/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dmapperLoggers.hxx" #include "PropertyMapHelper.hxx" using namespace ::com::sun::star; namespace writerfilter { namespace dmapper{ /*-- 21.06.2006 09:30:56--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PropertyMap::PropertyMap() : m_cFootnoteSymbol( 0 ), m_nFootnoteFontId( -1 ) { } /*-- 21.06.2006 09:30:56--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PropertyMap::~PropertyMap() { } /*-- 20.06.2006 10:23:55--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > PropertyMap::GetPropertyValues() { if(!m_aValues.getLength() && size()) { m_aValues.realloc( size() ); ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue* pValues = m_aValues.getArray(); //style names have to be the first elements within the property sequence //otherwise they will overwrite 'hard' attributes sal_Int32 nValue = 0; PropertyNameSupplier& rPropNameSupplier = PropertyNameSupplier::GetPropertyNameSupplier(); PropertyMap::iterator aParaStyleIter = find(PropertyDefinition( PROP_PARA_STYLE_NAME, false ) ); if( aParaStyleIter != end()) { pValues[nValue].Name = rPropNameSupplier.GetName( aParaStyleIter->first.eId ); pValues[nValue].Value = aParaStyleIter->second; ++nValue; } PropertyMap::iterator aCharStyleIter = find(PropertyDefinition( PROP_CHAR_STYLE_NAME, false )); if( aCharStyleIter != end()) { pValues[nValue].Name = rPropNameSupplier.GetName( aCharStyleIter->first.eId ); pValues[nValue].Value = aCharStyleIter->second; ++nValue; } PropertyMap::iterator aNumRuleIter = find(PropertyDefinition( PROP_NUMBERING_RULES, false ) ); if( aNumRuleIter != end()) { pValues[nValue].Name = rPropNameSupplier.GetName( aNumRuleIter->first.eId ); pValues[nValue].Value = aNumRuleIter->second; ++nValue; } PropertyMap::iterator aMapIter = begin(); for( ; nValue < m_aValues.getLength(); ++aMapIter ) { if( aMapIter != aParaStyleIter && aMapIter != aCharStyleIter && aMapIter != aNumRuleIter ) { pValues[nValue].Name = rPropNameSupplier.GetName( aMapIter->first.eId ); pValues[nValue].Value = aMapIter->second; ++nValue; } } } return m_aValues; } void lcl_AnyToTag(XMLTag::Pointer_t pTag, const uno::Any & rAny) { try { sal_Int32 aInt = 0; rAny >>= aInt; pTag->addAttr("value", aInt); sal_uInt32 auInt = 0; rAny >>= auInt; pTag->addAttr("unsignedValue", auInt); float aFloat = 0.0f; rAny >>= aFloat; pTag->addAttr("floatValue", aFloat); ::rtl::OUString aStr; rAny >>= aStr; pTag->addAttr("stringValue", aStr); } catch (...) { } } void PropertyMap::Insert( PropertyIds eId, bool bIsTextProperty, const uno::Any& rAny, bool bOverwrite ) { #ifdef DEBUG_DMAPPER_PROPERTY_MAP const ::rtl::OUString& rInsert = PropertyNameSupplier:: GetPropertyNameSupplier().GetName(eId); XMLTag::Pointer_t pTag(new XMLTag("propertyMap.insert")); pTag->addAttr("name", rInsert); lcl_AnyToTag(pTag, rAny); dmapper_logger->addTag(pTag); #endif PropertyMap::iterator aElement = find(PropertyDefinition( eId, bIsTextProperty ) ); if( aElement != end()) { if(!bOverwrite) return; erase( aElement ); } _PropertyMap::insert( PropertyMap::value_type (PropertyDefinition( eId, bIsTextProperty), rAny )); Invalidate(); } XMLTag::Pointer_t PropertyMap::toTag() const { XMLTag::Pointer_t pResult(new XMLTag("PropertyMap")); PropertyNameSupplier& rPropNameSupplier = PropertyNameSupplier::GetPropertyNameSupplier(); PropertyMap::const_iterator aMapIter = begin(); while (aMapIter != end()) { XMLTag::Pointer_t pTag(new XMLTag("property")); pTag->addAttr("name", rPropNameSupplier.GetName( aMapIter->first.eId )); switch (aMapIter->first.eId) { case PROP_TABLE_COLUMN_SEPARATORS: pTag->addTag(lcl_TableColumnSeparatorsToTag(aMapIter->second)); break; default: { try { sal_Int32 aInt = 0; aMapIter->second >>= aInt; pTag->addAttr("value", aInt); sal_uInt32 auInt = 0; aMapIter->second >>= auInt; pTag->addAttr("unsignedValue", auInt); float aFloat = 0.0; aMapIter->second >>= aFloat; pTag->addAttr("floatValue", aFloat); ::rtl::OUString aStr; aMapIter->second >>= auInt; pTag->addAttr("stringValue", aStr); } catch (...) { } } break; } pResult->addTag(pTag); ++aMapIter; } return pResult; } /*-- 13.12.2006 10:46:42--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ template struct removeExistingElements : public ::std::unary_function { PropertyMap& rMap; removeExistingElements(PropertyMap& _rMap ) : rMap(_rMap) {} void operator() (T x) { PropertyMap::iterator aElement = rMap.find(x.first); if( aElement != rMap.end()) rMap.erase( aElement ); } }; /*-- 13.12.2006 10:46:42--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void PropertyMap::insert( const PropertyMapPtr pMap, bool bOverwrite ) { if( pMap.get() ) { if( bOverwrite ) ::std::for_each( pMap->begin(), pMap->end(), removeExistingElements(*this) ); _PropertyMap::insert(pMap->begin(), pMap->end()); insertTableProperties(pMap.get()); Invalidate(); } } /*-- 06.06.2007 15:49:09--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const uno::Reference< text::XFootnote>& PropertyMap::GetFootnote() const { return m_xFootnote; } /*-- 18.02.2008 11:23:28--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void PropertyMap::insertTableProperties( const PropertyMap* ) { #ifdef DEBUG_DOMAINMAPPER dmapper_logger->element("PropertyMap.insertTableProperties"); #endif } /*-- 24.07.2006 08:29:01--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SectionPropertyMap::SectionPropertyMap(bool bIsFirstSection) : m_bIsFirstSection( bIsFirstSection ) ,m_nBorderParams( 0 ) ,m_bTitlePage( false ) ,m_nColumnCount( 0 ) ,m_nColumnDistance( 1249 ) ,m_bSeparatorLineIsOn( false ) ,m_bEvenlySpaced( false ) ,m_bIsLandscape( false ) ,m_bPageNoRestart( false ) ,m_nPageNumber( -1 ) ,m_nBreakType( -1 ) ,m_nPaperBin( -1 ) ,m_nFirstPaperBin( -1 ) ,m_nLeftMargin( 3175 ) //page left margin, default 0x708 (1800) twip -> 3175 1/100 mm ,m_nRightMargin( 3175 )//page right margin, default 0x708 (1800) twip -> 3175 1/100 mm ,m_nTopMargin( 2540 ) ,m_nBottomMargin( 2540 ) ,m_nHeaderTop( 1270 ) //720 twip ,m_nHeaderBottom( 1270 )//720 twip ,m_nDzaGutter( 0 ) ,m_bGutterRTL( false ) ,m_bSFBiDi( false ) ,m_nGridType(0) ,m_nGridLinePitch( 1 ) ,m_nDxtCharSpace( 0 ) ,m_nLnnMod( 0 ) ,m_nLnc( 0 ) ,m_ndxaLnn( 0 ) ,m_nLnnMin( 0 ) { static sal_Int32 nNumber = 0; nSectionNumber = nNumber++; memset(&m_pBorderLines, 0x00, sizeof(m_pBorderLines)); for( sal_Int32 nBorder = 0; nBorder < 4; ++nBorder ) m_nBorderDistances[ nBorder ] = -1; //todo: set defaults in ApplyPropertiesToPageStyles //initialize defaults PaperInfo aLetter(PAPER_LETTER); //page height, 1/100mm Insert( PROP_HEIGHT, false, uno::makeAny( (sal_Int32) aLetter.getHeight() ) ); //page width, 1/100mm Insert( PROP_WIDTH, false, uno::makeAny( (sal_Int32) aLetter.getWidth() ) ); //page left margin, default 0x708 (1800) twip -> 3175 1/100 mm Insert( PROP_LEFT_MARGIN, false, uno::makeAny( (sal_Int32) 3175 ) ); //page right margin, default 0x708 (1800) twip -> 3175 1/100 mm Insert( PROP_RIGHT_MARGIN, false, uno::makeAny( (sal_Int32) 3175 ) ); //page top margin, default 0x5a0 (1440) twip -> 2540 1/100 mm Insert( PROP_TOP_MARGIN, false, uno::makeAny( (sal_Int32)2540 ) ); //page bottom margin, default 0x5a0 (1440) twip -> 2540 1/100 mm Insert( PROP_BOTTOM_MARGIN, false, uno::makeAny( (sal_Int32) 2540 ) ); uno::Any aFalse( ::uno::makeAny( false ) ); Insert( PROP_GRID_DISPLAY, false, aFalse); Insert( PROP_GRID_PRINT, false, aFalse); Insert( PROP_GRID_MODE, false, uno::makeAny(text::TextGridMode::NONE)); if( m_bIsFirstSection ) { PropertyNameSupplier& rPropNameSupplier = PropertyNameSupplier::GetPropertyNameSupplier(); m_sFirstPageStyleName = rPropNameSupplier.GetName( PROP_FIRST_PAGE ); m_sFollowPageStyleName = rPropNameSupplier.GetName( PROP_STANDARD ); } } /*-- 24.07.2006 08:29:02--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SectionPropertyMap::~SectionPropertyMap() { for( sal_Int16 ePos = BORDER_LEFT; ePos <= BORDER_BOTTOM; ++ePos) delete m_pBorderLines[ePos]; } /*-- 24.07.2006 08:31:07--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const ::rtl::OUString& SectionPropertyMap::GetPageStyleName( bool bFirst ) { return bFirst ? m_sFirstPageStyleName : m_sFollowPageStyleName; } /*-- 24.07.2006 08:31:07--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SectionPropertyMap::SetPageStyleName( bool bFirst, const ::rtl::OUString& rName) { if( bFirst ) m_sFirstPageStyleName = rName; else m_sFollowPageStyleName = rName; } /*-- 24.07.2006 09:41:20--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ::rtl::OUString lcl_FindUnusedPageStyleName(const uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& rPageStyleNames) { static const sal_Char cDefaultStyle[] = "Converted"; //find the hightest number x in each style with the name "cDefaultStyle+x" and //return an incremented name sal_Int32 nMaxIndex = 0; const sal_Int32 nDefaultLength = sizeof(cDefaultStyle)/sizeof(sal_Char) - 1; const ::rtl::OUString sDefaultStyle( cDefaultStyle, nDefaultLength, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); const ::rtl::OUString* pStyleNames = rPageStyleNames.getConstArray(); for( sal_Int32 nStyle = 0; nStyle < rPageStyleNames.getLength(); ++nStyle) { if( pStyleNames[nStyle].getLength() > nDefaultLength && !rtl_ustr_compare_WithLength( sDefaultStyle.getStr(), nDefaultLength, pStyleNames[nStyle].getStr(), nDefaultLength)) { sal_Int32 nIndex = pStyleNames[nStyle].copy( nDefaultLength ).toInt32(); if( nIndex > nMaxIndex) nMaxIndex = nIndex; } } ::rtl::OUString sRet( sDefaultStyle ); sRet += rtl::OUString::valueOf( nMaxIndex + 1); return sRet; } /*-- 28.07.2006 13:00:43--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > SectionPropertyMap::GetPageStyle( const uno::Reference< container::XNameContainer >& xPageStyles, const uno::Reference < lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& xTextFactory, bool bFirst ) { uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xRet; try { if( bFirst ) { if( !m_sFirstPageStyleName.getLength() ) { uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aPageStyleNames = xPageStyles->getElementNames(); m_sFirstPageStyleName = lcl_FindUnusedPageStyleName(aPageStyleNames); m_aFirstPageStyle = uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > ( xTextFactory->createInstance(::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.style.PageStyle") )), uno::UNO_QUERY); xPageStyles->insertByName( m_sFirstPageStyleName, uno::makeAny(m_aFirstPageStyle) ); } else if( !m_aFirstPageStyle.is() ) { xPageStyles->getByName(m_sFirstPageStyleName) >>= m_aFirstPageStyle; } xRet = m_aFirstPageStyle; } else { if( !m_sFollowPageStyleName.getLength() ) { uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aPageStyleNames = xPageStyles->getElementNames(); m_sFollowPageStyleName = lcl_FindUnusedPageStyleName(aPageStyleNames); m_aFollowPageStyle = uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > ( xTextFactory->createInstance(::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.style.PageStyle") )), uno::UNO_QUERY); xPageStyles->insertByName( m_sFollowPageStyleName, uno::makeAny(m_aFollowPageStyle) ); } else if(!m_aFollowPageStyle.is() ) { xPageStyles->getByName(m_sFollowPageStyleName) >>= m_aFollowPageStyle; } xRet = m_aFollowPageStyle; } } catch( const uno::Exception& ) { } return xRet; } /*-- 28.07.2006 10:56:26--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SectionPropertyMap::SetBorder( BorderPosition ePos, sal_Int32 nLineDistance, const table::BorderLine& rBorderLine ) { delete m_pBorderLines[ePos]; m_pBorderLines[ePos] = new table::BorderLine( rBorderLine ); m_nBorderDistances[ePos] = nLineDistance; } /*-- 28.07.2006 10:56:27--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SectionPropertyMap::ApplyBorderToPageStyles( const uno::Reference< container::XNameContainer >& xPageStyles, const uno::Reference < lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& xTextFactory, sal_Int32 nValue ) { /* page border applies to: nIntValue & 0x07 -> 0 all pages in this section 1 first page in this section 2 all pages in this section but first 3 whole document (all sections) nIntValue & 0x18 -> page border depth 0 - in front 1- in back nIntValue & 0xe0 -> page border offset from: 0 offset from text 1 offset from edge of page */ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xFirst; uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xSecond; sal_Int32 nOffsetFrom = (nValue & 0x00E0) >> 5; //sal_Int32 bPageDepth = (nValue & 0x0018) >> 3; //unused infromation: 0 - in front 1 - in back //todo: negative spacing (from ww8par6.cxx) switch( nValue & 0x07) { case 0: /*all styles*/ if ( m_sFollowPageStyleName.getLength( ) > 0 ) xFirst = GetPageStyle( xPageStyles, xTextFactory, false ); if ( m_sFirstPageStyleName.getLength( ) > 0 ) xSecond = GetPageStyle( xPageStyles, xTextFactory, true ); break; case 1: /*first page*/ if ( m_sFirstPageStyleName.getLength( ) > 0 ) xFirst = GetPageStyle( xPageStyles, xTextFactory, true ); break; case 2: /*left and right*/ if ( m_sFollowPageStyleName.getLength( ) > 0 ) xFirst = GetPageStyle( xPageStyles, xTextFactory, false ); break; case 3: //whole document? //todo: how to apply a border to the whole document - find all sections or access all page styles? default: return; } //has to be sorted like enum BorderPosition: l-r-t-b static const PropertyIds aBorderIds[4] = { PROP_LEFT_BORDER, PROP_RIGHT_BORDER, PROP_TOP_BORDER, PROP_BOTTOM_BORDER }; static const PropertyIds aBorderDistanceIds[4] = { PROP_LEFT_BORDER_DISTANCE, PROP_RIGHT_BORDER_DISTANCE, PROP_TOP_BORDER_DISTANCE, PROP_BOTTOM_BORDER_DISTANCE }; static const PropertyIds aMarginIds[4] = { PROP_LEFT_MARGIN, PROP_RIGHT_MARGIN, PROP_TOP_MARGIN, PROP_BOTTOM_MARGIN }; PropertyNameSupplier& rPropNameSupplier = PropertyNameSupplier::GetPropertyNameSupplier(); for( sal_Int32 nBorder = 0; nBorder < 4; ++nBorder) { if( m_pBorderLines[nBorder] ) { const ::rtl::OUString sBorderName = rPropNameSupplier.GetName( aBorderIds[nBorder] ); xFirst->setPropertyValue( sBorderName, uno::makeAny( *m_pBorderLines[nBorder] )); if(xSecond.is()) xSecond->setPropertyValue( sBorderName, uno::makeAny( *m_pBorderLines[nBorder] )); } if( m_nBorderDistances[nBorder] >= 0 ) { SetBorderDistance( xFirst, aMarginIds[nBorder], aBorderDistanceIds[nBorder], m_nBorderDistances[nBorder], nOffsetFrom ); if(xSecond.is()) SetBorderDistance( xSecond, aMarginIds[nBorder], aBorderDistanceIds[nBorder], m_nBorderDistances[nBorder], nOffsetFrom ); } } } void SectionPropertyMap::SetBorderDistance( uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xStyle, PropertyIds eMarginId, PropertyIds eDistId, sal_Int32 nDistance, sal_Int32 nOffsetFrom ) { PropertyNameSupplier& rPropNameSupplier = PropertyNameSupplier::GetPropertyNameSupplier(); sal_Int32 nDist = nDistance; if( nOffsetFrom == 1 ) { const ::rtl::OUString sMarginName = rPropNameSupplier.GetName( eMarginId ); uno::Any aMargin = xStyle->getPropertyValue( sMarginName ); sal_Int32 nMargin = 0; aMargin >>= nMargin; // Change the margins with the border distance xStyle->setPropertyValue( sMarginName, uno::makeAny( nDistance ) ); // Set the distance to ( Margin - distance ) nDist = nMargin - nDistance; } const ::rtl::OUString sBorderDistanceName = rPropNameSupplier.GetName( eDistId ); xStyle->setPropertyValue( sBorderDistanceName, uno::makeAny( nDist )); } /*-- 14.12.2006 12:50:06--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uno::Reference< text::XTextColumns > SectionPropertyMap::ApplyColumnProperties( uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xColumnContainer ) { uno::Reference< text::XTextColumns > xColumns; try { PropertyNameSupplier& rPropNameSupplier = PropertyNameSupplier::GetPropertyNameSupplier(); const ::rtl::OUString sTextColumns = rPropNameSupplier.GetName( PROP_TEXT_COLUMNS ); xColumnContainer->getPropertyValue(sTextColumns) >>= xColumns; uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xColumnPropSet( xColumns, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); if( !m_bEvenlySpaced && (sal_Int32(m_aColWidth.size()) == (m_nColumnCount + 1 )) && ((sal_Int32(m_aColDistance.size()) == m_nColumnCount) || (sal_Int32(m_aColDistance.size()) == m_nColumnCount + 1)) ) { //the column width in word is an absolute value, in OOo it's relative //the distances are both absolute sal_Int32 nColSum = 0; for( sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol <= m_nColumnCount; ++nCol) { nColSum += m_aColWidth[nCol]; if(nCol) nColSum += m_aColDistance[nCol -1]; } sal_Int32 nRefValue = xColumns->getReferenceValue(); double fRel = double( nRefValue ) / double( nColSum ); uno::Sequence< text::TextColumn > aColumns( m_nColumnCount + 1 ); text::TextColumn* pColumn = aColumns.getArray(); nColSum = 0; for( sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol <= m_nColumnCount; ++nCol) { //nColSum : nRefValue == (nAbsColWidth + colDist /2) : nRelColWidth; pColumn[nCol].LeftMargin = nCol ? m_aColDistance[nCol - 1 ] / 2 : 0; pColumn[nCol].RightMargin = nCol == m_nColumnCount ? 0 : m_aColDistance[nCol] / 2; pColumn[nCol].Width = sal_Int32((double( m_aColWidth[nCol] + pColumn[nCol].RightMargin + pColumn[nCol].LeftMargin ) + 0.5 ) * fRel ); nColSum += pColumn[nCol].Width; } if( nColSum != nRefValue ) pColumn[m_nColumnCount].Width -= ( nColSum - nRefValue ); xColumns->setColumns( aColumns ); } else { xColumns->setColumnCount( m_nColumnCount + 1 ); xColumnPropSet->setPropertyValue( rPropNameSupplier.GetName( PROP_AUTOMATIC_DISTANCE ), uno::makeAny( m_nColumnDistance )); } if(m_bSeparatorLineIsOn) xColumnPropSet->setPropertyValue( rPropNameSupplier.GetName( PROP_SEPARATOR_LINE_IS_ON ), uno::makeAny( m_bSeparatorLineIsOn )); xColumnContainer->setPropertyValue( sTextColumns, uno::makeAny( xColumns ) ); } catch( const uno::Exception& ) { OSL_ENSURE( false, "Exception in SectionPropertyMap::ApplyColumnProperties"); } return xColumns; } /*-- 20.12.2006 09:44:16--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool SectionPropertyMap::HasHeader(bool bFirstPage) const { bool bRet = false; if( (bFirstPage && m_aFirstPageStyle.is()) ||( !bFirstPage && m_aFollowPageStyle.is()) ) { if( bFirstPage ) m_aFirstPageStyle->getPropertyValue( PropertyNameSupplier::GetPropertyNameSupplier().GetName(PROP_HEADER_IS_ON) ) >>= bRet; else m_aFollowPageStyle->getPropertyValue( PropertyNameSupplier::GetPropertyNameSupplier().GetName(PROP_HEADER_IS_ON) ) >>= bRet; } return bRet; } /*-- 20.12.2006 09:44:16--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool SectionPropertyMap::HasFooter(bool bFirstPage) const { bool bRet = false; if( (bFirstPage && m_aFirstPageStyle.is()) ||( !bFirstPage && m_aFollowPageStyle.is()) ) { if( bFirstPage ) m_aFirstPageStyle->getPropertyValue( PropertyNameSupplier::GetPropertyNameSupplier().GetName(PROP_FOOTER_IS_ON) ) >>= bRet; else m_aFollowPageStyle->getPropertyValue( PropertyNameSupplier::GetPropertyNameSupplier().GetName(PROP_FOOTER_IS_ON) ) >>= bRet; } return bRet; } /*-- 20.12.2006 09:41:56--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define MIN_HEAD_FOOT_HEIGHT 100 //minimum header/footer height void SectionPropertyMap::CopyLastHeaderFooter( bool bFirstPage, DomainMapper_Impl& rDM_Impl ) { #if DEBUG clog << "START>>> SectionPropertyMap::CopyLastHeaderFooter()" << endl; #endif SectionPropertyMap* pLastContext = rDM_Impl.GetLastSectionContext( ); if ( pLastContext ) { uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPrevStyle = pLastContext->GetPageStyle( rDM_Impl.GetPageStyles(), rDM_Impl.GetTextFactory(), bFirstPage ); uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xStyle = GetPageStyle( rDM_Impl.GetPageStyles(), rDM_Impl.GetTextFactory(), bFirstPage ); PropertyNameSupplier& rPropNameSupplier = PropertyNameSupplier::GetPropertyNameSupplier(); try { // Loop over the Header and Footer properties to copy them static PropertyIds aProperties[] = { PROP_HEADER_TEXT, PROP_FOOTER_TEXT, }; bool bHasPrevHeader = false; bool bHasHeader = false; rtl::OUString sHeaderIsOn = rPropNameSupplier.GetName( PROP_HEADER_IS_ON ); xPrevStyle->getPropertyValue( sHeaderIsOn ) >>= bHasPrevHeader; xStyle->getPropertyValue( sHeaderIsOn ) >>= bHasHeader; bool bCopyHeader = bHasPrevHeader && !bHasHeader; if ( bCopyHeader ) xStyle->setPropertyValue( sHeaderIsOn, uno::makeAny( sal_True ) ); bool bHasPrevFooter = false; bool bHasFooter = false; rtl::OUString sFooterIsOn = rPropNameSupplier.GetName( PROP_FOOTER_IS_ON ); xPrevStyle->getPropertyValue( sFooterIsOn ) >>= bHasPrevFooter; xStyle->getPropertyValue( sFooterIsOn ) >>= bHasFooter; bool bCopyFooter = bHasPrevFooter && !bHasFooter; if ( bCopyFooter ) xStyle->setPropertyValue( sFooterIsOn, uno::makeAny( sal_True ) ); // Copying the text properties for ( int i = 0, nNbProps = 2; i < nNbProps; i++ ) { bool bIsHeader = ( i < nNbProps / 2 ); PropertyIds aPropId = aProperties[i]; rtl::OUString sName = rPropNameSupplier.GetName( aPropId ); if ( ( bIsHeader && bCopyHeader ) || ( !bIsHeader && bCopyFooter ) ) { #if DEBUG clog << "Copying "; clog << rtl::OUStringToOString( sName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr( ) << endl; #endif // TODO has to be copied uno::Reference< text::XTextCopy > xTxt( xStyle->getPropertyValue( sName ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); uno::Reference< text::XTextCopy > xPrevTxt( xPrevStyle->getPropertyValue( sName ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); xTxt->copyText( xPrevTxt ); } } } catch ( const uno::Exception& e ) { #if DEBUG clog << "An exception occured in SectionPropertyMap::CopyLastHeaderFooter( ) - "; clog << rtl::OUStringToOString( e.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr( ) << endl; #endif } } #if DEBUG clog << "END>>> SectionPropertyMap::CopyLastHeaderFooter()" << endl; #endif } void SectionPropertyMap::PrepareHeaderFooterProperties( bool bFirstPage ) { sal_Int32 nTopMargin = m_nTopMargin; if(HasHeader(bFirstPage)) { m_nTopMargin = m_nHeaderTop; if( nTopMargin > 0 && nTopMargin > m_nHeaderTop ) m_nHeaderTop = nTopMargin - m_nHeaderTop; else m_nHeaderTop = 0; //minimum header height 1mm if( m_nHeaderTop < MIN_HEAD_FOOT_HEIGHT ) m_nHeaderTop = MIN_HEAD_FOOT_HEIGHT; } if( nTopMargin >= 0 ) //fixed height header -> see WW8Par6.hxx { operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_HEADER_IS_DYNAMIC_HEIGHT, false )) = uno::makeAny( true ); operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_HEADER_DYNAMIC_SPACING, false )) = uno::makeAny( true ); operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_HEADER_BODY_DISTANCE, false )) = uno::makeAny( m_nHeaderTop - MIN_HEAD_FOOT_HEIGHT );// ULSpace.Top() operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_HEADER_HEIGHT, false )) = uno::makeAny( m_nHeaderTop ); } else { //todo: old filter fakes a frame into the header/footer to support overlapping //current setting is completely wrong! operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_HEADER_HEIGHT, false )) = uno::makeAny( m_nHeaderTop ); operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_HEADER_BODY_DISTANCE, false )) = uno::makeAny( nTopMargin - m_nHeaderTop ); operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_HEADER_IS_DYNAMIC_HEIGHT, false)) = uno::makeAny( false ); operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_HEADER_DYNAMIC_SPACING, false)) = uno::makeAny( false ); } sal_Int32 nBottomMargin = m_nBottomMargin; if( HasFooter( bFirstPage ) ) { m_nBottomMargin = m_nHeaderBottom; if( nBottomMargin > 0 && nBottomMargin > m_nHeaderBottom ) m_nHeaderBottom = nBottomMargin - m_nHeaderBottom; else m_nHeaderBottom = 0; if( m_nHeaderBottom < MIN_HEAD_FOOT_HEIGHT ) m_nHeaderBottom = MIN_HEAD_FOOT_HEIGHT; } if( nBottomMargin >= 0 ) //fixed height footer -> see WW8Par6.hxx { operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_FOOTER_IS_DYNAMIC_HEIGHT, false )) = uno::makeAny( true ); operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_FOOTER_DYNAMIC_SPACING, false )) = uno::makeAny( true ); operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_FOOTER_BODY_DISTANCE, false )) = uno::makeAny( m_nHeaderBottom - MIN_HEAD_FOOT_HEIGHT); operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_FOOTER_HEIGHT, false )) = uno::makeAny( m_nHeaderBottom ); } else { //todo: old filter fakes a frame into the header/footer to support overlapping //current setting is completely wrong! operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_FOOTER_IS_DYNAMIC_HEIGHT, false)) = uno::makeAny( false ); operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_FOOTER_DYNAMIC_SPACING, false)) = uno::makeAny( false ); operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_FOOTER_HEIGHT, false )) = uno::makeAny( nBottomMargin - m_nHeaderBottom ); operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_FOOTER_BODY_DISTANCE, false )) = uno::makeAny( m_nHeaderBottom ); } //now set the top/bottom margin for the follow page style operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_TOP_MARGIN, false )) = uno::makeAny( m_nTopMargin ); operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_BOTTOM_MARGIN, false )) = uno::makeAny( m_nBottomMargin ); } /*-- 11.12.2006 08:31:46--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SectionPropertyMap::CloseSectionGroup( DomainMapper_Impl& rDM_Impl ) { PropertyNameSupplier& rPropNameSupplier = PropertyNameSupplier::GetPropertyNameSupplier(); if( m_nLnnMod ) { bool bFirst = rDM_Impl.IsLineNumberingSet(); rDM_Impl.SetLineNumbering( m_nLnnMod, m_nLnc, m_ndxaLnn ); if( m_nLnnMin > 0 || (bFirst && m_nLnc == 1)) { //set the starting value at the beginning of the section try { uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xRangeProperties; if( m_xStartingRange.is() ) { xRangeProperties = uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >( m_xStartingRange, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); } else { //set the start value at the beginning of the document xRangeProperties = uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >( rDM_Impl.GetTextDocument()->getText()->getStart(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); } xRangeProperties->setPropertyValue( rPropNameSupplier.GetName( PROP_PARA_LINE_NUMBER_START_VALUE ), uno::makeAny( m_nLnnMin + 1 )); } catch( const uno::Exception& ) { OSL_ENSURE( false, "Exception in SectionPropertyMap::CloseSectionGroup"); } } } //depending on the break type no page styles should be created if(m_nBreakType == 0) { //todo: insert a section or access the already inserted section //-->debug // ::rtl::OUString sSelection = m_xStartingRange->getString(); // sSelection.getLength(); //-->debug uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xSection = rDM_Impl.appendTextSectionAfter( m_xStartingRange ); if( m_nColumnCount > 0 && xSection.is()) ApplyColumnProperties( xSection ); } else { //get the properties and create appropriate page styles uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xFollowPageStyle = GetPageStyle( rDM_Impl.GetPageStyles(), rDM_Impl.GetTextFactory(), false ); if( m_nDzaGutter > 0 ) { //todo: iGutterPos from DocProperties are missing // if( m_iGutterPos > 0 ) m_nTopMargin += m_nDzaGutter; else if( m_bGutterRTL ) m_nRightMargin += m_nDzaGutter; else m_nLeftMargin += m_nDzaGutter; } operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_LEFT_MARGIN, false )) = uno::makeAny( m_nLeftMargin ); operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_RIGHT_MARGIN, false )) = uno::makeAny( m_nRightMargin ); // if( iGutterPos && fRTLGutter ) // m_nTopMargin += nGutter /*** if headers/footers are available then the top/bottom margins of the header/footer are copied to the top/bottom margin of the page */ CopyLastHeaderFooter( false, rDM_Impl ); PrepareHeaderFooterProperties( false ); const ::rtl::OUString sTrayIndex = rPropNameSupplier.GetName( PROP_PRINTER_PAPER_TRAY_INDEX ); if( m_nPaperBin >= 0 ) xFollowPageStyle->setPropertyValue( sTrayIndex, uno::makeAny( m_nPaperBin ) ); uno::Reference< text::XTextColumns > xColumns; if( m_nColumnCount > 0 ) xColumns = ApplyColumnProperties( xFollowPageStyle ); //prepare text grid properties sal_Int32 nHeight = 1; PropertyMap::iterator aElement = find(PropertyDefinition( PROP_HEIGHT, false )); if( aElement != end()) aElement->second >>= nHeight; sal_Int32 nWidth = 1; aElement = find(PropertyDefinition( PROP_WIDTH, false )); if( aElement != end()) aElement->second >>= nWidth; text::WritingMode eWritingMode = text::WritingMode_LR_TB; aElement = find(PropertyDefinition( PROP_WRITING_MODE, false )); if( aElement != end()) aElement->second >>= eWritingMode; sal_Int32 nTextAreaHeight = eWritingMode == text::WritingMode_LR_TB ? nHeight - m_nTopMargin - m_nBottomMargin : nWidth - m_nLeftMargin - m_nRightMargin; operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_GRID_LINES, false )) = uno::makeAny( static_cast(nTextAreaHeight/m_nGridLinePitch)); sal_Int32 nCharWidth = 423; //240 twip/ 12 pt //todo: is '0' the right index here? const StyleSheetEntryPtr pEntry = rDM_Impl.GetStyleSheetTable()->FindStyleSheetByISTD(::rtl::OUString::valueOf(static_cast(0), 16)); if( pEntry.get( ) ) { PropertyMap::iterator aElement_ = pEntry->pProperties->find(PropertyDefinition( PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT_ASIAN, false )); if( aElement_ != pEntry->pProperties->end()) { double fHeight = 0; if( aElement_->second >>= fHeight ) nCharWidth = ConversionHelper::convertTwipToMM100( (long)( fHeight * 20.0 + 0.5 )); } } //dxtCharSpace if(m_nDxtCharSpace) { sal_Int32 nCharSpace = m_nDxtCharSpace; //main lives in top 20 bits, and is signed. sal_Int32 nMain = (nCharSpace & 0xFFFFF000); nMain /= 0x1000; nCharWidth += ConversionHelper::convertTwipToMM100( nMain * 20 ); sal_Int32 nFraction = (nCharSpace & 0x00000FFF); nFraction = (nFraction * 20)/0xFFF; nCharWidth += ConversionHelper::convertTwipToMM100( nFraction ); } operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_GRID_BASE_HEIGHT, false )) = uno::makeAny( nCharWidth ); sal_Int32 nRubyHeight = m_nGridLinePitch - nCharWidth; if(nRubyHeight < 0 ) nRubyHeight = 0; operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_GRID_RUBY_HEIGHT, false )) = uno::makeAny( nRubyHeight ); // #i119558#, force to set document as standard page mode, // refer to ww8 import process function "SwWW8ImplReader::SetDocumentGrid" try { uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xDocProperties; xDocProperties = uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >( rDM_Impl.GetTextDocument(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); sal_Bool bSquaredPageMode = sal_False; operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_GRID_STANDARD_MODE, false )) = uno::makeAny( !bSquaredPageMode ); xDocProperties->setPropertyValue( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("DefaultPageMode"), uno::makeAny( bSquaredPageMode )); } catch (const uno::Exception& rEx) { OSL_ENSURE( false, "Exception in SectionPropertyMap::CloseSectionGroup"); (void)rEx; } _ApplyProperties( xFollowPageStyle ); //todo: creating a "First Page" style depends on HasTitlePage und _fFacingPage_ if( m_bTitlePage ) { CopyLastHeaderFooter( true, rDM_Impl ); PrepareHeaderFooterProperties( true ); uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xFirstPageStyle = GetPageStyle( rDM_Impl.GetPageStyles(), rDM_Impl.GetTextFactory(), true ); _ApplyProperties( xFirstPageStyle ); sal_Int32 nPaperBin = m_nFirstPaperBin >= 0 ? m_nFirstPaperBin : m_nPaperBin >= 0 ? m_nPaperBin : 0; if( nPaperBin ) xFollowPageStyle->setPropertyValue( sTrayIndex, uno::makeAny( nPaperBin ) ); if( xColumns.is() ) xFollowPageStyle->setPropertyValue( rPropNameSupplier.GetName( PROP_TEXT_COLUMNS ), uno::makeAny( xColumns )); } ApplyBorderToPageStyles( rDM_Impl.GetPageStyles( ), rDM_Impl.GetTextFactory( ), m_nBorderParams ); try { // if( m_xStartingRange.is() ) { //now apply this break at the first paragraph of this section uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xRangeProperties; if( m_bIsFirstSection ) { uno::Reference< container::XEnumerationAccess > xEnumAccess( rDM_Impl.GetBodyText( ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); uno::Reference< container::XEnumeration > xEnum = xEnumAccess->createEnumeration( ); xRangeProperties = uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >( xEnum->nextElement( ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); } else if( m_xStartingRange.is() ) { xRangeProperties = uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >( m_xStartingRange, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); } if ( xRangeProperties.is() ) { /* break type: 0 - No break 1 - New Column 2 - New page 3 - Even page 4 - odd page */ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xRangePropertiesInfo = xRangeProperties->getPropertySetInfo(); if ( xRangePropertiesInfo->hasPropertyByName( rPropNameSupplier.GetName( PROP_PAGE_DESC_NAME ) ) ) { xRangeProperties->setPropertyValue( rPropNameSupplier.GetName( PROP_PAGE_DESC_NAME ), uno::makeAny( m_bTitlePage ? m_sFirstPageStyleName : m_sFollowPageStyleName ) ); // todo: page breaks with odd/even page numbering are not available - find out current page number to check how to change the number // or add even/odd page break types if ( m_bPageNoRestart || m_nPageNumber >= 0 ) { sal_Int16 nPageNumber = m_nPageNumber >= 0 ? static_cast< sal_Int16 >(m_nPageNumber) : 1; xRangeProperties->setPropertyValue(rPropNameSupplier.GetName( PROP_PAGE_NUMBER_OFFSET ), uno::makeAny( nPageNumber )); } } } } } catch( const uno::Exception& rEx) { OSL_ENSURE( false, "Exception in SectionPropertyMap::CloseSectionGroup"); (void)rEx; } } } /*-- 11.12.2006 08:31:46--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SectionPropertyMap::_ApplyProperties( uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xStyle ) { PropertyNameSupplier& rPropNameSupplier = PropertyNameSupplier::GetPropertyNameSupplier(); PropertyMap::iterator aMapIter = begin(); while( aMapIter != end()) { try { xStyle->setPropertyValue( rPropNameSupplier.GetName( aMapIter->first.eId ), aMapIter->second ); } catch( const uno::Exception& ) { OSL_ENSURE( false, "Exception in ::setPropertyValue"); } ++aMapIter; } } sal_Int32 lcl_AlignPaperBin( sal_Int32 nSet ) { //default tray numbers are above 0xff if( nSet > 0xff ) nSet = nSet >> 8; //there are some special numbers which can't be handled easily //1, 4, 15, manual tray, upper tray, auto select? see ww8atr.cxx //todo: find out appropriate conversion return nSet; } /*-- 13.12.2006 15:34:01--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SectionPropertyMap::SetPaperBin( sal_Int32 nSet ) { m_nPaperBin = lcl_AlignPaperBin( nSet ); } /*-- 13.12.2006 15:34:01--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SectionPropertyMap::SetFirstPaperBin( sal_Int32 nSet ) { m_nFirstPaperBin = lcl_AlignPaperBin( nSet ); } /*-- 14.06.2007 13:57:42--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ StyleSheetPropertyMap::StyleSheetPropertyMap() : // mnCT_Spacing_after( 0 ), mnCT_Spacing_line( 0 ), mnCT_Spacing_lineRule( 0 ), mbCT_TrPrBase_tblHeader( false ), mnCT_TrPrBase_jc( 0 ), mnCT_TcPrBase_vAlign( 0 ), mnCT_TblWidth_w( 0 ), mnCT_TblWidth_type( 0 ), // mbCT_Spacing_afterSet( false ), mbCT_Spacing_lineSet( false ), mbCT_Spacing_lineRuleSet( false ), mbCT_TrPrBase_tblHeaderSet( false ), mbCT_TrPrBase_jcSet( false ), mbCT_TcPrBase_vAlignSet( false ), mbCT_TblWidth_wSet( false ), mbCT_TblWidth_typeSet( false ), mnListId( -1 ), mnListLevel( -1 ), mnOutlineLevel( 0 ) { } /*-- 14.06.2007 13:57:43--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ StyleSheetPropertyMap::~StyleSheetPropertyMap() { } /*-- 28.12.2007 08:19:00--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ParagraphProperties::ParagraphProperties() : m_bFrameMode( false ), m_nDropCap(NS_ooxml::LN_Value_wordprocessingml_ST_DropCap_none), m_nLines(0), m_w(-1), m_h(-1), m_nWrap(-1), m_hAnchor(-1), m_vAnchor(text::RelOrientation::FRAME), m_x(-1), m_bxValid( false ), m_y(-1), m_byValid( false ), m_hSpace(-1), m_vSpace(-1), m_hRule(-1), m_xAlign(-1), m_yAlign(-1), m_bAnchorLock(false), m_nDropCapLength(0) { } /*-- 28.12.2007 08:28:24--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ParagraphProperties::ParagraphProperties(const ParagraphProperties& rCopy) : m_bFrameMode ( rCopy.m_bFrameMode), m_nDropCap ( rCopy.m_nDropCap), m_nLines ( rCopy.m_nLines), m_w ( rCopy.m_w), m_h ( rCopy.m_h), m_nWrap ( rCopy.m_nWrap), m_hAnchor ( rCopy.m_hAnchor), m_vAnchor ( rCopy.m_vAnchor), m_x ( rCopy.m_x), m_bxValid ( rCopy.m_bxValid), m_y ( rCopy.m_y), m_byValid ( rCopy.m_byValid), m_hSpace ( rCopy.m_hSpace), m_vSpace ( rCopy.m_vSpace), m_hRule ( rCopy.m_hRule), m_xAlign ( rCopy.m_xAlign), m_yAlign ( rCopy.m_yAlign), m_bAnchorLock( rCopy.m_bAnchorLock), m_nDropCapLength( rCopy.m_nDropCapLength ), m_sParaStyleName( rCopy.m_sParaStyleName), m_xStartingRange( rCopy.m_xStartingRange ), m_xEndingRange( rCopy.m_xEndingRange) { } /*-- 28.12.2007 11:29:18--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ParagraphProperties::~ParagraphProperties() { } /*-- 28.12.2007 09:05:45--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int ParagraphProperties::operator==(const ParagraphProperties& rCompare) { return m_bFrameMode == rCompare.m_bFrameMode && m_nDropCap == rCompare.m_nDropCap && m_nLines == rCompare.m_nLines && m_w == rCompare.m_w && m_h == rCompare.m_h && m_nWrap == rCompare.m_nWrap && m_hAnchor == rCompare.m_hAnchor && m_vAnchor == rCompare.m_vAnchor && m_x == rCompare.m_x && m_bxValid == rCompare.m_bxValid && m_y == rCompare.m_y && m_byValid == rCompare.m_byValid && m_hSpace == rCompare.m_hSpace && m_vSpace == rCompare.m_vSpace && m_hRule == rCompare.m_hRule && m_xAlign == rCompare.m_xAlign && m_yAlign == rCompare.m_yAlign && m_bAnchorLock== rCompare.m_bAnchorLock; } /*-- 27.12.2007 13:32:36--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ParagraphPropertyMap::ParagraphPropertyMap() { } /*-- 27.12.2007 13:32:36--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ParagraphPropertyMap::~ParagraphPropertyMap() { } /*-- 15.02.2008 16:10:39--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TablePropertyMap::TablePropertyMap() { } /*-- 15.02.2008 16:10:39--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TablePropertyMap::~TablePropertyMap() { } /*-- 18.02.2008 10:06:30--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool TablePropertyMap::getValue( TablePropertyMapTarget eWhich, sal_Int32& nFill ) { if( eWhich < TablePropertyMapTarget_MAX ) { if(m_aValidValues[eWhich].bValid) nFill = m_aValidValues[eWhich].nValue; return m_aValidValues[eWhich].bValid; } else { OSL_ENSURE( false, "invalid TablePropertyMapTarget"); return false; } } /*-- 18.02.2008 10:07:11--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void TablePropertyMap::setValue( TablePropertyMapTarget eWhich, sal_Int32 nSet ) { if( eWhich < TablePropertyMapTarget_MAX ) { m_aValidValues[eWhich].bValid = true; m_aValidValues[eWhich].nValue = nSet; } else OSL_ENSURE( false, "invalid TablePropertyMapTarget"); } /*-- 18.02.2008 11:23:28--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void TablePropertyMap::insertTableProperties( const PropertyMap* pMap ) { #ifdef DEBUG_DOMAINMAPPER dmapper_logger->startElement("TablePropertyMap.insertTableProperties"); dmapper_logger->addTag(pMap->toTag()); #endif const TablePropertyMap* pSource = dynamic_cast< const TablePropertyMap* >(pMap); if( pSource ) { for( sal_Int32 eTarget = TablePropertyMapTarget_START; eTarget < TablePropertyMapTarget_MAX; ++eTarget ) { if( pSource->m_aValidValues[eTarget].bValid ) { m_aValidValues[eTarget].bValid = true; m_aValidValues[eTarget].nValue = pSource->m_aValidValues[eTarget].nValue; } } } #ifdef DEBUG_DOMAINMAPPER dmapper_logger->addTag(toTag()); dmapper_logger->endElement("TablePropertyMap.insertTableProperties"); #endif } }//namespace dmapper }//namespace writerfilter