/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "UAccCOM2.h" #include "AccHypertext.h" using namespace com::sun::star::accessibility; using namespace com::sun::star::uno; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /** * Get special selection. * @param startOffset Start selection offset. * @param endOffset End selection offset. * @param success Variant to accept the result of if the method call is successful. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::addSelection(long startOffset, long endOffset) { return CAccTextBase::get_addSelection(startOffset, endOffset); } /** * Get special attributes. * @param offset Offset. * @param startOffset Variant to accept start offset. * @param endOffset Variant to accept end offset. * @param textAttributes Variant to accept attributes. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_attributes(long offset, long * startOffset, long * endOffset, BSTR * textAttributes) { return CAccTextBase::get_attributes(offset, startOffset, endOffset, textAttributes); } /** * Get caret position. * @param offset Variant to accept caret offset. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_caretOffset(long * offset) { return CAccTextBase::get_caretOffset(offset); } /** * Get character count. * @param nCharacters Variant to accept character count. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_characterCount(long * nCharacters) { return CAccTextBase::get_characterCount(nCharacters); } /** * Get character extents. * @param offset Offset. * @param x Variant to accpet x position. * @param y Variant to accpet y position. * @param width Variant to accpet width. * @param Height Variant to accpet height. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_characterExtents(long offset, IA2CoordinateType coordType, long * x, long * y, long * width, long * height) { return CAccTextBase::get_characterExtents(offset, coordType, x, y, width, height); } /** * Get slections count. * @param nSelections Variant to accpet slections count. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_nSelections(long * nSelections) { return CAccTextBase::get_nSelections(nSelections); } /** * Get offset of some special point. * @param x X position of one point. * @param x Y position of one point. * @param coordType Type. * @param offset Variant to accept offset. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_offsetAtPoint(long x, long y, IA2CoordinateType coordType, long * offset) { return CAccTextBase::get_offsetAtPoint(x, y, coordType, offset); } /** * Get selection range. * @param selection selection count. * @param startOffset Variant to accept the start offset of special selection. * @param endOffset Variant to accept the end offset of special selection. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_selection(long selection, long * startOffset, long * endOffset) { return CAccTextBase::get_selection(selection, startOffset, endOffset); } /** * Get special text. * @param startOffset Start position of special range. * @param endOffset End position of special range. * @param text Variant to accept the text of special range. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_text(long startOffset, long endOffset, BSTR * text) { return CAccTextBase::get_text(startOffset, endOffset, text); } /** * Get special text before some position. * @param offset Special position. * @param boundaryType Boundary type. * @param startOffset Variant to accept the start offset. * @param endOffset Variant to accept the end offset. * @param text Variant to accept the special text. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_textBeforeOffset(long offset, IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType, long * startOffset, long * endOffset, BSTR * text) { return CAccTextBase::get_textBeforeOffset(offset, boundaryType, startOffset, endOffset, text); } /** * Get special text after some position. * @param offset Special position. * @param boundaryType Boundary type. * @param startOffset Variant to accept the start offset. * @param endOffset Variant to accept the end offset. * @param text Variant to accept the special text. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_textAfterOffset(long offset, IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType, long * startOffset, long * endOffset, BSTR * text) { return CAccTextBase::get_textAfterOffset(offset, boundaryType, startOffset, endOffset, text); } /** * Get special text at some position. * @param offset Special position. * @param boundaryType Boundary type. * @param startOffset Variant to accept the start offset. * @param endOffset Variant to accept the end offset. * @param text Variant to accept the special text. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_textAtOffset(long offset, IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType, long * startOffset, long * endOffset, BSTR * text) { return CAccTextBase::get_textAtOffset(offset, boundaryType, startOffset, endOffset, text); } /** * Remove selection. * @param selectionIndex Special selection index * @param success Variant to accept the memthod called result. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::removeSelection(long selectionIndex) { return CAccTextBase::removeSelection(selectionIndex); } /** * Set caret position. * @param offset Special position. * @param success Variant to accept the memthod called result. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::setCaretOffset(long offset) { return CAccTextBase::setCaretOffset(offset); } /** * Set special selection. * @param selectionIndex Special selection index. * @param startOffset start position. * @param endOffset end position. * @param success Variant to accept the memthod called result. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::setSelection(long selectionIndex, long startOffset, long endOffset) { return CAccTextBase::setSelection(selectionIndex, startOffset, endOffset); } /** * Get characters count. * @param nCharacters Variant to accept the characters count. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_nCharacters(long * nCharacters) { return CAccTextBase::get_nCharacters(nCharacters); } STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_newText( IA2TextSegment *newText) { return CAccTextBase::get_newText(newText); } STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_oldText( IA2TextSegment *oldText) { return CAccTextBase::get_oldText(oldText); } /** * Scroll to special sub-string . * @param startIndex Start index of sub string. * @param endIndex End index of sub string. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::scrollSubstringToPoint(long startIndex, long endIndex,enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType, long x, long y ) { return CAccTextBase::scrollSubstringToPoint(startIndex, endIndex, coordinateType, x, y); } STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::scrollSubstringTo(long startIndex, long endIndex,enum IA2ScrollType scrollType) { return CAccTextBase::scrollSubstringTo(startIndex, endIndex,scrollType); } /** * Get hyperlink count. * @param hyperlinkCount Variant to accpet hyperlink count. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_nHyperlinks(long *hyperlinkCount) { CHECK_ENABLE_INF ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK // #CHECK# if(hyperlinkCount == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; // #CHECK XInterface# if(!pHyperText.is()) { return E_FAIL; } *hyperlinkCount = pHyperText->getHyperLinkCount(); return S_OK; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK } /** * Get special hyperlink. * @param index Special hyperlink index. * @param hyperlink Variant to accept special hyperlink via index. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_hyperlink(long index,IAccessibleHyperlink **hyperlink) { CHECK_ENABLE_INF ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK // #CHECK# if(hyperlink == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; // #CHECK XInterface# if(!pHyperText.is()) { return E_FAIL; } Reference pRLink = pHyperText->getHyperLink(index); if(!pRLink.is()) { *hyperlink = NULL; return E_FAIL; } IAccessibleHyperlink* plink = NULL; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_AccHyperLink, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER , IID_IAccessibleHyperlink, (void **)&plink); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { IUNOXWrapper* wrapper = NULL; plink->QueryInterface(IID_IUNOXWrapper, (void**)&wrapper); if(wrapper) { wrapper->put_XSubInterface((long)pRLink.get()/*pXI*/); wrapper->Release(); } *hyperlink = plink; return S_OK; } return E_FAIL; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK } /** * Returns the index of the hyperlink that is associated with this character index. * @param charIndex Special char index. * @param hyperlinkIndex Variant to accept special hyperlink index. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::get_hyperlinkIndex(long charIndex, long *hyperlinkIndex) { CHECK_ENABLE_INF ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK // #CHECK# if(hyperlinkIndex == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; // #CHECK XInterface# if(!pHyperText.is()) { return E_FAIL; } *hyperlinkIndex = pHyperText->getHyperLinkIndex(charIndex); return S_OK; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK } /** * Put UNO interface. * @param pXInterface UNO interface. * @return Result. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccHypertext::put_XInterface(long pXInterface) { ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK CAccTextBase::put_XInterface(pXInterface); //special query. if(pUNOInterface == NULL) return E_FAIL; Reference pRContext = pUNOInterface->getAccessibleContext(); if( !pRContext.is() ) { return E_FAIL; } Reference pRXI(pRContext,UNO_QUERY); if( !pRXI.is() ) pHyperText = NULL; else pHyperText = pRXI.get(); return S_OK; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK }