/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include "oox/core/encryption.hxx" #include "oox/core/fastparser.hxx" #include "oox/helper/attributelist.hxx" #include "oox/helper/helper.hxx" #include "oox/helper/openssl_wrapper.hxx" #include #include #include #include namespace oox { namespace core { // ============================================================================ using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::xml::sax; using ::com::sun::star::io::XInputStream; using ::comphelper::SequenceAsHashMap; using ::rtl::OUString; using ::std::vector; // ============================================================================ /* =========================================================================== */ /* Kudos to Caolan McNamara who provided the core decryption implementation */ /* of Standard Encryption (MS-OFFCRYPTO section */ /* =========================================================================== */ #define ENCRYPTINFO_CRYPTOAPI 0x00000004U #define ENCRYPTINFO_DOCPROPS 0x00000008U #define ENCRYPTINFO_EXTERNAL 0x00000010U #define ENCRYPTINFO_AES 0x00000020U #define ENCRYPT_ALGO_AES128 0x0000660EU #define ENCRYPT_ALGO_AES192 0x0000660FU #define ENCRYPT_ALGO_AES256 0x00006610U #define ENCRYPT_ALGO_RC4 0x00006801U #define ENCRYPT_HASH_SHA1 0x00008004U class StandardEncryptionInfo : public EncryptionInfo { public: StandardEncryptionInfo( BinaryInputStream& rStrm ) throw ( Exception ); ~StandardEncryptionInfo() {} bool isImplemented(); Sequence< NamedValue > verifyPassword( const OUString& rPassword ) throw ( Exception ); bool verifyEncryptionData( const Sequence< NamedValue >& rEncryptionData ) throw ( Exception ); bool checkEncryptionData( const sal_uInt8* pnKey, sal_uInt32 nKeySize, const sal_uInt8* pnVerifier, sal_uInt32 nVerifierSize, const sal_uInt8* pnVerifierHash, sal_uInt32 nVerifierHashSize ) throw ( Exception ); void decryptStream( BinaryXInputStream &aEncryptedPackage, BinaryXOutputStream &aDecryptedPackage ) throw ( Exception ); private: sal_uInt8 mpnSalt[ 16 ]; sal_uInt8 mpnEncrVerifier[ 16 ]; sal_uInt8 mpnEncrVerifierHash[ 32 ]; sal_uInt32 mnFlags; sal_uInt32 mnAlgorithmId; sal_uInt32 mnAlgorithmIdHash; sal_uInt32 mnKeySize; sal_uInt32 mnSaltSize; sal_uInt32 mnVerifierHashSize; vector< sal_uInt8> encryptionKey; }; StandardEncryptionInfo::StandardEncryptionInfo( BinaryInputStream& rStrm ) throw ( Exception ) { char msg[ 1024 ]; rStrm >> mnFlags; if( getFlag( mnFlags, (sal_uInt32) ENCRYPTINFO_EXTERNAL ) ) throw Exception( OUString::createFromAscii( "EncryptionInfo::readEncryptionInfo() error: \"Extensible encryption\" is not currently supported, please report" ), Reference< XInterface >() ); sal_uInt32 nHeaderSize, nRepeatedFlags; rStrm >> nHeaderSize >> nRepeatedFlags; if( nHeaderSize < 20 ) { snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), "EncryptionInfo::readEncryptionInfo() error: header size %u is too short", nHeaderSize ); throw Exception( OUString::createFromAscii( msg ), Reference< XInterface >() ); } if( nRepeatedFlags != mnFlags ) throw Exception( OUString::createFromAscii( "EncryptionInfo::readEncryptionInfo() error: flags don't match" ), Reference< XInterface>() ); rStrm.skip( 4 ); rStrm >> mnAlgorithmId >> mnAlgorithmIdHash >> mnKeySize; rStrm.skip( nHeaderSize - 20 ); rStrm >> mnSaltSize; if( mnSaltSize != 16 ) { snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), "EncryptionInfo::readEncryptionInfo() error: salt size is %u instead of 16", mnSaltSize ); throw Exception( OUString::createFromAscii( msg ), Reference< XInterface >() ); } rStrm.readMemory( mpnSalt, 16 ); rStrm.readMemory( mpnEncrVerifier, 16 ); rStrm >> mnVerifierHashSize; rStrm.readMemory( mpnEncrVerifierHash, 32 ); if( rStrm.isEof() ) throw Exception( OUString::createFromAscii( "EncryptionInfo::readEncryptionInfo() error: standard encryption header too short" ), Reference< XInterface >() ); } bool StandardEncryptionInfo::isImplemented() { return getFlag( mnFlags, (sal_uInt32) ENCRYPTINFO_CRYPTOAPI ) && getFlag( mnFlags, (sal_uInt32) ENCRYPTINFO_AES ) && // algorithm ID 0 defaults to AES128 too, if ENCRYPTINFO_AES flag is set ( ( mnAlgorithmId == 0 ) || ( mnAlgorithmId == ENCRYPT_ALGO_AES128 ) ) && // hash algorithm ID 0 defaults to SHA-1 too ( ( mnAlgorithmIdHash == 0 ) || ( mnAlgorithmIdHash == ENCRYPT_HASH_SHA1 ) ) && ( mnVerifierHashSize == 20 ); } static void deriveKey( const sal_uInt8* pnHash, sal_uInt32 nHashLen, sal_uInt8* pnKeyDerived, sal_uInt32 nRequiredKeyLen ) { sal_uInt8 pnBuffer[ 64 ]; memset( pnBuffer, 0x36, sizeof( pnBuffer ) ); for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nHashLen; ++i ) pnBuffer[ i ] ^= pnHash[ i ]; rtlDigest aDigest = rtl_digest_create( rtl_Digest_AlgorithmSHA1 ); rtlDigestError aError = rtl_digest_update( aDigest, pnBuffer, sizeof( pnBuffer ) ); sal_uInt8 pnX1[ RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1 ]; aError = rtl_digest_get( aDigest, pnX1, RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1 ); rtl_digest_destroy( aDigest ); memset( pnBuffer, 0x5C, sizeof( pnBuffer ) ); for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nHashLen; ++i ) pnBuffer[ i ] ^= pnHash[ i ]; aDigest = rtl_digest_create( rtl_Digest_AlgorithmSHA1 ); aError = rtl_digest_update( aDigest, pnBuffer, sizeof( pnBuffer ) ); sal_uInt8 pnX2[ RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1 ]; aError = rtl_digest_get( aDigest, pnX2, RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1 ); rtl_digest_destroy( aDigest ); if( nRequiredKeyLen > RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1 ) { memcpy( pnKeyDerived + RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1, pnX2, nRequiredKeyLen - RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1 ); nRequiredKeyLen = RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1; } memcpy( pnKeyDerived, pnX1, nRequiredKeyLen ); } Sequence< NamedValue > StandardEncryptionInfo::verifyPassword( const OUString& rPassword ) throw ( Exception ) { size_t nBufferSize = mnSaltSize + 2 * rPassword.getLength(); sal_uInt8* pnBuffer = new sal_uInt8[ nBufferSize ]; memcpy( pnBuffer, mpnSalt, mnSaltSize ); sal_uInt8* pnPasswordLoc = pnBuffer + mnSaltSize; const sal_Unicode* pStr = rPassword.getStr(); for( sal_Int32 i = 0, nLen = rPassword.getLength(); i < nLen; ++i, ++pStr, pnPasswordLoc += 2 ) ByteOrderConverter::writeLittleEndian( pnPasswordLoc, static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( *pStr ) ); rtlDigest aDigest = rtl_digest_create( rtl_Digest_AlgorithmSHA1 ); rtlDigestError aError = rtl_digest_update( aDigest, pnBuffer, nBufferSize ); delete[] pnBuffer; size_t nHashSize = RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1 + 4; sal_uInt8* pnHash = new sal_uInt8[ nHashSize ]; aError = rtl_digest_get( aDigest, pnHash + 4, RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1 ); rtl_digest_destroy( aDigest ); for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < 50000; ++i ) { ByteOrderConverter::writeLittleEndian( pnHash, i ); aDigest = rtl_digest_create( rtl_Digest_AlgorithmSHA1 ); aError = rtl_digest_update( aDigest, pnHash, nHashSize ); aError = rtl_digest_get( aDigest, pnHash + 4, RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1 ); rtl_digest_destroy( aDigest ); } memmove( pnHash, pnHash + 4, RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1 ); memset( pnHash + RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1, 0, 4 ); aDigest = rtl_digest_create( rtl_Digest_AlgorithmSHA1 ); aError = rtl_digest_update( aDigest, pnHash, nHashSize ); aError = rtl_digest_get( aDigest, pnHash, RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1 ); rtl_digest_destroy( aDigest ); vector< sal_uInt8 > key( mnKeySize / 8 ); deriveKey( pnHash, RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1, &key[ 0 ], key.size() ); delete[] pnHash; Sequence< NamedValue > aResult; if( checkEncryptionData( &key[ 0 ], key.size(), mpnEncrVerifier, sizeof( mpnEncrVerifier ), mpnEncrVerifierHash, sizeof( mpnEncrVerifierHash ) ) ) { SequenceAsHashMap aEncryptionData; aEncryptionData[ CREATE_OUSTRING( "AES128EncryptionKey" ) ] <<= Sequence< sal_Int8 >( reinterpret_cast< const sal_Int8* >( &key[ 0 ] ), key.size() ); aEncryptionData[ CREATE_OUSTRING( "AES128EncryptionSalt" ) ] <<= Sequence< sal_Int8 >( reinterpret_cast< const sal_Int8* >( mpnSalt ), mnSaltSize ); aEncryptionData[ CREATE_OUSTRING( "AES128EncryptionVerifier" ) ] <<= Sequence< sal_Int8 >( reinterpret_cast< const sal_Int8* >( mpnEncrVerifier ), sizeof( mpnEncrVerifier ) ); aEncryptionData[ CREATE_OUSTRING( "AES128EncryptionVerifierHash" ) ] <<= Sequence< sal_Int8 >( reinterpret_cast< const sal_Int8* >( mpnEncrVerifierHash ), sizeof( mpnEncrVerifierHash ) ); encryptionKey = key; aResult = aEncryptionData.getAsConstNamedValueList(); } return aResult; } bool StandardEncryptionInfo::verifyEncryptionData( const Sequence< NamedValue >& rEncryptionData ) throw ( Exception ) { SequenceAsHashMap aHashData( rEncryptionData ); Sequence< sal_Int8 > aKey = aHashData.getUnpackedValueOrDefault( CREATE_OUSTRING( "AES128EncryptionKey" ), Sequence< sal_Int8 >() ); Sequence< sal_Int8 > aVerifier = aHashData.getUnpackedValueOrDefault( CREATE_OUSTRING( "AES128EncryptionVerifier" ), Sequence< sal_Int8 >() ); Sequence< sal_Int8 > aVerifierHash = aHashData.getUnpackedValueOrDefault( CREATE_OUSTRING( "AES128EncryptionVerifierHash" ), Sequence< sal_Int8 >() ); const sal_uInt8 *pnKey = reinterpret_cast< const sal_uInt8* >( aKey.getConstArray() ); sal_uInt32 nKeySize = aKey.getLength(); const sal_uInt8 *pnVerifier = reinterpret_cast< const sal_uInt8* >( aVerifier.getConstArray() ); sal_uInt32 nVerifierSize = aVerifier.getLength(); const sal_uInt8 *pnVerifierHash = reinterpret_cast< const sal_uInt8* >( aVerifierHash.getConstArray() ); sal_uInt32 nVerifierHashSize = aVerifierHash.getLength(); if( checkEncryptionData( pnKey, nKeySize, pnVerifier, nVerifierSize, pnVerifierHash, nVerifierHashSize ) ) { encryptionKey = vector< sal_uInt8 >( &pnKey[ 0 ], &pnKey[ nKeySize ] ); return true; } else return false; } bool StandardEncryptionInfo::checkEncryptionData( const sal_uInt8* pnKey, sal_uInt32 nKeySize, const sal_uInt8* pnVerifier, sal_uInt32 nVerifierSize, const sal_uInt8* pnVerifierHash, sal_uInt32 nVerifierHashSize ) throw ( Exception ) { bool bResult = false; // the only currently supported algorithm needs key size 128 if ( nKeySize == 16 && nVerifierSize == 16 && nVerifierHashSize == 32 ) { // check password EVP_CIPHER_CTX *aes_ctx; aes_ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(); if ( aes_ctx == NULL ) return false; EVP_DecryptInit_ex( aes_ctx, EVP_aes_128_ecb(), 0, pnKey, 0 ); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding( aes_ctx, 0 ); int nOutLen = 0; sal_uInt8 pnTmpVerifier[ 16 ]; (void) memset( pnTmpVerifier, 0, sizeof(pnTmpVerifier) ); /*int*/ EVP_DecryptUpdate( aes_ctx, pnTmpVerifier, &nOutLen, pnVerifier, nVerifierSize ); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free( aes_ctx ); aes_ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(); if ( aes_ctx == NULL ) return false; EVP_DecryptInit_ex( aes_ctx, EVP_aes_128_ecb(), 0, pnKey, 0 ); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding( aes_ctx, 0 ); sal_uInt8 pnTmpVerifierHash[ 32 ]; (void) memset( pnTmpVerifierHash, 0, sizeof(pnTmpVerifierHash) ); /*int*/ EVP_DecryptUpdate( aes_ctx, pnTmpVerifierHash, &nOutLen, pnVerifierHash, nVerifierHashSize ); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free( aes_ctx ); rtlDigest aDigest = rtl_digest_create( rtl_Digest_AlgorithmSHA1 ); rtlDigestError aError = rtl_digest_update( aDigest, pnTmpVerifier, sizeof( pnTmpVerifier ) ); sal_uInt8 pnSha1Hash[ RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1 ]; aError = rtl_digest_get( aDigest, pnSha1Hash, RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1 ); rtl_digest_destroy( aDigest ); bResult = ( memcmp( pnSha1Hash, pnTmpVerifierHash, RTL_DIGEST_LENGTH_SHA1 ) == 0 ); } return bResult; } void StandardEncryptionInfo::decryptStream( BinaryXInputStream &aEncryptedPackage, BinaryXOutputStream &aDecryptedPackage ) throw ( Exception ) { EVP_CIPHER_CTX *aes_ctx; aes_ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(); if ( aes_ctx == NULL ) throw Exception(); EVP_DecryptInit_ex( aes_ctx, EVP_aes_128_ecb(), 0, &encryptionKey[ 0 ], 0 ); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding( aes_ctx, 0 ); sal_uInt8 pnInBuffer[ 1024 ]; sal_uInt8 pnOutBuffer[ 1024 ]; sal_Int32 nInLen; int nOutLen; aEncryptedPackage.skip( 8 ); // decrypted size while( (nInLen = aEncryptedPackage.readMemory( pnInBuffer, sizeof( pnInBuffer ) )) > 0 ) { EVP_DecryptUpdate( aes_ctx, pnOutBuffer, &nOutLen, pnInBuffer, nInLen ); aDecryptedPackage.writeMemory( pnOutBuffer, nOutLen ); } EVP_DecryptFinal_ex( aes_ctx, pnOutBuffer, &nOutLen ); aDecryptedPackage.writeMemory( pnOutBuffer, nOutLen ); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free( aes_ctx ); aDecryptedPackage.flush(); } // ============================================================================ // "Agile" encryption, of MS-OFFCRYPTO // ============================================================================ struct AgileKeyData { sal_Int32 saltSize; sal_Int32 blockSize; sal_Int32 keyBits; sal_Int32 hashSize; OUString cipherAlgorithm; OUString cipherChaining; OUString hashAlgorithm; vector< sal_uInt8 > saltValue; }; struct AgileDataIntegrity { vector< sal_uInt8 > encryptedHmacKey; vector< sal_uInt8 > encryptedHmacValue; }; struct AgilePasswordKeyEncryptor { sal_Int32 saltSize; sal_Int32 blockSize; sal_Int32 keyBits; sal_Int32 hashSize; OUString cipherAlgorithm; OUString cipherChaining; OUString hashAlgorithm; vector< sal_uInt8 > saltValue; sal_Int32 spinCount; vector< sal_uInt8 > encryptedVerifierHashInput; vector< sal_uInt8 > encryptedVerifierHashValue; vector< sal_uInt8 > encryptedKeyValue; }; static bool decodeBase64( OUString& base64, vector< sal_uInt8 >& bytes ) { ::rtl::OString base64Ascii = ::rtl::OUStringToOString( base64, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); const sal_uInt32 len = base64Ascii.getLength(); bytes.resize( (len + 3) / 4 * 3 ); int decodedSize = EVP_DecodeBlock( &bytes[ 0 ], reinterpret_cast< sal_uInt8 const * >( base64Ascii.getStr() ), len ); if ( decodedSize < 0 ) return false; if ( len >= 2 && base64Ascii[ len-1 ] == '=' && base64Ascii[ len-2 ] == '=' ) decodedSize -= 2; else if ( len >= 1 && base64Ascii[ len-1] == '=' ) decodedSize--; bytes.resize( decodedSize ); return true; } class AgileEncryptionInfo : public EncryptionInfo { public: AgileEncryptionInfo( const Reference< XComponentContext >& context, Reference< XInputStream >& inputStream ) throw ( Exception ); ~AgileEncryptionInfo() {} bool isImplemented() { return true; } // FIXME Sequence< NamedValue > verifyPassword( const OUString& rPassword ) throw ( Exception ); bool verifyEncryptionData( const Sequence< NamedValue >& rEncryptionData ) throw ( Exception ); void decryptStream( BinaryXInputStream &aEncryptedPackage, BinaryXOutputStream &aDecryptedPackage ) throw ( Exception ); private: AgileKeyData keyData; AgileDataIntegrity dataIntegrity; AgilePasswordKeyEncryptor passwordKeyEncryptor; vector< sal_uInt8> encryptionKey; vector< sal_uInt8> hmacKey; vector< sal_uInt8> hmacValue; }; // A SAX handler that parses the XML from the "XmlEncryptionDescriptor" in the EncryptionInfo stream. class AgileEncryptionHandler : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper1< XFastDocumentHandler > { public: AgileEncryptionHandler( AgileKeyData &aKeyData, AgileDataIntegrity &aDataIntegrity, AgilePasswordKeyEncryptor &aPasswordKeyEncryptor ) : keyData( aKeyData ), dataIntegrity( aDataIntegrity ), passwordKeyEncryptor( aPasswordKeyEncryptor ) { } // XFastDocumentHandler virtual void SAL_CALL startDocument() throw (SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL endDocument() throw (SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL setDocumentLocator( const Reference< XLocator >& xLocator ) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException); // XFastContextHandler virtual void SAL_CALL startFastElement( sal_Int32 nElement, const Reference< XFastAttributeList >& Attribs ) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL startUnknownElement( const OUString& Namespace, const OUString& Name, const Reference< XFastAttributeList >& Attribs ) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL endFastElement( sal_Int32 Element ) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL endUnknownElement( const OUString& Namespace, const OUString& Name ) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual Reference< XFastContextHandler > SAL_CALL createFastChildContext( sal_Int32 Element, const Reference< XFastAttributeList >& Attribs ) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual Reference< XFastContextHandler > SAL_CALL createUnknownChildContext( const OUString& Namespace, const OUString& Name, const Reference< XFastAttributeList >& Attribs ) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL characters( const OUString& aChars ) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL ignorableWhitespace( const OUString& aWhitespaces ) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL processingInstruction( const OUString& aTarget, const OUString& aData ) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException); OUString& getLastError() { return lastError; } private: void parseKeyData( const AttributeList& attribs ) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException); void parseDataIntegrity( const AttributeList& attribs ) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException); void parseEncryptedKey( const AttributeList& attribs ) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException); vector< sal_Int32 > stack; OUString lastError; AgileKeyData &keyData; AgileDataIntegrity &dataIntegrity; AgilePasswordKeyEncryptor &passwordKeyEncryptor; }; void AgileEncryptionHandler::startDocument() throw ( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { } void AgileEncryptionHandler::endDocument() throw ( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { } void AgileEncryptionHandler::setDocumentLocator( const Reference< XLocator >& ) throw ( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { } void AgileEncryptionHandler::startFastElement( sal_Int32 nElement, const Reference< XFastAttributeList >& attribs ) throw( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { switch ( nElement ) { case ENCRYPTION_TOKEN( encryption ): break; case ENCRYPTION_TOKEN( keyData ): if ( stack.size() == 1 && (stack[ 0 ] == ENCRYPTION_TOKEN( encryption )) ) parseKeyData( AttributeList( attribs ) ); break; case ENCRYPTION_TOKEN( dataIntegrity ): if ( stack.size() == 1 && (stack[ 0 ] == ENCRYPTION_TOKEN( encryption )) ) parseDataIntegrity( AttributeList ( attribs ) ); break; case ENCRYPTION_TOKEN( keyEncryptors ): break; case ENCRYPTION_TOKEN( keyEncryptor ): break; case KEY_ENCRYPTOR_PASSWORD_TOKEN( encryptedKey ): if ( stack.size() == 3 && (stack[ 0 ] == ENCRYPTION_TOKEN( encryption )) && (stack[ 1 ] == ENCRYPTION_TOKEN( keyEncryptors )) && (stack[ 2 ] == ENCRYPTION_TOKEN( keyEncryptor )) ) parseEncryptedKey( AttributeList ( attribs ) ); break; } stack.push_back( nElement ); } void AgileEncryptionHandler::startUnknownElement( const OUString&, const OUString&, const Reference< XFastAttributeList >& ) throw( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { stack.push_back( -1 ); } void AgileEncryptionHandler::endFastElement( sal_Int32 nElement ) throw( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { stack.pop_back(); } void AgileEncryptionHandler::endUnknownElement( const OUString&, const OUString& ) throw( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { stack.pop_back(); } Reference< XFastContextHandler > AgileEncryptionHandler::createFastChildContext( sal_Int32, const Reference< XFastAttributeList >& ) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException) { return this; } Reference< XFastContextHandler > AgileEncryptionHandler::createUnknownChildContext( const OUString&, const OUString&, const Reference< XFastAttributeList >& ) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException) { return this; } void AgileEncryptionHandler::characters( const ::rtl::OUString& rStr ) throw( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { } void AgileEncryptionHandler::ignorableWhitespace( const ::rtl::OUString& str ) throw( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { } void AgileEncryptionHandler::processingInstruction( const ::rtl::OUString& aTarget, const ::rtl::OUString& aData ) throw( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { } void AgileEncryptionHandler::parseKeyData( const AttributeList& attribs ) throw ( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { keyData.saltSize = attribs.getInteger( XML_saltSize, 0 ); keyData.blockSize = attribs.getInteger( XML_blockSize, 0 ); keyData.keyBits = attribs.getInteger( XML_keyBits, 0 ); keyData.hashSize = attribs.getInteger( XML_hashSize, 0 ); keyData.cipherAlgorithm = attribs.getString( XML_cipherAlgorithm, OUString() ); keyData.cipherChaining = attribs.getString( XML_cipherChaining, OUString() ); keyData.hashAlgorithm = attribs.getString( XML_hashAlgorithm, OUString() ); OUString saltValue = attribs.getString( XML_saltValue, OUString() ); if( !decodeBase64( saltValue, keyData.saltValue ) ) lastError = OUString::createFromAscii( "Failed to base64 decode the keyData.saltValue " ) + saltValue; } void AgileEncryptionHandler::parseDataIntegrity( const AttributeList& attribs ) throw ( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { OUString encryptedHmacKey = attribs.getString( XML_encryptedHmacKey, OUString() ); if( !decodeBase64( encryptedHmacKey, dataIntegrity.encryptedHmacKey ) ) lastError = OUString::createFromAscii( "Failed to base64 decode the dataIntegrity.encryptedHmacKey " ) + encryptedHmacKey; OUString encryptedHmacValue = attribs.getString( XML_encryptedHmacValue, OUString() ); if( !decodeBase64( encryptedHmacValue, dataIntegrity.encryptedHmacValue ) ) lastError = OUString::createFromAscii( "Failed to base64 decode the dataIntegrity.encryptedHmacValue " ) + encryptedHmacValue; } void AgileEncryptionHandler::parseEncryptedKey( const AttributeList& attribs ) throw ( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { passwordKeyEncryptor.spinCount = attribs.getInteger( XML_spinCount, 0 ); passwordKeyEncryptor.saltSize = attribs.getInteger( XML_saltSize, 0 ); passwordKeyEncryptor.blockSize = attribs.getInteger( XML_blockSize, 0 ); passwordKeyEncryptor.keyBits = attribs.getInteger( XML_keyBits, 0 ); passwordKeyEncryptor.hashSize = attribs.getInteger( XML_hashSize, 0 ); passwordKeyEncryptor.cipherAlgorithm = attribs.getString( XML_cipherAlgorithm, OUString() ); passwordKeyEncryptor.cipherChaining = attribs.getString( XML_cipherChaining, OUString() ); passwordKeyEncryptor.hashAlgorithm = attribs.getString( XML_hashAlgorithm, OUString() ); OUString saltValue = attribs.getString( XML_saltValue, OUString() ); if( !decodeBase64( saltValue, passwordKeyEncryptor.saltValue ) ) lastError = OUString::createFromAscii( "Failed to base64 decode the passwordKeyEncryptor.saltValue " ) + saltValue; OUString encryptedVerifierHashInput = attribs.getString( XML_encryptedVerifierHashInput, OUString() ); if( !decodeBase64( encryptedVerifierHashInput, passwordKeyEncryptor.encryptedVerifierHashInput ) ) lastError = OUString::createFromAscii( "Failed to base64 decode the passwordKeyEncryptor.encryptedVerifierHashInput " ) + encryptedVerifierHashInput; OUString encryptedVerifierHashValue = attribs.getString( XML_encryptedVerifierHashValue, OUString() ); if( !decodeBase64( encryptedVerifierHashValue, passwordKeyEncryptor.encryptedVerifierHashValue ) ) lastError = OUString::createFromAscii( "Failed to base64 decode the passwordKeyEncryptor.encryptedVerifierHashValue " ) + encryptedVerifierHashValue; OUString encryptedKeyValue = attribs.getString( XML_encryptedKeyValue, OUString() ); if( !decodeBase64( encryptedKeyValue, passwordKeyEncryptor.encryptedKeyValue ) ) lastError = OUString::createFromAscii( "Failed to base64 decode the passwordKeyEncryptor.encryptedKeyValue " ) + encryptedKeyValue; } static sal_uInt16 readUInt16LE( Reference< XInputStream >& inputStream ) throw ( Exception ) { Sequence< sal_Int8 > bytes( 2 ); sal_Int32 bytesRead = inputStream->readBytes( bytes, 2 ); if( bytesRead < 2 ) throw new Exception( OUString::createFromAscii( "EncryptionInfo::readEncryptionInfo() failed, early end of file" ), Reference< XInterface >() ); return (sal_uInt16) ( bytes[0] | (bytes[1] << 8) ); } static sal_uInt32 readUInt32LE( Reference< XInputStream >& inputStream ) throw ( Exception ) { Sequence< sal_Int8 > bytes( 4 ); sal_Int32 bytesRead = inputStream->readBytes( bytes, 4 ); if( bytesRead < 4 ) throw new Exception( OUString::createFromAscii( "EncryptionInfo::readEncryptionInfo() failed, early end of file" ), Reference< XInterface >() ); return (sal_uInt32) ( bytes[0] | (bytes[1] << 8) | (bytes[2] << 16) | (bytes[3] << 24) ); } AgileEncryptionInfo::AgileEncryptionInfo( const Reference< XComponentContext >& context, Reference< XInputStream >& inputStream ) throw ( Exception ) { sal_uInt32 nReserved = readUInt32LE( inputStream ); if( nReserved != 0x40 ) throw new Exception( OUString::createFromAscii( "reserved field isn't 0x40" ), Reference< XInterface >() ); AgileEncryptionHandler *agileEncryptionHandler = new AgileEncryptionHandler( keyData, dataIntegrity, passwordKeyEncryptor ); Reference< XFastDocumentHandler > documentHandler( agileEncryptionHandler ); FastParser fastParser( context ); fastParser.registerNamespace( NMSP_encryption ); fastParser.registerNamespace( NMSP_keyEncryptorPassword ); fastParser.setDocumentHandler( documentHandler ); fastParser.parseStream( inputStream, OUString::createFromAscii( "EncryptionInfo" ), false ); if( !agileEncryptionHandler->getLastError().isEmpty() ) throw new Exception( agileEncryptionHandler->getLastError(), Reference< XInterface >() ); } static const EVP_MD* toOpenSSLDigestAlgorithm( const OUString& hashAlgorithm ) throw ( Exception ) { if( hashAlgorithm.equalsAscii( "SHA-1" ) ) return EVP_sha1(); else if( hashAlgorithm.equalsAscii( "SHA1" ) ) // Typical Microsoft. The specification says "SHA-1", but documents use "SHA1". return EVP_sha1(); else if( hashAlgorithm.equalsAscii( "SHA256" ) ) return EVP_sha256(); else if( hashAlgorithm.equalsAscii( "SHA384" ) ) return EVP_sha384(); else if( hashAlgorithm.equalsAscii( "SHA512" ) ) return EVP_sha512(); else if( hashAlgorithm.equalsAscii( "MD5" ) ) return EVP_md5(); else if( hashAlgorithm.equalsAscii( "MD4" ) ) return EVP_md4(); #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_MD2) else if( hashAlgorithm.equalsAscii( "MD2" ) ) return EVP_md2(); #endif else if( hashAlgorithm.equalsAscii( "RIPEMD-160" ) ) return EVP_ripemd160(); else if( hashAlgorithm.equalsAscii( "WHIRLPOOL" ) ) return EVP_whirlpool(); char buffer[ 256 ]; ::rtl::OString str = ::rtl::OUStringToOString( hashAlgorithm, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "Unsupported digest algorithm %s", str.getStr() ); throw Exception( OUString::createFromAscii( buffer ), Reference< XInterface >() ); } static const EVP_CIPHER* toOpenSSLCipherAlgorithm( const OUString& cipherName, sal_uInt32 keyBits, const OUString &chainingMode ) throw ( Exception ) { if( cipherName.equalsAscii( "AES" ) && keyBits == 128 && chainingMode.equalsAscii( "ChainingModeCBC" ) ) return EVP_aes_128_cbc(); else if( cipherName.equalsAscii( "AES" ) && keyBits == 128 && chainingMode.equalsAscii( "ChainingModeCFB" ) ) return EVP_aes_128_cfb(); else if( cipherName.equalsAscii( "AES" ) && keyBits == 192 && chainingMode.equalsAscii( "ChainingModeCBC" ) ) return EVP_aes_192_cbc(); else if( cipherName.equalsAscii( "AES" ) && keyBits == 192 && chainingMode.equalsAscii( "ChainingModeCFB" ) ) return EVP_aes_192_cfb(); else if( cipherName.equalsAscii( "AES" ) && keyBits == 256 && chainingMode.equalsAscii( "ChainingModeCBC" ) ) return EVP_aes_256_cbc(); else if( cipherName.equalsAscii( "AES" ) && keyBits == 256 && chainingMode.equalsAscii( "ChainingModeCFB" ) ) return EVP_aes_256_cfb(); #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_RC2) else if( cipherName.equalsAscii( "RC2" ) && keyBits == 128 && chainingMode.equalsAscii( "ChainingModeCBC" ) ) return EVP_rc2_cbc(); else if( cipherName.equalsAscii( "RC2" ) && keyBits == 128 && chainingMode.equalsAscii( "ChainingModeCFB" ) ) return EVP_rc2_cfb(); #endif #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_DES) else if( cipherName.equalsAscii( "DES" ) && keyBits == 56 && chainingMode.equalsAscii( "ChainingModeCBC" ) ) return EVP_des_cbc(); else if( cipherName.equalsAscii( "DES" ) && keyBits == 56 && chainingMode.equalsAscii( "ChainingModeCFB" ) ) return EVP_des_cfb(); else if( cipherName.equalsAscii( "DESX" ) && keyBits == 128 && chainingMode.equalsAscii( "ChainingModeCBC" ) ) return EVP_desx_cbc(); else if( cipherName.equalsAscii( "3DES" ) && keyBits == 168 && chainingMode.equalsAscii( "ChainingModeCBC" ) ) return EVP_des_ede3_cbc(); else if( cipherName.equalsAscii( "3DES" ) && keyBits == 168 && chainingMode.equalsAscii( "ChainingModeCFB" ) ) return EVP_des_ede3_cfb(); else if( cipherName.equalsAscii( "3DES_112" ) && keyBits == 112 && chainingMode.equalsAscii( "ChainingModeCBC" ) ) return EVP_des_ede_cbc(); else if( cipherName.equalsAscii( "3DES_112" ) && keyBits == 112 && chainingMode.equalsAscii( "ChainingModeCFB" ) ) return EVP_des_ede_cfb(); #endif char buffer[ 256 ]; ::rtl::OString cipherNameUtf8 = ::rtl::OUStringToOString( cipherName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); ::rtl::OString chainingModeUtf8 = ::rtl::OUStringToOString( chainingMode, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "Unsupported cipher with name=%s, keyBits=%u, chainingMode=%s", cipherNameUtf8.getStr(), keyBits, chainingModeUtf8.getStr() ); throw Exception( OUString::createFromAscii( buffer ), Reference< XInterface >() ); } // Ported from Apache POI's org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt.CryptoFunctions.hashPassword(). static vector< sal_uInt8 > hashPassword( const OUString& password, const EVP_MD *digestAlgorithm, vector< sal_uInt8 >& salt, sal_uInt32 spinCount ) throw ( Exception ) { OpenSSLDigest digest; digest.initialize( digestAlgorithm ); size_t digestSize = digest.digestSize(); // Convert to little-endian UTF-16 vector< sal_uInt8 > passwordLE( 2 * password.getLength() ); for ( int i = 0; i < password.getLength(); i++ ) ByteOrderConverter::writeLittleEndian( &passwordLE[ 2 * i ], static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( password[ i ] ) ); vector< sal_uInt8> digestBuffer( digestSize ); digest.update( &salt[ 0 ], salt.size() ); digest.update( &passwordLE[ 0 ], passwordLE.size() ); digest.final( &digestBuffer[ 0 ], NULL ); char iteratorBuffer[ 4 ]; for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < spinCount; i++) { digest.initialize( digestAlgorithm ); ByteOrderConverter::writeLittleEndian( &iteratorBuffer, i ); digest.update( iteratorBuffer, sizeof( iteratorBuffer ) ); digest.update( &digestBuffer[ 0 ], digestSize ); digest.final( &digestBuffer[ 0 ], NULL ); } return digestBuffer; } // Ported from Apache POI's org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt.CryptoFunctions.getBlock36(). static void toBlock36( vector< sal_uInt8 >& digest, sal_uInt32 size ) { if( digest.size() < size ) { sal_uInt32 i = digest.size(); digest.resize( size ); for (; i < size; i++) digest[ i ] = 0x36; } else digest.resize( size ); } // Ported from Apache POI's org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt.CryptoFunctions.getBlock0(). static void toBlock0( vector< sal_uInt8 >& digest, sal_uInt32 size ) { if( digest.size() < size ) { sal_uInt32 i = digest.size(); digest.resize( size ); for (; i < size; i++) digest[ i ] = 0; } else digest.resize( size ); } // Ported from Apache POI's org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt.CryptoFunctions.generateKey(). static vector< sal_uInt8 > generateKey( const vector< sal_uInt8 >& passwordHash, const EVP_MD *digestAlgorithm, const vector< sal_uInt8 >& blockKey, sal_uInt32 keySize ) throw ( Exception ) { OpenSSLDigest digest; digest.initialize( digestAlgorithm ); digest.update( &passwordHash[ 0 ], passwordHash.size() ); digest.update( &blockKey[ 0 ], blockKey.size() ); vector< sal_uInt8> key( digest.digestSize() ); digest.final( &key[ 0 ], NULL ); toBlock36( key, keySize ); return key; } // Ported from Apache POI's org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt.CryptoFunctions.generateIv(). static vector< sal_uInt8> generateIv( const vector< sal_uInt8 >& salt, sal_uInt32 blockSize ) throw ( Exception ) { vector< sal_uInt8> iv( salt ); toBlock36( iv, blockSize ); return iv; } // Ported from Apache POI's org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt.CryptoFunctions.generateIv(). static vector< sal_uInt8> generateIv( const EVP_MD *digestAlgorithm, const vector< sal_uInt8 >& salt, const vector< sal_uInt8 >& blockKey, sal_uInt32 blockSize ) throw ( Exception ) { OpenSSLDigest digest; digest.initialize( digestAlgorithm ); digest.update( &salt[ 0 ], salt.size() ); digest.update( &blockKey[ 0 ], blockKey.size() ); vector< sal_uInt8> iv( digest.digestSize() ); digest.final( &iv[ 0 ], NULL ); toBlock36( iv, blockSize ); return iv; } // Ported from Apache POI's org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt.agile.AgileDecryptor.getNextBlockSize(). static sal_uInt32 getNextBlockSize( sal_uInt32 totalSize, sal_uInt32 blockSize ) { sal_uInt32 numberOfBlocks = ( totalSize + ( blockSize - 1 ) ) / blockSize; return numberOfBlocks * blockSize; } static vector< sal_uInt8 > decryptAll( const EVP_CIPHER* cipherAlgorithm, const sal_uInt8* iv, const sal_uInt8* key, const sal_uInt8* encryptedData, sal_uInt32 encryptedDataLength ) throw ( Exception ) { OpenSSLCipher cipher; cipher.initialize( cipherAlgorithm, key, iv, 0 ); cipher.setPadding( 0 ); const int blockSize = OpenSSLCipher::blockSize( cipherAlgorithm ); vector< sal_uInt8 > decryptedData( encryptedDataLength + 2*blockSize ); int decryptedDataLength; cipher.update( encryptedData, encryptedDataLength, &decryptedData[ 0 ], &decryptedDataLength ); int finalDataLength; cipher.final( &decryptedData[ decryptedDataLength ], &finalDataLength ); decryptedDataLength += finalDataLength; decryptedData.resize( decryptedDataLength ); return decryptedData; } // Ported from Apache POI's org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt.agile.AgileDecryptor.hashInput(). static vector< sal_uInt8 > hashInput( const vector< sal_uInt8 >& passwordHash, const vector< sal_uInt8 >& salt, const EVP_MD *digestAlgorithm, const vector< sal_uInt8 >& blockKey, const vector< sal_uInt8 >& inputKey, const EVP_CIPHER *decryptionAlgorithm, sal_uInt32 keySize, sal_uInt32 blockSize ) throw ( Exception ) { vector< sal_uInt8 > intermediateKey = generateKey( passwordHash, digestAlgorithm, blockKey, keySize ); vector< sal_uInt8> iv = generateIv( salt, blockSize ); vector< sal_uInt8 > zeroedInput( inputKey.size() ); zeroedInput = inputKey; toBlock0( zeroedInput, getNextBlockSize( zeroedInput.size(), blockSize ) ); return decryptAll( decryptionAlgorithm, &iv[ 0 ], &intermediateKey[ 0 ], &zeroedInput[ 0 ], zeroedInput.size() ); } // Ported from Apache POI's org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt.agile.AgileDecryptor.verifyPassword(). Sequence< NamedValue > AgileEncryptionInfo::verifyPassword( const OUString& password ) throw ( Exception ) { const EVP_MD *digestAlgorithm = toOpenSSLDigestAlgorithm( passwordKeyEncryptor.hashAlgorithm ); vector< sal_uInt8 > passwordHash = hashPassword( password, digestAlgorithm, passwordKeyEncryptor.saltValue, passwordKeyEncryptor.spinCount ); static const sal_uInt8 verifierInputBlockData[] = { 0xfe, 0xa7, 0xd2, 0x76, 0x3b, 0x4b, 0x9e, 0x79 }; vector< sal_uInt8 > verifierInputBlock( &verifierInputBlockData[ 0 ], &verifierInputBlockData[ sizeof( verifierInputBlockData ) ] ); const EVP_CIPHER* cipher = toOpenSSLCipherAlgorithm( passwordKeyEncryptor.cipherAlgorithm, passwordKeyEncryptor.keyBits, passwordKeyEncryptor.cipherChaining ); vector< sal_uInt8 > encryptedVerifierHash = hashInput( passwordHash, passwordKeyEncryptor.saltValue, digestAlgorithm, verifierInputBlock, passwordKeyEncryptor.encryptedVerifierHashInput, cipher, passwordKeyEncryptor.keyBits, passwordKeyEncryptor.blockSize ); const EVP_MD *verifierDigestAlgorithm = toOpenSSLDigestAlgorithm( keyData.hashAlgorithm ); OpenSSLDigest verifierDigest; verifierDigest.initialize( verifierDigestAlgorithm ); verifierDigest.update( &encryptedVerifierHash[ 0 ], encryptedVerifierHash.size() ); encryptedVerifierHash.resize( verifierDigest.digestSize() ); verifierDigest.final( &encryptedVerifierHash[ 0 ], NULL ); static const sal_uInt8 verifierHashBlockData[] = { 0xd7, 0xaa, 0x0f, 0x6d, 0x30, 0x61, 0x34, 0x4e }; vector< sal_uInt8 > verifierHashBlock( &verifierHashBlockData[ 0 ], &verifierHashBlockData[ sizeof( verifierHashBlockData ) ] ); vector< sal_uInt8 > verifierHashDec = hashInput( passwordHash, passwordKeyEncryptor.saltValue, digestAlgorithm, verifierHashBlock, passwordKeyEncryptor.encryptedVerifierHashValue, cipher, passwordKeyEncryptor.keyBits, passwordKeyEncryptor.blockSize ); toBlock0( verifierHashDec, verifierDigest.digestSize() ); if( encryptedVerifierHash != verifierHashDec ) return Sequence< NamedValue >(); // Password is correct. Decrypt and store the encryption key. static const sal_uInt8 cryptoKeyBlockData[] = { 0x14, 0x6e, 0x0b, 0xe7, 0xab, 0xac, 0xd0, 0xd6 }; vector< sal_uInt8 > cryptoKeyBlock( &cryptoKeyBlockData[ 0 ], &cryptoKeyBlockData[ sizeof( cryptoKeyBlockData ) ] ); encryptionKey = hashInput( passwordHash, passwordKeyEncryptor.saltValue, digestAlgorithm, cryptoKeyBlock, passwordKeyEncryptor.encryptedKeyValue, cipher, passwordKeyEncryptor.keyBits, passwordKeyEncryptor.blockSize ); toBlock0( encryptionKey, passwordKeyEncryptor.keyBits / 8 ); // Also decrypt the dataIntegrity fields for stream validation. Note that they are optional. if( !dataIntegrity.encryptedHmacKey.empty() && !dataIntegrity.encryptedHmacValue.empty() ) { const EVP_MD* keyDataDigestAlgorithm = toOpenSSLDigestAlgorithm( keyData.hashAlgorithm ); const EVP_CIPHER* keyDataCipher = toOpenSSLCipherAlgorithm( keyData.cipherAlgorithm, keyData.keyBits, keyData.cipherChaining ); static const sal_uInt8 integrityKeyBlockData[] = { 0x5f, 0xb2, 0xad, 0x01, 0x0c, 0xb9, 0xe1, 0xf6 }; vector< sal_uInt8 > integrityKeyBlock( &integrityKeyBlockData[ 0 ], &integrityKeyBlockData[ sizeof( integrityKeyBlockData ) ] ); vector< sal_uInt8 > integrityKeyIv = generateIv( keyDataDigestAlgorithm, keyData.saltValue, integrityKeyBlock, keyData.blockSize ); hmacKey = decryptAll( keyDataCipher, &integrityKeyIv[ 0 ], &encryptionKey[ 0 ], &dataIntegrity.encryptedHmacKey[ 0 ], dataIntegrity.encryptedHmacKey.size() ); toBlock0( hmacKey, OpenSSLDigest::digestSize( keyDataDigestAlgorithm ) ); static const sal_uInt8 integrityValueBlockData[] = { 0xa0, 0x67, 0x7f, 0x02, 0xb2, 0x2c, 0x84, 0x33 }; vector< sal_uInt8 > integrityValueBlock( &integrityValueBlockData[ 0 ], &integrityValueBlockData[ sizeof( integrityValueBlockData ) ] ); vector< sal_uInt8 > integrityValueIv = generateIv( keyDataDigestAlgorithm, keyData.saltValue, integrityValueBlock, keyData.blockSize ); hmacValue = decryptAll( keyDataCipher, &integrityValueIv[ 0 ], &encryptionKey[ 0 ], &dataIntegrity.encryptedHmacValue[ 0 ], dataIntegrity.encryptedHmacValue.size() ); toBlock0( hmacValue, OpenSSLDigest::digestSize( keyDataDigestAlgorithm ) ); } // On success, MUST populate something into the encryption data, even though we'll never use it. SequenceAsHashMap encryptionData; encryptionData[ CREATE_OUSTRING( "OOXMLAgileEncryptionPasswordVerified" ) ] <<= sal_True; return encryptionData.getAsConstNamedValueList(); } bool AgileEncryptionInfo::verifyEncryptionData( const Sequence< NamedValue >& rEncryptionData ) throw ( Exception ) { // OpenGrok shows how only main/comphelper/source/misc/docpasswordhelper.cxx calls IDocPasswordVerifier::verifyEncryptionData(), // and only when the password is wrong and the rMediaEncData non-empty, which presumably allows other forms of encryption // (eg. by certificate) to be used. We only support password for now. return false; } // Ported from Apache POI's org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt.agile.AgileDecryptor.initCipherForBlock(). void AgileEncryptionInfo::decryptStream( BinaryXInputStream &aEncryptedPackage, BinaryXOutputStream &aDecryptedPackage ) throw ( Exception ) { if( encryptionKey.empty() ) throw Exception( OUString::createFromAscii( "Encryption key not set, was the password wrong?" ), Reference< XInterface >() ); const EVP_CIPHER* cipherAlgorithm = toOpenSSLCipherAlgorithm( keyData.cipherAlgorithm, keyData.keyBits, keyData.cipherChaining ); const EVP_MD* digestAlgorithm = toOpenSSLDigestAlgorithm( keyData.hashAlgorithm ); OpenSSLCipher cipher; const sal_uInt64 decryptedSize = aEncryptedPackage.readuInt64(); sal_uInt8 inputBuffer[ 4096 ]; vector< sal_uInt8 > outputBuffer( 4096 + 2*OpenSSLCipher::blockSize( cipherAlgorithm ) ); sal_Int32 bytesIn; int bytesOut; int finalBytesOut; sal_uInt64 totalBytesWritten = 0; vector< sal_uInt8 > blockBytes( 4 ); bool done = false; for ( sal_uInt32 block = 0; !done; block++ ) { ByteOrderConverter::writeLittleEndian( &blockBytes[ 0 ], block ); vector< sal_uInt8 > iv = generateIv( digestAlgorithm, keyData.saltValue, blockBytes, keyData.blockSize ); cipher.initialize( cipherAlgorithm, &encryptionKey[ 0 ], &iv[ 0 ], 0 ); cipher.setPadding( 0 ); bytesIn = aEncryptedPackage.readMemory( inputBuffer, sizeof( inputBuffer ) ); if( bytesIn > 0 ) { cipher.update( inputBuffer, bytesIn, &outputBuffer[ 0 ], &bytesOut ); cipher.final( &outputBuffer[ bytesOut ], &finalBytesOut ); bytesOut += finalBytesOut; if( decryptedSize < (totalBytesWritten + bytesOut) ) { bytesOut = decryptedSize % sizeof( inputBuffer ); done = true; } aDecryptedPackage.writeMemory( &outputBuffer[ 0 ], bytesOut ); totalBytesWritten += bytesOut; } else done = true; } aDecryptedPackage.flush(); } EncryptionInfo* EncryptionInfo::readEncryptionInfo( const Reference< XComponentContext >& context, Reference< XInputStream >& inputStream ) throw ( Exception ) { sal_uInt16 nVersionMajor = readUInt16LE( inputStream ); sal_uInt16 nVersionMinor = readUInt16LE( inputStream ); if( ( nVersionMajor == 2 && nVersionMinor == 2 ) || ( nVersionMajor == 3 && nVersionMinor == 2 ) || ( nVersionMajor == 4 && nVersionMinor == 2 ) ) { // Standard Encryption BinaryXInputStream aInfoStrm( inputStream, false ); return new StandardEncryptionInfo( aInfoStrm ); } else if ( nVersionMajor == 4 && nVersionMajor == 4 ) { // Agile Encryption return new AgileEncryptionInfo( context, inputStream ); } else { char msg[ 1024 ]; snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), "EncryptionInfo::readEncryptionInfo() error: unsupported EncryptionVersionInfo header with major=%hu minor=%hu", nVersionMajor, nVersionMinor ); throw Exception( OUString::createFromAscii( msg ), Reference< XInterface >() ); } } // ============================================================================ } // namespace core } // namespace oox