The following is an outline of the usage of this test suite. Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following are required for these qa scripts to run correctly. 1. POSE: the Palm OS Emulator. This is available from the PalmOS website. 2. A Palm pilot rom. Also available from Palm. 3. Compiled xmerge jar files (xmerge.jar, aportisdoc.jar etc.) 4. Xerces.jar: required by the xmerge framework. This is available from Test directory Contents ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This test environment consists on 3 directories. 1. bin : This contains some helper scripts that are used by the test environment but can be used in a standalone fashion. 2. qa : This directory contains the files necessary to run the POSE emulator and to compare this results of tests with a set of verified (golden-data) files. 3. qa-wrapper: This directory contains some wrapper scripts and environment files, that allow a user to change the environment settings, without have to change the POSE control code itself. Setting up the environment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The environment can be changes to reflect a particular users environment, by editing or creating an environment file. This files are usually kept in the qa-wrapper/env directory. These environment settings can then be used when running the scripts. Running the Scripts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once the environment file has been created, the test scripts can be run by executing the "run-convtest" script in the qa-wrapper/bin directory. This file takes the following arguments run-convtest -env <ENVFILE> [-name RUNNAME] <ENVFILE> is the environment file to use optional <RUNNAME> This can be the name of the user running the scripts. This is used to name a directory for the test results to be kept in. e.g. run-convtest -env ../env/master.env