/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #include "hintids.hxx" #include #include #include #include "viewsh.hxx" // NewFldPortion, GetDoc() #include "doc.hxx" // NewFldPortion, GetSysFldType() #include "rootfrm.hxx" // Info ueber virt. PageNumber #include "pagefrm.hxx" // NewFldPortion, GetVirtPageNum() #include "ndtxt.hxx" // NewNumberPortion, pHints->GetNum() #include "fldbas.hxx" // SwField #include "viewopt.hxx" // SwViewOptions #include "flyfrm.hxx" //IsInBody() #include "viewimp.hxx" #include "txtatr.hxx" // SwTxtFld #include "txtcfg.hxx" #include "swfont.hxx" // NewFldPortion, new SwFont #include "fntcache.hxx" // NewFldPortion, SwFntAccess #include "porfld.hxx" #include "porftn.hxx" // NewExtraPortion #include "porref.hxx" // NewExtraPortion #include "portox.hxx" // NewExtraPortion #include "porhyph.hxx" // NewExtraPortion #include "porfly.hxx" // NewExtraPortion #include "itrform2.hxx" // SwTxtFormatter #include "chpfld.hxx" #include "dbfld.hxx" #include "expfld.hxx" #include "docufld.hxx" #include "pagedesc.hxx" // NewFldPortion, GetNum() #include // SwMultiPortion #include "fmtmeta.hxx" // lcl_NewMetaPortion //IAccessibility2 Implementation 2009----- #ifndef _REFFLD_HXX #include "reffld.hxx" #endif #ifndef _FLDDAT_HXX #include "flddat.hxx" #endif //-----IAccessibility2 Implementation 2009 /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::NewFldPortion() *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool lcl_IsInBody( SwFrm *pFrm ) { if ( pFrm->IsInDocBody() ) return sal_True; else { const SwFrm *pTmp = pFrm; const SwFlyFrm *pFly; while ( 0 != (pFly = pTmp->FindFlyFrm()) ) pTmp = pFly->GetAnchorFrm(); return pTmp->IsInDocBody(); } } SwExpandPortion *SwTxtFormatter::NewFldPortion( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf, const SwTxtAttr *pHint ) const { SwExpandPortion *pRet = 0; SwFrm *pFrame = (SwFrm*)pFrm; SwField *pFld = (SwField*)pHint->GetFmtFld().GetField(); const sal_Bool bName = rInf.GetOpt().IsFldName(); SwCharFmt* pChFmt = 0; sal_Bool bNewFlyPor = sal_False, bINet = sal_False; //IAccessibility2 Implementation 2009----- sal_uInt16 subType; //-----IAccessibility2 Implementation 2009 // set language ((SwTxtFormatter*)this)->SeekAndChg( rInf ); if (pFld->GetLanguage() != GetFnt()->GetLanguage()) { pFld->SetLanguage( GetFnt()->GetLanguage() ); // let the visual note know about its new language if (pFld->GetTyp()->Which()==RES_POSTITFLD) const_cast (&pHint->GetFmtFld())->Broadcast( SwFmtFldHint( &pHint->GetFmtFld(), SWFMTFLD_LANGUAGE ) ); } ViewShell *pSh = rInf.GetVsh(); SwDoc *const pDoc( (pSh) ? pSh->GetDoc() : 0 ); bool const bInClipboard( (pDoc) ? pDoc->IsClipBoard() : true ); sal_Bool bPlaceHolder = sal_False; switch( pFld->GetTyp()->Which() ) { case RES_SCRIPTFLD: case RES_POSTITFLD: pRet = new SwPostItsPortion( RES_SCRIPTFLD == pFld->GetTyp()->Which() ); break; case RES_COMBINED_CHARS: { if( bName ) { String const sName( pFld->GetFieldName() ); pRet = new SwFldPortion(sName); } else { String const sContent( pFld->ExpandField(bInClipboard) ); pRet = new SwCombinedPortion(sContent); } } break; case RES_HIDDENTXTFLD: { String const str( (bName) ? pFld->GetFieldName() : pFld->ExpandField(bInClipboard) ); pRet = new SwHiddenPortion(str); } break; case RES_CHAPTERFLD: if( !bName && pSh && !pSh->Imp()->IsUpdateExpFlds() ) { ((SwChapterField*)pFld)->ChangeExpansion( pFrame, &((SwTxtFld*)pHint)->GetTxtNode() ); } { String const str( (bName) ? pFld->GetFieldName() : pFld->ExpandField(bInClipboard) ); pRet = new SwFldPortion( str ); } break; case RES_DOCSTATFLD: if( !bName && pSh && !pSh->Imp()->IsUpdateExpFlds() ) { ((SwDocStatField*)pFld)->ChangeExpansion( pFrame ); } { String const str( (bName) ? pFld->GetFieldName() : pFld->ExpandField(bInClipboard) ); pRet = new SwFldPortion( str ); } //IAccessibility2 Implementation 2009----- if(pRet) ((SwFldPortion*)pRet)->m_nAttrFldType= ATTR_PAGECOOUNTFLD; //-----IAccessibility2 Implementation 2009 break; case RES_PAGENUMBERFLD: { if( !bName && pSh && pSh->GetLayout() && !pSh->Imp()->IsUpdateExpFlds() )//swmod 080122 { SwPageNumberFieldType *pPageNr = (SwPageNumberFieldType *)pFld->GetTyp(); const SwRootFrm* pTmpRootFrm = pSh->GetLayout(); const sal_Bool bVirt = pTmpRootFrm->IsVirtPageNum(); MSHORT nVirtNum = pFrame->GetVirtPageNum(); MSHORT nNumPages = pTmpRootFrm->GetPageNum(); sal_Int16 nNumFmt = -1; if(SVX_NUM_PAGEDESC == pFld->GetFormat()) nNumFmt = pFrame->FindPageFrm()->GetPageDesc()->GetNumType().GetNumberingType(); pPageNr->ChangeExpansion( pDoc, nVirtNum, nNumPages, bVirt, nNumFmt > -1 ? &nNumFmt : 0); } { String const str( (bName) ? pFld->GetFieldName() : pFld->ExpandField(bInClipboard) ); pRet = new SwFldPortion( str ); } //IAccessibility2 Implementation 2009----- if(pRet) ((SwFldPortion*)pRet)->m_nAttrFldType= ATTR_PAGENUMBERFLD; //-----IAccessibility2 Implementation 2009 break; } case RES_GETEXPFLD: { if( !bName && pSh && !pSh->Imp()->IsUpdateExpFlds() ) { SwGetExpField* pExpFld = (SwGetExpField*)pFld; if( !::lcl_IsInBody( pFrame ) ) { pExpFld->ChgBodyTxtFlag( sal_False ); pExpFld->ChangeExpansion( *pFrame, *((SwTxtFld*)pHint) ); } else if( !pExpFld->IsInBodyTxt() ) { // war vorher anders, also erst expandieren, dann umsetzen!! pExpFld->ChangeExpansion( *pFrame, *((SwTxtFld*)pHint) ); pExpFld->ChgBodyTxtFlag( sal_True ); } } { String const str( (bName) ? pFld->GetFieldName() : pFld->ExpandField(bInClipboard) ); pRet = new SwFldPortion( str ); } break; } case RES_DBFLD: { if( !bName ) { SwDBField* pDBFld = (SwDBField*)pFld; pDBFld->ChgBodyTxtFlag( ::lcl_IsInBody( pFrame ) ); /* Solange das ChangeExpansion auskommentiert ist. * Aktualisieren in Kopf/Fuszeilen geht aktuell nicht. if( !::lcl_IsInBody( pFrame ) ) { pDBFld->ChgBodyTxtFlag( sal_False ); pDBFld->ChangeExpansion( pFrame, (SwTxtFld*)pHint ); } else if( !pDBFld->IsInBodyTxt() ) { // war vorher anders, also erst expandieren, dann umsetzen!! pDBFld->ChangeExpansion( pFrame, (SwTxtFld*)pHint ); pDBFld->ChgBodyTxtFlag( sal_True ); } */ } { String const str( (bName) ? pFld->GetFieldName() : pFld->ExpandField(bInClipboard) ); pRet = new SwFldPortion(str); } break; } case RES_REFPAGEGETFLD: if( !bName && pSh && !pSh->Imp()->IsUpdateExpFlds() ) { ((SwRefPageGetField*)pFld)->ChangeExpansion( pFrame, (SwTxtFld*)pHint ); } { String const str( (bName) ? pFld->GetFieldName() : pFld->ExpandField(bInClipboard) ); pRet = new SwFldPortion(str); } break; case RES_JUMPEDITFLD: if( !bName ) pChFmt = ((SwJumpEditField*)pFld)->GetCharFmt(); bNewFlyPor = sal_True; bPlaceHolder = sal_True; break; //IAccessibility2 Implementation 2009----- case RES_GETREFFLD: subType = ((SwGetRefField*)pFld)->GetSubType(); { String const str( (bName) ? pFld->GetFieldName() : pFld->ExpandField(bInClipboard) ); pRet = new SwFldPortion(str); } if(pRet) { if( subType == REF_BOOKMARK ) ((SwFldPortion*)pRet)->m_nAttrFldType = ATTR_BOOKMARKFLD; else if( subType == REF_SETREFATTR ) ((SwFldPortion*)pRet)->m_nAttrFldType = ATTR_SETREFATTRFLD; break; } case RES_DATETIMEFLD: subType = ((SwDateTimeField*)pFld)->GetSubType(); { String const str( (bName) ? pFld->GetFieldName() : pFld->ExpandField(bInClipboard) ); pRet = new SwFldPortion(str); } if(pRet) { if( subType & DATEFLD ) ((SwFldPortion*)pRet)->m_nAttrFldType= ATTR_DATEFLD; else if( subType & TIMEFLD ) ((SwFldPortion*)pRet)->m_nAttrFldType = ATTR_TIMEFLD; break; } //-----IAccessibility2 Implementation 2009 default: { String const str( (bName) ? pFld->GetFieldName() : pFld->ExpandField(bInClipboard) ); pRet = new SwFldPortion(str); } } if( bNewFlyPor ) { SwFont *pTmpFnt = 0; if( !bName ) { pTmpFnt = new SwFont( *pFnt ); if( bINet ) { SwAttrPool* pPool = pChFmt->GetAttrSet().GetPool(); SfxItemSet aSet( *pPool, RES_CHRATR_BEGIN, RES_CHRATR_END ); SfxItemSet aTmpSet( aSet ); pFrm->GetTxtNode()->GetAttr(aSet,rInf.GetIdx(),rInf.GetIdx()+1); aTmpSet.Set( pChFmt->GetAttrSet() ); aTmpSet.Differentiate( aSet ); if( aTmpSet.Count() ) pTmpFnt->SetDiffFnt( &aTmpSet, pFrm->GetTxtNode()->getIDocumentSettingAccess() ); } else pTmpFnt->SetDiffFnt( &pChFmt->GetAttrSet(), pFrm->GetTxtNode()->getIDocumentSettingAccess() ); } { String const str( (bName) ? pFld->GetFieldName() : pFld->ExpandField(bInClipboard) ); pRet = new SwFldPortion(str, pTmpFnt, bPlaceHolder); } } return pRet; } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::TryNewNoLengthPortion() *************************************************************************/ SwFldPortion * lcl_NewMetaPortion(SwTxtAttr & rHint, const bool bPrefix) { ::sw::Meta *const pMeta( static_cast(rHint.GetAttr()).GetMeta() ); ::rtl::OUString fix; ::sw::MetaField *const pField( dynamic_cast< ::sw::MetaField * >(pMeta) ); OSL_ENSURE(pField, "lcl_NewMetaPortion: no meta field?"); if (pField) { pField->GetPrefixAndSuffix((bPrefix) ? &fix : 0, (bPrefix) ? 0 : &fix); } return new SwFldPortion( fix ); } /** Try to create a new portion with zero length, for an end of a hint (where there is no CH_TXTATR). Because there may be multiple hint ends at a given index, m_nHintEndIndex is used to keep track of the already created portions. But the portions created here may actually be deleted again, due to UnderFlow. In that case, m_nHintEndIndex must be decremented, so the portion will be created again on the next line. */ SwExpandPortion * SwTxtFormatter::TryNewNoLengthPortion(SwTxtFormatInfo & rInfo) { if (pHints) { const xub_StrLen nIdx(rInfo.GetIdx()); while (m_nHintEndIndex < pHints->GetEndCount()) { SwTxtAttr & rHint( *pHints->GetEnd(m_nHintEndIndex) ); xub_StrLen const nEnd( *rHint.GetAnyEnd() ); if (nEnd > nIdx) { break; } ++m_nHintEndIndex; if (nEnd == nIdx) { if (RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD == rHint.Which()) { SwFldPortion *const pPortion( lcl_NewMetaPortion(rHint, false)); pPortion->SetNoLength(); // no CH_TXTATR at hint end! return pPortion; } } } } return 0; } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::NewExtraPortion() *************************************************************************/ SwLinePortion *SwTxtFormatter::NewExtraPortion( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf ) { SwTxtAttr *pHint = GetAttr( rInf.GetIdx() ); SwLinePortion *pRet = 0; if( !pHint ) { pRet = new SwTxtPortion; pRet->SetLen( 1 ); rInf.SetLen( 1 ); return pRet; } switch( pHint->Which() ) { case RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT : { pRet = NewFlyCntPortion( rInf, pHint ); break; } case RES_TXTATR_FTN : { pRet = NewFtnPortion( rInf, pHint ); break; } case RES_TXTATR_FIELD : { pRet = NewFldPortion( rInf, pHint ); break; } case RES_TXTATR_REFMARK : { pRet = new SwIsoRefPortion; break; } case RES_TXTATR_TOXMARK : { pRet = new SwIsoToxPortion; break; } case RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD: { pRet = lcl_NewMetaPortion( *pHint, true ); break; } default: ; } if( !pRet ) { const XubString aNothing; pRet = new SwFldPortion( aNothing ); rInf.SetLen( 1 ); } return pRet; } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::NewNumberPortion() *************************************************************************/ SwNumberPortion *SwTxtFormatter::NewNumberPortion( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf ) const { if( rInf.IsNumDone() || rInf.GetTxtStart() != nStart || rInf.GetTxtStart() != rInf.GetIdx() ) return 0; SwNumberPortion *pRet = 0; const SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = GetTxtFrm()->GetTxtNode(); const SwNumRule* pNumRule = pTxtNd->GetNumRule(); // hat ein "gueltige" Nummer ? if( pTxtNd->IsNumbered() && pTxtNd->IsCountedInList()) { const SwNumFmt &rNumFmt = pNumRule->Get( static_cast(pTxtNd->GetActualListLevel()) ); const sal_Bool bLeft = SVX_ADJUST_LEFT == rNumFmt.GetNumAdjust(); const sal_Bool bCenter = SVX_ADJUST_CENTER == rNumFmt.GetNumAdjust(); // --> OD 2008-01-23 #newlistlevelattrs# const bool bLabelAlignmentPosAndSpaceModeActive( rNumFmt.GetPositionAndSpaceMode() == SvxNumberFormat::LABEL_ALIGNMENT ); const KSHORT nMinDist = bLabelAlignmentPosAndSpaceModeActive ? 0 : rNumFmt.GetCharTextDistance(); // <-- if( SVX_NUM_BITMAP == rNumFmt.GetNumberingType() ) { // --> OD 2008-01-23 #newlistlevelattrs# pRet = new SwGrfNumPortion( (SwFrm*)GetTxtFrm(), pTxtNd->GetLabelFollowedBy(), rNumFmt.GetBrush(), rNumFmt.GetGraphicOrientation(), rNumFmt.GetGraphicSize(), bLeft, bCenter, nMinDist, bLabelAlignmentPosAndSpaceModeActive ); // <-- long nTmpA = rInf.GetLast()->GetAscent(); long nTmpD = rInf.GetLast()->Height() - nTmpA; if( !rInf.IsTest() ) ((SwGrfNumPortion*)pRet)->SetBase( nTmpA, nTmpD, nTmpA, nTmpD ); } else { // Der SwFont wird dynamisch angelegt und im CTOR uebergeben, // weil das CharFmt nur einen SV-Font zurueckliefert. // Im Dtor vom SwNumberPortion wird der SwFont deletet. SwFont *pNumFnt = 0; const SwAttrSet* pFmt = rNumFmt.GetCharFmt() ? &rNumFmt.GetCharFmt()->GetAttrSet() : NULL; const IDocumentSettingAccess* pIDSA = pTxtNd->getIDocumentSettingAccess(); if( SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL == rNumFmt.GetNumberingType() ) { const Font *pFmtFnt = rNumFmt.GetBulletFont(); // // Build a new bullet font basing on the current paragraph font: // pNumFnt = new SwFont( &rInf.GetCharAttr(), pIDSA ); // --> FME 2005-08-11 #i53199# if ( !pIDSA->get(IDocumentSettingAccess::DO_NOT_RESET_PARA_ATTRS_FOR_NUM_FONT) ) { // i18463: // Underline style of paragraph font should not be considered // Overline style of paragraph font should not be considered // Weight style of paragraph font should not be considered // Posture style of paragraph font should not be considered pNumFnt->SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_NONE ); pNumFnt->SetOverline( UNDERLINE_NONE ); pNumFnt->SetItalic( ITALIC_NONE, SW_LATIN ); pNumFnt->SetItalic( ITALIC_NONE, SW_CJK ); pNumFnt->SetItalic( ITALIC_NONE, SW_CTL ); pNumFnt->SetWeight( WEIGHT_NORMAL, SW_LATIN ); pNumFnt->SetWeight( WEIGHT_NORMAL, SW_CJK ); pNumFnt->SetWeight( WEIGHT_NORMAL, SW_CTL ); } // // Apply the explicit attributes from the character style // associated with the numering to the new bullet font. // if( pFmt ) pNumFnt->SetDiffFnt( pFmt, pIDSA ); if ( pFmtFnt ) { const sal_uInt8 nAct = pNumFnt->GetActual(); pNumFnt->SetFamily( pFmtFnt->GetFamily(), nAct ); pNumFnt->SetName( pFmtFnt->GetName(), nAct ); pNumFnt->SetStyleName( pFmtFnt->GetStyleName(), nAct ); pNumFnt->SetCharSet( pFmtFnt->GetCharSet(), nAct ); pNumFnt->SetPitch( pFmtFnt->GetPitch(), nAct ); } // we do not allow a vertical font pNumFnt->SetVertical( pNumFnt->GetOrientation(), pFrm->IsVertical() ); // --> OD 2008-01-23 #newlistelevelattrs# pRet = new SwBulletPortion( rNumFmt.GetBulletChar(), pTxtNd->GetLabelFollowedBy(), pNumFnt, bLeft, bCenter, nMinDist, bLabelAlignmentPosAndSpaceModeActive ); // <-- } else { XubString aTxt( pTxtNd->GetNumString() ); // --> OD 2008-01-23 #newlistlevelattrs# if ( aTxt.Len() > 0 ) { aTxt.Insert( pTxtNd->GetLabelFollowedBy() ); } // <-- // 7974: Nicht nur eine Optimierung... // Eine Numberportion ohne Text wird die Breite von 0 // erhalten. Die nachfolgende Textportion wird im BreakLine // in das BreakCut laufen, obwohl rInf.GetLast()->GetFlyPortion() // vorliegt! if( aTxt.Len() ) { // // Build a new numbering font basing on the current paragraph font: // pNumFnt = new SwFont( &rInf.GetCharAttr(), pIDSA ); // --> FME 2005-08-11 #i53199# if ( !pIDSA->get(IDocumentSettingAccess::DO_NOT_RESET_PARA_ATTRS_FOR_NUM_FONT) ) { // i18463: // Underline style of paragraph font should not be considered pNumFnt->SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_NONE ); // Overline style of paragraph font should not be considered pNumFnt->SetOverline( UNDERLINE_NONE ); } // // Apply the explicit attributes from the character style // associated with the numering to the new bullet font. // if( pFmt ) pNumFnt->SetDiffFnt( pFmt, pIDSA ); // we do not allow a vertical font pNumFnt->SetVertical( pNumFnt->GetOrientation(), pFrm->IsVertical() ); // --> OD 2008-01-23 #newlistlevelattrs# pRet = new SwNumberPortion( aTxt, pNumFnt, bLeft, bCenter, nMinDist, bLabelAlignmentPosAndSpaceModeActive ); // <-- } } } } return pRet; }