/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_chart2.hxx" #include "dlg_DataEditor.hxx" #include "dlg_DataEditor.hrc" #include "Strings.hrc" #include "DataBrowser.hxx" #include "ResId.hxx" #include "Strings.hrc" #include "SchSlotIds.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include // for SfxBoolItem #include #include #include #include // for storing/reading the position and size of the dialog // #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference; using ::rtl::OUString; namespace chart { DataEditor::DataEditor( Window* pParent, const Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > & xChartDoc, const Reference< uno::XComponentContext > & xContext ) : ModalDialog( pParent, SchResId( DLG_DIAGRAM_DATA )), m_bReadOnly( false ), m_apBrwData( new DataBrowser( this, SchResId( CTL_DATA ), true /* bLiveUpdate */)), m_aTbxData( this, SchResId( TBX_DATA )), m_xChartDoc( xChartDoc ), m_xContext( xContext ), m_aToolboxImageList( SchResId( IL_DIAGRAM_DATA )), m_aToolboxImageListHighContrast( SchResId( IL_HC_DIAGRAM_DATA )) { FreeResource(); // set min size to current size SetMinOutputSizePixel( GetOutputSizePixel() ); ApplyImageList(); m_aTbxData.SetSizePixel( m_aTbxData.CalcWindowSizePixel() ); m_aTbxData.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, DataEditor, ToolboxHdl )); m_apBrwData->SetCursorMovedHdl( LINK( this, DataEditor, BrowserCursorMovedHdl )); m_apBrwData->SetCellModifiedHdl( LINK( this, DataEditor, CellModified )); UpdateData(); GrabFocus(); m_apBrwData->GrabFocus(); bool bReadOnly = true; Reference< frame::XStorable > xStor( m_xChartDoc, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xStor.is()) bReadOnly = xStor->isReadonly(); SetReadOnly( bReadOnly ); // #101228# change buttons to flat-look if set so by user SvtMiscOptions aMiscOptions; const sal_Int16 nStyle( aMiscOptions.GetToolboxStyle() ); // react on changes aMiscOptions.AddListenerLink( LINK( this, DataEditor, MiscHdl ) ); m_aTbxData.SetOutStyle( nStyle ); // set good window width Size aWinSize( GetOutputSizePixel()); Size aWinSizeWithBorder( GetSizePixel()); Point aWinPos( OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( GetPosPixel())); sal_Int32 nMinWidth = aWinSize.getWidth(); sal_Int32 nMaxWidth = GetDesktopRectPixel().getWidth() - (aWinSizeWithBorder.getWidth() - aWinSize.getWidth() + aWinPos.getX()) - 10; // leave some space sal_Int32 nBrowserWidth = m_apBrwData->GetTotalWidth() + 12 + 16; // plus padding + 16? sal_Int32 nWindowWidth = ::std::max( nMinWidth, nBrowserWidth ); nWindowWidth = ::std::min( nMaxWidth, nBrowserWidth ); aWinSize.setWidth( nWindowWidth ); SetOutputSizePixel( aWinSize ); AdaptBrowseBoxSize(); // ImplAdjustHeaderControls( false /* bRefreshFromModel */ ); // allow travelling to toolbar with F6 notifySystemWindow( this, & m_aTbxData, ::comphelper::mem_fun( & TaskPaneList::AddWindow )); } DataEditor::~DataEditor() { notifySystemWindow( this, & m_aTbxData, ::comphelper::mem_fun( & TaskPaneList::RemoveWindow )); SvtMiscOptions aMiscOptions; aMiscOptions.RemoveListenerLink( LINK( this, DataEditor, MiscHdl ) ); OSL_TRACE( "DataEditor: DTOR" ); } // react on click (or keypress) on toolbar icon IMPL_LINK( DataEditor, ToolboxHdl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { switch( m_aTbxData.GetCurItemId() ) { case TBI_DATA_INSERT_ROW: m_apBrwData->InsertRow(); break; case TBI_DATA_INSERT_COL: m_apBrwData->InsertColumn(); break; case TBI_DATA_INSERT_TEXT_COL: m_apBrwData->InsertTextColumn(); break; case TBI_DATA_DELETE_ROW: m_apBrwData->RemoveRow(); break; case TBI_DATA_DELETE_COL: m_apBrwData->RemoveColumn(); break; case TBI_DATA_SWAP_COL : m_apBrwData->SwapColumn (); break; case TBI_DATA_SWAP_ROW : m_apBrwData->SwapRow (); break; } return 0; } // refresh toolbar icons according to currently selected cell in brwose box IMPL_LINK( DataEditor, BrowserCursorMovedHdl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { if( m_bReadOnly ) return 0; bool bIsDataValid = m_apBrwData->IsEnableItem(); m_aTbxData.EnableItem( TBI_DATA_INSERT_ROW, bIsDataValid && m_apBrwData->MayInsertRow() ); m_aTbxData.EnableItem( TBI_DATA_INSERT_COL, bIsDataValid && m_apBrwData->MayInsertColumn() ); m_aTbxData.EnableItem( TBI_DATA_INSERT_TEXT_COL, bIsDataValid && m_apBrwData->MayInsertColumn() ); m_aTbxData.EnableItem( TBI_DATA_DELETE_ROW, m_apBrwData->MayDeleteRow() ); m_aTbxData.EnableItem( TBI_DATA_DELETE_COL, m_apBrwData->MayDeleteColumn() ); m_aTbxData.EnableItem( TBI_DATA_SWAP_COL, bIsDataValid && m_apBrwData->MaySwapColumns() ); m_aTbxData.EnableItem( TBI_DATA_SWAP_ROW, bIsDataValid && m_apBrwData->MaySwapRows() ); return 0; } // disable all modifying controls void DataEditor::SetReadOnly( bool bReadOnly ) { m_bReadOnly = bReadOnly; if( m_bReadOnly ) { m_aTbxData.EnableItem( TBI_DATA_INSERT_ROW, sal_False ); m_aTbxData.EnableItem( TBI_DATA_INSERT_COL, sal_False ); m_aTbxData.EnableItem( TBI_DATA_INSERT_TEXT_COL, sal_False ); m_aTbxData.EnableItem( TBI_DATA_DELETE_ROW, sal_False ); m_aTbxData.EnableItem( TBI_DATA_DELETE_COL, sal_False ); m_aTbxData.EnableItem( TBI_DATA_SWAP_COL, sal_False ); m_aTbxData.EnableItem( TBI_DATA_SWAP_ROW, sal_False ); } m_apBrwData->SetReadOnly( m_bReadOnly ); } IMPL_LINK( DataEditor, MiscHdl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { SvtMiscOptions aMiscOptions; sal_Int16 nStyle( aMiscOptions.GetToolboxStyle() ); m_aTbxData.SetOutStyle( nStyle ); return 0L; } IMPL_LINK( DataEditor, CellModified, void*, EMPTYARG ) { return 0; } // IMPL_LINK( DataEditor, BrowserColumnResized, void*, EMPTYARG ) // { // ImplAdjustHeaderControls( false /* bRefreshFromModel */ ); // return 0; // } // IMPL_LINK( DataEditor, BrowserContentScrolled, void*, EMPTYARG ) // { // ImplAdjustHeaderControls( false /* bRefreshFromModel */ ); // return 0; // } void DataEditor::UpdateData() { m_apBrwData->SetDataFromModel( m_xChartDoc, m_xContext ); } // react on the change of the underlying document by displaying the new data // void DataEditor::SFX_NOTIFY( // SfxBroadcaster& rBC, // const TypeId& rBCType, // const SfxHint& rHint, // const TypeId& rHintType ) // { // if( rHint.Type() == TYPE(SfxSimpleHint) ) // { // // note: if dynamic_cast works this should be changed // switch( static_cast< const SfxSimpleHint & >( rHint ).GetId()) // { // case SFX_HINT_DOCCHANGED: // UpdateData(); // break; // case SFX_HINT_DYING: // break; // } // } // } // { // sal_Bool bRet = sal_True; // // confirm changes currently made and not saved // m_apBrwData->EndEditing(); // if( m_apBrwData->IsDirty() ) // { // QueryBox aSafetyQuery( this, WB_YES_NO_CANCEL | WB_DEF_YES, // String( SchResId( STR_DIAGRAM_DATA_SAFETY_QUERY ))); // long nQueryResult = aSafetyQuery.Execute(); // bRet = ( nQueryResult != RET_CANCEL ); // if( nQueryResult == RET_YES ) // { // // save changes // ApplyChangesToModel(); // } // } // if( bRet ) // { // // close child window // SfxBoolItem aItem( SID_DIAGRAM_DATA, sal_False ); // if( m_pBindings ) // { // SfxDispatcher* pDisp = m_pBindings->GetDispatcher(); // if( pDisp ) // pDisp->Execute( SID_DIAGRAM_DATA, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON, &aItem, 0L); // else // DBG_ERROR( "Couldn't dispatch command" ); // } // } // return ( bRet? SfxFloatingWindow::Close(): sal_False ); // } void DataEditor::AdaptBrowseBoxSize() { Size aSize( PixelToLogic( GetResizeOutputSizePixel(), MAP_APPFONT )); Size aDataSize; aDataSize.setWidth( aSize.getWidth() - 12 ); aDataSize.setHeight( aSize.getHeight() - 31 -24 ); m_apBrwData->SetSizePixel( LogicToPixel( aDataSize, MAP_APPFONT )); } void DataEditor::Resize() { Dialog::Resize(); AdaptBrowseBoxSize(); // ImplAdjustHeaderControls( false /* bRefreshFromModel */ ); } sal_Bool DataEditor::Close() { if( ApplyChangesToModel() ) return ModalDialog::Close(); else return sal_True; } bool DataEditor::ApplyChangesToModel() { return m_apBrwData->EndEditing(); } // sets the correct toolbar icons depending on the current mode (e.g. high contrast) void DataEditor::ApplyImageList() { bool bIsHighContrast = ( true && GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode() ); ImageList& rImgLst = bIsHighContrast ? m_aToolboxImageListHighContrast : m_aToolboxImageList; m_aTbxData.SetImageList( rImgLst ); } // add/remove a window (the toolbar) to/from the global list, so that F6 // travels/no longer travels over this window. _rMemFunc may be // TaskPaneList::AddWindow or TaskPaneList::RemoveWindow void DataEditor::notifySystemWindow( Window* pWindow, Window* pToRegister, ::comphelper::mem_fun1_t< TaskPaneList, Window* > rMemFunc ) { OSL_ENSURE( pWindow, "Window must not be null!" ); if( !pWindow ) return; Window* pParent = pWindow->GetParent(); while( pParent && ! pParent->IsSystemWindow() ) { pParent = pParent->GetParent(); } if ( pParent && pParent->IsSystemWindow()) { SystemWindow* pSystemWindow = static_cast< SystemWindow* >( pParent ); rMemFunc( pSystemWindow->GetTaskPaneList(),( pToRegister )); } } } // namespace chart