/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ package complex.dispatches; import com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue; import com.sun.star.frame.DispatchInformation; import com.sun.star.frame.XComponentLoader; import com.sun.star.frame.XDispatchInformationProvider; import com.sun.star.frame.XDispatchProviderInterception; import com.sun.star.frame.XDispatchProviderInterceptor; import com.sun.star.frame.XFrame; import com.sun.star.lang.XComponent; import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory; import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime; import com.sun.star.util.XCloseable; import complex.dispatches.Interceptor; import java.util.HashMap; // ---------- junit imports ----------------- import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.openoffice.test.OfficeConnection; import static org.junit.Assert.*; // ------------------------------------------ //----------------------------------------------- /** @short Check the interface XDispatchInformationProvider @descr Because there exists more then one implementation of a dispatch object, we have to test all these implementations ... */ public class checkdispatchapi { //------------------------------------------- // some const //------------------------------------------- // member /** points to the global uno service manager. */ private XMultiServiceFactory m_xMSF = null; private connectivity.tools.HsqlDatabase db; /** can be used to create new test frames. */ private XFrame m_xDesktop = null; /** provides XDispatchInformationProvider interface. */ private XFrame m_xFrame = null; //------------------------------------------- // test environment //------------------------------------------- /** @short A function to tell the framework, which test functions are available. @return All test methods. @todo Think about selection of tests from outside ... */ // public String[] getTestMethodNames() // { // return new String[] // { // "checkDispatchInfoOfWriter", // "checkDispatchInfoOfCalc", // "checkDispatchInfoOfDraw", // "checkDispatchInfoOfImpress", // "checkDispatchInfoOfMath", // "checkDispatchInfoOfChart", // "checkDispatchInfoOfBibliography", // "checkDispatchInfoOfQueryDesign", // "checkDispatchInfoOfTableDesign", // "checkDispatchInfoOfFormGridView", // "checkDispatchInfoOfDataSourceBrowser", // "checkDispatchInfoOfRelationDesign", // "checkDispatchInfoOfBasic", // "checkDispatchInfoOfStartModule", // "checkInterceptorLifeTime", // "checkInterception" // }; // } //------------------------------------------- /** @short Create the environment for following tests. @descr create an empty test frame, where we can load different components inside. */ @Before public void before() { try { // get uno service manager from global test environment m_xMSF = getMSF(); db = new connectivity.tools.HsqlDatabase(m_xMSF); // create desktop m_xDesktop = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XFrame.class, m_xMSF.createInstance("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop")); m_xFrame = impl_createNewFrame(); } catch (java.lang.Throwable ex) { fail("Can't initialize test environment."); } } //------------------------------------------- /** @short close the environment. */ @After public void after() { db.close(); impl_closeFrame(m_xFrame); m_xFrame = null; } //------------------------------------------- @Test public void checkDispatchInfoOfWriter() { impl_checkDispatchInfoOfXXX("private:factory/swriter"); } //------------------------------------------- @Test public void checkDispatchInfoOfCalc() { impl_checkDispatchInfoOfXXX("private:factory/scalc"); } //------------------------------------------- @Test public void checkDispatchInfoOfDraw() { impl_checkDispatchInfoOfXXX("private:factory/sdraw"); } //------------------------------------------- @Test public void checkDispatchInfoOfImpress() { impl_checkDispatchInfoOfXXX("private:factory/simpress"); } //------------------------------------------- @Test public void checkDispatchInfoOfChart() { impl_checkDispatchInfoOfXXX("private:factory/schart"); } //------------------------------------------- @Test public void checkDispatchInfoOfMath() { impl_checkDispatchInfoOfXXX("private:factory/smath"); } //------------------------------------------- @Test public void checkDispatchInfoOfDataBase() { impl_checkDispatchInfoOfXXX("private:factory/sdatabase"); } //------------------------------------------- @Test public void checkDispatchInfoOfBibliography() { impl_checkDispatchInfoOfXXX(".component:Bibliography/View1"); } //------------------------------------------- @Test public void checkDispatchInfoOfQueryDesign() { callDatabaseDispatch(".component:DB/QueryDesign"); } //------------------------------------------- @Test public void checkDispatchInfoOfTableDesign() { callDatabaseDispatch(".component:DB/TableDesign"); } //------------------------------------------- @Test public void checkDispatchInfoOfFormGridView() { impl_checkDispatchInfoOfXXX(".component:DB/FormGridView"); } //------------------------------------------- @Test public void checkDispatchInfoOfDataSourceBrowser() { impl_checkDispatchInfoOfXXX(".component:DB/DataSourceBrowser"); } //------------------------------------------- @Test public void checkDispatchInfoOfRelationDesign() { callDatabaseDispatch(".component:DB/RelationDesign"); } //------------------------------------------- private void callDatabaseDispatch(String url) { try { final PropertyValue args = new PropertyValue(); args.Name = "ActiveConnection"; args.Value = (Object) db.defaultConnection(); XFrame xFrame = impl_createNewFrame(); impl_loadIntoFrame(xFrame, url, new PropertyValue[] { args }); impl_checkDispatchInfo(xFrame); impl_closeFrame(xFrame); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { } } //------------------------------------------- @Test public void checkDispatchInfoOfBasic() { Object aComponent = impl_createUNOComponent("com.sun.star.script.BasicIDE"); impl_checkDispatchInfo(aComponent); } //------------------------------------------- @Test public void checkDispatchInfoOfStartModule() { Object aComponent = impl_createUNOComponent("com.sun.star.frame.StartModule"); impl_checkDispatchInfo(aComponent); } //------------------------------------------- public void checkInterceptorLifeTime() { // Note: It's important for the following test, that aInterceptor will be hold alive by the uno reference // xInterceptor. Otherwise we can't check some internal states of aInterceptor at the end of this method, because // it was already killed .-) Interceptor aInterceptor = new Interceptor(); XDispatchProviderInterceptor xInterceptor = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDispatchProviderInterceptor.class, aInterceptor); XFrame xFrame = impl_createNewFrame(); XDispatchProviderInterception xInterception = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDispatchProviderInterception.class, xFrame); xInterception.registerDispatchProviderInterceptor(xInterceptor); impl_closeFrame(xFrame); int nRegCount = aInterceptor.getRegistrationCount(); boolean bIsRegistered = aInterceptor.isRegistered(); System.out.println("registration count = " + nRegCount); System.out.println("is registered ? = " + bIsRegistered); if (nRegCount < 1) { fail("Interceptor was never registered."); } if (bIsRegistered) { fail("Interceptor was not deregistered automatically on closing the corresponding frame."); } System.out.println("Destruction of interception chain works as designed .-)"); } //------------------------------------------- public void checkInterception() { String[] lDisabledURLs = new String[1]; lDisabledURLs[0] = ".uno:Open"; System.out.println("create and initialize interceptor ..."); Interceptor aInterceptor = new Interceptor(); aInterceptor.setURLs4URLs4Blocking(lDisabledURLs); XDispatchProviderInterceptor xInterceptor = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDispatchProviderInterceptor.class, aInterceptor); System.out.println("create and initialize frame ..."); XFrame xFrame = impl_createNewFrame(); impl_loadIntoFrame(xFrame, "private:factory/swriter", null); XDispatchProviderInterception xInterception = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDispatchProviderInterception.class, xFrame); System.out.println("register interceptor ..."); xInterception.registerDispatchProviderInterceptor(xInterceptor); System.out.println("deregister interceptor ..."); xInterception.releaseDispatchProviderInterceptor(xInterceptor); } //------------------------------------------- private void impl_checkDispatchInfoOfXXX(String sXXX) { XFrame xFrame = impl_createNewFrame(); impl_loadIntoFrame(xFrame, sXXX, null); impl_checkDispatchInfo(xFrame); impl_closeFrame(xFrame); } //------------------------------------------- /** @short load an URL into the current test frame. */ private void impl_loadIntoFrame(XFrame xFrame, String sURL, PropertyValue args[]) { XComponentLoader xLoader = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentLoader.class, xFrame); if (xLoader == null) { fail("Frame does not provide required interface XComponentLoader."); } XComponent xDoc = null; try { xDoc = xLoader.loadComponentFromURL(sURL, "_self", 0, args); } catch (java.lang.Throwable ex) { xDoc = null; } if (xDoc == null) { fail("Could not load \"" + sURL + "\"."); } } //------------------------------------------- /** @short create an uno implementation directly. */ private Object impl_createUNOComponent(String sName) { Object aComponent = null; try { aComponent = m_xMSF.createInstance(sName); } catch (java.lang.Throwable ex) { aComponent = null; } if (aComponent == null) { fail("Could not create UNO component \"" + sName + "\"."); } return aComponent; } //------------------------------------------- /** @short check the interface XDispatchInformationProvider at the specified component. */ private void impl_checkDispatchInfo(Object aComponent) { XDispatchInformationProvider xInfoProvider = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDispatchInformationProvider.class, aComponent); if (xInfoProvider == null) { // Warning System.out.println("Warning:\tComponent does not provide the [optional!] interface XDispatchInformationProvider."); return; } try { short[] lGroups = xInfoProvider.getSupportedCommandGroups(); int c1 = lGroups.length; int i1 = 0; for (i1 = 0; i1 < c1; ++i1) { short nGroup = lGroups[i1]; DispatchInformation[] lInfos = xInfoProvider.getConfigurableDispatchInformation(nGroup); int c2 = lInfos.length; int i2 = 0; // check for empty lists // Warning if (lInfos.length < 1) { System.out.println("Warning:\tCould not get any DispatchInformation for group [" + nGroup + "]."); } // check for duplicates (and by the way, if the info item match the requested group) HashMap aCheckMap = new HashMap(c2); for (i2 = 0; i2 < c2; ++i2) { DispatchInformation aInfo = lInfos[i2]; if (aInfo.GroupId != nGroup) { // Error fail("At least one DispatchInformation item does not match the requested group.\n\trequested group=[" + nGroup + "] returned groupd=[" + aInfo.GroupId + "] command=\"" + aInfo.Command + "\""); // true => dont break this test continue; } if (aCheckMap.containsKey(aInfo.Command)) { // Error fail("Found a duplicate item: group=[" + aInfo.GroupId + "] command=\"" + aInfo.Command + "\""); // true => dont break this test continue; } aCheckMap.put(aInfo.Command, aInfo.Command); System.out.println("\t[" + aInfo.GroupId + "] \"" + aInfo.Command + "\""); } } } catch (java.lang.Throwable ex) { fail("Exception caught during using XDispatchInformationProvider."); // ex.printStackTrace(); } } //------------------------------------------- private synchronized XFrame impl_createNewFrame() { XFrame xFrame = null; try { xFrame = m_xDesktop.findFrame("_blank", 0); xFrame.getContainerWindow().setVisible(true); } catch (java.lang.Throwable ex) { fail("Could not create the frame instance."); } return xFrame; } //------------------------------------------- private synchronized void impl_closeFrame(XFrame xFrame) { XCloseable xClose = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XCloseable.class, xFrame); try { xClose.close(false); } catch (com.sun.star.util.CloseVetoException exVeto) { fail("Test frame couldn't be closed successfully."); } } private XMultiServiceFactory getMSF() { final XMultiServiceFactory xMSF1 = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMultiServiceFactory.class, connection.getComponentContext().getServiceManager()); return xMSF1; } // setup and close connections @BeforeClass public static void setUpConnection() throws Exception { System.out.println("setUpConnection()"); connection.setUp(); } @AfterClass public static void tearDownConnection() throws InterruptedException, com.sun.star.uno.Exception { System.out.println("tearDownConnection()"); connection.tearDown(); } private static final OfficeConnection connection = new OfficeConnection(); }