/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_vcl.hxx" #include "aqua/saldata.hxx" #include "aqua/salnsmenu.h" #include "aqua/salinst.h" #import "apple_remote/RemoteMainController.h" oslThreadKey SalData::s_aAutoReleaseKey = 0; static void SAL_CALL releasePool( void* pPool ) { if( pPool ) [(NSAutoreleasePool*)pPool release]; } SalData::SalData() : mpTimerProc( NULL ), mpFirstInstance( NULL ), mpFirstObject( NULL ), mpFirstVD( NULL ), mpFirstPrinter( NULL ), mpFontList( NULL ), mpStatusItem( nil ), mxRGBSpace( CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB) ), mxGraySpace( CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceGenericGray) ), mxP50Space( NULL ), mxP50Pattern( NULL ), maCursors( POINTER_COUNT, INVALID_CURSOR_PTR ), mbIsScrollbarDoubleMax( false ), mnSystemVersion( VER_TIGER ), mpMainController( NULL ), mpDockIconClickHandler( nil ), mnDPIX( 0 ), mnDPIY( 0 ) { if( s_aAutoReleaseKey == 0 ) s_aAutoReleaseKey = osl_createThreadKey( releasePool ); } SalData::~SalData() { CGPatternRelease( mxP50Pattern ); CGColorSpaceRelease( mxP50Space ); CGColorSpaceRelease( mxRGBSpace ); CGColorSpaceRelease( mxGraySpace ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < maCursors.size(); i++ ) { NSCursor* pCurs = maCursors[i]; if( pCurs && pCurs != INVALID_CURSOR_PTR ) [pCurs release]; } if( s_aAutoReleaseKey ) { // release the last pool NSAutoreleasePool* pPool = nil; pPool = reinterpret_cast( osl_getThreadKeyData( s_aAutoReleaseKey ) ); if( pPool ) { osl_setThreadKeyData( s_aAutoReleaseKey, NULL ); [pPool release]; } osl_destroyThreadKey( s_aAutoReleaseKey ); s_aAutoReleaseKey = 0; } if ( mpMainController ) [mpMainController release]; } void SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool() { NSAutoreleasePool* pPool = nil; if( s_aAutoReleaseKey ) { pPool = reinterpret_cast( osl_getThreadKeyData( s_aAutoReleaseKey ) ); if( ! pPool ) { pPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; osl_setThreadKeyData( s_aAutoReleaseKey, pPool ); } } else { DBG_ERROR( "no autorelease key" ); } } void SalData::drainThreadAutoreleasePool() { NSAutoreleasePool* pPool = nil; if( s_aAutoReleaseKey ) { pPool = reinterpret_cast( osl_getThreadKeyData( s_aAutoReleaseKey ) ); if( pPool ) { // osl_setThreadKeyData( s_aAutoReleaseKey, NULL ); // [pPool release]; [pPool drain]; } else { pPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; osl_setThreadKeyData( s_aAutoReleaseKey, pPool ); } } else { DBG_ERROR( "no autorelease key" ); } } struct curs_ent { const char* pBaseName; const NSPoint aHotSpot; } const aCursorTab[ POINTER_COUNT ] = { { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_ARROW { "nullptr", { 16, 16 } }, //POINTER_NULL { "hourglass", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_WAIT { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_TEXT { "help", { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_HELP { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_CROSS { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_MOVE { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_NSIZE { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_SSIZE { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_WSIZE { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_ESIZE { "nwsesize", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_NWSIZE { "neswsize", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_NESIZE { "neswsize", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_SWSIZE { "nwsesize", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_SESIZE { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_WINDOW_NSIZE { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_WINDOW_SSIZE { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_WINDOW_WSIZE { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_WINDOW_ESIZE { "nwsesize", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_WINDOW_NWSIZE { "neswsize", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_WINDOW_NESIZE { "neswsize", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_WINDOW_SWSIZE { "nwsesize", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_WINDOW_SESIZE { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_HSPLIT { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_VSPLIT { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_HSIZEBAR { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_VSIZEBAR { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_HAND { NULL, { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_REFHAND { "pen", { 3, 27 } }, //POINTER_PEN { "magnify", { 12, 13 } }, //POINTER_MAGNIFY { "fill", { 10, 22 } }, //POINTER_FILL { "rotate", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_ROTATE { "hshear", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_HSHEAR { "vshear", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_VSHEAR { "mirror", { 14, 12 } }, //POINTER_MIRROR { "crook", { 15, 14 } }, //POINTER_CROOK { "crop", { 9, 9 } }, //POINTER_CROP { "movept", { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_MOVEPOINT { "movebw", { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_MOVEBEZIERWEIGHT { "movedata", { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_MOVEDATA { "copydata", { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_COPYDATA { "linkdata", { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_LINKDATA { "movedlnk", { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_MOVEDATALINK { "copydlnk", { 0, 0 } }, //POINTER_COPYDATALINK { "movef", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_MOVEFILE { "copyf", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_COPYFILE { "linkf", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_LINKFILE { "moveflnk", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_MOVEFILELINK { "copyflnk", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_COPYFILELINK { "movef2", { 7, 8 } }, //POINTER_MOVEFILES { "copyf2", { 7, 8 } }, //POINTER_COPYFILES { "notallow", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_NOTALLOWED { "dline", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_DRAW_LINE { "drect", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_DRAW_RECT { "dpolygon", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_DRAW_POLYGON { "dbezier", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_DRAW_BEZIER { "darc", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_DRAW_ARC { "dpie", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_DRAW_PIE { "dcirccut", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_DRAW_CIRCLECUT { "dellipse", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_DRAW_ELLIPSE { "dfree", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_DRAW_FREEHAND { "dconnect", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_DRAW_CONNECT { "dtext", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_DRAW_TEXT { "dcapt", { 8, 8 } }, //POINTER_DRAW_CAPTION { "chart", { 15, 16 } }, //POINTER_CHART { "detectiv", { 12, 13 } }, //POINTER_DETECTIVE { "pivotcol", { 7, 5 } }, //POINTER_PIVOT_COL { "pivotrow", { 8, 7 } }, //POINTER_PIVOT_ROW { "pivotfld", { 8, 7 } }, //POINTER_PIVOT_FIELD { "chain", { 0, 2 } }, //POINTER_CHAIN { "chainnot", { 2, 2 } }, //POINTER_CHAIN_NOTALLOWED { "timemove", { 16, 16 } }, //POINTER_TIMEEVENT_MOVE { "timesize", { 16, 17 } }, //POINTER_TIMEEVENT_SIZE { "asn", { 16, 12 } }, //POINTER_AUTOSCROLL_N { "ass", { 15, 19 } }, //POINTER_AUTOSCROLL_S { "asw", { 12, 15 } }, //POINTER_AUTOSCROLL_W { "ase", { 19, 16 } }, //POINTER_AUTOSCROLL_E { "asnw", { 10, 10 } }, //POINTER_AUTOSCROLL_NW { "asne", { 21, 10 } }, //POINTER_AUTOSCROLL_NE { "assw", { 21, 21 } }, //POINTER_AUTOSCROLL_SW { "asse", { 21, 21 } }, //POINTER_AUTOSCROLL_SE { "asns", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_AUTOSCROLL_NS { "aswe", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_AUTOSCROLL_WE { "asnswe", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_AUTOSCROLL_NSWE { "airbrush", { 5, 22 } }, //POINTER_AIRBRUSH { "vtext", { 15, 15 } }, //POINTER_TEXT_VERTICAL { "pivotdel", { 18, 15 } }, //POINTER_PIVOT_DELETE { "tblsels", { 15, 30 } }, //POINTER_TAB_SELECT_S { "tblsele", { 30, 16 } }, //POINTER_TAB_SELECT_E { "tblselse", { 30, 30 } }, //POINTER_TAB_SELECT_SE { "tblselw", { 1, 16 } }, //POINTER_TAB_SELECT_W { "tblselsw", { 1, 30 } }, //POINTER_TAB_SELECT_SW { "pntbrsh", { 9, 16 } } //POINTER_PAINTBRUSH }; NSCursor* SalData::getCursor( PointerStyle i_eStyle ) { if( i_eStyle >= POINTER_COUNT ) return nil; NSCursor* pCurs = maCursors[ i_eStyle ]; if( pCurs == INVALID_CURSOR_PTR ) { pCurs = nil; if( aCursorTab[ i_eStyle ].pBaseName ) { NSPoint aHotSpot = aCursorTab[ i_eStyle ].aHotSpot; CFStringRef pCursorName = CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy( kCFAllocatorDefault, aCursorTab[ i_eStyle ].pBaseName, kCFStringEncodingASCII, kCFAllocatorNull ); CFBundleRef hMain = CFBundleGetMainBundle(); CFURLRef hURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL( hMain, pCursorName, CFSTR("png"), CFSTR("cursors") ); if( hURL ) { pCurs = [[NSCursor alloc] initWithImage: [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfURL: (NSURL*)hURL] hotSpot: aHotSpot]; CFRelease( hURL ); } CFRelease( pCursorName ); } maCursors[ i_eStyle ] = pCurs; } return pCurs; } NSStatusItem* SalData::getStatusItem() { SalData* pData = GetSalData(); if( ! pData->mpStatusItem ) { NSStatusBar* pStatBar =[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar]; if( pStatBar ) { pData->mpStatusItem = [pStatBar statusItemWithLength: NSVariableStatusItemLength]; [pData->mpStatusItem retain]; OOStatusItemView* pView = [[OOStatusItemView alloc] init]; [pData->mpStatusItem setView: pView ]; [pView display]; } } return pData->mpStatusItem; }