/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef _SOLAR_H #define _SOLAR_H #include #include #include /*** common solar defines ***********************************/ #ifdef _SOLAR__PRIVATE #undef _SOLAR__PRIVATE #endif #define _SOLAR__PRIVATE 1 #define __REFERENCED 0 /************************************************************ Intermediate type to solve type clash with Windows headers. Should be removed as soon as all code parts have been reviewed and the correct type is known. Most of the times ULONG is meant to be a 32-Bit unsigned integer type as sal_uInt32 is often used for data exchange or for similiar method args. *************************************************************/ typedef sal_uIntPtr sal_uLong; /* Replaces type ULONG */ /*** misc. macros to leverage platform and compiler differences ********/ typedef int FASTBOOL; #define DELETEZ( p ) ( delete p,p = 0 ) #define __FAR_DATA #define __READONLY_DATA const #define __EXPORT #ifdef WNT #if defined (_MSC_VER) && ( _MSC_VER < 1200 ) #define __LOADONCALLAPI _cdecl #else #define __LOADONCALLAPI __cdecl #endif #else #define __LOADONCALLAPI #endif #if defined UNX #define ILLEGAL_POINTER ((void*)1) #else #define ILLEGAL_POINTER NULL #endif /*** solar binary types **********************************************/ #ifndef _SOLAR_NOSVBT /* Solar (portable) Binary (exchange) Type; OSI 6 subset always little endian; not necessarily aligned */ typedef sal_uInt8 SVBT8[1]; typedef sal_uInt8 SVBT16[2]; typedef sal_uInt8 SVBT32[4]; typedef sal_uInt8 SVBT64[8]; #ifdef __cplusplus inline sal_uInt8 SVBT8ToByte ( const SVBT8 p ) { return p[0]; } inline sal_uInt16 SVBT16ToShort( const SVBT16 p ) { return (sal_uInt16)p[0] + ((sal_uInt16)p[1] << 8); } inline sal_uInt32 SVBT32ToUInt32 ( const SVBT32 p ) { return (sal_uInt32)p[0] + ((sal_uInt32)p[1] << 8) + ((sal_uInt32)p[2] << 16) + ((sal_uInt32)p[3] << 24); } #if defined OSL_LITENDIAN inline double SVBT64ToDouble( const SVBT64 p ) { double n; ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[0] = p[0]; ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[1] = p[1]; ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[2] = p[2]; ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[3] = p[3]; ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[4] = p[4]; ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[5] = p[5]; ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[6] = p[6]; ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[7] = p[7]; return n; } #else inline double SVBT64ToDouble( const SVBT64 p ) { double n; ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[0] = p[7]; ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[1] = p[6]; ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[2] = p[5]; ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[3] = p[4]; ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[4] = p[3]; ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[5] = p[2]; ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[6] = p[1]; ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[7] = p[0]; return n; } #endif inline void ByteToSVBT8 ( sal_uInt8 n, SVBT8 p ) { p[0] = n; } inline void ShortToSVBT16( sal_uInt16 n, SVBT16 p ) { p[0] = (sal_uInt8) n; p[1] = (sal_uInt8)(n >> 8); } inline void UInt32ToSVBT32 ( sal_uInt32 n, SVBT32 p ) { p[0] = (sal_uInt8) n; p[1] = (sal_uInt8)(n >> 8); p[2] = (sal_uInt8)(n >> 16); p[3] = (sal_uInt8)(n >> 24); } #if defined OSL_LITENDIAN inline void DoubleToSVBT64( double n, SVBT64 p ) { p[0] = ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[0]; p[1] = ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[1]; p[2] = ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[2]; p[3] = ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[3]; p[4] = ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[4]; p[5] = ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[5]; p[6] = ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[6]; p[7] = ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[7]; } #else inline void DoubleToSVBT64( double n, SVBT64 p ) { p[0] = ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[7]; p[1] = ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[6]; p[2] = ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[5]; p[3] = ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[4]; p[4] = ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[3]; p[5] = ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[2]; p[6] = ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[1]; p[7] = ((sal_uInt8*)&n)[0]; } #endif #endif #endif /*** standard floating point definitions *******************************/ #ifndef F_PI #define F_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif #ifndef F_PI2 #define F_PI2 1.57079632679489661923 #endif #ifndef F_PI4 #define F_PI4 0.785398163397448309616 #endif #ifndef F_PI180 #define F_PI180 0.01745329251994 #endif #ifndef F_PI1800 #define F_PI1800 0.001745329251994 #endif #ifndef F_PI18000 #define F_PI18000 0.0001745329251994 #endif #ifndef F_2PI #define F_2PI 6.28318530717958647694 #endif /*** standard macros *****************************************/ #define SWAPSHORT(x) ((((x) >> 8) & 0x00FF) | (((x) & 0x00FF) << 8)) #define SWAPLONG(x) ((((x) >> 24) & 0x000000FF) | (((x) & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) | \ (((x) & 0x0000FF00) << 8) | (((x) & 0x000000FF) << 24)) #ifndef __cplusplus #ifndef min #define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef max #define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #endif /*** standard inline functions *****************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus template inline T Min(T a, T b) { return (a inline T Max(T a, T b) { return (a>b?a:b); } template inline T Abs(T a) { return (a>=0?a:-a); } #endif /*** C / C++ - macros **************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus #define BEGIN_C extern "C" { #define END_C } #define EXTERN_C extern "C" #else #define BEGIN_C #define END_C #define EXTERN_C #endif /*** macros ************************************************************/ #ifdef NOHACKS #define HACK( comment ) #error hack: comment #else #define HACK( comment ) #endif #define _MAKE_NUMSTR( n ) # n #define MAKE_NUMSTR( n ) _MAKE_NUMSTR( n ) #define _LF ((char)0x0A) #define _CR ((char)0x0D) /*** pragmas ************************************************************/ #if defined _MSC_VER /* deletion of pointer to incomplete type '...'; no destructor called serious error, memory deleted without call of dtor */ #pragma warning( error: 4150 ) // warning C4002: too many actual parameters for macro // warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro #pragma warning(error : 4002 4003) #endif /* dll file extensions *******************************************************/ #if defined WNT #if defined(__MINGW32__) #define __DLLEXTENSION "gi" #else #define __DLLEXTENSION "" #endif #elif defined OS2 #define __DLLEXTENSION "" #elif defined UNX #ifdef HPUX #define __DLLEXTENSION ".sl" #elif defined AIX || \ defined SOLARIS || \ defined SCO || \ defined NETBSD || \ defined LINUX || \ defined FREEBSD #define __DLLEXTENSION ".so" #elif defined MACOSX #define __DLLEXTENSION ".dylib" #else #define __DLLEXTENSION ".so" #endif #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef NOREPLACESTRING #define UniString String #define XubString String #else #define XubString UniString #endif #define xub_Unicode sal_Unicode #define xub_uUnicode sal_Unicode #ifdef STRING32 #define xub_StrLen sal_uInt32 #else #define xub_StrLen sal_uInt16 #endif // -- moved here from libcall.hxx ---------------------------------------- #define LIBRARY_STR(s) # s #define LIBRARY_STRING(s) LIBRARY_STR(s) #define GETFUNCTION( s ) GetFunction( s ) #define LIBRARY_CONCAT3( s1, s2, s3 ) \ s1 s2 s3 #define LIBRARY_CONCAT4( s1, s2, s3, s4 ) \ s1 s2 s3 s4 #if defined WNT || defined OS2 #define SVLIBRARY( Base ) \ LIBRARY_CONCAT3( Base, __DLLEXTENSION, ".DLL" ) #define SVLIBRARYLANG( Base, Lang ) \ LIBRARY_CONCAT3( Base, Lang, ".DLL" ) #elif defined UNX #define SVLIBRARY( Base ) \ LIBRARY_CONCAT3( "lib", Base, __DLLEXTENSION ) #define SVLIBRARYLANG( Base, Lang ) \ LIBRARY_CONCAT3( "lib", Base, Lang ) #else #define SVLIBRARY( Base ) \ LIBRARY_CONCAT2( Base, __DLLEXTENSION ) #define SVLIBRARYLANG( Base, Lang ) \ LIBRARY_CONCAT2( Base, Lang ) #endif #if defined MACOSX #define SV_LIBFILENAME(str) \ LIBRARYFILENAME_CONCAT2( str, __DLLEXTENSION ) #elif defined UNX #define SV_LIBFILENAME(str) \ LIBRARYFILENAME_CONCAT2( str, __DLLEXTENSION ) #else #define SV_LIBFILENAME(str) \ LIBRARYFILENAME_CONCAT3( str, __DLLEXTENSION, ".dll" ) #endif #endif /* _SOLAR_H */