/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ extern "C" const CLSID CLSID_MediaDet; extern "C" const IID IID_IMediaDet; struct ISampleGrabber; struct #ifndef __MINGW32__ __declspec(uuid("65BD0710-24D2-4ff7-9324-ED2E5D3ABAFA")) __declspec(novtable) #endif IMediaDet : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Filter( IUnknown **pVal) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Filter( IUnknown *newVal) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutputStreams( long *pVal) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CurrentStream( long *pVal) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CurrentStream( long newVal) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StreamType( GUID *pVal) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StreamTypeB( BSTR *pVal) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StreamLength( double *pVal) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Filename( BSTR *pVal) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Filename( BSTR newVal) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetBitmapBits( double StreamTime, long *pBufferSize, char *pBuffer, long Width, long Height) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall WriteBitmapBits( double StreamTime, long Width, long Height, BSTR Filename) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StreamMediaType( AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pVal) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetSampleGrabber( ISampleGrabber **ppVal) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FrameRate( double *pVal) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall EnterBitmapGrabMode( double SeekTime) = 0; }; extern "C" const IID IID_ISampleGrabberCB; struct #ifndef __MINGW32__ __declspec(uuid("0579154A-2B53-4994-B0D0-E773148EFF85")) __declspec(novtable) #endif ISampleGrabberCB : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT __stdcall SampleCB( double SampleTime, IMediaSample *pSample) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall BufferCB( double SampleTime, BYTE *pBuffer, long BufferLen) = 0; }; extern "C" const IID IID_ISampleGrabber; struct #ifndef __MINGW32__ __declspec(uuid("6B652FFF-11FE-4fce-92AD-0266B5D7C78F")) __declspec(novtable) #endif ISampleGrabber : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT __stdcall SetOneShot( BOOL OneShot) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall SetMediaType( const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pType) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetConnectedMediaType( AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pType) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall SetBufferSamples( BOOL BufferThem) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetCurrentBuffer( long *pBufferSize, long *pBuffer) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetCurrentSample( IMediaSample **ppSample) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall SetCallback( ISampleGrabberCB *pCallback, long WhichMethodToCallback) = 0; };