/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_basic.hxx" #define _TLBIGINT_INT64 #include #include #include #include "sbxconv.hxx" #include #include "runtime.hxx" // AB 29.10.99 Unicode #ifndef _USE_NO_NAMESPACE using namespace rtl; #endif TYPEINIT1(SbxValue,SbxBase) /////////////////////////// SbxINT64 ///////////////////////////////////// SbxINT64 &SbxINT64::operator -= ( const SbxINT64 &r ) { BigInt b( *this ); b -= BigInt( r ); b.INT64( this ); return *this; } SbxINT64 &SbxINT64::operator += ( const SbxINT64 &r ) { BigInt b( *this ); b += BigInt( r ); b.INT64( this ); return *this; } SbxINT64 &SbxINT64::operator *= ( const SbxINT64 &r ) { BigInt b( *this ); b *= BigInt( r ); b.INT64( this ); return *this; } SbxINT64 &SbxINT64::operator %= ( const SbxINT64 &r ) { BigInt b( *this ); b %= BigInt( r ); b.INT64( this ); return *this; } SbxINT64 &SbxINT64::operator /= ( const SbxINT64 &r ) { BigInt b( *this ); b /= BigInt( r ); b.INT64( this ); return *this; } SbxINT64 &SbxINT64::operator &= ( const SbxINT64 &r ) { nHigh &= r.nHigh; nLow &= r.nLow; return *this; } SbxINT64 &SbxINT64::operator |= ( const SbxINT64 &r ) { nHigh |= r.nHigh; nLow |= r.nLow; return *this; } SbxINT64 &SbxINT64::operator ^= ( const SbxINT64 &r ) { nHigh ^= r.nHigh; nLow ^= r.nLow; return *this; } SbxINT64 operator - ( const SbxINT64 &l, const SbxINT64 &r ) { SbxINT64 a(l); a -= r; return a; } SbxINT64 operator + ( const SbxINT64 &l, const SbxINT64 &r ) { SbxINT64 a(l); a += r; return a; } SbxINT64 operator / ( const SbxINT64 &l, const SbxINT64 &r ) { SbxINT64 a(l); a /= r; return a; } SbxINT64 operator % ( const SbxINT64 &l, const SbxINT64 &r ) { SbxINT64 a(l); a %= r; return a; } SbxINT64 operator * ( const SbxINT64 &l, const SbxINT64 &r ) { SbxINT64 a(l); a *= r; return a; } SbxINT64 operator & ( const SbxINT64 &l, const SbxINT64 &r ) { SbxINT64 a; a.nHigh = r.nHigh & l.nHigh; a.nLow = r.nLow & l.nLow; return a; } SbxINT64 operator | ( const SbxINT64 &l, const SbxINT64 &r ) { SbxINT64 a; a.nHigh = r.nHigh | l.nHigh; a.nLow = r.nLow | l.nLow; return a; } SbxINT64 operator ^ ( const SbxINT64 &r, const SbxINT64 &l ) { SbxINT64 a; a.nHigh = r.nHigh ^ l.nHigh; a.nLow = r.nLow ^ l.nLow; return a; } SbxINT64 operator - ( const SbxINT64 &r ) { SbxINT64 a( r ); a.CHS(); return a; } SbxINT64 operator ~ ( const SbxINT64 &r ) { SbxINT64 a; a.nHigh = ~r.nHigh; a.nLow = ~r.nLow; return a; } SbxUINT64 &SbxUINT64::operator %= ( const SbxUINT64 &r ) { BigInt b( *this ); b %= BigInt( r ); b.UINT64( this ); return *this; } SbxUINT64 &SbxUINT64::operator /= ( const SbxUINT64 &r ) { BigInt b( *this ); b /= BigInt( r ); b.UINT64( this ); return *this; } /////////////////////////// Fehlerbehandlung ///////////////////////////// #ifdef _USED // NOCH NACHZUBAUEN! // Das Default-Handling setzt nur den Fehlercode. #ifndef WNT #if defined ( UNX ) int matherr( struct exception* p ) #else int matherr( struct _exception* p ) #endif { switch( p->type ) { #if defined ( UNX ) case OVERFLOW: SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); break; #else case _OVERFLOW: SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); break; #endif default: SbxBase::SetError( SbxERR_NOTIMP ); break; } return sal_True; } #endif #endif // _USED ///////////////////////////// Konstruktoren ////////////////////////////// SbxValue::SbxValue() : SbxBase() { aData.eType = SbxEMPTY; } SbxValue::SbxValue( SbxDataType t, void* p ) : SbxBase() { int n = t & 0x0FFF; if( p ) n |= SbxBYREF; if( n == SbxVARIANT ) n = SbxEMPTY; else SetFlag( SBX_FIXED ); if( p ) switch( t & 0x0FFF ) { case SbxINTEGER: n |= SbxBYREF; aData.pInteger = (sal_Int16*) p; break; case SbxULONG64: n |= SbxBYREF; aData.pULong64 = (SbxUINT64*) p; break; case SbxLONG64: case SbxCURRENCY: n |= SbxBYREF; aData.pLong64 = (SbxINT64*) p; break; case SbxLONG: n |= SbxBYREF; aData.pLong = (sal_Int32*) p; break; case SbxSINGLE: n |= SbxBYREF; aData.pSingle = (float*) p; break; case SbxDATE: case SbxDOUBLE: n |= SbxBYREF; aData.pDouble = (double*) p; break; case SbxSTRING: n |= SbxBYREF; aData.pOUString = (::rtl::OUString*) p; break; case SbxERROR: case SbxUSHORT: case SbxBOOL: n |= SbxBYREF; aData.pUShort = (sal_uInt16*) p; break; case SbxULONG: n |= SbxBYREF; aData.pULong = (sal_uInt32*) p; break; case SbxCHAR: n |= SbxBYREF; aData.pChar = (xub_Unicode*) p; break; case SbxBYTE: n |= SbxBYREF; aData.pByte = (sal_uInt8*) p; break; case SbxINT: n |= SbxBYREF; aData.pInt = (int*) p; break; case SbxOBJECT: aData.pObj = (SbxBase*) p; if( p ) aData.pObj->AddRef(); break; case SbxDECIMAL: aData.pDecimal = (SbxDecimal*) p; if( p ) aData.pDecimal->addRef(); break; default: DBG_ASSERT( sal_False, "Indication of an invalid pointer" ); n = SbxNULL; } else memset( &aData, 0, sizeof( SbxValues ) ); aData.eType = SbxDataType( n ); } SbxValue::SbxValue( const SbxValue& r ) : SvRefBase( r ), SbxBase( r ) { if( !r.CanRead() ) { SetError( SbxERR_PROP_WRITEONLY ); if( !IsFixed() ) aData.eType = SbxNULL; } else { ((SbxValue*) &r)->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED ); aData = r.aData; // Pointer kopieren, Referenzen inkrementieren switch( aData.eType ) { case SbxSTRING: if( aData.pOUString ) aData.pOUString = new ::rtl::OUString( *aData.pOUString ); break; case SbxOBJECT: if( aData.pObj ) aData.pObj->AddRef(); break; case SbxDECIMAL: if( aData.pDecimal ) aData.pDecimal->addRef(); break; default: break; } } } SbxValue& SbxValue::operator=( const SbxValue& r ) { if( &r != this ) { if( !CanWrite() ) SetError( SbxERR_PROP_READONLY ); else { // string -> byte array if( IsFixed() && (aData.eType == SbxOBJECT) && aData.pObj && ( aData.pObj->GetType() == (SbxARRAY | SbxBYTE) ) && (r.aData.eType == SbxSTRING) ) { ::rtl::OUString aStr = r.GetString(); SbxArray* pArr = StringToByteArray(aStr); PutObject(pArr); return *this; } // byte array -> string if( r.IsFixed() && (r.aData.eType == SbxOBJECT) && r.aData.pObj && ( r.aData.pObj->GetType() == (SbxARRAY | SbxBYTE) ) && (aData.eType == SbxSTRING) ) { SbxBase* pObj = r.GetObject(); SbxArray* pArr = PTR_CAST(SbxArray, pObj); if( pArr ) { ::rtl::OUString aStr = ByteArrayToString( pArr ); PutString(aStr); return *this; } } // Den Inhalt der Variablen auslesen SbxValues aNew; if( IsFixed() ) // fest: dann muss der Typ stimmen aNew.eType = aData.eType; else if( r.IsFixed() ) // Quelle fest: Typ uebernehmen aNew.eType = SbxDataType( r.aData.eType & 0x0FFF ); else // beides Variant: dann isses egal aNew.eType = SbxVARIANT; if( r.Get( aNew ) ) Put( aNew ); } } return *this; } SbxValue::~SbxValue() { #ifndef C50 Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DYING ); SetFlag( SBX_WRITE ); SbxValue::Clear(); #else // Provisorischer Fix fuer Solaris 5.0 Compiler Bug // bei Nutzung virtueller Vererbung. Virtuelle Calls // im Destruktor vermeiden. Statt Clear() zu rufen // moegliche Objekt-Referenzen direkt freigeben. if( aData.eType == SbxOBJECT ) { if( aData.pObj && aData.pObj != this ) { HACK(nicht bei Parent-Prop - sonst CyclicRef) SbxVariable *pThisVar = PTR_CAST(SbxVariable, this); sal_Bool bParentProp = pThisVar && 5345 == ( (sal_Int16) ( pThisVar->GetUserData() & 0xFFFF ) ); if ( !bParentProp ) aData.pObj->ReleaseRef(); } } else if( aData.eType == SbxDECIMAL ) { releaseDecimalPtr( aData.pDecimal ); } #endif } void SbxValue::Clear() { switch( aData.eType ) { case SbxNULL: case SbxEMPTY: case SbxVOID: break; case SbxSTRING: delete aData.pOUString; aData.pOUString = NULL; break; case SbxOBJECT: if( aData.pObj ) { if( aData.pObj != this ) { HACK(nicht bei Parent-Prop - sonst CyclicRef) SbxVariable *pThisVar = PTR_CAST(SbxVariable, this); sal_Bool bParentProp = pThisVar && 5345 == ( (sal_Int16) ( pThisVar->GetUserData() & 0xFFFF ) ); if ( !bParentProp ) aData.pObj->ReleaseRef(); } aData.pObj = NULL; } break; case SbxDECIMAL: if( aData.eType == SbxDECIMAL ) releaseDecimalPtr( aData.pDecimal ); break; case SbxDATAOBJECT: aData.pData = NULL; break; default: { SbxValues aEmpty; memset( &aEmpty, 0, sizeof( SbxValues ) ); aEmpty.eType = GetType(); Put( aEmpty ); } } } // Dummy void SbxValue::Broadcast( sal_uIntPtr ) {} //////////////////////////// Daten auslesen ////////////////////////////// // Ermitteln der "richtigen" Variablen. Falls es ein Objekt ist, wird // entweder das Objekt selbst oder dessen Default-Property angesprochen. // Falls die Variable eine Variable oder ein Objekt enthaelt, wird // dieses angesprochen. SbxValue* SbxValue::TheRealValue() const { return TheRealValue( sal_True ); } // #55226 Zusaetzliche Info transportieren bool handleToStringForCOMObjects( SbxObject* pObj, SbxValue* pVal ); // sbunoobj.cxx SbxValue* SbxValue::TheRealValue( sal_Bool bObjInObjError ) const { SbxValue* p = (SbxValue*) this; for( ;; ) { SbxDataType t = SbxDataType( p->aData.eType & 0x0FFF ); if( t == SbxOBJECT ) { // Der Block enthaelt ein Objekt oder eine Variable SbxObject* pObj = PTR_CAST(SbxObject,p->aData.pObj); if( pObj ) { // Hat das Objekt eine Default-Property? SbxVariable* pDflt = pObj->GetDfltProperty(); // Falls dies ein Objekt ist und sich selbst enthaelt, // koennen wir nicht darauf zugreifen // #55226# Die alte Bedingung, um einen Fehler zu setzen, // ist nicht richtig, da z.B. eine ganz normale Variant- // Variable mit Objekt davon betroffen sein kann, wenn ein // anderer Wert zugewiesen werden soll. Daher mit Flag. if( bObjInObjError && !pDflt && ((SbxValue*) pObj)->aData.eType == SbxOBJECT && ((SbxValue*) pObj)->aData.pObj == pObj ) { bool bSuccess = handleToStringForCOMObjects( pObj, p ); if( !bSuccess ) { SetError( SbxERR_BAD_PROP_VALUE ); p = NULL; } } else if( pDflt ) p = pDflt; /* ALT: else p = pDflt ? pDflt : (SbxVariable*) pObj; */ break; } // Haben wir ein Array? SbxArray* pArray = PTR_CAST(SbxArray,p->aData.pObj); if( pArray ) { // Ggf. Parameter holen SbxArray* pPar = NULL; SbxVariable* pVar = PTR_CAST(SbxVariable,p); if( pVar ) pPar = pVar->GetParameters(); if( pPar ) { // Haben wir ein dimensioniertes Array? SbxDimArray* pDimArray = PTR_CAST(SbxDimArray,p->aData.pObj); if( pDimArray ) p = pDimArray->Get( pPar ); else p = pArray->Get( pPar->Get( 1 )->GetInteger() ); break; } } // Sonst einen SbxValue annehmen SbxValue* pVal = PTR_CAST(SbxValue,p->aData.pObj); if( pVal ) p = pVal; else break; } else break; } return p; } sal_Bool SbxValue::Get( SbxValues& rRes ) const { sal_Bool bRes = sal_False; SbxError eOld = GetError(); if( eOld != SbxERR_OK ) ResetError(); if( !CanRead() ) { SetError( SbxERR_PROP_WRITEONLY ); rRes.pObj = NULL; } else { // Falls nach einem Objekt oder einem VARIANT gefragt wird, nicht // die wahren Werte suchen SbxValue* p = (SbxValue*) this; if( rRes.eType != SbxOBJECT && rRes.eType != SbxVARIANT ) p = TheRealValue(); if( p ) { p->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED ); switch( rRes.eType ) { case SbxEMPTY: case SbxVOID: case SbxNULL: break; case SbxVARIANT: rRes = p->aData; break; case SbxINTEGER: rRes.nInteger = ImpGetInteger( &p->aData ); break; case SbxLONG: rRes.nLong = ImpGetLong( &p->aData ); break; case SbxSALINT64: rRes.nInt64 = ImpGetInt64( &p->aData ); break; case SbxSALUINT64: rRes.uInt64 = ImpGetUInt64( &p->aData ); break; case SbxSINGLE: rRes.nSingle = ImpGetSingle( &p->aData ); break; case SbxDOUBLE: rRes.nDouble = ImpGetDouble( &p->aData ); break; case SbxCURRENCY:rRes.nLong64 = ImpGetCurrency( &p->aData ); break; case SbxDECIMAL: rRes.pDecimal = ImpGetDecimal( &p->aData ); break; case SbxDATE: rRes.nDouble = ImpGetDate( &p->aData ); break; case SbxBOOL: rRes.nUShort = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >( ImpGetBool( &p->aData ) ); break; case SbxCHAR: rRes.nChar = ImpGetChar( &p->aData ); break; case SbxBYTE: rRes.nByte = ImpGetByte( &p->aData ); break; case SbxUSHORT: rRes.nUShort = ImpGetUShort( &p->aData ); break; case SbxULONG: rRes.nULong = ImpGetULong( &p->aData ); break; case SbxLPSTR: case SbxSTRING: p->aPic = ImpGetString( &p->aData ); rRes.pOUString = &p->aPic; break; case SbxCoreSTRING: p->aPic = ImpGetCoreString( &p->aData ); rRes.pOUString = &p->aPic; break; case SbxINT: #if SAL_TYPES_SIZEOFINT == 2 rRes.nInt = (int) ImpGetInteger( &p->aData ); #else rRes.nInt = (int) ImpGetLong( &p->aData ); #endif break; case SbxUINT: #if SAL_TYPES_SIZEOFINT == 2 rRes.nUInt = (int) ImpGetUShort( &p->aData ); #else rRes.nUInt = (int) ImpGetULong( &p->aData ); #endif break; case SbxOBJECT: if( p->aData.eType == SbxOBJECT ) rRes.pObj = p->aData.pObj; else { SetError( SbxERR_NO_OBJECT ); rRes.pObj = NULL; } break; default: if( p->aData.eType == rRes.eType ) rRes = p->aData; else { SetError( SbxERR_CONVERSION ); rRes.pObj = NULL; } } } else { // Objekt enthielt sich selbst SbxDataType eTemp = rRes.eType; memset( &rRes, 0, sizeof( SbxValues ) ); rRes.eType = eTemp; } } if( !IsError() ) { bRes = sal_True; if( eOld != SbxERR_OK ) SetError( eOld ); } return bRes; } sal_Bool SbxValue::GetNoBroadcast( SbxValues& rRes ) { sal_uInt16 nFlags_ = GetFlags(); SetFlag( SBX_NO_BROADCAST ); sal_Bool bRes = Get( rRes ); SetFlags( nFlags_ ); return bRes; } const XubString& SbxValue::GetString() const { SbxValues aRes; aRes.eType = SbxSTRING; if( Get( aRes ) ) ((SbxValue*) this)->aToolString = *aRes.pOUString; else ((SbxValue*) this)->aToolString.Erase(); return aToolString; } const XubString& SbxValue::GetCoreString() const { SbxValues aRes; aRes.eType = SbxCoreSTRING; if( Get( aRes ) ) ((SbxValue*) this)->aToolString = *aRes.pOUString; else ((SbxValue*) this)->aToolString.Erase(); return aToolString; } ::rtl::OUString SbxValue::GetOUString() const { ::rtl::OUString aResult; SbxValues aRes; aRes.eType = SbxSTRING; if( Get( aRes ) ) aResult = *aRes.pOUString; return aResult; } sal_Bool SbxValue::HasObject() const { ErrCode eErr = GetError(); SbxValues aRes; aRes.eType = SbxOBJECT; Get( aRes ); SetError( eErr ); return 0 != aRes.pObj; } sal_Bool SbxValue::GetBool() const { SbxValues aRes; aRes.eType = SbxBOOL; Get( aRes ); return sal_Bool( aRes.nUShort != 0 ); } #define GET( g, e, t, m ) \ t SbxValue::g() const { SbxValues aRes(e); Get( aRes ); return aRes.m; } GET( GetByte, SbxBYTE, sal_uInt8, nByte ) GET( GetChar, SbxCHAR, xub_Unicode, nChar ) GET( GetCurrency, SbxCURRENCY, SbxINT64, nLong64 ) GET( GetDate, SbxDATE, double, nDouble ) GET( GetData, SbxDATAOBJECT, void*, pData ) GET( GetDouble, SbxDOUBLE, double, nDouble ) GET( GetErr, SbxERROR, sal_uInt16, nUShort ) GET( GetInt, SbxINT, int, nInt ) GET( GetInteger, SbxINTEGER, sal_Int16, nInteger ) GET( GetLong, SbxLONG, sal_Int32, nLong ) GET( GetLong64, SbxLONG64, SbxINT64, nLong64 ) GET( GetObject, SbxOBJECT, SbxBase*, pObj ) GET( GetSingle, SbxSINGLE, float, nSingle ) GET( GetULong, SbxULONG, sal_uInt32, nULong ) GET( GetULong64, SbxULONG64, SbxUINT64, nULong64 ) GET( GetUShort, SbxUSHORT, sal_uInt16, nUShort ) GET( GetInt64, SbxSALINT64, sal_Int64, nInt64 ) GET( GetUInt64, SbxSALUINT64, sal_uInt64, uInt64 ) GET( GetDecimal, SbxDECIMAL, SbxDecimal*, pDecimal ) //////////////////////////// Daten schreiben ///////////////////////////// sal_Bool SbxValue::Put( const SbxValues& rVal ) { sal_Bool bRes = sal_False; SbxError eOld = GetError(); if( eOld != SbxERR_OK ) ResetError(); if( !CanWrite() ) SetError( SbxERR_PROP_READONLY ); else if( rVal.eType & 0xF000 ) SetError( SbxERR_NOTIMP ); else { // Falls nach einem Objekt gefragt wird, nicht // die wahren Werte suchen SbxValue* p = this; if( rVal.eType != SbxOBJECT ) p = TheRealValue( sal_False ); // #55226 Hier keinen Fehler erlauben if( p ) { if( !p->CanWrite() ) SetError( SbxERR_PROP_READONLY ); else if( p->IsFixed() || p->SetType( (SbxDataType) ( rVal.eType & 0x0FFF ) ) ) switch( rVal.eType & 0x0FFF ) { case SbxEMPTY: case SbxVOID: case SbxNULL: break; case SbxINTEGER: ImpPutInteger( &p->aData, rVal.nInteger ); break; case SbxLONG: ImpPutLong( &p->aData, rVal.nLong ); break; case SbxSALINT64: ImpPutInt64( &p->aData, rVal.nInt64 ); break; case SbxSALUINT64: ImpPutUInt64( &p->aData, rVal.uInt64 ); break; case SbxSINGLE: ImpPutSingle( &p->aData, rVal.nSingle ); break; case SbxDOUBLE: ImpPutDouble( &p->aData, rVal.nDouble ); break; case SbxCURRENCY: ImpPutCurrency( &p->aData, rVal.nLong64 ); break; case SbxDECIMAL: ImpPutDecimal( &p->aData, rVal.pDecimal ); break; case SbxDATE: ImpPutDate( &p->aData, rVal.nDouble ); break; case SbxBOOL: ImpPutBool( &p->aData, rVal.nInteger ); break; case SbxCHAR: ImpPutChar( &p->aData, rVal.nChar ); break; case SbxBYTE: ImpPutByte( &p->aData, rVal.nByte ); break; case SbxUSHORT: ImpPutUShort( &p->aData, rVal.nUShort ); break; case SbxULONG: ImpPutULong( &p->aData, rVal.nULong ); break; case SbxLPSTR: case SbxSTRING: ImpPutString( &p->aData, rVal.pOUString ); break; case SbxINT: #if SAL_TYPES_SIZEOFINT == 2 ImpPutInteger( &p->aData, (sal_Int16) rVal.nInt ); #else ImpPutLong( &p->aData, (sal_Int32) rVal.nInt ); #endif break; case SbxUINT: #if SAL_TYPES_SIZEOFINT == 2 ImpPutUShort( &p->aData, (sal_uInt16) rVal.nUInt ); #else ImpPutULong( &p->aData, (sal_uInt32) rVal.nUInt ); #endif break; case SbxOBJECT: if( !p->IsFixed() || p->aData.eType == SbxOBJECT ) { // ist schon drin if( p->aData.eType == SbxOBJECT && p->aData.pObj == rVal.pObj ) break; // Nur den Werteteil loeschen! p->SbxValue::Clear(); // eingentliche Zuweisung p->aData.pObj = rVal.pObj; // ggf. Ref-Count mitzaehlen if( p->aData.pObj && p->aData.pObj != p ) { if ( p != this ) { DBG_ERROR( "TheRealValue" ); } HACK(nicht bei Parent-Prop - sonst CyclicRef) SbxVariable *pThisVar = PTR_CAST(SbxVariable, this); sal_Bool bParentProp = pThisVar && 5345 == ( (sal_Int16) ( pThisVar->GetUserData() & 0xFFFF ) ); if ( !bParentProp ) p->aData.pObj->AddRef(); } } else SetError( SbxERR_CONVERSION ); break; default: if( p->aData.eType == rVal.eType ) p->aData = rVal; else { SetError( SbxERR_CONVERSION ); if( !p->IsFixed() ) p->aData.eType = SbxNULL; } } if( !IsError() ) { p->SetModified( sal_True ); p->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATACHANGED ); if( eOld != SbxERR_OK ) SetError( eOld ); bRes = sal_True; } } } return bRes; } // AB, 28.3.96: // Methode, um bei speziellen Typen eine Vorbehandlung des Strings // durchzufuehren. Insbesondere erforderlich fuer BASIC-IDE, damit // die Ausgaben im Watch-Fenster mit PutStringExt zurueckgeschrieben // werden koennen, wenn Floats mit ',' als Dezimaltrenner oder BOOLs // explizit mit "TRUE" oder "FALSE" angegeben werden. // Implementierung in ImpConvStringExt (SBXSCAN.CXX) sal_Bool SbxValue::PutStringExt( const ::rtl::OUString& r ) { // Kopieren, bei Unicode gleich konvertieren ::rtl::OUString aStr( r ); // Eigenen Typ bestimmen (nicht wie in Put() mit TheRealValue(), // Objekte werden sowieso nicht behandelt) SbxDataType eTargetType = SbxDataType( aData.eType & 0x0FFF ); // Source-Value basteln SbxValues aRes; aRes.eType = SbxSTRING; // Nur, wenn wirklich was konvertiert wurde, Kopie nehmen, // sonst Original (Unicode bleibt erhalten) sal_Bool bRet; if( ImpConvStringExt( aStr, eTargetType ) ) aRes.pOUString = (::rtl::OUString*)&aStr; else aRes.pOUString = (::rtl::OUString*)&r; // #34939: Bei Strings. die eine Zahl enthalten und wenn this einen // Num-Typ hat, Fixed-Flag setzen, damit der Typ nicht veraendert wird sal_uInt16 nFlags_ = GetFlags(); if( ( eTargetType >= SbxINTEGER && eTargetType <= SbxCURRENCY ) || ( eTargetType >= SbxCHAR && eTargetType <= SbxUINT ) || eTargetType == SbxBOOL ) { SbxValue aVal; aVal.Put( aRes ); if( aVal.IsNumeric() ) SetFlag( SBX_FIXED ); } Put( aRes ); bRet = sal_Bool( !IsError() ); // Falls das mit dem FIXED einen Error gegeben hat, zuruecksetzen // (UI-Aktion sollte keinen Error ergeben, sondern nur scheitern) if( !bRet ) ResetError(); SetFlags( nFlags_ ); return bRet; } sal_Bool SbxValue::PutString( const xub_Unicode* p ) { ::rtl::OUString aVal( p ); SbxValues aRes; aRes.eType = SbxSTRING; aRes.pOUString = &aVal; Put( aRes ); return sal_Bool( !IsError() ); } sal_Bool SbxValue::PutBool( sal_Bool b ) { SbxValues aRes; aRes.eType = SbxBOOL; aRes.nUShort = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >(b ? SbxTRUE : SbxFALSE); Put( aRes ); return sal_Bool( !IsError() ); } sal_Bool SbxValue::PutEmpty() { sal_Bool bRet = SetType( SbxEMPTY ); SetModified( sal_True ); return bRet; } sal_Bool SbxValue::PutNull() { sal_Bool bRet = SetType( SbxNULL ); if( bRet ) SetModified( sal_True ); return bRet; } // Special decimal methods sal_Bool SbxValue::PutDecimal( com::sun::star::bridge::oleautomation::Decimal& rAutomationDec ) { SbxValue::Clear(); aData.pDecimal = new SbxDecimal( rAutomationDec ); aData.pDecimal->addRef(); aData.eType = SbxDECIMAL; return sal_True; } sal_Bool SbxValue::fillAutomationDecimal ( com::sun::star::bridge::oleautomation::Decimal& rAutomationDec ) { SbxDecimal* pDecimal = GetDecimal(); if( pDecimal != NULL ) { pDecimal->fillAutomationDecimal( rAutomationDec ); return sal_True; } return sal_False; } sal_Bool SbxValue::PutpChar( const xub_Unicode* p ) { ::rtl::OUString aVal( p ); SbxValues aRes; aRes.eType = SbxLPSTR; aRes.pOUString = &aVal; Put( aRes ); return sal_Bool( !IsError() ); } sal_Bool SbxValue::PutString( const ::rtl::OUString& r ) { SbxValues aRes; aRes.eType = SbxSTRING; aRes.pOUString = (::rtl::OUString*) &r; Put( aRes ); return sal_Bool( !IsError() ); } #define PUT( p, e, t, m ) \ sal_Bool SbxValue::p( t n ) \ { SbxValues aRes(e); aRes.m = n; Put( aRes ); return sal_Bool( !IsError() ); } PUT( PutByte, SbxBYTE, sal_uInt8, nByte ) PUT( PutChar, SbxCHAR, xub_Unicode, nChar ) PUT( PutCurrency, SbxCURRENCY, const SbxINT64&, nLong64 ) PUT( PutDate, SbxDATE, double, nDouble ) PUT( PutData, SbxDATAOBJECT, void*, pData ) PUT( PutDouble, SbxDOUBLE, double, nDouble ) PUT( PutErr, SbxERROR, sal_uInt16, nUShort ) PUT( PutInt, SbxINT, int, nInt ) PUT( PutInteger, SbxINTEGER, sal_Int16, nInteger ) PUT( PutLong, SbxLONG, sal_Int32, nLong ) PUT( PutLong64, SbxLONG64, const SbxINT64&, nLong64 ) PUT( PutObject, SbxOBJECT, SbxBase*, pObj ) PUT( PutSingle, SbxSINGLE, float, nSingle ) PUT( PutULong, SbxULONG, sal_uInt32, nULong ) PUT( PutULong64, SbxULONG64, const SbxUINT64&, nULong64 ) PUT( PutUShort, SbxUSHORT, sal_uInt16, nUShort ) PUT( PutInt64, SbxSALINT64, sal_Int64, nInt64 ) PUT( PutUInt64, SbxSALUINT64, sal_uInt64, uInt64 ) PUT( PutDecimal, SbxDECIMAL, SbxDecimal*, pDecimal ) ////////////////////////// Setzen des Datentyps /////////////////////////// sal_Bool SbxValue::IsFixed() const { return ( (GetFlags() & SBX_FIXED) | (aData.eType & SbxBYREF) ) != 0; } // Eine Variable ist numerisch, wenn sie EMPTY oder wirklich numerisch ist // oder einen vollstaendig konvertierbaren String enthaelt // #41692, fuer RTL und Basic-Core getrennt implementieren sal_Bool SbxValue::IsNumeric() const { return ImpIsNumeric( /*bOnlyIntntl*/sal_False ); } sal_Bool SbxValue::IsNumericRTL() const { return ImpIsNumeric( /*bOnlyIntntl*/sal_True ); } sal_Bool SbxValue::ImpIsNumeric( sal_Bool bOnlyIntntl ) const { if( !CanRead() ) { SetError( SbxERR_PROP_WRITEONLY ); return sal_False; } // Downcast pruefen!!! if( this->ISA(SbxVariable) ) ((SbxVariable*)this)->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED ); SbxDataType t = GetType(); if( t == SbxSTRING ) { if( aData.pOUString ) { ::rtl::OUString s( *aData.pOUString ); double n; SbxDataType t2; sal_uInt16 nLen = 0; if( ImpScan( s, n, t2, &nLen, /*bAllowIntntl*/sal_False, bOnlyIntntl ) == SbxERR_OK ) return sal_Bool( nLen == s.getLength() ); } return sal_False; } else return sal_Bool( t == SbxEMPTY || ( t >= SbxINTEGER && t <= SbxCURRENCY ) || ( t >= SbxCHAR && t <= SbxUINT ) ); } SbxClassType SbxValue::GetClass() const { return SbxCLASS_VALUE; } SbxDataType SbxValue::GetType() const { return SbxDataType( aData.eType & 0x0FFF ); } SbxDataType SbxValue::GetFullType() const { return aData.eType; } sal_Bool SbxValue::SetType( SbxDataType t ) { DBG_ASSERT( !( t & 0xF000 ), "Setzen von BYREF|ARRAY verboten!" ); if( ( t == SbxEMPTY && aData.eType == SbxVOID ) || ( aData.eType == SbxEMPTY && t == SbxVOID ) ) return sal_True; if( ( t & 0x0FFF ) == SbxVARIANT ) { // Versuch, den Datentyp auf Variant zu setzen ResetFlag( SBX_FIXED ); if( IsFixed() ) { SetError( SbxERR_CONVERSION ); return sal_False; } t = SbxEMPTY; } if( ( t & 0x0FFF ) != ( aData.eType & 0x0FFF ) ) { if( !CanWrite() || IsFixed() ) { SetError( SbxERR_CONVERSION ); return sal_False; } else { // Eventuelle Objekte freigeben switch( aData.eType ) { case SbxSTRING: delete aData.pOUString; break; case SbxOBJECT: if( aData.pObj && aData.pObj != this ) { HACK(nicht bei Parent-Prop - sonst CyclicRef) SbxVariable *pThisVar = PTR_CAST(SbxVariable, this); sal_uInt16 nSlotId = pThisVar ? ( (sal_Int16) ( pThisVar->GetUserData() & 0xFFFF ) ) : 0; DBG_ASSERT( nSlotId != 5345 || pThisVar->GetName() == UniString::CreateFromAscii( "Parent" ), "SID_PARENTOBJECT heisst nicht 'Parent'" ); sal_Bool bParentProp = 5345 == nSlotId; if ( !bParentProp ) aData.pObj->ReleaseRef(); } break; default: break; } // Das klappt immer, da auch die Float-Repraesentationen 0 sind. memset( &aData, 0, sizeof( SbxValues ) ); aData.eType = t; } } return sal_True; } sal_Bool SbxValue::Convert( SbxDataType eTo ) { eTo = SbxDataType( eTo & 0x0FFF ); if( ( aData.eType & 0x0FFF ) == eTo ) return sal_True; if( !CanWrite() ) return sal_False; if( eTo == SbxVARIANT ) { // Versuch, den Datentyp auf Variant zu setzen ResetFlag( SBX_FIXED ); if( IsFixed() ) { SetError( SbxERR_CONVERSION ); return sal_False; } else return sal_True; } // Convert from Null geht niemals. Einmal Null, immer Null! if( aData.eType == SbxNULL ) { SetError( SbxERR_CONVERSION ); return sal_False; } // Konversion der Daten: SbxValues aNew; aNew.eType = eTo; if( Get( aNew ) ) { // Der Datentyp konnte konvertiert werden. Bei Fixed-Elementen // ist hier Ende, da die Daten nicht uebernommen zu werden brauchen if( !IsFixed() ) { SetType( eTo ); Put( aNew ); SetModified( sal_True ); } Broadcast( SBX_HINT_CONVERTED ); return sal_True; } else return sal_False; } ////////////////////////////////// Rechnen ///////////////////////////////// sal_Bool SbxValue::Compute( SbxOperator eOp, const SbxValue& rOp ) { bool bVBAInterop = SbiRuntime::isVBAEnabled(); SbxDataType eThisType = GetType(); SbxDataType eOpType = rOp.GetType(); SbxError eOld = GetError(); if( eOld != SbxERR_OK ) ResetError(); if( !CanWrite() ) SetError( SbxERR_PROP_READONLY ); else if( !rOp.CanRead() ) SetError( SbxERR_PROP_WRITEONLY ); // Sonderregel 1: Ist ein Operand Null, ist das Ergebnis Null else if( eThisType == SbxNULL || eOpType == SbxNULL ) SetType( SbxNULL ); // Sonderregel 2: Ist ein Operand Empty, ist das Ergebnis der 2. Operand else if( eThisType == SbxEMPTY && !bVBAInterop ) *this = rOp; // 13.2.96: Nicht schon vor Get auf SbxEMPTY pruefen else { SbxValues aL, aR; bool bDecimal = false; if( bVBAInterop && ( ( eThisType == SbxSTRING && eOpType != SbxSTRING ) || ( eThisType != SbxSTRING && eOpType == SbxSTRING ) ) && ( eOp == SbxMUL || eOp == SbxDIV || eOp == SbxPLUS || eOp == SbxMINUS ) ) { goto Lbl_OpIsDouble; } else if( eThisType == SbxSTRING || eOp == SbxCAT || ( bVBAInterop && ( eOpType == SbxSTRING ) && ( eOp == SbxPLUS ) ) ) { if( eOp == SbxCAT || eOp == SbxPLUS ) { // AB 5.11.1999, OUString beruecksichtigen aL.eType = aR.eType = SbxSTRING; rOp.Get( aR ); // AB 8.12.1999, #70399: Hier wieder GetType() rufen, Get() kann Typ aendern! if( rOp.GetType() == SbxEMPTY ) goto Lbl_OpIsEmpty; Get( aL ); // #30576: Erstmal testen, ob Wandlung geklappt hat if( aL.pOUString != NULL && aR.pOUString != NULL ) { *aL.pOUString += *aR.pOUString; } // Nicht einmal Left OK? else if( aL.pOUString == NULL ) { aL.pOUString = new ::rtl::OUString(); } Put( aL ); } else SetError( SbxERR_CONVERSION ); } else if( eOpType == SbxSTRING && rOp.IsFixed() ) { // Numerisch: rechts darf kein String stehen SetError( SbxERR_CONVERSION ); } else if( ( eOp >= SbxIDIV && eOp <= SbxNOT ) || eOp == SbxMOD ) { if( GetType() == eOpType ) { if( GetType() == SbxULONG64 || GetType() == SbxLONG64 || GetType() == SbxCURRENCY || GetType() == SbxULONG ) aL.eType = aR.eType = GetType(); // else if( GetType() == SbxDouble || GetType() == SbxSingle ) // aL.eType = aR.eType = SbxLONG64; else aL.eType = aR.eType = SbxLONG; } else if( GetType() == SbxCURRENCY || eOpType == SbxCURRENCY || GetType() == SbxULONG64 || eOpType == SbxULONG64 || GetType() == SbxLONG64 || eOpType == SbxLONG64 ) aL.eType = aR.eType = SbxLONG64; // else if( GetType() == SbxDouble || rOP.GetType() == SbxDouble // || GetType() == SbxSingle || rOP.GetType() == SbxSingle ) // aL.eType = aR.eType = SbxLONG64; else aL.eType = aR.eType = SbxLONG; if( rOp.Get( aR ) ) { if( rOp.GetType() == SbxEMPTY ) { if ( !bVBAInterop || ( bVBAInterop && ( eOp != SbxNOT ) ) ) goto Lbl_OpIsEmpty; } if( Get( aL ) ) switch( eOp ) { case SbxIDIV: if( aL.eType == SbxCURRENCY ) aL.eType = SbxLONG64; if( aL.eType == SbxLONG64 ) if( !aR.nLong64 ) SetError( SbxERR_ZERODIV ); else aL.nLong64 /= aR.nLong64; else if( aL.eType == SbxULONG64 ) if( !aR.nULong64 ) SetError( SbxERR_ZERODIV ); else aL.nULong64 /= aR.nULong64; else if( aL.eType == SbxLONG ) if( !aR.nLong ) SetError( SbxERR_ZERODIV ); else aL.nLong /= aR.nLong; else if( !aR.nULong ) SetError( SbxERR_ZERODIV ); else aL.nULong /= aR.nULong; break; case SbxMOD: if( aL.eType == SbxCURRENCY ) aL.eType = SbxLONG64; if( aL.eType == SbxLONG64 ) if( !aR.nLong64 ) SetError( SbxERR_ZERODIV ); else aL.nLong64 %= aR.nLong64; else if( aL.eType == SbxULONG64 ) if( !aR.nULong64 ) SetError( SbxERR_ZERODIV ); else aL.nULong64 %= aR.nULong64; else if( aL.eType == SbxLONG ) if( !aR.nLong ) SetError( SbxERR_ZERODIV ); else aL.nLong %= aR.nLong; else if( !aR.nULong ) SetError( SbxERR_ZERODIV ); else aL.nULong %= aR.nULong; break; case SbxAND: if( aL.eType != SbxLONG && aL.eType != SbxULONG ) aL.nLong64 &= aR.nLong64; else aL.nLong &= aR.nLong; break; case SbxOR: if( aL.eType != SbxLONG && aL.eType != SbxULONG ) aL.nLong64 |= aR.nLong64; else aL.nLong |= aR.nLong; break; case SbxXOR: if( aL.eType != SbxLONG && aL.eType != SbxULONG ) aL.nLong64 ^= aR.nLong64; else aL.nLong ^= aR.nLong; break; case SbxEQV: if( aL.eType != SbxLONG && aL.eType != SbxULONG ) aL.nLong64 = (aL.nLong64 & aR.nLong64) | (~aL.nLong64 & ~aR.nLong64); else aL.nLong = (aL.nLong & aR.nLong) | (~aL.nLong & ~aR.nLong); break; case SbxIMP: if( aL.eType != SbxLONG && aL.eType != SbxULONG ) aL.nLong64 = ~aL.nLong64 | aR.nLong64; else aL.nLong = ~aL.nLong | aR.nLong; break; case SbxNOT: if( aL.eType != SbxLONG && aL.eType != SbxULONG ) aL.nLong64 = ~aL.nLong64; else aL.nLong = ~aL.nLong; break; default: break; } } } else if( ( GetType() == SbxDECIMAL || rOp.GetType() == SbxDECIMAL ) && ( eOp == SbxMUL || eOp == SbxDIV || eOp == SbxPLUS || eOp == SbxMINUS || eOp == SbxNEG ) ) { aL.eType = aR.eType = SbxDECIMAL; bDecimal = true; if( rOp.Get( aR ) ) { if( rOp.GetType() == SbxEMPTY ) { releaseDecimalPtr( aL.pDecimal ); goto Lbl_OpIsEmpty; } if( Get( aL ) ) { if( aL.pDecimal && aR.pDecimal ) { bool bOk = true; switch( eOp ) { case SbxMUL: bOk = ( *(aL.pDecimal) *= *(aR.pDecimal) ); break; case SbxDIV: if( aR.pDecimal->isZero() ) SetError( SbxERR_ZERODIV ); else bOk = ( *(aL.pDecimal) /= *(aR.pDecimal) ); break; case SbxPLUS: bOk = ( *(aL.pDecimal) += *(aR.pDecimal) ); break; case SbxMINUS: bOk = ( *(aL.pDecimal) -= *(aR.pDecimal) ); break; case SbxNEG: bOk = ( aL.pDecimal->neg() ); break; default: SetError( SbxERR_NOTIMP ); } if( !bOk ) SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); } else { SetError( SbxERR_CONVERSION ); } } } } else if( GetType() == SbxCURRENCY || rOp.GetType() == SbxCURRENCY ) { aL.eType = SbxCURRENCY; aR.eType = SbxCURRENCY; if( rOp.Get( aR ) ) { static BigInt n10K( 10000 ); if( rOp.GetType() == SbxEMPTY ) goto Lbl_OpIsEmpty; if( Get( aL ) ) switch( eOp ) { case SbxMUL: { // #i20704 Implement directly BigInt b1( aL.nLong64 ); BigInt b2( aR.nLong64 ); b1 *= b2; b1 /= n10K; double d = double( b1 ) / 10000.0; if( d > SbxMAXCURR || d < SbxMINCURR ) SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); else b1.INT64( &aL.nLong64 ); break; } case SbxDIV: if( !aR.nLong64 ) { SetError( SbxERR_ZERODIV ); } else { // #i20704 Implement directly BigInt b1( aL.nLong64 ); BigInt b2( aR.nLong64 ); b1 *= n10K; b1 /= b2; double d = double( b1 ) / 10000.0; if( d > SbxMAXCURR || d < SbxMINCURR ) SetError( SbxERR_OVERFLOW ); else b1.INT64( &aL.nLong64 ); } break; case SbxPLUS: aL.nLong64 += aR.nLong64; break; case SbxMINUS: aL.nLong64 -= aR.nLong64; break; case SbxNEG: aL.nLong64 = -aL.nLong64; break; default: SetError( SbxERR_NOTIMP ); } } } else Lbl_OpIsDouble: { // Andere Operatoren aL.eType = aR.eType = SbxDOUBLE; if( rOp.Get( aR ) ) { if( rOp.GetType() == SbxEMPTY ) { if ( !bVBAInterop || ( bVBAInterop && ( eOp != SbxNEG ) ) ) goto Lbl_OpIsEmpty; } if( Get( aL ) ) { switch( eOp ) { case SbxEXP: aL.nDouble = pow( aL.nDouble, aR.nDouble ); break; case SbxMUL: aL.nDouble *= aR.nDouble; break; case SbxDIV: if( !aR.nDouble ) SetError( SbxERR_ZERODIV ); else aL.nDouble /= aR.nDouble; break; case SbxPLUS: aL.nDouble += aR.nDouble; break; case SbxMINUS: aL.nDouble -= aR.nDouble; break; case SbxNEG: aL.nDouble = -aL.nDouble; break; default: SetError( SbxERR_NOTIMP ); } // #45465 Date braucht bei + eine Spezial-Behandlung if( eOp == SbxPLUS && (GetType() == SbxDATE || rOp.GetType() == SbxDATE ) ) aL.eType = SbxDATE; } } } if( !IsError() ) Put( aL ); if( bDecimal ) { releaseDecimalPtr( aL.pDecimal ); releaseDecimalPtr( aR.pDecimal ); } } Lbl_OpIsEmpty: sal_Bool bRes = sal_Bool( !IsError() ); if( bRes && eOld != SbxERR_OK ) SetError( eOld ); return bRes; } // Die Vergleichs-Routine liefert sal_True oder sal_False. sal_Bool SbxValue::Compare( SbxOperator eOp, const SbxValue& rOp ) const { bool bVBAInterop = SbiRuntime::isVBAEnabled(); sal_Bool bRes = sal_False; SbxError eOld = GetError(); if( eOld != SbxERR_OK ) ResetError(); if( !CanRead() || !rOp.CanRead() ) SetError( SbxERR_PROP_WRITEONLY ); else if( GetType() == SbxNULL && rOp.GetType() == SbxNULL && !bVBAInterop ) { bRes = sal_True; } else if( GetType() == SbxEMPTY && rOp.GetType() == SbxEMPTY ) bRes = !bVBAInterop ? sal_True : ( eOp == SbxEQ ? sal_True : sal_False ); // Sonderregel 1: Ist ein Operand Null, ist das Ergebnis FALSE else if( GetType() == SbxNULL || rOp.GetType() == SbxNULL ) bRes = sal_False; // Sonderregel 2: Wenn beide Variant sind und einer ist numerisch, // und der andere ein String, ist num < str else if( !IsFixed() && !rOp.IsFixed() && ( rOp.GetType() == SbxSTRING && GetType() != SbxSTRING && IsNumeric() ) && !bVBAInterop ) bRes = sal_Bool( eOp == SbxLT || eOp == SbxLE || eOp == SbxNE ); else if( !IsFixed() && !rOp.IsFixed() && ( GetType() == SbxSTRING && rOp.GetType() != SbxSTRING && rOp.IsNumeric() ) && !bVBAInterop ) bRes = sal_Bool( eOp == SbxGT || eOp == SbxGE || eOp == SbxNE ); else { SbxValues aL, aR; // Wenn einer der Operanden ein String ist, // findet ein Stringvergleich statt if( GetType() == SbxSTRING || rOp.GetType() == SbxSTRING ) { aL.eType = aR.eType = SbxSTRING; if( Get( aL ) && rOp.Get( aR ) ) switch( eOp ) { case SbxEQ: bRes = sal_Bool( *aL.pOUString == *aR.pOUString ); break; case SbxNE: bRes = sal_Bool( *aL.pOUString != *aR.pOUString ); break; case SbxLT: bRes = sal_Bool( *aL.pOUString < *aR.pOUString ); break; case SbxGT: bRes = sal_Bool( *aL.pOUString > *aR.pOUString ); break; case SbxLE: bRes = sal_Bool( *aL.pOUString <= *aR.pOUString ); break; case SbxGE: bRes = sal_Bool( *aL.pOUString >= *aR.pOUString ); break; default: SetError( SbxERR_NOTIMP ); } } // AB 19.12.95: Wenn SbxSINGLE beteiligt, auf SINGLE konvertieren, // sonst gibt es numerische Fehler else if( GetType() == SbxSINGLE || rOp.GetType() == SbxSINGLE ) { aL.eType = aR.eType = SbxSINGLE; if( Get( aL ) && rOp.Get( aR ) ) switch( eOp ) { case SbxEQ: bRes = sal_Bool( aL.nSingle == aR.nSingle ); break; case SbxNE: bRes = sal_Bool( aL.nSingle != aR.nSingle ); break; case SbxLT: bRes = sal_Bool( aL.nSingle < aR.nSingle ); break; case SbxGT: bRes = sal_Bool( aL.nSingle > aR.nSingle ); break; case SbxLE: bRes = sal_Bool( aL.nSingle <= aR.nSingle ); break; case SbxGE: bRes = sal_Bool( aL.nSingle >= aR.nSingle ); break; default: SetError( SbxERR_NOTIMP ); } } else if( GetType() == SbxDECIMAL && rOp.GetType() == SbxDECIMAL ) { aL.eType = aR.eType = SbxDECIMAL; Get( aL ); rOp.Get( aR ); if( aL.pDecimal && aR.pDecimal ) { SbxDecimal::CmpResult eRes = compare( *aL.pDecimal, *aR.pDecimal ); switch( eOp ) { case SbxEQ: bRes = sal_Bool( eRes == SbxDecimal::EQ ); break; case SbxNE: bRes = sal_Bool( eRes != SbxDecimal::EQ ); break; case SbxLT: bRes = sal_Bool( eRes == SbxDecimal::LT ); break; case SbxGT: bRes = sal_Bool( eRes == SbxDecimal::GT ); break; case SbxLE: bRes = sal_Bool( eRes != SbxDecimal::GT ); break; case SbxGE: bRes = sal_Bool( eRes != SbxDecimal::LT ); break; default: SetError( SbxERR_NOTIMP ); } } else { SetError( SbxERR_CONVERSION ); } releaseDecimalPtr( aL.pDecimal ); releaseDecimalPtr( aR.pDecimal ); } // Alles andere auf SbxDOUBLE-Basis vergleichen else { aL.eType = aR.eType = SbxDOUBLE; //if( Get( aL ) && rOp.Get( aR ) ) bool bGetL = Get( aL ); bool bGetR = rOp.Get( aR ); if( bGetL && bGetR ) switch( eOp ) { case SbxEQ: bRes = sal_Bool( aL.nDouble == aR.nDouble ); break; case SbxNE: bRes = sal_Bool( aL.nDouble != aR.nDouble ); break; case SbxLT: bRes = sal_Bool( aL.nDouble < aR.nDouble ); break; case SbxGT: bRes = sal_Bool( aL.nDouble > aR.nDouble ); break; case SbxLE: bRes = sal_Bool( aL.nDouble <= aR.nDouble ); break; case SbxGE: bRes = sal_Bool( aL.nDouble >= aR.nDouble ); break; default: SetError( SbxERR_NOTIMP ); } // at least one value was got // if this is VBA then a conversion error for one // side will yield a false result of an equality test else if ( bGetR || bGetL ) { if ( bVBAInterop && eOp == SbxEQ && GetError() == SbxERR_CONVERSION ) { ResetError(); bRes = sal_False; } } } } if( eOld != SbxERR_OK ) SetError( eOld ); return bRes; } ///////////////////////////// Lesen/Schreiben //////////////////////////// sal_Bool SbxValue::LoadData( SvStream& r, sal_uInt16 ) { SbxValue::Clear(); sal_uInt16 nType; r >> nType; aData.eType = SbxDataType( nType ); switch( nType ) { case SbxBOOL: case SbxINTEGER: r >> aData.nInteger; break; case SbxLONG: r >> aData.nLong; break; case SbxSINGLE: { // Floats als ASCII XubString aVal; r.ReadByteString( aVal, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); double d; SbxDataType t; if( ImpScan( aVal, d, t, NULL ) != SbxERR_OK || t == SbxDOUBLE ) { aData.nSingle = 0.0F; return sal_False; } aData.nSingle = (float) d; break; } case SbxDATE: case SbxDOUBLE: { // Floats als ASCII XubString aVal; r.ReadByteString( aVal, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); SbxDataType t; if( ImpScan( aVal, aData.nDouble, t, NULL ) != SbxERR_OK ) { aData.nDouble = 0.0; return sal_False; } break; } case SbxULONG64: { r >> aData.nULong64.nHigh >> aData.nULong64.nLow; break; } case SbxLONG64: case SbxCURRENCY: { r >> aData.nLong64.nHigh >> aData.nLong64.nLow; break; } case SbxSTRING: { XubString aVal; r.ReadByteString( aVal, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); if( aVal.Len() ) aData.pOUString = new ::rtl::OUString( aVal ); else aData.pOUString = NULL; // JSM 22.09.1995 break; } case SbxERROR: case SbxUSHORT: r >> aData.nUShort; break; case SbxOBJECT: { sal_uInt8 nMode; r >> nMode; switch( nMode ) { case 0: aData.pObj = NULL; break; case 1: aData.pObj = SbxBase::Load( r ); return sal_Bool( aData.pObj != NULL ); case 2: aData.pObj = this; break; } break; } case SbxCHAR: { char c; r >> c; aData.nChar = c; break; } case SbxBYTE: r >> aData.nByte; break; case SbxULONG: r >> aData.nULong; break; case SbxINT: { sal_uInt8 n; r >> n; // Passt der Int auf diesem System? if( n > SAL_TYPES_SIZEOFINT ) r >> aData.nLong, aData.eType = SbxLONG; else r >> aData.nInt; break; } case SbxUINT: { sal_uInt8 n; r >> n; // Passt der UInt auf diesem System? if( n > SAL_TYPES_SIZEOFINT ) r >> aData.nULong, aData.eType = SbxULONG; else r >> (sal_uInt32&)aData.nUInt; break; } case SbxEMPTY: case SbxNULL: case SbxVOID: break; case SbxDATAOBJECT: r >> aData.nLong; break; // #78919 For backwards compatibility case SbxWSTRING: case SbxWCHAR: break; default: memset (&aData,0,sizeof(aData)); ResetFlag(SBX_FIXED); aData.eType = SbxNULL; DBG_ASSERT( sal_False, "Unsupported data type loaded" ); return sal_False; } return sal_True; } sal_Bool SbxValue::StoreData( SvStream& r ) const { sal_uInt16 nType = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >(aData.eType); r << nType; switch( nType & 0x0FFF ) { case SbxBOOL: case SbxINTEGER: r << aData.nInteger; break; case SbxLONG: r << aData.nLong; break; case SbxDATE: // #49935: Als double speichern, sonst Fehler beim Einlesen ((SbxValue*)this)->aData.eType = (SbxDataType)( ( nType & 0xF000 ) | SbxDOUBLE ); r.WriteByteString( GetCoreString(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); ((SbxValue*)this)->aData.eType = (SbxDataType)nType; break; case SbxSINGLE: case SbxDOUBLE: r.WriteByteString( GetCoreString(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); break; case SbxULONG64: { r << aData.nULong64.nHigh << aData.nULong64.nLow; break; } case SbxLONG64: case SbxCURRENCY: { r << aData.nLong64.nHigh << aData.nLong64.nLow; break; } case SbxSTRING: if( aData.pOUString ) { r.WriteByteString( *aData.pOUString, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); } else { String aEmpty; r.WriteByteString( aEmpty, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); } break; case SbxERROR: case SbxUSHORT: r << aData.nUShort; break; case SbxOBJECT: // sich selbst als Objektptr speichern geht nicht! if( aData.pObj ) { if( PTR_CAST(SbxValue,aData.pObj) != this ) { r << (sal_uInt8) 1; return aData.pObj->Store( r ); } else r << (sal_uInt8) 2; } else r << (sal_uInt8) 0; break; case SbxCHAR: { char c = sal::static_int_cast< char >(aData.nChar); r << c; break; } case SbxBYTE: r << aData.nByte; break; case SbxULONG: r << aData.nULong; break; case SbxINT: { sal_uInt8 n = SAL_TYPES_SIZEOFINT; r << n << (sal_Int32)aData.nInt; break; } case SbxUINT: { sal_uInt8 n = SAL_TYPES_SIZEOFINT; r << n << (sal_uInt32)aData.nUInt; break; } case SbxEMPTY: case SbxNULL: case SbxVOID: break; case SbxDATAOBJECT: r << aData.nLong; break; // #78919 For backwards compatibility case SbxWSTRING: case SbxWCHAR: break; default: DBG_ASSERT( sal_False, "Save an unsupported data type" ); return sal_False; } return sal_True; }