%PRODUCTNAME Basic Help Programming with %PRODUCTNAME Basic %PRODUCTNAME Basic Glossary Basics Syntax %PRODUCTNAME Basic IDE IDE Overview The Basic Editor Watch Window Macro Toolbar Macro Using Procedures and Functions Libraries, Modules and Dialogs Screen I/O Functions File I/O Functions Date and Time Functions Error Handling Functions Logical Operators Mathematical Operators Numeric Functions Controlling Program Execution Variables Comparison Operators Strings Other Commands Abs Function [Runtime] AND Operator [Runtime] Array Function [Runtime] Asc Function [Runtime] Atn Function [Runtime] Beep Statement [Runtime] Blue Function [Runtime] CBool Function [Runtime] CByte Function [Runtime] CDateFromIso Function [Runtime] CDateToIso Function [Runtime] CDate Function [Runtime] CDbl Function [Runtime] CInt Function [Runtime] CLng Function [Runtime] CSng Function[Runtime] CStr Function [Runtime] Call Statement [Runtime] ChDir Statement [Runtime] ChDrive Statement [Runtime] Choose Function [Runtime] Chr Function [Runtime] Close Statement [Runtime] Comparison Operators [Runtime] Const Statement [Runtime] ConvertFromURL Function [Runtime] ConvertToURL Function [Runtime] Cos Function [Runtime] CreateUnoDialog Function [Runtime] CreateUnoListener Function [Runtime] CreateUnoService Function [Runtime] CreateUnoStruct Function [Runtime] CurDir Function [Runtime] DateSerial Function [Runtime] DateValue Function [Runtime] Date Statement [Runtime] Day Function [Runtime] Declare Statement [Runtime] DefBool Statement [Runtime] DefDate Statement [Runtime] DefDbl Statement [Runtime] DefInt Statement [Runtime] DefLng Statement [Runtime] DefObj Statement [Runtime] DefVar Statement [Runtime] DimArray Function [Runtime] Dim Statement [Runtime] Dir Function [Runtime] Do...Loop Statement [Runtime] Comparison Operators [Runtime] End Statement [Runtime] Environ Function [Runtime] Eof Function [Runtime] EqualUnoObjects Function [Runtime] Eqv Operator [Runtime] Erl Function [Runtime] Err Function [Runtime] Error Function [Runtime] Error Handling Functions Exit Statement [Runtime] Exp Function [Runtime] FileAttr Function [Runtime] FileCopy Statement [Runtime] FileDateTime Function [Runtime] FileExists Function [Runtime] FileLen Function [Runtime] FindObject Function [Runtime] FindPropertyObject Function [Runtime] Fix Function [Runtime] For...Next Statement [Runtime] Format Function [Runtime] FreeFile Function[Runtime] FreeLibrary Function [Runtime] Function Statement [Runtime] Further Statements Generating Random Numbers GetAttr Function [Runtime] GetProcessServiceManager Function [Runtime] GetSolarVersion Function [Runtime] GetSystemTicks Function [Runtime] Get Statement [Runtime] GlobalScope [Runtime] GoSub...Return Statement [Runtime] GoTo Statement [Runtime] Green Function [Runtime] HasUnoInterfaces Function [Runtime] Hex Function [Runtime] Hour Function [Runtime] IIf Statement [Runtime] If...Then...Else Statement [Runtime] Imp Operator [Runtime] InStr Function [Runtime] InputBox Function [Runtime] Input# Statement [Runtime] Int Function [Runtime] IsArray Function [Runtime] IsDate Function [Runtime] IsEmpty Function [Runtime] IsMissing function [Runtime] IsNull Function [Runtime] IsNumeric Function [Runtime] IsObject Function [Runtime] IsUnoStruct Function [Runtime] Join Function [Runtime] Kill Statement [Runtime] LBound Function [Runtime] LCase Function [Runtime] LSet Statement [Runtime] LTrim Function [Runtime] Left Function [Runtime] Len Function [Runtime] Let Statement [Runtime] Line Input # Statement [Runtime] Loc Function [Runtime] Lof Function [Runtime] Log Function [Runtime] Mid Function, Mid Statement [Runtime] Minute Function [Runtime] MkDir Statement [Runtime] Mod Operator [Runtime] Month Function [Runtime] MsgBox Function [Runtime] MsgBox Statement [Runtime] Name Statement [Runtime] Not Operator [Runtime] Now Function [Runtime] Numeric Functions Oct Function [Runtime] On Error GoTo ... Resume Statement [Runtime] On...GoSub Statement; On...GoTo Statement [Runtime] Open Statement [Runtime] Option Base Statement [Runtime] Option Explicit Statement [Runtime] Optional (in Function Statement) [Runtime] Or Operator [Runtime] Print Statement [Runtime] Public Statement [Runtime] Put Statement [Runtime] QBColor Function [Runtime] RGB Function [Runtime] RSet Statement [Runtime] RTrim Function [Runtime] Randomize Statement [Runtime] ReDim Statement [Runtime] Red Function [Runtime] Rem Statement [Runtime] Reset Statement [Runtime] Right Function [Runtime] RmDir Statement [Runtime] Rnd Function [Runtime] Second Function [Runtime] Seek Function [Runtime] Seek Statement [Runtime] Select...Case Statement [Runtime] SetAttr Statement [Runtime] Set Statement [Runtime] Sgn Function [Runtime] Shell Function [Runtime] Sin Function [Runtime] Space Function [Runtime] Split Function [Runtime] Sqr Function [Runtime] Square Root Calculation Static Statement [Runtime] Stop Statement [Runtime] StrComp Function [Runtime] Str Function [Runtime] String Function [Runtime] Sub Statement [Runtime] Switch Function [Runtime] Tan Function [Runtime] TimeSerial Function [Runtime] TimeValue Function [Runtime] Time Statement [Runtime] Timer Function [Runtime] Trigonometric Functions Trim Function [Runtime] TwipsPerPixelX Function [Runtime] TwipsPerPixelY Function [Runtime] TypeName Function; VarType Function[Runtime] UBound Function [Runtime] UCase Function [Runtime] Val Function [Runtime] Wait Statement [Runtime] WeekDay Function [Runtime] While...Wend Statement [Runtime] With Statement [Runtime] Write Statement [Runtime] Xor Operator [Runtime] Year Function [Runtime] "-" Operator [Runtime] "*" Operator [Runtime] "+" Operator [Runtime] "/" Operator [Runtime] "^" Operator [Runtime] Changing the Properties of Controls in the Dialog Editor Creating Controls in the Dialog Editor Programming Examples for Controls in the Dialog Editor Opening a Dialog With Program Code Creating a Basic Dialog Organizing Libraries and Modules Using Variables Using Objects Debugging a Basic Program Event-Driven Macros