/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_connectivity.hxx" #include "file/quotedstring.hxx" #include #include namespace connectivity { //================================================================== //= QuotedTokenizedString //================================================================== //------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Int32 QuotedTokenizedString::GetTokenCount( sal_Unicode cTok, sal_Unicode cStrDel ) const { RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "file", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "QuotedTokenizedString::GetTokenCount" ); const sal_Int32 nLen = m_sString.getLength(); if ( !nLen ) return 0; sal_Int32 nTokCount = 1; sal_Bool bStart = sal_True; // Stehen wir auf dem ersten Zeichen im Token? sal_Bool bInString = sal_False; // Befinden wir uns INNERHALB eines (cStrDel delimited) String? // Suche bis Stringende nach dem ersten nicht uebereinstimmenden Zeichen for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLen; ++i ) { const sal_Unicode cChar = m_sString[ i ]; if (bStart) { bStart = sal_False; // Erstes Zeichen ein String-Delimiter? if ( cChar == cStrDel ) { bInString = sal_True; // dann sind wir jetzt INNERHALB des Strings! continue; // dieses Zeichen ueberlesen! } } if (bInString) { // Wenn jetzt das String-Delimiter-Zeichen auftritt ... if ( cChar == cStrDel ) { if ((i+1 < nLen) && (m_sString[ i+1 ] == cStrDel)) { // Verdoppeltes String-Delimiter-Zeichen: ++i; // kein String-Ende, naechstes Zeichen ueberlesen. } else { // String-Ende bInString = sal_False; } } } // if (bInString) else { // Stimmt das Tokenzeichen ueberein, dann erhoehe TokCount if ( cChar == cTok ) { ++nTokCount; bStart = sal_True; } } } //OSL_TRACE("QuotedTokenizedString::nTokCount = %d\n", ((OUtoCStr(::rtl::OUString(nTokCount))) ? (OUtoCStr(::rtl::OUString(nTokCount))):("NULL")) ); return nTokCount; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void QuotedTokenizedString::GetTokenSpecial( ::rtl::OUString* _rStr,sal_Int32& nStartPos, sal_Unicode cTok, sal_Unicode cStrDel ) const { RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "file", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "QuotedTokenizedString::GetTokenCount" ); *_rStr = ::rtl::OUString(); const sal_Int32 nLen = m_sString.getLength(); if ( nLen ) { sal_Bool bInString = (nStartPos < nLen) && (m_sString[ nStartPos ] == cStrDel); // Are we inside a (cStrDel delimited) String? // Is the first character a string delimiter? if (bInString ) ++nStartPos; // ignore this character! if ( nStartPos >= nLen ) return; ::rtl::OUStringBuffer buffer( nLen - nStartPos); // Search until the end of string for the first non-matching character for( sal_Int32 i = nStartPos; i < nLen; ++i ) { const sal_Unicode cChar = m_sString[ i ]; if (bInString) { // Wenn jetzt das String-Delimiter-Zeichen auftritt ... if ( cChar == cStrDel ) { if ((i+1 < nLen) && (m_sString[ i+1 ] == cStrDel)) { // Verdoppeltes String-Delimiter-Zeichen: // kein String-Ende, naechstes Zeichen ueberlesen. ++i; buffer.append( m_sString[ i ] ); // Zeichen gehoert zum Resultat-String } else { // String-Ende bInString = sal_False; } } else { buffer.append( cChar ); // Zeichen gehoert zum Resultat-String } } else { // Stimmt das Tokenzeichen ueberein, dann erhoehe nTok if ( cChar == cTok ) { // Vorzeitiger Abbruch der Schleife moeglich, denn // wir haben, was wir wollten. nStartPos = i+1; break; } else { buffer.append( cChar ); // Zeichen gehoert zum Resultat-String } } } // for( sal_Int32 i = nStartPos; i < nLen; ++i ) *_rStr = buffer.makeStringAndClear(); } } }