 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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en-US = "A total of <TOPIC> documents will be analyzed:"

en-US = "Run analysis"

en-US = "Run the analysis and view the results"

en-US = "View results"

en-US = "Prepare Documents for Migration"

en-US = "The analysis will now be carried out on <TOPIC> documents.<CR><CR>Please note this may take some time as each document must be opened<CR>in order to analyze it.<CR><CR>A message will appear when the analysis is complete."

en-US = "The analysis has been completed successfully.<CR><CR>Click on OK to see the results now."

en-US = "View Now"

en-US = "View Later"

en-US = "The document analysis has not been run yet.<CR><CR>Click on OK to leave wizard now.<CR>Press 'Cancel' button to return to the Wizard. Then press 'Run Analysis' button to start the analysis."

en-US = "<TOPIC> Documents"

en-US = "<TOPIC> Templates"

en-US = "<TOPIC> Spreadsheets"

en-US = "<TOPIC> Presentations"

en-US = "<TOPIC> The analysis failed to connect to the <TOPIC> automation server.<CR><CR>Please ensure that all instances of <TOPIC> are closed before rerunning the analysis<CR>and check that the machine has sufficient free memory to run the analysis.<CR><CR>If necessary use the Task Manager to remove any frozen instances of <TOPIC>,<CR>using the Applications Tab - End Task"

en-US = "Can't create the directory: <CR><TOPIC><CR><CR>Check that you are creating only a single directory at the lowest level and <CR>that you can write to this disk and <CR>that it is not full."

en-US = "Please choose at least one document type to analyze."

en-US = "Can't create the file: <CR><TOPIC><CR><CR>Please check that you have write permission to this directory."

en-US = "Excel Analysis Failed on document: <CR><CR><TOPIC><CR><CR>Please remove this file from the Documents Directory and ensure that all instances of Excel<CR>are closed before rerunning the analysis<CR><CR>If necessary use the Task Manager to remove any frozen instances of Excel,<CR>using the Applications Tab - End Task"

en-US = "The wizard cannot run the analysis if Excel is open. The wizard needs<CR>exclusive access to Excel in order to create the results spreadsheet.<CR><CR>Please close Excel so the analysis can be run."

en-US = "Unable to detect or analyze <TOPIC> macros due to the following <TOPIC> macro security setting:<CR>    <TOPIC> main menu:<CR>        Tools-> Macro-> Security...<CR>            Trusted Sources tab:<CR>            Trust access to Visual Basic Project - unchecked<CR>To analyze macros you must check this checkbox before running the analysis.<CR><CR>Do you wish to continue the analysis without detecting and analyzing <TOPIC> macros?"

en-US = "Documents Directory does not exist.<CR><CR>Please choose another directory."

en-US = "Missing Excel Analysis Driver Spreadsheet: <CR><TOPIC><CR><CR>Please reinstall the application."

en-US = "Missing issues list:<CR><TOPIC><CR><CR>Please reinstall the application."

en-US = "Missing Analysis Results Document: <CR><TOPIC><CR><CR>Please check that you have write permissions on the <CR>results directory and rerun the analysis.<CR>"

en-US = "Missing PowerPoint Analysis Driver Document: <CR><TOPIC><CR><CR>Please reinstall the application."

en-US = "Missing Help Documentation: <CR><TOPIC><CR><CR>Please reinstall the application."

en-US = "Missing Results Template: <CR><TOPIC><CR><CR>Please reinstall the application."

en-US = "Missing Word Analysis Driver Document: <CR><TOPIC><CR><CR>Please reinstall the application."

en-US = "The wizard requires Microsoft Office version 9.0 or above to be installed.<CR><CR>The currently installed version <TOPIC> is not supported."

en-US = "Results Directory has not been specified.<CR><CR>Please enter a results directory."

en-US = "PowerPoint Analysis Failed on document: <CR><CR><TOPIC><CR><CR>Please remove this file from the Documents Directory and ensure that all instances of PowerPoint<CR>are closed before rerunning the analysis<CR><CR>If necessary use the Task Manager to remove any frozen instances of PowerPoint,<CR>using the Applications Tab - End Task"

en-US = "Results Directory does not exist.<CR><CR>Do you want to create the directory?"

en-US = "The wizard needs to write to the results spreadsheet:<CR><TOPIC><CR><CR>Excel currently has this spreadsheet open. It must be closed before the analysis can be run.<CR><CR>If Excel does not appear to be running please check the Task Manager and remove any Excel.exe processes."

en-US = "There is a version mismatch between the Wizard [<TOPIC>] and the Issues list [<TOPIC2>]<CR>used to cutomize the reporting of minor issues.<CR><CR>Please contact support."

en-US = "To run this wizard, Windows 2000 or newer is required.<CR><CR>The current operating system <TOPIC> is not supported."

en-US = "Word Analysis Failed on document: <CR><CR><TOPIC><CR><CR>Please remove this file from the Documents Directory and ensure that all instances of Word<CR>are closed before rerunning the analysis<CR><CR>If necessary use the Task Manager to remove any frozen instances of Word,<CR>using the Applications Tab - End Task"

en-US = "The wizard requires Microsoft <TOPIC> version 9.0 or above to be installed.<CR><CR>Please install and rerun the analysis."

en-US = "The following applications are still running: <TOPIC>.<CR><CR>Please ensure that all instances of <TOPIC> are closed before rerunning the analysis.<CR><CR>If necessary use the Task Manager to remove any frozen instances of <TOPIC>,<CR>using the Applications Tab - End Task"

en-US = "A file needed for analyzing is missing: <CR><TOPIC><CR><CR>Please reinstall the application."

en-US = "Introduction"

en-US = "The <PRODUCTNAME> Document Analysis Wizard is for you to use to automatically analyze a collection of Microsoft Office documents for issues relevant to a migration to <PRODUCTNAME>."

en-US = "You will be able to select which documents you want to analyze as well as where you want the results of the analysis to be saved."

en-US = "The wizard will remain on screen while the analysis is carried out."

en-US = "<< Back"

en-US = "Cancel"

en-US = "Finish"

en-US = "Help"

en-US = "Next >>"

en-US = "UserGuide_en-US.pdf"

en-US = "Running ..."

en-US = "Select a Directory to Analyze"

en-US = "Select a Directory for Analysis Results"

en-US = "Analysis Results have been output in XML format to: <CR><TOPIC>"

en-US = "Choose the documents you want to analyze"

en-US = "Location of Microsoft Office documents"

en-US = "Include subdirectories in the analysis"

en-US = "C:\\"

en-US = "Document types to analyze:"

en-US = "Documents (*.doc)"

en-US = "Templates (*.dot)"

en-US = "Excel"

en-US = "Templates (*.pot)"

en-US = "PowerPoint"

en-US = "Presentations (*.ppt)"

en-US = "Word"

en-US = "Spreadsheets (*.xls)"

en-US = "Templates (*.xlt)"

en-US = "Choose where and how to save the results"

en-US = "File name for the results spreadsheet"

en-US = "Analysis Results.xls"

en-US = "Location"

en-US = "If results already exist under the same name and location:"

en-US = "Ask me before overwriting"

en-US = "Overwrite without asking me"

en-US = "Append the new results to the existing results"

en-US = "1. Introduction"

en-US = "2. Documents"

en-US = "3. Results"

en-US = "4. Analysis"

en-US = "Steps"

en-US = "<PRODUCTNAME> Document Analysis Wizard"

en-US = "OpenOffice.org"

en-US = "<PRODUCTNAME> Professional Analysis Wizard"

en-US = "4. Analysis"

en-US = "The <PRODUCTNAME> Professional Analysis Wizard is for you to use to automatically analyze a collection of Microsoft Office documents for issues relevant to a migration to <PRODUCTNAME>."

en-US = "You will be able to select which documents you want to analyze as well as where you want the results of the analysis to be saved."

en-US = "Where a workaround is available for a migration issue, the wizard will enable you to prepare a modified copy of the original document in which the migration issue has been resolved."

en-US = "Choose the documents you want to analyze"

en-US = "Document types to analyze:"

en-US = "Ignore documents older than:"

en-US = "3 months"

en-US = "6 months"

en-US = "12 months"

en-US = "Include subdirectories in the analysis"

en-US = "Choose where and how to save the results"

en-US = "Analysis Results.xls"

en-US = "A total of <TOPIC> documents will be analyzed:"

en-US = "Skipped <TOPIC> documents because they were to old."

en-US = "Run the analysis and view the results"

en-US = "<PRODUCTNAME> Professional Analysis Wizard  <TOPIC><CR><CR>For help please refer to the User Guide in<CR>the install directory."

en-US = "Analysis Results have been output in XML format to: <CR><TOPIC>"

en-US = "Prepare any documents that have Preparable Document Issues, listed in the results spreadsheet:<CR>    <TOPIC><CR><CR>Prepared documents will be saved under:<CR>    <TOPIC2>\prepared<CR><CR>Source documents will not be modified."

en-US = "Preparation completed successfully.<CR><CR>Prepared documents have been saved under:<CR><TOPIC>\prepared"

en-US = "Analysing Microsoft Office Documents"

en-US = "Aborting"

en-US = "Path:"

en-US = "File:"

en-US = "Please wait while wizard is analysing Microsoft Office documents."

en-US = "Please wait while wizard is aborting the analysis."

en-US = "Scanning for Microsoft Office Documents"

en-US = "Please wait while wizard is scanning for Microsoft Office documents."

en-US = "Documents found:"

en-US = "Application not Responding"

en-US = "The Microsoft Office application, used for the analysis, is currently not responding and could not be closed. Microsoft Office needs to be closed before the Wizard could start a new analysis.<CR><CR>Do you want to abort  this application?<CR><CR>Please note that unsaved data of this application will be lost."

en-US = "Yes"

en-US = "No"