 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

#include "system.h"
#include <tlhelp32.h>

#include "file_url.h"
#include "path_helper.hxx"

#include <osl/module.h>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <osl/thread.h>
#include <osl/file.h>
#include <rtl/logfile.h>
#include <vector>

	under WIN32, we use the void* oslModule 
	as a WIN32 HANDLE (which is also a 32-bit value)

/* osl_loadModule */
oslModule SAL_CALL osl_loadModule(rtl_uString *strModuleName, sal_Int32 nRtldMode )
    HINSTANCE hInstance;
	rtl_uString* Module = NULL;
	oslModule ret = 0;
	oslFileError	nError;
    RTL_LOGFILE_TRACE1( "{ osl_loadModule start: %S", (LPTSTR)&strModuleName->buffer );


    nRtldMode = nRtldMode; /* avoid warnings */
	nError = osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL(strModuleName, &Module);

	if ( osl_File_E_None != nError )
		rtl_uString_assign(&Module, strModuleName);

	hInstance = LoadLibraryW(reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(Module->buffer));

    if (hInstance == NULL)
        hInstance = LoadLibraryExW(reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(Module->buffer), NULL,

	//In case of long path names (\\?\c:\...) try to shorten the filename.
	//LoadLibrary cannot handle file names which exceed 260 letters.
    //In case the path is to long, the function will fail. However, the error
    //code can be different. For example, it returned  ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE
    //on Windows XP and ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER on Windows 7 (64bit)
	if (hInstance == NULL && Module->length > 260)
        std::vector<WCHAR, rtl::Allocator<WCHAR> > vec(Module->length + 1);
		DWORD len = GetShortPathNameW(reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(Module->buffer), 
                                      &vec[0], Module->length + 1);
		if (len )
			hInstance = LoadLibraryW(&vec[0]);

			if (hInstance == NULL)
				hInstance = LoadLibraryExW(&vec[0], NULL,

		hInstance = 0;

	ret = (oslModule) hInstance;

    RTL_LOGFILE_TRACE1( "} osl_loadModule end: %S", (LPTSTR)&strModuleName->buffer );

	return ret;

/* osl_getModuleHandle */

sal_Bool SAL_CALL 
osl_getModuleHandle(rtl_uString *pModuleName, oslModule *pResult)
    HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandleW(reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(pModuleName->buffer));
    if( hInstance )
        *pResult = (oslModule) hInstance;
        return sal_True;
    return sal_False;

/* osl_unloadModule */
void SAL_CALL osl_unloadModule(oslModule Module)

/* osl_getSymbol */
void* SAL_CALL osl_getSymbol(oslModule Module, rtl_uString *strSymbolName)
    /* casting from a function pointer to a data pointer is invalid
       be in this case unavoidable because the API has to stay 
       compitable we need to keep this function which returns a
       void* by definition */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4054)
    return (void*)(osl_getFunctionSymbol(Module, strSymbolName));
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)

/* osl_getFunctionSymbol */
oslGenericFunction SAL_CALL osl_getFunctionSymbol( oslModule Module, rtl_uString *strSymbolName )
    rtl_String *symbolName = NULL;
	oslGenericFunction address;



	address=osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol(Module, rtl_string_getStr(symbolName));

    return address;

/* osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol */
oslGenericFunction SAL_CALL 
osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol( oslModule Module, const sal_Char *pSymbol )
	oslGenericFunction fncAddr = NULL;
    if( pSymbol )
        fncAddr=(oslGenericFunction)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE) Module, pSymbol);
    return fncAddr;

/* osl_addressGetModuleURL */

/* Implementation for Windows 95, 98 and Me */

/* Undefine because there is no explicit "A" definition */



typedef HANDLE (WINAPI *CreateToolhelp32Snapshot_PROC)( DWORD dwFlags, DWORD th32ProcessID );
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *Module32First_PROC)( HANDLE	hSnapshot, LPMODULEENTRY32 lpme32 );
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *Module32Next_PROC)( HANDLE	hSnapshot, LPMODULEENTRY32 lpme32 );

static sal_Bool SAL_CALL _osl_addressGetModuleURL_Windows( void *pv, rtl_uString **pustrURL )
	sal_Bool	bSuccess		= sal_False;	/* Assume failure */
	HMODULE		hModKernel32	= GetModuleHandleA( "KERNEL32.DLL" );

	if ( hModKernel32 )
		CreateToolhelp32Snapshot_PROC	lpfnCreateToolhelp32Snapshot = (CreateToolhelp32Snapshot_PROC)GetProcAddress( hModKernel32, "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" );
		Module32First_PROC				lpfnModule32First = (Module32First_PROC)GetProcAddress( hModKernel32, "Module32First" );
		Module32Next_PROC				lpfnModule32Next = (Module32Next_PROC)GetProcAddress( hModKernel32, "Module32Next" );

		if ( lpfnCreateToolhelp32Snapshot && lpfnModule32First && lpfnModule32Next )
			HANDLE	hModuleSnap	= NULL;			
			DWORD	dwProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId();
			// Take a snapshot of all modules in the specified process. 

			hModuleSnap = lpfnCreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, dwProcessId ); 

			if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hModuleSnap )
				MODULEENTRY32	me32	= {0}; 

				// Fill the size of the structure before using it. 

				me32.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32); 
				// Walk the module list of the process, and find the module of 
				// interest. Then copy the information to the buffer pointed 
				// to by lpMe32 so that it can be returned to the caller. 

				if ( lpfnModule32First(hModuleSnap, &me32) )
						if ( (BYTE *)pv >= (BYTE *)me32.hModule && (BYTE *)pv < (BYTE *)me32.hModule + me32.modBaseSize )
							rtl_uString	*ustrSysPath = NULL;

							rtl_string2UString( &ustrSysPath, me32.szExePath, strlen(me32.szExePath), osl_getThreadTextEncoding(), OSTRING_TO_OUSTRING_CVTFLAGS );
                            OSL_ASSERT(ustrSysPath != NULL);
							osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( ustrSysPath, pustrURL );
							rtl_uString_release( ustrSysPath );

							bSuccess = sal_True;

					} while ( !bSuccess && lpfnModule32Next( hModuleSnap, &me32 ) );

				// Do not forget to clean up the snapshot object. 

				CloseHandle (hModuleSnap); 

	return	bSuccess;

/* Implementation for Windows NT, 2K and XP (2K and XP could use the above method too) */

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push,1) /* disable warnings within system headers */
#include <imagehlp.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)

typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SymInitialize_PROC)(
    HANDLE   hProcess,
    LPSTR    UserSearchPath,
    BOOL     fInvadeProcess

typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SymCleanup_PROC)(
    HANDLE hProcess

typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SymGetModuleInfo_PROC)(
    HANDLE              hProcess,
    DWORD               dwAddr,

/* Seems that IMAGEHLP.DLL is always availiable on NT 4. But MSDN from Platform SDK says Win 2K is required. MSDN from VS 6.0a says
	it's O.K on NT 4 ???!!! 
	BTW: We are using ANSI function because not all version of IMAGEHLP.DLL contain Unicode support 

static sal_Bool SAL_CALL _osl_addressGetModuleURL_NT4( void *pv, rtl_uString **pustrURL )
	sal_Bool	bSuccess	= sal_False;	/* Assume failure */

	/*	IMAGEHELP.DLL has a bug that it recursivly scans subdirectories of 
		the root when calling SymInitialize(), so we preferr DBGHELP.DLL 
		which exports the same symbols and is shipped with OOo */

	HMODULE		hModImageHelp = LoadLibrary( "DBGHELP.DLL" );

	if ( !hModImageHelp )
		hModImageHelp = LoadLibrary( "IMAGEHLP.DLL" );

	if ( hModImageHelp )
		SymGetModuleInfo_PROC	lpfnSymGetModuleInfo;
		SymInitialize_PROC		lpfnSymInitialize;
		SymCleanup_PROC			lpfnSymCleanup;

		lpfnSymInitialize = (SymInitialize_PROC)GetProcAddress( hModImageHelp, "SymInitialize" );
		lpfnSymCleanup = (SymCleanup_PROC)GetProcAddress( hModImageHelp, "SymCleanup" );
		lpfnSymGetModuleInfo = (SymGetModuleInfo_PROC)GetProcAddress( hModImageHelp, "SymGetModuleInfo" );

		if ( lpfnSymInitialize && lpfnSymCleanup && lpfnSymGetModuleInfo )
			::osl::LongPathBuffer< sal_Char > aModuleFileName( MAX_LONG_PATH );
			LPSTR	lpSearchPath = NULL;

			if ( GetModuleFileNameA( NULL, aModuleFileName, aModuleFileName.getBufSizeInSymbols() ) )
				char *pLastBkSlash = strrchr( aModuleFileName, '\\' );

				if ( 
					pLastBkSlash && 
					pLastBkSlash > (sal_Char*)aModuleFileName
					&& *(pLastBkSlash - 1) != ':' 
					&& *(pLastBkSlash - 1) != '\\'
					*pLastBkSlash = 0;
					lpSearchPath = aModuleFileName;

			lpfnSymInitialize( GetCurrentProcess(), lpSearchPath, TRUE );

			ZeroMemory( &ModuleInfo, sizeof(ModuleInfo) );
			ModuleInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(ModuleInfo);

			bSuccess = (sal_Bool)(!!lpfnSymGetModuleInfo( GetCurrentProcess(), (DWORD)pv, &ModuleInfo ));

			if ( bSuccess )
				/*	#99182 On localized (non-english) NT4 and XP (!!!) for some libraries the LoadedImageName member of ModuleInfo isn't filled. Because
					other members ModuleName and ImageName do not contain the full path we can cast the Member
					BaseOfImage to a HMODULE (on NT it's the same) and use GetModuleFileName to retrieve the full
					path of the loaded image */

				if ( ModuleInfo.LoadedImageName[0] || GetModuleFileNameA( (HMODULE)ModuleInfo.BaseOfImage, ModuleInfo.LoadedImageName, sizeof(ModuleInfo.LoadedImageName) ) )
					rtl_uString	*ustrSysPath = NULL;

					rtl_string2UString( &ustrSysPath, ModuleInfo.LoadedImageName, strlen(ModuleInfo.LoadedImageName), osl_getThreadTextEncoding(), OSTRING_TO_OUSTRING_CVTFLAGS );
                    OSL_ASSERT(ustrSysPath != NULL);
					osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( ustrSysPath, pustrURL );
					rtl_uString_release( ustrSysPath );
					bSuccess = sal_False;

			lpfnSymCleanup( GetCurrentProcess() );

		FreeLibrary( hModImageHelp );

	return bSuccess;

typedef struct _MODULEINFO {
    LPVOID lpBaseOfDll;
    DWORD SizeOfImage;
    LPVOID EntryPoint;

typedef BOOL (WINAPI *EnumProcessModules_PROC)( 
  HANDLE hProcess,      // handle to the process
  HMODULE * lphModule,  // array to receive the module handles
  DWORD cb,             // size of the array
  LPDWORD lpcbNeeded    // receives the number of bytes returned

typedef BOOL (WINAPI *GetModuleInformation_PROC)(
  HANDLE hProcess,         // handle to the process
  HMODULE hModule,         // handle to the module
  LPMODULEINFO lpmodinfo,  // structure that receives information
  DWORD cb                 // size of the structure

#define bufsizeof(buffer) (sizeof(buffer) / sizeof((buffer)[0]))

/* This version can fail because PSAPI.DLL is not always part of NT 4 despite MSDN Libary 6.0a say so */

static sal_Bool SAL_CALL _osl_addressGetModuleURL_NT( void *pv, rtl_uString **pustrURL )
	sal_Bool	bSuccess	= sal_False;	/* Assume failure */
	static HMODULE		hModPsapi = NULL;
	if ( !hModPsapi )
		hModPsapi = LoadLibrary( "PSAPI.DLL" );

	if ( hModPsapi )
		EnumProcessModules_PROC		lpfnEnumProcessModules		= (EnumProcessModules_PROC)GetProcAddress( hModPsapi, "EnumProcessModules" );
		GetModuleInformation_PROC	lpfnGetModuleInformation	= (GetModuleInformation_PROC)GetProcAddress( hModPsapi, "GetModuleInformation" );

		if ( lpfnEnumProcessModules && lpfnGetModuleInformation )
			DWORD		cbNeeded = 0;
			HMODULE		*lpModules = NULL;
			DWORD		nModules = 0;
			UINT		iModule = 0;
			MODULEINFO	modinfo;

			lpfnEnumProcessModules( GetCurrentProcess(), NULL, 0, &cbNeeded );

			lpModules = (HMODULE *)_alloca( cbNeeded );
			lpfnEnumProcessModules( GetCurrentProcess(), lpModules, cbNeeded, &cbNeeded );

			nModules = cbNeeded / sizeof(HMODULE);

			for ( iModule = 0; !bSuccess && iModule < nModules; iModule++ )
				lpfnGetModuleInformation( GetCurrentProcess(), lpModules[iModule], &modinfo, sizeof(modinfo) );

				if ( (BYTE *)pv >= (BYTE *)modinfo.lpBaseOfDll && (BYTE *)pv < (BYTE *)modinfo.lpBaseOfDll + modinfo.SizeOfImage )
                    ::osl::LongPathBuffer< sal_Unicode > aBuffer( MAX_LONG_PATH );
					rtl_uString	*ustrSysPath = NULL;

					GetModuleFileNameW( lpModules[iModule], ::osl::mingw_reinterpret_cast<LPWSTR>(aBuffer), aBuffer.getBufSizeInSymbols() );

					rtl_uString_newFromStr( &ustrSysPath, aBuffer );
					osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( ustrSysPath, pustrURL );
					rtl_uString_release( ustrSysPath );

					bSuccess = sal_True;


	return bSuccess;

/* Dispatcher for osl_osl_addressGetModuleURL */

sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_getModuleURLFromAddress( void *pv, rtl_uString **pustrURL )
	/* Use ..._NT first because ..._NT4 is much slower */
	if ( IS_NT )
		return _osl_addressGetModuleURL_NT( pv, pustrURL ) || _osl_addressGetModuleURL_NT4( pv, pustrURL );
		return _osl_addressGetModuleURL_Windows( pv, pustrURL );

/* osl_getModuleURLFromFunctionAddress */
sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_getModuleURLFromFunctionAddress( oslGenericFunction addr, rtl_uString ** ppLibraryUrl )
    /* casting a function pointer to a data pointer (void*) is
       not allowed according to the C/C++ standards. In this case
       it is unavoidable because we have to stay compatible we 
       cannot remove any function. */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4054)
    return osl_getModuleURLFromAddress((void*)addr, ppLibraryUrl); 
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)