Word Completion/text/shared/01/06040600.xhpWord CompletionSet the options for completing frequently occurring words while you type.Enable word completionStores frequently used words, and automatically completes a word after you type three letters that match the first three letters of a stored word.Append spaceIf you do not add punctuation after the word, $[officename] adds a space. The space is added as soon as you begin typing the next word.Show as tipDisplays the completed word as a Help Tip.Collect wordsAdds the frequently used words to a list. To remove a word from the Word Completion list, select the word, and then click Delete Entry.When closing a document, remove the words collected from it from the listWhen enabled, the list gets cleared when closing the current document. When disabled, makes the current Word Completion list available to other documents after you close the current document. The list remains available until you exit %PRODUCTNAME.Accept withSelect the key that you want to use to accept the automatic word completion.Press Esc to decline the word completion.Min. word lengthEnter the minimum word length for a word to become eligible for the word completion feature.UFI: changed due to BH phone call.Max. entriesEnter the maximum number of words that you want to store in the Word Completion list.Word Completion listLists the collected words. The list is valid until you close the current document. To make the list available to other documents in the current session, disable "When closing a document, remove the words collected from it from the list".If the automatic spellcheck option is enabled, only the words that are recognized by the spellcheck are collected.Delete EntryRemoves the selected word or words from the Word Completion list.