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4RID_RESXLS_OV_LESS_THAN3MONTHS:9#RID_RESXLS_OV_Macro_Migration_Costs:G+RID_RESXLS_OV_Man_Day:&RID_RESXLS_OV_MD:*RID_RESXLS_OV_Medium: )RID_RESXLS_OV_Minor:5 (RID_RESXLS_OV_None:5 *RID_RESXLS_OV_Number: @*RID_RESXLS_OV_Number_of_Documents_Analyzed:4RID_RESXLS_OV_Number_of_issues:0RID_RESXLS_OV_NumberOfDocs:4 F0RID_RESXLS_OV_Potential_savings_macro_conversion:MC-RID_RESXLS_OV_Potential_savings_prepared_docs:M.RID_RESXLS_OV_PowerPoint:4RID_RESXLS_OV_PowerPoint_Costs:K<&RID_RESXLS_OV_PowerPoint_Costs_Savings:$ 7!RID_RESXLS_OV_PowerPoint_Document:7!RID_RESXLS_OV_PowerPoint_Template:*RID_RESXLS_OV_Simple: )RID_RESXLS_OV_Total: *RID_RESXLS_OV_Totals: (RID_RESXLS_OV_Word:.RID_RESXLS_OV_Word_Costs:I6 RID_RESXLS_OV_Word_Costs_Savings:" 1RID_RESXLS_OV_Word_Document:1RID_RESXLS_OV_Word_Template:3RID_RESXLS_PP_Action_Settings: /RID_RESXLS_PP_Application: A+RID_RESXLS_PP_Content___Document_Properties: :$RID_RESXLS_PP_Document_Name_and_Path:  *RID_RESXLS_PP_Fields: *RID_RESXLS_PP_Format: 4RID_RESXLS_PP_Notes___Handouts: A+RID_RESXLS_PP_Objects__Graphics___Textboxes: /RID_RESXLS_PP_Portability: T>RID_RESXLS_PP_PowerPoint_Documents_with_Issues___Issue_Summary: @*RID_RESXLS_PP_PowerPoint_Presentation_Name: .RID_RESXLS_PP_VBA_Macros:  Q;RID_RESXLS_RD_All_Documents_with_Macros___Reference_Details:/RID_RESXLS_RD_Application:/RID_RESXLS_RD_Description:1RID_RESXLS_RD_Document_Name::$RID_RESXLS_RD_Document_Name_and_Path:,RID_RESXLS_RD_Location:-RID_RESXLS_RD_Reference:5RID_RESXLS_RD_Reference_Details:/RID_RESXLS_WI_Application: 9#RID_RESXLS_WI_Changes_and_Reviewing: A+RID_RESXLS_WI_Content___Document_Properties: ,RID_RESXLS_WI_Controls: :$RID_RESXLS_WI_Document_Name_and_Path:  *RID_RESXLS_WI_Fields: *RID_RESXLS_WI_Format: 8"RID_RESXLS_WI_Index_and_References: ?)RID_RESXLS_WI_Objects__Graphics____Frames: /RID_RESXLS_WI_Portability:  *RID_RESXLS_WI_Tables:  .RID_RESXLS_WI_VBA_Macros:  6 RID_RESXLS_WI_Word_Document_Name: N8RID_RESXLS_WI_Word_Documents_with_Issues___Issue_Summary: 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Automated Preparation=Potential Savings with Automated Macro Migration of 20 to 60%All Analyzed DocumentsDocument Migration IssuesMacro Migration IssuesCostsDocument Details Document Name ApplicationIssues Complex CountIssues Minor CountPrepareable Document IssuesUser Form CountLines of Macro CodeDocument Migration Costs (min) Prepareable Issues Savings (min)Macro Migration Costs (min)Pages, Sheets or Slides CountCreatedAccessedPrinted Last Saved ByRevisionBased on TemplateDocument Name and PathMigration Issues AnalyzedTotal Cost (MD) = Hours Per MD =Issue Category Issue TypeAdditional Weighting FactorsCost per Issue or Factor (min) Complex Issue Issue CountPrepared Issue CountPrepared Savings (min) Factor Count Costs (min)Status Work Around Cost CommentChanges And ReviewingContent And Document PropertiesCommentFalseDocument Parts Protection Not PlannedCost = 0. No work around.Invalid Password Entered User Error#Issue: Incorrect password entered. %Rerun analysis with correct password./Cost = 0. Rerun analysis with correct password.Mail Merge DatasourceTrueDIssue: Information relating to the data source is lost in migration./Setup Datasource in SO7 using Tools/ DatasourcePassword ProtectionAIssue: Document is password protected and cannot be opened by SO.Remove password to open.ControlsFields AppearanceIssue: Shading can be applied to fields and to controls separately in Word. StarOffice does not differentiate between controls and fields so shading can look different in Writer. Form Field Planned SO8NIssue: Text form fields roundtrip as Fill In field. Field attributes are lost.Mail Merge FieldIIssue: Fields are imported but need to have the link to datasource reset.9Reset link to Data Base having setup a Datasource in SO7./Cost = 0 Data pilot will fix all of the fields.Table Of Authorities Field7Issue: Lost during migration. No StarOffice equivalent.FormatCustom Bullet ListIndexes And ReferencesTable Of Authorities:Issue: Table imported as text as no StarOffice equivalent. Portability8External References In Macro - Module, Class or UserFormNumber of ModulesNumber Of External ReferencesGCost = 0. Set a cost factor if the macro has to be ported off Windows. Embedded OLE ObjectLinked OLE ObjectCost = 0. Most embedded objects come across. If one does not then this may require some reenginering and is not in the scope of an automated cost calculation. OLE ControlACost variations occur because of the use of macros with controls.Tables Border StylesAIssue: 18 of the 24 table border styles do not display correctly. Nested Tables8Issue: Tables nested in tables are not supported by SO7.0In word use split cell to create similar layout. VBA MacrosPassword Protected&Properties - Module, Class or UserForm5Cost = 0 using lines of code as better cost estimate.Number Of Lines5Issue: Modules will need porting to StarOffice Basic.aCost of 4 min per line, takes no account of complexity of code, number of comment lines and so onNumber of Unique Code Modules&Number of Lines in Unique Code ModulesUser Forms Count7Issue: Userforms will need porting to StarOffice Basic.DCost = 0. Using total number of controls on forms as better estimateUser Forms Control Count?Issue: Userform controls will need porting to StarOffice Basic.Cost = 3 minute per control, this does not take account of issues with Frame controls or the number of these controls that have event handlers that need manually linked to migrated code.User Forms Control Type Count|Cost = 0. Total number of controls better estimate - this information is useful as an indication of complexity of the Forms. Word TotalsCharts And Tables Pivot Chart-Issue: Pivot charts are not supported by SO7.JCost = 0. Calc does not support dynamically created charts. No workaround.Chart Issues Complex'Issue: Chart support is limited in SO7.Variations in cost can range from 0 - 30 mins. Cost caused by uneven datasouce, external datasource, unsupported chart types, floating legend position.Chart Issues Minor0Issue: Invalid password entered. Rerun analysis.Invalid Worksheet NameFIssue: A worksheet in the workbook has a name with invalid characters.6Remove the invalid characters from the worksheet name.Cost: When the worksheet has been renamed, ensure that all macros with a reference to the worksheet are also renamed accordingly.Cost depends on how many lines of code there are that refer to the worksheet name.Maximum Sheets Exceeded Issue: 256 sheet limit exceeded.%Need to move sheets to new workbook. 7All sheets >256 will need to be moved to a new workbookOld Workbook Version@Issue: Macros from old workbook versions do not import into SO7.(Save workbook as a new workbook version.WorkbookProtection +Issue: Workbook protection is not supported"Remove protection before importingFiltersCell Attributes"Issue: Unsupported formatting set. Functions ERROR.TYPEOFix up cost can vary depending on the context in which this is used. Cost 3 - 5External.Issue: External functions not supported by SO7INFO"Issue: Unsupported function type. OFix up cost can vary depending on the context in which this is used. Cost 2 - 4 Objects And Graphics0Issue: External references are windows specific.;Issue: Calls to windows API functions are windows specific.8Issue: Presents a cross platform interoperability issue.,Issue: Most migrate ok but do not roundtrip.HIssue: VBProject is password protected. Remove password, rerun analysis. Excel TotalsAction Settings-Issue: Comments are lost on migration to SO7.Notes And HandoutsObjects Graphics And TextboxesMovie'Issue: Movies are not supported by SO7.PowerPoint Totals)All Documents with Issues - Issue Details Location TypeLocationLine/ Row/ Top Column/ Left Issue Details*Word Documents with Issues - Issue SummaryWord Document NameChanges and ReviewingContent & Document PropertiesIndex and ReferencesObjects, Graphics & Frames Writing Aids+Excel Documents with Issues - Issue SummaryExcel Spreadsheet NameChanges & ReviewingCharts & TablesObjects & Graphics0PowerPoint Documents with Issues - Issue SummaryPowerPoint Presentation NameNotes & HandoutsObjects, Graphics & Textboxes-All Documents with Macros - Reference Details Reference DescriptionReference Details GETPIVOTDATA<=ZoomDATEDIFPHONETICRID_RESXLS_COST_LineStyle!RID_RESXLS_COST_LineStyle_CommentRID_RESXLS_COST_Numbering!RID_RESXLS_COST_Numbering_Comment RID_RESXLS_COST_Template_CommentRID_RESXLS_COST_TemplateRID_RESXLS_COST_DATEDIF_NoteRID_RESXLS_COST_TabstopRID_RESXLS_COST_Tabstop_CommentRID_RESXLS_COST_TransparentRID_RESXLS_COST_GradientStyle%RID_RESXLS_COST_GradientStyle_Comment#RID_RESXLS_COST_Transparent_Comment"RID_RESXLS_COST_GradientStyle_NoteRID_RESXLS_COST_HyperlinkRID_RESXLS_COST_Background!RID_RESXLS_COST_Hyperlink_Comment"RID_RESXLS_COST_Background_CommentRID_RESXLS_COST_HyperlinkSplit&RID_RESXLS_COST_HyperlinkSplit_CommentRID_RESXLS_COST_DB_Query RID_RESXLS_COST_DB_Query_CommentJIssue: Password protection of comments, tracked changes and forms is lost.m &d38ViM < & / =j;R-; |cc  N;  dMbP?_*+%D &Q?'zG?(RQ?)p= ף?MLexmark Color 4079 plus PSS 4ChhA4PRIV0''''P4(C "C,,??U} I} $} }  } $} } I} I }  } } $} m } } } N@@@@@@@@ @ @ J@ @ ,@,@;@@@@@ @                L C   ~   ~    ~  '  DDD ~     ~  ~    ~  ' DDD ~      #  % @X CTotal #   % LX CTotal  #  % #  % ~    ~      ~        ~    !  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No work around. j zs~ t@ up~ t ttt ! v DD f  q{  r| rr j }s~ t up~ t ttt ! v DD f qX C  Not Planned  r~ r r j s~ t uf~ t ttt ! v DD f qX C  Not Planned  rrrX CCost = 0. No work around. j$klmllllnfyPi{ j   wxmxxxxnf~zP j$klmllllnf|Pp} j  s~ t uf~ t ttt ! v DD f qXC  Not Planned  rrrX CCost = 0. No work around. j$klmllllfPp j   ~ t up~ t ttt ! v DD f q0 XC  Not Planned rH X C30Issue: External references are windows specific. rr j o ~ tuttt~  t! v# DD  f q X C  Not Planned r X C>;Issue: Calls to windows API functions are windows specific.r r jo s~ t up~ t ttt ! v DD f q< X C Planned SO8 rT X C;8Issue: Presents a cross platform interoperability issue. rr jo s~ t$@ up~ t ttt ! v DD f q X C  Not Planned r X C;8Issue: Presents a cross platform interoperability issue.r r j s~ t@ up~ t ttt ! v DD f qT X C Planned SO8 rl X C/,Issue: Most migrate ok but do not roundtrip.r r j$klmllllnf j  s~ t? uf~ t ttt ! v DD f q X C Planned SO8  r rr j s~ t@ uf~ t ttt ! v DD f q X C Planned SO8  r rr j$klmllllnf j   st uf~ t ttt ! v DD f q X C9 User Error r X CKHIssue: VBProject is password protected. Remove password, rerun analysis. rrDllB6FJNRB6%!6N6%6616@466 I@!@"@#@$@%@&@',@()*v@+ @,@-@./@0@1*@2@3@4@5@6@7@8@9:;<=>? j o   X CNumber of Modules~  up~   ! ! D D  f q X   & C  Not Planned r X C85Issue: Modules will need porting to StarOffice Basic. r r !j !o !~ ! !up !~ ! ! " ! !&  LL! f! qL X   Not Planned ! r!r !r "j "o "~ " "up "~ " " $ ! " f" qd X!   Not Planned " r "rr #j #o #~ #@ #up #~ # # % ! # f# q| X"   Not Planned # r #rr $j $o $~ $ $up $~ $ $ & ! $ f$ q X#   Not Planned $ r$r $r %j %o %~ %@ %up %~ % % Z ! % f% q X$   Not Planned % r%r %r & &o &~ & &up &~ & & ' ! & f& q X%   Not Planned& r X& CB?Issue: Userform controls will need porting to StarOffice Basic.&r &r ' ' ' '#'v %& s#'' %&ss#'' %&ss' #' v' %& ss' k}rr (a(\X& CChanges And Reviewing"(bcdccccefgrr )j$)klmllllnforr *j * **s~ *t *up~ *t *ttt !* v+ D*D** f* qX(C  Not Planned * r*r *r +j+ ++s~ +t.@ +uf~ +t +ttt !+ v, D+D++ f+ qX* C Planned SO8 + r+r +r ,j, ,,s~ ,t? ,uf~ ,t ,ttt !, v0 D,D,, f, qX+ C Planned SO8, rX, C*'Issue: Chart support is limited in SO7.,r ,r -j- - -s~ -t -up~ -t -ttt !- v8 D-D-- f- q X- C Planned SO8 - r -rr .j$.klmllllnf /j/8X- C"Content And Document Properties/xX/CDocument Parts Protection/s~ /t /uf~ /t /ttt / v// /8 LL/ f/ qX/ C9 User Error / r/r/rX/ C2/Cost = 0. Rerun analysis with correct password. 0j00$X, CInvalid Password Entered0s~ 0t 0uf~ 0t 0ttt 0 v1 / 0 f0 qXX0C9 User Error 0 r0r0rpX0 C2/Cost = 0. Rerun analysis with correct password. 1j1 11s~ 1t? 1uf~ 1t 1ttt 1 v2 / 1 f1 qX0C  Not Planned 1 r 1r 1r 2j2 22s~ 2t$@ 2up~ 2t 2ttt 2 v3 / 2 f2 qX1 C  Not Planned 2 r 2r 2r 3j3 33s~ 3t? 3uf3tt!3t; D3D33 t3 v4 / 3 f3 qX2 C  Not Planned 3 r 3r3r 4j4 44s~ 4t? 4uf~ 4t 4ttt 4 v= / 4 f4 qX3 C  Not Planned 4 r 4r4r 5j550XECPassword Protection5s~ 5t? 5uf~ 5t 5ttt 5 v5/ 5 f5 qXX5 C  Not Planned5 rpX5 CDAIssue: Document is password protected and cannot be opened by SO. 5rr 6j66X6 CRID_RESXLS_COST_LineStyle6s~ 6t 6uf~ 6t 6ttt 6 v[ / 6 f6 q(X6 C Planned SO86 r@X6C$!RID_RESXLS_COST_LineStyle_Comment 6rr 7j77X7 C7RID_RESXLS_COST_Transparent7s~ 7t 7uf~ 7t 7ttt 7 vc / 7 f7 qX7 C Planned SO87 rX7C8&#RID_RESXLS_COST_Transparent_Comment 7i{ 8j88X C RID_RESXLS_COST_GradientStyle8s~ 8t 8uf~ 8t 8ttt 8 v8/ 8 f8 qXX8 C Planned SO88 rpX8 C(%RID_RESXLS_COST_GradientStyle_Comment 8r{ 9j9X4 C Controls"9wxmxxxxnfyhi{ :j$:klmllllnf~PP ; ;;klml~ ;l!;lW D;D;; lnf~PP <j$<klmllllnf|pp} =j=X9C Format ==s~ =t@ =uf~ =t =ttt != v@ D=D== f= qX=C Planned SO8 = r =rr >j> >>s~ >t? >uf>tttt !> vC D>D>> f> qX> C  Not Planned >  ?j$?klmllllnfDl};o6/6`dJNRb6{6@ABCDEFGHI@J@K @LM+@NO@P@Q@R@S@T@U@V@WXYZ[@\@]@^@_@ @j @ @@s~ @t@ @up~ @t @ttt @ vA @ @E  LL@ f@ qX= @ @E C  Not Planned@ r(X@ C%"Issue: Unsupported function type. @r @r AjA AAs~ At@ Auf~ At Attt A vB @ A fA qpX@ @  Not Planned A r Arr BjB BBs~ Bt@ Bup~ Bt Bttt B vI @ B fB qXA @  Not Planned B rBr Br CjC CCs~ Ct@ Cup~ Ct Cttt C vz@ C fC qXC @  Not PlannedC rXC C%"Issue: Unsupported function type. CrCrXE CROFix up cost can vary depending on the context in which this is used. Cost 2 - 4 DjD DDs~ Dt@ Dup~ Dt Dttt D v> @ D fD qXE @  Not PlannedD rXE C%"Issue: Unsupported function type. DiDrXCCROFix up cost can vary depending on the context in which this is used. Cost 2 - 4 EjE EEs~ Et@ Eup~ Et Ettt E vD @ E fE qXD @  Not PlannedE rXD C%"Issue: Unsupported function type. EiErXDCROFix up cost can vary depending on the context in which this is used. Cost 2 - 4 FjFklmllllnf F y F ii{ Gj G"Gwxmxxxxnf~zP Hj$Hklmllllnf|pp} IjIXB C  PortabilityIXIC;8External References In Macro - Module, Class or UserFormI,XICNumber of Modules~ It Iup~ It Ittt !I vK DIDII fI qPXIC  Not Planned I r Irr Jj JoJhXI C  Number Of External References~ JtJuttt~ J t!J vS DJDJ J fJ qXJC  Not Planned J rJrJrXJ C+JGCost = 0. Set a cost factor if the macro has to be ported off Windows. KjKoKLXJCEmbedded OLE ObjectKs~ Kt Kup~ Kt Kttt !K vL DKDKK fK qtXKC Planned SO8 K rKrKrXK CCost = 0. Most embedded objects come across. If one does not then this may require some reenginering and is not in the scope of an automated cost calculation. LjLoLXKCLinked OLE ObjectLs~ Lt$@ Lup~ Lt Lttt !L vM DLDLL fL qXLC  Not PlannedL rXL C;8Issue: Presents a cross platform interoperability issue. Lrr MjMM|XL C OLE ControlMs~ Mt@ Mup~ Mt Mttt !M vO DMDMM fM qXMC Planned SO8 M rMrMrXM CDACost variations occur because of the use of macros with controls. Nj$Nklmllllnf OjO0XMC> VBA MacrosOHXOCPassword Protected Ost Ouf~ Ot Ottt !O vP DODOO fO qpXOC9 User Error O r Orr PjPoPXO C%)&Properties - Module, Class or UserFormPXPCNumber of Modules~ P Pup~ P P !P Q DPDPP fP qXPP PV C  Not PlannedP rXP C85Issue: Modules will need porting to StarOffice Basic.PrPrXP C85Cost = 0 using lines of code as better cost estimate. Qj QoQXPC Number Of Lines~ Q Qup Q~ Q Q R Q QV  LLQ fQ q XQP  Not PlannedQ r$XQ C85Issue: Modules will need porting to StarOffice Basic.QrQrXQ CdaCost of 4 min per line, takes no account of complexity of code, number of comment lines and so on Rj RoRTXQC Number of Unique Code Modules~ R Rup R~ R R T Q R fR qXRP  Not PlannedR rXR C85Issue: Modules will need porting to StarOffice Basic. Rrr Sj SoS XR C)&Number of Lines in Unique Code Modules~ S@ Sup S~ S S U Q S fS qd XSP  Not PlannedS r| XS C85Issue: Modules will need porting to StarOffice Basic. Srr Tj ToT XS C<User Forms Count~ T Tup T~ T T V Q T fT q !XTP  Not PlannedT r$!XT C:7Issue: Userforms will need porting to StarOffice Basic.TrTr!XT CGDCost = 0. Using total number of controls on forms as better estimate Uj UoU "XTC:User Forms Control Count~ U@ Uup U~ U U  Q U fU qT"XUP  Not Planned U rUrUrl"XU CCost = 3 minute per control, this does not take account of issues with Frame controls or the number of these controls that have event handlers that need manually linked to migrated code. Vj VoV#XUC; User Forms Control Type Count~ V Vup V~ V V W Q V fV q $XVP  Not PlannedV r8$XV CB?Issue: Userform controls will need porting to StarOffice Basic.VrVr$XV C|Cost = 0. Total number of controls better estimate - this information is useful as an indication of complexity of the Forms. W W W W#Wv %(V/C#WW %(VCC#WW %(VCCW #W v3 %(V CCW k}rr Xa X"Xbcdccccefghi{ Yj$Yklmllllnfopp} ZjZ%XVC"Content And Document PropertiesZ%XZC CommentZs~ Zt Zuf~ Zt Zttt !Z vo DZDZZ fZ q&XZZ Zc C Planned SO8 Z rZrZr&XZ CCost = 0. No work around. [j[ [[s~ [t [uf~ [t [ttt ![ vp D[D[[ f[ qP&Xc Z  Planned SO8 [ r [rr \j\ \\s~ \t \uf~ \t \ttt \ v[ \ \c  LL\ f\ qh&X Z  Planned SO8 \ r \rr ]j] ]]s~ ]t ]uf~ ]t ]ttt ] \ \ ] f] q&X\ Z  Planned SO8 ] r ]rr ^j^ ^^s~ ^t ^uf~ ^t ^ttt ^ v] \ ^ f^ q&X] Z  Planned SO8 ^ r ^rr _j_ __s~ _t _uf~ _t _ttt _ v^ \ _ f_ q&X^ Z  Planned SO8 _ r _rrD'lTLB6r_l6+ZeB6`@a@b@c@d@efghijklm@n@o9@pqrs@t:@u@v@w@x@y8@z@{ `j` ``s~ `t `uf~ `t `ttt ` v_ \ ` f` q&X_ Z  Planned SO8 ` r `r`r aja aas~ at auf~ at attt a v` \ a fa q&X` Z  Planned SO8 a r  arr bjb b bs~ bt buf~ bt bttt b va \ b fb q&Xa Z  Planned SO8 b r  brr cjc ccs~ ct cuf~ ct cttt c vb \ c fc q'Xb Z  Planned SO8 c r  crr dj$dklmllllnfyii{ eje('XgC Fields"ewxmxxxxnfyhi{ fj$fklmllllnf~PP gjg8'Xk C Format"gwxmxxxxnf~zP hj$hklmllllnf~PP ij i"iwxmxxxxnf~zP jj$jklmllllnf|pp} kj k kks~ kt kup~ kt kttt !k vk DkDkk fk qH'XmC Planned SO8 k r krr lj$lklmllllnf mjm`'XmC  Portabilitymx'XmC;8External References In Macro - Module, Class or UserFormm'Xm CNumber of Modules~ mt mup~ mt mttt !m vm DmDmm fm q(Xm C  Not Plannedm r((XnC30Issue: External references are windows specific. mrr nj non(Xn C  Number Of External References~ ntnuttt~ n t!n vn DnDn n fn q(Xn C  Not Plannedn r(XnC>;Issue: Calls to windows API functions are windows specific.nrnrX)X5 C+JGCost = 0. Set a cost factor if the macro has to be ported off Windows. ojooo)XZCEmbedded OLE Objectos~ ot oup~ ot ottt !o vp DoDoo fo q*XoC Planned SO8o r(*Xo C;8Issue: Presents a cross platform interoperability issue.oror*Xo CCost = 0. Most embedded objects come across. If one does not then this may require some reenginering and is not in the scope of an automated cost calculation. pjpop+XeCLinked OLE Objectps~ pt$@ pup~ pt pttt !p vq DpDpp fp q,XoC  Not Plannedp r,Xp C;8Issue: Presents a cross platform interoperability issue. prr qjqq,Xp C OLE Controlqs~ qt@ qup~ qt qttt !q vs DqDqq fq q,XqC Planned SO8q r,Xq C/,Issue: Most migrate ok but do not roundtrip.qrqr-Xq CDACost variations occur because of the use of macros with controls. rj$rklmllllnf sjs-XqC> VBA Macross-XsCPassword Protected sst suf~ st sttt !s vt DsDss fs q-XsC9 User Errors r-Xs CKHIssue: VBProject is password protected. Remove password, rerun analysis. srr tjtot.Xs C%)&Properties - Module, Class or UserFormt.XtCNumber of Modules~ t tup~ t t !t u DtDtt ft q.Xtt tz C  Not Plannedt r/Xt C85Issue: Modules will need porting to StarOffice Basic.trtr/Xt C85Cost = 0 using lines of code as better cost estimate. uj uou/XtC Number Of Lines~ u uup u~ u u v u uz  LLu fu q 0Xut  Not Plannedu r$0Xu C85Issue: Modules will need porting to StarOffice Basic.ur ur vj vov0Xu C Number of Unique Code Modules~ v vup v~ v v x u v fv q0Xvt  Not Plannedv r0Xv C85Issue: Modules will need porting to StarOffice Basic. vrr wj wowP1Xv C)&Number of Lines in Unique Code Modules~ w@ wup w~ w w y u w fw q1Xwt  Not Plannedw r1Xw C85Issue: Modules will need porting to StarOffice Basic. wrr xj xox$2Xw C<User Forms Count~ x xup x~ x x z u x fx qH2Xxt  Not Plannedx r`2Xx C:7Issue: Userforms will need porting to StarOffice Basic.xrxr2Xx CGDCost = 0. Using total number of controls on forms as better estimate yj yoy\3XxC:User Forms Control Count~ y@ yup y~ y y J u y fy q3Xyt  Not Plannedy r3Xy CB?Issue: Userform controls will need porting to StarOffice Basic.yryr(4Xy CCost = 3 minute per control, this does not take account of issues with Frame controls or the number of these controls that have event handlers that need manually linked to migrated code. zj zoz5XyC; User Forms Control Type Count~ z zup z~ z z { u z fz q5Xzt  Not Plannedz r5Xz CB?Issue: Userform controls will need porting to StarOffice Basic.zrzrt6Xz C|Cost = 0. Total number of controls better estimate - this information is useful as an indication of complexity of the Forms. { { { {#{v* %Xz#{{ %Xz#{{ %Xz{ #{ v{ %Xz { k}rr<^ 6`6`6B66!_6qZe= (  L  3 ]Fa% d l>@2A @*{{''WW7 Sheet3  h  dMbP?_*+%(RQ?)\(\?"/,,??U} X}  } } $} m } $ }  } '} $j   @       A B V W        R 0 x(  L  3 ]Fa$% d lTL  3 ]Fa\% d lTL  3 ]Fa% d lTL  3 ]Fa% d lTL  3 ]Fa|% d lTL  3 ]Fa% d lTL  3 ]FaL% d lTL  3 ]Fa% d lTL   3  ]F a% d lTL   3   ]F a% d l>@<A @ 7 Sheet4    dMbP?_*+%(?)RQ?" >XX??U} }  } I k} ml} Il} l}  l} m l} $ } } } } } IqP} $ Xk             P  B   v w            R2>@dA @  7 Sheet5  Z(  dMbP?_*+%(?)RQ?" >XX??U} }  }  }  } } k} mk}  } $k} $k} $ k} k} gP} $ X  k v            P  B  p7X  C Content & Document Properties7XC Controls      7XC Portability 7X C VBA Macros 7X CDocument Name and Path0>@dA @  7 Sheet6  {  dMbP?_*+%(RQ?)RQ?" ?XX??U} }  } $} } I}  }  }  } $ } m } j} m} s} s} s} $ Xk            B   w        R .>@dA @  7 Sheet7  $  dMbP?_*+%(?)RQ?" 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