/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_editeng.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MM100_TO_TWIP(MM100) ((MM100*72L+63L)/127L) #define DEF_WRITER_LSPACE 500 //Standardeinrueckung #define DEF_DRAW_LSPACE 800 //Standardeinrueckung #define NUMITEM_VERSION_01 0x01 #define NUMITEM_VERSION_02 0x02 #define NUMITEM_VERSION_03 0x03 #define NUMITEM_VERSION_04 0x04 using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::text; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::style; sal_Int32 SvxNumberType::nRefCount = 0; com::sun::star::uno::Reference SvxNumberType::xFormatter = 0; void lcl_getFormatter(com::sun::star::uno::Reference& _xFormatter) { if(!_xFormatter.is()) { try { Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xMSF = ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(); Reference < XInterface > xI = xMSF->createInstance( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.text.DefaultNumberingProvider" ) ); Reference xRet(xI, UNO_QUERY); DBG_ASSERT(xRet.is(), "service missing: \"com.sun.star.text.DefaultNumberingProvider\""); _xFormatter = Reference (xRet, UNO_QUERY); } catch(Exception& ) { } } } /* -----------------------------22.02.01 14:24-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumberType::SvxNumberType(sal_Int16 nType) : nNumType(nType), bShowSymbol(sal_True) { nRefCount++; } /* -----------------------------22.02.01 14:31-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumberType::SvxNumberType(const SvxNumberType& rType) : nNumType(rType.nNumType), bShowSymbol(rType.bShowSymbol) { nRefCount++; } /* -----------------------------22.02.01 14:24-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumberType::~SvxNumberType() { if(!--nRefCount) xFormatter = 0; } /* -----------------------------22.02.01 11:09-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String SvxNumberType::GetNumStr( sal_uLong nNo ) const { LanguageType eLang = Application::GetSettings().GetLanguage(); Locale aLocale = SvxCreateLocale(eLang); return GetNumStr( nNo, aLocale ); } /* -----------------28.10.98 15:56------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ String SvxNumberType::GetNumStr( sal_uLong nNo, const Locale& rLocale ) const { lcl_getFormatter(xFormatter); String aTmpStr; if(!xFormatter.is()) return aTmpStr; if(bShowSymbol) { switch(nNumType) { case NumberingType::CHAR_SPECIAL: case NumberingType::BITMAP: break; default: { //#95525# '0' allowed for ARABIC numberings if(NumberingType::ARABIC == nNumType && 0 == nNo ) aTmpStr = '0'; else { Sequence< PropertyValue > aProperties(2); PropertyValue* pValues = aProperties.getArray(); pValues[0].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("NumberingType")); pValues[0].Value <<= nNumType; pValues[1].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Value")); pValues[1].Value <<= (sal_Int32)nNo; try { aTmpStr = xFormatter->makeNumberingString( aProperties, rLocale ); } catch(Exception&) { } } } } } return aTmpStr; } /* -----------------27.10.98 10:33------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ // --> OD 2008-01-09 #newlistlevelattrs# SvxNumberFormat::SvxNumberFormat( sal_Int16 eType, SvxNumPositionAndSpaceMode ePositionAndSpaceMode ) // <-- : SvxNumberType(eType), eNumAdjust(SVX_ADJUST_LEFT), nInclUpperLevels(0), nStart(1), cBullet(SVX_DEF_BULLET), nBulletRelSize(100), nBulletColor(COL_BLACK), // --> OD 2008-01-09 #newlistlevelattrs# mePositionAndSpaceMode( ePositionAndSpaceMode ), // <-- nFirstLineOffset(0), nAbsLSpace(0), nLSpace(0), nCharTextDistance(0), // --> OD 2008-01-09 #newlistlevelattrs# meLabelFollowedBy( LISTTAB ), mnListtabPos( 0 ), mnFirstLineIndent( 0 ), mnIndentAt( 0 ), // <-- pGraphicBrush(0), eVertOrient(text::VertOrientation::NONE), pBulletFont(0) { } /* -----------------27.10.98 10:56------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumberFormat::SvxNumberFormat(const SvxNumberFormat& rFormat) : SvxNumberType(rFormat), // --> OD 2008-01-09 #newlistlevelattrs# mePositionAndSpaceMode( rFormat.mePositionAndSpaceMode ), // <-- pGraphicBrush(0), pBulletFont(0) { *this = rFormat; } /* -----------------27.10.98 10:56------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumberFormat::~SvxNumberFormat() { delete pGraphicBrush; delete pBulletFont; } /* -----------------08.12.98 11:14------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumberFormat::SvxNumberFormat(SvStream &rStream) : mePositionAndSpaceMode( LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION ), meLabelFollowedBy( LISTTAB ), mnListtabPos( 0 ), mnFirstLineIndent( 0 ), mnIndentAt( 0 ) { sal_uInt16 nVersion; rStream >> nVersion; sal_uInt16 nUSHORT; rStream >> nUSHORT; SetNumberingType((sal_Int16)nUSHORT); rStream >> nUSHORT; eNumAdjust = (SvxAdjust)nUSHORT; rStream >> nUSHORT; nInclUpperLevels = (sal_uInt8)nUSHORT; rStream >> nUSHORT; nStart = nUSHORT; rStream >> nUSHORT; cBullet = nUSHORT; short nShort; rStream >> nShort; nFirstLineOffset = nShort; rStream >> nShort; nAbsLSpace = nShort; rStream >> nShort; nLSpace = nShort; rStream >> nShort; nCharTextDistance = nShort; rtl_TextEncoding eEnc = gsl_getSystemTextEncoding(); rStream.ReadByteString(sPrefix, eEnc); rStream.ReadByteString(sSuffix, eEnc); rStream.ReadByteString(sCharStyleName, eEnc); rStream >> nUSHORT; if(nUSHORT) { SvxBrushItem aHelper(0); pGraphicBrush = (SvxBrushItem*) aHelper.Create( rStream, BRUSH_GRAPHIC_VERSION ); } else pGraphicBrush = 0; rStream >> nUSHORT; eVertOrient = (sal_Int16)nUSHORT; rStream >> nUSHORT; if(nUSHORT) { pBulletFont = new Font; rStream >> *pBulletFont; if(!pBulletFont->GetCharSet()) pBulletFont->SetCharSet(rStream.GetStreamCharSet()); } else pBulletFont = 0; rStream >> aGraphicSize; rStream >> nBulletColor; rStream >> nUSHORT; nBulletRelSize = nUSHORT; rStream >> nUSHORT; SetShowSymbol((sal_Bool)nUSHORT); if( nVersion < NUMITEM_VERSION_03 ) cBullet = ByteString::ConvertToUnicode( (sal_Char)cBullet, (pBulletFont&&pBulletFont->GetCharSet()) ? pBulletFont->GetCharSet() : RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL ); if(pBulletFont) { sal_Bool bConvertBulletFont = rStream.GetVersion() <= SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_50; if(bConvertBulletFont) { FontToSubsFontConverter pConverter = CreateFontToSubsFontConverter(pBulletFont->GetName(), FONTTOSUBSFONT_IMPORT|FONTTOSUBSFONT_ONLYOLDSOSYMBOLFONTS); if(pConverter) { cBullet = ConvertFontToSubsFontChar(pConverter, cBullet); String sFontName = GetFontToSubsFontName(pConverter); pBulletFont->SetName(sFontName); DestroyFontToSubsFontConverter(pConverter); } } } if( NUMITEM_VERSION_04 <= nVersion ) { rStream >> nUSHORT; mePositionAndSpaceMode = (SvxNumPositionAndSpaceMode) nUSHORT; rStream >> nUSHORT; meLabelFollowedBy = ( SvxNumLabelFollowedBy ) nUSHORT; long nLong; rStream >> nLong; mnListtabPos = nLong; rStream >> nLong; mnFirstLineIndent = nLong; rStream >> nLong; mnIndentAt = nLong; } } /* -----------------08.12.98 11:14------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SvStream& SvxNumberFormat::Store(SvStream &rStream, FontToSubsFontConverter pConverter) { if(pConverter && pBulletFont) { cBullet = ConvertFontToSubsFontChar(pConverter, cBullet); String sFontName = GetFontToSubsFontName(pConverter); pBulletFont->SetName(sFontName); } rStream << (sal_uInt16)NUMITEM_VERSION_04; rStream << (sal_uInt16)GetNumberingType(); rStream << (sal_uInt16)eNumAdjust; rStream << (sal_uInt16)nInclUpperLevels; rStream << nStart; rStream << (sal_uInt16)cBullet; rStream << nFirstLineOffset; rStream << nAbsLSpace; rStream << nLSpace; rStream << nCharTextDistance; rtl_TextEncoding eEnc = gsl_getSystemTextEncoding(); rStream.WriteByteString(sPrefix, eEnc); rStream.WriteByteString(sSuffix, eEnc); rStream.WriteByteString(sCharStyleName, eEnc); if(pGraphicBrush) { rStream << (sal_uInt16)1; // #75113# in SD or SI force bullet itself to be stored, // for that purpose throw away link when link and graphic // are present, so Brush save is forced if(pGraphicBrush->GetGraphicLink() && pGraphicBrush->GetGraphic()) { String aEmpty; pGraphicBrush->SetGraphicLink(aEmpty); } pGraphicBrush->Store(rStream, BRUSH_GRAPHIC_VERSION); } else rStream << (sal_uInt16)0; rStream << (sal_uInt16)eVertOrient; if(pBulletFont) { rStream << (sal_uInt16)1; rStream << *pBulletFont; } else rStream << (sal_uInt16)0; rStream << aGraphicSize; Color nTempColor = nBulletColor; if(COL_AUTO == nBulletColor.GetColor()) nTempColor = COL_BLACK; rStream << nTempColor; rStream << nBulletRelSize; rStream << (sal_uInt16)IsShowSymbol(); rStream << ( sal_uInt16 ) mePositionAndSpaceMode; rStream << ( sal_uInt16 ) meLabelFollowedBy; rStream << ( long ) mnListtabPos; rStream << ( long ) mnFirstLineIndent; rStream << ( long ) mnIndentAt; return rStream; } /* -----------------------------23.02.01 11:10-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumberFormat& SvxNumberFormat::operator=( const SvxNumberFormat& rFormat ) { if (& rFormat == this) { return *this; } SetNumberingType(rFormat.GetNumberingType()); eNumAdjust = rFormat.eNumAdjust ; nInclUpperLevels = rFormat.nInclUpperLevels ; nStart = rFormat.nStart ; cBullet = rFormat.cBullet ; // --> OD 2008-01-09 #newlistlevelattrs# mePositionAndSpaceMode = rFormat.mePositionAndSpaceMode; // <-- nFirstLineOffset = rFormat.nFirstLineOffset; nAbsLSpace = rFormat.nAbsLSpace ; nLSpace = rFormat.nLSpace ; nCharTextDistance = rFormat.nCharTextDistance ; // --> OD 2008-01-09 #newlistlevelattrs# meLabelFollowedBy = rFormat.meLabelFollowedBy; mnListtabPos = rFormat.mnListtabPos; mnFirstLineIndent = rFormat.mnFirstLineIndent; mnIndentAt = rFormat.mnIndentAt; // <-- eVertOrient = rFormat.eVertOrient ; sPrefix = rFormat.sPrefix ; sSuffix = rFormat.sSuffix ; aGraphicSize = rFormat.aGraphicSize ; nBulletColor = rFormat.nBulletColor ; nBulletRelSize = rFormat.nBulletRelSize; SetShowSymbol(rFormat.IsShowSymbol()); sCharStyleName = rFormat.sCharStyleName; DELETEZ(pGraphicBrush); if(rFormat.pGraphicBrush) { pGraphicBrush = new SvxBrushItem(*rFormat.pGraphicBrush); pGraphicBrush->SetDoneLink( STATIC_LINK( this, SvxNumberFormat, GraphicArrived) ); } DELETEZ(pBulletFont); if(rFormat.pBulletFont) pBulletFont = new Font(*rFormat.pBulletFont); return *this; } /* -----------------27.10.98 10:56------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ sal_Bool SvxNumberFormat::operator==( const SvxNumberFormat& rFormat) const { if( GetNumberingType() != rFormat.GetNumberingType() || eNumAdjust != rFormat.eNumAdjust || nInclUpperLevels != rFormat.nInclUpperLevels || nStart != rFormat.nStart || cBullet != rFormat.cBullet || // --> OD 2008-01-09 #newlistlevelattrs# mePositionAndSpaceMode != rFormat.mePositionAndSpaceMode || // <-- nFirstLineOffset != rFormat.nFirstLineOffset || nAbsLSpace != rFormat.nAbsLSpace || nLSpace != rFormat.nLSpace || nCharTextDistance != rFormat.nCharTextDistance || // --> OD 2008-01-09 #newlistlevelattrs# meLabelFollowedBy != rFormat.meLabelFollowedBy || mnListtabPos != rFormat.mnListtabPos || mnFirstLineIndent != rFormat.mnFirstLineIndent || mnIndentAt != rFormat.mnIndentAt || // <-- eVertOrient != rFormat.eVertOrient || sPrefix != rFormat.sPrefix || sSuffix != rFormat.sSuffix || aGraphicSize != rFormat.aGraphicSize || nBulletColor != rFormat.nBulletColor || nBulletRelSize != rFormat.nBulletRelSize || IsShowSymbol() != rFormat.IsShowSymbol() || sCharStyleName != rFormat.sCharStyleName ) return sal_False; if ( (pGraphicBrush && !rFormat.pGraphicBrush) || (!pGraphicBrush && rFormat.pGraphicBrush) || (pGraphicBrush && *pGraphicBrush != *rFormat.pGraphicBrush) ) { return sal_False; } if ( (pBulletFont && !rFormat.pBulletFont) || (!pBulletFont && rFormat.pBulletFont) || (pBulletFont && *pBulletFont != *rFormat.pBulletFont) ) { return sal_False; } return sal_True; } /* -----------------28.10.98 09:53------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SvxNumberFormat::SetGraphicBrush( const SvxBrushItem* pBrushItem, const Size* pSize, const sal_Int16* pOrient) { if(!pBrushItem) { delete pGraphicBrush; pGraphicBrush = 0; } else if ( !pGraphicBrush || (pGraphicBrush && !(*pBrushItem == *pGraphicBrush)) ) { delete pGraphicBrush; pGraphicBrush = (SvxBrushItem*)pBrushItem->Clone(); pGraphicBrush->SetDoneLink( STATIC_LINK( this, SvxNumberFormat, GraphicArrived) ); } if(pOrient) eVertOrient = *pOrient; else eVertOrient = text::VertOrientation::NONE; if(pSize) aGraphicSize = *pSize; else aGraphicSize.Width() = aGraphicSize.Height() = 0; } /* -----------------28.10.98 09:59------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SvxNumberFormat::SetGraphic( const String& rName ) { const String* pName; if( pGraphicBrush && 0 != (pName = pGraphicBrush->GetGraphicLink()) && *pName == rName ) return ; delete pGraphicBrush; String sTmp; pGraphicBrush = new SvxBrushItem( rName, sTmp, GPOS_AREA, 0 ); pGraphicBrush->SetDoneLink( STATIC_LINK( this, SvxNumberFormat, GraphicArrived) ); if( eVertOrient == text::VertOrientation::NONE ) eVertOrient = text::VertOrientation::TOP; aGraphicSize.Width() = aGraphicSize.Height() = 0; } /* -----------------------------22.02.01 15:55-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SvxNumberFormat::SetVertOrient(sal_Int16 eSet) { eVertOrient = eSet; } /* -----------------------------22.02.01 15:55-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ sal_Int16 SvxNumberFormat::GetVertOrient() const { return eVertOrient; } /* -----------------28.10.98 09:59------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SvxNumberFormat::SetBulletFont(const Font* pFont) { delete pBulletFont; pBulletFont = pFont ? new Font(*pFont): 0; } // --> OD 2008-01-09 #newlistlevelattrs# SvxNumberFormat::SvxNumPositionAndSpaceMode SvxNumberFormat::GetPositionAndSpaceMode() const { return mePositionAndSpaceMode; } void SvxNumberFormat::SetPositionAndSpaceMode( SvxNumPositionAndSpaceMode ePositionAndSpaceMode ) { mePositionAndSpaceMode = ePositionAndSpaceMode; } short SvxNumberFormat::GetLSpace() const { //#if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 // DBG_ASSERT( mePositionAndSpaceMode == LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION, // " - misusage: position-and-space-mode does not equal LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION"); //#endif return mePositionAndSpaceMode == LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION ? nLSpace : 0; } short SvxNumberFormat::GetAbsLSpace() const { //#if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 // DBG_ASSERT( mePositionAndSpaceMode == LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION, // " - misusage: position-and-space-mode does not equal LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION"); //#endif return mePositionAndSpaceMode == LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION ? nAbsLSpace : static_cast( GetFirstLineIndent() + GetIndentAt() ); } short SvxNumberFormat::GetFirstLineOffset() const { //#if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 // DBG_ASSERT( mePositionAndSpaceMode == LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION, // " - misusage: position-and-space-mode does not equal LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION"); //#endif return mePositionAndSpaceMode == LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION ? nFirstLineOffset : static_cast( GetFirstLineIndent() ); } short SvxNumberFormat::GetCharTextDistance() const { //#if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 // DBG_ASSERT( mePositionAndSpaceMode == LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION, // " - misusage: position-and-space-mode does not equal LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION"); //#endif return mePositionAndSpaceMode == LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION ? nCharTextDistance : 0; } void SvxNumberFormat::SetLabelFollowedBy( const SvxNumLabelFollowedBy eLabelFollowedBy ) { meLabelFollowedBy = eLabelFollowedBy; } SvxNumberFormat::SvxNumLabelFollowedBy SvxNumberFormat::GetLabelFollowedBy() const { return meLabelFollowedBy; } void SvxNumberFormat::SetListtabPos( const long nListtabPos ) { mnListtabPos = nListtabPos; } long SvxNumberFormat::GetListtabPos() const { return mnListtabPos; } void SvxNumberFormat::SetFirstLineIndent( const long nFirstLineIndent ) { mnFirstLineIndent = nFirstLineIndent; } long SvxNumberFormat::GetFirstLineIndent() const { return mnFirstLineIndent; } void SvxNumberFormat::SetIndentAt( const long nIndentAt ) { mnIndentAt = nIndentAt; } long SvxNumberFormat::GetIndentAt() const { return mnIndentAt; } // <-- /* -----------------28.10.98 10:03------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_STATIC_LINK( SvxNumberFormat, GraphicArrived, void *, EMPTYARG ) { // ggfs. die GrfSize setzen: if( !pThis->aGraphicSize.Width() || !pThis->aGraphicSize.Height() ) { const Graphic* pGrf = pThis->pGraphicBrush->GetGraphic(); if( pGrf ) pThis->aGraphicSize = SvxNumberFormat::GetGraphicSizeMM100( pGrf ); } pThis->NotifyGraphicArrived(); return 0; } /* -----------------------------02.07.01 15:36-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SvxNumberFormat::NotifyGraphicArrived() { } /* -----------------28.10.98 10:38------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ Size SvxNumberFormat::GetGraphicSizeMM100(const Graphic* pGraphic) { const MapMode aMapMM100( MAP_100TH_MM ); const Size& rSize = pGraphic->GetPrefSize(); Size aRetSize; if ( pGraphic->GetPrefMapMode().GetMapUnit() == MAP_PIXEL ) { OutputDevice* pOutDev = Application::GetDefaultDevice(); MapMode aOldMap( pOutDev->GetMapMode() ); pOutDev->SetMapMode( aMapMM100 ); aRetSize = pOutDev->PixelToLogic( rSize ); pOutDev->SetMapMode( aOldMap ); } else aRetSize = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rSize, pGraphic->GetPrefMapMode(), aMapMM100 ); return aRetSize; } /* -----------------28.10.98 15:57------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ String SvxNumberFormat::CreateRomanString( sal_uLong nNo, sal_Bool bUpper ) { nNo %= 4000; // mehr kann nicht dargestellt werden // i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, vii, viii, ix // (Dummy),1000,500,100,50,10,5,1 const char *cRomanArr = bUpper ? "MDCLXVI--" // +2 Dummy-Eintraege !! : "mdclxvi--"; // +2 Dummy-Eintraege !! String sRet; sal_uInt16 nMask = 1000; while( nMask ) { sal_uInt8 nZahl = sal_uInt8(nNo / nMask); sal_uInt8 nDiff = 1; nNo %= nMask; if( 5 < nZahl ) { if( nZahl < 9 ) sRet += sal_Unicode(*(cRomanArr-1)); ++nDiff; nZahl -= 5; } switch( nZahl ) { case 3: { sRet += sal_Unicode(*cRomanArr); } case 2: { sRet += sal_Unicode(*cRomanArr); } case 1: { sRet += sal_Unicode(*cRomanArr); } break; case 4: { sRet += sal_Unicode(*cRomanArr); sRet += sal_Unicode(*(cRomanArr-nDiff)); } break; case 5: { sRet += sal_Unicode(*(cRomanArr-nDiff)); } break; } nMask /= 10; // zur naechsten Dekade cRomanArr += 2; } return sRet; } #ifdef OLD_NUMBER_FORMATTING void SvxNumberFormat::GetCharStr( sal_uLong nNo, String& rStr ) const { DBG_ASSERT( nNo, "0 ist eine ungueltige Nummer !!" ); const sal_uLong coDiff = 'Z' - 'A' +1; char cAdd = (SVX_NUM_CHARS_UPPER_LETTER == eNumType ? 'A' : 'a') - 1; sal_uLong nCalc; do { nCalc = nNo % coDiff; if( !nCalc ) nCalc = coDiff; rStr.Insert( sal_Unicode(cAdd + nCalc ), 0 ); nNo -= nCalc; if( nNo ) nNo /= coDiff; } while( nNo ); } void SvxNumberFormat::GetCharStrN( sal_uLong nNo, String& rStr ) const { DBG_ASSERT( nNo, "0 ist eine ungueltige Nummer !!" ); const sal_uLong coDiff = 'Z' - 'A' +1; char cChar = (char)(--nNo % coDiff); if( SVX_NUM_CHARS_UPPER_LETTER_N == eNumType ) cChar += 'A'; else cChar += 'a'; rStr.Fill( (sal_uInt16)(nNo / coDiff) + 1, sal_Unicode(cChar) ); } #endif //OLD_NUMBER_FORMATTING /* -----------------------------22.02.01 13:31-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const String& SvxNumberFormat::GetCharFmtName()const { return sCharStyleName; } /* -----------------27.10.98 10:38------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ sal_Int32 SvxNumRule::nRefCount = 0; static SvxNumberFormat* pStdNumFmt = 0; static SvxNumberFormat* pStdOutlineNumFmt = 0; // --> OD 2008-02-11 #newlistlevelattrs# SvxNumRule::SvxNumRule( sal_uLong nFeatures, sal_uInt16 nLevels, sal_Bool bCont, SvxNumRuleType eType, SvxNumberFormat::SvxNumPositionAndSpaceMode eDefaultNumberFormatPositionAndSpaceMode ) : nLevelCount(nLevels), nFeatureFlags(nFeatures), eNumberingType(eType), bContinuousNumbering(bCont) { ++nRefCount; LanguageType eLang = Application::GetSettings().GetLanguage(); aLocale = SvxCreateLocale(eLang); for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < SVX_MAX_NUM; i++) { if(i < nLevels) { aFmts[i] = new SvxNumberFormat(SVX_NUM_CHARS_UPPER_LETTER); //daran wird zwischen writer und draw unterschieden if(nFeatures & NUM_CONTINUOUS) { // --> OD 2008-02-11 #newlistlevelattrs# if ( eDefaultNumberFormatPositionAndSpaceMode == SvxNumberFormat::LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION ) { aFmts[i]->SetLSpace( MM100_TO_TWIP(DEF_WRITER_LSPACE) ); aFmts[i]->SetAbsLSpace( MM100_TO_TWIP(DEF_WRITER_LSPACE * (i+1)) ); aFmts[i]->SetFirstLineOffset(MM100_TO_TWIP(-DEF_WRITER_LSPACE)); } else if ( eDefaultNumberFormatPositionAndSpaceMode == SvxNumberFormat::LABEL_ALIGNMENT ) { // first line indent of general numbering in inch: -0,25 inch const long cFirstLineIndent = -1440/4; // indent values of general numbering in inch: // 0,5 0,75 1,0 1,25 1,5 // 1,75 2,0 2,25 2,5 2,75 const long cIndentAt = 1440/4; aFmts[i]->SetPositionAndSpaceMode( SvxNumberFormat::LABEL_ALIGNMENT ); aFmts[i]->SetLabelFollowedBy( SvxNumberFormat::LISTTAB ); aFmts[i]->SetListtabPos( cIndentAt * (i+2) ); aFmts[i]->SetFirstLineIndent( cFirstLineIndent ); aFmts[i]->SetIndentAt( cIndentAt * (i+2) ); } // <-- } else { aFmts[i]->SetLSpace( DEF_DRAW_LSPACE ); aFmts[i]->SetAbsLSpace( DEF_DRAW_LSPACE * (i) ); } } else aFmts[i] = 0; aFmtsSet[i] = sal_False; } } /* -----------------27.10.98 10:41------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumRule::SvxNumRule(const SvxNumRule& rCopy) { ++nRefCount; aLocale = rCopy.aLocale; nLevelCount = rCopy.nLevelCount ; nFeatureFlags = rCopy.nFeatureFlags ; bContinuousNumbering = rCopy.bContinuousNumbering; eNumberingType = rCopy.eNumberingType; memset( aFmts, 0, sizeof( aFmts )); for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < SVX_MAX_NUM; i++) { if(rCopy.aFmts[i]) aFmts[i] = new SvxNumberFormat(*rCopy.aFmts[i]); else aFmts[i] = 0; aFmtsSet[i] = rCopy.aFmtsSet[i]; } } /* -----------------08.12.98 11:07------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumRule::SvxNumRule(SvStream &rStream) { ++nRefCount; LanguageType eLang = Application::GetSettings().GetLanguage(); aLocale = SvxCreateLocale(eLang); sal_uInt16 nVersion; sal_uInt16 nTemp; rStream >> nVersion; rStream >> nLevelCount; rStream >> nTemp; nFeatureFlags = nTemp; rStream >> nTemp; bContinuousNumbering = (sal_Bool)nTemp; rStream >> nTemp; eNumberingType = (SvxNumRuleType)nTemp; memset( aFmts, 0, sizeof( aFmts )); for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < SVX_MAX_NUM; i++) { sal_uInt16 nSet; rStream >> nSet; if(nSet) aFmts[i] = new SvxNumberFormat(rStream); else aFmts[i] = 0; aFmtsSet[i] = aFmts[i] ? sal_True : sal_False; } if(NUMITEM_VERSION_02 <= nVersion) { sal_uInt16 nShort; rStream >> nShort; nFeatureFlags = nShort; } } /* -----------------08.12.98 11:07------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SvStream& SvxNumRule::Store(SvStream &rStream) { rStream<<(sal_uInt16)NUMITEM_VERSION_03; rStream<GetBulletFont()) { if(!pConverter) pConverter = CreateFontToSubsFontConverter(aFmts[i]->GetBulletFont()->GetName(), FONTTOSUBSFONT_EXPORT|FONTTOSUBSFONT_ONLYOLDSOSYMBOLFONTS); } aFmts[i]->Store(rStream, pConverter); } else rStream << sal_uInt16(0); } //second save of nFeatureFlags for new versions rStream<<(sal_uInt16)nFeatureFlags; if(pConverter) DestroyFontToSubsFontConverter(pConverter); return rStream; } /* -----------------27.10.98 10:41------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumRule::~SvxNumRule() { for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < SVX_MAX_NUM; i++) delete aFmts[i]; if(!--nRefCount) { DELETEZ(pStdNumFmt); DELETEZ(pStdOutlineNumFmt); } } /* -----------------29.10.98 16:07------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumRule& SvxNumRule::operator=( const SvxNumRule& rCopy ) { nLevelCount = rCopy.nLevelCount; nFeatureFlags = rCopy.nFeatureFlags; bContinuousNumbering = rCopy.bContinuousNumbering; eNumberingType = rCopy.eNumberingType; for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < SVX_MAX_NUM; i++) { delete aFmts[i]; if(rCopy.aFmts[i]) aFmts[i] = new SvxNumberFormat(*rCopy.aFmts[i]); else aFmts[i] = 0; aFmtsSet[i] = rCopy.aFmtsSet[i]; } return *this; } /* -----------------27.10.98 10:41------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ int SvxNumRule::operator==( const SvxNumRule& rCopy) const { if(nLevelCount != rCopy.nLevelCount || nFeatureFlags != rCopy.nFeatureFlags || bContinuousNumbering != rCopy.bContinuousNumbering || eNumberingType != rCopy.eNumberingType) return sal_False; for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nLevelCount; i++) { if ( (aFmtsSet[i] != rCopy.aFmtsSet[i]) || (!aFmts[i] && rCopy.aFmts[i]) || (aFmts[i] && !rCopy.aFmts[i]) || (aFmts[i] && *aFmts[i] != *rCopy.aFmts[i]) ) { return sal_False; } } return sal_True; } /* -----------------27.10.98 10:41------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ const SvxNumberFormat* SvxNumRule::Get(sal_uInt16 nLevel)const { DBG_ASSERT(nLevel < SVX_MAX_NUM, "falsches Level" ); if( nLevel < SVX_MAX_NUM ) return aFmtsSet[nLevel] ? aFmts[nLevel] : 0; else return 0; } /* -----------------02.11.98 09:10------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ const SvxNumberFormat& SvxNumRule::GetLevel(sal_uInt16 nLevel)const { if(!pStdNumFmt) { pStdNumFmt = new SvxNumberFormat(SVX_NUM_ARABIC); pStdOutlineNumFmt = new SvxNumberFormat(SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE); } DBG_ASSERT(nLevel < SVX_MAX_NUM, "falsches Level" ); return ( ( nLevel < SVX_MAX_NUM ) && aFmts[nLevel] ) ? *aFmts[nLevel] : eNumberingType == SVX_RULETYPE_NUMBERING ? *pStdNumFmt : *pStdOutlineNumFmt; } /* -----------------29.10.98 09:08------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SvxNumRule::SetLevel( sal_uInt16 i, const SvxNumberFormat& rNumFmt, sal_Bool bIsValid ) { DBG_ASSERT(i < SVX_MAX_NUM, "falsches Level" ); if( (i < SVX_MAX_NUM) && (!aFmtsSet[i] || !(rNumFmt == *Get( i ))) ) { delete aFmts[ i ]; aFmts[ i ] = new SvxNumberFormat( rNumFmt ); aFmtsSet[i] = bIsValid; // bInvalidRuleFlag = sal_True; } } /* -----------------30.10.98 12:44------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SvxNumRule::SetLevel(sal_uInt16 nLevel, const SvxNumberFormat* pFmt) { DBG_ASSERT(nLevel < SVX_MAX_NUM, "falsches Level" ); if( nLevel < SVX_MAX_NUM ) { aFmtsSet[nLevel] = 0 != pFmt; if(pFmt) SetLevel(nLevel, *pFmt); else { delete aFmts[nLevel]; aFmts[nLevel] = 0; } } } /* -----------------28.10.98 15:38------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ String SvxNumRule::MakeNumString( const SvxNodeNum& rNum, sal_Bool bInclStrings ) const { String aStr; if( SVX_NO_NUM > rNum.GetLevel() && !( SVX_NO_NUMLEVEL & rNum.GetLevel() ) ) { const SvxNumberFormat& rMyNFmt = GetLevel( rNum.GetLevel() ); if( SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE != rMyNFmt.GetNumberingType() ) { sal_uInt8 i = rNum.GetLevel(); if( !IsContinuousNumbering() && 1 < rMyNFmt.GetIncludeUpperLevels() ) // nur der eigene Level ? { sal_uInt8 n = rMyNFmt.GetIncludeUpperLevels(); if( 1 < n ) { if( i+1 >= n ) i -= n - 1; else i = 0; } } for( ; i <= rNum.GetLevel(); ++i ) { const SvxNumberFormat& rNFmt = GetLevel( i ); if( SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE == rNFmt.GetNumberingType() ) { // Soll aus 1.1.1 --> 2. NoNum --> 1..1 oder 1.1 ?? // if( i != rNum.nMyLevel ) // aStr += aDotStr; continue; } sal_Bool bDot = sal_True; if( rNum.GetLevelVal()[ i ] ) { if(SVX_NUM_BITMAP != rNFmt.GetNumberingType()) aStr += rNFmt.GetNumStr( rNum.GetLevelVal()[ i ], aLocale ); else bDot = sal_False; } else aStr += sal_Unicode('0'); // alle 0-Level sind eine 0 if( i != rNum.GetLevel() && bDot) aStr += sal_Unicode('.'); } } if( bInclStrings ) { aStr.Insert( rMyNFmt.GetPrefix(), 0 ); aStr += rMyNFmt.GetSuffix(); } } return aStr; } /* -----------------18.08.99 10:18------------------- Description: changes linked to embedded bitmaps --------------------------------------------------*/ sal_Bool SvxNumRule::UnLinkGraphics() { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < GetLevelCount(); i++) { SvxNumberFormat aFmt(GetLevel(i)); const SvxBrushItem* pBrush = aFmt.GetBrush(); const String* pLinkStr; const Graphic* pGraphic; if(SVX_NUM_BITMAP == aFmt.GetNumberingType()) { if(pBrush && 0 != (pLinkStr = pBrush->GetGraphicLink()) && pLinkStr->Len() && 0 !=(pGraphic = pBrush->GetGraphic())) { SvxBrushItem aTempItem(*pBrush); aTempItem.SetGraphicLink( String()); aTempItem.SetGraphic(*pGraphic); sal_Int16 eOrient = aFmt.GetVertOrient(); aFmt.SetGraphicBrush( &aTempItem, &aFmt.GetGraphicSize(), &eOrient ); bRet = sal_True; } } else if((SVX_NUM_BITMAP|LINK_TOKEN) == aFmt.GetNumberingType()) aFmt.SetNumberingType(SVX_NUM_BITMAP); SetLevel(i, aFmt); } return bRet; } /* -----------------27.10.98 10:41------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumBulletItem::SvxNumBulletItem(SvxNumRule& rRule) : SfxPoolItem(SID_ATTR_NUMBERING_RULE), pNumRule(new SvxNumRule(rRule)) { } /*-----------------23.11.98 10:36------------------- MT: Das sind ja sehr sinnige Kommentare... --------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumBulletItem::SvxNumBulletItem(SvxNumRule& rRule, sal_uInt16 _nWhich ) : SfxPoolItem(_nWhich), pNumRule(new SvxNumRule(rRule)) { } SfxPoolItem* SvxNumBulletItem::Create(SvStream &s, sal_uInt16 n) const { return SfxPoolItem::Create(s, n ); } /* -----------------27.10.98 10:41------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumBulletItem::SvxNumBulletItem(const SvxNumBulletItem& rCopy) : SfxPoolItem(rCopy.Which()) { pNumRule = new SvxNumRule(*rCopy.pNumRule); } /* -----------------27.10.98 10:41------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumBulletItem::~SvxNumBulletItem() { delete pNumRule; } /* -----------------27.10.98 10:41------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ int SvxNumBulletItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rCopy) const { return *pNumRule == *((SvxNumBulletItem&)rCopy).pNumRule; } /* -----------------27.10.98 10:41------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SfxPoolItem* SvxNumBulletItem::Clone( SfxItemPool * ) const { return new SvxNumBulletItem(*this); } /* -----------------08.12.98 10:43------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ sal_uInt16 SvxNumBulletItem::GetVersion( sal_uInt16 /*nFileVersion*/ ) const { return NUMITEM_VERSION_03; } /* -----------------08.12.98 10:43------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SvStream& SvxNumBulletItem::Store(SvStream &rStream, sal_uInt16 /*nItemVersion*/ )const { pNumRule->Store(rStream); return rStream; } /* -----------------08.12.98 10:43------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ sal_Bool SvxNumBulletItem::QueryValue( com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 /*nMemberId*/ ) const { rVal <<= SvxCreateNumRule( pNumRule ); return sal_True; } sal_Bool SvxNumBulletItem::PutValue( const com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 /*nMemberId*/ ) { uno::Reference< container::XIndexReplace > xRule; if( rVal >>= xRule ) { try { SvxNumRule* pNewRule = new SvxNumRule( SvxGetNumRule( xRule ) ); if( pNewRule->GetLevelCount() != pNumRule->GetLevelCount() || pNewRule->GetNumRuleType() != pNumRule->GetNumRuleType() ) { SvxNumRule* pConverted = SvxConvertNumRule( pNewRule, pNumRule->GetLevelCount(), pNumRule->GetNumRuleType() ); delete pNewRule; pNewRule = pConverted; } delete pNumRule; pNumRule = pNewRule; return sal_True; } catch(lang::IllegalArgumentException&) { } } return sal_False; } /* -----------------08.12.98 10:43------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumRule* SvxConvertNumRule( const SvxNumRule* pRule, sal_uInt16 nLevels, SvxNumRuleType eType ) { const sal_uInt16 nSrcLevels = pRule->GetLevelCount(); SvxNumRule* pNewRule = new SvxNumRule( pRule->GetFeatureFlags(), nLevels, pRule->IsContinuousNumbering(), eType ); for( sal_uInt16 nLevel = 0; (nLevel < nLevels) && (nLevel < nSrcLevels); nLevel++ ) pNewRule->SetLevel( nLevel, pRule->GetLevel( nLevel ) ); return pNewRule; }