#************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** # Builds the CreatingDialogs example of the Developers Guide. PRJ=../../../.. SETTINGS=$(PRJ)/settings include $(SETTINGS)/settings.mk include $(SETTINGS)/std.mk include $(SETTINGS)/dk.mk # Define non-platform/compiler specific settings EXAMPLE_NAME=BaDCreatingDialogsExample OUT_COMP_CLASS = $(OUT_CLASS)/$(EXAMPLE_NAME) COMPONENT_NAME=SampleDialog COMPONENT_PACKAGE = $(OUT_BIN)/$(COMPONENT_NAME).$(UNOOXT_EXT) COMPONENT_PACKAGE_URL = $(subst \\,\,"$(COMP_PACKAGE_DIR)$(PS)$(COMPONENT_NAME).$(UNOOXT_EXT)") COMPONENT_JAR_NAME = $(COMPONENT_NAME).uno.jar COMPONENT_JAR = $(OUT_CLASS)/$(COMPONENT_JAR_NAME) COMPONENT_MANIFESTFILE = $(OUT_COMP_CLASS)/$(COMPONENT_NAME).uno.Manifest COMPONENT_UNOPKG_MANIFEST = $(OUT_COMP_CLASS)/$(COMPONENT_NAME)/META-INF/manifest.xml REGISTERFLAG = $(OUT_MISC)/devguide_basicanddialogs_creatingdialogs_register_component.flag # often the java files are structured in a hierarchy similar to the package, # for the example we know the package PACKAGE = com.sun.star.comp.sdk.examples JAVAFILES = \ SampleDialog.java CLASSFILES = $(patsubst %.java,$(OUT_COMP_CLASS)/%.class,$(JAVAFILES)) $(COMPONENT_NAME)_CLASSFILES = SampleDialog.class \ SDK_CLASSPATH = $(subst $(EMPTYSTRING) $(PATH_SEPARATOR),$(PATH_SEPARATOR),$(CLASSPATH)\ $(PATH_SEPARATOR)$(OUT_COMP_CLASS)) # Targets .PHONY: ALL ALL: $(EXAMPLE_NAME) include $(SETTINGS)/stdtarget.mk $(OUT_COMP_CLASS)/%.Manifest : -$(MKDIR) $(subst /,$(PS),$(@D)) @echo RegistrationClassName: $(PACKAGE).$(basename $(basename $(@F)))> $@ $(OUT_COMP_CLASS)/%.class : %.java -$(MKDIR) $(subst /,$(PS),$(@D)) $(SDK_JAVAC) $(JAVAC_FLAGS) -classpath "$(SDK_CLASSPATH)" -d $(OUT_COMP_CLASS) $< # rule for component jar file $(COMPONENT_JAR) : $(COMPONENT_MANIFESTFILE) $(CLASSFILES) -$(DEL) $(subst \\,\,$(subst /,$(PS),$@)) -$(MKDIR) $(subst /,$(PS),$(@D)) $(SDK_JAR) cvfm $@ $< -C $(OUT_COMP_CLASS) . # rule for component package manifest $(OUT_COMP_CLASS)/%/manifest.xml : -$(MKDIR) $(subst /,$(PS),$(@D)) @echo $(OSEP)?xml version="$(QM)1.0$(QM)" encoding="$(QM)UTF-8$(QM)"?$(CSEP) > $@ @echo $(OSEP)!DOCTYPE manifest:manifest PUBLIC "$(QM)-//OpenOffice.org//DTD Manifest 1.0//EN$(QM)" "$(QM)Manifest.dtd$(QM)"$(CSEP) >> $@ @echo $(OSEP)manifest:manifest xmlns:manifest="$(QM)http://openoffice.org/2001/manifest$(QM)"$(CSEP) >> $@ @echo $(SQM) $(SQM)$(OSEP)manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="$(QM)application/vnd.sun.star.uno-component;type=Java$(QM)" >> $@ @echo $(SQM) $(SQM)manifest:full-path="$(QM)$(subst /META-INF,,$(subst $(OUT_COMP_CLASS)/,,$(@D))).uno.jar$(QM)"/$(CSEP) >> $@ @echo $(OSEP)/manifest:manifest$(CSEP) >> $@ # rule for component package file $(COMPONENT_PACKAGE) : $(COMPONENT_JAR) $(COMPONENT_UNOPKG_MANIFEST) -$(DEL) $(subst \\,\,$(subst /,$(PS),$@)) -$(MKDIR) $(subst /,$(PS),$(@D)) cd $(subst /,$(PS),$(OUT_CLASS)) && $(SDK_ZIP) ../bin/$(@F) $(<F) cd $(subst /,$(PS),$(OUT_COMP_CLASS)/$(subst .$(UNOOXT_EXT),,$(@F))) && $(SDK_ZIP) -u ../../../bin/$(@F) META-INF/manifest.xml $(REGISTERFLAG) : $(COMPONENT_PACKAGE) ifneq "$(SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT)" "" -$(DEL) $(subst \\,\,$(subst /,$(PS),$@)) -$(MKDIR) $(subst /,$(PS),$(@D)) $(DEPLOYTOOL) $(COMPONENT_PACKAGE_URL) @echo flagged > $(subst /,$(PS),$@) else @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo If you want to install your component automatically, please set the environment @echo variable SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT = YES. But note that auto deployment is only @echo possible if no office instance is running. @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- endif $(EXAMPLE_NAME) : $(REGISTERFLAG) @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo The SampleDialog Java component was installed if SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT = YES. @echo Please load the "$(QM)CreatingDialogs.odt$(QM)" document to use the component or use it @echo by yourself in your office installation, see the example description. @echo - @echo $(MAKE) CreatingDialogs.odt.load @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CreatingDialogs.odt.load : $(REGISTERFLAG) "$(OFFICE_PROGRAM_PATH)$(PS)soffice" $(basename $@) .PHONY: clean clean : -$(DELRECURSIVE) $(subst /,$(PS),$(OUT_COMP_CLASS)) -$(DEL) $(subst \\,\,$(subst /,$(PS),$(COMPONENT_PACKAGE_URL))) -$(DEL) $(subst \\,\,$(subst /,$(PS),$(REGISTERFLAG)))