/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ package com.sun.star.wiki; import com.sun.star.awt.XDialog; import com.sun.star.awt.XWindowPeer; import com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet; import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime; import com.sun.star.uno.XComponentContext; import com.sun.star.lang.EventObject; import java.util.Hashtable; import javax.net.ssl.SSLException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.*; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.*; public class WikiEditSettingDialog extends WikiDialog { private final String sOKMethod = "OK"; String[] Methods = {sOKMethod }; private Hashtable setting; private boolean addMode; private boolean m_bAllowURLChange = true; public WikiEditSettingDialog( XComponentContext xContext, String DialogURL ) { super( xContext, DialogURL ); super.setMethods( Methods ); setting = new Hashtable(); addMode = true; InsertThrobber( 184, 20, 10, 10 ); InitStrings( xContext ); InitSaveCheckbox( xContext, false ); } public WikiEditSettingDialog( XComponentContext xContext, String DialogURL, Hashtable ht, boolean bAllowURLChange ) { super( xContext, DialogURL ); super.setMethods( Methods ); setting = ht; boolean bInitSaveCheckBox = false; try { XPropertySet xUrlField = GetPropSet( "UrlField" ); xUrlField.setPropertyValue( "Text", ht.get( "Url" ) ); GetPropSet( "UsernameField" ).setPropertyValue( "Text", ht.get( "Username" ) ); if ( Helper.PasswordStoringIsAllowed( m_xContext ) ) { String[] pPasswords = Helper.GetPasswordsForURLAndUser( m_xContext, (String)ht.get( "Url" ), (String)ht.get( "Username" ) ); bInitSaveCheckBox = ( pPasswords != null && pPasswords.length > 0 && pPasswords[0].equals( (String)ht.get( "Password" ) ) ); } // the password should be entered by the user or the Cancel should be pressed // GetPropSet( "PasswordField" ).setPropertyValue( "Text", ht.get( "Password" )); } catch ( Exception ex ) { ex.printStackTrace(); } addMode = false; m_bAllowURLChange = bAllowURLChange; InsertThrobber( 184, 20, 10, 10 ); InitStrings( xContext ); InitSaveCheckbox( xContext, bInitSaveCheckBox ); } public boolean show( ) { SetThrobberVisible( false ); EnableControls( true ); boolean bResult = super.show(); try { if ( bResult && Helper.PasswordStoringIsAllowed( m_xContext ) && ( (Short)( GetPropSet( "SaveBox" ).getPropertyValue("State") ) ).shortValue() != (short)0 ) { String sURL = (String)setting.get( "Url" ); String sUserName = (String)setting.get( "Username" ); String sPassword = (String)setting.get( "Password" ); if ( sURL != null && sURL.length() > 0 && sUserName != null && sUserName.length() > 0 && sPassword != null && sPassword.length() > 0 ) { String[] pPasswords = { sPassword }; Helper.GetPasswordContainer( m_xContext ).addPersistent( sURL, sUserName, pPasswords, Helper.GetInteractionHandler( m_xContext ) ); } } } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } return bResult; } public void EnableControls( boolean bEnable ) { if ( !bEnable ) SetFocusTo( "CancelButton" ); try { GetPropSet( "UsernameField" ).setPropertyValue( "Enabled", new Boolean( bEnable ) ); GetPropSet( "PasswordField" ).setPropertyValue( "Enabled", new Boolean( bEnable ) ); GetPropSet( "OkButton" ).setPropertyValue( "Enabled", new Boolean( bEnable ) ); GetPropSet( "HelpButton" ).setPropertyValue( "Enabled", new Boolean( bEnable ) ); if ( bEnable ) { GetPropSet( "UrlField" ).setPropertyValue( "Enabled", new Boolean( m_bAllowURLChange ) ); GetPropSet( "SaveBox" ).setPropertyValue( "Enabled", new Boolean( Helper.PasswordStoringIsAllowed( m_xContext ) ) ); if ( m_bAllowURLChange ) SetFocusTo( "UrlField" ); else SetFocusTo( "UsernameField" ); } else { GetPropSet( "UrlField" ).setPropertyValue( "Enabled", Boolean.FALSE ); GetPropSet( "SaveBox" ).setPropertyValue( "Enabled", Boolean.FALSE ); } } catch ( Exception ex ) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private void InitStrings( XComponentContext xContext ) { try { SetTitle( Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_MEDIAWIKI_TITLE ) ); GetPropSet( "UrlLabel" ).setPropertyValue( "Label", Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_EDITSETTING_URLLABEL ) ); GetPropSet( "UsernameLabel" ).setPropertyValue( "Label", Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_EDITSETTING_USERNAMELABEL ) ); GetPropSet( "PasswordLabel" ).setPropertyValue( "Label", Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_EDITSETTING_PASSWORDLABEL ) ); GetPropSet( "AccountLine" ).setPropertyValue( "Label", Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_EDITSETTING_ACCOUNTLINE ) ); GetPropSet( "WikiLine" ).setPropertyValue( "Label", Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_EDITSETTING_WIKILINE ) ); GetPropSet( "SaveBox" ).setPropertyValue( "Label", Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_EDITSETTING_SAVEBOX ) ); GetPropSet( "OkButton" ).setPropertyValue( "Label", Helper.GetLocalizedString( xContext, Helper.DLG_OK ) ); } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void InitSaveCheckbox( XComponentContext xContext, boolean bInitSaveCheckBox ) { XPropertySet xSaveCheck = GetPropSet( "SaveBox" ); try { xSaveCheck.setPropertyValue( "State", new Short( bInitSaveCheckBox ? (short)1 : (short)0 ) ); xSaveCheck.setPropertyValue( "Enabled", new Boolean( Helper.PasswordStoringIsAllowed( xContext ) ) ); } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void DoLogin( XDialog xDialog ) { String sRedirectURL = ""; String sURL = ""; try { sURL = ( String ) GetPropSet( "UrlField" ).getPropertyValue( "Text" ); String sUserName = ( String ) GetPropSet( "UsernameField" ).getPropertyValue( "Text" ); String sPassword = ( String ) GetPropSet( "PasswordField" ).getPropertyValue( "Text" ); HostConfiguration aHostConfig = new HostConfiguration(); boolean bInitHost = true; boolean bAllowIndex = true; do { if ( sRedirectURL.length() > 0 ) { sURL = sRedirectURL; sRedirectURL = ""; } if ( sURL.length() > 0 ) { URI aURI = new URI( sURL ); GetMethod aRequest = new GetMethod( aURI.getEscapedPathQuery() ); aRequest.setFollowRedirects( false ); Helper.ExecuteMethod( aRequest, aHostConfig, aURI, m_xContext, bInitHost ); bInitHost = false; int nResultCode = aRequest.getStatusCode(); String sWebPage = null; if ( nResultCode == 200 ) sWebPage = aRequest.getResponseBodyAsString(); else if ( nResultCode >= 301 && nResultCode <= 303 || nResultCode == 307 ) sRedirectURL = aRequest.getResponseHeader( "Location" ).getValue(); aRequest.releaseConnection(); if ( sWebPage != null && sWebPage.length() > 0 ) { //the URL is valid String sMainURL = Helper.GetMainURL( sWebPage, sURL ); if ( sMainURL.equals( "" ) ) { // TODO: // it's not a Wiki Page, check first whether a redirect is requested // happens usually in case of https sRedirectURL = Helper.GetRedirectURL( sWebPage, sURL ); if ( sRedirectURL.equals( "" ) ) { // show error Helper.ShowError( m_xContext, m_xDialog, Helper.DLG_MEDIAWIKI_TITLE, Helper.NOURLCONNECTION_ERROR, sURL, false ); } } else { URI aMainURI = new URI( sMainURL, true ); // it must be an escaped URL, otherwise an exception should be thrown if ( ( sUserName.length() > 0 || sPassword.length() > 0 ) && Helper.Login( aMainURI, sUserName, sPassword, m_xContext ) == null ) { // a wrong login information is provided // show error Helper.ShowError( m_xContext, m_xDialog, Helper.DLG_MEDIAWIKI_TITLE, Helper.WRONGLOGIN_ERROR, null, false ); } else { setting.put( "Url", aMainURI.getEscapedURI() ); setting.put( "Username", sUserName ); setting.put( "Password", sPassword ); if ( addMode ) { // no cleaning of the settings is necessary Settings.getSettings( m_xContext ).addWikiCon( setting ); Settings.getSettings( m_xContext ).storeConfiguration(); } m_bAction = true; } } } else if ( sRedirectURL == null || sRedirectURL.length() == 0 ) { if ( sURL.length() > 0 && !sURL.endsWith( "index.php" ) && bAllowIndex ) { // the used MainURL is not alwais directly accessible // add the suffix as workaround, but only once sRedirectURL = sURL + "/index.php"; bAllowIndex = false; } else { // URL invalid // show error Helper.ShowError( m_xContext, m_xDialog, Helper.DLG_MEDIAWIKI_TITLE, Helper.INVALIDURL_ERROR, null, false ); } } } else { // URL field empty // show error Helper.ShowError( m_xContext, m_xDialog, Helper.DLG_MEDIAWIKI_TITLE, Helper.NOURL_ERROR, null, false ); } } while ( sRedirectURL.length() > 0 ); } catch ( WikiCancelException ce ) { } catch ( SSLException essl ) { if ( Helper.IsConnectionAllowed() ) { Helper.ShowError( m_xContext, m_xDialog, Helper.DLG_MEDIAWIKI_TITLE, Helper.UNKNOWNCERT_ERROR, null, false ); } essl.printStackTrace(); } catch ( Exception ex ) { if ( Helper.IsConnectionAllowed() ) { Helper.ShowError( m_xContext, m_xDialog, Helper.DLG_MEDIAWIKI_TITLE, Helper.NOURLCONNECTION_ERROR, sURL, false ); } ex.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean callHandlerMethod( XDialog xDialog, Object EventObject, String MethodName ) { if ( MethodName.equals( sOKMethod ) ) { EnableControls( false ); SetThrobberVisible( true ); SetThrobberActive( true ); if ( Helper.AllowThreadUsage( m_xContext ) ) { final XDialog xDialogForThread = xDialog; final XComponentContext xContext = m_xContext; final WikiEditSettingDialog aThis = this; // the thread name is used to allow the error dialogs m_bThreadFinished = false; m_aThread = new Thread( "com.sun.star.thread.WikiEditorSendingThread" ) { public void run() { try { Thread.yield(); } catch( java.lang.Exception e ){} DoLogin( xDialogForThread ); aThis.EnableControls( true ); aThis.SetThrobberActive( false ); aThis.SetThrobberVisible( false ); ThreadStop( true ); if ( m_bAction ) MainThreadDialogExecutor.Close( xContext, xDialogForThread ); } }; m_aThread.start(); } else { try { DoLogin( xDialog ); } catch( java.lang.Exception e ) {} finally { EnableControls( true ); SetThrobberActive( false ); SetThrobberVisible( false ); if ( m_bAction ) xDialog.endExecute(); Helper.AllowConnection( true ); } } return true; } return false; } public void windowClosed( EventObject e ) { ThreadStop( false ); } }