'************************************************************************* ' ' DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. ' ' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. ' ' OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite ' ' This file is part of OpenOffice.org. ' ' OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 ' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. ' ' OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ' MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details ' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). ' ' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License ' version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see ' ' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. ' '************************************************************************* ***** '************************************************************************* ' Be sure that all variables are dimensioned: option explicit '************************************************************************* ' This Interface/Service test depends on the following GLOBAL variables, ' which must be specified in the object creation: ' Global multiSelection As Boolean '************************************************************************* Sub RunTest() '************************************************************************* ' INTERFACE: ' com.sun.star.accessibility.XAccessibleSelection '************************************************************************* On Error Goto ErrHndl Dim bOK As Boolean, locRes As Boolean Dim chCount As Long, selCount As Long Dim i As Long, mCount As Integer if multiSelection then Out.Log("Object allows multiple selection!") else Out.Log("Object does not allow multiple selection!") End If chCount = oObj.getAccessibleChildCount() selCount = oObj.getSelectedAccessibleChildCount() Out.Log("Object has "+chCount+" child(ren), "+selCount+" of them selected.") If (chCount > 50) then mCount = 50 Out.Log("Object has too many children. Testing only first 50.") else mCount = chCount End If clearSelection() Test.StartMethod("selectAccessibleChild()") bOK = true if (mCount > 0) then i = mCount - 1 while (oObj.isAccessibleChildSelected(i) OR itemDisabled(oObj.getAccessibleChild(i))) AND (i > 0) i = i - 1 wend if (i >= 0) then Out.Log("Selecting child #"+i+"...") oObj.selectAccessibleChild(i) wait(500) locRes = oObj.isAccessibleChildSelected(i) Out.Log("Child #"+i+" selected: "+locRes) bOK = bOK AND locRes End If End If clearSelection() Test.MethodTested("selectAccessibleChild()",bOK) Test.StartMethod("isAccessibleChildSelected()") bOK = true if (mCount > 0) then i = mCount - 1 while (oObj.isAccessibleChildSelected(i) OR itemDisabled(oObj.getAccessibleChild(i))) AND (i > 0) i = i - 1 wend if (i >= 0) then Out.Log("Selecting child #"+i+"...") oObj.selectAccessibleChild(i) wait(500) locRes = oObj.isAccessibleChildSelected(i) Out.Log("Child #"+i+" selected: "+locRes) bOK = bOK AND locRes End If End If clearSelection() Test.MethodTested("isAccessibleChildSelected()",bOK) Test.StartMethod("clearAccessibleSelection()") bOK = true if (mCount > 0) AND (multiSelection) then oObj.selectAccessibleChild(chCount - 1) wait(500) oObj.clearAccessibleSelection() wait(500) bOK = bOK AND NOT oObj.isAccessibleChildSelected(mCount - 1) else Out.Log("Cannot clear all selection for this object!") End If Test.MethodTested("clearAccessibleSelection()",bOK) ' ### The following property was not found in correspond IDL file! ### Test.StartMethod("selectAllAccessibleChildren()") bOK = true i = 0 if ((mCount > 0) AND multiSelection) then ' ### The following property was not found in correspond IDL file! ### oObj.selectAllAccessibleChildren() wait(500) while (i < mCount) bOK = bOK AND oObj.isAccessibleChildSelected(i) i = i + 1 wend else Out.Log("Cannot select all children for this object!") End If clearSelection() Test.MethodTested("selectAllAccessibleChildren()",bOK) Test.StartMethod("getSelectedAccessibleChildCount()") bOK = true Out.Log("Selecting all...") oObj.selectAllAccessibleChildren() wait(500) selCount = oObj.getSelectedAccessibleChildCount() Out.Log("Selected "+selCount+" child(ren).") If (multiSelection) then bOK = bOK AND (selCount = chCount) else bOK = bOK AND (selCount = 1) End If clearSelection() selCount = oObj.getSelectedAccessibleChildCount() if (multiSelection) then bOK = bOK AND (selCount = 0) else bOK = bOK AND (selCount = 1) End If Test.MethodTested("getSelectedAccessibleChildCount()",bOK) Test.StartMethod("getSelectedAccessibleChild()") Dim selAccChild As Object, accChild As Object bOK = true if (mCount > 0) then i = mCount - 1 while (oObj.isAccessibleChildSelected(i) OR itemDisabled(oObj.getAccessibleChild(i))) AND (i > 0) i = i - 1 wend if (i >= 0) then Out.Log("Selecting child #"+i+"...") oObj.selectAccessibleChild(i) wait(500) Out.Log("Child #"+i+" selected: "+oObj.isAccessibleChildSelected(i)) Out.Log("Now "+oObj.getSelectedAccessibleChildCount()+" child(ren) selected.") selCount = oObj.getSelectedAccessibleChildCount() if (selCount > 0) then selAccChild = oObj.getSelectedAccessibleChild(selCount-1) accChild = oObj.getAccessibleChild(i) bOK = bOK AND utils.at_equals(accChild,selAccChild) else Out.Log("There are no selected children. Test fails.") bOK = false End If End If End If Test.MethodTested("getSelectedAccessibleChild()",bOK) Test.StartMethod("deselectAccessibleChild()") Dim newSelCount As Long Dim isSelected as Boolean bOK = true oObj.selectAllAccessibleChildren() wait(500) selCount = oObj.getSelectedAccessibleChildCount() Out.Log("There was "+selCount+" selected child(ren)") Out.Log("Deselecting child...") for i = 0 to mCount - 1 if oObj.isAccessibleChildSelected(i) then isSelected = true end if oObj.deselectAccessibleChild(i) wait(500) newSelCount = oObj.getSelectedAccessibleChildCount() Out.Log("selCount = " + selCount + " newSelCount = " + newSelCount) if (multiSelection) then if isSelected then Out.Log("isSelected") bOK = bOK AND (selCount - 1 = newSelCount) else bOK = bOK AND (selCount = newSelCount) end if else Out.Log("is not multi") bOK = bOK AND (newSelCount <= 1) End If selCount = newSelCount next Test.MethodTested("deselectAccessibleChild()",bOK) Exit Sub ErrHndl: Test.Exception() bOK = false resume next End Sub Sub clearSelection() if NOT multiSelection then Exit Sub Dim selCount As Long selCount = oObj.getSelectedAccessibleChildCount() if (selCount = 0) then Exit Sub oObj.clearAccessibleSelection() wait(500) selCount = oObj.getSelectedAccessibleChildCount() if selCount = 0 then Out.Log("Deselect all: success") else Out.Log("Deselect all: error!. "+selCount+" child(ren) remains selected.") End If End Sub Function itemDisabled(oChild As Object) As Boolean if NOT hasUNOInterfaces(oChild,"com.sun.star.accessibility.XAccessibleContext") then oChild = oChild.getAccessibleContext() End If itemDisabled = NOT oChild.getAccessibleStateSet().contains(21) End Function