/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef __ooo_vba_access_AcCommand_idl__ #define __ooo_vba_access_AcCommand_idl__ module ooo { module vba { module access { constants AcCommand { const long acCmdAboutMicrosoftAccess = 35; const long acCmdAddInManager = 526; const long acCmdAddToNewGroup = 494; const long acCmdAddWatch = 201; const long acCmdAdvancedFilterSort = 99; const long acCmdAlignBottom = 46; const long acCmdAlignCenter = 477; const long acCmdAlignLeft = 43; const long acCmdAlignmentAndSizing = 478; const long acCmdAlignMiddle = 476; const long acCmdAlignRight = 44; const long acCmdAlignToGrid = 47; const long acCmdAlignTop = 45; const long acCmdAlignToShortest = 153; const long acCmdAlignToTallest = 154; const long acCmdAnalyzePerformance = 283; const long acCmdAnalyzeTable = 284; const long acCmdAnswerWizard = 235; const long acCmdApplyDefault = 55; const long acCmdApplyFilterSort = 93; const long acCmdAppMaximize = 10; const long acCmdAppMinimize = 11; const long acCmdAppMove = 12; const long acCmdAppRestore = 9; const long acCmdAppSize = 13; const long acCmdArrangeIconsAuto = 218; const long acCmdArrangeIconsByCreated = 216; const long acCmdArrangeIconsByModified = 217; const long acCmdArrangeIconsByName = 214; const long acCmdArrangeIconsByType = 215; const long acCmdAutoCorrect = 261; const long acCmdAutoDial = 192; const long acCmdAutoFormat = 270; const long acCmdBackgroundPicture = 474; const long acCmdBackgroundSound = 475; const long acCmdBackup = 513; const long acCmdBookmarksClearAll = 310; const long acCmdBookmarksNext = 308; const long acCmdBookmarksPrevious = 309; const long acCmdBookmarksToggle = 307; const long acCmdBringToFront = 52; const long acCmdCallStack = 172; const long acCmdChangeToCheckBox = 231; const long acCmdChangeToComboBox = 230; const long acCmdChangeToCommandButton = 501; const long acCmdChangeToImage = 234; const long acCmdChangeToLabel = 228; const long acCmdChangeToListBox = 229; const long acCmdChangeToOptionButton = 233; const long acCmdChangeToTextBox = 227; const long acCmdChangeToToggleButton = 232; const long acCmdClearAll = 146; const long acCmdClearAllBreakpoints = 132; const long acCmdClearGrid = 71; const long acCmdClearHyperlink = 343; const long acCmdClearItemDefaults = 237; const long acCmdClose = 58; const long acCmdCloseWindow = 186; const long acCmdColumnWidth = 117; const long acCmdCompactDatabase = 4; const long acCmdCompileAllModules = 125; const long acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules = 126; const long acCmdCompileLoadedModules = 290; const long acCmdCompleteWord = 306; const long acCmdConditionalFormatting = 500; const long acCmdConnection = 383; const long acCmdControlWizardsToggle = 197; const long acCmdConvertDatabase = 171; const long acCmdConvertMacrosToVisualBasic = 279; const long acCmdCopy = 190; const long acCmdCopyDatabaseFile = 516; const long acCmdCopyHyperlink = 328; const long acCmdCreateMenuFromMacro = 334; const long acCmdCreateRelationship = 150; const long acCmdCreateReplica = 263; const long acCmdCreateShortcut = 219; const long acCmdCreateShortcutMenuFromMacro = 336; const long acCmdCreateToolbarFromMacro = 335; const long acCmdCut = 189; const long acCmdDataAccessPageAddToPage = 480; const long acCmdDataAccessPageBrowse = 344; const long acCmdDataAccessPageDesignView = 385; const long acCmdDataAccessPageFieldListRefresh = 479; const long acCmdDatabaseProperties = 256; const long acCmdDatabaseSplitter = 520; const long acCmdDataEntry = 78; const long acCmdDataOutline = 468; const long acCmdDatasheetView = 282; const long acCmdDateAndTime = 226; const long acCmdDebugWindow = 123; const long acCmdDelete = 337; const long acCmdDeleteGroup = 493; const long acCmdDeletePage = 332; const long acCmdDeleteQueryColumn = 81; const long acCmdDeleteRecord = 223; const long acCmdDeleteRows = 188; const long acCmdDeleteTab = 255; const long acCmdDeleteTable = 489; const long acCmdDeleteTableColumn = 271; const long acCmdDeleteWatch = 267; const long acCmdDemote = 388; const long acCmdDesignView = 183; const long acCmdDiagramAddRelatedTables = 373; const long acCmdDiagramAutosizeSelectedTables = 378; const long acCmdDiagramDeleteRelationship = 382; const long acCmdDiagramLayoutDiagram = 380; const long acCmdDiagramLayoutSelection = 379; const long acCmdDiagramModifyUserDefinedView = 375; const long acCmdDiagramNewLabel = 372; const long acCmdDiagramNewTable = 381; const long acCmdDiagramRecalculatePageBreaks = 377; const long acCmdDiagramShowRelationshipLabels = 374; const long acCmdDiagramViewPageBreaks = 376; const long acCmdDocMaximize = 15; const long acCmdDocMinimize = 60; const long acCmdDocMove = 16; const long acCmdDocRestore = 14; const long acCmdDocSize = 17; const long acCmdDocumenter = 285; const long acCmdDropSQLDatabase = 517; const long acCmdDuplicate = 34; const long acCmdEditHyperlink = 325; const long acCmdEditingAllowed = 70; const long acCmdEditRelationship = 151; const long acCmdEditTriggers = 384; const long acCmdEditWatch = 202; const long acCmdEncryptDecryptDatabase = 5; const long acCmdEnd = 198; const long acCmdExit = 3; const long acCmdExport = 487; const long acCmdFavoritesAddTo = 299; const long acCmdFavoritesOpen = 298; const long acCmdFieldList = 42; const long acCmdFilterByForm = 207; const long acCmdFilterBySelection = 208; const long acCmdFilterExcludingSelection = 277; const long acCmdFind = 30; const long acCmdFindNext = 341; const long acCmdFindNextWordUnderCursor = 313; const long acCmdFindPrevious = 120; const long acCmdFindPrevWordUnderCursor = 312; const long acCmdFitToWindow = 245; const long acCmdFont = 19; const long acCmdFormatCells = 77; const long acCmdFormHdrFtr = 36; const long acCmdFormView = 281; const long acCmdFreezeColumn = 105; const long acCmdGoBack = 294; const long acCmdGoContinue = 127; const long acCmdGoForward = 295; const long acCmdGroupByTable = 387; const long acCmdGroupControls = 484; const long acCmdHideColumns = 79; const long acCmdHidePane = 365; const long acCmdHideTable = 147; const long acCmdHorizontalSpacingDecrease = 158; const long acCmdHorizontalSpacingIncrease = 159; const long acCmdHorizontalSpacingMakeEqual = 157; const long acCmdHyperlinkDisplayText = 329; const long acCmdImport = 257; const long acCmdIndent = 205; const long acCmdIndexes = 152; const long acCmdInsertActiveXControl = 258; const long acCmdInsertChart = 293; const long acCmdInsertFile = 39; const long acCmdInsertFileIntoModule = 118; const long acCmdInsertHyperlink = 259; const long acCmdInsertLookupColumn = 273; const long acCmdInsertLookupField = 291; const long acCmdInsertMovieFromFile = 469; const long acCmdInsertObject = 33; const long acCmdInsertPage = 331; const long acCmdInsertPicture = 222; const long acCmdInsertPivotTable = 470; const long acCmdInsertProcedure = 262; const long acCmdInsertQueryColumn = 82; const long acCmdInsertRows = 187; const long acCmdInsertSpreadsheet = 471; const long acCmdInsertSubdatasheet = 499; const long acCmdInsertTableColumn = 272; const long acCmdInsertUnboundSection = 472; const long acCmdInvokeBuilder = 178; const long acCmdJoinProperties = 72; const long acCmdLastPosition = 339; const long acCmdLayoutPreview = 141; const long acCmdLineUpIcons = 213; const long acCmdLinkedTableManager = 519; const long acCmdLinkTables = 102; const long acCmdListConstants = 303; const long acCmdLoadFromQuery = 95; const long acCmdMacroConditions = 87; const long acCmdMacroNames = 86; const long acCmdMakeMDEFile = 7; const long acCmdMaximiumRecords = 508; const long acCmdMicrosoftAccessHelpTopics = 100; const long acCmdMicrosoftOnTheWeb = 236; const long acCmdMicrosoftScriptEditor = 390; const long acCmdMoreWindows = 8; const long acCmdNewDatabase = 26; const long acCmdNewGroup = 491; const long acCmdNewObjectAutoForm = 193; const long acCmdNewObjectAutoReport = 194; const long acCmdNewObjectClassModule = 140; const long acCmdNewObjectDataAccessPage = 346; const long acCmdNewObjectDiagram = 352; const long acCmdNewObjectForm = 136; const long acCmdNewObjectFunction = 394; const long acCmdNewObjectMacro = 138; const long acCmdNewObjectModule = 139; const long acCmdNewObjectQuery = 135; const long acCmdNewObjectReport = 137; const long acCmdNewObjectStoredProcedure = 351; const long acCmdNewObjectTable = 134; const long acCmdNewObjectView = 350; const long acCmdObjBrwFindWholeWordOnly = 314; const long acCmdObjBrwGroupMembers = 318; const long acCmdObjBrwHelp = 316; const long acCmdObjBrwShowHiddenMembers = 315; const long acCmdObjBrwViewDefinition = 317; const long acCmdObjectBrowser = 200; const long acCmdOfficeClipboard = 488; const long acCmdOLEDDELinks = 27; const long acCmdOLEObjectConvert = 167; const long acCmdOLEObjectDefaultVerb = 57; const long acCmdOpenDatabase = 25; const long acCmdOpenHyperlink = 326; const long acCmdOpenNewHyperlink = 327; const long acCmdOpenSearchPage = 253; const long acCmdOpenStartPage = 252; const long acCmdOpenTable = 221; const long acCmdOpenURL = 251; const long acCmdOptions = 49; const long acCmdOutdent = 206; const long acCmdOutputToExcel = 175; const long acCmdOutputToRTF = 176; const long acCmdOutputToText = 177; const long acCmdPageHdrFtr = 182; const long acCmdPageNumber = 225; const long acCmdPageProperties = 467; const long acCmdPageSetup = 32; const long acCmdParameterInfo = 305; const long acCmdPartialReplicaWizard = 524; const long acCmdPaste = 191; const long acCmdPasteAppend = 38; const long acCmdPasteAsHyperlink = 490; const long acCmdPasteSpecial = 64; const long acCmdPivotAutoAverage = 416; const long acCmdPivotAutoCount = 413; const long acCmdPivotAutoFilter = 398; const long acCmdPivotAutoMax = 415; const long acCmdPivotAutoMin = 414; const long acCmdPivotAutoStdDev = 417; const long acCmdPivotAutoStdDevP = 419; const long acCmdPivotAutoSum = 412; const long acCmdPivotAutoVar = 418; const long acCmdPivotAutoVarP = 420; const long acCmdPivotChartByRowByColumn = 456; const long acCmdPivotChartDrillInto = 457; const long acCmdPivotChartDrillOut = 532; const long acCmdPivotChartMultiplePlots = 458; const long acCmdPivotChartMultiplePlotsUnifiedScale = 459; const long acCmdPivotChartShowLegend = 455; const long acCmdPivotChartSortAscByTotal = 534; const long acCmdPivotChartSortDescByTotal = 535; const long acCmdPivotChartType = 453; const long acCmdPivotChartUndo = 460; const long acCmdPivotChartView = 397; const long acCmdPivotCollapse = 400; const long acCmdPivotDelete = 454; const long acCmdPivotDropAreas = 452; const long acCmdPivotExpand = 401; const long acCmdPivotRefresh = 404; const long acCmdPivotShowAll = 461; const long acCmdPivotShowBottom1 = 432; const long acCmdPivotShowBottom10 = 435; const long acCmdPivotShowBottom10Percent = 440; const long acCmdPivotShowBottom1Percent = 437; const long acCmdPivotShowBottom2 = 433; const long acCmdPivotShowBottom25 = 436; const long acCmdPivotShowBottom25Percent = 441; const long acCmdPivotShowBottom2Percent = 438; const long acCmdPivotShowBottom5 = 434; const long acCmdPivotShowBottom5Percent = 439; const long acCmdPivotShowBottomOther = 442; const long acCmdPivotShowTop1 = 421; const long acCmdPivotShowTop10 = 424; const long acCmdPivotShowTop10Percent = 429; const long acCmdPivotShowTop1Percent = 426; const long acCmdPivotShowTop2 = 422; const long acCmdPivotShowTop25 = 425; const long acCmdPivotShowTop25Percent = 430; const long acCmdPivotShowTop2Percent = 427; const long acCmdPivotShowTop5 = 423; const long acCmdPivotShowTop5Percent = 428; const long acCmdPivotShowTopOther = 431; const long acCmdPivotTableClearCustomOrdering = 527; const long acCmdPivotTableCreateCalcField = 444; const long acCmdPivotTableCreateCalcTotal = 443; const long acCmdPivotTableDemote = 411; const long acCmdPivotTableExpandIndicators = 451; const long acCmdPivotTableExportToExcel = 405; const long acCmdPivotTableFilterBySelection = 528; const long acCmdPivotTableGroupItems = 530; const long acCmdPivotTableHideDetails = 402; const long acCmdPivotTableMoveToColumnArea = 407; const long acCmdPivotTableMoveToDetailArea = 409; const long acCmdPivotTableMoveToFilterArea = 408; const long acCmdPivotTableMoveToRowArea = 406; const long acCmdPivotTablePercentColumnTotal = 447; const long acCmdPivotTablePercentGrandTotal = 450; const long acCmdPivotTablePercentParentColumnItem = 449; const long acCmdPivotTablePercentParentRowItem = 448; const long acCmdPivotTablePercentRowTotal = 446; const long acCmdPivotTablePromote = 410; const long acCmdPivotTableRemove = 529; const long acCmdPivotTableShowAsNormal = 445; const long acCmdPivotTableShowDetails = 403; const long acCmdPivotTableSubtotal = 399; const long acCmdPivotTableUngroupItems = 531; const long acCmdPivotTableView = 396; const long acCmdPreviewEightPages = 249; const long acCmdPreviewFourPages = 248; const long acCmdPreviewOnePage = 246; const long acCmdPreviewTwelvePages = 250; const long acCmdPreviewTwoPages = 247; const long acCmdPrimaryKey = 107; const long acCmdPrint = 340; const long acCmdPrintPreview = 54; const long acCmdPrintRelationships = 483; const long acCmdProcedureDefinition = 122; const long acCmdPromote = 386; const long acCmdProperties = 287; const long acCmdPublishDefaults = 324; const long acCmdQueryAddToOutput = 362; const long acCmdQueryGroupBy = 361; const long acCmdQueryParameters = 76; const long acCmdQueryTotals = 73; const long acCmdQueryTypeAppend = 91; const long acCmdQueryTypeCrosstab = 74; const long acCmdQueryTypeDelete = 92; const long acCmdQueryTypeMakeTable = 94; const long acCmdQueryTypeSelect = 89; const long acCmdQueryTypeSQLDataDefinition = 168; const long acCmdQueryTypeSQLPassThrough = 169; const long acCmdQueryTypeSQLUnion = 180; const long acCmdQueryTypeUpdate = 90; const long acCmdQuickInfo = 304; const long acCmdQuickPrint = 278; const long acCmdQuickWatch = 203; const long acCmdRecordsGoToFirst = 67; const long acCmdRecordsGoToLast = 68; const long acCmdRecordsGoToNew = 28; const long acCmdRecordsGoToNext = 65; const long acCmdRecordsGoToPrevious = 66; const long acCmdRecoverDesignMaster = 265; const long acCmdRedo = 199; const long acCmdReferences = 260; const long acCmdRefresh = 18; const long acCmdRefreshPage = 297; const long acCmdRegisterActiveXControls = 254; const long acCmdRelationships = 133; const long acCmdRemove = 366; const long acCmdRemoveFilterSort = 144; const long acCmdRemoveTable = 84; const long acCmdRename = 143; const long acCmdRenameColumn = 274; const long acCmdRenameGroup = 492; const long acCmdRepairDatabase = 6; const long acCmdReplace = 29; const long acCmdReportHdrFtr = 37; const long acCmdReset = 124; const long acCmdResolveConflicts = 266; const long acCmdRestore = 514; const long acCmdRowHeight = 116; const long acCmdRun = 181; const long acCmdRunMacro = 31; const long acCmdRunOpenMacro = 338; const long acCmdSave = 20; const long acCmdSaveAllModules = 280; const long acCmdSaveAs = 21; const long acCmdSaveAsASP = 323; const long acCmdSaveAsDataAccessPage = 389; const long acCmdSaveAsHTML = 321; const long acCmdSaveAsIDC = 322; const long acCmdSaveAsQuery = 96; const long acCmdSaveAsReport = 142; const long acCmdSaveLayout = 145; const long acCmdSaveModuleAsText = 119; const long acCmdSaveRecord = 97; const long acCmdSelectAll = 333; const long acCmdSelectAllRecords = 109; const long acCmdSelectDataAccessPage = 347; const long acCmdSelectForm = 40; const long acCmdSelectRecord = 50; const long acCmdSelectReport = 319; const long acCmdSend = 173; const long acCmdSendToBack = 53; const long acCmdServerFilterByForm = 507; const long acCmdServerProperties = 496; const long acCmdSetControlDefaults = 56; const long acCmdSetDatabasePassword = 275; const long acCmdSetNextStatement = 129; const long acCmdShowAllRelationships = 149; const long acCmdShowDirectRelationships = 148; const long acCmdShowEnvelope = 533; const long acCmdShowMembers = 302; const long acCmdShowNextStatement = 130; const long acCmdShowOnlyWebToolbar = 300; const long acCmdShowTable = 185; const long acCmdSingleStep = 88; const long acCmdSizeToFit = 59; const long acCmdSizeToFitForm = 69; const long acCmdSizeToGrid = 48; const long acCmdSizeToNarrowest = 155; const long acCmdSizeToWidest = 156; const long acCmdSnapToGrid = 62; const long acCmdSortAscending = 163; const long acCmdSortDescending = 164; const long acCmdSortingAndGrouping = 51; const long acCmdSpeech = 511; const long acCmdSpelling = 269; const long acCmdSQLView = 184; const long acCmdStartupProperties = 224; const long acCmdStepInto = 342; const long acCmdStepOut = 311; const long acCmdStepOver = 128; const long acCmdStepToCursor = 204; const long acCmdStopLoadingPage = 296; const long acCmdSubdatasheetCollapseAll = 505; const long acCmdSubdatasheetExpandAll = 504; const long acCmdSubdatasheetRemove = 506; const long acCmdSubformDatasheet = 108; const long acCmdSubformDatasheetView = 463; const long acCmdSubformFormView = 462; const long acCmdSubformInNewWindow = 495; const long acCmdSubformPivotChartView = 465; const long acCmdSubformPivotTableView = 464; const long acCmdSwitchboardManager = 521; const long acCmdSynchronizeNow = 264; const long acCmdTabControlPageOrder = 330; const long acCmdTableAddTable = 498; const long acCmdTableCustomView = 497; const long acCmdTableNames = 75; const long acCmdTabOrder = 41; const long acCmdTestValidationRules = 196; const long acCmdTileHorizontally = 286; const long acCmdTileVertically = 23; const long acCmdToggleBreakpoint = 131; const long acCmdToggleFilter = 220; const long acCmdToolbarControlProperties = 301; const long acCmdToolbarsCustomize = 165; const long acCmdTransferSQLDatabase = 515; const long acCmdTransparentBackground = 288; const long acCmdTransparentBorder = 289; const long acCmdUndo = 292; const long acCmdUnfreezeAllColumns = 106; const long acCmdUngroupControls = 485; const long acCmdUnhideColumns = 80; const long acCmdUpsizingWizard = 522; const long acCmdUserAndGroupAccounts = 104; const long acCmdUserAndGroupPermissions = 103; const long acCmdUserLevelSecurityWizard = 276; const long acCmdVerticalSpacingDecrease = 161; const long acCmdVerticalSpacingIncrease = 162; const long acCmdVerticalSpacingMakeEqual = 160; const long acCmdViewCode = 170; const long acCmdViewDataAccessPages = 349; const long acCmdViewDetails = 210; const long acCmdViewDiagrams = 354; const long acCmdViewFieldList = 353; const long acCmdViewForms = 112; const long acCmdViewFunctions = 395; const long acCmdViewGrid = 63; const long acCmdViewLargeIcons = 209; const long acCmdViewList = 212; const long acCmdViewMacros = 114; const long acCmdViewModules = 115; const long acCmdViewObjectDependencies = 536; const long acCmdViewQueries = 111; const long acCmdViewReports = 113; const long acCmdViewRuler = 61; const long acCmdViewShowPaneDiagram = 358; const long acCmdViewShowPaneGrid = 359; const long acCmdViewShowPaneSQL = 357; const long acCmdViewSmallIcons = 211; const long acCmdViewStoredProcedures = 355; const long acCmdViewTableColumnNames = 363; const long acCmdViewTableColumnProperties = 368; const long acCmdViewTableKeys = 369; const long acCmdViewTableNameOnly = 364; const long acCmdViewTables = 110; const long acCmdViewTableUserView = 370; const long acCmdViewToolbox = 85; const long acCmdViewVerifySQL = 360; const long acCmdViewViews = 356; const long acCmdVisualBasicEditor = 525; const long acCmdWebPagePreview = 466; const long acCmdWebPageProperties = 486; const long acCmdWebTheme = 473; const long acCmdWindowArrangeIcons = 24; const long acCmdWindowCascade = 22; const long acCmdWindowHide = 2; const long acCmdWindowSplit = 121; const long acCmdWindowUnhide = 1; const long acCmdWordMailMerge = 195; const long acCmdWorkgroupAdministrator = 391; const long acCmdZoom10 = 244; const long acCmdZoom100 = 240; const long acCmdZoom1000 = 482; const long acCmdZoom150 = 239; const long acCmdZoom200 = 238; const long acCmdZoom25 = 243; const long acCmdZoom50 = 242; const long acCmdZoom500 = 481; const long acCmdZoom75 = 241; const long acCmdZoomBox = 179; const long acCmdZoomSelection = 371; }; }; }; }; #endif