/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_basegfx.hxx" #include #include #include ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace basegfx { namespace tools { BColor rgb2hsl(const BColor& rRGBColor) { const double r=rRGBColor.getRed(), g=rRGBColor.getGreen(), b=rRGBColor.getBlue(); const double minVal = ::std::min( ::std::min( r, g ), b ); const double maxVal = ::std::max( ::std::max( r, g ), b ); const double d = maxVal - minVal; double h=0, s=0, l=0; l = (maxVal + minVal) / 2.0; if( ::basegfx::fTools::equalZero(d) ) { s = h = 0; // hue undefined (achromatic case) } else { s = l > 0.5 ? d/(2.0-maxVal-minVal) : d/(maxVal + minVal); if( r == maxVal ) h = (g - b)/d; else if( g == maxVal ) h = 2.0 + (b - r)/d; else h = 4.0 + (r - g)/d; h *= 60.0; if( h < 0.0 ) h += 360.0; } return BColor(h,s,l); } static inline double hsl2rgbHelper( double nValue1, double nValue2, double nHue ) { // clamp hue to [0,360] nHue = fmod( nHue, 360.0 ); // cope with wrap-arounds if( nHue < 0.0 ) nHue += 360.0; if( nHue < 60.0 ) return nValue1 + (nValue2 - nValue1)*nHue/60.0; else if( nHue < 180.0 ) return nValue2; else if( nHue < 240.0 ) return nValue1 + (nValue2 - nValue1)*(240.0 - nHue)/60.0; else return nValue1; } BColor hsl2rgb(const BColor& rHSLColor) { const double h=rHSLColor.getRed(), s=rHSLColor.getGreen(), l=rHSLColor.getBlue(); if( fTools::equalZero(s) ) return BColor(l, l, l ); // achromatic case const double nVal1( l <= 0.5 ? l*(1.0 + s) : l + s - l*s ); const double nVal2( 2.0*l - nVal1 ); return BColor( hsl2rgbHelper(nVal2, nVal1, h + 120.0), hsl2rgbHelper(nVal2, nVal1, h), hsl2rgbHelper(nVal2, nVal1, h - 120.0) ); } BColor rgb2hsv(const BColor& rRGBColor) { const double r=rRGBColor.getRed(), g=rRGBColor.getGreen(), b=rRGBColor.getBlue(); const double maxVal = std::max(std::max(r,g),b); const double minVal = std::min(std::min(r,g),b); const double delta = maxVal-minVal; double h=0, s=0, v=0; v = maxVal; if( fTools::equalZero(v) ) s = 0; else s = delta / v; if( !fTools::equalZero(s) ) { if( maxVal == r ) { h = (g - b) / delta; } else if( maxVal == g ) { h = 2.0 + (b - r) / delta; } else { h = 4.0 + (r - g) / delta; } h *= 60.0; if( h < 0 ) h += 360; } return BColor(h,s,v); } BColor hsv2rgb(const BColor& rHSVColor) { double h=rHSVColor.getRed(); const double s=rHSVColor.getGreen(), v=rHSVColor.getBlue(); if( fTools::equalZero(s) ) { // achromatic case: no hue. return BColor(v,v,v); } else { if( fTools::equal(h,360) ) h = 0; // 360 degrees is equivalent to 0 degrees h /= 60.0; const sal_Int32 intval = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( h ); const double f = h - intval; const double p = v*(1.0-s); const double q = v*(1.0-(s*f)); const double t = v*(1.0-(s*(1.0-f))); /* which hue area? */ switch( intval ) { case 0: return BColor(v,t,p); case 1: return BColor(q,v,p); case 2: return BColor(p,v,t); case 3: return BColor(p,q,v); case 4: return BColor(t,p,v); case 5: return BColor(v,p,q); default: // hue overflow return BColor(); } } } BColor rgb2yiq(const BColor& rRGBColor) { // from Foley, van Dam, Computer Graphics const double r=rRGBColor.getRed(), g=rRGBColor.getGreen(), b=rRGBColor.getBlue(); return BColor( 0.299*r + 0.587*g + 0.114*b, 0.596*r - 0.274*g - 0.322*b, 0.211*r - 0.522*g + 0.311*b); } BColor yiq2rgb(const BColor& rYIQColor) { // from Foley, van Dam, Computer Graphics const double y=rYIQColor.getRed(), i=rYIQColor.getGreen(), q=rYIQColor.getBlue(); return BColor( y + 0.956*i + 0.623*q, y - 0.272*i - 0.648*q, y - 1.105*i + 1.705*q ); } BColor ciexyz2rgb( const BColor& rXYZColor ) { // from Poynton color faq, and SMPTE RP 177-1993, Derivation // of Basic Television Color Equations const double x=rXYZColor.getRed(), y=rXYZColor.getGreen(), z=rXYZColor.getBlue(); return BColor( 3.240479*x - 1.53715*y - 0.498535*z, -0.969256*x + 1.875991*y + 0.041556*z, 0.055648*x - 0.204043*y + 1.057311*z ); } BColor rgb2ciexyz( const BColor& rRGBColor ) { // from Poynton color faq, and SMPTE RP 177-1993, Derivation // of Basic Television Color Equations const double r=rRGBColor.getRed(), g=rRGBColor.getGreen(), b=rRGBColor.getBlue(); return BColor( 0.412453*r + 0.35758*g + 0.180423*b, 0.212671*r + 0.71516*g + 0.072169*b, 0.019334*r + 0.119193*g + 0.950227*b); } BColor rgb2ypbpr(const BColor& rRGBColor) { const double r=rRGBColor.getRed(), g=rRGBColor.getGreen(), b=rRGBColor.getBlue(); return BColor( 0.299*r + 0.587*g + 0.114*b, -0.168736*r - 0.331264*g + 0.5*b, 0.5*r - 0.418688*g - 0.081312*b); } BColor ypbpr2rgb(const BColor& rYPbPrColor) { const double y=rYPbPrColor.getRed(), pb=rYPbPrColor.getGreen(), pr=rYPbPrColor.getBlue(); return BColor( 1.*y + 0.*pb + 1.402*pr, 1.*y - 0.344136*pb - 0.714136*pr, 1.*y + 1.772*pb + 0.*pr); } } } // end of namespace basegfx ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // eof