eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+\"$@\"}' if 0; #************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** BEGIN { # Adding the path of this script file to the include path in the hope # that all used modules can be found in it. $0 =~ /^(.*)[\/\\]/; push @INC, $1; # print "PATH: " . $1 . "\n"; } # my $e; # foreach $e (keys %ENV) # { # print "$e := $ENV{$e}" . "\n"; # } use strict; use graphical_compare; use ConvwatchHelper; use filehelper; use timehelper; use loghelper; use Cwd; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; use English; # $OSNAME, ... use File::Path; use Cwd 'chdir'; our $help; # Help option flag our $version; # Version option flag # our $test; # our $MAJOR; # our $MINOR; # our $cwsname; our $pool; our $document; our $creatortype; our $prepareonly = 0; our $force; our $verbose = 0; our $show = 0; our $connectionstring; # Prototypes sub print_usage(*); sub prepare(); sub CompareFiles($$); # flush STDOUT # my $old_handle = select (STDOUT); # "select" STDOUT and save # previously selected handle # $| = 1; # perform flush after each write to STDOUT # select ($old_handle); # restore previously selected handle $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH=1; # works only if use English is used. our $version_info = 'compare.pl'; GetOptions( # "MAJOR=s" => \$MAJOR, # "MINOR=s" => \$MINOR, # "cwsname=s" => \$cwsname, "pool=s" => \$pool, "document=s" => \$document, "creatortype=s" => \$creatortype, "prepareonly=s" => \$prepareonly, "connectionstring=s" => \$connectionstring, "force" => \$force, "verbose" => \$verbose, "show" => \$show, # "test" => \$test, "help" => \$help, "version" => \$version ); if ($help) { print_usage(*STDOUT); exit(0); } # Check for version option if ($version) { print STDERR "$version_info\n"; exit(0); } if ($prepareonly) { $force=1; } prepare(); if ($connectionstring) { setConnectionString($connectionstring); } my $sDocumentPool = appendPath(getProjectRoot(), "document-pool"); # print "ProjectRoot: " . getProjectRoot() . "\n"; if ($ENV{DOCUMENTPOOL}) { if ( -d $ENV{DOCUMENTPOOL}) { print "overwrite default Documentpool: '$sDocumentPool'\n"; print " with \$ENV{DOCUMENTPOOL}: $ENV{DOCUMENTPOOL}\n"; $sDocumentPool = $ENV{DOCUMENTPOOL}; } else { print "Given \$DOCUMENTPOOL doesn't exist.\n"; } } my $err = 0; my $nCompareTime = getTime(); # if we want to check one file, give -pool and -document # if we want to check the whole pool, give -pool # if we want to check all, call without parameters if ($pool) { if ($document) { $err = SingleDocumentCompare( $sDocumentPool, $pool, $document, $creatortype, $prepareonly, $show ); } else { $err = CompareFiles($sDocumentPool, $pool); } } else { local *DIR; if (opendir (DIR, $sDocumentPool)) # Directory oeffnen { my $myfile; while ($myfile = readdir(DIR)) { # ein filename holen if ($myfile eq "." || $myfile eq "..") { next; } my $sDocumentPath = appendPath($sDocumentPool, $myfile); if ( -d $sDocumentPath ) { $err += CompareFiles($sDocumentPool, $myfile); } elsif ( -f $sDocumentPath ) { print "Warning: the file '$myfile' will not compared.\n"; } } closedir(DIR); } # my $sPool = "eis-chart"; # $err += CompareFiles($sDocumentPool, "eis-chart"); # $err += CompareFiles($sDocumentPool, "eis-impress"); # $err += CompareFiles($sDocumentPool, "eis-writer"); # $err += CompareFiles($sDocumentPool, "eis-calc"); } printTime(endTime($nCompareTime)); exit ($err); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub CompareFiles($$) { my $sDocumentPath = shift; my $sPool = shift; my %aFailedHash; my $startdir = appendPath($sDocumentPath, $sPool); local *DIR; if (opendir (DIR, $startdir)) # Directory oeffnen { my $myfile; while ($myfile = readdir(DIR)) { # ein filename holen if ($myfile eq "knownissues.xcl") { next; } my $sAbsoluteFile = appendPath($startdir, $myfile); if (-f $sAbsoluteFile) { my $nIssue; my $sIssueText; ($nIssue, $sIssueText) = checkForKnownIssue($startdir, $myfile); if ($nIssue == 0) { $err = SingleDocumentCompare( # "/net/so-gfxcmp-documents.germany.sun.com/export/gfxcmp/document-pool", # $documentpoolpath, $sDocumentPool, $sPool, # $documentpool, $myfile, # $documentname); $creatortype, # $destinationcreatortype, $prepareonly, $show ); $aFailedHash{$myfile} = $err; } else { print "$myfile [KNOWN ISSUE: #$sIssueText#]\n"; } } } closedir(DIR); } print "***** State for graphical compare of pool: '$sPool' ******\n"; my $nErrorCount = 0; my $file; foreach $file (keys %aFailedHash) { if ($aFailedHash{$file} != 0) { print "Failed: $file\n"; $nErrorCount++; } } print "Whole unit: "; if ($nErrorCount > 0) { print "PASSED.FAILED\n"; } else { print "PASSED.OK\n"; } print "************************************************************\n"; return $nErrorCount; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # return issue number if file exists in knownissues.xcl file sub checkForKnownIssue($$) { my $startdir = shift; my $myfile = shift; if ($force) { return 0,""; } my $sKnownIssueFile = appendPath($startdir, "knownissues.xcl"); my $sIssueText = "unknown"; local *ISSUES; my $nIssue = 0; my $sCurrentSection; if (open(ISSUES, $sKnownIssueFile)) { my $line; while ($line = ) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /\[(.*)\]/ ) { $sCurrentSection = $1; next; } if ($sCurrentSection eq $creatortype) { if ($line =~ /\#\#\# (.*) \#\#\#/ ) { $sIssueText = $1; } if ($line =~ /^${myfile}$/ ) { $nIssue = 1; last; } } } close(ISSUES); } return $nIssue, $sIssueText; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub prepare() { # directory structure: # documents will be found in # ../document-pool/eis-tests # references will be found in # ../references/unxlngi/eis-tests # ../references/wntmsci/eis-tests # output goes to # ../unxlngi6.pro/misc if ($verbose) { setVerbose(); } # TEST if (!$ENV{INPATH}) { if ($OSNAME eq "linux") { # just for debug setINPATH("unxlngi6.pro"); } } else { setINPATH($ENV{INPATH}); } if (! $creatortype) { $creatortype= "ps"; } my $cwd = getcwd(); print "Current Directory: $cwd\n" if ($verbose); my $sProjectBase; if ($ENV{PRJ}) { # print "cwd:=$cwd\n"; # print "PRJ:=$ENV{PRJ}\n"; $sProjectBase = appendPath($cwd, $ENV{PRJ}); } else { $sProjectBase = dirname($cwd); } if ($OSNAME eq "cygwin") { $sProjectBase = `cygpath -w $sProjectBase`; chomp($sProjectBase); $sProjectBase = unixpath($sProjectBase); # print "cygwin patch \$sProjectBase := $sProjectBase\n"; } # print "Project base path: $sProjectBase\n"; setProjectRoot($sProjectBase); # TEST TEST TEST # exit (0); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub print_usage(*) { local *HANDLE = $_[0]; my $tool_name = basename($0); print(HANDLE <