/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include #include "hfi_doc.hxx" // NOT FULLY DEFINED SERVICES #include #include #include #include #include "hfi_tag.hxx" #include "hi_ary.hxx" HF_IdlDocu::HF_IdlDocu( Environment & io_rEnv, HF_DocEntryList & o_rOut ) : HtmlFactory_Idl( io_rEnv, &o_rOut.CurOut() ), rOut(o_rOut) { } HF_IdlDocu::~HF_IdlDocu() { } void HF_IdlDocu::Produce_fromCodeEntity( const client & i_ce ) const { const ce_info * i_pDocu = Get_IdlDocu(i_ce.Docu()); if (i_pDocu != 0) Produce_byDocuAndScope(*i_pDocu, &i_ce, i_ce); } void HF_IdlDocu::Produce_fromReference( const ce_info & i_rDocuForReference, const client & i_rScopeGivingCe ) const { Produce_byDocuAndScope(i_rDocuForReference, 0, i_rScopeGivingCe ); } void HF_IdlDocu::Produce_byDocuAndScope( const ce_info & i_rDocu, const client * i_pClient, const client & i_rScopeGivingCe ) const { bool bShort = NOT i_rDocu.Short().IsEmpty(); bool bDescr = NOT i_rDocu.Description().IsEmpty(); if ( i_rDocu.IsDeprecated() OR ( (i_pClient != 0 ? i_pClient->SightLevel() == ary::idl::sl_File : false) AND NOT i_rDocu.IsPublished() ) OR i_rDocu.IsOptional() ) { // any usage restriction rOut.Produce_Term("Usage Restrictions"); if ( i_rDocu.IsDeprecated() ) rOut.Produce_Definition() >> *new Html::Italic << "deprecated"; if ( (i_pClient != 0 ? i_pClient->SightLevel() == ary::idl::sl_File : false) AND NOT i_rDocu.IsPublished() ) rOut.Produce_Definition() >> *new Html::Italic << "not published"; if ( i_rDocu.IsOptional() ) rOut.Produce_Definition() >> *new Html::Italic << "optional"; if ( i_rDocu.IsDeprecated() AND // KORR_FUTURE // Workaround, because DocuTex2::IsEmpty() does not // calculate whitespace tokens only as empty. i_rDocu.DeprecatedText().Tokens().size() > 1 ) { rOut.Produce_Term("Deprecation Info"); HF_IdlDocuTextDisplay aDescription( Env(), 0, i_rScopeGivingCe); aDescription.Out().Enter( rOut.Produce_Definition() ); i_rDocu.DeprecatedText().DisplayAt( aDescription ); aDescription.Out().Leave(); } } // end if () if ( bShort OR bDescr ) { rOut.Produce_Term("Description"); HF_IdlDocuTextDisplay aDescription( Env(), 0, i_rScopeGivingCe); if (bShort) { aDescription.Out().Enter( rOut.Produce_Definition() ); i_rDocu.Short().DisplayAt( aDescription ); aDescription.Out().Leave(); } if (bDescr) { aDescription.Out().Enter( rOut.Produce_Definition() ); i_rDocu.Description().DisplayAt( aDescription ); aDescription.Out().Leave(); } } std::vector< csi::dsapi::DT_SeeAlsoAtTag* > aSeeAlsosWithoutText; std::vector< csi::dsapi::DT_SeeAlsoAtTag* > aSeeAlsosWithText; for ( std::vector< ary::inf::AtTag2* >::const_iterator iter = i_rDocu.Tags().begin(); iter != i_rDocu.Tags().end(); ++iter ) { csi::dsapi::DT_SeeAlsoAtTag* pSeeAlso = dynamic_cast< csi::dsapi::DT_SeeAlsoAtTag * >(*iter); if (pSeeAlso != 0 ) { if ( pSeeAlso->Text().IsEmpty() ) { aSeeAlsosWithoutText.push_back(pSeeAlso); } else { aSeeAlsosWithText.push_back(pSeeAlso); } continue; } if ( strlen( (*iter)->Title() ) > 0 ) { HF_IdlTag aTag(Env(), i_rScopeGivingCe); Xml::Element & rTerm = rOut.Produce_Term(); aTag.Produce_byData( rTerm, rOut.Produce_Definition(), *(*iter) ); } } // end for if (aSeeAlsosWithoutText.size() > 0) { HF_IdlTag aSeeAlsoTag(Env(), i_rScopeGivingCe); Xml::Element & rTerm = rOut.Produce_Term(); aSeeAlsoTag.Produce_byData( rTerm, rOut.Produce_Definition(), aSeeAlsosWithoutText ); } for ( std::vector< csi::dsapi::DT_SeeAlsoAtTag* >::const_iterator itSee2 = aSeeAlsosWithText.begin(); itSee2 != aSeeAlsosWithText.end(); ++itSee2 ) { HF_IdlTag aTag(Env(), i_rScopeGivingCe); Xml::Element & rTerm = rOut.Produce_Term(); aTag.Produce_byData( rTerm, rOut.Produce_Definition(), *(*itSee2) ); } // end for }