/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include #include // NOT FULLY DEFINED SERVICES namespace output { namespace { const int C_nAssumedMaxLinkLength = 500; void move_ToParent( Node * & io_node, intt i_levels = 1 ); void move_ToParent( Node * & io_node, intt i_levels ) { for ( intt n = 0; n < i_levels; ++n ) { csv_assert(io_node != 0); io_node = io_node->Parent(); } } } // namepace anonymous Position::Position() : sFile(), pDirectory(&Node::Null_()) { } Position::Position( Node & i_directory, const String & i_file ) : sFile(i_file), pDirectory(&i_directory) { } Position::Position( const Position & i_directory, const String & i_sDifferentFile ) : sFile(i_sDifferentFile), pDirectory(i_directory.pDirectory) { } Position::~Position() { } Position & Position::operator=( Node & i_node ) { pDirectory = &i_node; sFile.clear(); return *this; } Position & Position::operator+=( const String & i_nodeName ) { csv_assert(pDirectory != 0); pDirectory = &pDirectory->Provide_Child(i_nodeName); sFile.clear(); return *this; } Position & Position::operator-=( intt i_levels ) { csv_assert(pDirectory != 0); for ( intt i = i_levels; i > 0; --i ) { pDirectory = pDirectory->Parent(); if (pDirectory == 0) { pDirectory = &Node::Null_(); i = 0; } } sFile.clear(); return *this; } String Position::LinkToRoot( const String & ) const { StreamLock sl(C_nAssumedMaxLinkLength); return sl() << get_UpLink(Depth()) << c_str; } void Position::Get_LinkTo( StreamStr & o_result, const Position & i_destination, const String & i_localLabel ) const { Node * p1 = pDirectory; Node * p2 = i_destination.pDirectory; intt diff = Depth() - i_destination.Depth(); intt pathLength1 = 0; intt pathLength2 = 0; if ( diff > 0 ) { pathLength1 = diff; move_ToParent(p1,pathLength1); } else if ( diff < 0 ) { pathLength2 = -diff; move_ToParent(p2,pathLength2); } while ( p1 != p2 ) { move_ToParent(p1); move_ToParent(p2); ++pathLength1; ++pathLength2; } o_result << get_UpLink(pathLength1); i_destination.pDirectory->Get_Path(o_result, pathLength2); o_result << i_destination.sFile; if (i_localLabel.length()) o_result << "#" << i_localLabel; } void Position::Get_LinkToRoot( StreamStr & o_result, const String & ) const { o_result << get_UpLink(Depth()); } void Position::Set( Node & i_node, const String & i_file ) { sFile = i_file; pDirectory = &i_node; } const char * get_UpLink(uintt i_depth) { static const uintt C_nMaxDepth = 30; static const char C_sUpLinkArray[3*C_nMaxDepth+1] = "../../../../../../../../../../" "../../../../../../../../../../" "../../../../../../../../../../"; static const char * C_sUpLink = &C_sUpLinkArray[0]; if ( i_depth <= C_nMaxDepth ) { return C_sUpLink + 3*(C_nMaxDepth - i_depth); } else { // not THREAD fast static std::vector aRet; uintt nNeededSize = i_depth * 3 + 1; if (aRet.size() < nNeededSize) { aRet.resize(nNeededSize); char * pEnd = &aRet[nNeededSize-1]; *pEnd = '\0'; for ( char * pFill = &(*aRet.begin()); pFill != pEnd; pFill += 3 ) { memcpy(pFill, C_sUpLink, 3); } } // end if return &aRet[aRet.size() - 1 - 3*i_depth]; } } } // namespace output