/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_basic.hxx" #include #include #include "sbxconv.hxx" sal_uInt16 ImpGetUShort( const SbxValues* p ) { SbxValues aTmp; sal_uInt16 nRes; start: switch( +p->eType ) { case SbxNULL: SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_CONVERSION ); case SbxEMPTY: nRes = 0; break; case SbxCHAR: nRes = p->nChar; break; case SbxBYTE: nRes = p->nByte; break; case SbxINTEGER: case SbxBOOL: if( p->nInteger < 0 ) { SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); nRes = 0; } else nRes = p->nInteger; break; case SbxERROR: case SbxUSHORT: nRes = p->nUShort; break; case SbxLONG: if( p->nLong > SbxMAXUINT ) { SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); nRes = SbxMAXUINT; } else if( p->nLong < 0 ) { SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); nRes = 0; } else nRes = (sal_uInt16) p->nLong; break; case SbxULONG: if( p->nULong > SbxMAXUINT ) { SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); nRes = SbxMAXUINT; } else nRes = (sal_uInt16) p->nULong; break; case SbxSALINT64: if( p->nInt64 > SbxMAXUINT ) { SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); nRes = SbxMAXUINT; } else if( p->nInt64 < 0 ) { SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); nRes = 0; } else nRes = (sal_uInt16) p->nInt64; break; case SbxSALUINT64: if( p->uInt64 > SbxMAXUINT ) { SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); nRes = SbxMAXUINT; } else nRes = (sal_uInt16) p->uInt64; break; case SbxSINGLE: if( p->nSingle > SbxMAXUINT ) { SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); nRes = SbxMAXUINT; } else if( p->nSingle < 0 ) { SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); nRes = 0; } else nRes = (sal_uInt16) ( p->nSingle + 0.5 ); break; case SbxDATE: case SbxDOUBLE: case SbxLONG64: case SbxULONG64: case SbxCURRENCY: case SbxDECIMAL: case SbxBYREF | SbxDECIMAL: { double dVal; if( p->eType == SbxCURRENCY ) dVal = ImpCurrencyToDouble( p->nLong64 ); else if( p->eType == SbxLONG64 ) dVal = ImpINT64ToDouble( p->nLong64 ); else if( p->eType == SbxULONG64 ) dVal = ImpUINT64ToDouble( p->nULong64 ); else if( p->eType == SbxDECIMAL ) { dVal = 0.0; if( p->pDecimal ) p->pDecimal->getDouble( dVal ); } else dVal = p->nDouble; if( dVal > SbxMAXUINT ) { SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); nRes = SbxMAXUINT; } else if( dVal < 0 ) { SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); nRes = 0; } else nRes = (sal_uInt16) ( dVal + 0.5 ); break; } case SbxBYREF | SbxSTRING: case SbxSTRING: case SbxLPSTR: if( !p->pOUString ) nRes = 0; else { double d; SbxDataType t; if( ImpScan( *p->pOUString, d, t, NULL ) != SbxERR_OK ) nRes = 0; else if( d > SbxMAXUINT ) { SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); nRes = SbxMAXUINT; } else if( d < 0 ) { SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); nRes = 0; } else nRes = (sal_uInt16) ( d + 0.5 ); } break; case SbxOBJECT: { SbxValue* pVal = PTR_CAST(SbxValue,p->pObj); if( pVal ) nRes = pVal->GetUShort(); else { SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_NO_OBJECT ); nRes = 0; } break; } case SbxBYREF | SbxBYTE: nRes = *p->pByte; break; case SbxBYREF | SbxERROR: case SbxBYREF | SbxUSHORT: nRes = *p->pUShort; break; // ab hier wird getestet case SbxBYREF | SbxCHAR: aTmp.nChar = *p->pChar; goto ref; case SbxBYREF | SbxINTEGER: case SbxBYREF | SbxBOOL: aTmp.nInteger = *p->pInteger; goto ref; case SbxBYREF | SbxLONG: aTmp.nLong = *p->pLong; goto ref; case SbxBYREF | SbxULONG: aTmp.nULong = *p->pULong; goto ref; case SbxBYREF | SbxSINGLE: aTmp.nSingle = *p->pSingle; goto ref; case SbxBYREF | SbxDATE: case SbxBYREF | SbxDOUBLE: aTmp.nDouble = *p->pDouble; goto ref; case SbxBYREF | SbxULONG64: aTmp.nULong64 = *p->pULong64; goto ref; case SbxBYREF | SbxLONG64: case SbxBYREF | SbxCURRENCY: aTmp.nLong64 = *p->pLong64; goto ref; case SbxBYREF | SbxSALINT64: aTmp.nInt64 = *p->pnInt64; goto ref; case SbxBYREF | SbxSALUINT64: aTmp.uInt64 = *p->puInt64; goto ref; ref: aTmp.eType = SbxDataType( p->eType & 0x0FFF ); p = &aTmp; goto start; default: SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_CONVERSION ); nRes = 0; } return nRes; } void ImpPutUShort( SbxValues* p, sal_uInt16 n ) { SbxValues aTmp; start: switch( +p->eType ) { case SbxERROR: case SbxUSHORT: p->nUShort = n; break; case SbxLONG: p->nLong = n; break; case SbxULONG: p->nULong = n; break; case SbxSINGLE: p->nSingle = n; break; case SbxDATE: case SbxDOUBLE: p->nDouble = n; break; case SbxSALINT64: p->nInt64 = n; break; case SbxSALUINT64: p->uInt64 = n; break; case SbxULONG64: p->nULong64 = ImpDoubleToUINT64( (double)n ); break; case SbxLONG64: p->nLong64 = ImpDoubleToINT64( (double)n ); break; case SbxCURRENCY: p->nLong64 = ImpDoubleToCurrency( (double)n ); break; case SbxDECIMAL: case SbxBYREF | SbxDECIMAL: ImpCreateDecimal( p )->setUInt( n ); break; // Tests ab hier case SbxCHAR: aTmp.pChar = &p->nChar; goto direct; case SbxBYTE: aTmp.pByte = &p->nByte; goto direct; case SbxINTEGER: case SbxBOOL: aTmp.pInteger = &p->nInteger; direct: aTmp.eType = SbxDataType( p->eType | SbxBYREF ); p = &aTmp; goto start; case SbxBYREF | SbxSTRING: case SbxSTRING: case SbxLPSTR: if( !p->pOUString ) p->pOUString = new ::rtl::OUString; ImpCvtNum( (double) n, 0, *p->pOUString ); break; case SbxOBJECT: { SbxValue* pVal = PTR_CAST(SbxValue,p->pObj); if( pVal ) pVal->PutUShort( n ); else SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_NO_OBJECT ); break; } case SbxBYREF | SbxCHAR: *p->pChar = (xub_Unicode) n; break; case SbxBYREF | SbxBYTE: if( n > SbxMAXBYTE ) { SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); n = SbxMAXBYTE; } *p->pByte = (sal_uInt8) n; break; case SbxBYREF | SbxINTEGER: case SbxBYREF | SbxBOOL: if( n > SbxMAXINT ) { SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); n = SbxMAXINT; } *p->pInteger = (sal_Int16) n; break; case SbxBYREF | SbxERROR: case SbxBYREF | SbxUSHORT: *p->pUShort = n; break; case SbxBYREF | SbxLONG: *p->pLong = n; break; case SbxBYREF | SbxULONG: *p->pULong = n; break; case SbxBYREF | SbxSINGLE: *p->pSingle = n; break; case SbxBYREF | SbxDATE: case SbxBYREF | SbxDOUBLE: *p->pDouble = n; break; case SbxBYREF | SbxSALINT64: *p->pnInt64 = n; break; case SbxBYREF | SbxSALUINT64: *p->puInt64 = n; break; case SbxBYREF | SbxULONG64: *p->pULong64 = ImpDoubleToUINT64( (double)n ); break; case SbxBYREF | SbxLONG64: *p->pLong64 = ImpDoubleToINT64( (double)n ); break; case SbxBYREF | SbxCURRENCY: *p->pLong64 = ImpDoubleToCurrency( (double)n ); break; default: SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_CONVERSION ); } }