 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package mod._ucb;

import java.io.PrintWriter;

import lib.StatusException;
import lib.TestCase;
import lib.TestEnvironment;
import lib.TestParameters;

import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory;
import com.sun.star.uno.XInterface;

* Test for object which is represented by service
* <code>com.sun.star.ucb.ContentProviderFactory</code>. <p>
public class UcbContentProviderProxyFactory extends TestCase {

    * Creating a Testenvironment for the interfaces to be tested.
    * Creates an instance of the service
    * <code>com.sun.star.ucb.ContentProviderFactory</code>.
    public TestEnvironment createTestEnvironment
            (TestParameters Param,PrintWriter log ) {

        XInterface oObj = null;
        Object oInterface = null;

        try {
            XMultiServiceFactory xMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory)Param.getMSF();
            oInterface = xMSF.createInstance
                ( "com.sun.star.comp.ucb.UcbContentProviderProxyFactory" );
        } catch( com.sun.star.uno.Exception e ) {
            log.println("Can't create an object." );
            throw new StatusException( "Can't create an object", e );

        oObj = (XInterface) oInterface;

        System.out.println("ImplementationName: "+util.utils.getImplName(oObj));

        TestEnvironment tEnv = new TestEnvironment( oObj );

        return tEnv;

    } // finish method getTestEnvironment

}    // finish class UcbContentProviderProxyFactory