/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace writerfilter { namespace doctok { using namespace ::std; // ------- WW8TableDataHandler --------- typedef WW8PropertySet::Pointer_t TablePropsPointer_t; class WW8TableDataHandler : public TableDataHandler { public: typedef boost::shared_ptr Pointer_t; virtual void startTable( unsigned int nRows, unsigned int nDepth, TablePropsPointer_t pProps ); virtual void endTable( const unsigned int nDepth ); virtual void startRow(unsigned int nCols, TablePropsPointer_t pProps); virtual void endRow(); virtual void startCell(const string & start, TablePropsPointer_t pProps); virtual void endCell(const string & end); }; void WW8TableDataHandler::startTable(unsigned int nRows, unsigned int nDepth, TablePropsPointer_t /*pProps*/) { char sBuffer[256]; string tmpStr = ""; output.addItem(tmpStr); } void WW8TableDataHandler::endTable( const unsigned int /*nTableDepth*/ ) { output.addItem(""); } void WW8TableDataHandler::startRow (unsigned int nCols, TablePropsPointer_t /*pProps*/) { char sBuffer[256]; snprintf(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%d", nCols); string tmpStr = ""; output.addItem(tmpStr); } void WW8TableDataHandler::endRow() { output.addItem(""); } void WW8TableDataHandler::startCell(const string & start, TablePropsPointer_t /*pProps*/) { output.addItem(""); output.addItem(start); output.addItem(", "); } void WW8TableDataHandler::endCell(const string & end) { output.addItem(end); output.addItem(""); } // ----- WW8TableDataManager ------------------------------- class WW8TableManager : public TableManager { typedef TableDataHandler TableDataHandlerPointer_t; public: WW8TableManager(); virtual ~WW8TableManager() {} virtual void endParagraphGroup(); virtual bool sprm(Sprm & rSprm); }; WW8TableManager::WW8TableManager() { TableDataHandler::Pointer_t pHandler(new WW8TableDataHandler()); setHandler(pHandler); } bool WW8TableManager::sprm(Sprm & rSprm) { TableManager::sprm(rSprm); output.setDepth(getTableDepthNew()); return true; } void WW8TableManager::endParagraphGroup() { string tmpStr = ""; output.addItem(tmpStr); TableManager::endParagraphGroup(); } WW8TableManager gTableManager; //-------- WW8TableReference ----------------------------------- void WW8TableReference::resolve(Table & /*rHandler*/) { output.addItem(""); } string WW8TableReference::getType() const { return "WW8TableReference"; } void WW8PropertiesReference::resolve(Properties & rHandler) { if( bool(mpPropSet)) { //mpPropSet->dump(clog); if (mpPropSet->isPap()) { WW8IntValue aValue(mpPropSet->get_istd()); rHandler.attribute(NS_rtf::LN_ISTD, aValue); } WW8PropertySetIterator::Pointer_t pIt = mpPropSet->begin(); WW8PropertySetIterator::Pointer_t pItEnd = mpPropSet->end(); try { while (! pIt->equal(*pItEnd)) { WW8Sprm aSprm(pIt->get()); rHandler.sprm(aSprm); ++(*pIt); } } catch (ExceptionOutOfBounds e) { } } } string WW8PropertiesReference::getType() const { return "WW8PropertiesReference"; } WW8BinaryObjReference::WW8BinaryObjReference (WW8StructBase & rParent, sal_uInt32 nOffset, sal_uInt32 nCount) : WW8StructBase(rParent, nOffset, nCount) { } WW8BinaryObjReference::WW8BinaryObjReference (WW8StructBase * pParent, sal_uInt32 nOffset, sal_uInt32 nCount) : WW8StructBase(pParent, nOffset, nCount) { } WW8BinaryObjReference::WW8BinaryObjReference (WW8StructBase * pParent) : WW8StructBase(pParent, 0x0, pParent->getCount()) { } WW8BinaryObjReference::WW8BinaryObjReference (WW8Stream & rStream, sal_uInt32 nOffset, sal_uInt32 nCount) : WW8StructBase(rStream, nOffset, nCount) { } writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t WW8BinaryObjReference::getBinary() { return writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t (new WW8BinaryObjReference(*this)); } void WW8BinaryObjReference::resolve(BinaryObj & rHandler) { writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t pRef = writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t(); if (getCount() > 0) rHandler.data(get(0), getCount(), pRef); } string WW8BinaryObjReference::getType() const { return "WW8BinaryObjReference"; } sal_uInt32 WW8Sprm::getId() const { sal_uInt32 nResult = 0; if (mpProperty.get() != NULL) nResult = mpProperty->getId(); else if (mpBinary.get() != NULL) nResult = NS_rtf::LN_blob; return nResult; } string WW8Sprm::toString() const { string sResult = ""; if (mpProperty.get() != NULL) sResult = mpProperty->toString(); return sResult; } Value::Pointer_t WW8Sprm::getValue() { Value::Pointer_t pResult; if (mpProperty.get() != NULL) pResult = Value::Pointer_t(createValue(mpProperty->getParam())); return pResult; } writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t WW8Sprm::getBinary() { writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t pResult; if (mpBinary.get() != NULL) pResult = writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t (mpBinary->clone()); else if (mpProperty.get() != NULL) pResult = createSprmBinary (dynamic_cast(*(mpProperty.get()))); return pResult; } writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t WW8Sprm::getStream() { return writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t(); } writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t WW8Sprm::getProps() { writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t pResult; if (mpProperty.get() != NULL) { pResult = createSprmProps (dynamic_cast(*(mpProperty.get()))); } return pResult; } Sprm::Kind WW8Sprm::getKind() { return SprmKind(getId()); } string WW8Sprm::getName() const { return (*SprmIdToString::Instance())(getId()); } sal_Int32 WW8Value::getInt() const { return 0; } uno::Any WW8Value::getAny() const { return uno::Any(); } ::rtl::OUString WW8Value::getString() const { return ::rtl::OUString(); } string WW8Value::toString() const { return string(); } writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t WW8Value::getProperties() { return writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t(); } writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t WW8Value::getStream() { return writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t(); } writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t WW8Value::getBinary() { return writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t(); } sal_Int32 WW8IntValue::getInt() const { return mValue; } ::rtl::OUString WW8IntValue::getString() const { return ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(static_cast(mValue)); } uno::Any WW8IntValue::getAny() const { uno::Any aResult; aResult <<= static_cast(mValue); return aResult; } string WW8IntValue::toString() const { char sBuffer[255]; snprintf(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%x", mValue); return string(sBuffer); } WW8Value::Pointer_t createValue(int value) { return WW8Value::Pointer_t(new WW8IntValue(value)); } WW8Value::Pointer_t createValue(WW8Value::Pointer_t value) { return value; } sal_Int32 WW8StringValue::getInt() const { return 0; } ::rtl::OUString WW8StringValue::getString() const { return mString; } uno::Any WW8StringValue::getAny() const { uno::Any aResult; aResult <<= mString; return aResult; } string WW8StringValue::toString() const { string result; sal_uInt32 nCount = mString.getLength(); for (sal_uInt32 n = 0; n < nCount; ++n) { if (mString[n] <= 0xff && isprint(mString[n])) { sal_Unicode nC = mString[n]; if (nC < 256) result += sal::static_int_cast(nC); else result += "."; } else { char sBuffer[64]; snprintf(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "\\u%04x", mString[n]); result += sBuffer; } } return result; } WW8Value::Pointer_t createValue(const rtl::OUString & rStr) { return WW8Value::Pointer_t(new WW8StringValue(rStr)); } writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t WW8PropertiesValue::getProperties() { return mRef; } string WW8PropertiesValue::toString() const { return "properties"; } writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t WW8StreamValue::getStream() { return mRef; } string WW8StreamValue::toString() const { return "stream"; } writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t WW8BinaryObjValue::getBinary() { return mRef; } string WW8BinaryObjValue::toString() const { return "binaryObj"; } WW8Value::Pointer_t createValue (writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t rRef) { return WW8Value::Pointer_t(new WW8PropertiesValue(rRef)); } WW8Value::Pointer_t createValue(writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t rRef) { return WW8Value::Pointer_t(new WW8StreamValue(rRef)); } WW8Value::Pointer_t createValue (writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t rRef) { return WW8Value::Pointer_t(new WW8BinaryObjValue(rRef)); } } }