieldType*)pFld->GetTyp())->GetType() ) { // bevor die ReferenzNummer gesetzt wird, sollte // das Feld am richtigen FeldTypen haengen! SwSetExpFieldType* pFldType = (SwSetExpFieldType*) pDoc->InsertFldType( *pFld->GetTyp() ); if( pFldType != pFld->GetTyp() ) { SwFmtFld* pFmtFld = (SwFmtFld*)&((SwTxtFld*)pHint)->GetFmtFld(); pFmtFld->RegisterToFieldType( *pFldType ); pFmtFld->GetField()->ChgTyp( pFldType ); } pFldType->SetSeqRefNo( *(SwSetExpField*)pFld ); } break; case RES_USERFLD: bInsFldType = ((SwUserFieldType*)pFld->GetTyp())->IsDeleted(); break; case RES_DDEFLD: if( pDoc->IsNewFldLst() ) ((SwDDEFieldType*)pFld->GetTyp())->IncRefCnt(); bInsFldType = ((SwDDEFieldType*)pFld->GetTyp())->IsDeleted(); break; case RES_POSTITFLD: if ( pDoc->GetDocShell() ) pDoc->GetDocShell()->Broadcast( SwFmtFldHint( &((SwTxtFld*)pHint)->GetFmtFld(), SWFMTFLD_INSERTED ) ); break; } if( bInsFldType ) pDoc->InsDeletedFldType( *pFld->GetTyp() ); } } break; case RES_TXTATR_FTN : ((SwTxtFtn*)pHint)->ChgTxtNode( &rNode ); break; case RES_TXTATR_REFMARK: ((SwTxtRefMark*)pHint)->ChgTxtNode( &rNode ); if( rNode.GetNodes().IsDocNodes() ) { // search for a reference with the same name SwTxtAttr* pTmpHt; xub_StrLen *pTmpHtEnd, *pTmpHintEnd; for( sal_uInt16 n = 0, nEnd = Count(); n < nEnd; ++n ) { if (RES_TXTATR_REFMARK == (pTmpHt = GetTextHint(n))->Which() && pHint->GetAttr() == pTmpHt->GetAttr() && 0 != ( pTmpHtEnd = pTmpHt->GetEnd() ) && 0 != ( pTmpHintEnd = pHint->GetEnd() ) ) { SwComparePosition eCmp = ::ComparePosition( *pTmpHt->GetStart(), *pTmpHtEnd, *pHint->GetStart(), *pTmpHintEnd ); sal_Bool bDelOld = sal_True, bChgStart = sal_False, bChgEnd = sal_False; switch( eCmp ) { case POS_BEFORE: case POS_BEHIND: bDelOld = sal_False; break; case POS_OUTSIDE: bChgStart = bChgEnd = sal_True; break; case POS_COLLIDE_END: case POS_OVERLAP_BEFORE: bChgStart = sal_True; break; case POS_COLLIDE_START: case POS_OVERLAP_BEHIND: bChgEnd = sal_True; break; default: break; } if( bChgStart ) *pHint->GetStart() = *pTmpHt->GetStart(); if( bChgEnd ) *pTmpHintEnd = *pTmpHtEnd; if( bDelOld ) { NoteInHistory( pTmpHt ); rNode.DestroyAttr( Cut( n-- ) ); --nEnd; } } } } break; case RES_TXTATR_TOXMARK: ((SwTxtTOXMark*)pHint)->ChgTxtNode( &rNode ); break; case RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY: static_cast(pHint)->InitRuby(rNode); break; case RES_TXTATR_META: case RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD: static_cast(pHint)->ChgTxtNode( &rNode ); break; case RES_CHRATR_HIDDEN: rNode.SetCalcHiddenCharFlags(); break; } if( nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_DONTEXPAND & nMode ) pHint->SetDontExpand( sal_True ); // SwTxtAttrs ohne Ende werden sonderbehandelt: // Sie werden natuerlich in das Array insertet, aber sie werden nicht // in die pPrev/Next/On/Off-Verkettung aufgenommen. // Der Formatierer erkennt diese TxtHints an dem CH_TXTATR_.. im Text ! xub_StrLen nHtStart = *pHint->GetStart(); if( !pHtEnd ) { SwpHintsArray::Insert( pHint ); CalcFlags(); #ifdef DBG_UTIL if( !rNode.GetDoc()->IsInReading() ) CHECK; #endif // ... und die Abhaengigen benachrichtigen if ( rNode.GetDepends() ) { SwUpdateAttr aHint( nHtStart, nHtStart, nWhich ); rNode.ModifyNotification( 0, &aHint ); } return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Ab hier gibt es nur noch pHint mit einem EndIdx !!! if( *pHtEnd < nHtStart ) { ASSERT( *pHtEnd >= nHtStart, "+SwpHints::Insert: invalid hint, end < start" ); // Wir drehen den Quatsch einfach um: *pHint->GetStart() = *pHtEnd; *pHtEnd = nHtStart; nHtStart = *pHint->GetStart(); } // I need this value later on for notification but the pointer may become invalid const xub_StrLen nHintEnd = *pHtEnd; const bool bNoHintAdjustMode = (nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_NOHINTADJUST & nMode); // handle nesting attributes: inserting may fail due to overlap! if (pHint->IsNesting()) { const bool bRet( TryInsertNesting(rNode, *static_cast(pHint))); if (!bRet) return false; } // Currently REFMARK and TOXMARK have OverlapAllowed set to true. // These attributes may be inserted directly. // Also attributes without length may be inserted directly. // SETATTR_NOHINTADJUST is set e.g., during undo. // Portion building in not necessary during XML import. else if ( !bNoHintAdjustMode && !pHint->IsOverlapAllowedAttr() && !rNode.GetDoc()->IsInXMLImport() && ( RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT == nWhich || RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == nWhich ) ) { ASSERT( nWhich != RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT || static_cast(pHint->GetAttr()).GetStyleHandle()->GetPool() == &rNode.GetDoc()->GetAttrPool(), "AUTOSTYLES - Pool mismatch" ) BuildPortions( rNode, *pHint, nMode ); if ( nHtStart < nHintEnd ) // skip merging for 0-length attributes MergePortions( rNode ); } else { // There may be more than one character style at the current position. // Take care of the sort number. // Special case ruby portion: During import, the ruby attribute is set // multiple times // Special case hyperlink: During import, the ruby attribute is set // multiple times // FME 2007-11-08 #i82989# in NOHINTADJUST mode, we want to insert // character attributes directly if ( ( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == nWhich && !bNoHintAdjustMode ) ) { BuildPortions( rNode, *pHint, nMode ); } else { // --> FME 2007-11-08 #i82989# Check sort numbers in NoHintAdjustMode if ( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == nWhich ) lcl_CheckSortNumber( *this, *static_cast(pHint) ); // <-- SwpHintsArray::Insert( pHint ); NoteInHistory( pHint, true ); } } // ... und die Abhaengigen benachrichtigen if ( rNode.GetDepends() ) { SwUpdateAttr aHint( nHtStart, nHtStart == nHintEnd ? nHintEnd + 1 : nHintEnd, nWhich ); rNode.ModifyNotification( 0, &aHint ); } #ifdef DBG_UTIL if( !bNoHintAdjustMode && !rNode.GetDoc()->IsInReading() ) CHECK; #endif return true; } /************************************************************************* * SwpHints::DeleteAtPos() *************************************************************************/ void SwpHints::DeleteAtPos( const sal_uInt16 nPos ) { SwTxtAttr *pHint = GetTextHint(nPos); // ChainDelete( pHint ); NoteInHistory( pHint ); SwpHintsArray::DeleteAtPos( nPos ); if( RES_TXTATR_FIELD == pHint->Which() ) { const SwFieldType* pFldTyp = ((SwTxtFld*)pHint)->GetFmtFld().GetField()->GetTyp(); if( RES_DDEFLD == pFldTyp->Which() ) { const SwTxtNode* pNd = ((SwTxtFld*)pHint)->GetpTxtNode(); if( pNd && pNd->GetNodes().IsDocNodes() ) ((SwDDEFieldType*)pFldTyp)->DecRefCnt(); ((SwTxtFld*)pHint)->ChgTxtNode( 0 ); } else if( RES_POSTITFLD == pFldTyp->Which() ) { const_cast(((SwTxtFld*)pHint)->GetFmtFld()).Broadcast( SwFmtFldHint( &((SwTxtFld*)pHint)->GetFmtFld(), SWFMTFLD_REMOVED ) ); } else if ( m_bHasHiddenParaField && RES_HIDDENPARAFLD == pFldTyp->Which() ) { m_bCalcHiddenParaField = true; } } CalcFlags(); CHECK; } // Ist der Hint schon bekannt, dann suche die Position und loesche ihn. // Ist er nicht im Array, so gibt es ein ASSERT !! void SwpHints::Delete( SwTxtAttr* pTxtHt ) { // Attr 2.0: SwpHintsArr::Delete( pTxtHt ); const sal_uInt16 nPos = GetStartOf( pTxtHt ); ASSERT( USHRT_MAX != nPos, "Attribut nicht im Attribut-Array!" ); if( USHRT_MAX != nPos ) DeleteAtPos( nPos ); } void SwTxtNode::ClearSwpHintsArr( bool bDelFields ) { if ( HasHints() ) { sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; while ( nPos < m_pSwpHints->Count() ) { SwTxtAttr* pDel = m_pSwpHints->GetTextHint( nPos ); bool bDel = false; switch( pDel->Which() ) { case RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT: case RES_TXTATR_FTN: break; case RES_TXTATR_FIELD: if( bDelFields ) bDel = true; break; default: bDel = true; break; } if( bDel ) { m_pSwpHints->SwpHintsArray::DeleteAtPos( nPos ); DestroyAttr( pDel ); } else ++nPos; } } } sal_uInt16 SwTxtNode::GetLang( const xub_StrLen nBegin, const xub_StrLen nLen, sal_uInt16 nScript ) const { sal_uInt16 nRet = LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW; if ( ! nScript ) { nScript = pBreakIt->GetRealScriptOfText( m_Text, nBegin ); } // --> FME 2008-09-29 #i91465# hennerdrewes: Consider nScript if pSwpHints == 0 const sal_uInt16 nWhichId = GetWhichOfScript( RES_CHRATR_LANGUAGE, nScript ); // <-- if ( HasHints() ) { const xub_StrLen nEnd = nBegin + nLen; for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0, nSize = m_pSwpHints->Count(); i < nSize; ++i ) { // ist der Attribut-Anfang schon groesser als der Idx ? const SwTxtAttr *pHt = m_pSwpHints->operator[](i); const xub_StrLen nAttrStart = *pHt->GetStart(); if( nEnd < nAttrStart ) break; const sal_uInt16 nWhich = pHt->Which(); if( nWhichId == nWhich || ( ( pHt->IsCharFmtAttr() || RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT == nWhich ) && CharFmt::IsItemIncluded( nWhichId, pHt ) ) ) { const xub_StrLen *pEndIdx = pHt->GetEnd(); // Ueberlappt das Attribut den Bereich? if( pEndIdx && nLen ? ( nAttrStart < nEnd && nBegin < *pEndIdx ) : (( nAttrStart < nBegin && ( pHt->DontExpand() ? nBegin < *pEndIdx : nBegin <= *pEndIdx )) || ( nBegin == nAttrStart && ( nAttrStart == *pEndIdx || !nBegin ))) ) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem = CharFmt::GetItem( *pHt, nWhichId ); sal_uInt16 nLng = ((SvxLanguageItem*)pItem)->GetLanguage(); // Umfasst das Attribut den Bereich komplett? if( nAttrStart <= nBegin && nEnd <= *pEndIdx ) nRet = nLng; else if( LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW == nRet ) nRet = nLng; // partielle Ueberlappung, der 1. gewinnt } } } } if( LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW == nRet ) { nRet = ((SvxLanguageItem&)GetSwAttrSet().Get( nWhichId )).GetLanguage(); if( LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW == nRet ) nRet = static_cast(GetAppLanguage()); } return nRet; } sal_Unicode GetCharOfTxtAttr( const SwTxtAttr& rAttr ) { sal_Unicode cRet = CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD; switch ( rAttr.Which() ) { case RES_TXTATR_FTN: case RES_TXTATR_REFMARK: case RES_TXTATR_TOXMARK: case RES_TXTATR_META: case RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD: cRet = CH_TXTATR_INWORD; break; case RES_TXTATR_FIELD: case RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT: { cRet = CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD; // #i78149: PostIt fields should not break words for spell and grammar checking if (rAttr.Which() == RES_TXTATR_FIELD && RES_POSTITFLD == rAttr.GetFmtFld().GetField()->GetTyp()->Which()) cRet = CH_TXTATR_INWORD; } break; default: ASSERT(false, "GetCharOfTxtAttr: unknown attr"); break; } return cRet; }