/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ package graphical; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import helper.ProcessHandler; import java.util.ArrayList; import helper.OSHelper; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; /** * This object gives all functionallity to print msoffice documents. * It also offers functions to check what type of document it is. * It handles *.doc as word documents and use word to print * *.xls as excel * *.ppt as powerpoint */ //class ProcessHelper //{ // ArrayList m_aArray; //} public class MSOfficePostscriptCreator implements IOffice { private String m_sPrinterName; // within Windows the tools need a printer name; public void setPrinterName(String _s) { m_sPrinterName = _s; } private ParameterHelper m_aParameterHelper; private String m_sDocumentName; private String m_sResult; // CTor public MSOfficePostscriptCreator(ParameterHelper _aParam, String _sResult) { m_aParameterHelper = _aParam; m_sResult = _sResult; // String sKillCommand = (String)_aParam.getTestParameters().get(util.PropertyName.APP_KILL_COMMAND); // if (sKillCommand == null) // { // sKillCommand = ""; // } // if (sKillCommand.length() > 0) // { // sKillCommand += ";"; // } String sKillCommand = "C:/bin/kill.exe -9 winword;C:/bin/kill.exe -9 excel"; _aParam.getTestParameters().put(util.PropertyName.APP_KILL_COMMAND, sKillCommand); } public void load(String _sDocumentName) throws OfficeException { m_sDocumentName = _sDocumentName; if (! isMSOfficeDocumentFormat(m_sDocumentName)) { GlobalLogWriter.println("This document type is not recognized as MSOffice format, as default fallback StarOffice/OpenOffice.org instead is used."); throw new OfficeException("This document type is not recognized as MSOffice format, as default fallback StarOffice/OpenOffice.org instead is used."); } } public void storeAsPostscript() throws OfficeException { GlobalLogWriter.println("USE MSOFFICE AS EXPORT FORMAT."); try { String sDocumentName = m_sDocumentName + ".ps"; printToFileWithMSOffice(m_aParameterHelper, m_sDocumentName, m_sResult); File aFile = new File(sDocumentName); if (aFile.exists()) { String sBasename = FileHelper.getBasename(sDocumentName); FileHelper.addBasenameToIndex(m_sResult, sBasename, "msoffice", "postscript", m_sDocumentName); } } catch(OfficeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); GlobalLogWriter.println(e.getMessage()); throw new OfficeException("Exception caught. Problem with MSOffice printer methods."); } catch(java.io.IOException e) { GlobalLogWriter.println(e.getMessage()); throw new OfficeException("IOException caught. Problem with MSOffice printer methods."); } } public void start() throws OfficeException { // we don't have an office to start } public void close() throws OfficeException { // we don't have an office to stop } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- private boolean isWordDocument(String _sSuffix) { if (_sSuffix.toLowerCase().endsWith(".doc") || _sSuffix.toLowerCase().endsWith(".rtf") || _sSuffix.toLowerCase().endsWith(".dot")) { return true; } return false; } private boolean isExcelDocument(String _sSuffix) { // xlt templates // xlw // xla addin if (_sSuffix.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xls")) { return true; } /* temporal insertion by SUS if (_sSuffix.endsWith(".xml")) { return true; }*/ return false; } private boolean isPowerPointDocument(String _sSuffix) { if (_sSuffix.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pps") || _sSuffix.toLowerCase().endsWith(".ppt")) { return true; } return false; } /** * returns true, if the given filename has a MS Office suffix. */ private boolean isMSOfficeDocumentFormat(String _sFile) { String sDocumentSuffix = FileHelper.getSuffix(_sFile); if (isWordDocument(sDocumentSuffix)) {return true;} if (isExcelDocument(sDocumentSuffix)) {return true;} if (isPowerPointDocument(sDocumentSuffix)) {return true;} // if suffix is xml, return also true, but we can't decide if word or excel if (sDocumentSuffix.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml")) {return true;} return false; } public void storeToFileWithMSOffice( ParameterHelper _aGTA, String _sInputFile, String _sOutputFile) throws OfficeException, java.io.IOException { String sDocumentSuffix = FileHelper.getSuffix(_sInputFile); String sFilterName = _aGTA.getExportFilterName(); ArrayList aStartCommand = new ArrayList(); if (isWordDocument(sDocumentSuffix)) { aStartCommand = createWordStoreHelper(); } else if (isExcelDocument(sDocumentSuffix)) { aStartCommand = createExcelStoreHelper(); } else if (isPowerPointDocument(sDocumentSuffix)) { } else if (sDocumentSuffix.toLowerCase().equals(".xml")) { // special case, if xml we prefer word, but with DEFAULT_XML_FORMAT_APP=excel it's changeable. String sDocFormat = getXMLDocumentFormat(_sInputFile); // if (_aGTA.getDefaultXMLFormatApp().toLowerCase().equals("excel")) if (sDocFormat.equals("excel")) { aStartCommand = createExcelStoreHelper(); } else { aStartCommand = createWordStoreHelper(); } // else // { // } } else { GlobalLogWriter.println("No Microsoft Office document format found."); throw new WrongSuffixException("No MS office document format found."); } if (aStartCommand != null) { if (sFilterName == null) { // TODO: hardcoded FilterName in perl script sFilterName = ""; // xlXMLSpreadsheet"; } // String sCommand = sStartCommand + " " + // _sInputFile + " " + // StringHelper.doubleQuote(sFilterName) + " " + // _sOutputFile; aStartCommand.add(_sInputFile); aStartCommand.add(sFilterName); aStartCommand.add(_sOutputFile); realStartCommand(aStartCommand); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * print the given file (_sInputFile) to the file name (_sPrintFile) * @param _aGTA * @param _sInputFile * @param _sPrintFilename * @throws OfficeException * @throws java.io.IOException */ public void printToFileWithMSOffice( ParameterHelper _aGTA, String _sInputFile, String _sPrintFilename) throws OfficeException, java.io.IOException { String sDocumentSuffix = FileHelper.getSuffix(_sInputFile); setPrinterName(_aGTA.getPrinterName()); ArrayList aStartCommand = new ArrayList(); if (isWordDocument(sDocumentSuffix)) { aStartCommand = createWordPrintHelper(); } else if (isExcelDocument(sDocumentSuffix)) { aStartCommand = createExcelPrintHelper(); } else if (isPowerPointDocument(sDocumentSuffix)) { aStartCommand = createPowerPointPrintHelper(); } else if (sDocumentSuffix.toLowerCase().equals(".xml")) { // TODO: Open XML File and check if we need excel or word String sOfficeType = getOfficeType(_sInputFile); // special case, if xml we prefer word, but with DEFAULT_XML_FORMAT_APP=excel it's changeable. // if (_aGTA.getDefaultXMLFormatApp().toLowerCase().equals("excel")) if (sOfficeType.equals("excel")) { aStartCommand = createExcelPrintHelper(); } else if (sOfficeType.equals("word")) { aStartCommand = createWordPrintHelper(); } else { return; } } else { GlobalLogWriter.println("No Microsoft Office document format found."); // TODO: use a better Exception!!! throw new WrongSuffixException("No Mircosoft Office document format found."); } if (aStartCommand.isEmpty() == false) { String sPrinterName = m_sPrinterName; if (sPrinterName == null) { sPrinterName = ""; } // String sCommand = sStartCommand + " " + // _sInputFile + " " + // StringHelper.doubleQuote(m_sPrinterName) + " " + // _sPrintFilename; aStartCommand.add(_sInputFile); aStartCommand.add(m_sPrinterName); aStartCommand.add(_sPrintFilename); realStartCommand(aStartCommand); } String sUserDir = System.getProperty("user.home"); _aGTA.getPerformance().readWordValuesFromFile(FileHelper.appendPath(sUserDir, "msofficeloadtimes.txt")); FileHelper.createInfoFile(_sPrintFilename, _aGTA, "msoffice"); TimeHelper.waitInSeconds(2, "Give Microsoft Office some time to print."); } public void realStartCommand(ArrayList _aStartCommand) throws OfficeException { if (_aStartCommand.isEmpty()) { throw new OfficeException/*WrongEnvironmentException*/("Given list is empty."); } try { // Convert the StartCommand ArrayList to a String List int nValues = _aStartCommand.size(); String[] aList = new String[nValues]; for (int i=0;i createWordPrintHelper() throws java.io.IOException { // create a program in tmp file String sTmpPath = util.utils.getUsersTempDir(); String ls = System.getProperty("line.separator"); String sPrintViaWord = "printViaWord.pl"; ArrayList aList = searchLocalFile(sPrintViaWord); if (aList.isEmpty() == false) { return aList; } String sFileName = FileHelper.appendPath(sTmpPath, sPrintViaWord); File aFile = new File(sFileName); FileWriter out = new FileWriter(aFile); out.write( "eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+\"$@\"}' " + ls ); out.write( " if 0; " + ls ); out.write( "use strict; " + ls ); out.write( "use Time::HiRes; " + ls ); out.write( "if ( $^O ne \"MSWin32\") " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " print 'Windows only.\\n'; " + ls ); out.write( " print_usage(); " + ls ); out.write( " exit(1); " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "use Win32::OLE; " + ls ); out.write( "use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Word'; " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "# ------ usage ------ " + ls ); out.write( "sub print_usage() " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " print STDERR \"Usage: word_print.pl .\\n " + ls ); out.write( " Please use the same string for the name of the printer as you can find \\n " + ls ); out.write( " under Start-Control Panel-Printer and Faxes \\n " + ls ); out.write( " The name could look like the the following line: \\n " + ls ); out.write( " Apple LaserWriter II NT v47.0 \\n " + ls ); out.write( " Sample command line: \\n " + ls ); out.write( " execl_print.pl c:\\book1.doc Apple LaserWriter II NT v47.0 c:\\output\\book1.ps \\n\"; " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "if ($#ARGV != 2) " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " print 'Too less arguments.\\n'; " + ls ); out.write( " print_usage(); " + ls ); out.write( " exit(1); " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "my $startWordTime = Time::HiRes::time(); " + ls ); out.write( "my $Word = Win32::OLE->new('Word.Application'); " + ls ); out.write( "my $stopWordTime = Time::HiRes::time() - $startWordTime; " + ls ); out.write( "# $Word->{'Visible'} = 1; # if you want to see what's going on " + ls ); out.write( "# , ReadOnly => 1})" + ls ); out.write(ls); out.write( "my $startLoadWordTime = Time::HiRes::time(); " + ls ); out.write( "$Word->Documents->Open({Filename => $ARGV[0]}) " + ls ); out.write( " || die('Unable to open document ', Win32::OLE->LastError()); " + ls ); out.write( "my $stopLoadWordTime = Time::HiRes::time() - $startLoadWordTime; " + ls ); out.write(ls); out.write( "my $startPrintWordTime = Time::HiRes::time(); " + ls); out.write( "my $oldActivePrinte = $Word->{ActivePrinter} ; " + ls ); out.write( "$Word->{ActivePrinter} = $ARGV[1]; " + ls ); out.write( "$Word->ActiveDocument->PrintOut({ " + ls ); out.write( " Background => 0, " + ls ); out.write( " Append => 0, " + ls ); out.write( " Range => wdPrintAllDocument, " + ls ); out.write( " Item => wdPrintDocumentContent, " + ls ); out.write( " Copies => 1, " + ls ); out.write( " PageType => wdPrintAllPages, " + ls ); out.write( " PrintToFile => 1, " + ls ); out.write( " OutputFileName => $ARGV[2] " + ls ); out.write( " }); " + ls ); out.write( "$Word->{ActivePrinter} = $oldActivePrinte; " + ls ); out.write( "my $stopPrintWordTime = Time::HiRes::time() - $startPrintWordTime;" + ls); out.write( "# ActiveDocument.Close(SaveChanges:=WdSaveOptions.wdDoNotSaveChanges)" + ls ); out.write( "my $sVersion = $Word->Application->Version();"+ls); out.write( "$Word->ActiveDocument->Close({SaveChanges => 0}); " + ls ); out.write( "$Word->Quit(); " + ls ); out.write( "local *FILE;" + ls); out.write( "if (open(FILE, \">$ENV{HOME}/msofficeloadtimes.txt\"))" + ls); out.write( "{" + ls); out.write( " print FILE \"name=$ARGV[0]\\n\";" + ls); out.write( " print FILE \"WordVersion=$sVersion\\n\";" + ls); out.write( " print FILE \"WordStartTime=$stopWordTime\\n\";" + ls); out.write( " print FILE \"WordLoadTime=$stopLoadWordTime\\n\";" + ls); out.write( " print FILE \"WordPrintTime=$stopPrintWordTime\\n\";" + ls); out.write( " close(FILE);" + ls); out.write( "}" + ls); out.close(); aList.add(getPerlExe()); aList.add(sFileName); return aList; } // TODO: Maybe give a possibility to say where search the script from outside ArrayList searchLocalFile(String _sScriptName) { String userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); ArrayList aList = new ArrayList(); String sFileName = FileHelper.appendPath(userdir, _sScriptName); File aPerlScript = new File(sFileName); if (FileHelper.isDebugEnabled()) { GlobalLogWriter.println("Search for local existence of " + aPerlScript.getAbsolutePath()); } if (aPerlScript.exists()) { if (FileHelper.isDebugEnabled()) { GlobalLogWriter.println("OK, found it, use this instead the internal one."); } String sName = aPerlScript.getAbsolutePath(); // String sCommand = "perl " + sName; // System.out.println(sCommand); aList.add("perl"); aList.add(sName); return aList; } return aList; } ArrayList createWordStoreHelper() throws java.io.IOException { // create a program in tmp file String sTmpPath = util.utils.getUsersTempDir(); String ls = System.getProperty("line.separator"); // ArrayList aList = new ArrayList(); String sSaveViaWord = "saveViaWord.pl"; ArrayList aList = searchLocalFile(sSaveViaWord); if (aList.isEmpty() == false) { return aList; } String sName = FileHelper.appendPath(sTmpPath, sSaveViaWord); if (FileHelper.isDebugEnabled()) { GlobalLogWriter.println("No local found, create a perl script: " + sName); } File aFile = new File(sName); FileWriter out = new FileWriter(aFile); out.write( "eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+\"$@\"}' " + ls ); out.write( " if 0; " + ls ); out.write( "use strict; " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "if ( $^O ne \"MSWin32\") " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " print 'Windows only.\\n'; " + ls ); out.write( " print_usage(); " + ls ); out.write( " exit(1); " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "use Win32::OLE; " + ls ); out.write( "use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Word'; " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "# ------ usage ------ " + ls ); out.write( "sub print_usage() " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " print STDERR \"Usage: storeViaWord.pl \\n\" " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "if ($#ARGV != 2) " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " print 'Too less arguments.\\n'; " + ls ); out.write( " print_usage(); " + ls ); out.write( " exit(1); " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "my $Word = Win32::OLE->new('Word.Application'); " + ls ); out.write( "# $Word->{'Visible'} = 1; # if you want to see what's going on " + ls ); out.write( "my $Book = $Word->Documents->Open($ARGV[0]) " + ls ); out.write( " || die('Unable to open document ', Win32::OLE->LastError()); " + ls ); out.write( "# my $oldActivePrinte = $Word->{ActivePrinter} ; " + ls ); out.write( "# $Word->{ActivePrinter} = $ARGV[1]; " + ls ); out.write( "# $Word->ActiveDocument->PrintOut({ " + ls ); out.write( "# Background => 0, " + ls ); out.write( "# Append => 0, " + ls ); out.write( "# Range => wdPrintAllDocument, " + ls ); out.write( "# Item => wdPrintDocumentContent, " + ls ); out.write( "# Copies => 1, " + ls ); out.write( "# PageType => wdPrintAllPages, " + ls ); out.write( "# PrintToFile => 1, " + ls ); out.write( "# OutputFileName => $ARGV[2] " + ls ); out.write( "# }); " + ls ); out.write( "# $Word->{ActivePrinter} = $oldActivePrinte; " + ls ); out.write( "$Book->savaAs($ARGV[2], $ARGV[1]); " + ls ); out.write( "# ActiveDocument.Close(SaveChanges:=WdSaveOptions.wdDoNotSaveChanges)" + ls ); out.write( "$Book->Close({SaveChanges => 0}); " + ls ); out.write( "$Word->Quit(); " + ls ); out.close(); aList.add(getPerlExe()); aList.add(sName); return aList; } ArrayList createExcelPrintHelper() throws java.io.IOException { // create a program in tmp file String sTmpPath = util.utils.getUsersTempDir(); String ls = System.getProperty("line.separator"); String sPrintViaExcel = "printViaExcel.pl"; ArrayList aList = searchLocalFile(sPrintViaExcel); if (aList.isEmpty() == false) { return aList; } String sName = FileHelper.appendPath(sTmpPath, sPrintViaExcel); if (FileHelper.isDebugEnabled()) { GlobalLogWriter.println("No local found, create a perl script: " + sName); } File aFile = new File(sName); FileWriter out = new FileWriter(aFile); // out.write( "eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+\"$@\"}' " + ls ); // out.write( " if 0; " + ls ); out.write("#BEGIN" + ls); out.write("#{" + ls); out.write("#" + ls); out.write("# # insert HACK" + ls); out.write("# unshift(@INC, '');" + ls); out.write("#}" + ls); out.write( "use strict; " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "if ( $^O ne \"MSWin32\") " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " print \"Windows only.\\n\"; " + ls ); out.write( " print_usage(); " + ls ); out.write( " exit(1); " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "use Win32::OLE qw(in with); " + ls ); out.write( "use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel'; " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "# ------ usage ------ " + ls ); out.write( "sub print_usage() " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " print STDERR \"Usage: printViaExcel.pl .\\n " + ls ); out.write( " Please use the same string for the name of the printer as you can find \\n " + ls ); out.write( " under Start-Control Panel-Printer and Faxes \\n " + ls ); out.write( " The name could look like the the following line: \\n " + ls ); out.write( " Apple LaserWriter II NT v47.0 \\n " + ls ); out.write( " Sample command line: \\n " + ls ); out.write( " execl_print.pl c:\\book1.xls Apple LaserWriter II NT v47.0 c:\\output\\book1.ps \\n\"; " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "$Win32::OLE::Warn = 3; # die on errors... " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "if ($#ARGV != 2) " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " print STDERR \"Too less arguments.\\n\"; " + ls ); out.write( " print STDERR \"ARGV[0] $ARGV[0]\\n\"; " + ls ); out.write( " print STDERR \"ARGV[1] $ARGV[1]\\n\"; " + ls ); out.write( " print STDERR \"ARGV[2] $ARGV[2]\\n\"; " + ls ); out.write( " print_usage(); " + ls ); out.write( " exit(1); " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "my $Excel = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application') " + ls ); out.write( " || Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application', 'Quit'); # get already active Excel " + ls ); out.write( " # application or open new " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "my $Book = $Excel->Workbooks->Open( $ARGV[0] ); " + ls ); out.write( " $Book->PrintOut({Copies => 1, " + ls ); out.write( " ActivePrinter => $ARGV[1], " + ls ); out.write( " PrToFileName => $ARGV[2], " + ls ); out.write( " Collate => 1 " + ls ); out.write( " }); " + ls ); out.write( "# Close worksheets without store changes" + ls ); out.write( "# $Book->Close({SaveChanges => 0}); " + ls ); out.write( "my $sVersion = $Excel->Application->Version();"+ls); out.write( "$Excel->Quit(); " + ls ); out.write( "local *FILE;" + ls); out.write( "if (open(FILE, \">$ENV{HOME}/msofficeloadtimes.txt\"))" + ls); out.write( "{" + ls); out.write( " print FILE \"name=$ARGV[0]\\n\";" + ls); out.write( " print FILE \"ExcelVersion=$sVersion\\n\";" + ls); // out.write( " print FILE \"WordStartTime=$stopWordTime\\n\";" + ls); // out.write( " print FILE \"WordLoadTime=$stopLoadWordTime\\n\";" + ls); // out.write( " print FILE \"WordPrintTime=$stopPrintWordTime\\n\";" + ls); out.write( " close(FILE);" + ls); out.write( "}" + ls); out.close(); aList.add(getPerlExe()); aList.add(sName); return aList; } ArrayList createExcelStoreHelper() throws java.io.IOException { // create a program in tmp file String sTmpPath = util.utils.getUsersTempDir(); String ls = System.getProperty("line.separator"); String sSaveViaExcel = "saveViaExcel.pl"; ArrayList aList = searchLocalFile(sSaveViaExcel); if (aList.isEmpty() == false) { return aList; } String sName = FileHelper.appendPath(sTmpPath, sSaveViaExcel); if (FileHelper.isDebugEnabled()) { GlobalLogWriter.println("No local found, create a script: " + sName); } File aFile = new File(sName); FileWriter out = new FileWriter(aFile); out.write( "eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+\"$@\"}' " + ls ); out.write( " if 0; " + ls ); out.write( "use strict; " + ls ); out.write( "# This script is automatically created. " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "use Win32::OLE qw(in with); " + ls ); out.write( "use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel'; " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "# ------ usage ------ " + ls ); out.write( "sub print_usage() " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " print STDERR \"Usage: savaViaExcel.pl .\\n " + ls ); out.write( " execl_print.pl c:\\book1.xls Apple LaserWriter II NT v47.0 c:\\output\\book1.ps \\n\"; " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "$Win32::OLE::Warn = 3; # die on errors... " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "if ($#ARGV != 2) " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " print \"Too less arguments.\\n\"; " + ls ); out.write( " print_usage(); " + ls ); out.write( " exit(1); " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "my $Excel = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application') " + ls ); out.write( " || Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application', 'Quit'); # get already active Excel " + ls ); out.write( " # application or open new " + ls ); out.write( "my $sFilterParameter = $ARGV[1]; " + ls ); out.write( "my $sFilterName = xlHTML; " + ls ); out.write( "if ($sFilterParameter eq 'xlXMLSpreadsheet') " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " $sFilterName = xlXMLSpreadsheet; " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( "elsif ($sFilterParameter eq 'xlHTML') " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " $sFilterName = xlHTML; " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( "else " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " my $undefined; " + ls); out.write( " $sFilterName = $undefined; " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "my $Book = $Excel->Workbooks->Open( $ARGV[0] ); " + ls ); out.write( "$Excel->{DisplayAlerts} = 0; " + ls ); out.write( "$Book->saveAs($ARGV[2], " + ls ); out.write( " $sFilterName, " + ls ); out.write( " '', " + ls ); out.write( " '', " + ls ); out.write( " 0, " + ls ); out.write( " 0, " + ls ); out.write( " xlNoChange, " + ls ); out.write( " xlLocalSessionChanges, " + ls ); out.write( " 1); " + ls ); out.write( "# Close worksheets without store changes" + ls ); out.write( "# $Book->Close({SaveChanges => 0}); " + ls ); out.write( "$Excel->Quit(); " + ls ); out.close(); aList.add(getPerlExe()); aList.add(sName); return aList; } ArrayList createPowerPointPrintHelper() throws java.io.IOException { // create a program in tmp file String sTmpPath = util.utils.getUsersTempDir(); String ls = System.getProperty("line.separator"); String sPrintViaPowerPoint = "printViaPowerPoint.pl"; ArrayList aList = searchLocalFile(sPrintViaPowerPoint); if (aList.isEmpty() == false) { return aList; } String sName = FileHelper.appendPath(sTmpPath, sPrintViaPowerPoint); if (FileHelper.isDebugEnabled()) { GlobalLogWriter.println("No local found, create a script: " + sName); } File aFile = new File(sName); FileWriter out = new FileWriter(aFile); out.write( "eval 'exec perl -wS $0 $1 $2 ' " + ls ); out.write( " if 0; " + ls ); out.write( "use strict; " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "if ( $^O ne \"MSWin32\") " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " print \"Windows only.\\n\"; " + ls ); out.write( " print_usage(); " + ls ); out.write( " exit(1); " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "use Win32::OLE qw(in with); " + ls ); out.write( "use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft PowerPoint'; " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "# ------ usage ------ " + ls ); out.write( "sub print_usage() " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " print STDERR \"Usage: powerpoint_print.pl .\\n " + ls ); out.write( " Please use the same string for the name of the printer as you can find \\n " + ls ); out.write( " under Start-Control Panel-Printer and Faxes \\n " + ls ); out.write( " The name could look like the the following line: \\n " + ls ); out.write( " Apple LaserWriter II NT v47.0 \\n " + ls ); out.write( " Sample command line: \\n " + ls ); out.write( " powerpoint_print.pl c:\\book.ppt Apple LaserWriter II NT v47.0 c:\\output\\book.ps \\n\"; " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "$Win32::OLE::Warn = 3; # die on errors... " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "if ($#ARGV < 2) " + ls ); out.write( "{ " + ls ); out.write( " print \"Too less arguments.\\n\"; " + ls ); out.write( " print_usage(); " + ls ); out.write( " exit(1); " + ls ); out.write( "} " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( "my $PowerPoint = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('PowerPoint.Application') " + ls ); out.write( " || Win32::OLE->new('PowerPoint.Application', 'Quit'); # get already active Excel " + ls ); out.write( " # application or open new " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " $PowerPoint->{'Visible'} = 1; " + ls ); out.write( " my $Presentation = $PowerPoint->Presentations->Add; " + ls ); out.write( " my $Presentation = $PowerPoint->Presentations->Open( $ARGV[0] ); " + ls ); out.write( "# we can't change active printer in powerpoint " + ls ); out.write( "# $Presentation->PrintOptions->{ActivePrinter} = $ARGV[1]; " + ls ); out.write( " print \"Active printer is: \" . $Presentation->PrintOptions->{ActivePrinter} . \"\\n\"; " + ls ); out.write( " $Presentation->PrintOptions->{PrintInBackground} = 0; " + ls ); out.write( " # PrintColorType = 1 means print in color and PrintColorType = 2 means print in gray " + ls ); out.write( " $Presentation->PrintOptions->{PrintColorType} = 1; " + ls ); out.write( " " + ls ); out.write( " $Presentation->PrintOut({PrintToFile => $ARGV[2]}); " + ls ); out.write( " sleep 5; " + ls ); out.write( " print \"Presentation has been printed\\n\"; " + ls ); out.write( "my $sVersion = $Presentation->Application->Version();"+ls); out.write( " $PowerPoint->Quit(); " + ls ); out.write( "local *FILE;" + ls); out.write( "if (open(FILE, \">$ENV{HOME}/msofficeloadtimes.txt\"))" + ls); out.write( "{" + ls); out.write( " print FILE \"name=$ARGV[0]\\n\";" + ls); out.write( " print FILE \"PowerPointVersion=$sVersion\\n\";" + ls); // out.write( " print FILE \"WordStartTime=$stopWordTime\\n\";" + ls); // out.write( " print FILE \"WordLoadTime=$stopLoadWordTime\\n\";" + ls); // out.write( " print FILE \"WordPrintTime=$stopPrintWordTime\\n\";" + ls); out.write( " close(FILE);" + ls); out.write( "}" + ls); out.close(); aList.add(getPerlExe()); aList.add(sName); return aList; } /** @param _sFilename a name to a ms office xml file @return 'word' or 'excel' or '' if type not known */ public String getOfficeType(String _sFilename) { File aFile = new File(_sFilename); if (! aFile.exists()) { GlobalLogWriter.println("couldn't find file " + _sFilename); return ""; } RandomAccessFile aReader = null; String sOfficeType = ""; try { aReader = new RandomAccessFile(aFile,"r"); String aLine = ""; while (aLine != null) { aLine = aReader.readLine(); if (aLine != null) { aLine = aLine.trim(); if ( (! (aLine.length() < 2) ) && (! aLine.startsWith("#")) && (! aLine.startsWith(";")) ) { int nIdx = aLine.indexOf("mso-application"); if (nIdx > 0) { if (aLine.indexOf("Word.Document") > 0) { sOfficeType = "word"; } else if (aLine.indexOf("Excel") > 0) { sOfficeType = "excel"; } else { GlobalLogWriter.println("Unknown/unsupported data file: " + aLine); } } } } } } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException fne) { System.out.println("couldn't open file " + _sFilename); System.out.println("Message: " + fne.getMessage()); } catch (java.io.IOException ie) { System.out.println("Exception while reading file " + _sFilename); System.out.println("Message: " + ie.getMessage()); } try { aReader.close(); } catch (java.io.IOException ie) { System.out.println("Couldn't close file " + _sFilename); System.out.println("Message: " + ie.getMessage()); } return sOfficeType; } private static String getXMLDocumentFormat(String _sInputFile) { String sType = "word"; // default try { // ---- Parse XML file ---- DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); // factory.setNamespaceAware( true ); // factory.setValidating( true ); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = builder.parse( new File (_sInputFile) ); Node rootNode = document.getDocumentElement(); // ---- Get list of nodes to given tag ---- // document. // NodeList ndList = document.getElementsByTagName( sToSearch /* argv[2] */ ); // System.out.println( "\nNode list at the beginning:" ); String sRootNodeName = rootNode.getNodeName(); if (sRootNodeName.equals("w:wordDocument")) { sType = "word"; } else if (sRootNodeName.equals("WorkBook")) { sType = "excel"; } // there exists no powerpoint xml representation in MSOffice 2003 else { GlobalLogWriter.println("Error: unknown root node: '" + sRootNodeName + "' please check the document. Try to use Word as default."); sType = "word"; // default } // printNodesFromList( ndList ); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { } return sType; } // public static void main(String [] _args) // { // String sTest = getXMLDocumentFormat("c:/cws/temp/input/Blah Fasel.xml"); // } }