/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ /** * AccEditableText.cpp : Implementation of CUAccCOMApp and DLL registration. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "UAccCOM2.h" #include "AccEditableText.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace com::sun::star::accessibility; using namespace com::sun::star::uno; using namespace com::sun::star::awt; using namespace com::sun::star::beans; using namespace std; /** * Copys a range of text to the clipboard. * * @param startOffset the start offset of copying. * @param endOffset the end offset of copying. * @param success the boolean result to be returned. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccEditableText::copyText(long startOffset, long endOffset) { CHECK_ENABLE_INF ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK // #CHECK XInterface# if(!pRXEdtTxt.is()) { return E_FAIL; } if ( GetXInterface()->copyText( startOffset, endOffset ) ) return S_OK; return E_FAIL; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK } /** * Deletes a range of text. * * @param startOffset the start offset of deleting. * @param endOffset the end offset of deleting. * @param success the boolean result to be returned. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccEditableText::deleteText(long startOffset, long endOffset) { CHECK_ENABLE_INF ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK if( !pRXEdtTxt.is() ) return E_FAIL; if( GetXInterface()->deleteText( startOffset, endOffset ) ) return S_OK; return E_FAIL; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK } /** * Inserts text at a specified offset. * * @param offset the offset of inserting. * @param text the text to be inserted. * @param success the boolean result to be returned. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccEditableText::insertText(long offset, BSTR * text) { CHECK_ENABLE_INF ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK if (text == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; if( !pRXEdtTxt.is() ) return E_FAIL; ::rtl::OUString ouStr(*text); if( GetXInterface()->insertText( ouStr, offset ) ) return S_OK; return E_FAIL; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK } /** * Cuts a range of text to the clipboard. * * @param startOffset the start offset of cuting. * @param endOffset the end offset of cuting. * @param success the boolean result to be returned. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccEditableText::cutText(long startOffset, long endOffset) { CHECK_ENABLE_INF ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK if( !pRXEdtTxt.is() ) return E_FAIL; if( GetXInterface()->cutText( startOffset, endOffset ) ) return S_OK; return E_FAIL; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK } /** * Pastes text from clipboard at specified offset. * * @param offset the offset of pasting. * @param success the boolean result to be returned. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccEditableText::pasteText(long offset) { CHECK_ENABLE_INF ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK if( !pRXEdtTxt.is() ) return E_FAIL; if( GetXInterface()->pasteText( offset ) ) return S_OK; return E_FAIL; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK } /** * Replaces range of text with new text. * * @param startOffset the start offset of replacing. * @param endOffset the end offset of replacing. * @param text the replacing text. * @param success the boolean result to be returned. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccEditableText::replaceText(long startOffset, long endOffset, BSTR * text) { CHECK_ENABLE_INF ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK // #CHECK# if (text == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; if( !pRXEdtTxt.is() ) return E_FAIL; ::rtl::OUString ouStr(*text); if( GetXInterface()->replaceText( startOffset,endOffset, ouStr) ) return S_OK; return E_FAIL; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK } /** * Sets attributes of range of text. * * @param startOffset the start offset. * @param endOffset the end offset. * @param attributes the attribute text. * @param success the boolean result to be returned. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccEditableText::setAttributes(long startOffset, long endOffset, BSTR * attributes) { CHECK_ENABLE_INF ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK // #CHECK# if (attributes == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; if( !pRXEdtTxt.is() ) return E_FAIL; ::rtl::OUString ouStr(*attributes); sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; sal_Unicode cTok = ';'; vector< ::rtl::OUString > vecAttr; do { ::rtl::OUString ouToken = ouStr.getToken(0, cTok, nIndex); vecAttr.push_back(ouToken); } while(nIndex >= 0); Sequence< PropertyValue > beanSeq(vecAttr.size()); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < vecAttr.size(); i ++) { ::rtl::OUString attr = vecAttr[i]; sal_Int32 nPos = attr.indexOf(':'); if(nPos > -1) { ::rtl::OUString attrName = attr.copy(0, nPos); ::rtl::OUString attrValue = attr.copy(nPos + 1, attr.getLength() - nPos - 1); beanSeq[i].Name = attrName; get_AnyFromOLECHAR(attrName, attrValue, beanSeq[i].Value); } } if( GetXInterface()->setAttributes( startOffset,endOffset, beanSeq) ) return S_OK; return E_FAIL; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK } /** * Convert attributes string to Any type. * Reference to infra\accessibility\bridge\org\openoffice\java\accessibility\AccessibleTextImpl.java * * @param ouName the string of attribute name. * @param ouValue the string of attribute value. * @param rAny the Any object to be returned. */ void CAccEditableText::get_AnyFromOLECHAR(const ::rtl::OUString &ouName, const ::rtl::OUString &ouValue, Any &rAny) { if(ouName.compareTo(L"CharBackColor") == 0 || ouName.compareTo(L"CharColor") == 0 || ouName.compareTo(L"ParaAdjust") == 0 || ouName.compareTo(L"ParaFirstLineIndent") == 0 || ouName.compareTo(L"ParaLeftMargin") == 0 || ouName.compareTo(L"ParaRightMargin") == 0 || ouName.compareTo(L"ParaTopMargin") == 0 || ouName.compareTo(L"ParaBottomMargin") == 0 || ouName.compareTo(L"CharFontPitch") == 0) { // Convert to int. // NOTE: CharFontPitch is not implemented in java file. sal_Int32 nValue = ouValue.toInt32(); rAny.setValue(&nValue, getCppuType((sal_Int32 *)0)); } else if(ouName.compareTo(L"CharShadowed") == 0 || ouName.compareTo(L"CharContoured") == 0) { // Convert to boolean. boolean nValue = (boolean)ouValue.toBoolean(); rAny.setValue(&nValue, getCppuType((sal_Bool *)sal_False)); } else if(ouName.compareTo(L"CharEscapement") == 0 || ouName.compareTo(L"CharStrikeout") == 0 || ouName.compareTo(L"CharUnderline") == 0 || ouName.compareTo(L"CharFontPitch") == 0) { // Convert to short. short nValue = (short)ouValue.toInt32(); rAny.setValue(&nValue, getCppuType((short *)0)); } else if(ouName.compareTo(L"CharHeight") == 0 || ouName.compareTo(L"CharWeight") == 0) { // Convert to float. float fValue = ouValue.toFloat(); rAny.setValue(&fValue, getCppuType((float *)0)); } else if(ouName.compareTo(L"CharFontName") == 0) { // Convert to string. rAny.setValue(&ouValue, getCppuType((::rtl::OUString *)0)); } else if(ouName.compareTo(L"CharPosture") == 0) { // Convert to FontSlant. ::com::sun::star::awt::FontSlant fontSlant = (::com::sun::star::awt::FontSlant)ouValue.toInt32(); rAny.setValue(&fontSlant, getCppuType((::com::sun::star::awt::FontSlant*)0)); } else if(ouName.compareTo(L"ParaTabStops") == 0) { // // Convert to the Sequence with TabStop element. vector< ::com::sun::star::style::TabStop > vecTabStop; ::com::sun::star::style::TabStop tabStop; ::rtl::OUString ouSubValue; sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; sal_Int32 pos = 0, posComma = 0; do { // Position. pos = ouValue.indexOf(L"Position=", pos); if(pos != -1) { posComma = ouValue.indexOf(',', pos + 9); // 9 = length of "Position=". if(posComma != -1) { ouSubValue = ouValue.copy(pos + 9, posComma - pos - 9); tabStop.Position = ouSubValue.toInt32(); pos = posComma + 1; // TabAlign. pos = ouValue.indexOf(L"TabAlign=", pos); if(pos != -1) { posComma = ouValue.indexOf(',', pos + 9); // 9 = length of "TabAlign=". if(posComma != -1) { ouSubValue = ouValue.copy(pos + 9, posComma - pos - 9); tabStop.Alignment = (::com::sun::star::style::TabAlign)ouSubValue.toInt32(); pos = posComma + 1; // DecimalChar. pos = ouValue.indexOf(L"DecimalChar=", pos); if(pos != -1) { posComma = ouValue.indexOf(',', pos + 11); // 11 = length of "TabAlign=". if(posComma != -1) { ouSubValue = ouValue.copy(pos + 11, posComma - pos - 11); tabStop.DecimalChar = (sal_Unicode)ouSubValue.toChar(); pos = posComma + 1; // FillChar. pos = ouValue.indexOf(L"FillChar=", pos); if(pos != -1) { posComma = ouValue.indexOf(',', pos + 9); // 9 = length of "TabAlign=". if(posComma != -1) { ouSubValue = ouValue.copy(pos + 9, posComma - pos - 9); tabStop.DecimalChar = (sal_Unicode)ouSubValue.toChar(); pos = posComma + 1; // Complete TabStop element. vecTabStop.push_back(tabStop); } else break; // No match comma. } else break; // No match FillChar. } else break; // No match comma. } else break; // No match DecimalChar. } else break; // No match comma. } else break; // No match TabAlign. } else break; // No match comma. } else break; // No match Position. } while(pos < ouValue.getLength()); // // Dump into Sequence. int iSeqLen = (vecTabStop.size() == 0) ? 1 : vecTabStop.size(); Sequence< ::com::sun::star::style::TabStop > seqTabStop(iSeqLen); if(vecTabStop.size() != 0) { // Dump every element. for(int i = 0; i < iSeqLen; i ++) { seqTabStop[i] = vecTabStop[i]; } } else { // Create default value. seqTabStop[0].Position = 0; seqTabStop[0].Alignment = ::com::sun::star::style::TabAlign_DEFAULT; seqTabStop[0].DecimalChar = '.'; seqTabStop[0].FillChar = ' '; } // Assign to Any object. rAny.setValue(&seqTabStop, getCppuType((Sequence< ::com::sun::star::style::TabStop >*)0)); } else if(ouName.compareTo(L"ParaLineSpacing") == 0) { // Parse value string. ::com::sun::star::style::LineSpacing lineSpacing; ::rtl::OUString ouSubValue; sal_Int32 pos = 0, posComma = 0; pos = ouValue.indexOf(L"Mode=", pos); if(pos != -1) { posComma = ouValue.indexOf(',', pos + 5); // 5 = length of "Mode=". if(posComma != -1) { ouSubValue = ouValue.copy(pos + 5, posComma - pos - 5); lineSpacing.Mode = (sal_Int16)ouSubValue.toInt32(); pos = posComma + 1; pos = ouValue.indexOf(L"Height=", pos); if(pos != -1) { ouSubValue = ouValue.copy(pos + 7, ouValue.getLength() - pos - 7); lineSpacing.Height = (sal_Int16)ouSubValue.toInt32(); } else { lineSpacing.Height = (sal_Int16)100; // Default height. } } else { lineSpacing.Height = (sal_Int16)100; // Default height. } } else { // Default Mode and Height. lineSpacing.Mode = (sal_Int16)0; lineSpacing.Height = (sal_Int16)100; // Default height. } // Convert to Any object. rAny.setValue(&lineSpacing, getCppuType((::com::sun::star::style::LineSpacing* )0)); } else { // Do nothing. sal_Int32 nDefault = 0; rAny.setValue(&nDefault, getCppuType((sal_Int32 *)0)); } } /** * Overide of IUNOXWrapper. * * @param pXInterface the pointer of UNO interface. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccEditableText::put_XInterface(long pXInterface) { ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK CUNOXWrapper::put_XInterface(pXInterface); //special query. if(pUNOInterface == NULL) return E_FAIL; Reference pRContext = pUNOInterface->getAccessibleContext(); if( !pRContext.is() ) { return E_FAIL; } Reference pRXI(pRContext,UNO_QUERY); if( !pRXI.is() ) pRXEdtTxt = NULL; else pRXEdtTxt = pRXI.get(); return S_OK; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK }