/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #include "hintids.hxx" #include #include #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_I18N_SCRIPTTYPE_HDL_ #include #endif #include #include // SwRedline #include // SwTxt ... #include // SwRedlineTbl #include // SwAttrIter #include // SwTxtNode #include // SwDoc #include #include #include #include #include #include // SwTxtFrm #ifndef _APP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; /************************************************************************* * SwAttrIter::CtorInitAttrIter() *************************************************************************/ void SwAttrIter::CtorInitAttrIter( SwTxtNode& rTxtNode, SwScriptInfo& rScrInf, SwTxtFrm* pFrm ) { // Beim HTML-Import kann es vorkommen, dass kein Layout existiert. SwRootFrm* pRootFrm = rTxtNode.getIDocumentLayoutAccess()->GetCurrentLayout(); pShell = pRootFrm ? pRootFrm->GetCurrShell() : 0; //swmod 080218 pScriptInfo = &rScrInf; // attributes set at the whole paragraph pAttrSet = rTxtNode.GetpSwAttrSet(); // attribute array pHints = rTxtNode.GetpSwpHints(); // Build a font matching the default paragraph style: SwFontAccess aFontAccess( &rTxtNode.GetAnyFmtColl(), pShell ); delete pFnt; pFnt = new SwFont( *aFontAccess.Get()->GetFont() ); // set font to vertical if frame layout is vertical sal_Bool bVertLayout = sal_False; sal_Bool bRTL = sal_False; if ( pFrm ) { if ( pFrm->IsVertical() ) { bVertLayout = sal_True; pFnt->SetVertical( pFnt->GetOrientation(), sal_True ); } bRTL = pFrm->IsRightToLeft(); } // Initialize the default attribute of the attribute handler // based on the attribute array cached together with the font. // If any further attributes for the paragraph are given in pAttrSet // consider them during construction of the default array, and apply // them to the font aAttrHandler.Init( aFontAccess.Get()->GetDefault(), pAttrSet, *rTxtNode.getIDocumentSettingAccess(), pShell, *pFnt, bVertLayout ); aMagicNo[SW_LATIN] = aMagicNo[SW_CJK] = aMagicNo[SW_CTL] = NULL; // determine script changes if not already done for current paragraph ASSERT( pScriptInfo, "No script info available"); if ( pScriptInfo->GetInvalidity() != STRING_LEN ) pScriptInfo->InitScriptInfo( rTxtNode, bRTL ); if ( pBreakIt->GetBreakIter().is() ) { pFnt->SetActual( SwScriptInfo::WhichFont( 0, 0, pScriptInfo ) ); xub_StrLen nChg = 0; sal_uInt16 nCnt = 0; do { nChg = pScriptInfo->GetScriptChg( nCnt ); sal_uInt16 nScript = pScriptInfo->GetScriptType( nCnt++ ); sal_uInt8 nTmp = 4; switch ( nScript ) { case i18n::ScriptType::ASIAN : if( !aMagicNo[SW_CJK] ) nTmp = SW_CJK; break; case i18n::ScriptType::COMPLEX : if( !aMagicNo[SW_CTL] ) nTmp = SW_CTL; break; default: if( !aMagicNo[SW_LATIN ] ) nTmp = SW_LATIN; } if( nTmp < 4 ) { pFnt->ChkMagic( pShell, nTmp ); pFnt->GetMagic( aMagicNo[ nTmp ], aFntIdx[ nTmp ], nTmp ); } } while( nChg < rTxtNode.GetTxt().Len() ); } else { pFnt->ChkMagic( pShell, SW_LATIN ); pFnt->GetMagic( aMagicNo[ SW_LATIN ], aFntIdx[ SW_LATIN ], SW_LATIN ); } nStartIndex = nEndIndex = nPos = nChgCnt = 0; nPropFont = 0; SwDoc* pDoc = rTxtNode.GetDoc(); const IDocumentRedlineAccess* pIDRA = rTxtNode.getIDocumentRedlineAccess(); const SwExtTextInput* pExtInp = pDoc->GetExtTextInput( rTxtNode ); const bool bShow = IDocumentRedlineAccess::IsShowChanges( pIDRA->GetRedlineMode() ); if( pExtInp || bShow ) { MSHORT nRedlPos = pIDRA->GetRedlinePos( rTxtNode, USHRT_MAX ); if( pExtInp || MSHRT_MAX != nRedlPos ) { const SvUShorts* pArr = 0; xub_StrLen nInputStt = 0; if( pExtInp ) { pArr = &pExtInp->GetAttrs(); nInputStt = pExtInp->Start()->nContent.GetIndex(); Seek( 0 ); } pRedln = new SwRedlineItr( rTxtNode, *pFnt, aAttrHandler, nRedlPos, bShow, pArr, nInputStt ); if( pRedln->IsOn() ) ++nChgCnt; } } } /************************************************************************* * SwRedlineItr - Der Redline-Iterator * * Folgende Informationen/Zustände gibt es im RedlineIterator: * * nFirst ist der erste Index der RedlineTbl, der mit dem Absatz überlappt. * * nAct ist der zur Zeit aktive ( wenn bOn gesetzt ist ) oder der nächste * in Frage kommende Index. * nStart und nEnd geben die Grenzen des Objekts innerhalb des Absatzes an. * * Wenn bOn gesetzt ist, ist der Font entsprechend manipuliert worden. * * Wenn nAct auf MSHRT_MAX gesetzt wurde ( durch Reset() ), so ist zur Zeit * kein Redline aktiv, nStart und nEnd sind invalid. *************************************************************************/ SwRedlineItr::SwRedlineItr( const SwTxtNode& rTxtNd, SwFont& rFnt, SwAttrHandler& rAH, MSHORT nRed, sal_Bool bShw, const SvUShorts *pArr, xub_StrLen nExtStart ) : rDoc( *rTxtNd.GetDoc() ), rNd( rTxtNd ), rAttrHandler( rAH ), pSet( 0 ), nNdIdx( rTxtNd.GetIndex() ), nFirst( nRed ), nAct( MSHRT_MAX ), bOn( sal_False ), bShow( bShw ) { if( pArr ) pExt = new SwExtend( *pArr, nExtStart ); else pExt = NULL; Seek( rFnt, 0, STRING_LEN ); } SwRedlineItr::~SwRedlineItr() { Clear( NULL ); delete pSet; delete pExt; } // Der Return-Wert von SwRedlineItr::Seek gibt an, ob der aktuelle Font // verändert wurde durch Verlassen (-1) oder Betreten eines Bereichs (+1) short SwRedlineItr::_Seek( SwFont& rFnt, xub_StrLen nNew, xub_StrLen nOld ) { short nRet = 0; if( ExtOn() ) return 0; // Abkürzung: wenn wir innerhalb eines ExtendTextInputs sind // kann es keine anderen Attributwechsel (auch nicht durch Redlining) geben if( bShow ) { if( bOn ) { if( nNew >= nEnd ) { --nRet; _Clear( &rFnt ); // Wir gehen hinter den aktuellen Bereich ++nAct; // und prüfen gleich den nächsten } else if( nNew < nStart ) { --nRet; _Clear( &rFnt ); // Wir gehen vor den aktuellen Bereich if( nAct > nFirst ) nAct = nFirst; // Die Prüfung muss von vorne beginnen else return nRet + EnterExtend( rFnt, nNew ); // Es gibt keinen vor uns. } else return nRet + EnterExtend( rFnt, nNew ); // Wir sind im gleichen Bereich geblieben. } if( MSHRT_MAX == nAct || nOld > nNew ) nAct = nFirst; nStart = STRING_LEN; nEnd = STRING_LEN; for( ; nAct < rDoc.GetRedlineTbl().Count() ; ++nAct ) { rDoc.GetRedlineTbl()[ nAct ]->CalcStartEnd( nNdIdx, nStart, nEnd ); if( nNew < nEnd ) { if( nNew >= nStart ) // der einzig mögliche Kandidat { bOn = sal_True; const SwRedline *pRed = rDoc.GetRedlineTbl()[ nAct ]; if (pSet) pSet->ClearItem(); else { SwAttrPool& rPool = const_cast(rDoc).GetAttrPool(); pSet = new SfxItemSet(rPool, RES_CHRATR_BEGIN, RES_CHRATR_END-1); } if( 1 < pRed->GetStackCount() ) FillHints( pRed->GetAuthor( 1 ), pRed->GetType( 1 ) ); FillHints( pRed->GetAuthor(), pRed->GetType() ); SfxWhichIter aIter( *pSet ); MSHORT nWhich = aIter.FirstWhich(); while( nWhich ) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if( ( nWhich < RES_CHRATR_END ) && ( SFX_ITEM_SET == pSet->GetItemState( nWhich, sal_True, &pItem ) ) ) { SwTxtAttr* pAttr = MakeRedlineTxtAttr( const_cast(rDoc), *const_cast(pItem) ); pAttr->SetPriorityAttr( sal_True ); aHints.C40_INSERT( SwTxtAttr, pAttr, aHints.Count()); rAttrHandler.PushAndChg( *pAttr, rFnt ); if( RES_CHRATR_COLOR == nWhich ) rFnt.SetNoCol( sal_True ); } nWhich = aIter.NextWhich(); } ++nRet; } break; } nStart = STRING_LEN; nEnd = STRING_LEN; } } return nRet + EnterExtend( rFnt, nNew ); } void SwRedlineItr::FillHints( MSHORT nAuthor, RedlineType_t eType ) { switch ( eType ) { case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_INSERT: SW_MOD()->GetInsertAuthorAttr(nAuthor, *pSet); break; case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_DELETE: SW_MOD()->GetDeletedAuthorAttr(nAuthor, *pSet); break; case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_FORMAT: case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_FMTCOLL: SW_MOD()->GetFormatAuthorAttr(nAuthor, *pSet); break; default: break; } } void SwRedlineItr::ChangeTxtAttr( SwFont* pFnt, SwTxtAttr &rHt, sal_Bool bChg ) { ASSERT( IsOn(), "SwRedlineItr::ChangeTxtAttr: Off?" ); if( !bShow && !pExt ) return; if( bChg ) { if ( pExt && pExt->IsOn() ) rAttrHandler.PushAndChg( rHt, *pExt->GetFont() ); else rAttrHandler.PushAndChg( rHt, *pFnt ); } else { ASSERT( ! pExt || ! pExt->IsOn(), "Pop of attribute during opened extension" ) rAttrHandler.PopAndChg( rHt, *pFnt ); } } void SwRedlineItr::_Clear( SwFont* pFnt ) { ASSERT( bOn, "SwRedlineItr::Clear: Off?" ); bOn = sal_False; while( aHints.Count() ) { SwTxtAttr *pPos = aHints[ 0 ]; aHints.Remove(0); if( pFnt ) rAttrHandler.PopAndChg( *pPos, *pFnt ); else rAttrHandler.Pop( *pPos ); SwTxtAttr::Destroy(pPos, const_cast(rDoc).GetAttrPool() ); } if( pFnt ) pFnt->SetNoCol( sal_False ); } xub_StrLen SwRedlineItr::_GetNextRedln( xub_StrLen nNext ) { nNext = NextExtend( nNext ); if( !bShow || MSHRT_MAX == nFirst ) return nNext; if( MSHRT_MAX == nAct ) { nAct = nFirst; rDoc.GetRedlineTbl()[ nAct ]->CalcStartEnd( nNdIdx, nStart, nEnd ); } if( bOn || !nStart ) { if( nEnd < nNext ) nNext = nEnd; } else if( nStart < nNext ) nNext = nStart; return nNext; } sal_Bool SwRedlineItr::_ChkSpecialUnderline() const { // Wenn die Unterstreichung oder das Escapement vom Redlining kommt, // wenden wir immer das SpecialUnderlining, d.h. die Unterstreichung // unter der Grundlinie an. for( MSHORT i = 0; i < aHints.Count(); ++i ) { MSHORT nWhich = aHints[i]->Which(); if( RES_CHRATR_UNDERLINE == nWhich || RES_CHRATR_ESCAPEMENT == nWhich ) return sal_True; } return sal_False; } sal_Bool SwRedlineItr::CheckLine( xub_StrLen nChkStart, xub_StrLen nChkEnd ) { if( nFirst == MSHRT_MAX ) return sal_False; if( nChkEnd == nChkStart ) // Leerzeilen gucken ein Zeichen weiter. ++nChkEnd; xub_StrLen nOldStart = nStart; xub_StrLen nOldEnd = nEnd; xub_StrLen nOldAct = nAct; sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; for( nAct = nFirst; nAct < rDoc.GetRedlineTbl().Count() ; ++nAct ) { rDoc.GetRedlineTbl()[ nAct ]->CalcStartEnd( nNdIdx, nStart, nEnd ); if( nChkEnd < nStart ) break; if( nChkStart <= nEnd && ( nChkEnd > nStart || STRING_LEN == nEnd ) ) { bRet = sal_True; break; } } nStart = nOldStart; nEnd = nOldEnd; nAct = nOldAct; return bRet; } void SwExtend::ActualizeFont( SwFont &rFnt, MSHORT nAttr ) { if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_UNDERLINE ) rFnt.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_SINGLE ); else if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_BOLDUNDERLINE ) rFnt.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_BOLD ); else if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_DOTTEDUNDERLINE ) rFnt.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_DOTTED ); else if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_DASHDOTUNDERLINE ) rFnt.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_DOTTED ); if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_REDTEXT ) rFnt.SetColor( Color( COL_RED ) ); if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_HIGHLIGHT ) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetpApp()->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); rFnt.SetColor( rStyleSettings.GetHighlightTextColor() ); rFnt.SetBackColor( new Color( rStyleSettings.GetHighlightColor() ) ); } if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_GRAYWAVELINE ) rFnt.SetGreyWave( sal_True ); } short SwExtend::Enter( SwFont& rFnt, xub_StrLen nNew ) { ASSERT( !Inside(), "SwExtend: Enter without Leave" ); ASSERT( !pFnt, "SwExtend: Enter with Font" ); nPos = nNew; if( Inside() ) { pFnt = new SwFont( rFnt ); ActualizeFont( rFnt, rArr[ nPos - nStart ] ); return 1; } return 0; } sal_Bool SwExtend::_Leave( SwFont& rFnt, xub_StrLen nNew ) { ASSERT( Inside(), "SwExtend: Leave without Enter" ); MSHORT nOldAttr = rArr[ nPos - nStart ]; nPos = nNew; if( Inside() ) { // Wir sind innerhalb des ExtendText-Bereichs geblieben MSHORT nAttr = rArr[ nPos - nStart ]; if( nOldAttr != nAttr ) // Gibt es einen (inneren) Attributwechsel? { rFnt = *pFnt; ActualizeFont( rFnt, nAttr ); } } else { rFnt = *pFnt; delete pFnt; pFnt = NULL; return sal_True; } return sal_False; } xub_StrLen SwExtend::Next( xub_StrLen nNext ) { if( nPos < nStart ) { if( nNext > nStart ) nNext = nStart; } else if( nPos < nEnd ) { MSHORT nIdx = nPos - nStart; MSHORT nAttr = rArr[ nIdx ]; while( ++nIdx < rArr.Count() && nAttr == rArr[ nIdx ] ) ; // nothing nIdx = nIdx + nStart; if( nNext > nIdx ) nNext = nIdx; } return nNext; } /* vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4: */