/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef OOX_XLS_SHEETDATACONTEXT_HXX #define OOX_XLS_SHEETDATACONTEXT_HXX #include "oox/xls/excelhandlers.hxx" #include "oox/xls/richstring.hxx" #include "oox/xls/sheetdatabuffer.hxx" namespace oox { namespace xls { // ============================================================================ /** Used as base for sheet data context classes. Provides fast access to often used converter objects and sheet index, to improve performance. */ struct SheetDataContextBase { AddressConverter& mrAddressConv; /// The address converter. FormulaParser& mrFormulaParser; /// The formula parser. SheetDataBuffer& mrSheetData; /// The sheet data buffer for cell content and formatting. CellModel maCellData; /// Position, contents, formatting of current imported cell. CellFormulaModel maFmlaData; /// Settings for a cell formula. sal_Int16 mnSheet; /// Index of the current sheet. explicit SheetDataContextBase( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper ); virtual ~SheetDataContextBase(); }; // ============================================================================ /** This class implements importing the sheetData element. The sheetData element contains all row settings and all cells in a single sheet of a spreadsheet document. */ class SheetDataContext : public WorksheetContextBase, private SheetDataContextBase { public: explicit SheetDataContext( WorksheetFragmentBase& rFragment ); protected: virtual ::oox::core::ContextHandlerRef onCreateContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs ); virtual void onCharacters( const ::rtl::OUString& rChars ); virtual void onEndElement(); virtual ::oox::core::ContextHandlerRef onCreateRecordContext( sal_Int32 nRecId, SequenceInputStream& rStrm ); private: /** Different types of cell records. */ enum CellType { CELLTYPE_VALUE, CELLTYPE_MULTI, CELLTYPE_FORMULA }; /** Imports row settings from a row element. */ void importRow( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Imports cell settings from a c element. */ bool importCell( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Imports cell settings from an f element. */ void importFormula( const AttributeList& rAttribs ); /** Imports row settings from a ROW record. */ void importRow( SequenceInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads a cell address and the following XF identifier. */ bool readCellHeader( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, CellType eCellType ); /** Reads a cell formula for the current cell. */ ApiTokenSequence readCellFormula( SequenceInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads the formula range used by shared formulas, arrays, and data tables. */ bool readFormulaRef( SequenceInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports an empty cell from a CELL_BLANK or MULTCELL_BLANK record. */ void importCellBlank( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, CellType eCellType ); /** Imports a boolean cell from a CELL_BOOL, MULTCELL_BOOL, or FORMULA_BOOL record. */ void importCellBool( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, CellType eCellType ); /** Imports a numeric cell from a CELL_DOUBLE, MULTCELL_DOUBLE, or FORMULA_DOUBLE record. */ void importCellDouble( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, CellType eCellType ); /** Imports an error code cell from a CELL_ERROR, MULTCELL_ERROR, or FORMULA_ERROR record. */ void importCellError( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, CellType eCellType ); /** Imports an encoded numeric cell from a CELL_RK or MULTCELL_RK record. */ void importCellRk( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, CellType eCellType ); /** Imports a rich-string cell from a CELL_RSTRING or MULTCELL_RSTRING record. */ void importCellRString( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, CellType eCellType ); /** Imports a string cell from a CELL_SI or MULTCELL_SI record. */ void importCellSi( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, CellType eCellType ); /** Imports a string cell from a CELL_STRING, MULTCELL_STRING, or FORMULA_STRING record. */ void importCellString( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, CellType eCellType ); /** Imports an array formula from an ARRAY record. */ void importArray( SequenceInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports table operation from a DATATABLE record. */ void importDataTable( SequenceInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports a shared formula from a SHAREDFORMULA record. */ void importSharedFmla( SequenceInputStream& rStrm ); private: ::rtl::OUString maCellValue; /// Cell value string (OOXML only). RichStringRef mxInlineStr; /// Inline rich string (OOXML only). ApiTokenSequence maTokens; /// Formula token array (OOXML only). DataTableModel maTableData; /// Settings for table operations. BinAddress maCurrPos; /// Current cell position (BIFF12 only). bool mbHasFormula; /// True = current cell has formula data (OOXML only). bool mbValidRange; /// True = maFmlaData.maFormulaRef is valid (OOXML only). }; // ============================================================================ /** This class implements importing row settings and all cells of a sheet. */ class BiffSheetDataContext : public BiffWorksheetContextBase, private SheetDataContextBase { public: explicit BiffSheetDataContext( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper ); /** Tries to import a sheet data record. */ virtual void importRecord( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); private: /** Imports row settings from a ROW record. */ void importRow( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Reads an XF identifier and initializes a new cell. */ bool readCellXfId( BiffInputStream& rStrm, const BinAddress& rAddr, bool bBiff2 ); /** Reads a BIFF cell address and the following XF identifier. */ bool readCellHeader( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bBiff2 ); /** Reads the formula range used by shared formulas, arrays, and data tables. */ bool readFormulaRef( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports a BLANK record describing a blank but formatted cell. */ void importBlank( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports a BOOLERR record describing a boolean or error code cell. */ void importBoolErr( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports a FORMULA record describing a formula cell. */ void importFormula( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports an INTEGER record describing a BIFF2 integer cell. */ void importInteger( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports a LABEL record describing an unformatted string cell. */ void importLabel( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports a LABELSST record describing a string cell using the shared string list. */ void importLabelSst( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports a MULTBLANK record describing a range of blank but formatted cells. */ void importMultBlank( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports a MULTRK record describing a range of numeric cells. */ void importMultRk( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports a NUMBER record describing a floating-point cell. */ void importNumber( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports an RK record describing a numeric cell. */ void importRk( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports an ARRAY record describing an array formula of a cell range. */ void importArray( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports table operation from a DATATABLE or DATATABLE2 record. */ void importDataTable( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); /** Imports a SHAREDFMLA record describing a shared formula in a cell range. */ void importSharedFmla( BiffInputStream& rStrm ); private: sal_uInt32 mnFormulaSkipSize; /// Number of bytes to be ignored in FORMULA record. sal_uInt32 mnArraySkipSize; /// Number of bytes to be ignored in ARRAY record. sal_uInt16 mnBiff2XfId; /// Current XF identifier from IXFE record. OptValue< bool > mobBiff2HasXfs; /// Select XF formatting or direct formatting in BIFF2. }; // ============================================================================ } // namespace xls } // namespace oox #endif