/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ package com.sun.star.wiki; import com.sun.star.awt.XControl; import com.sun.star.awt.XControlModel; import com.sun.star.awt.XDialog; import com.sun.star.awt.XWindowPeer; import com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException; import com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet; import com.sun.star.container.XNameContainer; import com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException; import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiComponentFactory; import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory; import com.sun.star.lang.EventObject; import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime; import com.sun.star.uno.XComponentContext; import java.util.Hashtable; public class WikiPropDialog extends WikiDialog{ WikiEditorImpl m_aWikiEditor; private final String sSendMethod = "Send"; private final String sWikiListMethod = "WikiListChange"; private final String sArticleTextMethod = "ArticleTextChange"; private final String sAddWikiMethod = "AddWiki"; String[] m_pMethods = {sSendMethod, sWikiListMethod, sArticleTextMethod, sAddWikiMethod}; private String m_sWikiTitle = ""; protected String m_sWikiEngineURL = ""; protected String m_sWikiComment = ""; protected boolean m_bWikiMinorEdit = false; /** Creates a new instance of WikiPropDialog */ public WikiPropDialog(XComponentContext xContext, String DialogURL, WikiEditorImpl aWikiEditorForThrobber ) { super(xContext, DialogURL); super.setMethods(m_pMethods); if ( aWikiEditorForThrobber != null ) { InsertThrobber( 224, 122, 10, 10 ); m_aWikiEditor = aWikiEditorForThrobber; } InitStrings( xContext ); InitShowBrowser( xContext ); InitControls( xContext ); } private void InitControls( XComponentContext xContext ) { try { GetPropSet( "CommentText" ).setPropertyValue( "AutoVScroll", Boolean.TRUE ); } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void InitStrings( XComponentContext xContext ) { try { SetTitle( Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_SENDTITLE ) ); GetPropSet( "Label1" ).setPropertyValue( "Label", Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_SENDTOMEDIAWIKI_LABEL1 ) ); GetPropSet( "FixedLine2" ).setPropertyValue( "Label", Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_WIKIARTICLE ) ); GetPropSet( "Label2" ).setPropertyValue( "Label", Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_SENDTOMEDIAWIKI_LABEL2 ) ); GetPropSet( "Label3" ).setPropertyValue( "Label", Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_SENDTOMEDIAWIKI_LABEL3 ) ); GetPropSet( "MinorCheck" ).setPropertyValue( "Label", Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_SENDTOMEDIAWIKI_MINORCHECK ) ); GetPropSet( "BrowserCheck" ).setPropertyValue( "Label", Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_SENDTOMEDIAWIKI_BROWSERCHECK ) ); GetPropSet( "AddButton" ).setPropertyValue( "Label", Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_ADDBUTTON ) ); GetPropSet( "SendButton" ).setPropertyValue( "Label", Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_SENDBUTTON ) ); } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void InitShowBrowser( XComponentContext xContext ) { try { GetPropSet( "BrowserCheck" ).setPropertyValue( "State", new Short( Helper.GetShowInBrowserByDefault( m_xContext ) ? (short)1 : (short)0 ) ); } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean show() { EnableControls( true ); boolean bResult = super.show(); if ( bResult && Helper.GetShowInBrowserByDefault( m_xContext ) ) Helper.ShowURLInBrowser( m_xContext, m_sWikiEngineURL + "index.php?title=" + m_sWikiTitle ); return bResult; } public synchronized void ThreadStop( boolean bSelf ) { boolean bShowError = ( !bSelf && m_aThread != null && !m_bThreadFinished ); super.ThreadStop( bSelf ); if ( bShowError ) Helper.ShowError( m_xContext, m_xDialog, Helper.DLG_SENDTITLE, Helper.CANCELSENDING_ERROR, null, false ); } public void fillWikiList() { String [] WikiList = m_aSettings.getWikiURLs(); try { XPropertySet xPS = GetPropSet("WikiList"); xPS.setPropertyValue("StringItemList", WikiList); // short [] nSel = new short[1]; // nSel[0] = (short) m_aSettings.getLastUsedWikiServer(); // xPS.setPropertyValue("SelectedItems", sel); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void fillDocList() { XPropertySet xPS = GetPropSet("ArticleText"); try { short [] sel = (short[]) GetPropSet("WikiList").getPropertyValue("SelectedItems"); xPS.setPropertyValue("StringItemList", m_aSettings.getWikiDocList(sel[0], 5)); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public String GetWikiTitle() { return m_sWikiTitle; } public void SetWikiTitle(String sArticle) { m_sWikiTitle = sArticle; try { XPropertySet xPS = GetPropSet("ArticleText"); xPS.setPropertyValue("Text", sArticle); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void switchSendButtonIfNecessary() { XPropertySet xSendButton = GetPropSet( "SendButton" ); if ( xSendButton != null ) { XPropertySet xWikiListProps = GetPropSet( "WikiList" ); XPropertySet xArticleProps = GetPropSet( "ArticleText" ); if ( xWikiListProps != null && xArticleProps != null ) { try { short [] pSel = (short[]) GetPropSet("WikiList").getPropertyValue("SelectedItems"); String sArticle = (String)xArticleProps.getPropertyValue( "Text" ); if ( pSel != null && pSel.length > 0 && sArticle != null && sArticle.length() != 0 ) xSendButton.setPropertyValue( "Enabled", Boolean.TRUE ); else xSendButton.setPropertyValue( "Enabled", Boolean.FALSE ); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } } public void EnableControls( boolean bEnable ) { try { String[] pControls = { "WikiList", "ArticleText", "CommentText", "MinorCheck", "BrowserCheck", "HelpButton", "AddButton" }; for ( int nInd = 0; nInd < pControls.length; nInd++ ) GetPropSet( pControls[nInd] ).setPropertyValue( "Enabled", new Boolean( bEnable ) ); if ( bEnable ) { SetFocusTo( "WikiList" ); switchSendButtonIfNecessary(); } else { GetPropSet( "SendButton" ).setPropertyValue( "Enabled", new Boolean( bEnable ) ); SetFocusTo( "CancelButton" ); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean callHandlerMethod( XDialog xDialog, Object EventObject, String MethodName ) { if ( MethodName.equals( sSendMethod ) ) { try { XPropertySet aWikiListProps = GetPropSet( "WikiList" ); XPropertySet aArticleTextProps = GetPropSet( "ArticleText" ); XPropertySet aCommentTextProps = GetPropSet( "CommentText" ); XPropertySet aMinorCheckProps = GetPropSet( "MinorCheck" ); XPropertySet aBrowserCheckProps = GetPropSet( "BrowserCheck" ); short [] sel = (short[]) aWikiListProps.getPropertyValue("SelectedItems"); String [] items = (String []) aWikiListProps.getPropertyValue("StringItemList"); m_sWikiEngineURL = items[sel[0]]; m_aSettings.setLastUsedWikiServer(sel[0]); m_sWikiTitle = (String) aArticleTextProps.getPropertyValue("Text"); m_sWikiComment = (String) aCommentTextProps.getPropertyValue("Text"); short minorState = ((Short) aMinorCheckProps.getPropertyValue("State")).shortValue(); if (minorState != 0) m_bWikiMinorEdit = true; else m_bWikiMinorEdit = false; short nBrowserState = ((Short) aBrowserCheckProps.getPropertyValue("State")).shortValue(); Helper.SetShowInBrowserByDefault( m_xContext, nBrowserState != 0 ); // allow to disable other buttons EnableControls( false ); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } final WikiPropDialog aThisDialog = this; final XDialog xDialogToClose = xDialog; final XComponentContext xContext = m_xContext; // start spinning SetThrobberVisible( true ); SetThrobberActive( true ); // the following method might show a dialog, should be used in main thread final Hashtable aWikiSettings = m_aSettings.getSettingByUrl( m_sWikiEngineURL ); if ( Helper.AllowThreadUsage( m_xContext ) ) { m_aThread = new Thread( "com.sun.star.thread.WikiEditorSendingThread" ) { public void run() { try { if ( m_aWikiEditor != null ) { Thread.yield(); m_bAction = m_aWikiEditor.SendArticleImpl( aThisDialog, aWikiSettings ); } } finally { EnableControls( true ); SetThrobberActive( false ); SetThrobberVisible( false ); ThreadStop( true ); if ( m_bAction ) MainThreadDialogExecutor.Close( xContext, xDialogToClose ); } } }; m_aThread.start(); } else { try { if ( m_aWikiEditor != null ) { m_bAction = m_aWikiEditor.SendArticleImpl( aThisDialog, aWikiSettings ); } } catch( java.lang.Exception e ) {} finally { EnableControls( true ); SetThrobberActive( false ); SetThrobberVisible( false ); if ( m_bAction ) xDialogToClose.endExecute(); } } return true; } else if ( MethodName.equals( sWikiListMethod ) ) { fillDocList(); switchSendButtonIfNecessary(); return true; } else if ( MethodName.equals( sArticleTextMethod ) ) { switchSendButtonIfNecessary(); return true; } else if ( MethodName.equals( sAddWikiMethod ) ) { WikiEditSettingDialog xAddDialog = new WikiEditSettingDialog(m_xContext, "vnd.sun.star.script:WikiEditor.EditSetting?location=application"); if ( xAddDialog.show() ) fillWikiList(); xAddDialog.DisposeDialog(); return true; } return false; } public void windowClosed( EventObject e ) { ThreadStop( false ); } }