/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include bool IsDocShellRegistered(); SwIoDetect aFilterDetect[] = { SwIoDetect( FILTER_RTF, STRING_LEN ), SwIoDetect( FILTER_BAS, STRING_LEN ), SwIoDetect( sWW6, STRING_LEN ), SwIoDetect( FILTER_WW8, STRING_LEN ), SwIoDetect( sRtfWH, STRING_LEN ), SwIoDetect( sHTML, 4 ), SwIoDetect( sWW1, STRING_LEN ), SwIoDetect( sWW5, STRING_LEN ), SwIoDetect( FILTER_XML, 4 ), SwIoDetect( FILTER_TEXT_DLG, 8 ), SwIoDetect( FILTER_TEXT, 4 ) }; const sal_Char* SwIoDetect::IsReader(const sal_Char* pHeader, sal_uLong nLen_, const String & /*rFileName*/, const String& /*rUserData*/) const { // Filter erkennung struct W1_FIB { SVBT16 wIdent; // 0x0 int magic number SVBT16 nFib; // 0x2 FIB version written SVBT16 nProduct; // 0x4 product version written by SVBT16 nlocale; // 0x6 language stamp---localized version; SVBT16 pnNext; // 0x8 SVBT16 fFlags; sal_uInt16 nFibGet() { return SVBT16ToShort(nFib); } sal_uInt16 wIdentGet() { return SVBT16ToShort(wIdent); } sal_uInt16 fFlagsGet() { return SVBT16ToShort(fFlags); } // SVBT16 fComplex :1;// 0004 when 1, file is in complex, fast-saved format. sal_Bool fComplexGet() { return static_cast< sal_Bool >((fFlagsGet() >> 2) & 1); } }; int bRet = sal_False; rtl::OString aName( pName ); if ( sHTML == aName ) bRet = HTMLParser::IsHTMLFormat( pHeader, sal_True, RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW ); else if ( FILTER_RTF == aName ) bRet = 0 == strncmp( "{\\rtf", pHeader, 5 ); else if ( sWW5 == aName ) { W1_FIB *pW1Header = (W1_FIB*)pHeader; if (pW1Header->wIdentGet() == 0xA5DC && pW1Header->nFibGet() == 0x65) bRet = true; /*WW5*/ else if (pW1Header->wIdentGet() == 0xA5DB && pW1Header->nFibGet() == 0x2D) bRet = true; /*WW2*/ } else if ( sWW1 == aName ) { bRet = (( ((W1_FIB*)pHeader)->wIdentGet() == 0xA59C && ((W1_FIB*)pHeader)->nFibGet() == 0x21) && ((W1_FIB*)pHeader)->fComplexGet() == 0); } else if ( FILTER_TEXT == aName ) bRet = SwIoSystem::IsDetectableText(pHeader, nLen_); else if ( FILTER_TEXT_DLG == aName) bRet = SwIoSystem::IsDetectableText( pHeader, nLen_, 0, 0, 0, true); return bRet ? pName : 0; } const String SwIoSystem::GetSubStorageName( const SfxFilter& rFltr ) { /* bei den StorageFiltern noch den SubStorageNamen setzen */ const String& rUserData = rFltr.GetUserData(); if( rUserData.EqualsAscii(FILTER_XML) || rUserData.EqualsAscii(FILTER_XMLV) || rUserData.EqualsAscii(FILTER_XMLVW) ) return String::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "content.xml" )); if( rUserData.EqualsAscii(sWW6) || rUserData.EqualsAscii(FILTER_WW8) ) return String::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "WordDocument" )); return String::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "" )); } const SfxFilter* SwIoSystem::GetFilterOfFormat(const String& rFmtNm, const SfxFilterContainer* pCnt) { SfxFilterContainer aCntSw( String::CreateFromAscii( sSWRITER ) ); SfxFilterContainer aCntSwWeb( String::CreateFromAscii( sSWRITERWEB ) ); const SfxFilterContainer* pFltCnt = pCnt ? pCnt : ( IsDocShellRegistered() ? &aCntSw : &aCntSwWeb ); do { if( pFltCnt ) { SfxFilterMatcher aMatcher( pFltCnt->GetName() ); SfxFilterMatcherIter aIter( &aMatcher ); const SfxFilter* pFilter = aIter.First(); while ( pFilter ) { if( pFilter->GetUserData() == rFmtNm ) return pFilter; pFilter = aIter.Next(); } } if( pCnt || pFltCnt == &aCntSwWeb ) break; pFltCnt = &aCntSwWeb; } while( sal_True ); return 0; } sal_Bool SwIoSystem::IsValidStgFilter( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >& rStg, const SfxFilter& rFilter) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; try { sal_uLong nStgFmtId = SotStorage::GetFormatID( rStg ); bRet = rStg->isStreamElement( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("content.xml") ); if ( bRet ) bRet = ( nStgFmtId && ( rFilter.GetFormat() == nStgFmtId ) ); } catch ( com::sun::star::uno::Exception& ) { } return bRet; } sal_Bool SwIoSystem::IsValidStgFilter(SotStorage& rStg, const SfxFilter& rFilter) { sal_uLong nStgFmtId = rStg.GetFormat(); /*#i8409# We cannot trust the clipboard id anymore :-(*/ if( rFilter.GetUserData().EqualsAscii(FILTER_WW8) || rFilter.GetUserData().EqualsAscii(sWW6) ) { nStgFmtId = 0; } sal_Bool bRet = SVSTREAM_OK == rStg.GetError() && ( !nStgFmtId || rFilter.GetFormat() == nStgFmtId ) && ( rStg.IsContained( SwIoSystem::GetSubStorageName( rFilter )) ); if( bRet ) { /* Bug 53445 - es gibt Excel Docs ohne ClipBoardId! */ /* Bug 62703 - und auch WinWord Docs ohne ClipBoardId! */ if( rFilter.GetUserData().EqualsAscii(FILTER_WW8) || rFilter.GetUserData().EqualsAscii(sWW6) ) { bRet = !((rStg.IsContained( String::CreateFromAscii("0Table" )) || rStg.IsContained( String::CreateFromAscii("1Table" ))) ^ rFilter.GetUserData().EqualsAscii(FILTER_WW8)); if (bRet && !rFilter.IsAllowedAsTemplate()) { SotStorageStreamRef xRef = rStg.OpenSotStream(String::CreateFromAscii("WordDocument"), STREAM_STD_READ | STREAM_NOCREATE ); xRef->Seek(10); sal_uInt8 nByte; *xRef >> nByte; bRet = !(nByte & 1); } } // else if( !rFilter.GetUserData().EqualsAscii(sCExcel) ) // bRet = rFilter.GetFormat() == nStgFmtId; } return bRet; } void TerminateBuffer(sal_Char *pBuffer, sal_uLong nBytesRead, sal_uLong nBufferLen) { ASSERT(nBytesRead <= nBufferLen - 2, "what you read must be less than the max + null termination"); ASSERT(!(nBufferLen & 0x00000001), "nMaxReadBuf must be an even number"); if (nBytesRead <= nBufferLen - 2) { pBuffer[nBytesRead] = '\0'; pBuffer[nBytesRead+1] = '\0'; if (nBytesRead & 0x00000001) pBuffer[nBytesRead+2] = '\0'; } } /* Feststellen ob das File in dem entsprechenden Format vorliegt. */ /* Z.z werden nur unsere eigene Filter unterstuetzt */ sal_Bool SwIoSystem::IsFileFilter( SfxMedium& rMedium, const String& rFmtName, const SfxFilter** ppFilter ) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; SfxFilterContainer aCntSw( String::CreateFromAscii( sSWRITER ) ); SfxFilterContainer aCntSwWeb( String::CreateFromAscii( sSWRITERWEB ) ); const SfxFilterContainer& rFltContainer = IsDocShellRegistered() ? aCntSw : aCntSwWeb; com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage > xStor; SotStorageRef xStg; if (rMedium.IsStorage()) xStor = rMedium.GetStorage(); else { SvStream* pStream = rMedium.GetInStream(); if ( pStream && SotStorage::IsStorageFile(pStream) ) xStg = new SotStorage( pStream, sal_False ); } SfxFilterMatcher aMatcher( rFltContainer.GetName() ); SfxFilterMatcherIter aIter( &aMatcher ); const SfxFilter* pFltr = aIter.First(); while ( pFltr ) { if( pFltr->GetUserData() == rFmtName ) { const String& rUserData = pFltr->GetUserData(); if( 'C' == *rUserData.GetBuffer() ) { if ( xStor.is() ) bRet = IsValidStgFilter( xStor, *pFltr ); else if ( xStg.Is() ) bRet = xStg.Is() && IsValidStgFilter( *xStg, *pFltr ); bRet = bRet && (pFltr->GetUserData() == rFmtName); } else if( !xStg.Is() && !xStor.is() ) { SvStream* pStrm = rMedium.GetInStream(); if( pStrm && !pStrm->GetError() ) { sal_Char aBuffer[4098]; const sal_uLong nMaxRead = sizeof(aBuffer) - 2; sal_uLong nBytesRead = pStrm->Read(aBuffer, nMaxRead); pStrm->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_BEGIN); TerminateBuffer(aBuffer, nBytesRead, sizeof(aBuffer)); for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < MAXFILTER; ++i) { if (aFilterDetect[i].IsFilter(rFmtName)) { bRet = 0 != aFilterDetect[i].IsReader( aBuffer, nBytesRead, rMedium.GetPhysicalName(), rUserData ); break; } } } } if( bRet && ppFilter ) *ppFilter = pFltr; } pFltr = aIter.Next(); } return bRet; } /* die Methode stellt fest, von welchem Typ der stream (File) ist. */ /* Es wird versucht, eine dem Filter entsprechende Byte-Folge zu finden. */ /* Wird kein entsprechender gefunden, wird zur Zeit der ASCII-Reader */ /* returnt !! Der Returnwert ist der interne Filtername! */ /* rPrefFltName ist der interne Name des Filters, den der Benutzer im */ /* Open-Dialog eingestellt hat. */ const SfxFilter* SwIoSystem::GetFileFilter(const String& rFileName, const String& rPrefFltName, SfxMedium* pMedium) { SfxFilterContainer aCntSw( String::CreateFromAscii( sSWRITER ) ); SfxFilterContainer aCntSwWeb( String::CreateFromAscii( sSWRITERWEB ) ); const SfxFilterContainer* pFCntnr = IsDocShellRegistered() ? &aCntSw : &aCntSwWeb; if( !pFCntnr ) return 0; SfxFilterMatcher aMatcher( pFCntnr->GetName() ); SfxFilterMatcherIter aIter( &aMatcher ); const SfxFilter* pFilter = aIter.First(); if ( !pFilter ) return 0; if( pMedium ? ( pMedium->IsStorage() || SotStorage::IsStorageFile( pMedium->GetInStream() ) ) : SotStorage::IsStorageFile( rFileName ) ) { // package storage or OLEStorage based format SotStorageRef xStg; sal_Bool bDeleteMedium = sal_False; if (!pMedium ) { INetURLObject aObj; aObj.SetSmartProtocol( INET_PROT_FILE ); aObj.SetSmartURL( rFileName ); pMedium = new SfxMedium( aObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), STREAM_STD_READ, sal_False ); bDeleteMedium = sal_True; } // templates should not get precedence over "normal" filters (#i35508, #i33168) const SfxFilter* pTemplateFilter = 0; const SfxFilter* pOldFilter = pFCntnr->GetFilter4FilterName( rPrefFltName ); sal_Bool bLookForTemplate = pOldFilter && pOldFilter->IsOwnTemplateFormat(); if ( pMedium->IsStorage() ) { com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage > xStor = pMedium->GetStorage(); if ( xStor.is() ) { while ( pFilter ) { if( 'C' == *pFilter->GetUserData().GetBuffer() && IsValidStgFilter( xStor, *pFilter ) ) { if ( pFilter->IsOwnTemplateFormat() && !bLookForTemplate ) // found template filter; maybe there's a "normal" one also pTemplateFilter = pFilter; else return pFilter; } pFilter = aIter.Next(); } // there's only a template filter that could be found if ( pTemplateFilter ) pFilter = pTemplateFilter; } } else { SvStream* pStream = pMedium->GetInStream(); if ( pStream && SotStorage::IsStorageFile(pStream) ) xStg = new SotStorage( pStream, sal_False ); if( xStg.Is() && ( xStg->GetError() == SVSTREAM_OK ) ) { while ( pFilter ) { if( 'C' == *pFilter->GetUserData().GetBuffer() && IsValidStgFilter( *xStg, *pFilter ) ) { if ( pFilter->IsOwnTemplateFormat() && !bLookForTemplate ) // found template filter; maybe there's a "normal" one also pTemplateFilter = pFilter; else return pFilter; } pFilter = aIter.Next(); } // there's only a template filter that could be found if ( pTemplateFilter ) pFilter = pTemplateFilter; } } return pFilter; } sal_Char aBuffer[4098]; const sal_uLong nMaxRead = sizeof(aBuffer) - 2; sal_uLong nBytesRead = 0; if (pMedium) { SvStream* pIStrm = pMedium->GetInStream(); if( !pIStrm || SVSTREAM_OK != pIStrm->GetError() ) return 0; sal_uLong nCurrPos = pIStrm->Tell(); nBytesRead = pIStrm->Read(aBuffer, nMaxRead); pIStrm->Seek( nCurrPos ); } /* else { SvFileStream aStrm( rFileName, STREAM_READ ); // ohne FileName oder ohne Stream gibts nur den ANSI-Filter if( !rFileName.Len() || SVSTREAM_OK != aStrm.GetError() ) return 0; nBytesRead = aStrm.Read(aBuffer, nMaxRead); aStrm.Close(); }*/ TerminateBuffer(aBuffer, nBytesRead, sizeof(aBuffer)); /* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/ /* suche nach dem bestimmten Filter, falls kein entsprechender */ /* gefunden wird, so wird der ASCII-Filter returnt. */ /* Gibt es Filter ohne einen Identifizierungs-String, so werden diese */ /* nie erkannt und es wird auch der ASCII-Filter returnt. */ /* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/ { const SfxFilter* pFilterTmp = 0; const sal_Char* pNm; for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < MAXFILTER; ++n ) { String sEmptyUserData; pNm = aFilterDetect[n].IsReader(aBuffer, nBytesRead, rFileName, sEmptyUserData); pFilterTmp = pNm ? SwIoSystem::GetFilterOfFormat(String::CreateFromAscii(pNm), pFCntnr) : 0; if (pNm && pFilterTmp) { return pFilterTmp; } } } /* Ok, bis jetzt kein Filter gefunden, also befrage mal die */ /* "WORD 4 WORD" Filter */ if( rFileName.Len() ) { if( pMedium ) pMedium->CloseInStream(); } return SwIoSystem::GetTextFilter( aBuffer, nBytesRead); } bool SwIoSystem::IsDetectableText(const sal_Char* pBuf, sal_uLong &rLen, CharSet *pCharSet, bool *pSwap, LineEnd *pLineEnd, bool bEncodedFilter) { bool bSwap = false; CharSet eCharSet = RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW; bool bLE = true; sal_uLong nHead=0; /*See if its a known unicode type*/ if (rLen >= 2) { if (rLen > 2 && sal_uInt8(pBuf[0]) == 0xEF && sal_uInt8(pBuf[1]) == 0xBB && sal_uInt8(pBuf[2]) == 0xBF) { eCharSet = RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8; nHead = 3; } else if (sal_uInt8(pBuf[0]) == 0xFE && sal_uInt8(pBuf[1]) == 0xFF) { eCharSet = RTL_TEXTENCODING_UCS2; bLE = false; nHead = 2; } else if (sal_uInt8(pBuf[1]) == 0xFE && sal_uInt8(pBuf[0]) == 0xFF) { eCharSet = RTL_TEXTENCODING_UCS2; nHead = 2; } pBuf+=nHead; rLen-=nHead; } bool bCR = false, bLF = false, bNoNormalChar = false, bIsBareUnicode = false; if (eCharSet != RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW) { String sWork; sal_Unicode *pNewBuf = sWork.AllocBuffer( static_cast< xub_StrLen >(rLen)); sal_Size nNewLen; if (eCharSet != RTL_TEXTENCODING_UCS2) { nNewLen = rLen; rtl_TextToUnicodeConverter hConverter = rtl_createTextToUnicodeConverter(eCharSet); rtl_TextToUnicodeContext hContext = rtl_createTextToUnicodeContext(hConverter); sal_Size nCntBytes; sal_uInt32 nInfo; nNewLen = rtl_convertTextToUnicode( hConverter, hContext, pBuf, rLen, pNewBuf, nNewLen, (RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_FLAGS_UNDEFINED_DEFAULT | RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_FLAGS_MBUNDEFINED_DEFAULT | RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_FLAGS_INVALID_DEFAULT), &nInfo, &nCntBytes); rtl_destroyTextToUnicodeContext(hConverter, hContext); rtl_destroyTextToUnicodeConverter(hConverter); } else { nNewLen = rLen/2; memcpy(pNewBuf, pBuf, rLen); #ifdef OSL_LITENDIAN bool bNativeLE = true; #else bool bNativeLE = false; #endif if (bLE != bNativeLE) { bSwap = true; sal_Char* pF = (sal_Char*)pNewBuf; sal_Char* pN = pF+1; for(xub_StrLen n = 0; n < nNewLen; ++n, pF+=2, pN+=2) { sal_Char c = *pF; *pF = *pN; *pN = c; } } } sWork.ReleaseBufferAccess( static_cast< xub_StrLen >(nNewLen) ); pNewBuf = sWork.GetBufferAccess(); for (sal_uLong nCnt = 0; nCnt < nNewLen; ++nCnt, ++pNewBuf) { switch (*pNewBuf) { case 0xA: bLF = true; break; case 0xD: bCR = true; break; default: break; } } } else { for( sal_uLong nCnt = 0; nCnt < rLen; ++nCnt, ++pBuf ) { switch (*pBuf) { case 0x0: if( nCnt + 1 < rLen && !*(pBuf+1) ) return 0; bIsBareUnicode = true; break; case 0xA: bLF = true; break; case 0xD: bCR = true; break; case 0xC: case 0x1A: case 0x9: break; default: if (0x20 > (sal_uInt8)*pBuf) bNoNormalChar = true; break; } } } LineEnd eSysLE = GetSystemLineEnd(); LineEnd eLineEnd; if (!bCR && !bLF) eLineEnd = eSysLE; else eLineEnd = bCR ? ( bLF ? LINEEND_CRLF : LINEEND_CR ) : LINEEND_LF; if (pCharSet) *pCharSet = eCharSet; if (pSwap) *pSwap = bSwap; if (pLineEnd) *pLineEnd = eLineEnd; return bEncodedFilter || (!bIsBareUnicode && eSysLE == eLineEnd); } const SfxFilter* SwIoSystem::GetTextFilter( const sal_Char* pBuf, sal_uLong nLen) { bool bAuto = IsDetectableText(pBuf, nLen); const sal_Char* pNm = bAuto ? FILTER_TEXT : FILTER_TEXT_DLG; return SwIoSystem::GetFilterOfFormat( String::CreateFromAscii(pNm), 0 ); }