The following is an outline of the usage of this test suite.

The following are required for these qa scripts to run correctly.
	1. POSE: the Palm OS Emulator. This is available from the PalmOS website.
	2. A Palm pilot rom. Also available from Palm.
	3. Compiled xmerge jar files (xmerge.jar, aportisdoc.jar etc.)
	4. Xerces.jar: required by the xmerge framework. This is available from

Test directory Contents
This test environment consists on 3 directories.
	1. bin : This contains some helper scripts that are used by the test environment but can be used in a standalone fashion.
	2. qa : This directory contains the files necessary to run the POSE emulator and to compare this results of tests with a set of verified (golden-data) files.
	3. qa-wrapper: This directory contains some wrapper scripts and environment files, that allow a user to change the environment settings, without have to change the POSE control code itself.
Setting up the environment
	The environment can be changes to reflect a particular users environment, by editing or creating an environment file. This files are usually kept in the qa-wrapper/env directory. These environment settings can then be used when running the scripts.

Running the Scripts
    Once the environment file has been created, the test scripts can be run by executing the "run-convtest" script in the qa-wrapper/bin directory. This file takes the following arguments

	 run-convtest -env <ENVFILE> [-name RUNNAME]

<ENVFILE> is the environment file to use
optional <RUNNAME> This can be the name of the user running the scripts. This is used to name a directory for the test results to be kept in.

	e.g. run-convtest -env ../env/master.env