/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_slideshow.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "layermanager.hxx" using namespace ::com::sun::star; namespace boost { // add operator!= for weak_ptr inline bool operator!=( slideshow::internal::LayerWeakPtr const& rLHS, slideshow::internal::LayerWeakPtr const& rRHS ) { return (rLHS void LayerManager::manageViews( LayerFunc layerFunc, ShapeFunc shapeFunc ) { LayerSharedPtr pCurrLayer; ViewLayerSharedPtr pCurrViewLayer; LayerShapeMap::const_iterator aIter( maAllShapes.begin() ); const LayerShapeMap::const_iterator aEnd ( maAllShapes.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { LayerSharedPtr pLayer = aIter->second.lock(); if( pLayer && pLayer != pCurrLayer ) { pCurrLayer = pLayer; pCurrViewLayer = layerFunc(pCurrLayer); } if( pCurrViewLayer ) shapeFunc(aIter->first,pCurrViewLayer); ++aIter; } } LayerManager::LayerManager( const UnoViewContainer& rViews, const ::basegfx::B2DRange& rPageBounds, bool bDisableAnimationZOrder ) : mrViews(rViews), maLayers(), maXShapeHash( 101 ), maAllShapes(), maUpdateShapes(), maPageBounds( rPageBounds ), mnActiveSprites(0), mbLayerAssociationDirty(false), mbActive(false), mbDisableAnimationZOrder(bDisableAnimationZOrder) { // prevent frequent resizes (won't have more than 4 layers // for 99.9% of the cases) maLayers.reserve(4); // create initial background layer maLayers.push_back( Layer::createBackgroundLayer( maPageBounds )); // init views std::for_each( mrViews.begin(), mrViews.end(), ::boost::bind(&LayerManager::viewAdded, this, _1) ); } void LayerManager::activate( bool bSlideBackgoundPainted ) { mbActive = true; maUpdateShapes.clear(); // update gets forced via area, or // has happened outside already if( !bSlideBackgoundPainted ) { std::for_each(mrViews.begin(), mrViews.end(), boost::mem_fn(&View::clearAll)); // force update of whole slide area std::for_each( maLayers.begin(), maLayers.end(), boost::bind( &Layer::addUpdateRange, _1, boost::cref(maPageBounds) )); } else { // clear all possibly pending update areas - content // is there, already std::for_each( maLayers.begin(), maLayers.end(), boost::mem_fn( &Layer::clearUpdateRanges )); } updateShapeLayers( bSlideBackgoundPainted ); } void LayerManager::deactivate() { // TODO(F3): This is mostly a hack. Problem is, there's // currently no smart way of telling shapes "remove your // sprites". Others, like MediaShapes, listen to // start/stop animation events, which is too much overhead // for all shapes, though. const bool bMoreThanOneLayer(maLayers.size() > 1); if( mnActiveSprites || bMoreThanOneLayer ) { // clear all viewlayers, dump everything but the // background layer - this will also remove all shape // sprites std::for_each(maAllShapes.begin(), maAllShapes.end(), boost::bind( &Shape::clearAllViewLayers, boost::bind( std::select1st(), _1 ))); for (LayerShapeMap::iterator iShape (maAllShapes.begin()), iEnd (maAllShapes.end()); iShape!=iEnd; ++iShape) { iShape->second.reset(); } if( bMoreThanOneLayer ) maLayers.erase(maLayers.begin()+1, maLayers.end()); mbLayerAssociationDirty = true; } mbActive = false; // only background layer left OSL_ASSERT( maLayers.size() == 1 && maLayers.front()->isBackgroundLayer() ); } void LayerManager::viewAdded( const UnoViewSharedPtr& rView ) { // view must be member of mrViews container OSL_ASSERT( std::find(mrViews.begin(), mrViews.end(), rView) != mrViews.end() ); // init view content if( mbActive ) rView->clearAll(); // add View to all registered shapes manageViews( boost::bind(&Layer::addView, _1, boost::cref(rView)), // repaint on view add boost::bind(&Shape::addViewLayer, _1, _2, true) ); // in case we haven't reached all layers from the // maAllShapes, issue addView again for good measure std::for_each( maLayers.begin(), maLayers.end(), boost::bind( &Layer::addView, _1, boost::cref(rView) )); } void LayerManager::viewRemoved( const UnoViewSharedPtr& rView ) { // view must not be member of mrViews container anymore OSL_ASSERT( std::find(mrViews.begin(), mrViews.end(), rView) == mrViews.end() ); // remove View from all registered shapes manageViews( boost::bind(&Layer::removeView, _1, boost::cref(rView)), boost::bind(&Shape::removeViewLayer, _1, _2) ); // in case we haven't reached all layers from the // maAllShapes, issue removeView again for good measure std::for_each( maLayers.begin(), maLayers.end(), boost::bind( &Layer::removeView, _1, boost::cref(rView) )); } void LayerManager::viewChanged( const UnoViewSharedPtr& rView ) { (void)rView; // view must be member of mrViews container OSL_ASSERT( std::find(mrViews.begin(), mrViews.end(), rView) != mrViews.end() ); // TODO(P2): selectively update only changed view viewsChanged(); } void LayerManager::viewsChanged() { if( !mbActive ) return; // clear view area ::std::for_each( mrViews.begin(), mrViews.end(), ::boost::mem_fn(&View::clearAll) ); // TODO(F3): resize and repaint all layers // render all shapes std::for_each( maAllShapes.begin(), maAllShapes.end(), boost::bind(&Shape::render, boost::bind( ::std::select1st(), _1)) ); } void LayerManager::addShape( const ShapeSharedPtr& rShape ) { OSL_ASSERT( !maLayers.empty() ); // always at least background layer ENSURE_OR_THROW( rShape, "LayerManager::addShape(): invalid Shape" ); // add shape to XShape hash map if( !maXShapeHash.insert( XShapeHash::value_type( rShape->getXShape(), rShape) ).second ) { // entry already present, nothing to do return; } // add shape to appropriate layer implAddShape( rShape ); } void LayerManager::putShape2BackgroundLayer( LayerShapeMap::value_type& rShapeEntry ) { LayerSharedPtr& rBgLayer( maLayers.front() ); rBgLayer->setShapeViews(rShapeEntry.first); rShapeEntry.second = rBgLayer; } void LayerManager::implAddShape( const ShapeSharedPtr& rShape ) { OSL_ASSERT( !maLayers.empty() ); // always at least background layer ENSURE_OR_THROW( rShape, "LayerManager::implAddShape(): invalid Shape" ); LayerShapeMap::value_type aValue (rShape, LayerWeakPtr()); OSL_ASSERT( maAllShapes.find(rShape) == maAllShapes.end() ); // shape must not be added already mbLayerAssociationDirty = true; if( mbDisableAnimationZOrder ) putShape2BackgroundLayer( *maAllShapes.insert(aValue).first ); else maAllShapes.insert(aValue); // update shape, it's just added and not yet painted if( rShape->isVisible() ) notifyShapeUpdate( rShape ); } bool LayerManager::removeShape( const ShapeSharedPtr& rShape ) { // remove shape from XShape hash map if( maXShapeHash.erase( rShape->getXShape() ) == 0 ) return false; // shape not in map OSL_ASSERT( maAllShapes.find(rShape) != maAllShapes.end() ); implRemoveShape( rShape ); return true; } void LayerManager::implRemoveShape( const ShapeSharedPtr& rShape ) { OSL_ASSERT( !maLayers.empty() ); // always at least background layer ENSURE_OR_THROW( rShape, "LayerManager::implRemoveShape(): invalid Shape" ); const LayerShapeMap::iterator aShapeEntry( maAllShapes.find(rShape) ); if( aShapeEntry == maAllShapes.end() ) return; const bool bShapeUpdateNotified = maUpdateShapes.erase( rShape ) != 0; // Enter shape area to the update area, but only if shape // is visible and not in sprite mode (otherwise, updating // the area doesn't do actual harm, but costs time) // Actually, also add it if it was listed in // maUpdateShapes (might have just gone invisible). if( bShapeUpdateNotified || (rShape->isVisible() && !rShape->isBackgroundDetached()) ) { LayerSharedPtr pLayer = aShapeEntry->second.lock(); if( pLayer ) { // store area early, once the shape is removed from // the layers, it no longer has any view references pLayer->addUpdateRange( rShape->getUpdateArea() ); } } rShape->clearAllViewLayers(); maAllShapes.erase( aShapeEntry ); mbLayerAssociationDirty = true; } ShapeSharedPtr LayerManager::lookupShape( const uno::Reference< drawing::XShape >& xShape ) const { ENSURE_OR_THROW( xShape.is(), "LayerManager::lookupShape(): invalid Shape" ); const XShapeHash::const_iterator aIter( maXShapeHash.find( xShape )); if( aIter == maXShapeHash.end() ) return ShapeSharedPtr(); // not found // found, return data part of entry pair. return aIter->second; } AttributableShapeSharedPtr LayerManager::getSubsetShape( const AttributableShapeSharedPtr& rOrigShape, const DocTreeNode& rTreeNode ) { OSL_ASSERT( !maLayers.empty() ); // always at least background layer AttributableShapeSharedPtr pSubset; // shape already added? if( rOrigShape->createSubset( pSubset, rTreeNode ) ) { OSL_ENSURE( pSubset, "LayerManager::getSubsetShape(): failed to create subset" ); // don't add to shape hash, we're dupes to the // original XShape anyway - all subset shapes return // the same XShape as the original one. // add shape to corresponding layer implAddShape( pSubset ); // update original shape, it now shows less content // (the subset is removed from its displayed // output). Subset shape is updated within // implAddShape(). if( rOrigShape->isVisible() ) notifyShapeUpdate( rOrigShape ); } return pSubset; } void LayerManager::revokeSubset( const AttributableShapeSharedPtr& rOrigShape, const AttributableShapeSharedPtr& rSubsetShape ) { OSL_ASSERT( !maLayers.empty() ); // always at least background layer if( rOrigShape->revokeSubset( rSubsetShape ) ) { OSL_ASSERT( maAllShapes.find(rSubsetShape) != maAllShapes.end() ); implRemoveShape( rSubsetShape ); // update original shape, it now shows more content // (the subset is added back to its displayed output) if( rOrigShape->isVisible() ) notifyShapeUpdate( rOrigShape ); } } void LayerManager::enterAnimationMode( const AnimatableShapeSharedPtr& rShape ) { OSL_ASSERT( !maLayers.empty() ); // always at least background layer ENSURE_OR_THROW( rShape, "LayerManager::enterAnimationMode(): invalid Shape" ); const bool bPrevAnimState( rShape->isBackgroundDetached() ); rShape->enterAnimationMode(); // if this call _really_ enabled the animation mode at // rShape, insert it to our enter animation queue, to // perform the necessary layer reorg lazily on // LayerManager::update()/render(). if( bPrevAnimState != rShape->isBackgroundDetached() ) { ++mnActiveSprites; mbLayerAssociationDirty = true; // area needs update (shape is removed from normal // slide, and now rendered as an autonomous // sprite). store in update set if( rShape->isVisible() ) addUpdateArea( rShape ); } // TODO(P1): this can lead to potential wasted effort, if // a shape gets toggled animated/unanimated a few times // between two frames, returning to the original state. } void LayerManager::leaveAnimationMode( const AnimatableShapeSharedPtr& rShape ) { ENSURE_OR_THROW( !maLayers.empty(), "LayerManager::leaveAnimationMode(): no layers" ); ENSURE_OR_THROW( rShape, "LayerManager::leaveAnimationMode(): invalid Shape" ); const bool bPrevAnimState( rShape->isBackgroundDetached() ); rShape->leaveAnimationMode(); // if this call _really_ ended the animation mode at // rShape, insert it to our leave animation queue, to // perform the necessary layer reorg lazily on // LayerManager::update()/render(). if( bPrevAnimState != rShape->isBackgroundDetached() ) { --mnActiveSprites; mbLayerAssociationDirty = true; // shape needs update, no previous rendering, fast // update possible. if( rShape->isVisible() ) notifyShapeUpdate( rShape ); } // TODO(P1): this can lead to potential wasted effort, if // a shape gets toggled animated/unanimated a few times // between two frames, returning to the original state. } void LayerManager::notifyShapeUpdate( const ShapeSharedPtr& rShape ) { if( !mbActive || mrViews.empty() ) return; // hidden sprite-shape needs render() call still, to hide sprite if( rShape->isVisible() || rShape->isBackgroundDetached() ) maUpdateShapes.insert( rShape ); else addUpdateArea( rShape ); } bool LayerManager::isUpdatePending() const { if( !mbActive ) return false; if( mbLayerAssociationDirty || !maUpdateShapes.empty() ) return true; const LayerVector::const_iterator aEnd( maLayers.end() ); if( std::find_if( maLayers.begin(), aEnd, boost::mem_fn(&Layer::isUpdatePending)) != aEnd ) return true; return false; } bool LayerManager::updateSprites() { bool bRet(true); // send update() calls to every shape in the // maUpdateShapes set, which is _animated_ (i.e. a // sprite). const ShapeUpdateSet::const_iterator aEnd=maUpdateShapes.end(); ShapeUpdateSet::const_iterator aCurrShape=maUpdateShapes.begin(); while( aCurrShape != aEnd ) { if( (*aCurrShape)->isBackgroundDetached() ) { // can update shape directly, without // affecting layer content (shape is // currently displayed in a sprite) if( !(*aCurrShape)->update() ) bRet = false; // delay error exit } else { // TODO(P2): addUpdateArea() involves log(n) // search for shape layer. Have a frequent // shape/layer association cache, or ptr back to // layer at the shape? // cannot update shape directly, it's not // animated and update() calls will prolly // overwrite other page content. addUpdateArea( *aCurrShape ); } ++aCurrShape; } maUpdateShapes.clear(); return bRet; } bool LayerManager::update() { bool bRet = true; if( !mbActive ) return bRet; // going to render - better flush any pending layer reorg // now updateShapeLayers(false); // all sprites bRet = updateSprites(); // any non-sprite update areas left? if( std::find_if( maLayers.begin(), maLayers.end(), boost::mem_fn( &Layer::isUpdatePending )) == maLayers.end() ) return bRet; // nope, done. // update each shape on each layer, that has // isUpdatePending() bool bIsCurrLayerUpdating(false); Layer::EndUpdater aEndUpdater; LayerSharedPtr pCurrLayer; LayerShapeMap::const_iterator aIter( maAllShapes.begin() ); const LayerShapeMap::const_iterator aEnd ( maAllShapes.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { LayerSharedPtr pLayer = aIter->second.lock(); if( pLayer != pCurrLayer ) { pCurrLayer = pLayer; bIsCurrLayerUpdating = pCurrLayer->isUpdatePending(); if( bIsCurrLayerUpdating ) aEndUpdater = pCurrLayer->beginUpdate(); } if( bIsCurrLayerUpdating && !aIter->first->isBackgroundDetached() && pCurrLayer->isInsideUpdateArea(aIter->first) ) { if( !aIter->first->render() ) bRet = false; } ++aIter; } return bRet; } namespace { /** Little wrapper around a Canvas, to render one-shot into a canvas */ class DummyLayer : public ViewLayer { public: explicit DummyLayer( const ::cppcanvas::CanvasSharedPtr& rCanvas ) : mpCanvas( rCanvas ) { } virtual bool isOnView(boost::shared_ptr const& /*rView*/) const { return true; // visible on all views } virtual ::cppcanvas::CanvasSharedPtr getCanvas() const { return mpCanvas; } virtual void clear() const { // NOOP } virtual void clearAll() const { // NOOP } virtual ::cppcanvas::CustomSpriteSharedPtr createSprite( const ::basegfx::B2DSize& /*rSpriteSizePixel*/, double /*nSpritePrio*/ ) const { ENSURE_OR_THROW( false, "DummyLayer::createSprite(): This method is not supposed to be called!" ); return ::cppcanvas::CustomSpriteSharedPtr(); } virtual void setPriority( const basegfx::B1DRange& /*rRange*/ ) { OSL_ENSURE( false, "BitmapView::setPriority(): This method is not supposed to be called!" ); } virtual ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix getTransformation() const { return mpCanvas->getTransformation(); } virtual ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix getSpriteTransformation() const { OSL_ENSURE( false, "BitmapView::getSpriteTransformation(): This method is not supposed to be called!" ); return ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix(); } virtual void setClip( const ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& /*rClip*/ ) { OSL_ENSURE( false, "BitmapView::setClip(): This method is not supposed to be called!" ); } virtual bool resize( const ::basegfx::B2DRange& /*rArea*/ ) { OSL_ENSURE( false, "BitmapView::resize(): This method is not supposed to be called!" ); return false; } private: ::cppcanvas::CanvasSharedPtr mpCanvas; }; } bool LayerManager::renderTo( const ::cppcanvas::CanvasSharedPtr& rTargetCanvas ) const { bool bRet( true ); ViewLayerSharedPtr pTmpLayer( new DummyLayer( rTargetCanvas ) ); LayerShapeMap::const_iterator aIter( maAllShapes.begin() ); const LayerShapeMap::const_iterator aEnd ( maAllShapes.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { try { // forward to all shape's addViewLayer method (which // we request to render the Shape on the new // ViewLayer. Since we add the shapes in the // maShapeSet order (which is also the render order), // this is equivalent to a subsequent render() call) aIter->first->addViewLayer( pTmpLayer, true ); // and remove again, this is only temporary aIter->first->removeViewLayer( pTmpLayer ); } catch( uno::Exception& ) { // TODO(E1): Might be superfluous. Nowadays, // addViewLayer swallows all errors, anyway. OSL_ENSURE( false, rtl::OUStringToOString( comphelper::anyToString( cppu::getCaughtException() ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr() ); // at least one shape could not be rendered bRet = false; } ++aIter; } return bRet; } void LayerManager::addUpdateArea( ShapeSharedPtr const& rShape ) { OSL_ASSERT( !maLayers.empty() ); // always at least background layer ENSURE_OR_THROW( rShape, "LayerManager::addUpdateArea(): invalid Shape" ); const LayerShapeMap::const_iterator aShapeEntry( maAllShapes.find(rShape) ); if( aShapeEntry == maAllShapes.end() ) return; LayerSharedPtr pLayer = aShapeEntry->second.lock(); if( pLayer ) pLayer->addUpdateRange( rShape->getUpdateArea() ); } void LayerManager::commitLayerChanges( std::size_t nCurrLayerIndex, LayerShapeMap::const_iterator aFirstLayerShape, LayerShapeMap::const_iterator aEndLayerShapes ) { const bool bLayerExists( maLayers.size() > nCurrLayerIndex ); if( bLayerExists ) { const LayerSharedPtr& rLayer( maLayers.at(nCurrLayerIndex) ); const bool bLayerResized( rLayer->commitBounds() ); rLayer->setPriority( basegfx::B1DRange(nCurrLayerIndex, nCurrLayerIndex+1) ); if( bLayerResized ) { // need to re-render whole layer - start from // clean state rLayer->clearContent(); // render and remove from update set while( aFirstLayerShape != aEndLayerShapes ) { maUpdateShapes.erase(aFirstLayerShape->first); aFirstLayerShape->first->render(); ++aFirstLayerShape; } } } } LayerSharedPtr LayerManager::createForegroundLayer() const { OSL_ASSERT( mbActive ); LayerSharedPtr pLayer( Layer::createLayer( maPageBounds )); // create ViewLayers for all registered views, and add to // newly created layer. ::std::for_each( mrViews.begin(), mrViews.end(), boost::bind( &Layer::addView, boost::cref(pLayer), _1 )); return pLayer; } void LayerManager::updateShapeLayers( bool bBackgroundLayerPainted ) { OSL_ASSERT( !maLayers.empty() ); // always at least background layer OSL_ASSERT( mbActive ); // do we need to process shapes? if( !mbLayerAssociationDirty ) return; if( mbDisableAnimationZOrder ) { // layer setup happened elsewhere, is only bg layer // anyway. mbLayerAssociationDirty = false; return; } // scan through maAllShapes, and determine shape animation // discontinuities: when a shape that has // isBackgroundDetached() return false follows a shape // with isBackgroundDetached() true, the former and all // following ones must be moved into an own layer. // to avoid tons of temporaries, create weak_ptr to Layers // beforehand std::vector< LayerWeakPtr > aWeakLayers(maLayers.size()); std::copy(maLayers.begin(),maLayers.end(),aWeakLayers.begin()); std::size_t nCurrLayerIndex(0); bool bIsBackgroundLayer(true); bool bLastWasBackgroundDetached(false); // last shape sprite state LayerShapeMap::iterator aCurrShapeEntry( maAllShapes.begin() ); LayerShapeMap::iterator aCurrLayerFirstShapeEntry( maAllShapes.begin() ); const LayerShapeMap::iterator aEndShapeEntry ( maAllShapes.end() ); ShapeUpdateSet aUpdatedShapes; // shapes that need update while( aCurrShapeEntry != aEndShapeEntry ) { const ShapeSharedPtr pCurrShape( aCurrShapeEntry->first ); const bool bThisIsBackgroundDetached( pCurrShape->isBackgroundDetached() ); if( bLastWasBackgroundDetached == true && bThisIsBackgroundDetached == false ) { // discontinuity found - current shape needs to // get into a new layer // -------------------------------------------- // commit changes to previous layer commitLayerChanges(nCurrLayerIndex, aCurrLayerFirstShapeEntry, aCurrShapeEntry); aCurrLayerFirstShapeEntry=aCurrShapeEntry; ++nCurrLayerIndex; bIsBackgroundLayer = false; if( aWeakLayers.size() <= nCurrLayerIndex || aWeakLayers.at(nCurrLayerIndex) != aCurrShapeEntry->second ) { // no more layers left, or shape was not // member of this layer - create a new one maLayers.insert( maLayers.begin()+nCurrLayerIndex, createForegroundLayer() ); aWeakLayers.insert( aWeakLayers.begin()+nCurrLayerIndex, maLayers[nCurrLayerIndex] ); } } OSL_ASSERT( maLayers.size() == aWeakLayers.size() ); // note: using indices here, since vector::insert // above invalidates iterators LayerSharedPtr& rCurrLayer( maLayers.at(nCurrLayerIndex) ); LayerWeakPtr& rCurrWeakLayer( aWeakLayers.at(nCurrLayerIndex) ); if( rCurrWeakLayer != aCurrShapeEntry->second ) { // mismatch: shape is not contained in current // layer - move shape to that layer, then. maLayers.at(nCurrLayerIndex)->setShapeViews( pCurrShape ); // layer got new shape(s), need full repaint, if // non-sprite shape if( !bThisIsBackgroundDetached && pCurrShape->isVisible() ) { LayerSharedPtr pOldLayer( aCurrShapeEntry->second.lock() ); if( pOldLayer ) { // old layer still valid? then we need to // repaint former shape area pOldLayer->addUpdateRange( pCurrShape->getUpdateArea() ); } // render on new layer (only if not // explicitly disabled) if( !(bBackgroundLayerPainted && bIsBackgroundLayer) ) maUpdateShapes.insert( pCurrShape ); } aCurrShapeEntry->second = rCurrWeakLayer; } // update layerbounds regardless of the fact that the // shape might be contained in said layer // already. updateBounds() is dumb and needs to // collect all shape bounds. // of course, no need to expand layer bounds for // shapes that reside in sprites themselves. if( !bThisIsBackgroundDetached && !bIsBackgroundLayer ) rCurrLayer->updateBounds( pCurrShape ); bLastWasBackgroundDetached = bThisIsBackgroundDetached; ++aCurrShapeEntry; } // commit very last layer data commitLayerChanges(nCurrLayerIndex, aCurrLayerFirstShapeEntry, aCurrShapeEntry); // any layers left? Bin them! if( maLayers.size() > nCurrLayerIndex+1 ) maLayers.erase(maLayers.begin()+nCurrLayerIndex+1, maLayers.end()); mbLayerAssociationDirty = false; } } }