/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include "pyuno_impl.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using osl::Module; using rtl::OString; using rtl::OUString; using rtl::OUStringToOString; using rtl::OUStringBuffer; using rtl::OStringBuffer; using com::sun::star::uno::Sequence; using com::sun::star::uno::Reference; using com::sun::star::uno::XInterface; using com::sun::star::uno::Any; using com::sun::star::uno::makeAny; using com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY; using com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException; using com::sun::star::uno::TypeDescription; using com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext; using com::sun::star::container::NoSuchElementException; using com::sun::star::reflection::XIdlReflection; using com::sun::star::reflection::XIdlClass; using com::sun::star::script::XInvocation2; using namespace pyuno; namespace { /** @ index of the next to be used member in the initializer list ! */ sal_Int32 fillStructWithInitializer( const Reference< XInvocation2 > &inv, typelib_CompoundTypeDescription *pCompType, PyObject *initializer, const Runtime &runtime) throw ( RuntimeException ) { sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; if( pCompType->pBaseTypeDescription ) nIndex = fillStructWithInitializer( inv, pCompType->pBaseTypeDescription, initializer, runtime ); sal_Int32 nTupleSize = PyTuple_Size(initializer); int i; for( i = 0 ; i < pCompType->nMembers ; i ++ ) { if( i + nIndex >= nTupleSize ) { OUStringBuffer buf; buf.appendAscii( "pyuno._createUnoStructHelper: too few elements in the initializer tuple,"); buf.appendAscii( "expected at least " ).append( nIndex + pCompType->nMembers ); buf.appendAscii( ", got " ).append( nTupleSize ); throw RuntimeException(buf.makeStringAndClear(), Reference< XInterface > ()); } PyObject *element = PyTuple_GetItem( initializer, i + nIndex ); Any a = runtime.pyObject2Any( element, ACCEPT_UNO_ANY ); inv->setValue( pCompType->ppMemberNames[i], a ); } return i+nIndex; } OUString getLibDir() { static OUString *pLibDir; if( !pLibDir ) { osl::MutexGuard guard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ); if( ! pLibDir ) { static OUString libDir; // workarounds the $(ORIGIN) until it is available if( Module::getUrlFromAddress( reinterpret_cast< oslGenericFunction >(getLibDir), libDir ) ) { libDir = OUString( libDir.getStr(), libDir.lastIndexOf('/' ) ); OUString name ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PYUNOLIBDIR" ) ); rtl_bootstrap_set( name.pData, libDir.pData ); } pLibDir = &libDir; } } return *pLibDir; } void raisePySystemException( const char * exceptionType, const OUString & message ) { OStringBuffer buf; buf.append( "Error during bootstrapping uno ("); buf.append( exceptionType ); buf.append( "):" ); buf.append( OUStringToOString( message, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ) ); PyErr_SetString( PyExc_SystemError, buf.makeStringAndClear().getStr() ); } extern "C" { static PyObject* getComponentContext (PyObject*, PyObject*) { PyRef ret; try { Reference ctx; // getLibDir() must be called in order to set bootstrap variables correctly ! OUString path( getLibDir()); if( Runtime::isInitialized() ) { Runtime runtime; ctx = runtime.getImpl()->cargo->xContext; } else { OUString iniFile; if( !path.getLength() ) { PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, "osl_getUrlFromAddress fails, that's why I cannot find ini " "file for bootstrapping python uno bridge\n" ); return NULL; } OUStringBuffer iniFileName; iniFileName.append( path ); iniFileName.appendAscii( "/" ); iniFileName.appendAscii( SAL_CONFIGFILE( "pyuno" ) ); iniFile = iniFileName.makeStringAndClear(); osl::DirectoryItem item; if( osl::DirectoryItem::get( iniFile, item ) == item.E_None ) { // in case pyuno.ini exists, use this file for bootstrapping PyThreadDetach antiguard; ctx = cppu::defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext (iniFile); } else { // defaulting to the standard bootstrapping PyThreadDetach antiguard; ctx = cppu::defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext (); } } if( ! Runtime::isInitialized() ) { Runtime::initialize( ctx ); } Runtime runtime; ret = runtime.any2PyObject( makeAny( ctx ) ); } catch (com::sun::star::registry::InvalidRegistryException &e) { // can't use raisePyExceptionWithAny() here, because the function // does any conversions, which will not work with a // wrongly bootstrapped pyuno! raisePySystemException( "InvalidRegistryException", e.Message ); } catch( com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException & e) { raisePySystemException( "IllegalArgumentException", e.Message ); } catch( com::sun::star::script::CannotConvertException & e) { raisePySystemException( "CannotConvertException", e.Message ); } catch (com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException & e) { raisePySystemException( "RuntimeException", e.Message ); } catch (com::sun::star::uno::Exception & e) { raisePySystemException( "uno::Exception", e.Message ); } return ret.getAcquired(); } PyObject * extractOneStringArg( PyObject *args, char const *funcName ) { if( !PyTuple_Check( args ) || PyTuple_Size( args) != 1 ) { OStringBuffer buf; buf.append( funcName ).append( ": expecting one string argument" ); PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.getStr() ); return NULL; } PyObject *obj = PyTuple_GetItem( args, 0 ); if( !PyString_Check( obj ) && ! PyUnicode_Check(obj)) { OStringBuffer buf; buf.append( funcName ).append( ": expecting one string argument" ); PyErr_SetString( PyExc_TypeError, buf.getStr()); return NULL; } return obj; } static PyObject *createUnoStructHelper(PyObject *, PyObject* args ) { Any IdlStruct; PyRef ret; try { Runtime runtime; if( PyTuple_Size( args ) == 2 ) { PyObject *structName = PyTuple_GetItem( args,0 ); PyObject *initializer = PyTuple_GetItem( args ,1 ); if( PyString_Check( structName ) ) { if( PyTuple_Check( initializer ) ) { OUString typeName( OUString::createFromAscii(PyString_AsString(structName))); RuntimeCargo *c = runtime.getImpl()->cargo; Reference idl_class ( c->xCoreReflection->forName (typeName),UNO_QUERY); if (idl_class.is ()) { idl_class->createObject (IdlStruct); PyUNO *me = (PyUNO*)PyUNO_new_UNCHECKED( IdlStruct, c->xInvocation ); PyRef returnCandidate( (PyObject*)me, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); if( PyTuple_Size( initializer ) > 0 ) { TypeDescription desc( typeName ); OSL_ASSERT( desc.is() ); // could already instantiate an XInvocation2 ! typelib_CompoundTypeDescription *pCompType = ( typelib_CompoundTypeDescription * ) desc.get(); sal_Int32 n = fillStructWithInitializer( me->members->xInvocation, pCompType, initializer, runtime ); if( n != PyTuple_Size(initializer) ) { OUStringBuffer buf; buf.appendAscii( "pyuno._createUnoStructHelper: wrong number of "); buf.appendAscii( "elements in the initializer list, expected " ); buf.append( n ); buf.appendAscii( ", got " ); buf.append( (sal_Int32) PyTuple_Size(initializer) ); throw RuntimeException( buf.makeStringAndClear(), Reference< XInterface > ()); } } ret = returnCandidate; } else { OStringBuffer buf; buf.append( "UNO struct " ); buf.append( PyString_AsString(structName) ); buf.append( " is unkown" ); PyErr_SetString (PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.getStr()); } } else { PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, "pyuno._createUnoStructHelper: 2nd argument (initializer sequence) is no tuple" ); } } else { PyErr_SetString (PyExc_AttributeError, "createUnoStruct: first argument wasn't a string"); } } else { PyErr_SetString (PyExc_AttributeError, "1 Arguments: Structure Name"); } } catch( com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException & e ) { raisePyExceptionWithAny( makeAny( e ) ); } catch( com::sun::star::script::CannotConvertException & e ) { raisePyExceptionWithAny( makeAny( e ) ); } catch( com::sun::star::uno::Exception & e ) { raisePyExceptionWithAny( makeAny( e ) ); } return ret.getAcquired(); } static PyObject *getTypeByName( PyObject *, PyObject *args ) { PyObject * ret = NULL; try { char *name; if (PyArg_ParseTuple (args, const_cast< char * >("s"), &name)) { OUString typeName ( OUString::createFromAscii( name ) ); TypeDescription typeDesc( typeName ); if( typeDesc.is() ) { Runtime runtime; ret = PyUNO_Type_new( name, (com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass)typeDesc.get()->eTypeClass, runtime ); } else { OStringBuffer buf; buf.append( "Type " ).append(name).append( " is unknown" ); PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.getStr() ); } } } catch ( RuntimeException & e ) { raisePyExceptionWithAny( makeAny( e ) ); } return ret; } static PyObject *getConstantByName( PyObject *, PyObject *args ) { PyObject *ret = 0; try { char *name; if (PyArg_ParseTuple (args, const_cast< char * >("s"), &name)) { OUString typeName ( OUString::createFromAscii( name ) ); Runtime runtime; Any a = runtime.getImpl()->cargo->xTdMgr->getByHierarchicalName(typeName); if( a.getValueType().getTypeClass() == com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass_INTERFACE ) { // a idl constant cannot be an instance of an uno-object, thus // this cannot be a constant OUStringBuffer buf; buf.appendAscii( "pyuno.getConstantByName: " ).append( typeName ); buf.appendAscii( "is not a constant" ); throw RuntimeException(buf.makeStringAndClear(), Reference< XInterface > () ); } PyRef constant = runtime.any2PyObject( a ); ret = constant.getAcquired(); } } catch( NoSuchElementException & e ) { // to the python programmer, this is a runtime exception, // do not support tweakings with the type system RuntimeException runExc( e.Message, Reference< XInterface > () ); raisePyExceptionWithAny( makeAny( runExc ) ); } catch( com::sun::star::script::CannotConvertException & e) { raisePyExceptionWithAny( makeAny( e ) ); } catch( com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException & e) { raisePyExceptionWithAny( makeAny( e ) ); } catch( RuntimeException & e ) { raisePyExceptionWithAny( makeAny(e) ); } return ret; } static PyObject *checkType( PyObject *, PyObject *args ) { if( !PyTuple_Check( args ) || PyTuple_Size( args) != 1 ) { OStringBuffer buf; buf.append( "pyuno.checkType : expecting one uno.Type argument" ); PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.getStr() ); return NULL; } PyObject *obj = PyTuple_GetItem( args, 0 ); try { PyType2Type( obj ); } catch( RuntimeException & e) { raisePyExceptionWithAny( makeAny( e ) ); return NULL; } Py_INCREF( Py_None ); return Py_None; } static PyObject *checkEnum( PyObject *, PyObject *args ) { if( !PyTuple_Check( args ) || PyTuple_Size( args) != 1 ) { OStringBuffer buf; buf.append( "pyuno.checkType : expecting one uno.Type argument" ); PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.getStr() ); return NULL; } PyObject *obj = PyTuple_GetItem( args, 0 ); try { PyEnum2Enum( obj ); } catch( RuntimeException & e) { raisePyExceptionWithAny( makeAny( e) ); return NULL; } Py_INCREF( Py_None ); return Py_None; } static PyObject *getClass( PyObject *, PyObject *args ) { PyObject *obj = extractOneStringArg( args, "pyuno.getClass"); if( ! obj ) return NULL; try { Runtime runtime; PyRef ret = getClass( OUString( PyString_AsString( obj), strlen(PyString_AsString(obj)),RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US), runtime ); Py_XINCREF( ret.get() ); return ret.get(); } catch( RuntimeException & e) { // NOOPT !!! // gcc 3.2.3 crashes here in the regcomp test scenario // only since migration to python 2.3.4 ???? strange thing // optimization switched off for this module ! raisePyExceptionWithAny( makeAny(e) ); } return NULL; } static PyObject *isInterface( PyObject *, PyObject *args ) { if( PyTuple_Check( args ) && PyTuple_Size( args ) == 1 ) { PyObject *obj = PyTuple_GetItem( args, 0 ); Runtime r; return PyInt_FromLong( isInterfaceClass( r, obj ) ); } return PyInt_FromLong( 0 ); } static PyObject * generateUuid( PyObject *, PyObject * ) { Sequence< sal_Int8 > seq( 16 ); rtl_createUuid( (sal_uInt8*)seq.getArray() , 0 , sal_False ); PyRef ret; try { Runtime runtime; ret = runtime.any2PyObject( makeAny( seq ) ); } catch( RuntimeException & e ) { raisePyExceptionWithAny( makeAny(e) ); } return ret.getAcquired(); } static PyObject *systemPathToFileUrl( PyObject *, PyObject * args ) { PyObject *obj = extractOneStringArg( args, "pyuno.systemPathToFileUrl" ); if( ! obj ) return NULL; OUString sysPath = pyString2ustring( obj ); OUString url; osl::FileBase::RC e = osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( sysPath, url ); if( e != osl::FileBase::E_None ) { OUStringBuffer buf; buf.appendAscii( "Couldn't convert " ); buf.append( sysPath ); buf.appendAscii( " to a file url for reason (" ); buf.append( (sal_Int32) e ); buf.appendAscii( ")" ); raisePyExceptionWithAny( makeAny( RuntimeException( buf.makeStringAndClear(), Reference< XInterface > () ))); return NULL; } return ustring2PyUnicode( url ).getAcquired(); } static PyObject * fileUrlToSystemPath( PyObject *, PyObject * args ) { PyObject *obj = extractOneStringArg( args, "pyuno.fileUrlToSystemPath" ); if( ! obj ) return NULL; OUString url = pyString2ustring( obj ); OUString sysPath; osl::FileBase::RC e = osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL( url, sysPath ); if( e != osl::FileBase::E_None ) { OUStringBuffer buf; buf.appendAscii( "Couldn't convert file url " ); buf.append( sysPath ); buf.appendAscii( " to a system path for reason (" ); buf.append( (sal_Int32) e ); buf.appendAscii( ")" ); raisePyExceptionWithAny( makeAny( RuntimeException( buf.makeStringAndClear(), Reference< XInterface > () ))); return NULL; } return ustring2PyUnicode( sysPath ).getAcquired(); } static PyObject * absolutize( PyObject *, PyObject * args ) { if( PyTuple_Check( args ) && PyTuple_Size( args ) == 2 ) { OUString ouPath = pyString2ustring( PyTuple_GetItem( args , 0 ) ); OUString ouRel = pyString2ustring( PyTuple_GetItem( args, 1 ) ); OUString ret; oslFileError e = osl_getAbsoluteFileURL( ouPath.pData, ouRel.pData, &(ret.pData) ); if( e != osl_File_E_None ) { OUStringBuffer buf; buf.appendAscii( "Couldn't absolutize " ); buf.append( ouRel ); buf.appendAscii( " using root " ); buf.append( ouPath ); buf.appendAscii( " for reason (" ); buf.append( (sal_Int32) e ); buf.appendAscii( ")" ); PyErr_SetString( PyExc_OSError, OUStringToOString(buf.makeStringAndClear(),osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); return 0; } return ustring2PyUnicode( ret ).getAcquired(); } return 0; } static PyObject * invoke ( PyObject *, PyObject * args ) { PyObject *ret = 0; if( PyTuple_Check( args ) && PyTuple_Size( args ) == 3 ) { PyObject *object = PyTuple_GetItem( args, 0 ); if( PyString_Check( PyTuple_GetItem( args, 1 ) ) ) { const char *name = PyString_AsString( PyTuple_GetItem( args, 1 ) ); if( PyTuple_Check( PyTuple_GetItem( args , 2 ))) { ret = PyUNO_invoke( object, name , PyTuple_GetItem( args, 2 ) ); } else { OStringBuffer buf; buf.append( "uno.invoke expects a tuple as 3rd argument, got " ); buf.append( PyString_AsString( PyObject_Str( PyTuple_GetItem( args, 2) ) ) ); PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.makeStringAndClear() ); } } else { OStringBuffer buf; buf.append( "uno.invoke expected a string as 2nd argument, got " ); buf.append( PyString_AsString( PyObject_Str( PyTuple_GetItem( args, 1) ) ) ); PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.makeStringAndClear() ); } } else { OStringBuffer buf; buf.append( "uno.invoke expects object, name, (arg1, arg2, ... )\n" ); PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.makeStringAndClear() ); } return ret; } static PyObject *getCurrentContext( PyObject *, PyObject * ) { PyRef ret; try { Runtime runtime; ret = runtime.any2PyObject( makeAny( com::sun::star::uno::getCurrentContext() ) ); } catch( com::sun::star::uno::Exception & e ) { raisePyExceptionWithAny( makeAny( e ) ); } return ret.getAcquired(); } static PyObject *setCurrentContext( PyObject *, PyObject * args ) { PyRef ret; try { if( PyTuple_Check( args ) && PyTuple_Size( args ) == 1 ) { Runtime runtime; Any a = runtime.pyObject2Any( PyTuple_GetItem( args, 0 ) ); Reference< com::sun::star::uno::XCurrentContext > context; if( (a.hasValue() && (a >>= context)) || ! a.hasValue() ) { ret = com::sun::star::uno::setCurrentContext( context ) ? Py_True : Py_False; } else { OStringBuffer buf; buf.append( "uno.setCurrentContext expects an XComponentContext implementation, got " ); buf.append( PyString_AsString( PyObject_Str( PyTuple_GetItem( args, 0) ) ) ); PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.makeStringAndClear() ); } } else { OStringBuffer buf; buf.append( "uno.setCurrentContext expects exactly one argument (the current Context)\n" ); PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.makeStringAndClear() ); } } catch( com::sun::star::uno::Exception & e ) { raisePyExceptionWithAny( makeAny( e ) ); } return ret.getAcquired(); } } struct PyMethodDef PyUNOModule_methods [] = { {const_cast< char * >("getComponentContext"), getComponentContext, 1, NULL}, {const_cast< char * >("_createUnoStructHelper"), createUnoStructHelper, 2, NULL}, {const_cast< char * >("getTypeByName"), getTypeByName, 1, NULL}, {const_cast< char * >("getConstantByName"), getConstantByName,1, NULL}, {const_cast< char * >("getClass"), getClass,1, NULL}, {const_cast< char * >("checkEnum"), checkEnum, 1, NULL}, {const_cast< char * >("checkType"), checkType, 1, NULL}, {const_cast< char * >("generateUuid"), generateUuid,0, NULL}, {const_cast< char * >("systemPathToFileUrl"),systemPathToFileUrl,1, NULL}, {const_cast< char * >("fileUrlToSystemPath"),fileUrlToSystemPath,1, NULL}, {const_cast< char * >("absolutize"),absolutize,2, NULL}, {const_cast< char * >("isInterface"),isInterface,1, NULL}, {const_cast< char * >("invoke"),invoke, 2, NULL}, {const_cast< char * >("setCurrentContext"),setCurrentContext,1, NULL}, {const_cast< char * >("getCurrentContext"),getCurrentContext,1, NULL}, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} }; } extern "C" PY_DLLEXPORT void initpyuno() { // noop when called already, otherwise needed to allow multiple threads PyEval_InitThreads(); Py_InitModule (const_cast< char * >("pyuno"), PyUNOModule_methods); }